student teaching seminar. teaching and technology new secondary education technology component...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Student Teaching Seminar

Teaching and Technology

New Secondary Education Technology Component

Student Teaching

Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity

Design and develop digital-age learning experiences

Model digital-age work and learning

Promote and model digital citizenship and


Engage in professional growth and leadership

Teaching and Technology

“Effective teachers model and apply the NETS•S as

they design, implement, and assess learning

experiences to engage students and improve learning;

enrich professional practice; and provide positive

models for students, colleagues, and the community.”

--National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S)

Teaching and Technology

NETS•S 5.0 Engage in professional growth and


Learning Outcomes:Examine methods of collaborative communication

through a social networking tool (Twitter)

Recommend ways to use Twitter for self-professional growth

Teaching and Technology


Which cartoon captures how you feel about using Twitter and why?

Picture C

Which cartoon captures how you feel about using Twitter and why?

Teaching and Technology

True or False?

1.Twitter is a way to send quick updates to anyone following you.

2.Twitter is a micro-blogging tool.

3.People who use Twitter just want to know other people’s affairs.

4.When you post everybody knows your business.

5.Twitter provides a wide array of networking opportunities.

Teaching and Technology

Twitter – A social networking and blog service

“…in March 2009 Nielsen Online reported that Twitter has now surpassed Facebook to become the fastest-growing social networking site—ever.” (Mansfield, <>)

Teaching and Technology

Tweeple – A person new to Twitter

Twitter Basics

Small bytes of information (140 characters per line)Originally used for quick updatesEvolved into micro-blogging toolNetwork of continuous information at one’s disposalAccesses information from multiple sources

Teaching and Technology

Tweet – A message you send on Twitter

Twitter Startup

Twitter is freeYou can have multiple accountsGet a screen name and passwordAdjust settingsReady to go

Teaching and Technology

Tweeter – A person who uses Twitter

Twitter Etiquette

Be professional, be positive, be nice (or you have mistweets)Tweet about 3-6 a day, (excessive posting is tweeterrhea)Manage “follows”Track important updates – Click on the star on the top left side to highlight the tweet

Teaching and Technology

ReporTweeters – A person who post news tweets linked to a blog

Twitter Usage TipsProvide updatesExchange ideasGive interesting websites, events, books, articles, etc.Seek suggestions or teaching strategiesPick a topic and solicit opinionsLink to your blog with tiny URLsReport live about a field trip or workshopPost Twitpics about interesting classroom experiences

Teaching and Technology

Twoosh – a 140 character tweet

Twitter Techniques

Teaching and Technology

Idea Exchange

Great day today…Used carousel in sm room by passing chart paper…markers in bins per grp…7 min then change…Focused conversation

Check out Jim Burke

Teaching and Technology

Retweet: RT @

RT@ drjparon Used carousel in sm room by passing chart paper


RT @linkstoliteracy: RT @ShiftParadigm: Nifty idea! New York school children take a Google lit trip #edtech #edutopia (Edutopia 8/6/09 4:49 p.m.)

Teaching and Technology

Twitter StreamRT@ drjparon Used carousel in sm room by passing chart paper

See Greece Central School District for more engaged learning …Literacy ideas…Added new strategies for study skills

New ELA strategies

Teaching and Technology

HashtagsCategorization for live tweets on

a function

#ST8609 First session on discipline, good overview tips…

#ST8609 Online resources 4Twitter…Resource info on PBwiki

Teaching and Technology


A twibe is a group of people with a common interest.

There are many Education twibes.

Teaching and Technology


Let’s meet on Friday @4 for coffee to celebrate the first week of student teaching

Teaching and Technology

How will you use Twitter as a tool for professional growth?

Teaching and Technology


Text Messaging Abbreviations.

Twitter Words.

Twitter Facts and All Available Tools.


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