sweet love and its risk. by taiwo justice olorunlana

Post on 23-Feb-2017






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Chapter 1. Irresistible of true love story

Chapter 2. True love

Chapter 3- Test of love and submissive

Chapter 4- Love and Trust.

Chapter 5- Signs of good man

Chapter 6- Love and its Danger

Chapter 7- True love and its characteristic


I certify that this book written and carried out by Taiwo Justice Olorunlana.


This book is dedicated to almighty Father, the alpha and Omega, the

beginning and the ending, the finisher of my faiths, and to my sweet heart Promise

Olanike Ayeyemi, she is my jewels of my estimate value.


My estimate thanks goes to the Almighty God for making it possible and

practicable for me to undergo and complete this book called “Sweet love and its

risks” through the processing of this book , I've encountered many challenge in my

life, but I do thanks God, who crown me victory over them. Bible says “I can do

everything through Jesus Christ who strengthens me” (Phil.4, 13). However, my

thoughtful and Orphic gratitude goes to everyone that has contributed in various

ways to the successful of this book. First and foremost, is my able and workaholic

friends, Benzaire and Adebanjo Oke. I also acknowledged the effort of my darling

promise Olanike Ayeyemi for bearing of my awkwardness with me during the

epoch of my course in University, she inspired me a lot and have valuable

contribution for my life.

My bound gratitude also goes to all my friends outside there, especially

Adam Yurkiewrtz , Benzaire Semil &Adebanjo Oke, Also my grateful goes

to my sibling and all my friends Kelly Bayo Olorunlana, Kelvin Feyijimi Idowu,

Doiba Eshofonie, Oyins Titty, Fran turner , Taryn Hamil,, Oriade Ayemo, Olumide

Omotehinse, Benzaire Semil, Sunday Agbede, Centino Simon, Daniel Asekutu,

Kunle Samagbeyin, Alaba Olorunlana, Ashley and so on.

I also use this system to appreciate the effort of my able and industrious

brother Olumide Olorunlana for the opportunity he granted unto me and his

contribution towards the epoch of my staying in the University. Thanks you sir.

Nonetheless, my gratitude also goes to my Biological father Mr. Oweala

Olorunlana, and to my later mother Omolewa Olorunlana, continued to rest in the

bosom of our lord Jesus Christ.


The book is designed and scheme for everybody who want to discover the

secret of the true relationship and maintains the immutable relationship with their

lover. To be candid, there is no crown without a cross likewise, there is no

advancement or fitness without testing. To determine a true relationship unless you

faces and overcomes trial of loves. This is undeniable story of Mr. Peter and his

girlfriend who change his life for bad to better.

Chapter 1. irresistible love story.

In this life things happen, still it keeps happens without people's knowing the

main reason behind them. Nonetheless, if they are right or wrong. Some said it was

destiny. Other said, it was political disaster, other said, is because of the fallibility

and wickedness of humanity, some people noted that because they are not obey the

will of the God that's why the wrath of God is upon them. In this life's, everyone

have different path to following includes men and women. Some ladies want is

love with money, which involves car, house, and huge cash. Some wants an

attractive people to be dated, some look for those who have the caring nature to be

their husband or boyfriend or girls, in the other hand some look for the people who

intend to loyal and respect them. Apparently all human have different needs at the

different time in their life for various purposes'. Yes, that is right because as I grow

daily, I discover that we all truly have different needs at the different time in our

lives. Our needs are different. Our needs are diverse, and they include money,

house, and car. Peter seated down and thought logically and keenly that our

expectation is love and trust. Ladies have had broken heart severally, all of a

sudden, Peter seated to meditate deeply, He found out that humanity cannot lives

without love. Peter was astonished after people explained what love is to him. He

realized that loves mean various things to different people, some says love and life

go together, some notes that love reflects life's and trust. Peter said love is full of

joy, sorrow, happiness and excitement. He stated that lack of love could make

people go astray. This love means how we train to love our neighbor as ourselves

and to treat people with respect. To essence that this has an indelible mark in our

daily life, and it is vital things that we want from our relationship. Love is enough.

