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Visual Comput (2006) 22: 168–180DOI 10.1007/s00371-006-0374-y O R I G I N A L A R T I C L E

Seyoun ParkXiaohu GuoHayong ShinHong Qin

Surface completion for shape andappearance

Published online: 3 February 2006© Springer-Verlag 2006

S. Park ()VMS Lab Dept of Industrial Engineering,Korea Advanced Institute of Science andTechnology, Daejoen, South

X. GuoCenter of Visual Computing, Dept. ofComputer Science, State University ofNew York at Stony Brook,

H. ShinDept. of Industrial Engineering, KoreaAdvanced Institute of Science andTechnology, Daejoen, South

H. QinCenter of Visual Computing, Dept. ofComputer Science, State University ofNew York at Stony Brook,

Abstract In this paper, we presenta new surface content completionsystem that can effectively repairboth shape and appearance fromscanned, incomplete point set inputs.First, geometric holes can be robustlyidentified from noisy and defectivedata sets without the need for any nor-mal or orientation information. Thegeometry and texture informationof the holes can then be determinedeither automatically from the models’context, or interactively from users’selection. We use local parameteri-zations to align patches in order toextract their curvature-driven digitalsignature. After identifying the patchthat most resembles each hole region,the geometry and texture informationcan be completed by warping thecandidate region and gluing it ontothe hole area. The displacementvector field for the exact alignmentprocess is computed by solving

a Poisson equation with boundaryconditions. Our experiments showthat the unified framework, foundedupon the techniques of deformablemodels, local parameterization, andPDE modeling, can provide a robustand elegant solution for contentcompletion of defective, complexpoint surfaces.

Keywords Hole filling · Activecontour method · Poisson equation

1 Introduction

The ever-increasing popularity of data acquisition deviceshas made surface completion a critical step in the entire re-verse engineering pipeline. Considering the different digi-tizing techniques that are currently available, many opticaldevices often produce defective data samples that are sub-ject to a local absence of data. This incompleteness ofscanned data inputs is mainly due to occlusions, low re-flectance, or scanner placement constraints, etc. In certaindigital information restoration applications (especially in

archeology), the scanned object (e.g., antiques) itself maybe incomplete and defective because some missing partshave been ruined during the long historic time span. Inaddition, some local surface editing processes may causebig holes unintentionally. In these cases, both shape andappearance (texture) information needs to be repaired inorder to facilitate the downstream processing of the digitalcontent. The surface completion task is a nontrivial pro-cess, which may often produce unsatisfactory results, andmay require tedious human effort as well. In particular,if the hole is relatively bigger than a neighboring featuresize, or there is a large missing part in the real object (e.g.,

Surface completion for shape and appearance 169

ruined sculptures), surface completion would be difficultto achieve using only the boundary information of theholes.

Ideally, a set of desirable properties for a general-purpose surface content completion technique would in-clude:

– Ability to deal with raw scanned point sets, withoutcertain specific information (such as surface normals)or requirements (e.g., data accuracy or density).

– Robustness for defective and incomplete point sets.– Automatic hole detection under the assumption that

the surface is a closed manifold. If the surface is nota closed manifold, however, the hole-finding processshould be semi-automatic under user guidance.

– Automatic repair for both the shape and appearance ofthe defective point sets.

– The holes should be filled in a way that is minimallydistinguishable from their surrounding regions, bothin shape geometry and appearance modeling. If thescanned model has enough context information, itshould be automatically filled in the way that conformswith the natural properties of the model [24]. Other-wise it should be guided by the user.

In this paper, we present an automatic and interac-tive system which can repair both shape and appear-ance of defective point sets. The main idea of this sys-tem, inspired by [24], is to directly use the context infor-mation of the model itself, or other models’ geometricand texture information to complete the defective pointsurfaces, via automatic cut-and-paste. We take as inputa set of point samples (possibly noisy) that is assumedto be a closed manifold without any normal or orienta-tion information. The point cloud is first pre-processedby a deformable-model-based region partition approach todetermine the orientations of all the point samples, re-move outliers and noise, and infer the in-and-out relation-ship, all in the same stage [31]. Towards this goal, weuse an octree discretization of the original point clouddata to build its distance field. The holes in the originalpoint set can be robustly detected using the method of ac-tive deformable models by seeking all the saddle pointsof the unsigned distance field, which will uniquely iden-tify all the missing parts of the scanned data inputs. Theautomatic hole detection algorithm is more robust thanthe previous methods that were based on analyzing thepoint distribution in each octree cell. Then, we extend thekey idea of context-based surface completion [24] (whenthe scanned model contains enough context information)to conduct model repair for both geometry and appear-ance.

