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Directorate of National


Subject: English Language – Grade 6

Test Specifications 2017

Kingdom of Bahrain

Table of Contents


1 Construct 1

1.1 Test Purpose 1

1.2 Test level 1

1.3 Balance of Marks 2

1.4 Relationship with the National Curriculum 2

1.5 Relationship with Teaching and Text Books 2

2 Paper 1 Writing 3

2.1 Overview 3

2.2 Competencies 3

2.3 Writing Test Specification 4

2.4 Writing Test Format 4

2.5 Mark Schemes 5

2.6 Examples 7

3 Paper 2 Reading 8

3.1 Overview 8

3.2 Competencies 8

3.3 Reading Test Specification 9

3.4 Reading Test Format 9

3.5 Examples 10

3 Paper 3 Listening 18

4.1 Overview 18

4.2 Competencies 18

4.3 Listening Test Specification 19

4.4 Listening Test Format 19

4.5 Examples 20

All details in this document are correct at the time of publishing,

but may be subject to change as a result of ongoing efforts to ensure the quality of the examination product.

Please ensure you refer only to the most current version.

BQA – Grade 6 English Test Specifications

Date Published: 2017


1 Construct

1.1 Test Purpose To provide a reporting mechanism for schools and the ministry on the English language proficiency of pupils at the end of Cycle 2 in the Bahraini English Language National Curriculum, with reference to the English language learning goals and international level of proficiency described in the Curriculum. As a general principle, grammar, or language knowledge, is integral to performance in a second language and is a key assessment aim at this level. In particular, candidates will require sufficient knowledge of language, both lexical and structural, to enable them to respond in an informed way to the tasks on the Writing, Reading and Listening Papers. While the emphasis in every task will be on meaning and communication, students who have knowledge of how language is used to achieve effect or express meaning will be strongly placed to perform well in this examination.

1.2 Test Level The Grade 6 examination level is designed to be comparable to the level described in the Common European Framework as Waystage, Level A2. For example, drawing on what is expected at Grade 6, a language user at this level can: Speaking/Listening

identify the topic of discussion

understand and extract the general idea and specific information from short

recorded passages dealing with familiar topics

talk about themselves, their daily needs and familiar topics in both rehearsed

and spontaneous contexts Reading

understand and identify specific information in a range of text types such as

signs and instructions, articles and stories on familiar matters

employ the skills of skimming and scanning appropriately Writing

write short simple letters and emails relating personal information

write linked sentences about familiar topics and produce a limited variety of

text types such as short stories

BQA – Grade 6 English Test Specifications

Date Published: 2017


1.3 Balance of Marks The skills papers are equally weighted to produce a final total for each candidate. The allocation of marks in the parts of the skills papers is shown in the table below:


Paper 1 2 3 4 5

Writing 40% 60%

Reading 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Listening 25% 25% 25% 25%

1.4 Relationship with the National Curriculum These examinations reflect the requirements of the curriculum in terms of what learning a foreign language involves as well as the expected outcomes as identified in the curriculum. The learning outcomes to be assessed are described in the Curriculum. Language learning is seen as cumulative and these examinations are based on aspects of language which will have been learnt up and including that in Grade 6. The use of language, topics and lexical fields targeted in the Grade 6 assessment materials are designed to be appropriate to the description in the Curriculum as well as the international standard of English as a Second Language, at this level. Students learn language when they are involved in meaningful and purposeful activities which require them to communicate using the language. Tasks in these examinations therefore identify the intended audience where appropriate as well as a reason for completing the task, most specifically in the writing examination. The purpose of these examinations is to focus on communication and outcomes, and on what learners can do with the language rather than on what they know about the language. Therefore grammar is not tested directly but indirectly through the writing tasks as well as through the processing that the students need to do in order to successfully complete the reading and listening tasks.

1.5 Relationship with Teaching and Text Books The subject matter of the teaching materials, and hence of the assessment materials, is designed to be in accordance with the philosophy and general aims of education in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The choice of text book for the level is made by the Curriculum Directorate.

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2 Paper 1 Writing

2.1 Overview Duration 50 minutes Format Candidates read and answer on the question paper.

2.2 Competencies The language objectives have been grouped under competencies headings, but it is recognised that these are interrelated. Writing: Question 1: Quality of writing.

