targeting cancer cells with bet bromodomain...

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Targeting Cancer Cells with BET BromodomainInhibitors

Yali Xu and Christopher R. Vakoc

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724


Cancer cells are often hypersensitive to the targeting of transcriptional regulators, which mayreflect the deregulated gene expression programs that underlie malignant transformation.One of the most prominent transcriptional vulnerabilities in human cancer to emerge inrecent years is the bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) family of proteins, which arecoactivators that link acetylated transcription factors and histones to the activation of RNApolymerase II. Despite unclear mechanisms underlying the gene specificity of BET proteinfunction, small molecules targeting these regulators preferentially suppress the transcriptionof cancer-promoting genes. As a consequence, BET inhibitors elicit anticancer activity innumerous malignant contexts at doses that can be tolerated by normal tissues, a findingsupported by animal studies and by phase I clinical trials in human cancer patients. In thisreview, we will discuss the remarkable, and often perplexing, therapeutic effects of BETbromodomain inhibition in cancer.

In eukaryotic cells, sequence-specific DNA-binding transcription factors (TFs) activate

their target genes by recruiting multisubunitcoactivator complexes, which use diverse bio-chemical mechanisms to activate RNA poly-merase II (Pol II). One important class of coac-tivators possess lysine acetyltransferase (KAT)activity, which transfers acetyl groups from ace-tyl-coenzyme A to the epsilon amino group oflysine residues of various substrate proteins.Many KATenzymes (e.g., p300/CBP) have per-missive substrate specificity and will acetylateunstructured, lysine-rich peptides found onTFs, histones, and various other componentsof the transcription apparatus (Dancy andCole 2015). The pervasiveness of TF–KAT in-teractions in transcriptional regulation leads toa global partitioning of eukaryotic genomes

into hyperacetylated and hypoacetylated do-mains, which strongly correlate with activeand inactive cis-regulatory regulatory elements,respectively (Wang et al. 2008).

One mechanism by which acetylation influ-ences transcription is by neutralizing the posi-tive charge of lysine side chains to disruptelectrostatic interactions (e.g., between histonesand DNA), which can lead to chromatindecompaction (Roth et al. 2001). In an alterna-tive mechanism, lysine side-chain acetylationof many transcriptional regulators will createdocking sites for proteins possessing acetylly-sine binding/reader domains. In this setting,acetyllysine serves a vital function in the assem-bly of the transcriptional apparatus at enhancerand promoter elements. The most well estab-lished acetyllysine reader is the bromodomain,

Editors: Scott A. Armstrong, Steven Henikoff, and Christopher R. Vakoc

Additional Perspectives on Chromatin Deregulation in Cancer available at

Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved

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which is present on 46 different proteins encod-ed in the human genome (Dhalluin et al. 1999;Filippakopoulos et al. 2012). A bromodomainis composed of a left-handed bundle of foura helices, with interhelical loops forming ahydrophobic binding pocket that engages inacetyllysine recognition (Dhalluin et al. 1999).Studies spanning nearly two decades have im-plicated bromodomain-containing coactivatorproteins as integral components of TF-mediat-ed gene regulation by linking lysine acetylationto downstream effects on chromatin structureand transcription (Sanchez and Zhou 2009).Moreover, the functional diversity and emerging“drugability” of bromodomain modules withsmall molecules has motivated a widespread in-terest in this class of proteins as therapeutic tar-gets (Filippakopoulos and Knapp 2014).


The mammalian BET (bromodomain and ex-traterminal domain-containing) protein familyconsists of four members, including the ubiq-

uitously expressed BRD2, BRD3, BRD4, andthe germ-cell-specific BRDT (Fig. 1) (Wu andChiang 2007; Shi and Vakoc 2014). All four BETproteins have two conserved bromodomainsthat preferentially bind to multiacetylated pep-tides (Fig. 1) (Dey et al. 2003; Moriniere et al.2009; Gamsjaeger et al. 2011; Filippakopouloset al. 2012). The preferred ligand of the firstbromodomain (BD1) is KacXXKac, with the in-tervening X amino acids having small sidechains (e.g., glycine or alanine), whereas the sec-ond bromodomain (BD2) is more permissive tobinding multiacetylated peptides in diverse se-quence contexts (Dey et al. 2003; Moriniere et al.2009; Gamsjaeger et al. 2011; Filippakopouloset al. 2012). The acetylated tails of core histonesH3 and H4 and acetylated regions of TFs are themost well-validated binding partners of BETbromodomains, which are generated as conse-quence of TF-mediated KAT recruitment (Deyet al. 2003; Lamonica et al. 2011; Shi et al. 2014;Roe et al. 2015). ChIP-seq studies in several celltypes have shown that BRD4 localizes preferen-tially to the nucleosome-free site occupied byTFs at enhancers and promoters, which is

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Figure 1. Domain structure of the bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) protein family and BET–NUT fusionproteins. Each BET protein contains two bromodomains (BD1 and BD2) and an extraterminal (ET) domain.BRD4 and BRDT have an additional carboxy-terminal motif (CTM). BRD3/BRD4–NUT fusion proteinsfound in NUT midline carcinoma (NMC) patients fuse the amino terminus of BRD4 (or BRD3) with almostthe entire NUT protein.

