t shirt slogans

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    B1. Caution Blonde Thinking

    B32. Riddle: If 4 drivers come to a 4-a! sto" at e#actl! the same time$

    hose turn is it% It&s '( T)R*+

    ,3. It took me / !ears to look this good.

    ,00. I idn&t o It ... nd I&ll *ever o It gain+

    1/. Teachers are ea"ons of 'ass Instruction

    11. If I as !ou$ I ouldn&t e me+

    14. 5chool is here the! "ut !ou to learn

    hile !ou&re tr!ing to do other things.

    42. nd !our "oint is...

    40. If !ou don&t ant me looking$ sto" looking so good+

    6. It&s onl! funn! until someone falls...then it&s hilarious

    It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure why take the chance. -

    Ronald Regan

    I drink to make other people interesting. --George Jean athan

    So Many Men, So Little Point Anonymous.

    I Want to Be a Millionaire (That's My Final Answer) Jo Bales, of Falls Church.

    You Have the i!ht to e"ain Silent# Anythin! You Say Will Be Mis$uote%, Then &se% A!ainst You"a fellow sufferer in the newspaper business," who reports that it broke all sales records at a recent scribes

    They an Sen% Me to olle!e But They an't Mae Me Thin T.. !ilson, of Tucson.

    A oo% Lawyer *nows the Law# a reat Lawyer *nows the +u%!e J.J. Bonsinore, of #ensinton.

    He Who Lau!hs Last Thins Slowest $ike %arrish, of Arlinton.

    Plaes to o, Peo-le to Annoy. Carl Binswaner, of ake &ide.

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    .Finally /0, an% Le!ally A1le to 2o 3verythin! I've Been 2oin! Sine /4. Tom !heeler.

    .I'" a 5atural Blon%e 6 S-ea Slowly. Ted 'udson, of Centre(ille.

    .I &se% to Be Shi7o-hreni, But 5ow We're +ust Fine. Barbara )anu(en.

    .I8 You an't Beat The", Arran!e to Have The" Beaten. *hawn $cCausland.

    .An% You're Tellin! Me This Beause999. *unni Bond !inkler.

    .:ut o8 Bo%y 6 Ba in Ten Minutes. #aren &e+neck.

    .I'" a onsultant 6 You Have to Pay to Tal to Me. $ike sdan.

    I like cats too. Lets exchange recipes.

    I&m looking for a 7uic! sin to commit.

    82. I have total recall$ 7erk+

    83. (our assertiveness training is earing thin m! nger 'anagement+

    84. I used to soar ith eagles efore I got sucked into a 7et engine.

    86. Bathroom 5tall Cruiser

    80. 9ethal )se of arce

    8. 5ervice ith 5mile. ;ecause I messed ith !our ordereo"le ho need "eo"le$ are ... code"endent.

    81. Carr! !our on emotional aggage+

    81=. If at first !ou don&t succeed$ don&t go sk!diving.

    82/. oulda Coulda 5houlda

    821. '! ,randchildren 'ust Be 5"oiled Because The! 5mell Bad+

    822. I can multi-task ;talk and "iss !ou off at the same timeretentious 5lo

    843. 8umid Resources

    844. Tourists Be ,one+

    846. (ou+ Futta the ,ene >ool.

    840. There is no @me@ in team. *o$ ait$ !es there is+

    84. I&ve never ever ever ever ever een in denial+

    84. I&m not su"ersticious at all$ knock on ood.

    84=. I&m a good ook. anna curl u" ith me%

    86/. >ickle >eo"le o It ith Relish

    861. (ou 8ave The Right To Remain iolent

    862. um" 8im

    863. 8oe e"ot

    864. Bro&s Before 8o&s

    866. I learn all m! social skills from m! television set.

    860. on&t make me send m! fl!ing monke!s after !ou+

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    86. 5orr! for the stu"idit!. It started efore I as orn.

    86. I&' 5)B9I'I*9 '55*,R.eat me$ eat me$ eat me$ eat me

    86=. If at first !ou do succeed$tr! not to look astonished.

