sweet, sweet summer...aug 08, 2018  · the difference between sugar found naturally in fruits, and...

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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HEALTH Yourself

Sweet, Sweet Summer

By  this  point  in  the  summer,  your  tastebuds  have,  without  a  doubt,  been  overwhelmed  by  sugar!  From  fourth  of  July  candy,  to  ice  cream  on  a  hot  summer  night,  to  sweet  corn  on  the  grill,  to  even  the  mouth  watering  berries  at  the  grocery  and  in  your  backyard,  summer  sure  is  sweet!    

This  issue  of  the  Health  Yourself  NewsleAer  will  explore  several  aspects  of  sugar-­‐  arDficial,  natural,  processed,  how  it  affects  your  body  and  mind,  and  how  we  can  ulDmately  become  a  liAle  less  reliant  upon  it  to  fuel  our  days-­‐  whether  it’s  winter,  spring,  summer,  or  fall!    

Let’s  start  with  the  basics…  

Most  of  us  know  that  refined  sugar  is  harmful  to  our  health  when  consumed  in  excess.  But  how  much  is  excessive?    

The  American  Heart  AssociaDon  advises  that  women  limit  added  sugar  to  6  teaspoons  (25g)  a  day,  and  men  to  9  teaspoons  (38g).  In  comparison,  Americans  consume  an  average  of  19.5  teaspoons  of  sugar  a  day-­‐  that’s  2-­‐3  Dmes  more  than  the  recommendaDons.    

Unfortunately,  the  answer  isn’t  just  to  switch  to  diet  beverages-­‐  in  fact,  we  want  to  steer  clear  of  arDficial  sweeteners  as  well.  Research  has  linked  all  arDficial  sweeteners  but  Stevia  (since  there’s  not  enough  research  on  it  yet)  to  some  of  the  same  condiDons  that  excess  sugar  contribute  to-­‐  like  obesity  and  diabetes.  Recent  research  points  to  why  this  is:  when  animals  were  fed  two  common  arDficial  sweeteners,  the  arDficial  sweeteners  changed  how  the  animals  processed  fat  and  got  energy,  and  also  harmed  the  cells  that  line  blood  vessels,  in  just  three  weeks  (more  on  this  on  p.2).  

So  what  are  your  op4ons  if  you  are  trying  to  cut  down  on  added  and  ar4ficial  sweeteners?  ConDnue  reading  on  page  3.  


City & Borough of Juneau * Health Yourself Newsletter * https://beta.juneau.org/human-resources/wellness-program

Mobile App of the Month: FOODSWITCH

Sometimes it can be hard to know which foods are the best choices. This app lets you scan grocery items and rates how healthy a product is. It can offer alternatives with lower salt, sugar, calories, and even gluten-free options. This is a great tool to use if you are trying to ween yourself away from sugar or salt without drastically changing your diet.

Wise words on sugar from Tom Rath,

Author of Eat, Move, Sleep:

“Stop buying junk for friends” Don’t rationalize buying or making

junk foods for others; this is effectively saying “I value your health and

wellbeing less than mine”

“Many foods are better off in the trash than your stomach”

The next time you receive an unhealthy food gift, subtly dispose of it later- you are not wasting food- you

may be saving your life.

“Save the cake for your birthday” Between friends, family and co-

workers, we could have birthday cake almost every day of the year. Find new ways to celebrate each other!

Page 2

Taking a break from your computer? Apply some financial wellness…

HEALTHIs Diet Soda

Really that Bad for You?

The short answer is yes! Here’s why:

There is actually very little data to suggest that sugar substitutes help with weight control. In fact, in a sweeping meta analysis of 400,000 people over 10 years found that people who regularly use sugar substitutes are more likely to gain weight, become obese, develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Yikes! Why is this? Research shows that sugar substitutes cause subjects to eat more because they seem to initiate a change in the brain’s reward center- so that appetite signals are amplified- making you feel hungrier. Furthermore, sugar substitutes cause sweet foods to taste better- effectively telling our brain to eat more of them.

Sugar substitutes have also been correlated with changes the microbiome (our gut’s command center) in a way that impairs insulin function- most commonly associated with type 2 diabetes.

In yet another study when stem cells were exposed to sugar substitutes, genes were turned on to amplify fat storage- a mechanism that is not turned on in the same way with exposure to regular sugar.

