students’ perception toward integrated grammar …

Post on 15-Oct-2021






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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

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Sarjana Pendidikan

Paulina Putri Issabella










Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Paulina Putri Issabella










Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan

Paulina Putri Issabella


Approved by:

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Elisabet Titik Murtisari,

M. Trans.Stud., Ph.D.

Anita Kurniawati, M.Hum.



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Pembimbing : 1. Elisabet Titik Murtisari, M.Trans.Stud., Ph.D.

2. Anita Kurniawati, M.Hum.

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Paulina Putri Issabella



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Paulina Putri Issabella




Elisabet Titik Murtisari,

M.Trans.Stud., Ph.D.

Anita Kurniawati Hadianto,



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Anita Kurniawati, M.Hum.


Table of Contents

Cover Page ............................................................................................................... i

Inside Cover Page ................................................................................................... ii

Approval Page ........................................................................................................ iv

Pernyataan Tidak Plagiat........................................................................................ iv

Copyright Statement ............................................................................................... v

Pernyataan Persetujuan Akses................................................................................ vi

Publication Agreement Declaration…………….………………………………..vii

Tables of Contents……….……………………………………………………...viii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 3

Definition of grammar .............................................................................. 3

Integrated Grammar– Focus on Form (FonF) .................................... 5

Pros and Cons ........................................................................................... 7

Previous Studies ........................................................................................ 8

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 9

Participants ................................................................................................ 9

The instrument of Data Collection .......................................................... 10

Data Collection and Analysis Procedure ................................................ 10

FINDING AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 11

General View of Integrated Grammar Teaching Method ....................... 12

Perceived Effectiveness .......................................................................... 13

Understand the Meaning of Grammar ............................................. 13

Understand the Rules of Grammar .................................................. 15


Grammar Accuracy .......................................................................... 17

The Effectiveness of Integrated Grammar Delivery for Rules Application . 20

Communication inside the class.............................................................. 20

Communication outside the class............................................................ 22

Stimulation: Students‟ Motivation toward Integrated Grammar ................... 23

Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 25

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ 28

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 29

APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 31







The use of Integrated Grammar teaching method has been investigated in many

learning environments, but there is still limited research about students‟

perceptions on this method. This study examined students‟ perception of Focus on

Form (FonF) approach using in English Education context. It is important to know

the students‟ perception because the choice of teaching method used will affect

their performance and grammar competence. The data was collected from 10

students with different English proficiencies from Universitas Kristen Satya

Wacana who were enrolled in the English Language Education major. The

students were interviewed individually using a semi-structured interview. The

data collected were taped, transcribed then analyzed using a theme analysis. The

result of this study showed that Integrated Grammar teaching was seen to enhance

students‟ skills development, motivation and learning strategy.

Key Words: perception, grammar teaching method, focus on form, integrated



Grammar teaching has always been an important matter in second

language acquisition so that many methods to grammar teaching appear. The issue

of what is the best grammar teaching method is one of the most complicated.

Sometimes, every method can produce different results because of the different

teaching context. The most important thing to indicate the success of the teaching

method is the result. Larsen-Freeman (2001) suggested that grammar should


constitute a fifth skill that goes along with the four other skills: listening,

speaking, reading, and writing (p. 255).

As Larsen stated, it is clear that grammar teaching should not only consist

of pattern instruction but also focus on how grammar can support students‟

language skills. Mitchell (2000) also stated that “grammar teaching needs to be

supported and embedded in meaning-oriented activities and tasks, which give

immediate opportunities for practice and use” (As cited in Borg & Burns, 2008, p.


While students are learning grammar, we have to give a chance to practice

the grammar into a particular context. So, they can improve their skills while

improving their grammar. Beside it, grammar teaching also should support the

accuracy of language in order to make an accurate and meaningful language.

Although Integrated Grammar is popular among language practitioners,

more research is needed to find out students‟ view in its application. Therefore,

this paper seeks to examine students‟ perception toward Integrated Grammar

method and will focus on whether they feel that Integrated Grammar is effective

for their English learning or not, find its role in their communications, and

students‟ reason behind it. In short, this paper will investigate the advantages, and

also the weaknesses of Integrated Grammar Teaching. It is important to know the

better way to teach grammar based on students‟ perceptions because they are the

one who got the experience from the learning process.

The purpose of this study is to know what their perception toward this

method. Besides, it is also wanted to know how this method is helpful for their


grammar learning or not. This study can be used as a lecturer consideration in

designing a better grammar class experience.


