sun in aśvinī

Post on 24-Jan-2016






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Sun in Aśvinī

Aśvinī nakṣatra extends from 0°00’ – 13°20’ in Aries and has four pada indicating the four ayana of life.

No. Position Navāṁśa Tattva Ayana D1 Lord D9 LordPada 1 Ar 0° – Ar 3°20’ Aries Agni Dharma Mars MarsPada 2 Ar 3°20’ – Ar 6°40’ Taurus Pṛthvi Artha Mars VenusPada 3 Ar 6°40’ – Ar 10° Gemini Vāyu Kāma Mars MercuryPada 4 Ar 10° – Ar 13°20’ Cancer Jala Mokṣa Mars Moon


Planetary Relationship with the Sun in Aśvinī nakṣatra:

Moon: Nature of the native is cruel and his eyes are large and always red. Mercury: the native lives his life peacefully and has an admirable, amicable

personality Jupiter: the native enjoys a long life and is a politician. Venus: the native is always engrossed in luxuries and is constantly seeking

enjoyments and comforts. Saturn: the native is underprivileged, ignored, and unfortunate. He may be abandoned

by parents or kinsmen and is brought up by another.

Pada Placement

Pada-1If the Sun is in the first pada then the native is long lived but behaves like an old man, maybe very traditional. He is a soft speaker, and enjoys his life with the pleasurable company of spouse and children. If the Sun is in the very first degree of Aries (0°-1° i.e. saṅkrānti birth), then he will suffer from bone related diseases. The bhāva of the Sun shall indicate the part of the body which is very afflicted. There will be problems associated with father or the native suffers separation from father.

Pada-2If the Sun is in the second pada then the native is not in good condition and suffers from various health problems and other afflictions until 8 years of age. Generally, the Sun gives good results in Aśvinī nakṣatra but if the Sun is in the second pada then these good effects of exaltation are absent due to pada doṣa (of second pada) as the Sun is in a navāṁśa owned by Venus. The native may be subject to inexplicable torment from dangerous things like black magic, evil incantations etc. He may also suffer a curse from an unknown person or a curse to an elder may get directed to him. Such a curse triggers his downfall time and again and he suffers various setbacks. Gradually, surprising turn of events bring good fortune and prosperity provided he has the courage and enterprise to take the opportunity. If not, then he can suffer from acute poverty and even become a beggar. He may be forced by circumstances to leave his home and country. Even the association of the Moon with the Sun cannot remedy the situation. However, the association of the Mars with the Sun will give the courage and enterprise necessary to seize the opportunities that lead to good fortune.

Pada-3If the Sun is in the third pada then the native will be wealthy and prosperous but longevity is

threatened i.e. short life is indicated by the Sun placement. In addition, he also has poor health. Very often he becomes violent and can express a mean streak.

Pada 4If the Sun is in the fourth pada then Native is respected, intelligent, prosperous and leader of his society. He has popularity at national level. He is spiritual. His heart is filled with good thoughts. He fulfills all responsibilities in time and with excellence. He has have to live out of country or place of birth for work or position. His luck changes in old age. If the Sun is in the eleventh (10°-11°) or twelfth (11°-12°) degree of Aśvinī nakṣatra then it gives better results.


