t2 w3 causes of climate change

Post on 06-May-2015






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climate change intro + causes

what is happening to our climate?

where’s the ice?

where’s the ice?

where’s the ice?

WHY is this


• Define “climate change”

• Explain natural causes of climate change

• Explain human causes of climate change

by the end of the lesson


qns 1Climate Change is the same as Global Warming


True? False?

qns 1Climate Change is the same as Global Warming


True? False?

Climate change = climate patterns changing. It’s not just warming. Includes cooling.

Global warming = increase in temperature ONLY.

qns 2Climate Change is caused by humans only.

True? False?

qns 2Climate Change is caused by humans only.

True? False?

There are natural causes to climate change.

qns 3Climate Change is a recent phenomenon

True? False?

qns 3Climate Change is a recent phenomenon

True? False?

Earth Climate has been changing as a cycle naturally for millions of years.

Temperature of the world has been changing throughout history naturally.

There were times where Earth was cooler than today = ice age

qns 4Since there has been climate change throughout history, there is nothing to worry.

True? False?

qns 4Since there has been climate change throughout history, there is nothing to worry.

True? False?

The recent changes since 1881 is more significant than what happened in history.

Climate Change has been within a small temperature range

Climate Change has been within a small temperature range

But since 1881, the increase is higher than what happened in history

key concepts


climate change= changes / variations in global climate patterns in the long term

climate change= changes / variations in global climate patterns in the long term

= not just changes in average temperature. Eg: Changes in when the seasons occur is also climate change!

climate change= changes / variations in global climate patterns in the long term

climate change= changes / variations in global climate patterns in the long term



it h



global warmingINCREASE in global temp. after a long period of time

climate change= changes / variations in global climate patterns in the long term



it h



global warmingINCREASE in global temp. after a long period of time

global coolingDECREASE in global temp. after a long period of time

one way it happens…

greenhouse effectNATURAL effect of greenhouse gases trapping energy from the sun to warm the Earth.

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

greenhouse effect

But if we…..

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases

+ Greenhouse Gases+ Greenhouse Gases

= ENHANCED greenhouse effect

enhanced greenhouse effect

≠ (is not the same as)

global warming

enhanced greenhouse effect

≠ (is not the same as)

global warming

= more greenhouse gas = more greenhouse effect

= more heat trapped

= increase in temperature

enhanced greenhouse effect

global warming

= more greenhouse gas = more greenhouse effect

= more heat trapped

= increase in temperature

enhanced greenhouse effect

global warming

= more greenhouse gas = more greenhouse effect

= more heat trapped

= increase in temperature

one of the causes of

once we understand the concepts…

how do we explain that something caused climate change?

Let’s work backwards…

climate change

climate change

global warming


climate change

global warming


global cooling


climate change

various factors

climate change

global warming


various factors

climate change

global warming


global cooling


various factors

climate change

global warming


global cooling


increase in global temp.

various factors

climate change

global warming


global cooling


increase in global temp.

decrease in global temp.

various factors

once we understand the concepts…

causes of climate change


refer to your textbook pg 98-108fill up the story in the handout

determine what are the possible reactions and outcomes

try mission on coursemology

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