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consistent with acetylated TFs being importantrecruiters of BET proteins (Roe et al. 2015;Stonestrom et al. 2015). It is likely thata multitude of acetylated peptides contributeto BET protein recruitment to a particularDNA element, with different acetylated pep-tides being relevant at different cis elements.However, it is challenging to pinpoint the com-plete repertoire of acetylated peptides responsi-ble for recruiting BET proteins to chromatin.

In addition to two bromodomains, all fourBET proteins possess a conserved extraterminal(ET) domain that performs an effector role intranscriptional activation and in chromatin re-modeling. The ET domain interacts with severaldifferent cofactors, including the demethylaseprotein JMJD6, the methyltransferase/adaptorprotein NSD3, and the chromatin remodelingATPases CHD4 and BRG1 (Rahman et al. 2011;Shen et al. 2015). The ET domain also interactswith the virally encoded proteins, such asmurine leukemia virus (MLV) integrase and la-tency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) pep-tide of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus(KSHV) (Hellert et al. 2013; Crowe et al. 2016).All of these interactions are mediated by a hy-drophobic groove on the ET domain that rec-ognizes a consensus motif of alternating lysineand hydrophobic residues found on several ofthe above-mentioned cofactors (e.g., an IKLKImotif on NSD3 and a LKIKL motif on CHD4)(Hellert et al. 2013; Shen et al. 2015; Crowe et al.2016; Zhang et al. 2016). The available evidenceindicates that BRD4 relies on a unique subsetof these ET-interacting proteins for transcrip-tional activation in particular cell types. InHEK293T cells, BRD4 uses JMJD6 as its ET-domain effector, which will demethylate his-tones and noncoding RNA to promote enhanc-er-mediated gene activation (Liu et al. 2013). Inacute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells, the ETdomain of BRD4 activates transcription byinteracting with NSD3, which functions as ascaffold to recruit the chromatin-remodelingenzyme CHD8 (Shen et al. 2015). This apparentcontext-specificity of ET domain function is notwell understood at present.

BRD4 and BRDT possess a unique carboxy-terminal motif (CTM), which binds to the

serine/threonine kinase P-TEFb as an addition-al mechanism of gene activation (Bisgrove et al.2007; Krueger et al. 2010). P-TEFb is a hetero-dimer of the kinase Cdk9 and a K, T1, or T2-type cyclin, which together can phosphorylatethe serine 2 position of the Pol II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD), as well as serine andthreonine residues on the pausing factors DSIFand NELF (Krueger et al. 2010; Jonkers andLis 2015). Thus, BRD4-mediated P-TEFb re-cruitment will drive a variety of local phosphor-ylation events to bypass the paused state ofPol II and promote transcription elongation.At the biochemical level, BRD4 uses multiplemechanisms to regulate P-TEFb activity. Usingpurified proteins, the interaction with BRD4 issufficient to stimulate P-TEFb kinase activity(Itzen et al. 2014). In cells, this BRD4 interac-tion is competitive with the interaction ofP-TEFb with HEXIM1/7SK RNA, which areinhibitors of its kinase activity (Jang et al.2005; Yang et al. 2005). BRD4 also contributesto the localization of P-TEFb to hyperacetylatedenhancers and promoters across the genome,thus guiding P-TEFb to it relevant substratesnear TF-bound sites (Jang et al. 2005; Yanget al. 2005). Another key player in the functionallinkage between BRD4 and P-TEFb is the Me-diator complex, which is a 30 subunit coactiva-tor complex that physically associates withBRD4 and with P-TEFb (Jiang et al. 1998;Jang et al. 2005; Donner et al. 2010; Allen andTaatjes 2015). Although the precise interactionsurface between BRD4 and Mediator has yet tobe mapped, the MED23 subunit has beenimplicated in this interaction (Wang et al.2013). BRD4 and Mediator stabilize each oth-er’s occupancy at specific sites across the ge-nome, and these two machineries cooperate inrecruiting P-TEFb (Jang et al. 2005; Donneret al. 2010; Bhagwat et al. 2016). It should benoted that the CTM region is found on BRD4(and BRDT), but not on BRD2 and BRD3,which may explain why BRD4 performs abroader nonredundant role in transcriptionalactivation than the other BET proteins. For ex-ample, genetic inactivation of BRD4 will lead toslow growth phenotypes in essentially all mam-malian cell lines, whereas BRD2 and BRD3 lead

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to only subtle phenotypes when targeted (VakocCR, unpubl.). Only a few cellular contexts havebeen identified in which redundancy existsamong the BET proteins, as was recently shownfor BRD2 and BRD3 in hematopoietic cells(Stonestrom et al. 2015).

Recent studies have found that BRD4 pro-tein possesses intrinsic kinase and KAT activityin in vitro assays (Devaiah et al. 2012, 2016).Similar to P-TEFb, BRD4 can directly phos-phorylate the CTD of Pol II at the serine 2position and can acetylate multiple residueson histone H3 and H4, including H3K112found on the globular region of the nucleosome(Devaiah et al. 2012, 2016). Earlier work hadalso identified an intrinsic kinase activity inpurified BRD2 and in FSH, the Drosophila mel-anogaster ortholog of BRD4 (Denis and Green1996; Chang et al. 2007). The presence of theseactivities in biochemical assays is difficult toreconcile with the lack of an obvious kinase orKAT domain in the BRD4 polypeptide, andhence these activities should be consideredprovisional at present and await further valida-tion to confirm their importance in vivo.