In the chart of Adolf Hitler, Sun is in Asvini Naksatra Pada-3 which promises rajayoga but poor health and longevity. Hitler had suffered from digestive problems his entire life. Since childhood he’d been prone to crippling, painful stomach cramps during times of emotional distress. By the time he’d reached his early 40s, the cramping had become more frequent, often accompanied by violent bouts of farting, along with alternate bouts of diarrhea and constipation. Hitler became a vegetarian in the early 1930s: He didn’t trust doctors, so rather than seek professional help for his condition he tried to treat it himself by eliminating meat, rich foods, milk, and butter from his diet in favor of raw and cooked vegetables and whole grains. After he placed himself under Dr.Morell’s care, it was just a matter of time before his condition improved, and when relief finally came a few months later – at about the same time his eczema began to clear up- Hitler naturally attributed his deliverance to Morell.According to one estimate, by the early 1940s, Hitler was taking 92 different kinds of drugs, including 63 different pills and skin lotions. Some medicines were taken only when specific complaints arose, but others were taken every day. By the summer of 1941, Hitler was popping between 120 and 150 pills a week on average. And on top of all the pills, Morell also administered injections -as many as 10 a day, sometimes more. So many, in fact, that even Herman Goering, Hitler’s heir apparent and himself a morphine addict, was startled by their frequency and took to calling Morell the “Reich Injection Master.” Most of the pills and shots that Hitler took were unidentified and mysterious, but Dr. Koester’s Anti-Gas Pills came in a little metal container (like Altoids heath mints or Sucrets throat lozenges) that identified them by name and even listed the active ingredients: gentian, belladonna, and an extract of

something called nux vomica.The gentian was harmless enough. But the presence of the other two ingredients in the pills, plus the revelation that Hitler, on top of all his other medications, was popping as many as 20 of the anti-gas pills a day, was startling. Even if Dr. Morell had read the label on the tin, he might not have known that nux vomica is a seed that contains a large amount of strychnine, commonly used as the active ingredient in rat poison. Belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade, contains atropine, a toxic substance that can cause excitement, confusion, hallucinations, coma, and death if taken in large quantities. That’s what alarmed Dr. Geising when he saw the six black pills sitting on Hitler’s breakfast tray that morning in July 1944: Without even realizing it, Hitler’s own personal physician had exposed him on a daily basis to significant doses of not one, but two deadly poisons.Even after he learnt of the ingredients and stopped taking so many pills, his health did not improve. His physical and mental decline not only continued, it accelerated.He walked with the slow, halting shuffle of a man thirty years older, dragging his left leg behind him as he went. He couldn’t go more than a few steps without grabbing onto something for support. Hitler’s head, arms, and entire left side trembled and jerked uncontrollably. No longer able to write his own name, he signed important documents with a rubber stamp. He could not lift food to his mouth without spilling it down the front of his uniform and could not take a seat without help -after he shuffled up to a table, an aide pushed a chair behind him, and he plopped down into it. Hitler’s mental state had deteriorated as well. His thinking was muddled, his memory was failing, and his emotions whipsawed back and forth between long bouts of irrational euphoria (especially irrational considering how close Germany was to defeat) and fits of screaming, uncontrollable rage that lasted for hours.Finally the short life indication also happened when he committed suicide by consuming cyanide on April 30, 1945. He was 56 years old and in Dvisaptati Rahu Dasa Moon antara. Rahu is in marana karaka sthana in the 9th house while the Moon joins a marana karaka Jupiter in the third house. What is interesting is the conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter with the Sun giving him all the magnetism, wealth and intelligence-power needed for meteoric rise. While the conjunction of Mars gives his tremendous enterprise to achieve his ambitions and grab all opportunities that bring fortune, it also enhances “violence and mean streak” of the Sun in pada-3 of Asvini naksatra. The aspect of Saturn causes misfortune and great fall, also poverty is indicated. All these will happen during their dasa while the tamas indications increase with time after 28 years of age.

Sun in Bharaṇī

Bharaṇī nakṣatra extends from 13°20’ – 26°40’ in Aries and has four pada indicating the four ayana of life.

No. Position Navāṁśa Tattva Ayana D1 Lord D9 Lord

Pada 1 Ar 13°20’ – Ar 16°40’ Leo Agni Dharma Mars Sun

Pada 2 Ar 16°40’- Ar 20°00’ Virgo Pṛthvi Artha Mars Mercury

Pada 3 Ar 20°00’ – Ar 23°20’ Libra Vāyu Kāma Mars Venus

Pada 4 Ar 23°20’- Ar 26°40’ Scorpio Jala Mokṣa Mars Mars


Planetary Relationship with the Sun in Bharaṇī nakṣatra:

Moon: the native is very kind natured and has a rare quality of always being of assistance to others. He employs many people for various activities and businesses with the objective of making their lives meaningful.

