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Newsletter July 2014

From The Chairman’s Desk

I’m pleased to say that the projects list is getting longer, so the potential to earn some money for our new Shed war chest is increasing. However, the requirement to complete tasks on time becomes an increasing necessity, if we are to maintain our credibility within the community. So if you’re at a loose end when you visit the Shed, please ask around as to what is on-going and lend a hand! The trailer is almost complete and will be going on sale next week ($850). It has been completely rebuilt, a spare wheel added along with a “jockey wheel”, painted and has had the tyres replaced, so if you know anyone looking for a trailer, point them our way. Thanks to the additional funding from Fidock & Co Real Estate, we have managed to raise the total amount required for the purchase of a defibrillator. This should arrive early next month and once we have it, Bruce will be organising a training session for all Shedders. The Youth Shed will recommence on Tuesday 29th July after the school holidays, so if you can, why not come down to the Shed at 3:30pm on and help out mentoring/supervising the youth in their various activities. Our AGM is due once more (it’s an annual event!) and it will held it at 5:00pm on Friday 26th September before the Sundowner. This year the Chairman and Secretary’s positions along with all the non-core Committee Members will be up for re-election. Our Secretary, John, will be issuing nomination and proxy voting forms in the near future. I encourage all members to attend and make your vote count. We have a hard twelve months ahead of us with the impending new Shed construction, so please make the effort to support your Shed. At our Committee meeting this week, it was decided to keep joining fees at $55 for the year 2014/2015. However, as we need to build our funds, it was also decided that a once a week donation of $2 will be required when you attend the Shed to cover the cost of tea/coffee and biscuits. This will start from Tuesday 22nd July. As much as we wanted to keep your costs down, it was felt that this was a least painful way for keep the Shed funds healthy for the coming year. With school holidays once more, I’m sad to say we have had more vandalism. This time the security room housing the alarm panels was broken into. Fortunately nothing was taken or damaged other than the lock, which has since been repaired. Also, be on the watch for older youths frequenting our car parks. Do not approach them other to enquire what they are up to. If you are able, note any number plates and car descriptions. If they do not vacate the premises, please call the Police and let Bruce know what has occurred. The next Roleystone Market Day will be held on Sunday 21st September, so if you're making something, make another for the Shed to sell. A reminder that Shed polo shirts ($25), jackets ($30.50) and beanies ($10) are available. Please let me know your size when ordering. Looking forward to seeing you at the Shed or our next Sundowner on Friday 25th July at 5pm. Phil Aked, Chairman

-oOo- A Life Worth Living At an Irish Wedding Reception the Master of Ceremonies asked: “Would all you married men here, kindly stand next to the one person who has made your life worth living.” The bartender was almost killed in the rush.



Cross Park Development Following a period of uncertainty we now appear to be about to move forward albeit slowly and cautiously. Over the past few weeks internal meetings of the City of Armadale involving our councillor (Grant Nixon), the Mayor, the CEO and senior management have, on the face of it, resulted in council officers now being better informed, more positive and more involved in advancing our Community Garden and Men’s Shed initiatives as proposed for the Cross Park Community Hub outlined in the 2013 Master plan. A council initiated meeting later this month with Lotterywest will precede a further meeting with us that will I hope allow us to advance the design and costing phase prior to a submission to Lotterywest for funds to complete the extensions to the hall. Because of the councils current intransigence in not funding the design and costing of the additions it is probable that we might want, in the interest of expediency, to fund these ourselves. Funding for the design could be available through Lotterywest, but this process is likely to take up to 9 months. I am currently seeking out architects and architectural draftsmen that might provide a price to undertake the design. If anyone knows of a suitable Architect or Architectural Draftsman that would be interested in assisting us please let me know and I will follow-up with them. Once I have established what it would cost we can then discuss which way to proceed. I’ll be in touch with further news as things evolve or give me a call to discuss anything you wish.

Chris Johnston Convener & Development Coordinator


The More Things Change….. The more they stay the same

# A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. Thomas Jefferson # What this country needs are more unemployed politicians. Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995) # The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. Ronald Reagan # In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other. Voltaire (1764) # I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket & trying to lift himself up by the handle. Winston Churchill

Then It Hit Me Like A Ton Of Bricks!!!!!