The above description of BET proteins suggestsa general role of these regulators in transcrip-tional control, particularly because acetylatedTFs and histones are found at all active promot-ers and enhancers in the genomes. It is onlyrecently that the attention of the field has turnedtoward identifying biological processes that aredisproportionately BET protein-dependent.This avenue of research was invigorated bytwo studies published in 2010 describing thefirst selective small-molecule inhibitors of BETbromodomains (Filippakopoulos et al. 2010;Nicodeme et al. 2010). The potency, specificity,and in vivo activity of these molecules in mod-ulating BET proteins has allowed numerousstudies in a myriad of animal models of disease.This work has exposed a remarkable gene spe-cificity of transcriptional effects of BET inhibi-tion that underpins a broad interest in BETproteins as therapeutic targets.

The first class of BET bromodomain inhib-itors, which are a series of thienotriazolodiaze-pines, were originally filed as patents by theMitsubishi Tanabe Pharmaceutical Corpora-tion (Adachi et al. 2006; Miyoshi et al. 2010,2013). The compounds belong to the diazepinefamily and are analogs of benzodiazepine,which has been used extensively in the clinicas psychoactive drug (Smith et al. 2014). There-after, the Bradner laboratory and researchers atGlaxoSmithKline independently published thehighly potent and selective BET bromodomaininhibitors JQ1 (a thienotriazolodiazepine) andiBET (a benzodiazepine), respectively (Filippa-kopoulos et al. 2010; Nicodeme et al. 2010). Ofnote, both JQ1 and iBET are pan-BET bromo-domain inhibitors, which do not discriminatebetween the two bromodomains within thesame BET protein, nor among the four BETfamily members (Filippakopoulos et al. 2010;Nicodeme et al. 2010). Because the tandem bro-modomains within the same BET protein havedistinct functions and binding affinities towardacetylated peptides, the lack of specificity ofJQ1 and iBET limits the potential use of thesechemical probes to study the roles of individualBET proteins. Nonetheless, the paninhibitoryactivity of these compounds may contribute totheir high potency in modulating biologicalprocesses in vivo. Because BRD4 tends to bethe dominant transcriptional regulator withinthe BET protein family in somatic cell types,most studies have linked the transcriptional ef-fects of BET inhibitors to BRD4 inhibition, withBRD2 and BRD3 contributing to a lesser degree.

Chemists have continued to optimize thesecompounds with the aim to improve theselectivity among the BET protein family andenhance drug potency and in vivo pharmaco-dynamics, in an effort to make these com-pounds suitable for clinical investigation. Thisincludes multiple pan inhibitors, some of whichhave entered clinical trials (see below), BD1 se-lective inhibitors, such as MS-436, Olinone, andBI-2536, as well as the BD2 selective inhibitorsRVX-208 and RVX-297 (Steegmaier et al. 2007;Park et al. 2013; Picaud et al. 2013; Zhang et al.2013; McLure et al. 2014; Kharenko et al. 2016).As expected, inhibition of individual BET bro-

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modomains will lead to different transcription-al and phenotypic outcomes. For example, theBD1-specific inhibitor Olineone induces differ-entiation of mouse primary oligodendrocytes,whereas pan BET bromodomain inhibitors havethe opposite effect (Gacias et al. 2014). TheBD2-selective inhibitor RVX-208 was originallyidentified in a cell-based chemical screen toenhance the production of apoA-1, and onlyrecently was discovered to target BET proteinsafter completing phase III clinical trials fortreatment of atherosclerosis (Bailey et al. 2010;Nicholls et al. 2011, 2012; Picaud et al. 2013;McLure et al. 2014). Interestingly, RVX-208causes a milder effect on the transcriptomeof cells when compared with inhibitors thatbind to both BET bromodomains (Picaudet al. 2013).

All of the compounds described above bindto BET bromodomains in a competitive mannerwith acetyllysine to displace BET-containingprotein complexes from chromatin. A more re-cent innovation in BET inhibitor design hasbeen to conjugate JQ1 with chemical moietiesthat promote recruitment of E3 ubiquitin li-gases, which leads to polyubiquitylation ofBET proteins and proteasome-dependent deg-radation, a strategy known as proteolysis target-ing chimera (PROTAC) (Lu et al. 2015; Winteret al. 2015; Zengerle et al. 2015). This new gen-eration of inhibitors (known as dBET1, ARV-825, or MZ1) leads to more potent suppressionof BET proteins in cells, and may provide anadditional strategy for therapeutic targeting.

Recent studies have shown that many clini-cal-stage kinase inhibitors, including theCDK inhibitor dinaciclib, the JAK2 inhibitorTG101209, and the PLK1 inhibitor BI-2536,potently inhibit BET bromodomains as an un-intended off-target effect (Martin et al. 2013;Ciceri et al. 2014; Dittmann et al. 2014; Emberet al. 2014). These findings raise the possibilitythat the off-target effect on BET proteins mightcontribute to the therapeutic effect of these ki-nase inhibitors. Moreover, these findings revealan opportunity for the rational design of drugsthat simultaneously target specific kinases andBET proteins to augment anticancer activity orprevent drug resistance (Ciceri et al. 2014).


