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Successes, Opportunities andChallenges in Colombia: A Gringo’s

PerspectiveLatin American Oil & Gas Conference

Rio de JaneiroJuly 11, 2011

William Prescott Mills Schwind713.951.5820


● Colombia is a tremendous success story byalmost every metric

● There are tremendous opportunities inColombia, but there are also challenges

● Some of those challenges are remarkably similarto what Brazil has faced and is facing

● Someone’s challenge represents anotherperson’s opportunity


I. Colombia’s Successes

Colombia’s economy has grown dramatically:● Gross Domestic Product rose from $3B to $4.6B between 2009

and 2010

● Foreign Direct Investment is on pace in 2011 to double the totalfrom 2010

● Almost 1/3 of Foreign Direct Investment has been in the oil &gas sector

● The Colombian stock exchange has been very active▶ Example is Ecopetrol, the stock price for which has improved in

value by 258% since the public offering in 2007

▶ Domestic investors and foreign investors are using the stockexchange

I. Colombia’s Successes

Colombia is considered a new “BRIC,” together withTurkey, Vietnam, Indonesia and South Africa.

● growing and diverse economy

● increasing internal demand and consumption

● political stability and legal framework

● educated and professional workforce

● Colombian companies are investing outside ofColombia


I. Colombia’s Successes

Turning point: improved security

● FARC’s numbers and territory have been reduced

● Paramilitary activity has decreased

● Improved security translates into consumerconfidence

● A secure investment environment attracts foreigninvestors

● Security is not the only reason for Colombia’ssuccess, but it is an important one

I. Colombia’s Successes

Colombia has embraced foreign investment

● ranked by the World Bank as the best country in theregion in protecting foreign investors

● ranked fifth worldwide

● ranked third most business friendly country in LatinAmerica

● multiple bilateral tax treaties… with the UnitedStates?


I. Colombia’s Successes

The Colombian oil & gas regulatory regime sawfundamental changes in 2003

● Ecopetrol S.A. was spun-off and the NationalHydrocarbons Agency (ANH) was created

● Ecopetrol is now owned 90% by the Colombiangovernment, 10% by private investors

● Ecopetrol is now expanding internationally andhopes to increase production to 1 million BPD

I. Colombia’s Successes

Proven oil and gas reserves in Colombia have grown

● oil production from Colombia is steadily rising, from 671,000BPD in 2009 to 785,000 BPD in 2010.

● gas production has also steadily risen, from 874mmcf in 2008to 1,016mmcf in 2009 and 1,090 mmcf in 2010.

● Colombia’s current oil reserves are:

● - 2,400,000 proven barrels of oil

● - 1,700,000 probable barrels of oil

● - 5,700,000 possible barrels of oil


I. Colombia’s Successes

The contract regime for oil and gas is stable and transparent● concession contract regime

- contract is relatively balanced and consistent with internationalstandards

● 30 year term- 6 year exploration period- 24 year production period, which can be extended

● royalties vary between 8% and 25% (sliding scale based on amount ofproduction)

● - royalties can be paid in cash or kind● contracts feature a stabilization clause● competitive bid process● transparent bidding process and a balanced concession contract

II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

There are ample opportunities to invest in the Colombianupstream petroleum sector

● Ecopetrol recently announced that there are more than 400projects that are available for foreign investment.

● active E&P industry with new ANH bidding rounds expectedthis year

● active international players

● shift from domination by Ecopetrol to increased role by privatecompanies

● healthy range of small and medium sized players


II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

Could gas be a game changer in Colombia?

● domestic demand is healthy and expected toincrease

● 80% of electricity in Colombia is from hydro, so thereis potential for expanding use of gas for powergeneration (10 projects have been proposed)

● Government is promoting development of gasresources, specifically unconventional resources.▶ Decree 2100 recently enacted.

● Formation of a National Gas Operation Commission

II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

Could gas be a game changer in Colombia? (cont.)● Government recognizes the need for gas internationally and has made

it easy to export gas from Colombia, with some safeguards fordomestic use

● exports to Venezuela?● potential for LNG exports?● shale gas resources are thought to have the potential to increase the

country’s total reserves of recoverable gas from 4 billion cubic feet to19 billion cubic feet

● shale has been a game changer in the U.S.; could it be a gamechanger in Colombia too?

● contractual regime for gas is less well-developed than the regime foroil

● technology to develop unconventional resources?


II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

How will the oil and gas get to market?● biggest challenge is lack of sufficient pipeline infrastructure to

meet current production

● what will happen in the future, as production grows?

● small producers have limited access to existing pipelineinfrastructure

● as recently as July 1, transportation bottlenecks were cited asaffecting smaller producers’ ability to get production from theLlanos field to market

● up to 30,000 BPD is not being produced from Llanos due toinsufficient transportation infrastructure

II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

How will the oil and gas get to market? (cont.)

● somewhat improved with expansion of Ocensa oilpipeline in March

● but real improvement won’t happen until December,when the first stage of the Bicentenario pipelineenters in service

● transportation by truck or rail is not feasible

● refining capacity? Ecopetrol has announced that itwill modernize the Barrancabermeja refinery

● ports are at maximum capacity and are overcrowded


II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

How stable is Colombia’s security situation?

● FARC still has almost 8,000 members● there have been attacks and indications that the FARC is


● in June, FARC kidnapped four Chinese oilfield workers andambushed an army unit

● ELN also is estimated to have around 2,000 members

● some paramilitary groups have become active again, now ascriminals

● Mexican gangs heading south?

● some oil and gas producing areas are dominated by criminalgroups

II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

Who will provide oilfield services?

● as demand increases, may not be enough localcapacity to meet that demand

● technical services are in particular demand,especially for developing unconventional gasresources

● there may be ample opportunities for foreign entitiesto partner with Colombian oilfield service companies

● there may also be opportunities for foreign entitiesto establish subsidiaries and branches in Colombia


II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

Where will the employees come from?● Colombian engineers and geologists are in high demand

● lots of Venezuelans have moved to Colombia

● brain drain from Venezuela has been a short term benefit forColombia, but is it sustainable?

● what happens if there are significant political changes inVenezuela?

● using foreign employees requires an immigration process thatis bureaucratic and time-consuming (although not as bad as insome countries)

● to grow the oil and gas sector in a sustainable way, Colombianeeds to develop local oil and gas professionals

II. Colombia’s Opportunities andChallenges

Is Colombia’s economy getting too hot?

● Santos warned last week against interest rateincreases in Colombia

● could lead to more foreign investment and moreappreciation of the peso

● Peso is 9% stronger against the U.S. dollar this year

● could also damage Colombia’s export sector

● too much of a good thing is always a risk



● Colombia is a tremendous success story, withtremendous opportunities but also somechallenges

● The challenges in Colombia are similar to thosethat Brazil has faced and is currently facing, sothere are a lot of lessons that can be shared

● Every obstacle presents an opportunity

Successes, Opportunities and Challenges inColombia: A Gringo’s Perspective

Thank you!William Prescott Mills Schwind

(713) 951-5820

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