super apple saves the day

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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A story about personal branding, networking, social media, and changing the world.



Saves the Day

A Story By Chris Quick

When I was three years old my mom dressed me as Super Apple for Halloween. 

Other kids begged for candy as Ewoks or princesses. But I was Super Apple - complete with cape, mask, and blonde pigtails.  Maybe that's when I decided to become two people.

Ordinary Chris Super ChrisImages by John LaPorte

My ordinary self is a nerdy bookworm, insecure and unimpressive. I'm an introvert. These traits are not a good match for my big ambition. So I have to ACT like something bigger, someone more outgoing - my superhero self.

Ordinary Chris Super Chris

Let’s go on SlideShare!

Images by John LaPorte

It helps me tackle the things that scare me. To put myself and my work out there for people to see. It's Super Apple who entered this contest.

Reasons Super Apple Applies to You3

There are three reasons why SuperApple might apply to you.

#1 Even the beautiful people need a superhero self.

1. Even the beautiful people need a superhero self.

Ordinary Beyonce Sasha Fierce

Beyonce thinks she’s two people, too.  She released an album titled, “I Am … Sasha Fierce.” And was ridiculed when she tried to explain her alter ego, Sasha.Beyonce said, "I have someone else that takes over when it’s time for me to work and when I’m on stage, Sasha Fierce is the fun, more sensual, more aggressive, more outspoken side.”People may think she’s crazy, but I get it. I do the same thing.  And it’s really nothing new. 

All kinds of people, famous and not-so-famous, rebrand themselves. And in this Internet age it's easier (and more necessary) than ever for ordinary people to become remarkable.

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#2 Superheroes act like a host, not a guest.

2. Superheroes act like a host, not a guest.

When you’re networking and making a name for yourself, online or off, you’ve got to take initiative. You’re not allowed to be a wallflower. You don't have to wait for permission. If you want to be successful you’ve got to act like a host, not a guest.

Guests wait for things to happen.Guests wait for someone to take their coats, offer them a drink, and introduce them.  They're self-conscious.

Guests wait for things to happen.

When’s dinner?

They don't know what to DO.

Hosts make things happen.To give yourself courage, act like a HOST. Don’t wait for others to come to you.

Hosts make things happen.

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Approach someone. Find out where the food and the restrooms are and help other guests find them.

Hosts make things happen.

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SuperApple likes this.

Assign yourself the role of host, and no one will ever suspect you were scared.

#3 We’ve entered the era of the new superhero.

3. We've Entered the Era of the New Superhero

These are hard times. People show up to work with brown bag lunches and leave before noon with a cardboard box. Kids see their dads cry for the first time.  When the going gets tough, the scared do nothing.


Superheroes kick into action.

It’s time for a new era of superheroism.  One where we forget about the bat signal and dig in the basement for our Underoos and cape.  That’s right, folks.  It’s time for Super Apple - the decidedly ordinary person who uses their guts and smarts to do extraordinary things.  We all gotta save the day.

The End

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