    80/. ll ,eneraliDations re alse.

    801. I&m a 9ocal. ,o aa!+

    802. 5cent is tied to memor!$ ut all I can rememer are farts.

    803. *o need to get defensive ;hen !ou can get offensive insteadisses 'e Fff+

    B11. Recovering nal Retentive

    B12. Cons"irac! Theorist

    B13. Fnce t Brat Cam" ...

    B14. Right! Tight!$ 9eft! 9oose! ;hich is true in oth

    mechanics and "oliticsoor Blood

    B34. lah$ lah$ lah$ lah$ lah

    B36. 8air 5t!list

    B30. Hust ecause it takes the Has of 9ife to get m! allet o"en doesn&t

    mean I&m chea"+

    B3. 5lo Thinkers Aee" Right.

    B3. It&s not hat others think of !ou that counts$ it&s hat !ou think

    others think of !ou that counts.

    B3=. I fart$ therefore I am

    B4/. 8emorrhoid

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    B41. I ite the hand that feeds me.

    B42. '! kid is a "regant honor student

    B43. Too 'uch Realit! T

    B44. 5lo 5ervice ith 5mile

    B46. re e There$ (et%

    B40. I m The Cold 5hiver Running on (our 5"ine

    B4. Itch!$ Titch! E Bitch!

    B4. RationaliDe 5omething Toda!+

    B4=. 'e 5o Corn!

    B6/. 8umans come in all different states of disre"air

    B61. If !ou can&t eat &em$ anno! &em+

    B62. ro ro ro !our oat

    gentl! don the stream

    merril! merril! merril! merril!

    I 7ust have to scream

    B63. ,uns don&t kill "eo"le$ I kill "eo"le.

    B64. oke u" from the merican ream

    B66. I&m a good hait to get into

    B60. aseline lle!

    B6. I like m! >icasso&s on lack velvet.

    B6. oing more harm than good

    B6=. >rogrammer *eeds Ho. illing To o indos.

    B0/. Intolerance ill not e Tolerated+

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    B01. I&m *ot 6/. I&m 4=.=6+

    B02. I&m &ogs >la!ing >oker& Aind Ff ,u!.

    B03. California: here even the illegal aliens have cell "hones.

    B04. arren Terror

    B06. huked on fonics reel! urked fer mee

    B00. I&m a 9ocal and if !ou&re not - ,F (+

    B0. >aris 8ilton 8ead

    B0. 5ometimes I im To >lease$ Fther Times I 5hoot To Aill

    B0=. >rincess

    B/. The Rules on&t ""l! To 'e

    B1. The orld Fes 'e 9iving

    B2. ,et a life% here can I donload one%

    B3. I >ee In The >ool

    B4. *ot ,uilt! B! Reason Ff Celerit!

    B6. F(+

    B0. on @*a""! 8eaded@ 8o Receives 8aaiian >unch

    5omeod! needs to ru m! ell! and tell me I&m "rett!.

    2. 8oosier add!

    3. '! 5earch ngine is making a funn! noise.

    4. sk me for directions$ I&ll tell !ou here to go.

    6. Bad 8air a!$ Can&t Think 5traight

    0. on&t 8ate 'e Because (ou in&t 'e

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    . '! al"haet sou" is hooked on "honi#.

    . California: here even the illegal aliens have cell "hones.

    =. 5ir ats--9ot

    1/. 9ose the 9osers+

    11. I&m such a Baaaad Boooo!+

    12. on&t sGueeDe the 5haman+

    13. '! dee" s"iritual cleansing ent don the drain

    14. I&ve gron tolerant to "e""er s"ra!

    16. It as a dark E storm! Anight

    10. sked me aout m! JKELed )" "ersonal life.

    1. 9ast *ight I ,ot runk and 5ta"led '! 5crotum to a og.

    1. I like to smell m! on farts.

    1=. on&t make me "ull this thing over.

    2/. It&s ala!s aout !ou isn&t it%

    21. 4M6 of the "eo"le have a "rolem ith fractions. The other 6/K don&t.