Rather than analyzing the shape similarities based onthe signed distance fields through volumetric embeddingin [24], we propose to analyze both shape and appearancesimilarities solely based on the curvature and color in-

formation of the surface patches. Specifically, we devisea curvature-centered “digital signature” extracted from thesurface geometry, and use it to identify one patch in thecontext of the scanned model that is most similar to thehole region. The curvature-driven shape signature is an in-trinsic surface geometric quantity, and it can provide betterperformance for geometric shape comparison. Finally, wesolve surface partial differential equations (Poisson equa-tions) to acquire the “warped” shape and appearance of thehole region. In contrast to other volumetric PDE-based ap-proaches, our surface PDE method is much more efficientand robust.

To the best of our knowledge, our work is the firstattempt to repair both geometry and texture informa-tion in a single unified framework. This can be onlyachieved by using local parameterization, which can fa-cilitate patch similarity comparison, patch alignment, andpatch warping via a 2D Poisson solver. We perform localparameterization over the surface patches in each oc-tree cell up to a certain layer under the condition thateach octree cell contains at most one surface patch thatis homeomorphic to a topological disc. After local pa-rameterization, the patches can be brought into corres-pondence, which makes similarity comparison easier, andgeometric and textural information can be warped by solv-ing the Poisson equations over the surface patches. Forcomplicated surface patches (or even higher genus localpatches), however, local parameterization becomes infea-sible. For some special cases where the repaired modeldoes not have enough context information, or the auto-matic patch selection can not give a globally meaningfulsolution (such as the missing hand of the Santa Clausmodel in Fig. 1), our surface completion system allowsuser interaction in the whole surface completion pro-cess.

Fig. 1a,b. Shape and appearance repair of the Santa Claus modelunder user manipulation: a automatic hole detection from the de-fective input point set; b both shape and appearance of the holes arefilled in a way that is minimally distinguishable from the model’scontext

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2 Related work

Surface completion of the scanned point sets needs tobe naturally integrated into a surface reconstruction al-gorithm. The original point samples can be interpolatedusing alpha shapes [2, 9], crusts [1], or balls [3]. Thesemethods guarantee the interpolation quality under certainsampling conditions, e.g., in crusts the distance betweentwo points should be less than the local feature size. [11]used the signed distance field to reconstruct the surfacefrom point clouds. [18] used moving least-squares for in-terpolating, or smoothing scattered-data. [5] used glob-ally supported radial basis functions (RBFs) to fit datapoints by solving a large dense linear system. [21] pro-posed multi-level partition of unity implicits for construct-ing a piecewise implicit surface from large-scale pointclouds.

Another class of surface reconstruction methods forpoint clouds is called the active contour method (ordeformable models) [14, 30, 31, 33], which has been ex-ploited extensively in computer vision. Among their manyadvantages, deformable models are very robust in dealingwith noisy data sets. In this paper, we also utilize the activecontour method for robustly locating holes.

Surface completion can be also conducted by solv-ing certain partial differential equations. [7] addressed theproblem of hole filling via isotropic volumetric diffusion,which can handle geometrically and topologically compli-cated holes. [16] proposed a variation by using a quadricapproximation of the signed distance function. [27] usedimplicit surfaces to fill the holes via geometric partialdifferential equations derived from image inpainting algo-rithms. [6] repaired the surfaces as an optimization processby minimizing the integral of the square mean curvature.

Most hole filling methods are volumetric methods thatobtain the surface implicitly as the boundary between in-side and outside volumetric regions. [13] constructed aninside/outside volume using an octree grid, and repairedthe polygonal meshes by contouring the half-edge loopssurrounding the holes. [20] decomposed the space intoatomic volumes, and utilized the graph cuts to determinethe individual volumes to be inside or outside. Volumet-ric methods are inappropriate for appearance repair sincethe texture is an intrinsic property of the surface that can-not be embedded in 3D volume. In this paper we use localparameterization to capture the textural information.

While all of the above methods create a smooth patchto cover the hole region, context-based approaches re-pair the holes according to their context information. [25]warps a given shape model towards the missing region ofthe given surface using control points, followed by a fair-ing step along the boundary of the hole. [24] can auto-matically choose a local patch that is geometrically similarto the hole region. [15] filled the holes using a mappingbetween the incomplete mesh and a template model. The

completed models are guaranteed to have the same top-ology as the template. [19] retrieved context models froma database of 3D shapes, and warped the retrieved modelsto conform with the incomplete scanned data. Our ap-proach in this paper is conceptually similar to [24] for au-tomatic context-based hole filling. Nonetheless, differentfrom the volumetric embedding approach taken in [24],our method is solely based on the intrinsic properties ofthe surface (curvatures and colors), in which case not onlygeometry, but also appearance information can be repairedautomatically based on context information by only solv-ing a two-manifold PDE system.

3 System overview

Our surface completion system is mainly composed of thefollowing three separate parts:1. Hole detector: given a set of noisy, defective point sam-

ples as input, this part utilizes a deformable-model-based method to determine the orientation of eachpoint sample and remove noise. In the meantime, theholes in the original point cloud can be automaticallydetected (Sect. 4) in this stage.

