suicide rates-prevention-statistics-methods

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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Suicide is a major problem in the world. Knowing the triggers for suicide could assist in saving lives. Suicide is not the answer. Suicide is a drastic solution to a temporary problem. Treatment and help is available for those who are depressed and thinking about killing themselves.


Suicide-Rates-Prevention-Statistics-MethodsSuicide Facts

• Suicide is the 13th leading cause of death in the world. In the United States, suicide is the 6th leading cause of death. About 1 million people commit suicide each year in the world. It has been shown in studies that over 90% of those who commit suicide were dealing with a mental disorder and depression.

• In the United States, there are nearly 800,000 homeless people, and just about half of them have a mental disorder. Sadly, most of the mentally ill homeless people, are receiving no professional help for their serious mental disorders. Almost 50% of those in the world with mental illness go untreated. In Britain, its reported that as much as 75% of the mentally ill, are not being treated for their mental disorders. This lack of treatment contributes greatly to the high suicide rate among those with mental disorders.

• People with mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia, unipolar, alcoholism, and substance abuse, are often in a state of distress as a result of their illnesses. Such mental disorders cause depression, feelings of hopelessness, distress, and these feelings are often a trigger for suicide.

• Severe depression caused by mental disorders accompanied by the struggles of life, financial problems, struggle to keep a job, relationship struggles, the fact that a very large percent of those with mental disorders receive no treatment, it can be understood more clearly, why suicide rates for the mentally ill are so high.

Suicide Prevention:• There are some major warning signs to look out for that alert a risk of suicide. Here are a few

major ones:• A person talking about killing or harming themselves. Do not believe the myth saying, people

who are talking about killing themselves never do.• It's not just a warning sign that the person is thinking about suicide, it's a cry for help. • A person that is talking or writing a lot about death or dying.• A person seeking out things that could be used in a suicide attempt, such as weapons and drugs.• Giving away their most prized possessions.

• Reaching out for help

• These are major signs of suicide, and if the person also has schizophrenia, unipolar, alcohol or substance abuse problems, a mood disorder like bipolar, or depression, or has previously attempted suicide, these signals are even more dangerous.

• There are also more subtle warning signs of suicide to look out for. If a person is going around stating how hopeless they are, or their actions demonstrate hopelessness, this is a very strong predictor of suicide. So be aware of the signs of depression, feelings of hopelessness, a person often making statements of despair, and stating that they have nothing to look forward to, is at risk for suicide.

True Life Accounts of Actual Suicides: • An 18 year old from India hangs himself: Suffering from depression, feeling useless and unaccomplished. • Kurt Curbain age 27 commits suicide by gunshot: Suffering from drug addiction, mental illness and depression.• Virginia Woolf age 59 drowned herself in a river : Suffering from mental illness and depression and the feeling

that there was no help for her suffering. • A teenage boy takes overdose of antidepressants: His father revealed his son had bipolar disorder and was being

treated for depression. • A 15 year old boy jumps from the rooftop of his school: His suicide note revealed that he was dealing with severe

depression.• A senior ROTC Cadet battling depression takes his own life: He kept his illness a secret because he did not want

the Army to know of his illness. This cadet told others that he felt like his brain didn't work anymore. He said that guys were supposed to suck it up, and that he saw himself as a failure.

• Christmas night 2012 a 21 year old young man posts a message to his family and friends on a social media site stating that he was going to end his life. Christmas night soon after the posting he drove his car onto an Amtrak railroad crossing and was struck by a train ending his life. In early November this young man had posted on the same site that "I hide all of my problems behind my smile. Behind my smile is a world of pain. You think you know me, but you have no idea.“ In early November, this young man posted a picture with a quote on it that read: "I hide all of my problems behind my smile. Behind my smile is a world of pain. You think you know me, but you have no idea."