The grammar teaching method is the matter that the teacher needs,

especially when they are choosing the teaching approach. If the teacher chooses

an inappropriate method, it might affect the students‟ learning. Other than

considering the teaching method, the teacher has to look at the students‟ profile or

background. In his article, Pontarolo (2013) stated that “it is impossible to identify

the best method to teach a foreign language” (p. 7). Even though the teacher

chooses what seems to be a good method, when it is not applicable to the students'

proficiency, it will fail. To choose a method based on students‟ proficiency is not

an easy matter. One class consists of students or teacher with different

backgrounds, such as social context, and factors regarding teachers or learners

should be considered (Prabu, 1990).

Definition of grammar

Batstone (1994) affirms the “importance of grammar to understand

language, as it provides a framework for learners to structure their learning of the

foreign language” (cited in Pontarolo, 2013, p. 39). Almost the same, Crystal

(2004) as cited in Şik (2014) stated that “grammar is the structural foundation of

the ability to express ourselves” (p.7). In addition, Duso (2007) stated that “today

grammar is not considered as a mere set of morphosyntactic rules, but as a means

to communicate, that is to mediate words and context ”(cited in Porantolo, 2013,

p. 43). From listed definitions of grammar, we can conclude that grammar is the


foundation of language which is used to create „correct‟ language. Besides,

grammar actually should become a tool of communication.

In the context of EFL, “teaching grammar has traditionally been

dominated by a grammar-translation method where the use of mother tongue is

clearly important to elicit the meaning of target language by translating the target

language into native languages” (Widodo, 2006, p. 123). Grammar translation has

become a common style of learning the second language in Indonesia. Students

only require to translate vocabularies from their mother tongue to the second

language and have to memorize grammar rules and also the examples. The

examples are in sentences level which makes students only experience in applying

the rules also in sentence level (Larsen-Freeman, 2000 & Richards and Rodgers,

2001). According to Krashen (1981), as cited in Ellis (2006), grammar instruction

played no role in the acquisition (p. 85). This means that grammar should not be

taught. However, this statement cannot be the base for all learning context,

because every learning context has its own „nature‟. Furthermore, according to

Long (1988) as cited in Ellis (2006), “teaching grammar was beneficial but that to

be effective grammar had to be taught in a way that was compatible with the

natural processes of acquisition” (p.85). Long agreed with grammar teaching, but

the teaching must be appropriate or adaptable and through natural processes of

acquisition. In conclusion, the problem here is not merely about whether grammar

needs to be taught or not but it is more on how to deliver it.

In order to answer the question “how to deliver grammar”, the previous

studies are familiar with Isolated and Integrated Grammar. These two types are


known as part of Form Focus Instructions (FFI) which is stated by Spada (1997)

defined as “any pedagogical effort which is used to draw the learners‟ attention

to language form either implicitly or explicitly” (p. 73). In this case, Focus on

Form also known as Integrated Grammar and Focus on FormS known as Isolated

Grammar. Spada and Lightbown (2008) stated that in isolated FFI, “the focus on

language form is separated from the communicative or content-based activity”. In

contrast, in “integrated FFI, the learners‟ attention is drawn to language form

during communicative or content-based instruction” (p. 186).

In short, the grammatical features are separated in Isolated Grammar class. In this

kind of class, the rules are taught explicitly together with some examples, task,

and test. Those activities have normally assessed the accuracy of students‟

grammar. In contrast, Integrated Grammar focuses not only to the form but also

the use of the grammar in context or communication context. In addition, to

support the previous statement, Spada and Lightbown (2008) also stated “students

will unconsciously learn the form through communicative tasks or activities” (p.

181). This study will refer only to Focus on Form or Integrated Grammar on

identifying its effectiveness in teaching grammar.

Integrated Grammar– Focus on Form (FonF)

According to Long (1991) as cited in Spada and Lightbown (2008), “focus

on form refers to instruction where the main emphasis remains on communicative

activities or tasks while a teacher intervenes to help students use the language

more accurately when the need arises” (p. 185). In other words, communicative

practice is the core purpose of this method, not the language feature, while the


linguistic elements are contained in the tasks implicitly. However, as Long stated

above that “teacher intervenes to help students use language accurately when the

need arises”, it means teachers should help students to understand the linguistic

elements if students need it. In addition, Ling (2015) also stated that “implicit

grammar teaching refers to the teaching methods which students naturally learn

through the situational scene when learning grammar” (p. 557). In short, it is

called “sequence learning”, when students slowly captured the form of grammar

through exposure to practices or usage of the language. As we know, Integrated

Grammar requires students to learn grammar through context and communicative

activity. It makes students gradually detect particular patterns by themselves (Ellis


Even though the focus on form is an implicit grammar teaching,

sometimes teachers have prepared the linguistic item to overcome the problems,

especially about the grammar understanding. Teachers also can give or provide

explicit feedback to comment on students‟ grammar mistakes. Focus on the form

can be planned and incidental (Ellis, 2002a and Doughty and Williams, 1998, as

cited in Spada and Lightbown, 2008, p. 186). In the Spada and Lightbown‟s

(2008) research, they attached an example concerning how a Focus on Form

approach also can be explicit (p.187). It means, even though the core purpose of

this method is communicative activities, the teacher can anticipate and plan the

language features. It also can be incidental while teaching process (Spada and

Lightbown, 2008).