2. Surface patch selector: this part finds the most similarsurface patch to the detected hole based on the octreediscretization. For automatic selection, a curvature-centered “digital signature” is computed for each localpatch (Sect. 5.2), which can be subsequently em-ployed for both geometry and appearance comparisonin a quantitative way. If users need to select surfacepatches directly, Boolean operations are provided for amore accurate selection task.

3. Poisson solver: in this part, the best candidate surfacepatch and its corresponding boundary are aligned withthe hole region using the colored ICP (iterative clos-est point) method (Sect. 6.1). Finally, its geometry andcolor information are warped one after the other to thehole region by solving Poisson equations (Sect. 6.2).Figure 2 shows the general pipeline of our surface

completion system. To achieve efficiency, three kinds ofdata structures are constructed as a pre-process. First, weembed an input point set in an octree structure. Also, thehierarchical volumetric grid structure is used to constructthe distance field in Sect. 4. Finally, we utilize a kd-tree forthe fast retrieval of neighboring points in our system.

4 Hole detection

We use the active contour method as a pre-processingstage for the original point set surface. Given a set ofnoisy, defective point samples without any normal ororientation information, the active contour method of [31]can be utilized to facilitate determining the orientation of

Surface completion for shape and appearance 171

Fig. 2. The general framework and data pipeline of our surfacecompletion system

each point sample, removing outliers and noise. We willshow in this paper that the active contour method can alsobe utilized for automatic hole detection. In this section, wewill briefly introduce the active contour method and ex-plain how to utilize it to find the holes. For more detailson its technical settings and applications to orientation de-termination and removal of outliers, the reader is referredto [31].

If the input point set, Γ , is assumed to be a closedmanifold, we can naturally divide the volumetric spaceinto inside and outside regions. The active contour methodis a commonly used approach to determine the inside oroutside of a surface. To avoid leakage through holes, mostdeformable models resort to the minimization of certainstrain energies. [31] takes a different approach by launch-ing two active contours growing at both sides of the hole.The active contours travel at the same speed and keep thesame distance to the surface, and they will finally collideat the center of the hole. For any spatial region visuallybounded by a set of surface samples, there exists at leastone space point inside the surface that has a local maximalunsigned distance field. Therefore, it is sufficient to launchan active contour seed at each local maximum point be-sides the one in the outer bounding space. Figure 3 showsthe idea of the active contour method. We launch an activecontour at each local maximum of the unsigned distancefield, as well as in the outer bounding space (Fig. 3 (c)).The active contours grow and shrink toward the surfaceand try to keep the same distance to the surface, and atthe end the whole surface is sandwiched between these ac-tive contours (Fig. 3 (d)). Please note that the hole regionis sandwiched by an inner and an outer contour, and the

Fig. 3. Active contour method for automatic hole detection

Fig. 4a,b. Automatic hole detection for the incomplete dragonmodel: a the original point set with three complicated holes; b theholes (in blue) are detected automatically

center of the hole is a saddle point of the unsigned distancefield (Fig. 3 (e)).

In our implementation, the continuous unsigned dis-tance field is discretized onto a volumetric grid. Each gridpoint is associated with a distance value, which is definedas its block distance to the nearest nonempty cell. Eachlocal maximum grid point initiates an active contour. Allpoints on the active contours are sorted with a heap bytheir distance to the surface, and the furthest point growsfirst. This can guarantee that all parts of the active contoursgrow with nearly the same distance to the surface. Whenthe active contours collide, we can check for the distancevalue associated with each grid point. If the distance valueis the local maximum, this grid point can be consideredthe center of a hole. The performance of this volumetricapproach can be improved by introducing a hierarchicalversion of this algorithm (see [31] for more detail), whichallows us to obtain a O(n2 log n) speed, when n is thediameter of the volumetric grid. Also, we calculate nor-mal vectors for the latter steps using principal componentanalysis (PCA) with neighbor points.

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When a hole Υ is detected, we can identify its bound-ary ∂Υ by first collecting all the surface points in Γ resid-ing in the neighborhood of the boundary grid points. Wecan check over each point p ∈ Γ , and project the neighbor-ing points of p onto its tangent plane. If the angle of theopen fan area (the region where no neighboring point re-sides) is larger than a certain threshold angle, we considerp as belonging to the boundary of the hole ∂Υ . Figure 4shows an example of the automatic hole detection for theincomplete dragon model.

5 Surface patch selection

After the holes of the original point surface have beenidentified, they should be filled in a way that is minimallydistinguishable from their surrounding regions whilemaintaining certain degrees of continuity with boundaries.Because there is no information inside the hole region, itwould be better to use the context information obtainedfrom other regions that do not contain holes. If the originalmodel has enough context information, holes can be filledautomatically (both shape and appearance) by conform-ing with the natural properties of the model. This can beachieved by automatically translating, rotating, and pos-sibly warping copies of points from another region that ismost similar to the hole region.

Without global parameterization, surfaces lack a natu-ral intrinsic spatial structure, which can facilitate search-ing and selecting similar surface regions for the holes. Totackle this underlying difficulty, we have to resort to a vol-umetric embedding structure (in this paper we utilize thehierarchical octree structure) to define where and how tosearch for and select adequate patches.