The first malignant context in which BET pro-teins were proposed as therapeutic targets is ina rare cancer called NUT midline carcinoma(NMC), which is an aggressive subtype ofsquamous cell carcinoma with a median sur-vival of only 6.7 months (French et al. 2003;French 2010). Most cases of NMC possess achromosomal translocation that generates afusion of the amino terminus of BRD4 (or lesscommonly BRD3 or NSD3) to the carboxylterminus of NUT, which is normally onlyexpressed in testes (French et al. 2007, 2014;French 2010). The resulting BRD4–NUTonco-protein retains the two bromodomains and theET domain fused to a region of NUT that bindsto p300, a protein with KAT activity (Frenchet al. 2003, 2007; Reynoird et al. 2010; Wangand You 2015). It is interesting to note thatBRD4–NUT (and presumably BRD3–NUT)requires an interaction with NSD3 via its ETdomain for its oncogenic function, whereasthe NSD3–NUT fusion requires its BRD4-binding motif for its oncogenic function(French et al. 2014). This highlights a remark-able convergence of molecular functions amongBRD3–, BRD4–, and NSD3–NUT fusion pro-teins, and implies that each of these proteinsfunction through similar multisubunit com-plexes to regulate transcription.

The tumorigenic properties of BRD4–NUTstems from the coupling of its bromodomainswith the p300 binding site on NUT, whichleads to a positive feedback loop that generateshyperacetylation-driven nuclear foci (Fig. 2)(French et al. 2007, 2014; Yan et al. 2011;Grayson et al. 2014; Alekseyenko et al. 2015;Wang and You 2015). At a genomic level, thispositive feedback loop of acetylation and bromo-domain-mediated binding generates large con-tiguous “megadomains” of active chromatin,which are enriched for BRD4–NUT, p300, andhistone hyperacetylation, which span .1 Mbof the genome (Alekseyenko et al. 2015). TheBRD4–NUT-induced active chromatin do-main seems to propagate unfettered until it

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encounters the edge of a toplogical domaindefined by CTCF/cohesion (Alekseyenko et al.2015). Active chromatin domains of this size arenot observed in normal mammalian chromatin,highlighting a unique chromatin-based mecha-nism of transformation used by BRD4–NUT.Despite the enormity of these megadomains,only a specific program of genes becomes aber-rantly expressed by BRD4–NUT function,which includes MYC and the epithelial fate de-terminant TP63 (Alekseyenko et al. 2015).

Because the bromodomains of BRD4–NUTare essential to its oncogenic function, NMCprovides a clear rationale for evaluating thetherapeutic activity of BET bromodomain in-hibitors. Exposing cultured NMC cell lines toJQ1 leads to a rapid eviction of BRD4–NUTfrom chromatin, followed by a rapid suppres-sion of its direct target genes, such as MYC, andthe induction of terminal squamous cell differ-entiation (Filippakopoulos et al. 2010; Yan et al.2011; Grayson et al. 2014; Alekseyenko et al.2015). Moreover, JQ1 treatment of mice bearingsubcutaneous NMC patient-derived xenograftleads to a pronounced inhibition of tumorgrowth in vivo, with minimal toxicity to normaltissues (Filippakopoulos et al. 2010). This re-markable study provided the first evidence forBET inhibition having a therapeutic index intreating cancer, and provided rationale for sub-sequent clinical studies of BET inhibition inNMC patients (see below).


Given the rarity of NMC, a key question arisesas to whether malignancies that lack BRD4 re-arrangements would also be sensitive to BETinhibitors. Because the original description ofNMC sensitivity to BET inhibition, numerousstudies have shown that BRD4 is a non-onco-gene dependency in several forms of cancer.Two studies published in 2011 implicatedBRD4 as a vulnerability in the MLL-rearrangedsubtype of AML (Dawson et al. 2011; Zuberet al. 2011). One used shRNA screening to revealthat AML cells were hypersensitive to genetic

knockdown of BRD4, whereas the other studyused a proteomic approach to link BRD4 withMLL-fusion cofactors (Dawson et al. 2011;Zuber et al. 2011). These studies, as well as oth-ers using multiple myeloma and lymphomamodels, showed that BET inhibitors show ther-apeutic effects in diverse genetic contexts of he-matological malignancy, with effects compara-ble to observations in NMC models (Dawsonet al. 2011; Delmore et al. 2011; Mertz et al.2011; Zuber et al. 2011). Although BET inhib-itors show broad efficacy in the blood malig-nancies, the precise pattern of gene expressionchanges incurred by BET inhibitor treatment isremarkably heterogeneous among differentcancer cell lines. In addition, some cancer celltypes will terminally differentiate in response toJQ1/iBET exposure, whereas others undergoapoptosis (Dawson et al. 2011; Delmore et al.2011; Mertz et al. 2011; Zuber et al. 2011). Al-though there is generally a lack of consistentgene-expression alterations following BET in-hibitor treatment in these malignancies, thewell-established oncogenes MYC, BCL2, andCDK6 are often suppressed by these drugs,whereas housekeeping genes tend to be unaf-fected (Shi and Vakoc 2014).

Over the past 5 years, the efficacy of BETinhibitors has been shown in numerous preclin-ical solid tumor models, including tumors ofthe prostate, breast, colon, intestine, pancreas,liver, and brain (Sahai et al. 2016). Large-scaleprofiling studies in human cancer cell lines havesuggested that a specific subset of these differenttumors harbor exceptional sensitivity to BETinhibitors (Rathert et al. 2015). However, ithas been challenging to identify biomarkersthat predict hypersensitivity to BET inhibitionthat might guide patient enrollment into clini-cal trials. Nonetheless, we can now appreciatethat sensitivity to BET inhibition is pervasiveacross different malignancies.