I Just Realized Something: My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day. He has his food prepared for him. His meals are provided at no cost to him. He visits the Dr. once a year for his check-up and again during the year, if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him. He lives in a nice neighbourhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep. If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep. He receives these accommodations absolutely free. He is living like a king and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who earn a living. I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks ~ MY dog is a LIBERAL


Shed In House Projects The following “request” projects have been accepted by the shed. We are looking for Shedders to take ownership of these projects. This doesn’t mean you have to do all the work yourself, simply that you will accept responsibility to ensure the project is completed on time, calling on the manpower resources of our shed to achieve you goal. So if you are at a loose end, talk to Ron, Bill, Bruce or David about helping get these orders filled. Pigeon Holes (Completion by 30 July 2014). Two Wheeled Hawkers Cart. Trolley. Picture Frames. Foldable Picture Display Stand. Gas Bottle BBQ. Connect Four Game. If you are aware of any other projects that our shed could bid for, contact Laurie Scidone via scidonel@iinet.net.au

-oOo- “If you can’t do great things,

do small things in a great way” - Napoleon Hill



-oOo- # In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a government. John Adams # Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of government. But then I repeat myself. Mark Twain

-oOo- It’s In The Box!! A Little Known Cricket Fact. The first testicular guard was used in cricket in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. It took 100 years for men to realise that their brains are also important.

-oOo- Putting The Boot In We are pleased to be able to advise that we have been able to fully fund a Defibrillator for our shed. This is the result of the very generous donations from Bendigo Bank ($1,000), Roleystone Family Medical Centre –Dr Ojo ($500), Roleystone Community Chemist ($200), Mr Paul Banham –ICGB2014 Hobos ($200)*, Rob Fidock & Co ($100) & Jarrah Settlements ($100). Total $2,100. Our Sincere Thanks to each and every one who contributed. Of course, we hope we shall never have need to use it, but it will soon be available should the need arise. The model we have ordered is easy to learn & use. It is always ready. Its design & technology provides a shock within approximately 10 seconds. Its calm voice prompts guide the user through each step of the way to get there. This model can be used on patients of all ages & is considered ideal for use by the lay responder. Training will be provided to all interested shedders. It will be included in our Shed First Aid Training oOo-

First Aid Training: In House Certification Our “First Aid for Shed & Gardeners” Course will be run, by Evie Molson, on Wednesday July 30 & Wednesday August 6, commencing at 6:30pm. You must confirm your intention to participate with Bruce (0410088324) by July 26. The course will follow the (previous) Senior First Aid Certificate format, but with particular emphasis on our shed environment.


*Hobos Visit The Shed

Bill & Keith with some of our ICGB 2014 HOBOS Recently, eleven guys from around Australia & around the world visited our shed to see what it is we get up to. Called “Hobos” (Husbands of Brigaders Out Swanning), they are the partners of some of the 300 women who were in Perth for the 4 yearly gathering, this month, of the International Conference of the Girls Brigade (ICGB 2014). As our guests, they were feted with morning tea, presented with our special “Domestic Bliss Pack” and each received a hand crafted jarrah wooden cross, courtesy of Keith Turner. They were most impressed with our layout, activities & their gifts. One of our guests, Mr Paul Banham, made a personal donation, of $200, to the work of the shed &, subsequently, specifically to finalise the purchase of our Shed Defibrillator. Thank you to all who made our guests feel so welcome. They left with brochures & newsletters to grow a shed in their own respective areas. BW


Dr Ojo’s Roleystone Family Medical Centre -oOo-

JARRAH SETTLEMENTS Your local Conveyancer

Shop 9, 21 Jarrah Rd, Roleystone All Hours Mobile

0419 956 977 Email: kerry@fidock.com

Office: 93975600 Fax: 9397 6611

–oOo- Bandiwords is the newsletter of the Roleystone Men’s Community Shed. The views expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the RMCS Management Committee or affiliated bodies. Editorial Responsibility for this Newsletter is accepted by Bruce Wad dell. Your contributions, comments & feedback are welcome. Email bwaddell1@bigpond.com or phone 041 0088 324.