In this paper, we propose to perform local parame-terization, to compare both the shape and appearance ofthe local surface patches discretized by the octree struc-ture. In Sect. 5.1, we will address the local parameteri-zation techniques. The patch similarity is based on com-puting curvature-driven digital signatures, which will beaddressed in Sect. 5.2. In addition, there is no guaran-tee that this automatic approach will always give the bestsolution from a human perspective. Thus, it can be com-plemented by user intervention. We will address manualselection issues in Sect. 5.3. The surface patch selection isperformed separately for geometry and texture.

5.1 Local parameterization

In order to compare both the shape and appearance of thelocal surface patches Γi ⊂ Γ , we perform local parame-terization for the surface patches in each octree cell up toa certain layer λ. λ is determined from the highest layerof the existing holes, and it should also satisfy the condi-tion that each octree cell beneath the layer contains at most

one surface patch that is homeomorphic to a topologicaldisc; otherwise we do not parameterize the “high-genus"surface patch (genus ≥ 1) and leave it alone. If the sur-face patch does not contains a hole, several existing localparameterization methods can be utilized to parameterizeeach local patch. In this paper, we utilize the minimumdistortion parameterization method in [34].

Let X : [0, 1]×[0, 1] → Γi be the mapping from a pa-rameter domain Di to a surface patch Γi . Then the param-eterization becomes the minimization problem with thefollowing cost function:

C(X) =∑


X(sj)− pj2 + ε


γ(s)d s, (1)

where γ(s) = ∫θ( ∂2

∂r2 X s(θ, r))2dθ, and s = (u, v) ∈ Di ,p ∈ Γi . X s(θ, r) denotes local polar reparameterization

defined as X s(θ, r) = X(s + r[ cos(θ)sin(θ)

]). The first term

in Eq. 1 represents squared error of the parameterizationgiven by constraints and the second term estimates the dis-tortion by integrating the squared curvature γ(x) in theparameter domain D. Let the inverse mapping of X beU : Γi → [0, 1]× [0, 1]. To minimize Eq. 1 and to obtainU , Zwicker et al. [34] proposed a discretization methodunder the point cloud setting.

Since the octree cells are aligned with the world co-ordinate system (instead of the object-space), the surfacepatches inside the octree cells can be of arbitrary shape.For example, in Fig. 5 (a), the local patch inside the octreecell is “three-sided”. This would make our local surfaceparameterization undesirable if it maps an “n-sided” sur-face patch onto the [0, 1]×[0, 1] parameter domain. Thisproblem can be remedied by selecting local “four-sided”patches in an object-space fashion. We use PCA to ob-tain the principal directions u, v, w of the local patch,where the origin o of these local axes resides at its cen-ter of mass. Given a user-specified patch length L, we cancheck if a point p belongs to the “four-sided” local patchby testing if −→op ·u ≤ L and −→op ·v ≤ L, where −→op = p −

Fig. 5. a A local surface patch inside the octree cell; b automaticallyselecting local “four-sided” surface patches to facilitate local pa-rameterization

Surface completion for shape and appearance 173

o. The checking process can start from o. If it belongsto the “four-sided” local patch, we can continue to checkits neighbors in a recursive way. The four farthest cornerpoints can be set as positional constraints in the first termof Eq. 1 (see Fig. 5 (b)).

If the surface patch contains holes, the distortion partin (Eq. 1) is hard to estimate around the hole boundary∂Υ . We parameterize Γi by fixing parameter values of holeboundary using the reference plane fitted by the points inΓi . Let nh be the number of holes in Γ and the k-th holeΥ k

i be contained in the surface patch Γi . We use PCA toobtain the principal directions u, v, w of Γi , where thelocal reference plane is spanned in the u and v directions.Having the reference plane as a parameter domain Di , wecan calculate parameter values of points p ∈ ∂Υ k

i by dir-ect projection (see Fig. 6). After obtaining the parametervalues for the boundary points in Υ k

i , we can set them asadditional constraints (first term) in Eq. 1, and obtain theparameter values for the other points in Γi .

Fig. 6. Local parameterization of patches with a hole

5.2 Automatic selection

After local parameterization, we can compare the sur-face patches based on their curvature (Sect. 5.2.1) andcolor information by computing their “digital signatures”(Sect. 5.2.2). The selected best-matching patch can bewarped to the hole region by solving Poisson equations(Sect. 6) directly over the surface patches.

5.2.1 Curvature estimation

We can analyze both geometry and texture similaritiesbased on the curvature and color information of thepatches discretized by the octree structure. Color informa-tion at each point for comparing appearance is typicallygiven by the scanned data. Curvature values for comparinggeometry need to be estimated at each point. For triangu-lar meshes, there are several existing methods [22, 26] toestimate surface curvatures that are quite stable with noisy

data using wide neighbor area and weights. In this paper,we take the similar normal voting approach of [22] to ap-proximate the surface curvature at each point in the pointcloud.

