sunset by mary weston fordham. poem objectives all hail! thou gorgeous sunset, with thy gold and...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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SunsetBy Mary Weston Fordham


All hail! Thou gorgeous sunset,With thy gold and purple clouds,

Tinting the vast horizon,Like shadowy, fleecy shrouds.

The mountain crests are glowing,The hills are crimson dyed,

The very air seems blushing,Bathed in thy amber tide.

Soon the twilight shadows falling

Will thy glory chase away,And weary man will welcome

The closing of the day.

Then the moon in silvery brightness,

Will show her pale, sad face;And the stars as her

attendants,Will stud infinite space.

Low down amid the valleySoon we’ll hear the night-bird’s

song,Calling softly to the south wind,

That the day of toil is done.

Then hail! Thou glorious sunset,Who in fullness can portray

The varied, wondrous beautyOf a summer’s sunset day.

Students will:

B1- Details-List specific details; recall facts; generate a list of ideas.

B2-Classify-Categorize the text; identify and sort categories.

B3-Generalizations-Make general statements about the text with evidence.

C1-Elements-Identify and explain character, setting, or poetic device.

C2-Inferences-Make judgements about specific textual events, ideas, or character analysis.

C3-Theme/Concept-Identify a major idea or theme in the text with evidence.

Habits of MindThinking Flexibly



Answer 2 of 3 Questions

B1 & B2-Create a graphic organizer grouping the events that happen at sunset. Add descriptive titles to each group of events.

C2-What can you infer about the author's opinion of sunset from the tone of the poem? Give examples from the poem as evidence.

B3-Read through the poem again and write 3-4 generalizations about sunsets.

RelevanceCreative Synthesis

Complete 2 of 3 Activities

Pretend to be the poet of this poem. Decide on similes, metaphors, and personification tools that you used to write this poem. (2-3 examples of each). Write an article for the educational section of a newspaper explaining the poetic devices used and why you chose the ones you did.

Dawn is the time when the sun is just rising. Using the model of "Sunset," write a six verse poem about dawn.

Create a 4-8 page photo album of sunsets. Use a digital camera and take photos of sunsets you see or google images and find pictures you can use or draw sunsets yourself. Add detailed captions to your photos.

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