Getting A Good Night’s Sleep One of the most effective ways to achieve a restful sleep is to create a bedtime routine. Go to bed and get up at about the same time each day, do restful activities before bed, create a warm and restful environment, and avoid caffeine or nicotine for several hours before going to bed. While napping is something many of us enjoy, this will affect your night sleep so it is better to stay awake and just go to bed a little earlier. It is also important that if you go to bed and are still awake after 30 minutes, get up and do something relaxing and try again later. If, however, it is a health problem affecting your sleep be sure to get the right treatment for that issue. Once your health is better managed you might find that your sleep patterns improve. The other complication can be medication. Some medications affect sleep so it is important to talk to your doctor about how you are sleeping so that you get the medication that minimises any disruption to sleep. And if your sleep is troubled because of snoring, sleep apnoea or another sleep disorder, seek help from your doctor. There are many different ways to approach sleep problems and your doctor can help you to work out what works best for you. Many people don’t bother talking to their doctor about sleep, but sleep is important to your general health and well-being. Getting help when you are having trouble sleeping, waking too much or too early, or not feeling rested after you have slept is an important part of looking after yourself. How Much Sleep Is Enough? Sleep needs vary from person to person, but it is generally accepted, adults need between six and eight hours of sleep to feel rested. Ageing does alter the sleep cycle, however it is not a cause of poor sleep. Instead, it might mean that over time the amount of sleep required and type of sleep experienced have changed. In addition, the normal awakenings in the night might become more frequent.

An extract from the “Shed Online” newsletter. January 2013


Sundowners Our sundowners are an opportunity for feedback from our Committee and a chance for members to ask question & get clarifications and offer feedback to the Shed Committee. It is also the opportunity for fellowship over light refreshments. For those who enjoy the challenge, there are darts. table tennis or the pool facilities. Next Sundowner is on Friday July 26th at 5pm.


Shed AGM 5:00pm Friday 26th September

This year Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 26th September. We shall be asked to elect the Chairman & Secretary for 2 year terms. The Vice Chairman & Treasurer are in the middle of their 2 year terms. The remaining Committee Members positions are for single year terms. Consider what you can offer the shed, then ask John Stenhouse for a nomination Form -oOo-


Shed Safety - General Rules 1: No one should attempt to operate any power equipment unless they are familiar with its operation and they have authorization to do so. Students must have a full orientation and must be supervised while operating any of the machine shop tools. 2: Do not work with power machinery unless another person is in the near vicinity. Students must be supervised. 3: Check the machinery thoroughly before using it, prior to starting it up. Machinery should be locked out and or unplugged before attempting maintenance or repairs. 4: Always wear safety glasses or safety glasses with a face shield while using any tool. 5: Never wear ties, gloves, or loose clothing when working with power tools. Roll up long sleeves. Tie back long hair. 6: Use safeguards as designed on all machines. All moving drive mechanisms should be enclosed. 7: Pay attention to the work. Do not talk to other people while operating the machinery and do not fool around with the equipment. 8: Keep your fingers clear of all cutting tools or moving devices. 9: Stop the machine immediately if some odd noise or vibration develops. Investigate the source of the problem and do not operate the equipment until the trouble has been corrected. 10: Never use your bare hands to remove chips, shavings, or other material from your work. Use a brush or push stick. 11: Report all accidents immediately to your instructor or supervisor. Get prompt medical treatment (First Aid) for any injuries. Machine Shop Safety - Science


Seniors In A Changing World A guy was checking out at the local Supermarket with just a few items and the lady behind him put her things on the belt close to his. He picked up one of those 'dividers' that they keep by the cash register and placed it between their things so they wouldn't get mixed. After the girl had scanned all of his items, she picked up the 'divider', looking all over for the bar code so she could scan it. Not finding the bar code, she asked him, 'Do you know how much this is?' He said to her 'I've changed my mind. I don't think I'll buy that today.' She said 'OK.' and he paid her for the things and left. She had no clue to what had just happened. But the lady behind him had a biggest smirk on her face as he left


Do you know that awesome feeling when you get into bed, fall right asleep, stay

asleep all night long and awake feeling ready to take on the new day?

Yeah, me neither

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