Students have to write simple phrases and linked sentences about familiar topics and manage a limited variety of text types such as personal letters, emails, cards, messages and descriptions.

Question 2: Quality of writing.

Students have to write a story set in a familiar context based on visual input.

In addition to assessing lexical and structural knowledge as a key skill in the writing tasks, the need for grammatical accuracy / range including lexical range is built into the marking criteria.

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Date Published: 2017


2.3 Writing Test Specification

Skill Question Competency Description

Writing 1 Quality of writing.

Candidates write an email/letter of 30-40 words in response to written stimulus (transactional writing).

2 Quality of writing.

Candidates write a story of about 50-75 words based on four linked pictures (narrative writing).

2.4 Writing Test Format Question Task Type Text length

1 Guided transactional writing

Candidates write an email/postcard of 30-40 words in response to written stimulus, e.g. a short instruction plus 3 bullet points.

2 Guided narrative writing

Candidates tell a story of 50-75 words based on four linked pictures.

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2.5 Mark Schemes

Examiners mark the Writing paper following coordination sessions which set the standard and ensure the correct application of the mark schemes. The live mark schemes may be expanded, revised or amended as required from one session to the next.

Candidate performance is to be assessed at the Grade 6 level (A2). There is no penalty for over-length responses, but digression (or failure to address the content points) is penalised according to the mark scheme.

Marks for language are awarded according to the descriptors in the mark scheme.

In addition to assessing lexical and structural knowledge as a key competency in the writing tasks, the need for grammatical accuracy/range (including lexical range) will be built into the marking criteria. Students need to demonstrate awareness of audience, style and register. Question 1

The mark scheme is divided into bands. There are 2 marks available within each

band. Markers should first decide which band applies to a response, and then

consider where to place a response within the band. Strong responses score at the top

of the band. Weak responses score at the bottom of the band.



A very good response for the level.

All 3 content points addressed.

Reader easily understands the message.

May have minor errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.



An adequate response for the level.

3 or 2 content points may be addressed.

Reader can understand the message with some difficulty.

Some errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.



A weak response for the level.

3, 2 or 1 content point may be addressed.

Reader can follow some sentences, but may not understand the


Many errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.


1 A very poor response for the level.

There may be only a few instances of correct spelling, punctuation or


0 No response.

Completely incomprehensible in relation to the task or irrelevant.

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Date Published: 2017


Question 2

The mark scheme is divided into bands. There are 2 marks available within each

band. Markers should first decide which band applies to a response, and then

consider where to place a response within the band. Strong responses score at the top

of the band. Weak responses score at the bottom of the band.



A very good response for the level.

All 4 pictures addressed.

Reader easily understands the story.

May have minor errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.



A good response for the level.

All 4 pictures addressed.

Reader can understand the story.

Some errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.



An adequate response for the level.

4 or 3 pictures may be addressed.

Reader can understand the story with some difficulty.

Some errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.



A weak response for the level.

4, 3 or 2 pictures may be addressed. Reader can understand the story with difficulty.

Many errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.



A weak response for the level.

3, 2 or 1 picture may be addressed.

Reader can follow some sentences, but may not understand the story.

Many errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.



A very poor response for the level.

There may be only a few instances of correct spelling, punctuation or


0 No response.

Completely incomprehensible in relation to the task or irrelevant.

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Date Published: 2017


2.6 Examples

Question 1 You have a new teacher. Write an email to your friend about this teacher. In your email:

say what he or she teaches

describe what he or she looks like

explain what you like about him or her. Write 30-40 words.

Question 2 Look at the pictures below and write the story. Write 50–75 words.

BQA – Grade 6 English Test Specifications

Date Published: 2017


3 Paper 2 Reading

3.1 Overview Duration 60 minutes Format Candidates read and answer on the question paper.

3.2 Competencies The language objectives have been grouped under competencies headings, but it is recognised that these are interrelated. Reading: Part 1: Quality of reading. Students have to identify and understand key points and

details in short texts such as signs, instructions, menus, lists, personal letters, recipes, emails, messages, postcards, timetables and advertisements.