    22. I&m in *F 58> to e#ercise "atience.

    23. on&t interru"t me hile I&m talking cra".

    24. R*I*,...ll stressed out E no one to choke.

    26. F8 CR>+ (ou&re going to s"eak to me aren&t !ou%

    20. If at first !ou don&t succeed$ choose a"ath!$ dumass.

    2. >uh-9eeeeeDe+++

    2. h! do all of m! friends seem to e clingers and floaters%

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    2=. I&m 7ust a nood! ho can e a someod! hen I ant to e.

    3/. on&t give me that lank e#"ression or I&ll tatoo it+

    31. I&m smiling ecause I&ve farted.

    32. The! sa! that 'one! Talks ut mine 7ust aves @,ood!e@

    33. (our dreams are !our future. *o go to slee"+

    34. I&m ,etting In Touch ith '! !sfunctional 5ide

    36. 8air Toda!$ ,one Tomorro

    30. ,u!s: e&ll i"e our utts on the same "iece of "a"er

    that e lo our noses on.

    3. >eo"le ho live in glass houses had etter do indos.

    3. *ostalgia isn&t hat it used to e.

    3=. sadist is someone ho refuses to e mean to a masochist.

    4/. I ottle things u". (ou got a "rolem ith that+

    41. There is no "rolem so ig or com"licated that it can&t e run aa!


    42. h! don&t horses have under-ites%

    43. Hustif!. RationaliDe. 'inimiDe. ho needs realit! an!a!%

    44. Ffficer$ I kno m! rights.

    46. I lost m! tem"er$ B)T IT C' BCA+

    40. Hack 5hit. o !ou kno me%

    4. >la!s ell ith Fthers

    4. ver! man should marr!. 8a""iness isn&t ever!thing.

    4=. Clean )" on isle 2

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    6/. 5ometimes$ the light at the end of the tunnel is accom"anied !


    61. >eo"le like (F) are the reason "eo"le like ' hate >F>9+

    62. It&s onl! funn! until someone gets hurt...then it&s an merica&sunniest ideo+

    63. 9ike ird atching% 8o aout I fli" !ou one+

    64. I live in m! on little orld ut I&m running out of o#!gen.

    66. I gre u" a 9ittle >rincess and I ended u" a >orn ?ueen.

    60. I like 5>FF*I*, ut m! favorite is FRAI*,.

    6. *es lash: )ranus >roe iscovers steroids

    6. Bo!s 9ie

    6=. untie m$ hate !ou$ hate Aansas$ took the dog. - oroth!

    0/. 5to" 'e Before I 5tart 'aking 5ense+

    01. eni$ edi$ isa: I came. I 5a. I id a 9ittle 5ho""ing.

    02. I fought the lan and the lan on.

    03. Fld ge Comes at a Bad Time

    04. irst Things irst$ ut *ot *ecessaril! in That Frder.

    06. I Tried )sing Invisile Ink But I re Blank.

    00. 333 - I&m Fnl! 1M2 vil

    0. vailale for Rent

    0. hat ha""ens at m! "lace$ sta!s at m! "lace.


    8um"t! um"t!

    5at on a all$

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    8um"t! um"t!

    8ad a great fall

    ll the king&s horses

    nd all the king&s men$

    8ad second and third

    8el"ings of him.

    /. I&m getting too old for this shit.

    1. a 'an

    2. Rememer to forgive and forget$ and not to forget to forgive.

    I have a mind like a steel tra"eDe.

    2. 8eart 2 5iDes 2 5mall

    3. (ou ant it !esterda!% e&ll have to reschedule that.

    4. I&m a "aranoid riter ho has develo"ed Guite a folloing.

    6. I have a 'asters of ""lied 5cience iction degree.

    0. I >ee In The >ool

    . 5chool Ff 8ard Anocks. ,raduate of ho&s There.

    . lectro-shock thera"! is m! morning aker-u""er.

    =. If !ou see me getting smaller$ I&m leaving.

    1/. (our Rules on&t ""l! To 'e

    11. Research sa!s cou"les attract ecause of smell E that&s something I

    have a lot of.