Let κp(Tθ) be the surface normal curvature at point pin the unit length tangent direction Tθ . The symmetric ma-trix:

Mp = 1



κp(Tθ)TθTtθ dθ (2)

has eigenvectors that are equivalent to the principal direc-tions T1, T2, and its eigenvalues m1

p, m2p are related to

the principal curvatures κ1p, κ2

p as:

κ1p = 3m1

p −m2p, κ2

p = 3m2p −m1

p. (3)

Note that the normal vector Np is another eigenvector ofMp associated with the eigenvalue 0.

In our discretized point cloud setting, we consider thelocal neighborhood q1, ..., qm around p to estimate theprincipal curvature of the surface at point p. For eachneighboring point qi , we estimate the normal curvature atpoint p as:

κi = ∆ϑi

∆s, (4)

where ϑi is the turning angle, and s is the arc length (seeFig. 7). We project the normal of qi (denoted as Nqi ) ontothe plane Πi that contains Np, p, and qi , to obtain the pro-jected vector Nqi . ∆ϑi is the change in turning angle, andit can be computed as:

cos(∆ϑi) = Np · Nqi

||Nqi ||. (5)

The change in arc length ∆s can be estimated as thegeodesic distance from qi to p.

After computing the directional normal curvature fromeach neighboring point qi , we can approximate Eq. 2 as:

Mp = 1

∑ωiκi TiTt

i , (6)

Fig. 7. Normal voting for curvature estimation

174 S. Park et al.

where the weight ωi must satisfy the constraint∑

ωi =2π. By analyzing the eigenvalues of Mp, we can estimatethe principal curvatures from (Eq. 3).

5.2.2 Finding similar patches

After parameterization, the local patches cannot be di-rectly compared with the hole patch, since the hole regioncontains no geometric/textural information. The compar-ison has to be performed outside the hole region basedon its parametric correspondence (see Fig. 8). However,there is still an extra degree of freedom to rotate thelocal patches on their parametric plane before compari-son. To tackle this problem, we quantize the local para-metric orientation to 24 discrete angles, i.e., i ×15, i =0, 1, . . . , 23. We rotate the local patches on their paramet-ric plane, and pre-compute 24 different rotated parametriccopies of the same patch. Due to the symmetry about theuv axis, we can save memory space by storing only sixrotated copies at each octree cell. Similar strategies of pre-processing textures are used in [28, 29].

To find similar patches, we use curvature informationfor geometry comparison and (R, G, B) color values forappearance. We select several signatures, which representboth the geometry and color information of a given patch.For geometry, we select six signatures ( f1, . . . , f6) re-lated to the curvatures, considering the fact that the cur-vatures are the intrinsic geometric properties of a surfacepatch. They are defined as:

f1 =∑

j κ1 j

ni, f2 = maxjκ1 j, f3 = minjκ1 j

f4 =∑

j κ2 j

ni, f5 = maxjκ2 j, f6 = minjκ2 j ,


where κ1 j is the maximum curvature of pj ∈ Γi , κ2 j isthe minimum curvature of pj , and ni is the number of

Fig. 8. Surface patch comparison outside the hole region

points in Γi . For texture comparison, we use nine signa-ture values, g1, ..., g9, which represent the average, themaximum, and the minimum color value of R, G, B, re-spectively.

Given a hole patch Υk, (k ∈ 0, ..., nh), we need tocompare it with other surface patches Γi, (i = 0, ..., nλ)

using signatures. The similarity function S( f Υkj , f Γi

j ) (Sjfor short) can be defined as:

Sj =(

1− dj

dmax, j


, (8)

where f Υkj is the j-th signature value of the patch Υk,

dj = | f Υkj − f Γi

j |, dmax, j = maxjdj, j = 0, . . . , ni. r rep-resents the sensitivity of S along dj , and we simply setr = 2.

Then, the similarity between two surface patches is de-fined as a normalized value of the weighted sum, which isobtained by comparing each signature:

similarity(Υk, Γi) =∑

j wjSj∑j wj

, (9)

After calculating the similarity value of each surfacepatch, we can find the most similar patch Γi∗ , which hasthe maximum similarity value as a candidate to fill Υ .However, the automatic approach may not always guar-antee the best results from a human perspective. So, ouralgorithm can provide several candidates that have themaximum similarity values, and the users can select one ofthem as Γi∗ . Also, the most similar patches are not neces-sarily the same for geometry and texture filling, so we canfind different Γi∗ for geometry and texture separately.

5.3 Manual selection

The automatic selection approach based on local param-eterization works very well for local surface patches thatare relatively flat and simple. For complicated local geom-etry such as the claw of the dragon model in Fig. 9, how-ever, local parameterization would face severe stretch anddistortion, which make it inappropriate for subsequentprocessing. In some surface completion tasks, the scannedmodel doesn’t have enough context information, or theautomatic selection in Sect. 5.2 may not give a global solu-tion because of the octree structure. For example, in Fig. 1,the octree discretization cannot give any plausible solu-tion for the missing hand of the Santa Claus model withoutuser intervention. In our system, we provide efficient andaccurate user interaction techniques to handle incompletepoint sets.

