table of contents - blues guitar unleashed...we want to keep the “rules” to a minimum. keep it...

Post on 03-Apr-2020






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Information for new forum users

Table of Contents Forum Etiquitte (PLEASE READ) ............................................................................................................... 2

Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................................................... 2

Where is it? ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Where are Griff’s Freebies? ............................................................................................................. 2

Where are Griff’s Jam Tracks? .......................................................................................................... 2

Where can I find information on: Recording, Hardware, Software… ................................................. 2

How Do I? ............................................................................................................................................ 3

How do I move between user levels? ............................................................................................... 3

How do I post pictures or recordings? (Post a link to your picture) ................................................... 3

How do I post pictures or recordings? (Post a Picture directly in the forum) ..................................... 3

What do all these buttons do? ......................................................................................................... 7

How do I record my lessons? ........................................................................................................... 8

Moderator Suggestions- .......................................................................................................................... 8

How you should fill out your profile. ................................................................................................ 8

Take some time, Explore the Forum ................................................................................................. 9

Have a question? ............................................................................................................................. 9

To contact Griff, ............................................................................................................................... 9

Information for new forum users

Forum Etiquitte (PLEASE READ) 11/15/09

Forum friends,

We moderators have noticed some friendly jabbing at one another recently, and while joking and

friendly kidding is not something that we want to discourage, we would just like to ask that you

please police yourselves and try to keep it to a minimum and at all times friendly.

Unfortunately what starts out as friendly kidding can at times go too far and become at best tedious

for the rest of the forum members and at worst hurtful.

Remember that this is an international and interracial place for people across the globe and

sensibilities/sensitivities vary by local culture. Please always ensure that your posts remain

respectful, positive and supportive taking the above into account.

Your Moderators,

Chuck, John and Mike


In addition to the above, we would ask that you voluntarily police your language so as not to offend

others. Griff has removed all of the censored words from the Forum and he relies on everyone to

maintain civility at all all times.

Remember, your favorite Colorful Metaphor followed by a Smiley Face or masked by #, $ or any

special characters, does not necessarily make it okay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is it?

Where are Griff’s Freebies?

Griff has taken the time to provide some free information extend his courses.

You can find links to some great information in the BGU area. Here’s a link:

Where are Griff’s Jam Tracks?

Griff has provided us with some really great Jam Tracks to play along with.

They are not technically part of the course but they provide some fun

additional playing opportunities, and you can find them here:

Where can I find information on: Recording, Hardware, Software…

We strongly encourage everyone to record their work and share it with the

Information for new forum users

community, so we’re trying to build a library of recording tips, hardware and

software. Take a look here:

How Do I?

How do I move between user levels?

User levels are just a fun way for you to see who creates the most posts.

That’s it. It’s all based on the number of times you post questions, answers

or whatever to the forum. There are no hidden perks that go along with

the various status levels.

All new forum members start at YaBB Newbie (YaBB is the forum


At 50 posts you move from YaBB Newbie to Junior Member

At 100 posts you move from Junior Member to Full Member

At 250 posts you move from Full Member to Senior Member

At 500 posts you move from Senior Member to God Member

How do I post pictures or recordings? (Post a link to your picture)

Yep, we’ve got an area about that too. Take a look here:

How do I post pictures or recordings? (Post a Picture directly in the


Thanks to Chuck for this section:

Now for posting regular pics! Please Use the Test Section, as I did, to play with these

instructions. It makes it easier to find and clean up later.

I used these instructions to post my pics in the Test Area.

Save the picture that you want to upload to your desktop, or anywhere

that you can easily find it. Make sure the file is saved a .jpg, or .jpeg (If you

want to post this picture on the Forum, it must be less than 350k. Paint

Brush, and most graphics programs will re-size the picture for you.

Information for new forum users

To include a picture within a post, you can attach a picture from your

computer, by clicking on the Browse button below the text window.

Browse to the location on your computer that contains the file you want to

attach. Your picture must be less than 350KB.

Files must be of the type specified in the note below the Browse Button.

Information for new forum users

To upload your Avatar:

Now, Go to: If you don't have an account (Free), create

one at this time. Thank Bluewater (Dave) for turning us on to this site!

Information for new forum users

Your TinyPic page should look like this:

Or like this: (except your pictures, not mine)

- Once you have an account, sign in, and click Browse.

- Locate your image on your computer, click on your picture, and then click


- Now, select the Image button, below that click on the "Resize" option.

For personal picture on this Forum, select "Message Board" 640x480.

For Avatars, if your file is smaller than 350k, you can select Website/Email

or Avatar (the “website” option will allow people to click on your avatar

and see a slightly larger image)

Information for new forum users

- Now click the “Upload Now” button.