Pros and Cons

Nunan (1998) stated that “if learners are not given opportunities to explore

grammar in context, it will be difficult for them to see how and why alternative

forms exist to express different communicative meanings” (p. 102 - 103). This

emphasized that Integrated Grammar is helpful to not only teach pattern but to

help students know how grammar is being used in the communicative context.

Many forms have several kinds of usage, and this is important for students to have

the opportunity to practice grammar through context. It is contradictory with

DeKeyser (1998) as cited in Spada and Lightbown (2008) who has argued that

“grammar should first be taught explicitly to achieve a maximum of

understanding and then should be followed by some exercises to anchor it solidly

in the students‟ consciousness in declarative form so that it is easy to keep in mind

during communicative exercises” (p. 58). While Nunan believes grammar should

be taught implicitly, DeKeyser emphasized to have a maximum of understanding,

grammar should be taught explicitly. For DeKeyser, explicit grammar teaching

can give long-term influence to students. But, another linguist seems did not agree

with DeKeyser statement, added by Raimes, 2002 argues “the concern is that

learners will become discouraged or disinterested if their attention is drawn to

form while they are trying to engage in the communicative practice” (cited in

Spada and Lightbown, 2008, p. 191). According to Raimes, students will be

unmotivated in learning grammar explicitly. They will be so bored to remember or

note all the grammatical formulas (disinterested). They are also scared thinking

about the accuracy of their sentence (discouraged). These feelings can slow down


their development. In contrast, according to Brown (2000) as cited in Laura

Salvadora (2018), stated that a “child could learn the language implicitly but is not

able to explain the rules, thus the need for independent grammar teaching” (p. 20).

It can conclude that although students may realize particular context have its own

language style or grammar, they cannot explain the rules explicitly. That is the

reason what Brown (2000) stated above, this is the need for independent grammar

teaching (Isolated grammar Method). It is crucial for this research participant

because they are the prospective teacher. It means that these participants must

master grammatical form before they teach their future students.

Previous Studies

English as a foreign language (EFL) Students‟ perception toward

Integrated Grammar teaching has been researched and resulted in many kinds of

conclusions. For example, a study by Inceçay in 2009. This study

investigated the perceptions of 30 students of university preparatory school in

Istanbul, Turkey in finding appropriateness and effectiveness of communicative

and non-communicative activities in their EFL courses. Preparatory students use

English 24 hours a week with formal grammar teaching. In their English class, all

the activities include four skill and grammar lesson. The respondents have

consisted of 16 females and 14 males with age range were between 17 and 21

have responded to the questionnaire and semi-structured interview. In the finding

of this research, students showed the need for the communicative approach in

their English class. They need more communicative activities that combine with


non-communicative activities which is beneficial for them. This implies

Integrated Grammar was more relevant to them.

Other studies come from Pazaver and Wang (2009) that use the interview

in groups of four to collect data. This research finished with the conclusion that

grammar instruction should be limited. The participants of this study are 16

students from seven Asian countries including 9 females and 7 males who came

from the various countries who were engaged in a credit ESL course at a

Canadian University. Some students stated their concern was how to use the

grammatical rules in the communicative context. They thought it is better for them

to learn grammar through communicative activities. Contradictory, other students

stated they still need explicit grammar teaching to help them remember the rules.

These studies show students will come up with different perception in learning

Grammar. These differences happen because of students‟ backgrounds, level of

proficiency, the motivation for studying, and etc.



This study involved English Education students from Universitas Kristen

Satya Wacana whose major in English Education. I choose English Education

students because they are prospective teacher. It is important for them to know the

convenient method for teaching grammar to their future students. In this case, 10

students of batch 2016 who have passed Procedural Writing and Narrative Writing

as representative of Integrated Grammar and Basic Grammar, and Intermediate


Grammar as representative of Isolated Grammar were chosen. In English

Education program, grammar class which uses Isolated Method, normally consist

of pattern explanation, examples in sentences level, and tests. Contradictory,

grammar class which uses Integrated Method typically uses contexts and

communicative activities in teaching grammar (text, audio, assignment, class

activity). The participants were from all levels of proficiency in which 5 students

have GPA above 3,00 and 5 others who have GPA below 3,00.

The instrument of Data Collection

The instrument used to collect the data was by interview, which consisted

of several questions about students‟ perception of learning grammar. The

questions would be the foundation which followed by further questions came

while Interviewing the participants individually. In the interview questions‟ list,

follow up questions were made to anticipate the different response to the question.