Let us assume that a 3D closed curve C located on thesurface patch is given by a user, and this curve separatesthe input point set into two parts. We want to find thesetwo parts divided by C. Because there is no connectivity

Surface completion for shape and appearance 175

Fig. 9a,b. Repairing the dragon model by user manipulation; a theuser selects the most similar regions (orange region) from the mod-el’s context; b the final repaired model

between pure points, we embed Γ and C into the volumet-ric grids used in Sect. 4 for efficiency. We visit the gridpoints in two opposite directions starting from the cells in-tersecting C. The grid points that we visit are only limitedto those that sandwich the point surface. The front propa-gation on the narrow band grids is similar to the tangentialflow approach, and [17] also suggest a similar techniquein 2D. Based on the assumption that the input point setis obtained from a two-manifold surface model, this frontpropagation works very well in all of our experiments.Figure 9 shows an example of surface completion basedon user manipulation.

5.4 Boundary detection

The hole filling process introduced in Sect. 6 is basi-cally achieved by translating, rotating, and possibly warp-ing copies of the points from the selected region to thetarget hole region based on their boundary information.At this stage, the boundary of the selected patch ∂Γi∗should be detected. The same technique used in Sect. 4can be applied to decide whether a point in Γi∗ belongs to∂Γi∗ or not. Because there may be several closed bound-ary curves in one patch, we need to check and sepa-rate them. Let us assume that if p1 and p2 belong todifferent boundary curves then dist(p1, p2) > r, wheredist(p1, p2) is the Euclidean distance between p1 and p2,and r is the tolerance value. We construct a Euclidean min-imum spanning tree (EMST) of boundary points. Thenwe examine each edge of the EMST, and cut those edgeslonger than r (see Fig. 10). The remaining connectedpoints compose the closed boundary curves. Actually, thepoints in the remaining EMST are not connected to formclosed curves. However, we can simply collect all theseparated boundary points, since their connectivity in-

Fig. 10. The Euclidean minimum spanning tree (EMST) andboundary curve separation

formation is not needed for the patch alignment processlater (Sect. 6.1).

6 Filling holes

Before filling a hole with the selected copy region, the ini-tial alignment of these two regions should be performedwith respect to a rigid body transformation (Sect. 6.1).After initial alignment between the selected context patchand the original hole-region, there may be still somegaps that cannot be further reduced by rigid body trans-formation. At this moment, the Poisson equation is usedto solve for the remaining displacement field (Sects. 6.2and 6.3). The displacement field is generally smooth basedon the Poisson equation. However, their geometric andtextural detail/sharp features are maintained as much aspossible, since they are input as the guidance field in thePoisson equation, and can be preserved in a least squaredsense. A hole filling step is also performed twice forgeometry and texture, respectively.

6.1 Initial alignment

Because we have no point in the hole, the transformationfrom ∂Γi∗ to ∂Υ should be performed to align the copy re-gion with the hole. Here, ∂Υ is the banded point surfaceregion around the hole, and ∂Γi∗ is the set of points on Γi∗corresponding to ∂Υ . In our current work, we use the ICPmethod, which gives a quite reasonable result for the reg-istration between two banded regions. Since ICP does notwork when the two point sets are not close, we align thecentroid of two point sets and coordinates of two OBBsfirst. Also, normal information is used to check whetherthe copy patch is turned over. Let T be the (4×4) matrixthat represents rigid body transformation. Let qj ∈ ∂Γi∗ bethe nearest point of pj ∈ ∂Υ , and the distance between twopoint sets be defined as:

d(∂Υ, ∂Γi∗) =∑


||pj −qj ||2. (10)

The traditional ICP method finds the matrix T that satis-fies:


d(∂Υ, T∂Γi∗). (11)

176 S. Park et al.

A similar procedure can be applied to the texture align-ment by modifying the distance between two points p1 =(x1, y1, z1, r1, g1, b1) and p2 = (x2, y2, z2, r2, g2, b2) toinclude additional color information. We use the followingdistance measure, similar to the colored ICP method [12]:

d6(p1, p2) =⎡

⎣(x1 − x2)

2 +w1(r1 −r2)2+

(y1 − y2)2 +w2(g1 − g2)

2+(z1 − z2)

2 +w3(b1 −b2)2


. (12)

In our experiments we choose w1 = w2 = w3 = 1/3.Because this initial alignment uses only boundary re-

gions, it may not give the most appropriate solution con-forming with the model’s context. (E.g., in Fig. 1, thecopied hand of the Santa Claus model would need a mirrorreflection before the final warping.) If the alignment is notappropriate according to the overall context, users can ro-tate, translate, or symmetrically reflect the patch after theautomatic alignment process.

