task 3 and 4 re done

Post on 11-Nov-2014



Social Media



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SASH Presentation Oliver Georgiou


The poster sticks to a plain colour scheme of white and red but it is quite plain. Its bright enough to grab peoples attention but with no images its not entirely eye catching. The logo is the biggest piece of text so people can maybe recognize it if they have seen it before. Homeless people could know of the charity and take notice of the poster if it is posted around cities like on bus stops or just stuck on walls. This SASH poster is quite old as they are using red instead of green like they do know. I think that the colour red suggests urgency and for this type of poster it helps the poster look more striking and important because it is urgent that homeless people know about this poster so they can be helped. It also needs to attract attention to itself from normal people so they can contact them to let them know about a homeless person they know about.

Task 3

Crisis Charity

Crisis Homeless Charity

This poster uses real statistics to highlight the important facts about homelessness which can really help to persuade people to donate to the charity because the numbers make it more believable. The most important facts have a coloured background which attracts your eyes so people will easily spot these on the poster. It also highlights the word ‘homelessness’ to make people aware that the poster is about homeless people so people don’t have to walk close to it to understand what the poster is trying to advertise or what message it is trying to get across. The poster is quite plain but it gets its point across about homelessness especially with the use of statistics because people will think that the charity is more reliable because they actually help people. Like the SASH poster it has no images and uses text only but this poster does not use too much text that it is too much to read but it is just enough for people to get the message. It is also quite plain in terms of the colour scheme but the red and yellow against the black really stand out but they might just want it to be simple to make the importance of the message stand out more.

Shelter Charity

The colours used in this poster are dark and dull to sort of reflect on the fact the homeless people have a dark and dull life on the street. The paper suit refers to how homeless people use old thrown away newspaper for shelter from the rain or to sit on. It implies that they cant afford a real suit and have to make do with what they can find. Using this message people could make people realise how lucky they are and how grateful they are that they have shelter. This might help people donate to the charity if the message really gets to the.

This poster is different as it has an image and a lot less text than the SASH and Crisis posters. The colour scheme is a lot more dull with only grey and black and white which could be to symbolise the dull life that homeless people have although the poster might not have a lot of colour because they don’t want to give off any positive or negative messages.

The main focus of this poster is the image which is quite different and some people could find upsetting because it is a very different looking image with a man zipped to the floor. The image shows a homeless man on the streets and it could draw peoples attention to it because he looks upset and the fact that his face is being zipped to he floor is quite obscure but it could be showing that this charity is helping people that are ‘attached’ to the streets off the streets. There isn't a lot of text in this one which I think draws more people to because if someone sees a poster full of text from afar they might not seem as interested in it if it had an image. The text on this poster still stands out as you can clearly read it as it is quite big.


The SASH and Crisis poster have similar techniques as they both use a lot of text with a basic colour scheme of two or three colours. They are both quite plain and neither of them have any imagery. The Crisis posters text stands out more with the black background and yellow and red highlighted text. The SASH posters text doesn’t stand out as much as the white text against the red background. The Shelter poster is a lot different to the other two posters as it uses an image and a lot less text. The colour scheme is a lot darker and dull but the newspaper suit really stands out which could grab peoples attention and want to go over and find out more. The Simon on the Streets poster has about the same amount of text as the Shelter poster which makes it quite similar but it is a lot more disturbing because of the image they use. Both of the images are made to make the audience feel bad or feel sorry for homeless people. I think the posters that use images are more likely to grab peoples attention because if the image is quite different looking them people might go over and find out what the poster is trying to say.

Task 4

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