• In these few examples of tragic suicides all of them were rooted in feelings of hopelessness about life. All of them were dealing with the illness depression. All of them unfortunately felt like killing themselves was the only answer. It is extremely sad to read such accounts of people killing themselves to end the despair and pain that they felt. If you are reading these accounts of suicide and have been having suicidal thoughts, know that there is another answer. No matter how bad you may be feeling there is help available. "Life is Precious Suicide is NOT the answer"

Most Common Suicide Methods:

• Gun shot- Is the method used for suicide 43% of the time.• Poisoning- Is the method used for suicide 26% of the

time. • Suffocation- Is the method used for suicide 26% of the

time.• Remaining percentages of methods for suicide include

drowning, hanging, jumping or cutting

Suicide Statistics:• Suicide is the third leading cause of years of life lost, trailing only

heart disease and cancer.• For every two people murdered in the world, three lives are lost

to suicide.• Per age group, the elderly have the highest risk rate for suicide.• Eight out of ten people considering suicide give some sign of

their intentions.(MHA)• September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day.• A suicide occurs about every 17 minutes in the U.S. (CDC)• There are four male suicides for every female suicide. (CDC)• Alcohol is found to be present in 30% of all suicide victims. • Nearly three-fourths of all suicide victims visit a doctor in the

four months before their deaths, and half in the month before. (MHA)

Suicide Statistics:• Those who are depressed and suicidal will sometimes hide their real

feelings.• By your being alert to the triggers for suicide it could help you save a

life.• Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among children that are 5-

to-14 years old (AFSP)• People who threaten suicide, talk about suicide, or call suicide hotlines

are 30 times more likely to kill themselves. (MHA)• Individuals with early onset of bipolar disorder are at high risk for

suicide. (JAMA Psychiatry)• Wyoming had the nation’s highest suicide rate in 2012, and has been in

the top 5 per capita for years. According to The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention "there’s less access to treatment, more guns and isolation". There is also often a stigma about accessing mental health treatment in such rugged individualist rural lifestyle areas.

If You are Having Suicidal Thoughts Don't Give Up, Get Treatment:• It is imperative that those who are depressed, and those who have mental disorders seek out

professional treatment. A combination of psychiatric counseling, and medication when applicable, clearly does help. Medication is very helpful in preventing suicides. For example those with bipolar disorder that take mood stabilizers as prescribed by their doctor, reduce their suicide risk, as much as seven-fold.

• If you are depressed and have been having recurring thoughts of committing suicide, seek professional help NOW. You need to get diagnosed, maybe it is a controllable mood disorder like bipolar that is causing these thoughts of suicide. Whatever is the cause for how you are feeling, there is help that is available. Do not delay in getting help, make an appointment right away. If you need someone to talk to right now call the Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-2433 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255.

• If you are feeling suicidal reach out for help. In addition to reaching out for help by talking to somebody how about you take the advice that has been helpful to many others who were having suicidal thoughts, every day say to yourself I'm not saying I won’t ever take my own life by suicide, but I won’t do it today. Refuse to be another suicide statistic, refuse to give into those thoughts, there are much more reasonable solutions to your problem(s) although you may not feel so right now.

• Those who feel that suicide is the answer are wrong. The answer is to seek professional help for how you are feeling. With professional treatment and medication the likelihood that you can be helped is great. Depression is a horrible illness, but its treatable in many ways. Suicide is a drastic and final decision for a temporary problem. Experts say that examining the lives of those who had committed suicide often reveals a set of contributing factors that could have been productively addressed.

Feeling Suicidal? These Tips can Help:• Avoid all alcohol and drugs as they are strong precursors to

suicide.• Make yourself talk to other people about your suicidal

thoughts. Tell someone how you are feeling. Reach out because help is available for you.

• Stay busy in pleasurable activities. • Start exercising daily. Exercise has been proven to release

endorphin's, and relieve stress.• Spend a little time each day outside in the sun. Enjoy the

beauty of nature each day.• Remove yourself far away from any means of suicide. Remove

guns, knives, drugs, or any other means of suicide far away from yourself.

• In the world almost 3,000 people each and every day commit suicide. Are you depressed? Are you having suicidal thoughts? Seek help, don't become another addition to these troubling suicide statistics. Get help, people care about you, and can help you get through this. Helpful treatment is already available for you. In all likelihood even more improved ones are on the horizon.

• "The world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming " Helen Keller

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