table of contents - martial arts usa · table of contents ... discuss the importance of its meaning...

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................................................1

ABOUT THE AUTHORS ..........................................................................................................................................2

MAUSA MEMBER SPOTLIGHT- AKF Athens Martial Arts .....................................................................................3

QUOTES AND WORDS OF WISDOM .............................................................................................................................4

ARTICLES ................................................................................................................................................................5

NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ............................................................................................................................8

DID YOU KNOW? ...................................................................................................................................................10

SAYING OF THE MONTH ..................................................................................................................................... 11

FUTURE EVENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 11

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Kenneth Lones

Mr. Lones holds the traditional ranks of Black Belt Sixth Dan-Karate, Second Dan-Jujutsu. He also holds Black Belts, advanced ranks and Instructor certifications in several other arts ranging from the traditional to the more modern combative methods. Integrated Martial Concepts Academy offers three tracks of martial arts training ranging from a comprehensive traditional non sport program to more modern training programs for the general public and security professional community to include specialized training in the blade arts. Instruction is provided through private/semi-private training sessions and seminar. Those that are interested in certification and/or beginning an IMC training

group at their school should contact Mr. Lones at

Andrew Stolarik

Andrew Stolarik has 27 years in the martial arts. He has proven his skills time and time again through his knowledge, experiences, and hardcore training to become the best martial artist among his peers. He is a simple man who considers himself as a student first, physical culturist second and teacher last.

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AKF Athens Martial Arts is a traditional martial arts school. Not only do they teach usable physical skills and techniques, but they also emphasize the development and growth of the total individual. AKF Athens works to instill in their students such values and attributes as tolerance, serenity, self-discipline, self-confidence, and respect for others. Their black belt staff is dedicated to providing the finest possible instruction and guidance in order to produce students who, because of their mental and physical sense of well-being, find little need to rely on the use of physical force.

The head instructor of AKF Athens Martial Arts is Mr. Ken Blumreich, overseen by Grandmaster Tommy Lunsford and Master Lloyd Holden. Mr. Blumreich has been active in the martial arts since 1990. He opened his own studio in 2000 and joined MAUSA in 2007 after merging his existing studio with Itto Self Defense under Grandmaster Tommy Lunsford.

The primary martial arts style is Kyuki-Do, a Korean martial art that incorporates elements of Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido and Judo. Kyuki-Do was introduced to the United States in 1967 by Grand Master Ok Hyung Kim, the founder of the art. Grand Master Kim went on to found the American Kyuki-Do Federation (Kyuki-Do's sanctioning body) in 1979. Kyuki-Do is designed to be practical, versatile, and effective at a variety of different ranges and in a variety of different situations. The Tae Kwon Do - derived kicks and strikes provide excellent power at medium and long range, while the throws, locks, chokes and joint manipulation of Judo and Hapkido allow for effective close range fighting and grappling. Kyuki-Do is a living, growing martial art that continues to expand and change. In addition to the core elements of Tae Kwon Do, Judo and Hapkido, Kyuki-Do also includes techniques from Jujitsu, Karate, boxing, wrestling, traditional weapons from Okinawa and the Philippines, and many other arts and styles. Kyuki-Do is more than just an effective system of self defense; it is a martial art that encourages students to realize their own potential, physically, mentally and spiritually. Students of Kyuki-Do learn discipline, self-control, patience, persistence and respect for themselves and others. Students are expected to continually strive to perfect themselves, both in the do jang, and in every other area of their life.

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"Master the divine techniques of the Art of Peace and no enemy will dare to challenge you."

- Ueshiba Morihei

"Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really NO PATH."

- Ueshiba Morihei

"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."

- Sun Tzu

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

- Sun Tzu

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ARTICLES An Introduction to the “Circles of Influence Concept” and the Four Ranges of Combat by Ken Lones

The Master’s Circle concept in its totality provides the student with a complete understanding of the ranges of combat, body positioning, body movement, and the ability to perform all technical aspects of the Martial Arts and it would take volumes to discuss the importance of its meaning in training. However, in order to comprehend this concept, the student must begin by breaking down the components. The core of the Master’s Circle defines the individual(s) at the center of the conflict and provides an understanding of the four (4) basic ranges of combat through the use of Tactical


Each individual is surrounded by three (3) basic “Circles of Influence” and has four (4) basic patterns of movement. Using the above reference chart (inset square), imagine looking down on an individual preparing to engage in combat. NOTE: The line segments identify the position of the individual where they intersect.