Mars: this association brings forth a very cruel streak invoking the god of death, Yama, the devatā of Bharaṇī nakṣatra, that gives great dexterity in the art of ‘divide and rule’ called ‘vidveṣaṇa tantra’. It gives ability of intervening with supernatural powers – black or white magic depends on lagna. His eyes are red when infused with that power, his body is strong and healthy. He is the best of political advisers and protectors of the king.

Jupiter: the native has a helping nature which brings prosperity, popularity and political success. He is very well educated with high qualifications and can serve well as a caring physician, a bureaucrat or senior politician. Whatever the field, wisdom is what he has with a kind soul.

Venus: the native has a low life, living with people of low values. He misuses his money with characterless friends in all sorts of frolicking. While this gives a great friend circle due to his loose pocket, it also shows a complete waste of time in this planet.

Saturn: the native is lazy, craving for unearned wealth which can make him a robber or a gambler always seeking lotteries and other fantastic schemes for making quick money. However, he will be endowed with patience and can silently wait for the opportune time.

Pada-1If the Sun is in the first pada the person is highly educated, full of good thoughts and wise. He has interest and capability for understanding human mind with the knowledge of psychology and astrology. He is fortunate with abundant prosperity and enjoys an excellent reputation. He has an attractive personality and excellent behaviour. If there is a mark, spot or sign caused naturally or by a wound in near his eyes or on face, it is lucky and wards off other evils. He can become a specialist in medicine, law, husbandry etc. He becomes a successful businessman if the Sun is in the 15th degree (14°-15°) and a manufacturer if in the 16th (15°-16°) degree. Businesses associated with “land” like fertilizer, agricultural implements, clothes for workers, flower or fruits harvest and even hotel or buildings.

Pada-2If the Sun is in the second pada then his upbringing has been positive and happy childhood with a good family that has a good social position. He gets great pleasure from his children and his wife. He gets unexpected wealth which can be sudden inheritance from unexpected relations or sudden business gains through political friendships and such things. He suffers

from diseases of throat or private parts. Women can expect uterus problems. He profits from trade and commerce associated with all sorts of goods and water. If the Sun is in the 18th degree (17°-18°) ratija diseases (i.e. diseases from ‘skill in the art of love-making’) afflict him. If the Sun is in the 19th degree (18°-19°) then serious skin diseases are indicated.

Pada-3If the Sun is in the third pada then the native has to struggle very much in life. Sun indicates rājabhaṇga nīca-yoga i.e. even if a king he loses kingdom and suffers penury. There will be a time when he has enormous wealth, but he all that goes into other hands primarily due to his extravagance and largesse. All planets become negative and none of the mahādaśā or antara give any respite because the primary fall is cause by the Sun, the graha-adhipati (lord of all planets). If he starts worship of the Sun either during its mahādaśā or its antara, then he can regain some of the lost wealth and position just as Savitṛi regained her husband from Yama. When the Sun has fallen (nīca-navāṁśa), of all the graha Mars becomes the most malefic. Accidents causing breakage of skull and such adverse situations can occur during the daśā of Mars in addition to business losses and debts. Income reduces to a bare trickle. A strong and positive Mars can aggravate the fall of the Sun ushering in good profit and income and increasing wealth and prosperity. Traits like aggression and impatience will be seen when Mars is very strong.

Pada-4If the Sun in the fourth pada then the native has considerable suffering in childhood. Either his father has an untimely death or there is separation from father. Unless other planets assist the native, he lives the life of a beggar with no food and shelter. A single positive planet can protect him. If the lagna lord is not strong, his condition deteriorates drastically, yet he does not beg for a living and instead becomes totally dependent on others who are indicated by that one positive protective planet.


