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Some chemical engineersrarely get towear hard hats.

Film differs from Rembrandt's better film can be widely afforded.medium. Most who expressthemselves with it do not know orcare how it is made. Before 1880,no one knew how to make it.Today, no one is remotely inter-ested in using the kind of filmmade in the 1880s. For today's filmis so incomparably more respon-sive. It contains minute quantitiesof various molecules we weren'tputting in as recently as 1975. Andby 1985, we'll probably be puttingin other molecules that work evenbetter.

Beauty resides in these mole-cules themselves. Beautiful alsoare the methods by which chemi-cal engineers quickly cut the costof a "new composition of matter"(as patent lawyers put it) so that

There is practiced here atKodak a kind of chemical engi-neering that does not think ton-nage. It operates equipmentlocated in small, quiet rooms. Itobserves biological processeswhich use membranes for separa-tion in either aqueous or non-aqueous solutions. It often preferscontinuous processes to batchprocesses, as in copolymeriza-tions where the end propertiesresult not from just the ratio ofthe reactants but from the preci-sion with which they are broughttogether.

That's why we believe thathardheaded (but not necessarilyhard-hatted) chemical engineer-ing is needed in a temple of

science like the Kodak ResearchLaboratories. A fractional-crys-tallization process like this oneneeds no scaling up to meet theneeds of the factory. But chemi-cal engineering on such a scale isscarcely as common as the analo-gous fractional distillation thattakes place in plumed towersagainst the sky, a sight whichcaptivated countless photo-graphic artists seeking to depictthe essence of industry.Of course, this isn't the only

kind of chemical engineering wepractice, but isn't all engineeringa bridge between science and art?

* Eastman Kodak Company, 1981

SCIENCE, VOL. 2131062





The Bristol-Myers Company presents an annuql award to a- scientist making anoutstanding contribution In cancer research. The candidates for the award are to benominated by medical schools, free-standing hospitals and cancer research centers.Only one nomination from each institution is permitted.




Saul A. Rosenberg, M.D., Selecfion Committee ChairmanProfessor of Medicine and Radiology and Chief, Division of Oncology

Stanford University School of Medicine

Gianni Bonadonna, M.D.Director, Division of Clinical Oncology

Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei TumoriHarris Busch, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor and Chairman, Department of PharmacologyBaylor College of Medicine

Ken R. Harrap, Ph.D., D.Sc.Head, Department of Biochemical Pharmacology

Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Marsden HospitalPaul A. Marks, M.D.

President and Chief Executive OfficerMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Albert H. Owens, Jr., M.D.Director, Oncology Center, The Johns Hopkins University

Alan C. Sartorelli, Ph.D.Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology

Yale University School of Medicine

Philip S. Schein, M.D.Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology and Chief, Division of Medical Oncology

Georgetown University School of Medicine

John E. Ultmann, M.D.Director, Cancer Research Center, The University of Chicago

Rules and official nomination forms are available from: Secretary, Award Commiftee,345;Park Avenue, Room 43-55, New York, New York 10154.

1064 SCIENCE, VOL. 213


1064 SCIENCE, VOL. 213

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