If we talk about perception, the students were allowed to share their experiences

as detail as possible.

Data Collection and Analysis Procedure

The data was collected through purposive sampling, criteria based. I

approached students individually with the help of the faculty‟s administrative

office and used snowball sampling. Piloting was also done in two ways, one

without explained the technical terms (Integrated Grammar), the second with

technical terms. The result was shown that students were confused to answer the

questions without technical terms explanation. The interview was done


individually with semi-structured questions to make them feel the interview as a

sharing session. After all the students were interviewed, then the data was

analyzed through qualitative analysis. The interview results were transcribed and

analyzed through theme analysis. Below is the list of the interview questions:

1. How do you think about learning grammar through Integrated Grammar

Method (In general)?

2. How effective integrated grammar course helps you significantly to

understand the meaning of a particular form?

3. How effective integrated grammar course helps develop your language


4. How do Integrated Grammar course helps you to understand particular

grammar forms are used in communication context?

5. How effective does Integrated Grammar course help you to apply the rules

in communicative contexts inside the classroom?

6. How effective does Integrated Grammar course help you to apply the rules

in communicative contexts outside the classroom?

7. How do you think integrated grammar course motivate you to learn

grammar in depth?


This section presents the result of this study on students‟ perception towards

Integrated Grammar teaching. In this case, the finding and discussions are divided

into four categories; those are General View of Integrated Grammar, Perceived

Effectiveness, The Effectiveness of Integrated Grammar Delivery for Rules

Application, and Stimulation: Students’ Motivation toward Integrated Grammar.

The data will show what students‟ perceive in the same group of age but have

different grading level (Grade point average)1.

1 The number of the student represents their GPA. Student 1 until 5 is students with GPA above

three. Student 6 until 10 is students with GPA below three.


General View of Integrated Grammar Teaching Method

In the interview section, the participants were asked a question about what

do they think in general about Integrated Grammar method. Regardless of the

GPA, all the participants showed positive responses. Most students (7 out of 10)

believed that they felt less pressure in learning Grammar through Integrated

Grammar Method. From the interviews, it was shown that „rules are not explained

explicitly‟ (4 students) and „learning grammar through context‟ (2 students) is the

most reason why students felt less pressure in class with this method. Another

reason was the assessment was not determined only by the accuracy of grammar

so they felt less anxious (4 students). As we know, in Integrated Grammar, the

accuracy of grammar is not the only consideration when grading the assessment,

but also the content and fluency in particular skills (speaking, writing, and

reading). Besides mentioning about less pressure, three (3) out of ten (10) students

also saw that that practices in Integrated Grammar help them to apply the

grammar easily in the real context. Communicative activities make students get

used to the usage of the grammar. Lastly, one student thought Integrated Grammar

help increasing her learning autonomy. Learning through Integrated Grammar

normally required students to learn or do task independently, so it was seen as

increasing their learning autonomy.

There is no difference between students with a GPA above three and

below three; they show the same general thought of Integrated Grammar. In

support of their perceptions, Ling (2015) stated that “implicit grammar teaching

refers to the teaching methods which students naturally learn through the


situational scene when learning grammar” (p. 557). To implies, students are

learning the grammar unconsciously. However, they are aware that there is

implicit grammar in context and it makes them felt less pressure in class because

there is no pressure to grammar accuracy. They did not only learn many patterns

as in Isolated Grammar class but how that pattern is applied in context. In

addition, some of them also added that learn many patterns in Isolated Grammar

make them under pressure.

Perceived Effectiveness

This section discusses the impact of Integrated Grammar to students‟ language

ability. Perceived effectiveness are divided into three categories, those are,

understand the meaning of grammar, understand rules of grammar and grammar


Understand the Meaning of Grammar

This category will discuss students‟ perception about how effective Integrated

Grammar method helping the participants to increase their understanding of

meanings. There are three categories of positive responses and one category for

the negative response. The first theme of positive response that is Integrated

Grammar helps students to understand meaning inductively (6 out of 10). The

reason for this theme is „learning grammar through analyzing context‟. They will

learn a lot about the context which consists of a particular pattern, and they are

required to analyze the pattern by themselves. The following is the excerpt from

the one participant:


I think it is very effective because we were given the concept first. I mean

how the use of grammar itself in context. So it will be easier to understand

the meaning. Before learning the pattern, we can also analyze grammar by

ourselves and with various contexts that can increase students' interest. So

learning grammar can be captured properly. (Student 1)

Student 1 is the person who has the highest GPA in this research. Her statement

above shows us that through various contexts, students can understand the

meaning of grammar. The important point is if they can analyze the grammar

properly by themselves, then they will understand the meaning better. This idea is

in line with Long (1988) as cited in Ellis (2006), “where teaching grammar was

beneficial but that to be effective grammar which compatible with the natural

processes of acquisition” (p. 85). It was seen as effective to students because they

can learn in the natural process of acquisition.