Berndt Andreas Baader

Andreas Baader was born as the only child of historian and archivist Dr. Berndt Phillipp Baader. His father Berndt Baader served in the German Wehrmacht, was captured on the Russian Front in

1945, and never returned. The Bharani problem of ‘missing father’ was activated early when he was barely 2 years old. Andreas was raised by his doting mother, aunt, and grandmother but that would not make up for the strictness required to discipline a boy born with Kala Sarpa Yoga having an exalted Sun in the 5th bhava (very intelligent) but in the 3rd pada of Bharani naksatra. Normally we would have expected this problem for the 4th pada of Bharani, but when we look carefully, we notice that the only planet aspecting the Sun (rasi drsti) is Mars from Aquarius (parakrama).His first deadly crime was on the night of Apr 2, 1968 when he set fire to two departmental stores causing $2 million damage. Even though convicted in 1968 with his girlfriend, they made a grand escape and toured many countries. Lagnesa Jupiter in the 7th house shows great instability and one who will travel all around. This can be meaningful if the lagnesa is strong, but with Kala Sarpa Rahu dominating the chart and with Jupiter in zero-digbala, it is obvious which direction this chart is moving in – CRIME. To add to the woes, there is a graha-malika yoga cought up inside the Kala Sarpa Yoga and a bad one at that starting from the Sun in rajabhanga nica yoga of Bharani 3rd pada to Rahu in Cancer. Now add Sun and Rahu together as the start and end of the yoga and we see a great fire that threatens to destroy so much.More infor can be had from Wikipedia or this wonderful History Channel recommended Website. These very planets Sun and Rahu aspect AL3 creating dushta-marana yoga and ensure that he too shall die by the bullet (Sun) in prison (Scorpio is 12H showing prisons). Of course he did not commit suicide as the proceedings would like us to believe – the cops had their revenge and knew that if he got out again because of some legal loophole, there would be no stopping this human-anaconda.

Sun in Kṛttikā

Kṛttikā nakṣatra extends from 26°40’ Aries to 10° Taurus and has four pada indicating the four ayana of life.

No. Position Navāṁśa Tattva Ayana D1 Lord D9 Lord

Pada 1 Ar 26°40’ – Ar 30°00’ Sagittarius Agni Dharma Mars Jupiter

Pada 2 Ta 0°00’ – Ta 3°20’ Capricorn Pṛthvi Artha Venus Saturn

Pada 3 Ta 3°20’ – Ta 6°40’ Aquarius Vāyu Kāma Venus Saturn

Pada 4 Ta 6°40’ – Ta 10°00’ Pisces Jala Mokṣa Venus Jupiter


Planetary Relationship with the Sun in Kṛttikā nakṣatra:

Mars: the native is capable of removing every impediment. He has good earnings due to his enterprise and courage.

Mercury: the native has interest in music and arts and is very talented. He has a decent personality and is very likeable.

Jupiter: among his family he is the best. He is very good in political strategy and leadership which can lead him to being a minister or topmost adviser. He has ample wealth and financial resources to fulfill all desires.

Venus: the native has very attractive and beautiful eyes. The beautiful, well-formed body becomes the topic of discussion making him a celebrity.

Saturn: both the health and wealth of the native are poor. Due to fights and internal strife within the family, his home life becomes intolerable and gradually the entire life becomes meaningless as everything (including work, business etc.) collapses.

Pada-1If the Sun is in the first pada and has the association of any benefic planet then the native has a normal life. His wealth gradually improves and he becomes wealthy. He is blessed with many children. Without aspects or the aspect of malefic planets can drastically change the situation making him poor and underprivileged. He takes to learning vedic astrology, palmistry or other secret knowledge but his partial learning (bookish knowledge without a guru) is not helpful. His eyesight weakens with time but he is blessed with excellent appetite and is very fond of food. His life can take a drastic turn due to some hazard like fire accident or electricity etc.

Pada-2If the sun is in the second pada the native has a very long life. He is blessed with children, grandchildren and may even live to see great-grandchildren. Prosperity and fame come as age advances. The native has a sharp brain and is intelligent. He becomes the follower of some sadhu (saint) and gets spiritual knowledge and insight. The native is fond of music, art and drama. If the native gets proper education in childhood then he can become a skin specialist (doctor, healer, massage therapist etc.) or a chemist.