Part 2: Quality of reading. Students have to identify and understand the main ideas and

details of texts such as articles, brochures, leaflets and stories. Part 3: Quality of reading. Students have to employ the competencies of skimming,

scanning and reading for detail appropriately to facilitate understanding of a text.

Usage: Part 4: Quality of usage.

Students have to recognise the appropriate grammatical item or a given context (main focus on verbs).

Part 5: Quality of usage. Students have to recognise the appropriate lexical /

grammatical item for a given context.

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3.3 Reading Test Specification

Skill Part Competency Description


1 Quality of reading.

Signs, notices, advertisements, etc. 5 x 3-option MCQs

2a & 2b Quality of reading.

Multiple-matching task testing specific detail; questions to test scanning for required information. Seven options from which candidates match 5.

3 Quality of reading.

An email followed by 5x3-option MCQ items. Candidates select the correct information based on their reading of the text.

4 Quality of usage.

Text with 5 gapped verbs (may include modals and auxiliaries). Candidates choose the verb form which fits correctly with the context from 3 options provided for each.

5a & 5b Quality of usage.

Text with 5 gaps testing lexical/grammatical items. Candidates select correct word from 3 options to fill in gap.

MCQ = multiple-choice question

3.4 Reading Test Format Part Task Type Text length


3-option MCQs Signs or notices

2a & 2b Matching task testing specific detail.

Six short sentences (3-10 words) and eight short texts (5-15 words), e.g. people’s likes and dislikes, advertisements, book titles, etc. One worked example included

3 MCQ An email of 140-170 words followed by MCQ items

4 Verb cloze (closed) Text of about 40-60 words with 5 gapped verbs

5a & 5b Lexical/grammatical cloze (closed)

Text of about 40-60 words with 5 gaps testing lexical/grammatical items

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Date Published: 2017


3.5 Examples

Part 1

Questions 1–5 Read each question and circle the correct answer A, B or C. Example 0 You see this notice in a health centre.

Please take a seat in the waiting room

What should you do?

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1 You see this notice.

Join Our Basketball Club

What can you do? 2 In your classroom, you see this message on the board.

music lesson cancelled today What does the message tell you? A The music lesson starts now. B There is no music lesson. C Today’s music lesson is late.

3 You see this sign outside a museum.

Queue here for tickets

What must you do? A stand and wait in line B hand in your tickets C go straight inside

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4 You see this notice in a cafe window.

Special Offer cake and coffee £3

What can you have for £3?

5 You see this sign.

Hairdresser Open 9am–3pm

What happens here?

KEY 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 A

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Date Published: 2017


Part 2

Questions 1–5

Some people want to go out for the day. Read about the people and their interests (1–5). Read the advertisements for the different places they can visit (A–G). Choose the best place for each person to visit. Write the correct letter (A–G) in each box. There are two extra letters that you do not need to use.


Advertisements A Relax at our seaside restaurant.

0 Samir is keen on keeping fit.

B We offer sailing, diving and swimming.

1 Fatimah loves birds and wild animals.

C Enjoy our garden, flowers and fountains.

2 Noor likes playing team games.

D Come and join our riding club.

3 Ali enjoys water sports.

E Come and use our volleyball courts.

4 Rashid wants to have a picnic.

F Learn to play golf with us.

5 Hussein likes horses.

G Our safari park is open 5 days a week.

H Visit our new gym and try the exercise


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KEY 1 G 2 E 3 B 4 C 5 D

Part 3 Questions 1–5

Read the email from Mansour to James. Circle the correct answer A, B or C.

Hi James

I hope you feel better now. I’m sorry you were ill today. I missed you in

History and Science. Science was awful. Our Science teacher said we had

made a lot of mistakes doing the experiment. It was not as easy as he said

it was. For homework you have to look at the diagrams and read pages 51 –

60 on Temperatures, but don’t answer the questions.

We didn’t get any History to do at home. Excellent! I know you have done

your English homework. If you are still ill tomorrow, phone me and I will

collect it from your house on my way to school. Don’t worry, I won’t read it!

I’ll give it to the teacher because he must have it in the morning.