In the second theme of the positive category, that is Integrated Grammar

makes students learn grammar unconsciously (1 out of 10). It is related to Long

(1998) explanation above. When students learn unconsciously, that is the natural

process of acquisition. Directly to the third theme that is Integrated Grammar

helps students to understand meaning through various course skills (1 out of

10). It is easy for some students to understand the meaning of grammar through

skill courses. This statement also supported by Larsen-Freeman (2001), as I

mentioned in general view of this method, they suggested that “grammar should

constitute a fifth skill that goes along with the four other skills: listening,

speaking, reading, and writing” (p. 255). In the skill courses, we do not only learn

about the meaning of grammar but also how to execute grammar the grammar in

the various skills then also practice the skills. For example in the speaking class,


sometimes the lecturer gives a topic randomly and students have to talk in a

conversation with their friends based on the topic. Students are required to know

what grammar is used in the conversation, and how that grammar can create the

proper meaning. In this case, they also can have a speaking practice.

Aside from the positives responses above, some participants stated that

Integrated Grammar did not help them to understand the meaning of grammar (4

out of 10). There are three reasons for this claim, those are facing unfamiliar

context (2 students), need more practice on particular context (1 student), and still

need an explicit explanation of grammar (1 student). Two out of these four (4)

participants think it is difficult to capture the meaning when they are facing

unfamiliar context. It shows that even though the analyzing strategy in the

Integrated Grammar course expect students to independently understand the

meaning, it seems not all students can analyze the meaning in a context

independently, especially when the context is unfamiliar. It is important to know

that lecturer has to conscientious in designing the material for students. The third

reason for this negative category also shows that is not only about unfamiliar

context but also unfamiliar pattern. The students‟ proficiency is not equal, means

not all students are master in all particular pattern. If they are not familiar with the

grammar, they cannot capture the meaning well.

Understand the Rules of Grammar

In this part, there is only one theme of positive and negative with

particular subthemes on it. Seven (7) out of ten (10) participants felt that

Integrated Grammar helps students understand the rules through context. In this


theme, there are three reasons (subthemes) why students thought Integrated

Grammar help them to understand rules through context, the first subtheme is

Integrated Grammar help understand rules through various context (3 students).

Furthermore, various context means that grammar is applied in many contexts. So

students not only understand the grammar but also understand how a pattern is

applied in contexts. It is useless if students only learn the pattern but do not know

how to apply it in various contexts.

The second subtheme is Integrated Grammar help understand rules

through analyzing the context (2 students). As I mentioned before in the previous

section (understand the meaning; analyze meaning through context), Integrated

Grammar is required students to analyze the context by themselves. It is one

strategy of Integrated Grammar to build student who can learn independently. It

seems that analyzing content also help students to understand the rules. The Third

subtheme is Integrated Grammar help understand rules through repeated

material/context for two times or more (1 student). For some students more

repeated material in a particular context is needed. The lecturer has to consider

this because not all students have the same pace of learning. It is unfair to students

if the lecturer is equating their ability.

The last theme of this section is the negative response that is Integrated

Grammar does not help students to understand the rules. They stated three

subthemes for it, the first one is facing unfamiliar context and needs explicit rules

(2 students). According to Long (1991) as cited in Spada and Lightbown (2008),

“focus on form refers to instruction where the main emphasis remains on


communicative activities or tasks while a teacher intervenes to help students use

the language more accurately when the need arises” (p. 185). Even though it is not

common to explain explicitly the pattern in Integrated Grammar method, but it is

lecturer‟s responsibility to solve students‟ difficulties. The lecture can anticipate

and plan language features, especially in moment when lecturer comes up with

unfamiliar context. It means, even though the method is taugh pattern explicitly,

the teacher can anticipate and plan the language features. It also can be incidental

while teaching process (Spada and Lightbown, 2008). It will help them to follow

the learning process, so they will not be left behind.

The second theme of the negative category is Integrated Grammar only

focuses on content, not grammar. Most of the Integrated Grammar class are

assessed the content, not the grammar. For example, in listening class, the answer

to a question is only one until three words. They are normally not being graded

based on their grammar. It makes students not focus on understanding the

grammar, but the accuracy of the content.

