survey analyisis

Post on 10-Jan-2017






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Survey analysis

The majority of the subjects taking the survey were 17 reflecting a younger reader. This is also reflected in the price as a younger readers (typically students) don’t have a regular income, this is made clear as 68.75% of the subjects chose the cheapest option 0-£3. The majority also said they had read Kerrang! Magazine which (apart from NME, which is free) is the cheapest, though the dominate answer from the questions: which music magazine have you purchased in the past? And how often/ do you purchase music magazines? was “never” showing that modern day readers can access information from the internet. It could be beneficial for my magazine to have a link to an online website with additional information. The information suggests readers would prefer a monthly magazine linking to the fact they don’t have the income to be spending it frequently on magazines, though it might mean the magazine would be slightly more expensive than 0-£3 as many monthly magazines on the market range from £4-£8. This is due the better quality and more pages. Most subjects said they would prefer to buy a music magazine that offers promotional features this would also increase the pricing. It also shows that the majority of people like a barging and may be more inclined to purchase a magazine that offers promotional features. A suggestion in the feedback box said they would like to receive a CD with the magazine, this could be incorporated in the promotional feature and boost sales. 75% of the subjects said they prefer a magazine with more visuals which reflects the age of the readers, as often a younger reader has a short attention span and would get bored reading ‘too much text’ opposed to an older reader. I personally think there should be an equal balance of the two but due to my survey results I will consider including more images. This is not to say the subjects don’t want a lot of information as half of them chose “interviews” as the best type of article and the feedback revealed many would like “in depth” articles, meaning an equal balance would suite the majority. The feedback given revealed there was an interest in including new/up and coming bands as well as the popular artists, this could help sell my magazine by younger audiences taking interest in the ‘next big thing’ and the bands prices would be cheaper than the better know artists benefiting a student income.

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