I’m really glad the holidays start in July. Only two weeks more at school,

then six weeks of freedom. In July, I’m going on a tennis course for a

week. Why don’t you come too? And in August I’m visiting my cousin in


Don’t forget to phone me in the morning.


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1 What does Mansour say about the Science experiment?

A It went very well. B It was quite difficult. C It was really interesting.

2 What is the Science homework?

A reading texts B drawing pictures C answering questions

3 How much History homework do they have to do?

A a lot B a little C none

4 Why will Mansour collect James’s homework?

A because James has asked him to B because the teacher needs it C because Mansour wants to read it

5 What does Mansour ask James to do?

A visit his cousin with him B go on holiday with him C go on a tennis course with him

KEY 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C

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Part 4 Questions 1–5 Read the text about travelling. Circle the correct answer A, B or C. I ………(0)……… travelling since I was a child. Last year I ………(1)……… to

Europe with my family. We flew to different countries and ………(2)……… lots of

sights. Rome was my favourite city and I can still ………(3)……… how fantastic the

Coliseum seemed. Next year we ………(4)……… to Australia, which

………(5)……… wonderful.

Example 0 A am loving B have loved C would love 1 A go B goes C went 2 A saw B looked C watched 3 A know B remember C find 4 A would go B are going C had gone 5 A will be B is being C has been KEY 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A

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Part 5 Questions 1–5 Read the text about butterflies. Circle the correct answer A, B or C.

Butterflies are found ……….(0)………. many parts of the world. They are beautiful

insects ……….(1)………. large and colourful wings. They fly from one flower to

another and live by feeding on the sugar ……….(2)………. is in the plant. They like

wet places ……….(3)………. they do not fly around when it’s raining. You should

never touch ……….(4)………. wings of a butterfly as this can damage them, and the

butterfly ……….(5)………. not be able to fly again.

Example 0 A by B in C on 1 A with B for C at 2 A what B where C which 3 A but B if C because 4 A a B the C those 5 A can B ought C might KEY 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C

BQA – Grade 6 English Test Specifications

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4 Paper 3 Listening 4.1 Overview Duration Approximately 35 minutes Format Candidates listen to a series of recordings and answer

questions on the question paper. Each recording is heard twice.

Voices A range of adult (including young adult) voices, styles of

delivery and accents will be heard in each Listening paper to reflect the various contexts presented in the recordings, as appropriate to the level of the test takers.

4.2 Competencies The language objectives have been grouped under competencies headings, but it is recognised that these are interrelated. Listening: Part 1 Quality of listening.

Students have to understand and identify details. Part 2 Quality of listening.

Students have to demonstrate general comprehension, for

example, of attitude/ agreement/opinion. Part 3 Quality of listening. Students have to understand and retrieve details, for example

names, places, numbers. Part 4: Quality of listening. Students have to understand detail and gist.

BQA – Grade 6 English Test Specifications

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4.3 Listening Test Specification Skill Part Competency Description

Listening 1 Quality of listening.

Five short dialogues between two different speakers (male/female) of typical daily situations in informal contexts (times, prices, days of the week, etc.) 5x3-option MCQs which may include words, numbers or visuals; 5 items plus an example

2 Quality of listening.

An informal dialogue between two different speakers (male/female) Matching exercise, 5 items from 7 options, listening to identify specific information One worked example included

3a & 3b Quality of listening.

Monologue, for example an answerphone message A note-taking task with 5 items (plus one integrated example), involving listening and writing down information (may include spelled out items, names, places, numbers, etc.)

4 Quality of listening.

Informal dialogue between two different speakers (male/female) 5x3-option MCQ (plus one integrated example)

4.4 Listening Test Format Part Task Format 1 M/F dialogues (each about 30-60 words)

2 M/F dialogue (280-300 words)

3a & 3b M or F monologue (170-200 words)

4 M/F dialogue (250-300 words)

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4.5 Examples

Part 1

Questions 1–5 You will hear five short recordings. For each recording there is a question and three pictures A, B and C. Circle the correct letter. Example

0 What did the man buy?

1 What is Sarah going to eat?

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2 Where is Luke’s T shirt?

