task 9 narrative

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Task 9narrative

James armstrong-bisson

Vladmir propps elements and 8 characters theory

• Vladmir propps (17 April] 1895 – 22 August 1970) had a theory that all stories are made up of certain elements and certain character categories the hero villain the princess or prize the donor the helper the princesses' father the false hero and the dispatcher


• In a story the hero tends to succeed in the story he/she also helps to lead the reader through the story line the hero will be on a mission to get the prize or princess in the story

• In my story the hero is the tramp he is on a mission to get food and he uses his quick mind to succeed in getting his prize

The villain

The villain in the story does not have to be evil or mean the villain just has to try to stop the hero from getting the princess or the prize in the story

In my story the villain could be seen as the old woman as she wont give the food to the tramp in the beginning of the story therefore stopping the hero from succeeding

The princess or prize

• The princess or prize in the story is the goal for the hero as well as sometimes the villain in the story when the hero in the story succeeds in the story this is what he will receive it does not have to be a princess the goal can be anything wealth, food or love

• In my story the goal for the hero is food and at the end of the story the hero gets the soup that he is looking for

The donor

• The donor of the story tends to give something to the hero in order to help him complete his goal and get to the prize or princess

• In my story this would also be the old woman as she is the one who gives the tramp the things he needs to make the soup therefore helping the tramp with his mission for food

The helper

• The helper is there to support the hero in the story they tend to find certain things hard this is to show the reader that the hero is better them this also explains why the helper is not the hero in the story the helper can also pop up and down in the story he may not stay with the hero all the way through the story

• In my story there is not a helper although some people might consider the old woman a helper as she starts to help the hero when he runs in to trouble

• A example would be Shaun's friends in Shaun of the dead as they help the hero when he runs into trouble in the film

The princesses' father

• The princesses' father or the keeper of the prize this is a person who the hero will have to over come or convince to get to his goal

• For example in my story the keeper of the goal would be the old woman as she is 9n charge of the food in the story and therefore the tramp has to convince the old woman to give him some food

The false hero

• The false hero is a hero like person who is seen to act in a non heroic way to get to the same thing as the hero

• In my story the false hero would be the tramp although he is the hero he lies to trick the old woman out of her food and this is a non heroic action

The dispatcher

• The dispatcher is the person responsible for sending the hero out to get the goal

• In my story there is no dispatcher although some people would say that it is the tramp as he is hungry so he decides to see if he can find food therefore sending himself on the mission

• A example would the mother of little red riding hood as she tells little red riding hood to go out to her grandmothers house therefore sending little red riding hood out on her mission


• TzvetanTodovov had a theory that every storyline followed the same type of path this went equilibrium disequilibrium then new equilibrium


• This is the starting of most stories where everything is normal for the hero in the story

• For example in my story the equilibrium would be that the tramp is hungry and walking around with nowhere to live


• This tends to be just after the equilibrium where something happens that is not normal for the hero of the story therefore disrupting the equilibrium

• For example in my story this would be where the tramp finds the house as this is not normal for the tramp

New equilibrium

• This is a return to equilibrium for the hero or something that is now considered equilibrium

• For example in my story this would be where the tramp fills his water bottle and continues to walk the story has ended the same way it began with the tramp walking around with nowhere to live but the difference is this time he is full of soup and no longer hungry

Claude levi

• Claude levi had a theory that a story can only happen if two opposing sides come together and have conflict

• For example in my story this would be the tramp and the old woman because the tramp wants to eat and the old woman doesn’t want to feed the tramp

Narrative structure: types of structure

• There are 9 different types of narrative structure open closed single strand muti-strand linear non-linear realist and anti-realist


• This is where the story does not reach a conclusion this might be useful in a series of books


• This is where a story does reach a conclusion this tends to be most fairy tails as they have to be kept short and young children read less

Single strand

• This is where a story has a single storyline


• This is where a story has more then one storyline within the story


• This is where a storyline starts at the end and ends at the end and the story will follow in time order


• This is the type story that involves flash-backs as well flash forwards the story will jump around the timeline of the story


• This is where a story is believable meaning it could happen to anyone in real life


• This is a highly unlikely if not impossible to find or happen in real life

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