Although the broad anticancer activity ofBET inhibitors is remarkable, it should be em-phasized that normal cell types are also affectedin unique ways by these agents. This leads topleiotropic phenotypes in the normal tissuesof mice, and presumably in humans. Some ofthese effects may present therapeutic opportu-

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nities in areas outside of oncology. For example,iBET will attenuate cytokine production in in-nate immune cells, which can allow iBET-treat-ed mice to survive septic shock (Nicodeme et al.2010). BET inhibitors will also suppress thepathological remodeling of cardiomyoctyes inresponse to pressure overload (Anand et al.2013). It has also been proposed that BET in-hibitors might be used as a male contraceptive,owing to the reversible impairment in sperma-togenesis consequent to BRDT inhibition in thetestes (Matzuk et al. 2012; Berkovits and Wolge-muth 2013). BET inhibition will reactivatelatent HIV infection, which might prove usefulto eliminate viral reservoirs in infected patients(Banerjee et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2012; Zhuet al. 2012; Li et al. 2013). However, it remainsto be determined whether these indications forBET inhibition will be translated into humanclinical investigation.

There are also more concerning effects ofBET inhibition, such as an impairment in mem-ory formation and an autism-like syndrome inthe central nervous system and a worsening ofviral/bacterial infections consequent to immu-nosuppression (Marazzi et al. 2012; Korb et al.2015; Sullivan et al. 2015). Transgenic Brd4shRNA mice, in which BRD4 levels are reducedconditionally in adult tissues, show stem celldepletion in the small intestine and hyperplasiaof epidermal tissues (Bolden et al. 2014). Thelatter phenotype may reflect the emerging rolefor BRD4 in tumor suppression, and hence BETinhibition might be expected to worsen certainmalignancies (Alsarraj and Hunter 2012; Fer-nandez et al. 2014; Tasdemir et al. 2016). Nota-bly, the side effects of BRD4 knockdown in vivoare known to be reversible after restoring BETprotein function (Matzuk et al. 2012; Boldenet al. 2014; Nagarajan et al. 2014).


The efficacy of BET inhibitors in preclinicalcancer models provided the rationale for a mul-titude of ongoing human clinical trials, whichincludes patients with hematological malignan-cies, BRD4–NUTexpressing NMC, and various

solid tumors. A summary of these ongoing trialscan be found in Table 1. Although we cannotdetermine at the present time the ultimate im-pact BET inhibitors will have in oncology, therea few key observations than have been madefrom the initial administration of these agentsto human patients thus far. Importantly, thetoxicities in humans have been determined forthree clinical BET inhibitors (OTX015, TEN-010, and CPI-0610) (Abramson et al. 2015; Sha-piro et al. 2015; Amorim et al. 2016; Berthonet al. 2016; Stathis et al. 2016). In one set ofphase 1 trials in hematological cancers,OTX015 was administered orally once or twicea day for 21-day cycles. At the higher doses(120–160 mg/d), OTX015 resulted in a sub-stantial, yet reversible thrombocytopenia(drop in platelet counts), severe gastrointestinalevents, and fatigue (Amorim et al. 2016; Ber-thon et al. 2016). The recommended dose forleukemia and lymphoma patients was identifiedin this study as 80 mg/d given in repetitive cy-cles of 14 days on followed by 7 days off(Amorim et al. 2016; Berthon et al. 2016). Atdifferent doses in these trials, evidence was re-ported of disease reduction in five out of 37acute leukemia patients and five out of 17 dif-fuse large B cell lymphoma patients, whereas noresponses were observed in any of the 12 mul-tiple myeloma patients treated (Amorim et al.2016; Berthon et al. 2016). Consistent with ob-servations in mouse models, OTX015 wasfound to cause the terminal differentiation ofmyeloid leukemia cells, as indicated by an in-crease in peripheral neutrophil counts duringtreatment (Dawson et al. 2011; Zuber et al.2011; Berthon et al. 2016). Unfortunately, a spe-cific genetic mutation in leukemia patients hasyet to be identified that correlates with respons-es to OTX015. This highlights the formidablechallenge of identifying a predictive biomarkerto guide patient enrollment in future studies. InNMC patients, rapid responses to OTX015 havealso been identified, in association with tumorregression (Shapiro et al. 2015; Stathis et al.2016). Although these findings are encouragingand will motivate further phase II evaluation,many of the patients that initially respondedlater relapsed several months after initiating

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Table 1. Clinical trials of BET bromdomain inhibitors

Compound Sponsor NCT identifier Conditions Clinical phase

ABBV-075 AbbVie NCT02391480 Advanced cancer; breast cancer; non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC);acute myeloid leukemia (AML);multiple myeloma

Phase I(recruiting)

BAY 1238097 Bayer NCT02369029 Neoplasms Phase I(terminated)

BI 894999 BoehringerIngelheim

NCT02516553 Neoplasms Phase I(recruiting)

BMS-986158 Bristol-MyersSquibb

NCT02419417 Multiple indications cancer Phase I/IIa(recruiting)

NCT01949883 Lymphoma Phase I(recruiting)

CPI-0610 ConstellationPharmaceuticals

NCT02157636 Multiple myeloma Phase I(recruiting)

NCT02158858 Leukemia, myelocytic, acute;myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS);meylodusplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm,unclassifiable; meylofibrosis

Phase I(recruiting)