Yes, it is sweet. Randumbuzz indicates that

"Love is reflected life. All, everything that we understand, we know only because

of love, never ignore a person who passionate about you, who loves you, and have

feelings for you, “(Randumbuzz). However, “love is friendship that has caught fire.

Its quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty

through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowance

for human weakness” (Anna Lander)

Chapter 2


Peter is a young man who came from the southwest part of Nigeria, an area in the

Ondo States from a family of Mr. and Mrs. Justus Ogunde. Peter toil to earn living

for his family always keep praying to God for grace and favor, Peter was someone

who fears God and caring in nature, He always pray to God for mercy support and

upliftment. Peter struggle to graduate from Polytechnic in Nigeria in the year

2013. All of a sudden, Peter received a call from his brother that, maybe Peter has

his result, which is the West African Examination Certificate (WAEC), Peter

replied yes sir, and He had his result with an update. the next day, Peter received

the text message from Kaplan and Amnesty office that he had got a scholarship to

study abroad, to study political science at Northeastern University in the United

States of American. Peter, who was single for the most 28 years of his life after

many girls, has broken his heart, He thinks that he will not love again due to what

girls has done to him so far. He was soliloquies with his self, perhaps, he will not

fall in love with any women again.

One day Peter came across a polite radiant, a beautiful and elegant woman

from Internet the girl is Nigerian, her name is a blessing, she hail from the family

of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua. Peter was so cheerful to meet this girl, on that exact day.

Unfortunately, Peter has no chance to exchange his contact with Blessing that day.

Few weeks later, Peter met with Blessing and asked Blessing this question, is it

normal thing for someone to develop affection and feeling for person who is

always there for him or her, who is always there for him or her or the person that

actually made him or her forgot his or her past incident that happened to him or her

when no one was there. Blessing replied, yes, it is a normal things for someone to

do that, Peter replied hmm? A few months later, Peter was sent approached

message to blessing, which indicates this following characters, Hello blessing, “I

love you, I want you to be my future partner”. Peter, notes that how would him

enlighten the love he have for blessing and he said blessing have locked up his

heart and captured his spirit, Peter said to Blessing do you know that you have

taught me a new strategy of love, However, you are the only one person in my

mind and a dream come true. Peter insisted that he have to give his words that the

sky is not his edge. This mean to love you forever, and be with youu forever. When

Blessing received the message, she read it, then she replied that your request had

been accommodated. Peter was euphoric and Jubilate that at last he found his love,

Blessing loved continue intoxicated Peter ever since, Peter wrote another letter to

Blessing, " Peter noted that dear blessing, “I want to takes this moments to tell that,

I want you to stand by me as long as our God keep us alive, And I needs untainted

and faultless love from you. Peter plead to blessing that he want their love to be

like morning dew, which its springs from the great garden. Peter is ready to do

anything for her just to make her happy always, he love and cherish her very much.

Peter now asked Blessing, what do you think why I’m so passionate about

your love? Blessing replied why? Peter then said because it create transparency

and loyalty in my life, it's also allow me to speak in a way people can verify.

Blessing replied “wow” then Peter asked another question; do you know why?

Because it is the first commandment God has given to us as human beings that is

the reason I’m so passionate about you. Blessing replies, wow that so sweet of you

Peter!!! Then blessing said Honey are you sure about what you are saying. Peter,

say yes Darling I’m 100 percent sure about all the words that I proclaim.. Did you

know that a life without love is immature and expurgated, Peter said but Darling, I

thanks God a lot for met you in the first place, I have contingent and realize that

love you will brings happiness toward our life, because happiness is the

development of mankind, and it cast away fear and commute, that is the way

people think about it nowadays, blessing replied Peter yes!! “I do love you with all

my heart, met you is like one of my goals have accomplish, Blessing said to Peter I

love you the way teeth love mouth and the way hair love head. Peter, says oh

Darling!! I’ve remember what Bible says about love; Blessing asks Peter what is

the Bible says about love? Peter replied “There is no fear in love, but perfect love

cast out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feared is not made perfect in love"

(John 4, 18). Blessing said I never knew that, but Dear, before I would said

anything to you right now, I need to discussed this issues with my older sisters and

a closer friend.