    12. go Tri". Fne-a! Ticket.

    13. ll e re 5a!ing Is ,ive >INN Chance.

    14. 'an Boos

    16. Inner Beaut! Is Fver-Rated.

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    10. (ou Can Talk To 'e hen (ou 5ee 'onke!s l!ing

    Fut Ff '! Butt.

    1. Thenk iffernt

    1. That&s hat 8 said

    1=. 'a!e I&m >re7udice$ But There&s 5omething rong hen I 5ee n

    Illegal lien riving n )ninsured Car Chatting Fn Cell >hone.

    2/. .22 Calier 'ind in a .36 'agnum orld.

    21. But its ala!s een done that a!.

    22. arning: I have an attitude and kno ho to use it+

    23. Ff course I don&t look us!. I did it right the first time.

    24. It&s etter to e a no-talent has-een than a talented never-as.

    26. Breathe In$ Breathe Fut. Re"eat If *ecessar!.

    20. 8o can I miss !ou if !ou on&t go aa!%

    2. *o good$ on the 7o$ has ever come from the "hrase$

    @I need more ork to do.@

    2. Futcast

    2=. 8uman oing

    3/. I&m Bad 'an

    31. Aee" a! rom 5mall >ets and Children

    32. ull rontal *erdit!

    33. (ou ill meet a tall$ dark stranger ho ill cho" !ou into tin! "ieces.

    --"s!chotic reading

    34. red&s ingo arm

    36. Herk Ff ll Trades

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    30. I am an theist ecause it&s ,od&s >lan.

    3. 'a! The arce Be ith (ou

    3. '! Thera"ist oesn&t 9isten To 'e

    3=. at It Before It ,oes Bad

    4/. I graduated 9aude Cum ?uickl!+

    41. '! long-term goal is to get-rich-Guick.

    42. If ,od created man$ ,od can&t e "erfect.

    43. I s"eak 5RC5' as a second language.

    44. I learned to "la! an instrument ecause I alread! mastered arting.

    46. *eighors Behaving Badl!

    40. ,ot the Itch to Bitch

    4. If ,od is so smart$ h! did 8e make humans incom"lete%

    4. 5ometimes I feel like an aandoned vehicle.

    4=. ll e are sa!ing is give ,R* a chance

    6/. 'oderation Aills+

    61. Retired: 9eave 'e lone.

    62. I have a rifle and it I5 tourist season.

    63. >s!chokinesis moves me.

    64. d!sle#ics untie

    66. !e Cand!

    60. I as aducted ! liens and all I got as this lous! t-shirt+

    6. Certified 8oke! >oke! Instructor

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    6. 9icensed To Chill

    6=. (ou have to change efore I can like !ou.

    0/. Constant 5u"ervision *eeded

    01. ttention eficit ... )h$ ... isorder

    02. >eri"heral isionar!

    03. I Brake or hales

    04. ll That 'atters In 5"orts Is >uck &*& Balls.

    06. um" 8im

    00. T%

    0. 9ord Ff The Bling Bling

    0. If !ou go around acting like an asshole$ sooner or later$

    !ou ill e covered in cra".

    0=. 5"ermicidal 'aniac

    /. Rockin& the Boat

    1. I m n rtist+ ;oka!$ a scam artistrogram

    1. >lease tell !our oos to sto" staring at m! e!es.

    1=. I like to get drunk and "lace ids on a!.

    2/. ver!one is entitled to m! o"inion.

    21. '! realit! check is in the mail

    22. I&m Fnl! ==K >erfect

    23. Roses re Red$

    iolets are lue$

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    I&m a raving lunatic$


    24. oes not "la! ell ith others.

    26. '! Child Is O1 at Blah$ Blah$ Blah

    20. The voices in m! head kee" deating

    the l!rics to @8otel California.@

    2. 5lacker

    2. '! a! or the higha!+

    2=. I ma! not e cloned unless under the e#"ress

    ritten consent of the Commissioner of Baseall.

    3/. la!s Tell The Truthiness

    31. '! 5earch ngine is making a funn! noise.