Basic Circles of Influence

a. The outside circle is the farthest applicable point in which the individual may attack with a kick. b. The middle circle is the farthest applicable point in which the individual may attack with a hand

strike whether it is a punch or other applicable method. c. The innermost circle defines the body’s core position. It is at this range where control of the

opponent’s limbs comes into play through trapping or locking methods.


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Basic Patterns of Movement

d. The center line that defines forward and reverse movement. e. The cross line that defines lateral movement –right and left.

NOTE: These are base level explanations of movement. As we progress in training we learn to cut the angles through tai sabaki to add diagonal stepping.

Once you understand how these “Circles of Influence” are drawn to define the attacker and the defender in an applicable situation, the student is able to research how distance dictates the most applicable attack and defense method. Using the reference chart provided, the student should be able to view the importance of controlling the distance within a fight.

Four (4) Basic Ranges of Combat

(NOTE: reference 1 and 2 are provided for clarity sake and are considered to be a part of a separate topic)

1. The attacker and defender square off. Neither is in a position to attack the other. In order to attack, an individual must commit to movement.

2. The attacker has closed the distance thus increasing the threat. Although not able to attack without

continuing to commit to movement, the attacker is in a position to quickly and decisively “close the gap” to quickly take control of the fight.

3. Long Range/Kicking Range: The outermost circles have overlapped. This is the first of the four (4)

ranges of combat. At this point, both the attacker and defender may use kicks against one another.

4. Medium Range/Striking Range: The midpoint circles have overlapped. At this range, both the attacker and defender may use hand techniques.

5. Close Range/Trapping Range: The innermost circles have overlapped. At this range, a variety of

trapping and/or locking methods may be used to control the fight.

6. Close-Close Range/Grappling Range: This is a complete overlap of the two base representative drawings. This may be defined as the “Killzone” or “Bullseye” in class (a Ken’ism). What is meant by these definitions is that all of a fighter’s attributes have come into play. Both individuals have the ability to kick, strike, trap, and grapple with the opponent. The reference chart for this range is separated out and shown darker than the others to note its importance. At this range, someone will ultimately be in total domination of the fight. It is “do or die” range. Either the attacker or the defender is in the “crosshairs” and one is about to be “Shotdown”(a Ken’ism)

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Challenge: See how well you stack up by Andrew Stolarik

When training for the next big thing or just training I like to keep the intensity level high. Why? Because it helps me to keep focused as to why I am training. You never know who will challenge you, a Jiu-Jitsuan will challenge you to test your skill level. It is always a fight. There are several individuals out there who share my training habits and my philosophy of training. I learn from these individuals and keep them in good company for inspiration as well.

At the end of each article I write for the VOICE I will attach a challenge workout to be completed. They will be challenging but will also train you physically and mentality. Keep in mind this is how I train too and I will also be completing them as well. Your goal is to just do it at any time, any place and with any type of clothing you have on. I assume that you do not have any access to a gym or weights. I call these types of workouts Spartan Prison Challenges because you are training like one of the best warriors and in a confined area. The outcome of these workouts is to prove to yourself that you can rise to called occasion to live life and survive.

So, for the first Challenge I want you to start training for a 5k race. Take this month and start running. Start out slow and by the end of the month run a 5k race. You can download a couch to a 5k race program to help you; however, I found it easier to just start running. Run for distance and then walk for the same distance that you just ran. For example- run for about 100 meters, than walk for 100 meters. Do these for one mile by the end of the week try to run one 1 mile and make your rest periods very short. Keep doing this until you can run for 1 mile without stopping. Now it’s time to start pushing yourself and go for two miles and then three miles.

Another way to train is starting using circuit training with your running. For 5 sets (rounds) complete- 10 push-ups, run 100 meters, 25 squats and time yourself. For the more advanced 5 rounds complete- 25 push-ups, run 400 meters, 25 squats. Always time yourself keeping your training quick. Do not drag it out because if you do than you will get bored and not complete the training.

I know for some of you 5k (3.1 miles) maybe to long but if you want it bad enough than you will get it. While training, add in sets of 15 push-ups as well, this will help with your endurance. Now, go and sign up for a 5k race. In the next edition I will post my time so you can see that I do practice what I preach and also see if you can beat my time.

Author- Andrew Stolarik. I am not only a martial artist but I also competed in strongman contests, obstacle races, and road races. I am also a personal trainer to those who wants to live the warrior lifestyle.