A few months later after Blessing discuss the issues with her sisters and her

closer friend about all the conversation Peter and her had been discuss. Now Peter

is ready to take all the disadvantages from her and no matter what she may do to

him, He will not get tired of her, and also Peter said he will never leave her for a

second. Finally her sisters and friends advised her that if she needs a true love she

should put Peter into test without letting him know about the plan. Suddenly

Blessing called Peter on Phone discussed with him that she do not think they can

embark into a relationship. Peter replied why do you think so? Blessing said is

because I do not have any interest in you anymore; instantly Peter off the phone

and get angry to himself not talk to anyone, even not go to class in that morning.

After a few hours pass by Peter called Blessing back for a last time, and asked her

why you do not have any interest in me anymore after all those wonderful

conversation we had? Blessing replied I do not know the reason right now, but

please give me a few weeks to think about it and I will get back to you as soon I

have an answer.

Few weeks pass, blessing never texts or call Peter. Peter called blessing after

a few weeks and told her that I cannot longer concentrate in my study because of

this all utensil you put into my head. Peter never knew that it is a test to see if his

love for her was a true love. Even though she pass all those weeks without text or

called Peter; Peter never discourage or give up. His love for her always stay strong

than ever.

Later in the afternoon Blessing called Peter and said guess what? I have

good news for you. I have knew now that your love you have for me is really a true

love, and not an ordinary love you have for me, it is an extraordinary and perfect-

able love. Peter replied I’m glad you could see the lights in the middle of the

darkness!!!. Blessing said you know that all these days I had been messing with

you to see if the love you have for me was a true love. Peter replied!!, but I did not

know you was messing with me the all-time. Blessing said to Peter you seem a

quite nice man and I will like to get to know more about you. Peter replied deep

down of my heart if I ever get into a relationship with you I promise you will not

regret and I will do anything for you to keep you by my side, and I would love you

to carry my first born. When Blessing heard him say that, her heart was full of joy,

and speechless do not know what to say.

Few month later, Peter and Blessing got into a relationship. They discussed

under the tree Peter said to Blessing! Can you see those clouds! They look like a

flock of sheep. Blessing replied yes! that big cloud looks like a mommy sheep, and

those little lambs following behind. Peter I would like a flock of sheep one day!

Blessing replied!what? You want to raise sheep?. Peter said yes! I would like a

flock of sheep one day to playing around me. One in my arms, two on my back,

and another four on the ground besides me. Blessing say what do you mean? Peter

said those things I said is the descriptive of how love and trust mingle in a peaceful


Few months later Peter and his beautiful woman fall in love with each other.

Everything is going well between these two lovers. Few years later Peter called

Blessing that he have some important things to discussed with her. Blessing said

okay I ‘am listening Peter said to her you know there is something that many girls

believe today that only sexual active could make them having their boyfriends to

love them. But I'm telling you this that’s a lie, because what man expect from their

girls or wives is total submission and sign of a good woman. Many girls think that

when a man ask their hands in marriage they thought that all what man needs from

them is sex and their bodies. But the reality is that man need much respect and

submissive from their partners whether wives or girlfriends. And Submission is not

a control but it's what God words instructed for both man and woman. In

(Ephesians 5: 232 – 24) bible stated that “wives submit yourselves unto your own

husbands. As unto the lord, for the husbands is the head of the wife, even as Christ

is the head of the church: and he is savior of the body. Therefore as the church is

subject unto Christ ,so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything”.The

words of God is the life, wisdom, understanding, way of salvation and it’s

contained everything we need to know as the true. Biblically speaking only when a

lady or women have the Spirit of submission before she could find true love

because true love goes out only for a lady or woman who is the instrument of

submission. However, only humility can let you win my heart and love you more

above other women outside there. Some guru says that “every woman has vagina

but not every woman possess humility” humbleness makes a woman expensive and

have much more respect from her husband or partner because a man of probity and

intellectual will afraid to lose her. After all Blessing said okay I understood; and

say that I love you a lot and as I see we had been together for almost four years. I

would not like to lost you my heart, you meant a lot to me I will try my best to

respect you and caring for you my love as long we still alive babe.