FT-1101 FormaTherapeutics

NCT02543879 AML; acute myelogenous leukemia;myelodysplastic syndrome

Phase I(recruiting)

GS-5829 Gilead Sciences NCT02607228 Metastatic castration-resistantprostate cancer (CRPC) (as asingle agent or in combinationwith enzalutamide)

Phase I(recruiting)

GSK2820151 GlaxoSmithKline NCT02630251 Cancer Phase I (not yetopen forrecruiting)


GlaxoSmithKline NCT01587703 Carcinoma, midline Phase I(recruiting)

NCT01943851 Cancer Phase I(recruiting)

INCB054329 IncyteCorporation

NCT02431260 Advanced cancer Phase I/II(recruiting)

NCT02698189 AML including AML de novo andAML secondary to MDSs; diffuselarge B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

Phase I(recruiting)

MK-8628 Merck Sharp &Dohme Corp.

NCT02698176 NUT-midline carcinoma (NMC);triple-negative breast cancer(TNBC); NSCLC; CRPC

Phase I(recruiting)


Peter MacCallumCancer Centre,Australia

NCT02468687 Multiple myeloma Phase I(recruiting)

NCT01713582 AML; DLBCL; acute lymphoblasticleukemia; multiple myeloma

Phase I (active,not recruiting)



NCT02259114 NMC; TNBC; NSCLCwith rearranged ALK gene/fusionprotein or KRAS mutation; CRPC;pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Phase I (active,not recruiting)


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treatment (Stathis et al. 2016). This indicatesthe importance of studying mechanisms of re-sistance and the potential of combining BETinhibitors with other agents to provide moredurable responses. Taken together, these initialstudies have generated sufficient enthusiasmwithin the pharmaceutical industry to justify acontinuing of phase II clinical investigation.


When considering the basic molecular functionof BRD4 described above, it is difficult to un-derstand why chemical inhibition of BET pro-teins would lead to preferential impairment tocancer cells versus nontransformed cell types.Transcriptome-level studies have revealed thatBET inhibitors suppress hundreds of genes ineach cell type (Anand et al. 2013; Chapuy et al.2013; Loven et al. 2013; Asangani et al. 2014).The identity of BET-dependent genes variesdramatically from cell type to cell type, whichposes a major challenge in proposing a unifiedmechanism to explain the anticancer effects ofBET inhibitors. At present, our understandingof these effects is limited to correlative observa-tions that these compounds will preferentiallysuppress expression of cancer-promoting genesversus that of housekeeping genes (Chapuy et al.

2013; Loven et al. 2013; Nagarajan et al. 2014;Roe et al. 2015; Bhagwat et al. 2016; Henssenet al. 2016). An alternative summation of theavailable evidence is that JQ1 preferentially sup-presses “highly regulated” genes, that is, genesthat are dynamically expressed in response toexogenous stimuli or those genes that are ex-pressed in a lineage-specific manner, and henceare influenced by numerous trans- and cis-act-ing regulators. Indeed, many growth/cancer-promoting genes (e.g., MYC and BCL2) fallinto this broad category (Loven et al. 2013;Asangani et al. 2014; Roe et al. 2015; Shu et al.2016). Such a model would also explain whyJQ1 suppresses cytokine genes in immune cellsand the immediate-early genes in cardiomyo-cytes and neurons (Nicodeme et al. 2010;Anand et al. 2013; Brown et al. 2014; Korbet al. 2015; Toniolo et al. 2015). It is importantto note that the effects of JQ1 on transcriptionhave been shown to be reversible, that is, with-drawing JQ1 leads to a rapid restoration of thepreexisting transcription level (Mertz et al.2011). This is likely to account for why normaltissues are able to recover in the setting of 14-day-on, 7-day-off BET inhibition treatment-cy-cles in humans (Amorim et al. 2016; Berthonet al. 2016). Cancer cells are perhaps less able torecover following BET inhibitor treatment, ow-ing to their “addiction” to oncogenes like MYC

Table 1. Continued

Compound Sponsor NCT identifier Conditions Clinical phase

NCT02296476 Glioblastoma multiforme Phase I(terminated)

RVX-208/RVX 000222

Resverlogix Corp. NCT02586155 Diabetes mellitus, type 2; coronaryartery disease; cardiovasculardiseases

Phase III(recruiting)

TEN 010 TenshaTherapeutics/Roche

NCT01987362 Solid tumors; advanced solid tumors Phase I(recruiting)

NCT02308761 MDSs; AML Phase I(recruiting)

ZEN003694 Zenith Epigenetics NCT02711956 Metastatic CRPC (in combinationwith enzalutamide)

Phase I (not yetopen forrecruiting)

NCT02705469 Metastatic CRPC Phase I(recruiting)


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(Arvanitis and Felsher 2006). Nevertheless, thespecific pattern of genes that are suppressed byBET inhibition in each cell type is clearly ofcentral importance to the therapeutic efficacyof these agents. Below, we describe studies thathave defined molecular mechanisms that un-derlie the gene-specific transcriptional effectsof BET bromodomain inhibition.