Hybrid Jiu-Jitsu Instructor – Andrew Stolarik

258 Main St Loganville GA (770) 294-7781

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N EWS from Kawa Shi Judo Club

On June 23, 2012, Kawa Shi Judo/Jujutsu club in Decatur, AL, hosted a tournament to bring together multiple grappling styles. The tournament had fighters ranging from 6 years old to the mid 40s, and from the fighting styles of Judo, BJJ, Japanese Jujutsu, and 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu. Competitors came from as far away as Athens, GA. The club utilized the AAU (American Athletic Union) Freestyle Judo rules, with hopes to spread the tournament format so that they may host an AAU regional tournament.

“The tournament was a success. We did not expect to have as many competitors as we did. I believe we had approximately 25 fighters. It was awesome!” said Justin Jackson, the tournament coordinator.

NEWS from Hybrid Jiu-jitsu/Andrew Stolarik

July 21, 2012 there was a great grappling tournament (NAGA) that was held in Atlanta, GA. Dojos from all over the southeast gathered to take part in the event. Hybrid Jiu Jitsu attended the tournament with 5 fighters and all placed. Joseph Barnes (7 years/young) placed 2nd in the gi division, Steve Welden (54 years/ young placed 1st in the Expert division), Melissa Smith (women’s group placed 2nd in the no-gi division) and Josh Chandler (men’s group placed 3rd in the no-gi division). Steve, Melissa and Josh all had been training at Hybrid Jiu Jitsu for only 2 months with no prior

experience of ground fighting. Steve, however, has 35+ years of experience of wrestling which was very evident on the mat. They fought with honor and with very systematic movements. The best part was their mindset. They never gave up and fought with the heart of a warrior. It is an honor to have them as my students and for that I am very thankful.

I, Andy Stolarik, would like to congratulate Joseph Barnes, Steve Welden, Melissa Smith and Josh Chandler on their promotions in Jiu Jitsu. Joseph earned a stripe on his yellow belt. That stripe moves him one step closer to the next belt. Steve, Melissa and Josh earned their red stripe (Jukyu) on their white belt. These stripes are not easy to earn. It takes dedication, trust, a warrior mindset

and heart to earn a stripe and a belt from Hybrid Jiu Jitsu. This is a big honor to have. Congratulations to Everybody on their promotions.

NEWS from Grandmaster Carroll Mooneyhan

On July 13,2012, several students of the Dojo Martial Arts School competed in the US Open Martial Tournament held in Orlando Florida. The following pictures identifies six of the school members along with Master Kevin Bergquist, school owner/operator.

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Upon their return, the City of Bradenton (located on the west coast of Florida) rallied to show support for this warriors. A local landmark business took the time to advertise on their billboard to show their support. On July 22, 2012, Competitors of the US Open were honored by throwing out the first pitch to start the local Minor Leagues Baseball game (Bradenton Marauders). I would like to congratulate the US Open competitors and stress the importance of community involvement and support. With on-going public information, awareness, and education programs, school owners will continue to be a respected part of the community. Pictured (Front-L-R) Teddy Siedlecki, Kayla Siedlecki, Noah Tratz, Adam Schwanzer, Mason Ware. (Back-L-R) Kevin Bergquist, Omar Oliver Sigismund Schwanzer

NEWS from one of our new members – Hamilton Judo Club

The Hamilton Judo Club began as a few guys getting together at Rhea Martials Arts under Nidan Lauren Rhea. Soon the interest caught on and the Hamilton Judo Club was formed. We currently have 10 students, a spring floor, and a whole lot of eagerness. Training is conducted on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday of each week. We are a low cost club and welcome people of all ages. We are excited to be affiliated with MAUSA.

On July 14, 2012, Dr. Beard and Master Hill held a clinic at the Hamilton Judo Club. They put us through the paces, covering five different throws, several arm locks, and most of the pins. We enjoyed it, but were quite sore for a few days.

