talking about the unit five talking face to face and being all ears trying your hand maintaining a...

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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About the

Unit Five

Talking Face to Face and Being All Ears

Trying Your Hand

Maintaining a Sharp Eye

SectionⅠ Talking Face to Face


How’s the weather today?

Do you have a habit of watching the program “ Weather report”?

Suggested answers:

It’s nice/ sunny/windy/rainy…

①  I like this program. Because weather report can make people have a clear conception of every day’s weather. So it is convenient for people to go outside.

Language Points:

⑴ converting F to C is “ C=5/9 (F-32) converting C to F is “ C=9/5F+32⑵chance n. 运气,机会,可能性 by chance 碰巧,偶然 take a/the chance 碰运气 there is a chance 有。。。的可能

Listen and Decode

Listen and Respond

Listen and Read

Listen and Match

Listen and Conclude

Listen and Complete

Listen and Judge

Being All EarsBeing All EarsBeing All EarsBeing All Ears

SectionⅡ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassageⅠIs it going to be a fine day

Text-related Information

Intensive Study

There are two different systems of temperatures that are used in weather forecasts. There is the Celsius system (°C), which is the one used in most countries. Another name for this system is centigrade. In Western countries the Fahrenheit system (° F) is also used. 0 °C equals 32 ° F and 100 °C equals 212 °F. The Celsius system is always used in weather forecasting, but because many Westerners are more familiar with Fahrenheit, temperatures are very often given in both ways. And please note temperatures are always given in degrees (plural form). For example, 0 degrees.

Text-related Information

2.The Celsius System and the Fahrenheit System

1. (Para. 2 ) It will be cloudy tomorrow with scattered showers…


““with” structure further with” structure further explains the part of the explains the part of the weather that precedes that precedes it.

Difficult Sentences

4. (para. 4)There is a cold front from Canada moving down through the western states.


Post modifier.Post modifier.

““There be+ n.+participle phrase” structure There be+ n.+participle phrase” structure is often used in a weather often used in a weather forecast.

There are some students coming from the south.


Difficult Sentences

而且我们计降雪会在明天某时从加拿大南下到东部各而且我们计降雪会在明天某时从加拿大南下到东部各州州 , , 可能于明晚某时到达纽约地区。可能于明晚某时到达纽约地区。 ..

6. (Para. 6) ...and we expect that snow activity to move down from Canada into the eastern states sometime tomorrow, probably reaching the New York area sometime tomorrow night.

She has been in University of Utah for half a year, surely enjoying the academic atmosphere.

present participle used as an present participle used as an accompanying adverbial of accompanying adverbial of move downmove down


Difficult Sentences

Important Words

look like : seem to be, seem as if 看起来像是…

continue v. remain, stay, keep doing something and do not stop, 持续,维持,继续 Eg.If the situation continues for one more month, workers will probably go on strike.

   currently adv. At the present time, at the moment 目前,当前

Important Words

1.     wind up : cause to be finished 结束,办完

2.     think about: consider seriously before making a decision; think of 考虑,思考

eg: We are thinking about going to France for our holiday but we haven’t decided for certain.

Trying Your Hand

Applied Writing

Sentence Writing

Applied writing

Read and Simulate

Simulate and Create

1. Read the following three samples of weather report and learn to write your own.

A weather report:

It’s hot and sunny in Miami today, with the

temperature of about 90 °F. It’s going to be

cloudy and cool tomorrow, about 70 °F.

Read and SimulateRead and SimulateRead and SimulateRead and Simulate


样例 1/天气预报:今天,迈阿密天气晴朗炎热,气温大约为 90 华氏度。明天多云,天气凉爽,温度约为 70 华氏度。


Read and SimulateRead and SimulateRead and SimulateRead and Simulate

Here is the weather forecast:

Tomorrow it’s going to be fair in New York;

the temperature will be about 15 . In ℃Madrid it is going to rain and it will be 20 . ℃The weather in Moscow is going to be

cloudy; the temperature will be about 3 . ℃London will be 10 and wet. Zurich will be ℃sunny and cold; the temperature is going to

be 0 .℃

Sample 2

Read and SimulateRead and SimulateRead and SimulateRead and Simulate

Write a weather report in English according to the information given in Chinese.

Simulate and CreateSimulate and CreateSimulate and CreateSimulate and Create


今天多云转少云,北风 5~6 级减弱到 4~5 级,

最高气温 1℃, 最低气温 -4℃ 。预计大连地区明


Simulate and CreateSimulate and CreateSimulate and CreateSimulate and Create

Weather outlook for the urban area:

It’ll be cloudy today, and later turn to partly clou

dy, with the north wind .The high will be one deg

rees Celsius and the low four degrees below zer

o. It is expected to be partly cloudy in the next tw

o days. The winds will be calm with little change

of the temperature.


Sentence WritingSimple Past and Present Perfect

Simple Past( 一般过去时态 ) 过去时态的基本用法:表示过去时间发生的行为或存在的状态,通常与表示过去时间的状愈连用,如 : ago, last, yesterday, the day before yesterday, a) He went to Europe three years ago.

Sentence Writing

Present Perfect ( 现在完成时态 ) 1)     现在完成时态的基本用法:现在完成时态表示行为或状态在过去已经发生或存在,但其产生的后果或造成的影响至今依然存在。

Eg: a) We’ve known each other for about two years.

b) His mother has been ill since last month.


Correct the errors in the following sentences.

They didn't see each other since September.   In the last three months, Robert trained more th

an twenty new employees. He never has had a problem with his boss. She has worked at the cafeteria since nine month

s. Did you ever take the telephone orders before?

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