Grammar Accuracy

In this section, six (6) out of ten (10) students stated positive response, that

is Integrated Grammar helps them to use grammar accurately. There are some

reasons for it, the first is learning grammar through context (3 students). One of

them pointed out:

In my opinion, it really helps to practice the accuracy of the grammar

because the context has been given first. It is easier to apply. It also makes

me able to understand by myself, so I can apply it accurately. (Student 1)


This statement represents that grammar practices through context were seen as

effective to help students in grammar accuracy because they have experienced

how a pattern is used in a context. So, they did not aware only about the pattern,

but how to use grammar in context accurately. It is related to the next subtheme

that is many practices through context also help to use grammar accurately (2

students). One of them pointed out:

Learning grammar has to be a lot of practice through context. I became

aware of inaccurate sentences. I realize “oh this is not accurate” so I will

be more familiar with the accuracy. (Student 5)

As she said, to have accurate grammar, there must be a lot of practices. A

sentence can be accurate when the pattern is appropriate with the context. If the

pattern is right but not suitable with the context, then it is wrong.

The third subtheme from this positive theme that is Integrated Grammar

increases students learning autonomy so they can learn to use grammar accurately

(1 student). When students have the desire to learn, it helps them to improve their

understanding. Student 6 is the only participant who thought that Integrated

Grammar helps her because it increased her willingness to study outside the class.

It was shown from excerpts of the interview below:

I just think it is effective to make me use grammar accurately in class or

outside the classroom. But if in the classroom there are some occasions

that are required to use grammar really accurate, like a presentation, or all

academic things. So, I have to really learn by myself to practice my

grammar skills. It really motivates to learning grammar in depth. (Student


Her statement shows that Integrated Grammar class activities push her to learn

more. But, the interesting point here is she did not feel any pressure to learn more,

it seems like she enjoys it.


The fourth subtheme is corrective feedback from lecturer help student to use

grammar accurately (1 student). It seems a new idea from this research field. In

Integrated Grammar normally lecturer does not give direct corrective feedback,

but this student experience it. She thought lecturer‟s feedback is better for her to

correct her inaccurate grammar.

The next theme is negative responses from students who taught that

Integrated Grammar does not help them to use grammar accurately. There are two

subthemes for this theme, the first one is Integrated Grammar only helps to use

grammar accurately in a specific course (2 students). In this case, they think it

helps only in writing course. How a course assessed the students also determined

students‟ performance in class. In writing class, students are required to have

accurate grammar because it is how writing course grade the students. But, in

listening class, sometimes the accuracy is not even graded; only the content means

a lot. It is still questioned whether when students use in-accurate grammar in

explaining something, can they deliver the meaning or content properly?

The next subtheme is students still need an explicit explanation about

grammar (2 students). These students thought that if there is no foundation (rules

explanation), it is difficult to apply the grammar accurately. To imply, some

students faced several problems when they have to apply the grammar while there

is no explicit explanation of grammar itself. This idea is similar to the previous

part (understand the rules; need explicit rules explanation). I have mentioned

above that focus on form can be planned and incidental (Ellis, 2002a & Doughty

& Williams, 1998, as cited in Spada and Lightbown, 2008, p. 186). It is important


for the lecturer to make sure all students can follow the learning process properly.

So, it is better to prepare a special section in class to know what student‟s

difficulties are and how to solve it.

The Effectiveness of Integrated Grammar Delivery for Rules Application

This section discusses how Integrated Grammar Method helps students to use

grammar in the context of communication. There are two categories; inside the

class and outside the class.

Communication inside the class

In this part, nine (9) out of ten (10) participants felt that Integrated Grammar

method helped students to apply the grammar in communication context inside

the class. There are three reasons why they thought it is helpful for them. The first

reason is Integrated Grammar could increase students‟ confidence (1 student).

When the students are confident, they can easily express to communicate,

especially in a class where some courses have required the students to

communicate actively. According to Long (1991) as cited in Spada and

Lightbown (2008), “focus on form refers to instruction where the main emphasis

remains on communicative activities or tasks while a teacher intervenes to help

students to use the language more accurately when the need arises” (p. 185). In

another word, communicative practice is the core purpose of this method while

the linguistic elements are contained in the tasks implicitly. It indicates that the

execution of this method is successful to make students communicate properly.


The second subtheme is Integrated Grammar can help student understand how

to apply particular grammar in a particular context (2 students). Students realize

that non-academic and academic context have different grammar style. It is really

important for students to know this difference. They cannot use the informal form

or slang of grammar such as wanna or gotta when they communicate in academic

context; it should be want to or got to. If they still not aware of this linguistic

element, it will fail their performance in class. The third subtheme is Integrated

Grammar can help students understand particular grammar and vocabulary

through assignment (5 students). One of them pointed out:

It is effective and motivated, especially when speaking in the academic

speaking class. There was a test talking with limitation time. We have to

talk without stopping until the time is over. So, according to me, the

success of this method applied in academic speaking made me accustomed

to using academic vocabulary and grammar. (Student 9)

Students 9 statement is clear that this task is challenging for them. However, it

could help them to communicate properly. This assignments make students

familiar in using academic features which is not only about to know the

vocabulary and grammar, but also how to pronounce it well. Students are not

using academic words in their everyday conversation, this is the reason why the

students have to familiar with this context.