Once your image has uploaded you should see the following screen:

(Your file information will be there instead of mine)

Under the field that says Direct Link for Layouts you should see a link to your file

(Something like this:

Copy that link and then you can paste it into your profile in the “I have my own

pic:” field or, if you are trying to load it into a regular post, past it into the

What do all these buttons do?

Some like Home, Help, Search and Logout are self explanatory.

“Members” is a list of all the users that have ever joined the forum.

“My Favorites” will create a pointer to the post that you are looking at

create an area for all your favorite posts. You won’t see this button until

you press “Add to Favorites” within a posting.

“Profile” is the area where you tell us a little about yourself.

“Notification” will allow you to be sent an email when someone creates a

new post in one our forum areas.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 all

When you see this at the top it means that there

are several pages of postings. Page one will have the

oldest posts.

Information for new forum users

Reply, Send to a friend, Print and Mark as unread should be self

explanatory. Notification and Add to favorites are explained above, so

the only new button is:

“Add A Poll” Use this button if you want to ask the

community there opinion on a topic. We’ve had polls on things like

“What’s your skill level” and “What do you think of the Blues Junior

amp”. Please use this sparingly.

How do I record my lessons?

Check out the “Recording Tips and Tricks” section. There are several

categories at the very top that should help.

Moderator Suggestions- This is a fun group of like minded people. We want to keep the “Rules” to a minimum. Keep it friendly,

Keep it clean, Have fun. Here are a few suggestions for making the forum a better place for us all. And

that’s all they are, suggestions.

How you should fill out your profile.

-Use the profile area to let us know where you are. Sooner or later people

will ask, so why not tell us now?

Press the “PROFILE” button at the top of the screen, then press the

“MODIFY” button. Enter your password, and then select the “OPTIONS” tab.

From here you can add your signature (Name and location works. E.G. Jane

Doe, Sidney, Australia)

You can add some personal text such as a favorite quote or your own Blues


If you are comfortable with it, add a picture of yourself. It really helps to

connect a name with a face.

Here’s how: (Thanks to Chuck for this section)

Save the picture that you want to use as your avatar to your desktop, or

anywhere that you can easily find it. Make sure the file is saved as a .jpg, or

.jpeg (If you want to post this picture on the Forum, it must be less than

350k. Paint Brush, and most graphics programs will re-size the picture for


Next, go to: (This site is user friendly) If you don't have an

account (Free), create one at this time. Thank Bluewater (Dave) for turning us

on to this site!

Once you have an account, sign in, and click Upload, select the Image button,

below that click on the "Resize" option.

For personal picture next to your name on this Forum, select Avatar.

Information for new forum users

After the file posts to your tinypic account, click on the image.

Your image will highlight, and give you a few options. Select "View Raw


Your image will come up in a new window, with the address at the top

ending in .jpg (ie: Make sure the Address

ends in .jpg (or .jpeg) or it will not post to the YaBBC Forum.

Highlight the address bar, and right click your mouse and select "Copy"

Now go to your profile page here on the BGU forum and select Options.

In the first Block, select "No Pic"

In the next Block, select: "Have Own Pic"

Click on the address window, and then Right click, select Paste, and the

address you copied should appear in the window.

Now scroll down to the bottom, and click "Change Profile"

It will advance to the next page, click "Change Profile" again.

That should do it! I hope this helps, I know it can be frustrating. I did follow

these same procedures, and posted my new Avatar to my profile, so I know it


Take some time, Explore the Forum

-Try to keep forum areas on topic.

For instance; The “Introduce Yourself area is… Right a way to introduce

yourself and say hello, not to ask questions, we have “The Lounge” for that.

-See page count at bottom of screen.

-One forum member suggested “Read till your eyes bleed”. I wouldn’t

suggest going quite that far, but there’s a lot of good information here, take

advantage of it.

-Try not to start a new post if there is an old post on the same topic. This way

all the information on a topic is in one post thread and not spread

everywhere on the forum

Have a question?

Search before you ask, but if you can’t find it, PLEASE ask! If you don’t want

to ask in the public forum, you can always us the PM (Personal Message)

feature to talk directly to just one person. Just click on the person’s user

name and you will be taken to their profile. Scroll about half way down the

screen and you will find:

Personal Message: Click to send a Personal Message to XXXX (User name)

Or if you want to take the question off the Forum entirely, use the :

Email: Click to send an email to XXXX (User name)

To contact Griff, you can PM him, his user name is Griff, or you can send him

an email at If your question is urgent,

Information for new forum users

Griff suggests email, because he checks it more frequently.

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