The takeaway: • Avoid diet sodas- they don’t help

maintain or lose weight • When you want to sweeten foods,

try natural sources of sugar- like molasses, raw honey, or maple syrup to get some minerals, phytochemicals, and antimicrobials.


What’s  that  sweet  smell?  

Vaping  has  become  popular  among  current  and  former  cigareAe  smokers  and  also  in  youth  populaDons,  and  if  you’ve  ever  walked  through  a  coAon  candy-­‐smelling  vape  cloud,  you  can  smell  and  taste  why!  

For  a  long  Dme,  we’ve  been  waiDng  for  the  science  to  catch  up  to  this  popular  trend  to  assess  whether  it  really  is  any  safer  than  smoking  and  we  are  finally  starDng  to  see  some  results.  We  already  know  that  tobacco  smoke  affects  endothelial  cells,  leading  to  cardiovascular  diseases.  New  research  out  of  Boston  University  School  of  Medicine  suggests  that  vaping  flavorings  -­‐with  or  without  nicoDne-­‐  can  also  damage  the  same  cells.  

Findings  showed  that  at  high  concentraDons,  all  of  the  nine  tested  flavorings  damaged  endothelial  cells  which  line  arteries,  veins,  and  the  inside  of  the  heart.  They  also  found  that  specifically,  the  vanilla,  mint,  cinnamon,  clove,  and  burnt  flavorings  impaired  producDon  of  nitric  oxide-­‐  a  molecule  that  inhibits  inflammaDon  and  clo_ng  and  helps  vascular  funcDon.  Loss  of  nitric  oxide  is  one  of  the  first  indicators  of  heart  disease  and  is  associated  with  heart  aAacks  and  stroke.  

While  more  research  is  needed,  the  public  health  field  is  concerned  with  the  candy-­‐like  appeal  of  these  flavorings  to  adults  and  youth  alike.    

City & Borough of Juneau * Health Yourself Newsletter * https://beta.juneau.org/human-resources/wellness-program

Page 3

A  new  round  of  Health  MaAers  starts  this  month!  

Health  MaAers  is  the  diabetes  prevenDon  program  designed  to  reduce  your  risk  of  developing  diabetes  in  you  are  either  pre-­‐diabeDc  or  at  high  risk  for  diabetes.  The  curriculum  was  designed  and  tested  by  the  CDC-­‐  and  has  shown  to  reduce  risk  by  58%.    

What:  Health  MaAers  Diabetes  PrevenDon  Program  When:  Wednesdays  5:30-­‐6:30  at  BartleA,  starDng  8/22.  The  course  is  16  weeks  +  6  monthly  follow  up  meeDngs  Why:  Diabetes  is  a  growing  health  concern  in  our  naDon  and  community-­‐  but  if  you  can  make  some  lifestyle  changes  with  the  help  of  our  coaches,  you  can  reverse  this  trend  and  feel  beAer  too!  Cost:  $295  for  the  year.  If  cost  is  an  issue,  ask  Cynthia  about  a  Health  Yourself  scholarship.  How  to  apply:  for  more  informaDon  and  to  apply  before  8/13,  contact  Cynthia  Gordon-­‐Nickerson  at  796-­‐8649.  

The great debate: is natural sugar better than refined sugar? The answer: well, kinda. One of our employees was reading some wellness information on sugar for Health Yourself points (you can too- on a wellness topic of your choosing), and provided the following insight from her research:

The difference between sugar found naturally in fruits, and the white stuff you bake with is the ‘sugar delivery system’. Sugars in plants- like an apple, carrot, or even a beet- are encapsulated by the plant cell wall. It takes time for the body to break down these foods, so the sugars are more slowly released into your system and don’t spike your blood sugar as would a candy bar or soda.

Did you know? You would have to eat six navel oranges to get the amount of sugars (71 grams) in an orange soda.

The bottom line… plant-based foods usually have lower sugars that are easier for our bodies to metabolize, BUT they do still have sugar! If you are truly trying to get a handle on your sweet tooth, beware of simply replacing refined sugar with sweet fruits; consider amping up the savory side of your diet with vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to help reset your tastebuds.