6.2 Poisson model

Partial differential equation (PDE) techniques have beenwidely used in many visual computing applications. ThePDE methods model graphical objects as solutions of cer-tain elliptic PDEs with boundary constraints. The PDEmodel uses only boundary conditions to recover all of thehole interior information and offers high-order continuity,as well as energy minimization properties. Both the geom-etry and color information of the surface patch that hashighest similarity can be blended with the hole patch bysolving PDEs.

In our implementation, to merge two point sets smoothlywith boundary conditions, we choose the Poisson equa-tion with Dirichlet boundary conditions [23, 32], which isa second-order PDE and can be solved more efficiently:

∇2 f = div h over Ω, with f |∂Ω = f ∗|∂Ω, (13)

where h is the guidance vector field, ∇2 = ( ∂2

∂x2 + ∂2

∂y2 +∂2

∂z2 ), and div h is the divergence of h. It can be verifiedthat the Poisson equation (Eq. 13) is the solution of theminimization problem:



|∇ f −h|2, with f |∂Ω = f ∗|∂Ω, (14)

If the guidance field h is the gradient of some guidancefunction g (i.e., h = ∇g), we can define a correction func-tion f = f −g. In this way, the Poisson equation becomesthe Laplacian equation with boundary conditions:

∇2 f = 0 over Ω, with f |∂Ω = ( f ∗ − g)|∂Ω, (15)

In our hole filling problem, the guidance function g can besimply the geometry and color information of the selectedsurface patch (see Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. The selected “most” similar patch is warped to the holepatch by solving a Poisson equation, where the guidance functiong is simply the geometry and texture information of the selectedpatch

Fig. 12. Local umbrella operator for computing the Laplacian ateach point

6.3 Poisson solver

The Laplacian equation (Eq. 15) can be solved directly onthe point sampled surfaces. It can be discretized over boththe selected surface patch and the hole patch on each pointsample. To specify the boundary condition, each pointp ∈ ∂Γi∗ is mapped to the nearest point in ∂Υ before eval-uation.

The discretization of Eq. 15 simply means the dis-cretization of the Laplacian operator ∇2 f , which can beapproximated using the scale-dependent umbrella opera-tor [8]:

U(pi) =n∑


εpi ,qj ( f (qj)− f (pi)), (16)

where n is the number of neighboring points of pi , qj ∈N(pi), and the weights εpi ,qj = 1



‖qk−pi‖are in inverse proportion to their distances. Figure 12 de-scribes the meaning of this operator.

Now, by applying Eq. 16 with position and color valuesto all the points p ∈ Γi∗ , we can formulate a sparse linearsystem A f = b, which can be solved numerically usinga conjugate gradient method.

7 Experimental results

Our system is implemented on a Microsoft Windows XPPC with Xeon 2.80 GHz CPU, 2.00 GB of RAM. Wetested our system on several incomplete point surfaces,and recorded the statistics of our system’s performance inTable 1. Figure 13 shows an example of a scanned Bud-dha model with one large hole, which is detected and filled

Surface completion for shape and appearance 177

Table 1. The time performance of our shape and appearance com-pletion algorithm (in seconds)

Model Points Holes Param. Finding Filling

Buddha 13,942 1 No 131 s 16 sChameleon 99,835 1 Yes 193 s 108 s

Dragon 52,982 3 No 53 s 32 sFemale 123,369 3 No 62 s 89 s

Iphigenie 144,622 3 Yes 104 s 361 sMale 145,177 6 Yes 153 s 653 s

Rocker arm 39,501 1 Yes 103 s 87 sSanta 71,438 3 No 67 s 78 s

Fig. 13a–d. Repairing the Buddha model under user manipulation;a the original point set with one large hole; b automatic hole de-tection (with hole boundary in yellow); c the selected surface patch(only for shape) is rendered in white and the corresponding bound-ary in red; d final result

Fig. 14a,b. Repairing the sharp feature of the rocker arm modelautomatically: a the original point set with one hole; b the sharpfeature is repaired from the model’s context

automatically. The shape and appearance of the missingpart is completed with details taken from the existing partsof the body. The sharp feature of rocker arm model inFig. 14 can be also repaired gracefully and automaticallybased on its context information. The Iphigenie model(Fig. 15) and the male model (Fig. 16) are both non-trivialexamples with several complicated missing parts, whichare all detected and repaired automatically conforming totheir context information based on the local parameteri-zation. Also, very complicated texture of the chameleonmodel (Fig. 17) is repaired from model’s context usingsame method. The local parameterization approach can

Fig. 15a–c. Automatically repairing the Iphigenie model based onlocal parameterization: a the original point surface with severalmissing parts; b the holes are detected automatically (with holeboundary points drawn in red); c the model is repaired conformingto the context information based on local parameterization

Fig. 16a,b. Automatic shape and appearance repair based on localparameterization: a the holes in the original point set can be de-tected automatically; the points near the hole boundaries are ren-dered in red. b both the shape and appearance of the hole regionscan be repaired based on local parameterization

only handle relatively simple holes and is not suitable forrepairing the hand of the Santa Claus model (Fig. 1), theclaw of the dragon model (Fig. 9), or the foot of the femalemodel (Fig. 18). The missing parts in all these models arevery complicated, making them inappropriate for local pa-rameterization. The holes of these models are all detectedautomatically using our active contour approach. The handof Santa Claus, the claw of the dragon, and the foot of thefemale model are repaired interactively by user manipu-