From GM John Chambers

To All My Martial Arts Family: In the event that you have not heard, Professor Sands of the Orlando area passed away yesterday on the 5th of July. Vincent Sands was still very active in teaching the martial arts and to my knowledge had no serious health issues. It was a reported to me that Sands got up yesterday morning, grabbed his usual cup of coffee and went into the bathroom to shave and freshen-up. Without warning or any previous signs of trouble, he had a massive heart attack and fell to the floor. Members of his family heard him fall and found him on the floor. I had taught Vincent Sands and competed with him at

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several martial arts contests. His grandson who we called; "Quick Sands" was also a super competitor and worked his way up the ranks to black belt. Vincent Sands was a real gentleman, always had a big smile on his face, and would grab and hug his friends no matter where they were. Vincent was a family man and took care of his responsibilities as a father, caring for a daughter who was handicapped for so many years. He was a great teacher, competitor and a real personal friend of mine. I do not have any information on burial arrangements yet, but will pass them on for those who were close to him. May he rest in peace, Professor John Chambers, Retired, Founder of MAUSA.


Congrats to Kayla Harrison and all US competitors

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“The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already.” John Buchan

FUTURE EVENTS August 10-12 2012 Internal Martial Arts and Healing Arts Camp For more information please contact Alex Ormaza at or Troy J. Price at August 17-19 2012 Martial Arts USA Summer Clinic Athens GA

For more information concerning the MAUSA Clinic please contact Professor Ken Blumreich (706)353-7743 or Master Patricia Hill via email at

August 25 2012 2012 Nito Judo Cup For more information please contact tournament director at or visit webstie at September 8 2012 Martial Arts Training Seminar with Troy J. Price Vero Beach FL For more information please contact David Roth at (772)563-9333

When:August 10, 11 & 12, 2012Friday; 6:00 PM to 9:30Saturday; 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Lunch)Sunday; 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Where: (20 minutes South from Charlotte, NC)

Ormaza’s Family Karate School171 West Trade St. (Dallas Towne Plaza)Dallas, North Carolina 28034

Cost: $108.00 All 3-Days Pre-Registration by 08-03-2012$125.00 All 3-Days Registered After 08-03-2012Friday Only $45.00 Saturday Only $75.00 Sunday Only $55.00

All Are Welcome:This seminar is open to all styles & ranks; any martial artist with a desire to improve via continued study & training are welcome.

For Information Contact: Alex OrmazaPhone: (704) 922-5022 or (704) 449-0026E-mail:, Website:

Troy J. PricePhone: (919) 360-7224E-mail: troysbudo@nc.rr.comWebsite:

August 10, 11 & 12, 2012 - Dallas, North Carolina

Troy J. Price, Shihan

7th Dan Shuri-Te Ju-Jutsu7th Dan Shuri-Ryu Karatedo

5th Dan, US Ju-Jitsu FederationCombative Flow TrainingQigong & Baguazhang

Alex Ormaza, Shihan

4th Dan Okinawan Kempo Karate-Jutsu4th Dan, Torite-Jutsu (DSI)

3rd Dan, RyuTe Renmai1st Dan, Shuri-Te Ju-Jutsu

Qigong Instructor

Paul J. Cote, Renshi

Master Level, BaguazhangMaster Level, Xingyiquan

Taijiquan Instructor6th Dan, Isshin-Ryu Karate, IWKA


Internal Martial Arts Theory - Healing Arts - Qigong

Baguazhang - Taijiquan- Fa-Jin & Combative Fluidity

Yi Qi Jin

Nate Mohler, Sensei

Taijiquan Instructor5th Dan, Shuri-Ryu Karatedo

Doctor of Acupuncture Oriental Medicine & Assistant Clinical

Supervisor Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine

To register on-line & pay with credit card go to: see registration form on back side

Kimo Wall, Sensei

7th Dan Goju-Ryu KaratedoOkinawan KobudoQigong & Kong-LiThai MassageWhite Crane Martial Arts

“Special Guest Instructors”

Ronald Carroll

Shodan Shuri-Ryu KaratedoShodan Shuri-Te Ju-JutsuMassage Therapist & Cupping Therapy

Hwy 321

Gastonia, NC


West East


Dallas, NC

Ormaza’s Family Karate 171 West Trade St. (Dallas Towne Plaza)Dallas, NC 28034

Dallas Exit

West Trade St, SR-275/279Dallas Exit


3 Mi


32 M


To Charlotte, NC


Hickory, NC To Statesville, NC

Hotel Information:

Special Room Rates “Must Reserve Room by 07-24-2012”

in order to receive special rates Ask for the “Internal Martial Art Camp” rate

Exit 20, off I-85

FAIRFIELD INN by Marriott, $72.001860 REMOUNT RD

GASTONIA, NC 28054(704) 867-5073

COURTYARD by Marriott, $82.001856 Remount RoadGastonia, NC 28054

(704) 852-4411

Agenda, Internal Martial Arts & Healing Arts Training Camp

Lectures: Wuji, Taiji and Yin/Yang as Applied to Qigong and Martial Training

Qigong Theory for Health and Martial Power

Training Sessions: Qi Gong & Kong-Li for Vigorous Health and Martial Internal Striking Power