City & Borough of Juneau * Health Yourself Newsletter * https://beta.juneau.org/human-resources/wellness-program


Page 4 YourselfSafety Page


City & Borough of Juneau * Health Yourself Newsletter * https://beta.juneau.org/human-resources/wellness-program

Recommended  Prac4ces  for  Iden4fying  and  Assessing  Workplace  Hazards  

Hazard  idenDficaDon  and  assessment  is  one  of  the  OSHA  recommended  pracDces  for  any  successful  safety  and  health  programs.  In  the  recently  updated  OSHA  guidance1,  this  pracDce  is  defined  as  a  “proacDve,  ongoing  process  to  idenDfy  and  assess  hazards  that  are  present  or  that  could  have  been  anDcipated.”  At  home  or  at  work,  recognizing  and  evaluaDng  hazards  before  and  during  work  is  key  to  prevenDng  mishaps  and  injuries.      

Interested  in  avoiding  pain  and  costly  incidents?  Consider  applying  these  six  acDon  items:  

1.  Collect  exis4ng  informa4on  about  workplace  hazards  

a.  Ask  those  who  have  done  the  work  before  what  goes  wrong.  Take  a  few  minutes  to  review  the  risks  of  whatever  you  are  doing  so  you  are  prepared  for  

the  tasks.  

2.   Inspect  your  work  environment  for  safety  hazards  

a.   Looking  around  periodically  for  safety  hazards  is  so  simple  it  is  ooen  overlooked.  Mental  notes  made  when  in  the  middle  of  a  job  aren’t  typically  effecDve  at  correcDng  the  hazards,  so  pause  once  in  a  while  to  jot  down  a  note  or  shoot  a  text  to  remind  yourself  of  correcDons  that  should  be  made.  

3.   Iden4fy  health  hazards  

a.   Coughing,  aching,  eyes  burning  and  discomfort  are  all  signs  that  your  work  environment  is  not  safe.  Don’t  risk  your  long-­‐term  health  to  save  a  few  minutes  on  a  job.  

4.   Conduct  incident  inves4ga4ons  

a.   InvesDgaDons  don't  have  to  be  complicated-­‐  just  start  asking  quesDons  if  you  ever  have  something  go  awry.  It’s  simply  a  maAer  of  learning  from  mistakes.        

5.   Iden4fy  hazards  associated  with  emergency  and  non-­‐rou4ne  situa4ons  

a.   Unfamiliar  tasks  require  a  liAle  bit  extra  planning,  but  a  liAle  planning  can  go  a  long  way.  

6.   Characterize  the  nature  of  iden4fied  hazards,  iden4fy  interim  control  measures,  and  priori4ze  the  hazards  for  control  

a.   Most  of  the  Dme  at  home  your  scope  of  work  isn’t  so  large  that  the  list  of  hazards  is  beyond  your  control.  If  it  ever  gets  to  be  that  way,  like  it  does  in  the  workplace,  start  by  making  sure  the  most  hazardous  condiDons  are  controlled  first  and  work  your  way  to  other  hazard  controls  from  there.      

References:  1-­‐OSHA.  Recommended  Prac,ces  for  Safety  and  Health  Programs.  Oct,  2016  


City & Borough of Juneau * Health Yourself Newsletter * https://beta.juneau.org/human-resources/wellness-program

Sugar  Swappin’  Recipes  Some  of  the  most  common  places  for  added  sugar  to  hide  in  otherwise  healthy  foods  are  in  salad  dressings,  yogurt,  and  pasta  sauces.  Here  are  3  easy  and  delicious  recipes  to  make  a  lower  sugar  version  at  home!

Health Yourself Recipe Page

A  Simple  Twist  on  Pasta  Sauce  

Ingredients:    • 3  tablespoons  extra  virgin  olive  oil  • 1/2  medium  sized  onion,  diced  • 4  cloves  of  garlic,  diced  or  crushed  • 3/4  cup  chicken  broth  • 1  (24  oz)  can  of  whole  or  diced  

tomatoes  • 1  (6  oz)  can  of  tomato  paste  • 1/2  teaspoon  fresh  pepper  • 1/2  teaspoon  red  pepper  flakes  • 1/2  teaspoon  sugar  • 1  teaspoon  dried  parsley  • 1/2  teaspoon  dried  basil  

Directions: 1. Heat  a  large  saucepan  with  the  oil  in  

it  over  medium  heat  and  add  the  diced  onion.  Cook  unDl  onions  are  soo  and  translucent.  

