taxes & stamp act with audio

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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The Stamp Act

The Sugar and Stamp ActSugar Act (1764)Taxes on molasses & sugar imported to colonies.

Stamp Act (1765).Taxed legal documents, newspapers and playing cards.Samuel Adams organizes the Sons of Liberty to protest the Stamp Act.Used boycotting and violence to frighten tax collectors to quit their jobs.

The Sons of Liberty

Patrick HenryMember of the Virginia Assembly1765 spoke treason against the English Government.He felt:Americans have the same rights as English people.Only the Assembly of Virginia has the right to tax the people of Virginia because the people elect its members to make the laws.Americans cannot elect any members to the English Parliament, so Parliament does not have the right to tax the colonists.

Repeal of the ActColonies worked together to pressure parliament to repeal the Stamp Act.

The boycott began to hurt British merchants who were not selling goods.

British Parliament repealed the act in 1766.

Parliament passes the Declaratory Act Parliament had the power to make decisions for the colonies.

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