While most students thought Integrated Grammar could help them, two

students seem did not agree with that. These students thought that Integrated did

not help them to communicate inside the class. There was no specific reason from

them, but they stated that they did not get any developments through this method,


especially in communication. Nevertheless, it is good to know that most of the

participants felt that Integrated helped them to communicate inside the class.

Communication outside the class

There are (8) out of ten (10) participants who felt that Integrated Grammar

Method helped students communicate outside the class. There are two subthemes

from this theme. The first theme is Integrated Grammar make students confident

to communicate (4 students). They show positive reasons with particular

statement. The following is the excerpt from the interview:

I never speak outside the class, but the change that I feel after I took

courses with this method it makes me more confident to communicate via

message with English. Before I took the courses, I am never confident

enough to just send message using English. Now, I am confident. (Student


It shows that this student is not afraid to make mistake. Raimes (2002) as cited in

Spada and Lightbown (2008) argues “the concern is that learners will become

discouraged or disinterested if their attention is drawn to form while they are

trying to engage in the communicative practice” (p. 191). To implies, when

students‟ focus is on the form, they will feel discouraged to practice their

communication ability and afraid to make mistake. They are just to focus on the

grammar accuracy. Besides, they also will be easy to feel boredom in the class

because they have to learn and memorize many patterns. However, through

Integrated Grammar method, normally there are no explicit explanations of

patterns, only communicative activities. It makes students not only focus on

grammar accuracy but also focus on content and practice their language skills.


The second subtheme is „practices grammar in context make students used

to communicate‟ (4 students). This practice also can increase students‟ confidence

especially if there are many similar contexts with real life. Practice in context is

important to build students‟ performance. However, in isolated class there are

only fewer practices in context. The students may be able to understand the

pattern, but their performances are not necessarily good.

Most participants in this section felt that Integrated Grammar was good

enough to help them communicate outside the class. However, there are some

students who thought that Integrated Grammar did not help them to communicate

outside the class (2 students). The reason was because they have no partner to

practice it. On the other hand, student 8 also added that he felt bad on

communication. When the students feel they cannot communicate well, it is

already become a problem. It will make them unconfident with their ability. In

short, for both of them, Integrated Grammar still cannot increase their confident to

communicate outside the class.

Stimulation: Students’ Motivation toward Integrated Grammar

This section will discuss about how Integrated Grammar method motivates

students to learn grammar in depth. Most students show positive response for this

part, only one who did not which is student 10. She is the student with the lowest

GPA in this research. Before I explain about her reason, I will start from nine (9)

out of ten (10) participants who showed positive response. There are five reasons

or subthemes why they thought that Integrated Grammar motivated them to learn


grammar in depth. The first one is that the students could learn more to take part

actively on class activity (2 students). Student 5, pointed out:

It motivated me, especially in speaking class, there are many practices. It

is embarrassing if my grammar is still messy and my friend cannot

understand what I am saying about. In fact, it is a shame if you cannot

participate actively in class. So, I try to learn more and be more aware of

grammar. (Student 5)

It is shown that even though this method require student to have a lot of practices,

they still enjoy the process. It is not like they are forced to study. That is interested

to know that students have desire to take part on class actively, because it is one of

Integrated Grammar core purposes. The activity or task is expected to become a

media for students to measure their ability through practice. If the students

recognize their weakness, it will be easier to know what they need.

The second subtheme is that the students are motivated to learn more so they can

follow the pace of learning (1 student). She pointed out:

It is motivated. I usually learn again after the class, especially for

understanding the pattern. So then I can follow the pace of learning

process. (Student 9)

Students need to realize that the lecturer actually cannot truly manage or measure

all students to follow the lesson. It is students‟ responsibility to have independent

learning even to practice more or improve their understanding.

The third subtheme is that Integrated Grammar motivates students to learn

grammar in depth outside the class (4 students). If they felt that learning grammar

is not a matter, it will not become tedious anymore. It is related to the fourth

subtheme that is students learn simply because they enjoy the class (2 students).

An enjoyable class is one of the most important things to be considered. It will


influence students‟ behavior inside and outside the class. The result showed that

Integrated Grammar was seen as a successful way to make the students enjoy the

class activity or task.

The fifth subtheme is that Integrated Grammar helps students to become a

confident English user (1 student). As I mentioned before, Integrated Grammar

required students to practice a lot. They do not only practice their grammar, but

also how to apply and increase their confident through many practices. Integrated

Grammar was seen as an effective method to build a confident English user.