One explanation for the context-specific ef-fects of BET inhibition is that each cell typeexpresses a different complement of acetylatedTFs that bind to BET bromodomains. In AMLcells, for example, it has been found that BRD4binding across the genome is highly correlatedwith a set of hematopoietic lineage TFs (ERG,FLI1, PU.1, MYB, C/EBPa, and C/EBPb),which can each physically associate BRD4 ineither a bromodomain-dependent or indepen-dent manner (Roe et al. 2015). In JQ1-treatedleukemia cells, the downstream target genes ofthis set of TFs are rapidly suppressed, whereasTF occupancy on DNA remains unaffected (Fig.3) (Roe et al. 2015). Moreover, ectopic expres-sion of these hematopoietic TFs in fibroblastscan recapitulate the JQ1 transcriptional re-sponse seen in leukemia cells, indicated thatthese TFs are sufficient to specify the effects ofBET inhibition (Roe et al. 2015). An expanding

body of literature is continuing to link the an-ticancer effects of BET inhibition to the func-tional suppression key TFs—the androgen re-ceptor in prostate cancer (Asangani et al. 2014),the estrogen receptor and TWIST in breast can-cer (Nagarajan et al. 2014; Shi et al. 2014), NF-kB in lymphoma and lung cancers (Asanganiet al. 2014; Nagarajan et al. 2014; Zou et al. 2014;Gao et al. 2015). The broad suppression of TFfunction in normal cell types is also likely to berelated to the on-target toxicities of BET inhib-itors seen in human patients. As an example, thedemonstrated interaction between the diacety-lated TF GATA-1 and BET proteins provides apotential explanation for the thrombocytope-nia observed in BET inhibitor-treated patients(Gamsjaeger et al. 2011; Lamonica et al. 2011;Stonestrom et al. 2015).

It has been observed that many of the genesthat are sensitive to BET inhibition have anunusually large repertoire of enhancer elementsin their vicinity, which might be interpretedas another indicator of genes that are “highlyregulated.” Indeed, genes with a large numberof enhancers tend to encode lineage-specificand growth-regulatory factors (Hnisz et al.2013; Whyte et al. 2013). Such enhancers havebeen given numerous labels (superenhancers,


Lineage-specific enhancers/promotersoccupied by transcription factors

BET bromodomaininhibitors (e.g., JQ1)








RNA polymerase II

Tumor-maintaining genes(e.g., MYC, CDK6)

AcAcAcAcAcAcAcAc P


Figure 3. The BRD4 pathway in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. In AML cells, BRD4 is recruited to lineage-specific enhancers and promoters by acetylated histones and transcription factors (TFs), which are acetylated byp300. BRD4 will then recruit several proteins to regions through direct physical interaction, including NSD3/CHD8, the Mediator complex, and p-TEFb, which promotes transcriptional activation. BET bromodomaininhibitors will release BRD4 from chromatin along with its cofactors to suppress transcription. Because manyBRD4-occupied enhancers are located at distal upstream or downstream sites, several of these activities areoccurring at a distance from the target gene promoter.

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locus control regions, stretch enhancers) andoften exist in clusters and harbor high levels ofBRD4 enrichment (Li et al. 2002; Chapuy et al.2013; Loven et al. 2013; Parker et al. 2013). Us-ing genomic approaches applied to several dif-ferent cell types, it has been observed that geneswith “superenhancers” nearby tend to be moresuppressed by JQ1 than randomly chosen ex-pressed genes (Chapuy et al. 2013; Loven et al.2013; Peeters et al. 2015). More recent evidenceindicates that only a minority of superenhancersare in fact targeted by JQ1, as indicated by mea-surements of Mediator eviction following BETinhibitor exposure (Bhagwat et al. 2016).

From these studies, it is clear that specificcis-elements in the genome are more suppressedby BET inhibition than others, and this contrib-utes to the biased effects of JQ1 on certaingenes. The mechanistic basis underlying theseheterogeneous effects is still not understood.One possibility is that enhancer-binding pro-teins like BRD4 have variable on–off rates ateach cis-regulatory element, and that perhapsBET inhibitors will preferentially evict BRD4-containing proteins complexes from chromatinat sites that are more dynamic. Taken together,the context-specific consequences of BET inhi-bition can be attributed, at least in part, to thespecific complement of TF-bound cis-elements(enhancers and promoters) that are suppressedby these small molecules.


All cancer monotherapies are limited by theemergence of drug-resistant cell populations,with the ongoing clinical trials indicating thatBET inhibitors are not an exception. Hence, animportant area of ongoing investigation hasbeen to define mechanisms of resistance toBET bromodomain inhibition. Several recentstudies have shown that acquired resistance toBET inhibition is associated with nongeneticmechanisms, in association with a global alter-ation of gene expression that compensates forthe effects of BET inhibition (Tang et al. 2014;Fong et al. 2015; Rathert et al. 2015; Shu et al.2016). In MLL-fusion AML, this compensatory

change in gene expression is linked to activationof the WNT signaling pathway, which can re-store MYC expression despite chemical block-ade of BRD4 (Fong et al. 2015; Rathert et al.2015). In breast cancer cells, JQ1 resistance isassociated with an elevated level of BRD4 phos-phorylation, which in turn will bind more tight-ly to the Mediator complex to achieve bromo-domain-independent recruitment to chromatin(Shu et al. 2016). Across a panel of heteroge-neous cell lines, it has been found that the sen-sitivity to BET inhibitors can be correlated withthe preexisting expression level of genes thatencode apoptosis regulators (Conery et al.2016). For example, leukemia cell lines withhigh BCL2 expression and low expression ofBCL2L1 (also called BCL-xl) or BAD are gener-ally correlated with higher sensitivity to BETinhibition (Conery et al. 2016). Consistentwith this observation, acquired resistance toBET inhibition can be linked to an increase inthe expression of BCL2L1 by gaining super en-hancers upstream of the BCL2L1 gene (Shuet al. 2016). What is notable across these studiesis that resistance to BET inhibition is not asso-ciated with BRD2/BRD3/BRD4 mutations, butinstead is associated with selection for a rare(presumably preexisting) cell population har-boring a pattern of gene expression that bypass-es BET inhibition (Fong et al. 2015; Rathertet al. 2015; Conery et al. 2016).

