tainan fac newsletter vol. 137

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T F A C VOL.137


All Hallows‘ Eve 10/31

“Chief Executive Office”

aka CEO is like a nick name to Mr. Sheng-Tong Dai, not as a title of his at all. In Taiwan, there are not only beautiful mountains and lakes but also many outrages guesthouses all around this beautiful island. The “CEO” started to go sightseeing and traveling, as he gets older. However, he has had many experiences of great and terrible guesthouses all around. He decided to make changes for good. He visited more than 1,400 guesthouses, and gathered all the experiences. With putting all of it down with words, he has published 14 books, about “Living, Food and Traveling.”

Activity: Date with the “CEO”

Date: Nov. 7, 2014

Host: Tainan City Tourism Association, Tainan City Council


Tainan City Government Tourism Bureau,

Industrial Development & Investment Promotion Committee of Tainan City


13:30 Registration

13:50 Introduction

14:00 Speech of “CEO”

16:00 Q&A

16:20 End

Traveling With

The CEO Translated By Chih-Kai Hong

Sun Moon Lake Fireworks-Music and

Come!Bike Day Festival Translated by Burton Chiu

Sun Moon Lake has exhibited a great occasion of “Sun Moon Lake Fireworks-Music and Come!Bike Day Festival” from October 17th to November 9th, in total of six concerts within four weeks. Everyone is welcome to come to Sun Moon Lake and join us on this great festival.

“2014 Come!Bike Day” is going to be at Sun Moon Lake on the last day of the festival, which is November 9th. For the first time, the event provides antique bicycles for visitors to ride on and brings us back to the old times to experience an elegant atmosphere for the festival. There is also firework shows in between. With the melodious symphonic sound and the bright reflection brought out by the fireworks on the lake at night, visitors will be touched with the scene and the beauty of Sun Moon Lake.

The Sun Moon Lake international fireworks festival is exhibited on October every year, and this has been the most represented event that brought in the most tourists to visit. In the “Shanye Fireworks-Music Festival” this year. “The North Face” will start with a wonderful musical performance for the opening on October 18th, and they will continue perform for another four weeks during the festival. Taiwan Mobile Ltd. Musical concert, ”Our future isn’t a dream”, will beon October 25th. Sinjhu symphonic band will perform “Disney Wonderland Concert” on October 26th, Butterfly symphonic band will perform “Sunshine in All Seasons” and Hunggu band will perform “Original Rock in the wind” on November 1st, Taipei Fuhsiung private school will perform “Orchestra overflow the Lake” on November 8thand 2014 Taiwan bicycle festival “Come!Bikeday” will be the finale on November 9th, during the shows, there will be fireworks blooming simultaneously. Therefore and once again, we welcome everyone to come join us to experience the beauty and differences of the scenes during day and night at our beautiful Sun Moon Lake.

For more information please visit the website stated: http://tinyurl.com/ltorclk

Because of the continuity of cooking oil crisis, we are all asking that

what is good, safe, and healthy to consume. The mayor responded us

that Tainan sesame oil is safe and healthy oil for cooking with no

burden. As the oil crisis going on, City of Tainan is willing to

provide high quality and healthy sesame oil for our consumers.

The Tainan Government has been in a big battle to eliminate industrial oil being part of the cooking oil

regarding to those manufacturers with non conscience. It is the season for sesame seeds to producing sesame oil. Therefore, the Tainan government put on a promotion

for sesame oil on October 21st.. William Lai, our Mayor, said “Sesame oil is a healthy alternative oil for cooking, and 90 percent of the total sesame production in Taiwan is from Tainan.” He also encourage people to use sesame

oil for pan fried, boil, deep fried.

The Commissioner of Agriculture department, Hancing Syu, indicated that the amount of what we have cultivated is

growing year by year. There are many farm contracted with Farmer’s association from 150, 132, 80 hectares in Shanhua,

Sigang and Anding district respectively. To ensure the revenue for farmers, the buyout price for the sesame is 90 to

110NTD per catty. With recommendations from pesticide residual analysts, the

farmer’s association will monitor the productions and the procedures to make sure the highest possible quality of

sesame oil.

Coffee made in Dongshan, Tainan, Taiwan, has been well known for more than 60 years. Cultivated by organic fertilizers, Coffee Arabica has been one of the best over the world, which are planted over 150 hectares in Dongshan.

During Dongshan Coffee Festival, the red coffee fruit and the green tangerine combine into a very unique and beautiful scenery in between October to November every year. Therefore, not only coffee beans but also tangerines are famous local products in Dongshan. A visit to the coffee blvd. in Dongshan District, you can enjoy greatness of the coffee as well as the tangerine. Not only do they offer the walk through trial of the tangerine collection, but also provide the special local tour for coffee ecology.

In recent years, Dongshan Coffee Festival and Guanziling Hot Spring Festival have often been putting together to bring in more visitors. Combined with the hiking and hot spring ctivities, tourists would definitely have a great time enjoying the beauty of Tainan.

Festival Info: Date: From October 1stto November 31st Siraya National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau Address:73257 No. 1-1, Xiancao, Xiancao Village, Baihe District, Tainan City Tel:886-6-6840307

2014 Dongshan Coffee Festival Translated by Wei-Jen Li

2F, 6, Younghua Rd., Anping Dist, Tainan City http://foreigner.tainan.gov.tw/en 06-299-1111 #8244 TainanFAC on Facebook

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