swedish international development agency

Post on 08-Feb-2016






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A pplying C LEANER PRODUCTION to M ULTILATERAL E NVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS. ACME. CP and MEA policy integration. S ESSION 11. United Nations Environment Program Division of Technology Industry and Economy. Swedish International Development Agency. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Swedish International Development Agency


United Nations Environment ProgramDivision of Technology Industry and Economy

CP and MEA policy integration


1/ Background information> What does “policy making” refers to?

2/ Cleaner Production> Links between CP and MEA policies?

3/ UNFCCC> National policies?

4/ Basel Convention> National policies?

5/ Stockholm Convention> National policies?

6/ Policy development> What are the crucial elements in the policydevelopment cycle?

OUTLINEObjectives of this session

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“Policy making” refers to:

> a long-term, interactive, iterative and multi-stakeholder process, to develop a framework to implement a certain policy, and to evaluate and modify its implementation on a regular basis.

> elaborating a policy document or a policy statement – such as a national policy. This is only one part of the policy development process.

BACKGROUNDDefining “Policy”

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Policy is not equivalent to ‘regulations’ or ‘a legal framework’.

Policy represents a pallet / toolbox of possible instruments for policy instrumentation varying from ‘stick’ to ‘carrot’.

BACKGROUND“Policy” versus “Regulation”

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Legislation Financial

Technical Communication

BACKGROUNDGeneric toolbox for policies

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BACKGROUNDRange of policy instruments

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MEAs are ‘focused’ on one single issue. ≠ CP is integrated.

MEA starts from the command-and-control

(top-down) ≠ CP starts from the voluntary actions


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LEGISLATION> Environmental norms and regulations.> Specific CP laws.> Mandatory CP assessments.> Link with permitting.

FINANCIAL> Emission fees and non-compliance fees.> Customised tax systems.> Grants, subsidies.> Financial assistance.

TECHNICAL> Technical guidelines.> Service support centres.> Clearinghouses.

COMMUNICATION> Voluntary agreements / industry codes of practices.> Education / awareness campaigns.> Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers.> (Non-financial) award systems.


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LEGISLATION> Regulations> Standards

FINANCIAL> Energy and CO2 taxes> Green taxation> Energy / electricity subsidies> Subsidies renewable systems> Green certificates

TECHNICAL> Research & development> Capacity building> Assessment guidelines> Overview of BAT’s

COMMUNICATION> Voluntary agreements> Information> Education> Public awareness campaigns.

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Tax system > Price on energy and/or tax on carbon or green taxation determines behavior of target group.> Inadequate pricing (or even subsidising) energy perhaps stimulates economic growth but is contra-productive to efficiency improvement.> Innovative tax systems (on physical terms instead of labour and income).

Voluntary agreements> Covenant approach (Netherlands).> Long-term agreement.> Target setting, no strict compulsary prescription of measures.> Flexibility and transparency are crucial elements for industry to develop strategy.


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Overview of national strategies, both governmental (regulatory, financial as well as communicative) as well as stakeholder initiatives


UNFCCCReferences / information sources

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LEGISLATION> Preventive Rules in WM Acts> National Action Plans> Product Ordinances> (Compulsary) audit schemes

FINANCIAL> Eco-tax on products> Tailored tax for disposal> Licensed charges > R&D funds for Eco-design

TECHNICAL> Guidelines with BAT’s> Eco-design guidance> Demonstration projects> Technical support centres

COMMUNICATION> Extended Producer Responsibility > Eco-labelling

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Compulsary standards / bans> Strict rules what kind of components / raw materials can be used in production.> Bans what kind of chemicals can be disposed (e.g. not allowed for landfilling, so either expensive treatment or incineration or incentive to seek way for avoiding).

Eco-labelling / EPR> Extended Producer Responsibility (e.g. voluntary agreements) including:

- Eco-design- Take back responsibility- Eco-labelling (clear information of consistence of product and how to dispose it)


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Overview of national strategies, both governmental (regulatory, financial as well as communicative) as well as stakeholder initiatives


References / information sourcesBASEL CONVENTION

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LEGISLATION> National Implementation Plans> National Inter-depart. Councils> Tailored (CP) Laws> Specialised POP’s Laws

FINANCIAL> Support for developing NIP’s> Support for destroying POP’s> Support for substituting POP’s

TECHNICAL> Specialised support centres> Overview BAT’s> Monitoring programmes> Establishment analytical laboratories

COMMUNICATION> Registers> Information Exchange Networks> PR Campaigns

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National Implementation Plan> Requirement under the Convention> Good examples: Philippines, Switzerland, Canada, Armenia

- Nice mix of instruments- Priority to Cleaner Production- Mix of policies and capacity building / awareness raising actions- Multi-stakeholder involvement

Information clearing houses> Stockholm Convention has developed already an online system, so seek suggestions for process changes, materials substitution, etc. per sector and/or waste stream


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Overview of national strategies, both governmental (regulatory, financial as well as communicative) as well as stakeholder initiatives


References / information sourcesSTOCKHOLM CONVENTION

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1.Analysis of the current

situation (problems / barriers / needs)



2.Set priorities

and objectives3.

Policy development, including strategy,

action plan and instruments

POLICY DEVELOPMENTTheoretic development cycle

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During the start of policy making> Stakeholder analysis (needs, motivation, interests)> Evaluation of existing system (instruments, implementation stage, acceptance, barriers / problems, effectiveness)> Building consensus and common goal> Identification priorities> Define clear and measurable objectives

When defining the policies> Selection of a mix of instruments> Design strategy and action plan for implementation> Information and education campaigns> Monitoring of the implementation> Evaluation of the policy effectiveness> Periodic policy adjustment


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General observations> There is no one single ‘right’ way of policy development.> Policy development is a long-term, repetitive process.> Regular evaluation and modification are necessary.

Basic conditions for good policy development> Political will.> Interest of relevant stakeholders.> General awareness.> Policy continuity and stability.> Adaptation to local conditions.


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Crucial elements of policies:

> Integrative approach;

> Seek for the most optimum mix of instruments;

> Clarity on hierarchy;

> Strive for mainstreaming;

> Development via multi-stakeholder approach.

CONCLUSIONWarp up of the session

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CONCLUSIONEnd of session 11

Thank you for your attention…Any questions?

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