3 What does Mrs Smith want from the market?

4 How are the two people going to travel to the airport?


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5 What does Lulu want for her birthday?

Tape script Part 1 Questions 1–5 You will hear five short recordings. For each recording there is a question and three pictures A, B and C. Circle the correct letter. Before we start, here is an example. What did the man buy? M: I got most of the shopping. I got the orange juice and a loaf of bread, but there

wasn’t any milk. They didn’t have any potatoes either. F: But what about the rice? M: Ah… I forgot. I’ll go back for it. F: Oh don’t worry. I’ll go. Pause 5 seconds Picture A is correct, so there is a circle around the letter A. Pause 5 seconds Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. Question 1 What is Sarah going to eat? F: I’m so hungry, Dad! What time is dinner?

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M: Not for an hour, Sarah. Would you like a banana? F: No, I had one for lunch. Have we got any oranges? M: Sorry, your brother had the last one earlier. There are some grapes in the fridge. F: OK, thanks – I’ll have some of those. FX Pause Repeat

Question 2 Where is Luke’s T-shirt? M: Mum, have you seen my clean T shirt? F: Isn’t it in your drawer? M: No, it’s not there. F: Have you looked in your cupboard? It’s probably hanging up. M: No, I’ve checked. F: Oh sorry, Luke – I remember now – I left it on the table in the kitchen. FX Pause Repeat Question 3 What does Mrs Smith want from the market? F: Can you pick up some things for me when you’re in the market, please? M: What do you need? F: Can you get some green beans... M: And some onions? F: No, I think we’ve got enough… but let’s have a kilo of tomatoes, please. FX Pause Repeat

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Question 4 How are the two people going to travel to the airport? F: How are we going to get to the airport tomorrow morning Dad? M: We can drive, I suppose, but the roads are always so bad at that time. F: Is it the same problem with the bus? You know, lots of traffic? M: Yes, it is. Maybe we should take the train. F: OK. I don’t mind. M: Right. Let’s do that then. FX Pause Repeat

Question 5 What does Lulu want for her birthday? M: Lulu, is there anything you’d like for your birthday? F: I’d love a silk scarf… M: Don’t you want some new trainers? F: Nope, I bought some last week. M: How about a DVD? F: (sigh) I’ve got loads of those. FX Pause Repeat KEY 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B

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Part 2 Questions 1–5 You will hear a woman talking to a shop assistant about choosing pictures for her children. Which picture does she buy for each child? Write a letter (A–G) next to each child. There are two extra letters that you do not need to use.

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Tape script

Part 2 Questions 1–5 You will hear a woman talking to a shop assistant about choosing pictures for her children. Which picture does she buy for each child? Write a letter (A–G) next to each child. There are two extra letters that you do not need to use. Before we start, here is an example. M: Good morning, can I help you? F: Yes please. We’ve just moved into a new house and I want to buy some pictures

for my children’s bedrooms. I like that one of the aeroplane – Naseem’s mad about planes. Last year it was boats, goodness knows what it’ll be next year!

The aeroplane is for Naseem, so the letter H is next to Naseem. Pause Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. M: Good morning, can I help you? F: Yes please. We’ve just moved into a new house and I want to buy some pictures

for my children’s bedrooms. I like that one of the aeroplane – Naseem’s mad about planes. Last year it was boats, goodness knows what it’ll be next year!

M: Here we are… F: Thank you. Now my eldest son, Assad, he likes planes and helicopters too, but

what he really wants to do is fly over the desert in a balloon! So that picture over there is exactly right.

M: Yes, I think it’s great. There’s another one of a balloon over mountain tops... F: No thanks. Now, I’ve got twin daughters Sabiba and Muna. They share a

bedroom, and although they’re twins they like very different things. Sabiba is very keen on animals. I rather like that one of the camels with the palm trees.

M: It’s quite expensive… F: Well, I’m feeling generous and I’m sure she’ll love it. As for Muna… She’s not

interested in animals, but she likes to grow things … how about that drawing of a small date palm – is it planted in a pot?

M: Yes, it is, it’s by a local artist.

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F: It’s very pretty. Now the two youngest boys. Rafiq first of all. A racing car would suit him – I saw one in the window when I came in – he loves watching Formula 1 on TV.