Gao Style Baguazhang Linear Straight Line Forms with Martial Applications

Fundamental Exercises for Healing Arts

Taijiquan Form, Qigong and Martial Applications Training

Acupressure Massage

Fa-Jin Training Explosive Body Actions & Whipping Power

Cupping Muscle Repair Therapy (instruction by Ronald Carroll)

Combative Fluidity for Fast, Efficient & Powerful Martial Techniques

Restorative Healing Techniques for after Hard Training

Combative Self-Defense Applications Employing Internal Martial Arts Principles

Proper Body Frame/Posture Three Body Coordination’s of Internal Martial Arts

And more

Please make checks payable to:

Ormaza’s Family Karate171 Dallas Towne Plaza

Dallas, NC 28034






Payment by: Check, Cash or register on-line & pay with credit card go to:

______All 3 Days Pre-Registration by August 03, 2012 $108.00

______All 3 Days Registration after August 03, 2012 $125.00

______Friday 0nly $45.00

______Saturday 0nly $75.00

______Sunday 0nly $55.00

Discover the essence behind a full circle martial artist. This one of a kind training camp is dedicated to the study of classical Internal Martial Arts and Healing Arts as practiced in China for thousands of years. Learn from the masters as they share their secrets to vibrant energy, fluidity in motion, martial power and proper healing techniques used to restore and maintain the health of yourself and others. This is a must for all External Martial Artist looking to complete their grand circle of knowledge.

Directions Southeast Gateway Y.W.C.A.

1300 South Main Street Winston-Salem, NC 27127

� Take Business I-40 into Winston-Salem.

� Take I-52 S/NC-8 S via Exit 6A toward Lexington.

� Take the very first exit (Stadium Drive - Exit 108C) about .2 of a mile on I-52.

� At the top of the exit ramp turn right onto Stadium Drive.

� Go about .4 of a mile and then turn left on E Salem Ave (just before going into Salem College)

� Go about .6 of a mile. � Enter traffic circle going to the

right. Exit traffic circle onto South Main St.

� Go .2 miles and the Southeast Gateway Y.W.C.A. will be on the right.




AUGUST 25, 2012


MALE: -60kg, -66kg, -73kg, -81kg, -90kg, -100kg, +100kg

FEMALE: -48kg, -52kg, -57kg, -63kg, -70kg, -78kg, +78kg


To be determined by number of competitors.

JUNIOR AGE DIVISIONS Age 6 and Under 7 & 8 Years Old 9 & 10 Years Old 11 & 12 Years Old 13 & 14 Years Old 15 & 16 Years Old


Light, Medium, and Heavy Weight Super Light and Super Heavy if necessary

Individual awards will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each division.

Team awards will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place junior and senior teams.


Pre-register either on the Web at or by sending the registration

form (no money required) in the mail to: 2012 Nito Judo Cup c/o Woody Bostic

1461 Doyle Cromer Rd. King, NC 27021 Pre-registration is not required, but it will streamline the registration process for the tournament organizers and it will save you $10.00 on each person pre-registered. All Web, fax, and mail pre-registrations must be received by August 22, 2012. If you experience difficulty in pre-registering, then call the tournament director or send him an e-mail at:



A male and female Open division will be offered.

All contestants will be sorted by weight from

lightest to heaviest. The competitors will be

placed on a pool sheet and paired with the next

competitor of the closest weight. Competition

will continue in single elimination style until an

eventual winner is determined. Each competitor

competing in an Open division must have

already competed in a regular division. If the

Open division has eight (8) or more competitors,

then a $100 cash prize will be awarded to the

winner. The tournament director reserves the

right to relax the number of competitors

requirement at his discretion.

Tournament Director

Woody Bostic (336)985-5166 (Home) (336)509-9678 (Cell)

The tournament director reserves the right to change or alter any division for the safety of all Judoka involved.



Any current member of USJA, USJF, or USJI. Membership forms for all three organizations

will be available at registration.