Pada-3The sun in the third pada indicates a person who lives life as a petitioner or a beggar. He suffers from unnatural or incurable diseases. If other negative combinations are present then this adds to the danger of bālāriṣṭa (premature death). The native earns money through businesses like makeup artist, hair dressing, barber or anything to do with leather like cobbler or business involving leather products. With malefic planetary influences, even professions

like prostitution can become the vocation and danger of sexually transmitted diseases or death due to the same can happen.

Pada-4If the sun is in the fourth pada of Kṛttikā nakṣatra, the native lives a normal life and belongs to the lower class. The native serves others. If malefic planets influence the sun, the native can be unfaithful or even a murderer. His mind has cruel thoughts and he causes great hurt to his wife and children. He wastes money and time indulging in alcohol (drugs etc.), gambling and suffers from water-related (circulation or water-borne) diseases.


Thakur Natwar Singh

Jupiter: among his family he is the best. He is very good in political strategy and leadership which can lead him to being a minister or topmost adviser. He has ample wealth and financial resources to fulfill all desires.

The fourth son of Thakur Govind Singh of Deeg and his wife Thakurani Prayag Kaur, Singh was born in the princely state of Bharatpur to an aristocratic Jat family related to the ruling dynasty of Bharatpur. He attended Mayo College and Scindia School, Gwalior, both traditionally for Indian princely clans and nobles, and took an undergraduate degree at St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. He subsequently studied at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University and was a visiting scholar for a period at Peking University in China. The Sun is in the second pada of Krttika naksatra which is considered the most fortunate of all the four pada. Given the right education the native will make a mark for himself in life.The Sun is conjoined lagnesa Mercury and Jupiter in the ninth house enhancing the result “sharp brain and is intelligent”. Read the impact of Jupiter on the Sun in Krittika. Singh joined the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) in 1953 [Sun dasa Jupiter antara] and served for 31 years. In 1984 [Rahu dasa Mercury antara], after resigning from the Indian Foreign Service,

Singh joined the Congress party and was elected to the 8th Lok Sabha from Bharatpur constituency in Rajasthan.In 1985 [Rahu dasa Mercury antara] he became the Minister for Steel and Coal and in 1986 [Rahu dasa Venus antara] he became the minister for External Affairs. Venus has parivartana rajayoga with Jupiter that influences the Sun in Krittika nakshatra. His fortunes nosedived in the last part of the Rahu dasa, Sun antara to the end in 1991, as Rahu has a malefic aspect on the Sun.He was elected to the Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan in 2002 [Jup dasa Ven antara]. The Congress party came back to power in 2004 [Jup dasa Moon antara], and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh appointed Natwar Singh the Minister for External affairs (23 May 2004). However Mars is a very malefic planet in this chart being in debility in the seventh bhava from arudha lagna. It has rasi drsti on the Sun which is very damaging especially as it is a debilitated malefic, and a dire malefic for Virgo lagna. On 27 Oct 2005 in Jup dasa Mars antara the “oil for food” scandal surfaced which forced him to resign and gradually he was pushed into retirement. He got into a war of words with Sonia Gandhi and in August 2014 [Sat dasa Ketu antara], Natwar Singh’s autobiography which promised to be a ‘say-it-all’, “One Life is Not Enough”, was released. Ketu also has rasi drsti on the Sun and is another malefic for Virgo lagna. I guess when a politician publishes memoirs it means retirement.Sun in second pada promises children and grandchildren – he has a son, Jagat Singh (b. August 1968 Mars dasa Rahu antara) and a daughter, Ritu Kaur (b. November 1970 Mars dasa Saturn antardasa). He has two grandsons from his son – Hanut Singh (b. 1995) and Himmat Singh (b. 1997). Unfortunately his daughter-in-law committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of her room at the Delhi Hyatt Regency Hotel and later his daughter Ritu hanged herself in her bedroom on 9 May 2002. Atmakaraka Venus in ksaya bhava in Gandanta can bring a lot of sorrow from daughter, daughter-in-law when it is 9th lord.

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