M: You mean this one?

F: Yes, that’s right. And finally Khaled… he’s only four. I think he’ll be happy with

anything. I know … that one of football players. He may be only four but it doesn’t stop him kicking a ball around with his brothers! He’ll love it. That’s everything, thank you.

KEY 1 C 2 D 3 F 4 A 5 G

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Part 3 Questions 1–5 You will hear a phone message about going to the cinema. Complete the notes.

Cinema trip with Leila


0 Day: Thursday

1 Film title:

2 Will meet at:

3 Colour of new car:

4 Length of film:

5 Stop on way home for:

BQA – Grade 6 English Test Specifications

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Tape script Part 3 Questions 1–5 You will hear a phone message about going to the cinema. Complete the notes. Before we start, here is an example. Hi, Nafia – it’s Leila. You said you were free on Thursday evening this week. I hope you still are because my father says he’ll take us to the cinema! Pause 5 seconds Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. FX (distort, on this line only) Please leave your message after the tone. FX Hi, Nafia – it’s Leila. You said you were free on Thursday evening this week. I hope you still are because my father says he’ll take us to the cinema! It’s that new film we wanted to see, you know the one about dolphins called Deep Water. It’s meant to be fantastic and a lot of it was filmed in the Gulf around Bahrain. Anyway, we want to have a snack before the film starts, so we will come to your house at 6.30 to collect you. Did I tell you, we’ve got a new car? It’s much nicer than our old blue one – it’s silver and really comfortable so look out for us – we’ll stop outside your house. The film starts at 7.15, so that should give us enough time to eat. I think it lasts 2 hours, so tell your parents that my father will take you home. And if we’re lucky, on the way home, the ice cream shop might be open and we can persuade my father to stop there. KEY 1 Deep Water 2 six thirty/6.30 3 silver 4 2/two hours/hrs 5 (an) ice(-)cream

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Part 4 Questions 1–5 You will hear Susan talking to her younger brother Paul. Circle the correct letter A, B or C. Example 0 The children’s grandfather is A in the school.

B in the hospital.

C in the library. 1 Paul wants to play A tennis.

B basketball.

C football. 2 Susan says their grandfather is A bored.

B very ill.

C happy. 3 The children’s parents A are at work.

B want to rest.

C have a meeting. 4 Susan suggests catching a bus at A 5:00 pm.

B 5:15 pm.

C 5:40 pm. 5 They will meet at the bus stop by A the shopping centre.

B the post office.

C the shoe shop.

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Tape script

Part 4 Questions 1–5 You will hear Susan talking to her younger brother Paul. Circle the correct letter A, B or C. Before we start, here is an example. S: Hey, Paul, don’t forget we’re going to the hospital to see grandfather this

evening. Can you meet me at the library after school?

Letter B is correct, so there is a circle around the letter B.

You now have 30 seconds to look at questions 1–5.

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. S: Hey, Paul, don’t forget we’re going to the hospital to see grandfather this

evening. Can you meet me at the library after school?

P: I’m not going, I promised Matt I’d play football. And I missed the basketball game last week because we were visiting him.

S: Well, I missed playing tennis. Anyway, grandfather is expecting us.

P: But we saw him a couple of days ago and he’s much better.

S: I know he’s not seriously ill any more, but that’s not the point. He’s not happy. He looks forward to seeing us because he’s got nothing to do all day.

P: Why can’t you go on your own? He likes you better than me anyway. S: Don’t be silly. You know that’s not true. He loves us both and you know that

mum and dad are tired, they’ve been meeting business people and working late for the past week and they need to relax this evening.

P: I suppose so.

S: Look, why don’t we catch a later bus? Instead of getting the one at five o’clock, let’s get the one at five-forty. Then you can still meet Matt and play football. That way you can do both things. Be ready by 5:15, we don’t want to miss the bus.

P: All right. But you’ll have to come to the bus stop outside the post office – it’s

closer to where I’ll be. I don’t want to walk down to the shopping centre. S: Okay, I can have a look in the shoe shop on the way before I meet you. P: Fine. See you then.

S: See you. Bye.

KEY 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B

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