178 S. Park et al.

Fig. 17a,b. Automatically repairing shape and appearance of the chameleon model; a the red points are near the boundary of the hole;b complicated texture information can be repaired from the model’s context based on local parameterization

Fig. 18a–d. Repairing the female model under user manipulation: a the original point set with three complicated holes; b automatichole detection (with hole boundary in yellow); c the selected surface patch (only for shape) is rendered in yellow and the correspondingboundary in blue; d final result

lation, while other relatively “flat” holes are repaired au-tomatically conforming to their context information basedon local parameterization.

The number of surface patches used in Sect. 5.2.2 isdependent on the level of the octree. In the case of theIphigenie model, an average of 282 patches are used forcomparison. These results may be affected by some deci-sion parameters that are introduced at several stages. In thehole detection stage, user-defined threshold is needed todetect boundaries. When estimating curvature, the neigh-borhood size is an important parameter, which we set asnine for our experiments. Also, the weights to calculatesimilarity in (Eq. 9) and color ICP in (Eq. 12) are simplyset as equal average values.

8 Conclusion

In this paper we have developed a novel surface con-tent completion system that can repair both shape andappearance of incomplete point set inputs. The entire

model repair pipeline consists of hole detection, auto-matic/interactive patch selection, and hole filling via thecut-and-paste operation. We utilize the active contourmethod to facilitate robust hole detection from the noisyand defective data sets. Our surface content completionenables automatic context-based geometry and texturefilling simultaneously. We use boundaries to align thelocal patches and to solve Poisson equations for warp-ing the patch to cover the hole region and to achievea smooth transition across the hole boundary. Local pa-rameterization is utilized to facilitate automatic patchselection, alignment, and the warping process. Com-pared with other existing work on surface completion,our method can automatically repair color informationin addition to just geometry, and can achieve better ef-ficiency, since all these operations are performed on alocal 2D parameterization domain rather than on thevolume through the volumetric-embedding mechanism.Our surface completion framework and its constituentsare of particular value to computer graphics applica-tions such as model reconstruction and shape model-ing.

Surface completion for shape and appearance 179

Acknowledgement This research was conducted at Stony BrookUniversity when Ms. Seyoun Park was an exchange Ph.D candi-date in the Computer Science Department and Center for VisualComputing. This work was partially supported by KRF grant M07-

2003-000-20301-0 to S. Park, and by NSF grant ACI-0328930, ITRgrant IIS-0326388, and the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship to H. Qin.The Santa, rocker arm, male, and female models are courtesy ofCyberware, Inc.

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SEYOUN PARK is a Ph.D. Candidate in theDepartment of Industrial Engineering atKAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Scienceand Technology). She received a B.S. degree(2002) and M.S. degree(2004) all in IndustrialEngineering from KAIST. Her main researchinterests are in general geometric modeling,point-based graphics, computational geometry,and Bio-CAD. For more information, pleasesend a mail to

XIAOHU GUO is a Ph.D. candidate in the De-partment of Computer Science at State Uni-versity of New York at Stony Brook. He hasa B.S. degree (2001) in Computer Science fromthe University of Science and Technology ofChina. He received his M.S. degree (2004) inComputer Science from the State Universityof New York at Stony Brook. His researchinterests include computer graphics, geomet-

ric and physics-based modeling, computer an-imation and simulation, scientific visualization,human-computer interaction, virtual reality, andcomputer vision. For more information, pleasevisit∼xguo.

HAYONG SHIN is an associate professor inthe Department of Industrial Engineering atKAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science andTechnology). Before joining KAIST, He workedfor DaimlerChrysler Corp., CubicTek Co. andLG Electronics, developing commercial and in-house CAD/CAM software. He received a BSfrom Seoul National University in 1985, an MSand a PhD from KAIST in 1987 and 1991,all in industrial engineering. His main researchinterests are in the area of geometric model-ing, tool path generation, process planning, andcomputational geometry. He can be reached

HONG QIN is Associate Professor of ComputerScience at State University of New York at StonyBrook. In 1997, Professor Qin was awardedNSF CAREER Award from the National ScienceFoundation (NSF). In December, 2000, Profes-sor Qin received Honda Initiation Grant Award.In April, 2001, Professor Qin was selected as anAlfred P. Sloan Research Fellow by the SloanFoundation. His areas of expertise include geo-metric modeling, graphics, physics-based simu-lation, computer aided geometric design, andhuman-computer interaction. At present, he is anassociate editor of IEEE Transactions on Visu-alization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) andhe is also on the editorial board of The Vi-sual Computer (International Journal of Com-puter Graphics). In 2005, he co-chaired the23rd Computer Graphics International Confer-ence (CGI 2005). For further information, pleasevisit∼qin.

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