Chapter 4


One day peter and Blessing seated under a mango tree. Blessing asked Peter

why love and trust so important to every relationship and why they work together?

Peter began to explained why love and trust so important in a relationship. Peter

said we all created by God in his image and he bestowed his love toward us so that

we can love one another. As human beings made by Almighty God, we are obliged

to live our life to the fullest in love and trust. They are axiomatic of our daily life

and allow us to respect the dignity of every person we met. Peter said my personal

credo is love and trust because love built on the foundation of trust. I could

remember when my mother told me that I should treated people with respect

because love doesn't hate, anger, jealous or plan evil against people: Blessing

replied hmmmmmm!!!. Then what love is all about?

Peter said love is the central affirmation that we are coached and dawn at our

childish. It’s how we train to love our neighbor as ourselves and to treat people

with respect. Without love the world will be utterly disorganized or repudiated,

after all, nobody would be able to love, and we would not be able to act in the

work field and to be willing to love people equally.

Blessing said! What about trust, how it connected to love? Peter said that

trust is an indelible mark in our daily life, and it is crucial things that we want from

our relationship. Also, the importance of trust is inherent nature to lead humanity

towards the evolutionary enlightenment of scientific reality. In any relationship we

find ourselves, we have to embrace and passionate love and trust because they

create transparency and loyalty in the life of holder. Besides, love is the first

commandment God given to us as a human beings. Peter continued explained

about love and trust, he quoted a dictionary, love is defined as “a variety of

intensive feeling, and character that circle from one person affection to

others“(Dictionary). Blessing said to Peter I think love is an inestimable diamond,

that has millions of contemplation, and each cogitation characterizing expression

of love: Peter replied yes!!! it’s possible that love lives where there is trust because

it don’t fight, nor hate, nor jealousy nor anger and love is sacrifice we made in any

relationship we go through in our life. With love, we can make a whole world of

friendship without being sacred or discriminate. Peter said why many of us fell in

our relationship today? Blessing reply I don’t know can you tell me darling. Peter

said, is because we fell to utilize and adjust the necessity of trust and love because

a good men cannot start any relationship without trust, where there is no trust,

there is no love and where there is no trust there is no love. Love and trust play a

good role in any relationships, especially in the family.

Trust and love are imperative in our lives, marriages, family, because

without love and trust we cannot maintain any relationship of any kind: they are

very indispensable and prerequisite in our life, relationship, friendship, in addition,

they are assurance of good actualization, acuteness and closeness of our heart, and

they are most essential tools in our relationship. In a nutshell, we have various kind

of love, Love of family and love of partner. First of all, the love of family is

different from the love for a partner. Love of family is the love we have for our

family members, and everybody around us, and love of the partner is the love we

have for someone who take some of our heart and fills it with joy, happiness at all.

time. As a result, nobody can deny the existence of love in this world. Sometimes

people need to describe and subscribe the love that they have for someone. At this

particular time we are in need of appropriate style and words through which we

can deliver our feelings of love in a different way and shows them how love and

trust bring happiness into our lives in a relationship.

One of the effects of love and trust have in our lives or relationship, is that

they brings happiness toward our life because happiness is the development of

mankind, and they cast away fear and alleviate the way people think of other, and

make them have strong feelings and change the world into the beauteous model.

Trust and love are crucial elements in the life of everyone because our lives go

better when we are practice these two concepts. Furthermore to start a relationship

strong and lasting both love and trust are necessary in any relationship we want

begin with either romantic or family relationship. Love can fills a person with

noble feeling: sympathy, understanding, welfare and compassion, and it create

happiness between husbands or boyfriends and wife, or girlfriends. Why I say this?

Is because they vision what the world means and how people show true love to one

another. The reward of trust and love is happiness, joy, mercy, good health, peace

and so much more that’s positive, even though trust and love cause submission and

probity in relationship. When a woman bow down for her partners, intentionally

and morally the guy would bow down for her. To be a good wives or partners you

have to implement submission into your life because submission will make your

become an expansive in the eye of your husbands

Chapter 5


There are various types of love in this world, majority of it are not true. But

true love is progenitor in nature because it do not base on materialistic things

alone, but it focuses in the words of God and use it as guideline, true love is not

base on only emotional feelings. But it has to do with our five senses and our

rationalism, caring in nature.