As I explained in the first paragraph of this section, there is one student

who thought that this method is not helping. The reason is laziness, which become

one of the biggest reasons why students can fail in learning grammar. Individual

issue also influences students‟ behavior and performance in class. If students are

not motivated, they will not interest to learn more. Thus far, there is no solution

for individual issues. Even though one student might feel Integrated cannot make

her try to learn grammar in depth, surprisingly, most of them felt the opposite

way. The interview result shows that Integrated Grammar has a big influence in

students‟ performance in class.


Integrated Grammar Method is one of grammar teaching method that

has been used in many courses of skill in English Education of Universitas

Kristen Satya Wacana. The aim of this study is to find out students‟ view in

Integrated Grammar application. In details, this paper seeks to examine students‟


perception toward Integrated Grammar Method and focus on whether they feel

that this method is effective for their grammar learning or not.

In this study, I focus on four big themes; General View of Integrated

Grammar, Perceived Effectiveness, The Effectiveness of Integrated Grammar

Delivery for Rules Application, and Stimulation: Students‟ Motivation toward

Integrated Grammar. The result of this study shows that most of the students give

positive response to Integrated Grammar method. They can implicitly understand

the grammar through context in the course skills. In short, the big reason why they

think that Integrated Grammar is helpful for them is because this method gives

them opportunity to learn grammar while they are practicing that grammar in its


Furthermore, they feel less pressure because the method is not only

grade the students based on their grammar accuracy. Another interesting point I

got is the students felt motivated to learn grammar in depth with no pressure.

Besides the positive response, other students also stated the weakness of this

method for them. Two big crucial reasons are the materials that have a lot of

unfamiliar context and the students who still need explicit grammar explanation.

These reasons are the consideration for the lecturer in designing the material. For

suggestion, it is better for the lecturer to choose familiar context which is suitable

for students‟ issue and environment. The lecturer can choose particular topics that

closely to students‟ life, such as millennial lifestyle, the use of technology, how

become a good leader, and etc. It will be easier for the students to receive the


lesson. For students who still need more explicit grammar explanation, it is better

for the lecturer to prepare the linguistic elements when students need it.

For the further research, the scale still can be wider, such as research

on how to know students perception toward Integrated Grammar material in

particular course skills (Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening). As I mentioned

before, many students are still struggling with unfamiliar context. Some of them

also stated that in course skills, there is less part to measure their accuracy of

grammar. Hopefully this study will help another researcher or lecturer who works

in the area of grammar teaching to solve the problem that occur in deciding

grammar teaching method.



Firstly, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of

blessings throughout my research work to complete the research successfully.

My most sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor Ibu Elisabet Titik Murtisari,

M.Trans.Stud., Ph.D. for her support in guiding me in the midst of her busy

schedule. She has taught me the methodology to carry out the research and to

present the research works as clearly as possible. As for my examiner, Ibu

Anita Kurniawati Hadianto, M.Hum, thank you for the constructive critics for my

research. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under their


Foremost, I want to thank to all important people in my life who give

continuously support to me. Likewise, I am forever grateful for:

1. Both of my parents, Yoseph Putera and Rr. Sotiorini.

2. My brother, Gensian Kuncoro Yekti and Glagah Putih Budiman.

3. My best friends: Agatha Paskalia, Trivonia Nirmala, and konconan via

whatsapp (Nataek, Twin, Nanasu, Arlambe, Cessaru)

4. My kakak rohani, Ratna Windhi Arsari, Febrika Puntha.

Finally, my thanks go to all the people who have supported me to complete the

research work directly or indirectly.



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Student Learning History

This study involved English Education students from Universitas Kristen Satya

Wacana whose major in English Education. In this case, 10 students of batch 2016

who have passed Procedural Writing, Narrative Writing as representative of

Integrated Grammar and Basic Grammar, and Intermediate Grammar as

representative of Isolated Grammar were chosen. Generally, these students have

to at least pass one writing class and one grammar class. The participant were

from all levels of proficiency in which 5 students have GPA above 3,00 and 5

others who have GPA below 3,00.















Student 1 A A A A 3.99 Never repeat the class

Student 2 AB A AB B 3.45 Never repeat the class

Student 3 A B B AB 3.29 Never repeat the class

Student 4 B AB A B 3.14 Never repeat the class

Student 5 A B AB BC 3.13 Never repeat the class

Student 6 B BC A A 2.82 Never repeat the class

Student 7 BC B AB BC 2.78 Never repeat the class

Student 8 BC E E AB 2.72 Repeat Intermediate

Grammar for three


Student 9 BC AB BC B 2.41 Never repeat the class

Student 10 B B BC B 2.03 Repeat Intermediate

Grammar for four


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