    32. oes This 'ake 'e 9ook at%

    33. ReGuest enied+

    34. If !ou&re not outraged$ !ou&re not "a!ing attention+

    36. But it&s a R( heat.

    30. Fut Ff Control

    3. *ot rom Concentrate

    3. 8umid Being

    3=. The orld F5 Revolve round 'e.

    4/. 5a! 8ello To '! a7a!7a!

    41. Hive Turke!

    42. Be ,lad I&m *ot Tin.

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    43. 8o did I get so cute%

    44. l"ha 'ale

    46. I&d like to do a ackstroke in the "ools of !our e!es.

    40. The monke! on m! ack$ carries a chi" on his shoulder.

    4. ver notice that &Cu"id& rh!mes ith &5tu"id&%

    4. ?ueer !e or (ou$ ,u!+

    4=. Bracing m!self against the cold shoulder.

    6/. Imus *o 'as

    61. 5to" me efore I volunteer again+

    62. I do all m! on stunts.

    63. instein&s 8alf-Brother$ red

    64. The hole orld oesn&t Revolve round (ou ;it revolves around


  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    04. Bite 'e+

    06. on&t Take It >ersonall!

    00. Con7ugal isitor

    0. 8air 5t!list

    0. If I&m *ot 8a""!$ *ood!&s 8a""!

    0=. >rolem ith uthorit!

    /. h! 'e%

    1. Rememer$ hen someod! sa!s something nice to !ou or does

    something nice for !ou$ !ou don&t have to take that+

    2. 9oads of 5treet Cred in Bed

    3. B ?)IT: Fr I&ll Beat (ou 9ike I Fn (ou.

    Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.

    If you are born ugly blame your parents, if you died ugly blame your doctor.

    Eery man should marry. !fter all, happiness is not the only thing in life.

    "iplomacy # the art of letting someone hae your $ay.

    %omputers make ery fast, ery accurate mistakes.

    &ress any key to continue or any other key to uit... Eery morning is the da$n of a ne$ error.

    (hen you dial a $rong number, you neer get an engaged one.

    I married )*iss +ight). nfortunately, I didn't kno$ that her first name $as


    -uccess is a relatie term. It brings so many relaties.

    I am planning to be more spontaneous in the future.

    Before you borro$ money from a friend, decide $hich you need more.

    They'e got a picture of her at the hospital # it saes using the stomach pump

    There is an exception to eery rule, except this one.

    The $ise neer marry, and $hen they marry they become other$ise.

    Loe is photogenic, It needs darkness to deelop.

    (hen you are $orking late, the boss $ill neer be around. (hen you are surfing

    the net the boss $ill al$ays drop by.

    unn! 5logans

  • 8/12/2019 t Shirt Slogans


    ere are some slogans that you can use on T#-hirts or bumper stickers that is sure to

    bring a smile on the lips of the person reading the same/

    If there is no god, $ho pops up the next kleenex0

    1esus saes sinners and redeems them for cash and aluable pri2es.

    If at first you don't succeed skydiing is not for you.

    3ie days a $eek my body is a temple. The other t$o it's an amusement park. &eople $ho say you can't buy happiness 4ust don't kno$ $here to shop.

    I am a 5obody. 5obody is &erfect. Therefore I am &erfect.

    !ge is a ery high price to pay for maturity.

    If 5oah had been smart he $ould hae s$atted those t$o flies.

    I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorro$ is not

    looking good either.

    +eality is only an illusion that occurs due to a lack of alcohol.

    I didn't fight my $ay to the top of the food chain to be a egetarian.

    o$ come $e hae to choose from 4ust 6 persons for president, and 78 for *iss


    (e are born naked, $et and hungry. Then things get $orse. 5inety#nine percent of all la$yers gie the rest a bad name.

    The more I learn about terrorism, the more I understand the phone company.

    am and Eggs/ ! day's $ork for a chicken9 ! lifetime commitment for a pig.

    I $ant to die $hile asleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like the

    passengers in his car.

    If at first you don't suceed, pull your foreskin oer your head :pronounced heed;)


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