A clear objective for future clinical investi-gation is to identify drugs that synergize withBET inhibitors in causing anticancer effects, butwithout having a synergistic increase in toxicity.One promising area of drug combinations is touse BET inhibition as a means to eliminate drugresistance to other targeted agents. In T-cellleukemia driven by activating NOTCH1 muta-tions, drug-tolerant cells are able to surviveNOTCH pathway inhibition (Knoechel et al.2014). These resistant T-ALL cells are more sen-sitive to BET bromodomain inhibition than theparental population, thus providing a rationaleto combine NOTCH and BET-targeting agentsin this disease (Knoechel et al. 2014). A similarscenario is found in breast cancer driven by PI3kinase mutations, in which sensitivity to PI3Kinhibitors is attenuated by feedback pathways

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that bypass PI3K through the activation oftyrosine kinase pathways (Stratikopoulos et al.2015). Remarkably, these bypass pathways canbe suppressed transcriptionally via BET bromo-domain inhibition. Hence, combinations ofBET and PI3K inhibitors are a promising ther-apeutic approach in breast cancer. Resistance toestrogen receptor modulation, Sonic hedgehog,and androgen receptor blockade can also beovercome by BET bromodomain inhibition,thus providing numerous opportunities to ex-plore drug combinations in the clinic (Asanganiet al. 2014; Nagarajan et al. 2014; Tang et al.2014; Shu et al. 2016).


There is a long history of treating cancerpatients with agents that disrupt fundamentalcellular processes (e.g., antimetabolites andDNA alkylating agents), which can cause moresevere cell death responses in cancer cells thanin normal tissues. A similar description couldbe applied to BET bromodomain inhibitors,which target a set of transcriptional coactivatorsto disrupt an important hub for numerous TFpathways. As we have outlined in this review,there is clearly specificity in the transcriptionaleffects of BET inhibition, but only to a degree.Hence, these agents can cause detrimental ef-fects to cancer cells in association with tolerablepleiotropic biological effects in normal tissues.The basic and preclinical research performed inthis field has provided a roadmap for the im-plementation of BET inhibition in the clinic.In our view, the success of BET inhibition inclinical studies will rest squarely on our abilityto find predictive biomarkers of therapeutic re-sponse and the most effective drug combina-tions for achieving durable disease remissions.


C.R.V. is supported by the Leukemia and Lym-phoma Society, the Burroughs-Wellcome Fund,the Pershing Square Sohn Cancer Research Al-liance, the Starr Cancer Consortium, and theNational Institutes of Health/National CancerInstitute (NIH/NCI) Grant RO1 CA174793.


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published online February 17, 2017Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Yali Xu and Christopher R. Vakoc Targeting Cancer Cells with BET Bromodomain Inhibitors

Subject Collection Chromatin Deregulation in Cancer

in LeukemiaMixed-Lineage Leukemia Fusions and Chromatin

ArmstrongAndrei V. Krivtsov, Takayuki Hoshii and Scott A.

TET2 in Normal and Malignant HematopoiesisRobert L. Bowman and Ross L. Levine

InhibitorsTargeting Cancer Cells with BET Bromodomain

Yali Xu and Christopher R. VakocCancer and Chromatin BiologyLong Noncoding RNAs: At the Intersection of

Adam M. Schmitt and Howard Y. Chang

in CancerMethyltransferasesDomain Family Histone Lysine Binding SET−The Role of Nuclear Receptor

et al.Richard L. Bennett, Alok Swaroop, Catalina Troche,

DNA Hypomethylating Drugs in Cancer Therapy

KropfTakahiro Sato, Jean-Pierre J. Issa and Patricia

MethylationSETD2 and the Consequences of Lost SETting the Stage for Cancer Development:

Catherine C. Fahey and Ian J. Davis from and Promote CancerChromatin Remodelers: Family Traits that Protect The Chromodomain Helicase DNA-Binding

Alea A. MillsATRX and DAXX: Mechanisms and Mutations

Valle-Garcia, et al.Michael A. Dyer, Zulekha A. Qadeer, David Acetyltransferases by Cancer

Exploitation of EP300 and CREBBP Lysine

Narsis Attar and Siavash K. KurdistaniDNMT3A in Leukemia

A. GoodellLorenzo Brunetti, Michael C. Gundry and Margaret

Histone Lysine Demethylase Inhibitors

ShiAshwini Jambhekar, Jamie N. Anastas and Yang

Oncogenic Mechanisms of Histone H3 MutationsDaniel N. Weinberg, C. David Allis and Chao Lu

Cohesin Mutations in CancerMagali De Koninck and Ana Losada

of Cancer PathwaysNonhistone Lysine Methylation in the Regulation

Scott M. Carlson and Or GozaniRegulation of Enhancer Function and CancerMLL3/MLL4/COMPASS Family on Epigenetic

Christie C. Sze and Ali Shilatifard For additional articles in this collection, see

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