What is a True Love? And how do you recognize it?

True love is an expression of caring, affection and ability to see something

in a person that no one else see. However, love is patient, love is kind, love does

not envy, love doesn't proud, it not rude or arrogant, it doesn't self-searching nor

hunting, it don't keep Malice, it does not delight in evil, but true love always

rejoices with the truth. True love eagerly protect and surety, it always lying on

trust, hope, preserves and it never fall or fork up. "Love is like a friendship caught

on fire. At the beginning of a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only

light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature, and our love becomes

as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable" (Bruce Lee). "Love is that condition in

which the happiness of another person is essential to your Own. Jealousy is a

disease; love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the

other or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy" (Robert A.

Heinlein). "My beloved is all radiant and ruddy distinguished among ten thousand

his head is the finest gold; her looks are wavy, black as a raven. Her eyes are like

doves beside springs of water; her cheeks are like beds of spices yielding

fragrance. Her lips are lilies distilling liquid myrrh. Her arms are rounded gold, set

with jewels; her body is ivory work, encrusted with sapphires. Her legs are

alabaster columns set upon bases of gold. Her appearance is like Lebanon, choice

as the cedars. Her speech is most sweet, and she is altogether desirable," (Song of

Sol 5: 10-16).

Corinthian chapter (13:8), examines that the main characteristics of true

love, and these qualities can be eagerly found in the person of Jesus Christ, and it

can be found in real relationship. Basically, I vividly remember what God said to

Samuel in the book of first Samuel (16:7). The Lord said to Samuel " do not look

at the things man looks at, man looks at the outward appearance, for myself as God

I looks at heart", majority of us focus our heart on materialistic things and look for

attractiveness, gorgeous, handsome guys or girls, but they have forget that “all that

glitters is not gold” this phrase meaning that not everything that looks attractive or

precious turn out to be so. William Shakespeare's noted that “have you heard often

they had say that: many man his life hath sold, but my outside to behold; Gilded

tombs do worms enfold. Had you been as wise as bold or young in limbs, in

judgment old, your answer had not been in-scroll fare your well, your suit is cold”(

William Shakespeare).

I convince that true love is best seen as Loyalty, adherence, dedication,

action and not only an emotion. In order to identify true love, both need to be

submissive and domesticate to his or her partner, we can only recognize true love

when we submit and loyal to ourselves, and focus on the words of God, because

God first loved us and this love is everything and what we have to do is to be

honest and respectful, sincerely and uprightly ready or preparing to make a lifelong

submissive or commitment to the person that we see the exemplary of true love in

him or her. Finally, there is three basic core we should consider in any relationship.

Look at the word of God, Be honest and respectful with ourselves, we need to

understand a level of obligation and assurance that comes with your partner .

Chapter 6


A good man produce with some virtues and reflects some element of

wisdom, and that corresponding the virtue of courage, which is the engine for all

good, humble man in the world, In this, though, I come up with some good

qualities that make men an amazing and what women should looks into a man and

type of man lady need to mingle with. Below are the descriptive of ten signs of

humble man.

First a humble man must have a good sense of humor. A humble man should

make his girlfriend or wife laughs at all time with silly and hilarious things he

does. He must stand by his girlfriend or wife through the good and bad times: A

good man should be more supportive and collateral with his wife because a good

man should always makes his girlfriend or wife happy. He must be exquisite at

communicating: A good man should pay close attention to his partner, and have to

pay attention to every details and listens to whatever she wanted or not. He must

know what loyalty is all about: An unusual and great man knows that there is only

one woman in the world who owns his heart, doesn't matter the large number of

women he comes in contact with every single day, he must always tell his

girlfriend or wife that she is the most beautiful women in the entire world. He must

know that his partner is the best: a good man must understand his girlfriend or wife

when she is depress and not feel well about such as things. The most of all is that

he must know her purpose in life. I convince that some man doesn't know their

wife or girlfriend purpose in life because of to busy interesting in other female. A

humble man should tend to his girlfriend or wife physical and emotional needs,

and he must do all he can to protect her from any harm and danger. He must see

his wife or girlfriend on him as equated with strength and talent: A good man

should not be afraid and ashamed of his girlfriend or wife in public, and he needs

to proud of her often. A good man should willingly to share with his girlfriend or

wife the knowledge he had: a good man should not be acclaim that he is the wisest

or intelligent.

