surah ash shura

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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الشورى سورة

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Rationale for invalidity of Shirk.

• Angels glorify Allah(SWT) & asks for forgiveness of the people of earth for their grave crime of shirk.

• Will of Allah(SWT) ---- Freedom of choice for Humans

• Allah’s guardianship

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• Trust on Allah(SWT) Tawakul Ilallah --- To only Him turn in every matter.

• َع� َر� Prescription ---- َش�

• Difference arise not because of lack of knowledge but due to desire for ostentation, love of an

independent entity, mutual rivalry and stubbornness, the urge to humiliate and defeat one another,

and greed for worldly wealth and position.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Why inheritors of The Book are in doubt about it? ---- They made their translations prevail until the

original was lost and only the translations remained.

• Orders for Ummah ---- Call towards Tauheed, be steadfast, do not follow desires, to do justice

among each other, no variation in deen

• Avoid argumentation.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 3:• Comparison of seeker of the Hereafter and the seeker of the world --- different results and

consequences of the labors of each.

• Daee do not seek any reward from others but to develop in listeners a desire for attaining nearness to Allah.

• Condition for acceptance of prayers ---- Do righteous deeds(Lawful earning is the best deed)

• Wisdom behind the distribution of sustenance.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 4:• Types of afflictions and hardships and their reasons.

• Importance of wind in sea travel ---- sign of patience and thankfulness

• Tawakul is one the important virtue of a believer ---- Trust on promises of Allah(SWT)

• Second virtue --- Abstain from grave sins and shameful deeds.

• Third virtue ---- whenever they are angry they forgive.

• Fourth virtue ---- obey their Lord and establish Prayer

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Fifth virtue --- conduct their affairs by consultation --- Individual & collective consultation only where

when there is no direct order from Quran and Sunnah --- Importance of consultation & its process.

• Sixth virtue ---- Charity --- Spend what Allah bestowed them(wealth, skills, time, kids)

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Seventh virtue --- When subjected to aggression defend themselves and retaliate against aggressor

but one who forgives and makes amends, his reward lies with Allah.

• The principle of retaliation against the aggression ---- Don’t become aggressor yourself.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 5:• The true losers are those who lose themselves and their kindred on the Day of Resurrection.

• Accept the command of your Lord before there comes a Day from Allah that cannot be averted.

• Sex of the baby(Nature of baby) --- Boy or girl or barren --- Helplessness of Humans

• Different forms/kinds of revelations --- Dream, angel, angel as human, direct from Allah(SWT),

inclination on heart.

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