SCORING SYSTEM Modified Double Elimination or Round Robin

for divisions with 5 or less Judoka

RULES IJF rules will govern the competition with

modification for no shime-waza below 13 years old and no kansetsu-waza below 17 years old


$25.00 if Pre-Registered $35.00 if not Pre-Registered

$10.00 For Second Division (Only allowed to enter a maximum of 2 regular divisions – not

including the open division)



Official Entry Form

(Official use only) For pre-registration, complete and mail with entry fee to: Weight___________________

“2012 NITO JUDO CUP” c/o Woody Bostic Membership Verified________ 1461 Doyle Cromer Rd. King, NC 27021 Waiver/Release ________ Phone: (336) 985-5166 (home) (336) 509-9678 (cell)

Contestant’s Name (First): ________________________________ (Last): __________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________State: _______ Zip: __________ Date of Birth: (Mo)______(Day)_______(Year)_______Age:_______Sex:________ Judo Rank:____________________________ Club:_______________________ ______________________ Instructors Name_______________________ Indicate the First Division in which you wish to compete (required). Please check one.

Junior (will be placed by age and weight, must be 16 years of age or less) ____

Senior: -60kg (male)/-48kg (female) ____ -66kg (male)/-52kg (female) ____

-73kg (male)/-57kg (female) ____ -81kg (male)/-63kg (female) ____

-90kg (male)/-70kg (female) ____ -100kg (male)/-78kg (female) ____

+100kg (male)/+78kg (female)____

Masters (35+ years of age, placed by weight and rank when possible) ___

USJA #_________________USJF#________________USJI#________________(one number is required) Indicate the Second Division in which you wish to compete (optional) – Must always move up in age or weight except in the Open competition. Please check one ONLY if you are entering a second division.

Junior: Next age group but same weight group ___

Next weight group but same age group ___

Senior: -60kg (male)/-48kg (female) ____ -66kg (male)/-52kg (female) ____

-73kg (male)/-57kg (female) ____ -81kg (male)/-63kg (female) ____

-90kg (male)/-70kg (female) ____ -100kg (male)/-78kg (female) ____

+100kg (male)/+78kg (female)____

****Open Competition ($100 Cash Prize Possibility) ___


WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way, including travel to and from the 2012 Nito Judo Cup and related events and activities of United States Judo, Inc. (USA Judo), United States Judo Federation, United States Judo Association, North Carolina Judo, Inc., Nito Judo & Jujitsu, Inc., and the Southeast Gateway Y.W.C.A., I hereby: 1. Acknowledge that I am familiar with the sport of Judo and understand the rules governing the sport of Judo. 2. Agree that prior to participating, I will inspect the mats, equipment, facilities, competition pools or divisions and the

elimination or scoring system to be used, and if I believe anything is unsafe or beyond my capability, I will immediately

advise my coach, supervisor, and/or a tournament official of such conditions and refuse to participate. 3. Acknowledge and fully understand that I will be engaging in a contact sport that might result in serious injury, including permanent disability or death, and severe social and economic losses due to not only my own actions,

inactions, or negligence, but also to the actions, inactions, or negligence of others, the rules of the sport of Judo, or conditions of the premises or of any equipment used. Further, I acknowledge that there may be other risks not known

to me or not reasonably foreseeable at this time. 4. Knowing the risks involved in the sport of Judo, I assume all such risks and accept personal responsibility for the

damages caused by, arising out of, resulting from or following such injury, permanent disability, or death.

5. Release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue the United States Judo, Inc., United States Judo Federation,

United States Judo Association, North Carolina Judo, Inc., Nito Judo & Jujitsu, Inc., Southeast Gateway Y.W.C.A.,

Tournament Director, Tournament Organizers, Tournament Staff, together with their affiliated clubs, their respective

administrators, directors, agents, coaches and other employees or volunteers of the organization, event officials,

medical personnel, other participants, their parents, guardians, supervisors and coaches, sponsoring agencies,

sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners, lessors, and lessees of premises used to conduct the event, all of

whom are hereinafter referred to as "releasee", from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions, causes of actions

or damages on account of injury, including permanent disability and death and damage to property (Collectively,

“Liabilities”), caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the acts or omissions of the release, even if

arising from their negligence, OR OTHERWISE to the fullest extent permitted by law.






Participant's Printed Name Participant's Signature Date


This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her

release, as provided above, of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to

indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my minor child's involvement or

participation in these programs as provided above, even if arising from their negligence, to the fullest extent permitted

by law. I have instructed the minor participant as to the above warnings and conditions and their ramifications.

Parent/Guardian's Printed Name Parent/Guardian's Signature Date

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