A humble man will never fails to admit his mistakes and apologizes when

his doing something wrong to his girlfriend or wife: some men do not seek for

apology or penitent whenever they make a mistakes for doing something wrong,

but a real man should apology whenever he do something wrong, A humble man

must be enjoying spending time with his partner.

Chapter 7


The risk of love, is tough to give an account for the endangered in

relationship men's or women's facing today. There are certain things every one

needs in this life, whether someone leave you for right or wrong, no matter how the

acceleration or velocity of treacherous or Judas kiss might be, the flag of love

individuals holds cannot be dismantle by any unwanted or unrecognized unjust and

deceptive and metaphysical people who intended to dump them. When your

boyfriend or girlfriend left you, do not think that it is the end of world for you, and

think about commit any suicide because of one unscrupulous and heartless person,

who intended to leave you for any means. But all you need to think of is that

“incident teach more sense” because life's full of ethical paradigms. On the other

hands “life is the teacher”the more we live, the more we learn. Some people do not

synchronize or amend the way in theirs relationship; this might lead them to fall

into another bad relationship, but if their welcome challenge and know where

they're going in life, nobody's will mislead them. There are three risk of love.

Number one, someone needs to lose himself or herself; this means that person’s

beliefs, status, personality, lifestyle in a way of trying hard to please his or her

lover.. This happened so many time when you love someone with all your heart

and you dedicated to that person. All of a sudden, he or she bring disappointing to

you occasionally, and he or she wants to declared to you that he have tired of you

and broke up with you. This incident makes many of us wants to commit suicide or

intent of killing one another. A proverb saying, die for what you believe, but some

said, Romeo and Juliet die for love but I want you to know that this life we have

no suitable and accurate love anymore, only love of flesh, treason love, treacherous

and Judas kiss love are in this life, do not kill yourself because of a person who do

not value you. What you have to do, just convince yourself that failure is an event

and not a person.

The second point is that some thinking there cannot live without him or her;

this part common to our ladies or men outside there, when women or men leave

them, some women or men starts behaving and saying stupid things to their self.

But let me remind you that you can live without anybody. Do you know why? It's

all about your possessiveness, desirous and greedy you depend on another person,

but you have to forget that this life is a lesson for those who willing to learn, and

its does not give you what you desire but what you demand. Thirdly, lack of trust;

this part have become rampant in today’s society and it's the killer of love morally,

spiritually and ethically, because some women or men do not trust one another

when their dating, after a while, they will break up due to the lack of conviviality

and festivity and lack of confidence, unless there have proof and have seen Judas

kiss with their own eyes. However, distrust others about love, it always brings the

benefit of the doubt, perplexity and skepticism.

Trust should be an engine in any romantic relationship' because if you lack

of trust, it's beyond the bounds of possibility or impracticable to have an intimate

relationship when people do not trust their partners or ally. some of relationship

today, it’s lack of confidence and lack of conviviality, that's why things fell apart. I

tell you this, trust or certitude includes when a person realize that his or her partner

has your best interest of heart. Trust is important because it's always beating up

deceptive and irrational behavior in the relationship. Do you know that when trust

or certitude disappear or miss in the relationship, disingenuous and treacherous

will quickly take over a relationship? The foundation of a relationship is trust and



William Shakespeare quote/ Retreievd from



Robert, A, A Heinlein. Retrieved from


The King James Bible, Hilson publisher and distributor LTD, 12 St Michael street

Apapa Lagos Nigeria.ISBN:978-97849835-4-9, 2002 print

Oxford illustrated American dictionary (1998)) Merriam-Webster collegiate

dictionary 2012.


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