summer prosperity series 2019 class 6 our summer to prosper!...regarding your own happiness and...

Post on 04-Sep-2020






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Our Summer

to Prosper!

Summer Prosperity Series 2019 Class 6

Prosperity Principle #26

Prosperous living begins when we choose to live prosperously.

Create Your Prosperity Plan

Prosperity Habit #1

Start Small; Grow Big.

Prosperity Habit #2

Tithe 10% of every dollar (after taxes) that comes to you.

Prosperity Habit #3

Put another 10% of every dollar (after taxes) that comes to you into a separate bank account.

Prosperity Habit #4

Create a container for your “Money Magnet Fund.”

Prosperity Habit #5

Put another 10% of every dollar (after taxes) that comes to you into a Fun Fund.

Our Summer

to Prosper!

Summer Prosperity Series 2019 Class 6

Prosperity Principle #27

Prosperous people see every dollar as either something to be spent that is then gone forever or as a seed to be planted then replanted to earn much more money.

Prosperity Principle #28

Prosperous people act even when they’re afraid. Everyone else tends to let their fear be their guide.

Prosperity Principle #29

When we are only willing to do what is easy, life will tend to be hard; but if we are willing to do what is hard, life will get increasingly easier.

Prosperity Principle #30

Training and managing your own thinking is the most important habit you’ll ever have regarding your own happiness and prosperity.

Your Assignments, should you choose to accept them…

1. List 3 of your greatest worries, concerns or fears. Next to each one, write down the worst possible outcome that could occur as a result. Would you survive? Could you recover? If the answer is yes, then let them go and get on with your Prosperity Plan.

2. Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Do something that scares you and see what happens.Even if it doesn’t turn out rosy, congratulate yourself for taking the initiative.

3. Commit to your personal growthby applying what you’ve learned here and find an accountability coach who will honestly reflect back to you how you’re doing withyour plan.

Our Summer

to Prosper!

Summer Prosperity Series 2019 Class 6

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