2. SDr  diced  garlic  into  the  pan  and  cook  for  another  minute  or  two.  

3. Add  the  chicken  broth  and  scrape  the  pan  to  get  all  the  flavor  well  mixed  in.  

4. Add  in  diced  tomatoes-­‐  if  using  whole,  crush  them  by  hand  for  a  unique  texture.  

5. Add  in  the  tomato  paste  and  seasonings  except  parsley  and  basil.  SDr  to  combine  and  bring  to  a  soo  boil.  Turn  the  heat  to  low  and  cover.  

6. Let  it  simmer  for  1  to  1.5  hours,  sDrring  occasionally,  and  add  the  parsley  and  basil  at  the  end.  

A  Creamy  Dressing  to  Live  for  

Ingredients:    • 4  tablespoons  olive  or  avocado  

oil  • juice  from  1  lemon  • 2  tablespoons  whole  milk  

unsweetened  yogurt  • 1  ripe  avocado  • 2  teaspoons  poppy  seeds  • 1  teaspoon  salt  • 1/2  jalapeno  • OpDonal:  4  mint  leaves  minced  

Directions: 1. Combine  ingredients  in  a  

blender  and  blend  unDl  smooth.  

2. Taste  and  adjust  salt  to  your  liking.    

3. Thin  the  dressing  with  up  to  1/4  cup  of  water  if  needed.  

4. Enjoy  over  a  bed  of  greens  (recommended  with  spinach,  arugula,  peas,  avocado,  nectarine,  strawberries,  and/or  and  feta)

Breakfast  Yogurt  Parfait  

Ingredients:    • 3/4-­‐  1  cup  unsweetened  yogurt  

(Opt  for  Greek  if  you  like  it  thicker)  

• 3/4  cup  of  ripe  berries  of  your  choice    

• Generous  sprinkle  of  cinnamon  and  cardamon  

• Dash  of  vanilla  or  lemon  juice-­‐  depending  on  your  preference  

• Mix  and  match  the  following  add  ins  to  your  liking:  • Oat  Bran  • Ground  Flax  • Chia  seeds  • Hemp  seeds  • Cocao  nibs  • Unsweetened  coconut  flakes  • Almonds  • Walnuts  

Directions: 1. Mix  ingredients  together  and  

enjoy!    2. You  may  be  tempted  to  add  some  

honey,  but  taste  it  first  to  see  if  it’s  necessary-­‐  if  you  use  ripe  berries,  you  get  a  dose  of  anDoxidants  and  plant-­‐based  sweetness!  The  cinnamon  also  helps  to  impart  a  sweet-­‐like  flavor  without  adding  sugar.

HEALTHPage 6 Yourself

City & Borough of Juneau * Health Yourself Newsletter * https://beta.juneau.org/human-resources/wellness-program



Fountain of Youth August Challenge Are you ready to grow young again? Join Health Yourself in the month of August and focus on two habits from the list provided to help your brain, body, and spirit stay young. Email Jess Brown to register for the challenge and receive weekly resources to support your youthful habits. Access the challenge at: https://beta.juneau.org/human-resources/wellness-program Completing the challenge earns employees 15 HY points

Fountain of Youth August Challenge Are you ready to grow young again? Join Health Yourself in the month of August and focus on two habits from the list provided to help your brain, body, and spirit stay young. Email Jess Brown to register for the challenge and receive weekly resources to support your youthful habits. Access the challenge at: https://beta.juneau.org/human-resources/wellness-program Completing the challenge earns employees 15 HY points

Fountain of Youth Roundtable lunch n’ learn Thursday, 8/16 at noon in Bartlett admin classroom 204 A&B. Bring your lunch and come learn from experts in movement, nutrition, and mindfulness on how to stay young. Attending will earn you 5 HY points. RSVP by emailing Jess Brown 

August Hikes

Join us on familiar and not so familiar trails to see our community from a different perspective, and move your body a bit too! Participating earns employees 5 HY points- RSVP by emailing Jess Brown . • 8/18 Granite Creek Basin: start time: 10am. Estimated distance/time: 7 miles/ 4.5 hours with a

break to enjoy lunch and the view! • 8/21 East Glacier: start time: 5:30. Estimated distance/time: 3 mile loop/ 1.5 hours- plenty of time to

climb all those stairs.

Early Bird Blood draws Skip the longer lines this fall and get your fingerstick (fasting if you want) blood draw early! You will get your cholesterol and glucose readings and get a head start on the discount. • 8/16, 8:30-11 in BRH Employee Health across from the gift shop • 8/17, 8:30-11 in my downtown CBJ HRRM office

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