student performance - reporting & recognition · imagine tomorrow strategic plan alignment goal...

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Student Performance - Reporting & Recognition

Dr. Thomas Taylor, Chief of Staff Presented to School Board * March 12, 2019

Imagine Tomorrow

Strategic Plan Alignment

● Goal #1 - All students and staff will embody an Infinite Learner mindset.○ Objective 1.1 - Achieve annual growth equivalent to one or more years for all students○ Objective 1.2 - Master content and maintain high levels of achievement for all students○ Objective 1.3 - Graduate students who are college and career ready to engage as productive

citizens○ Objective 1.4 - Increase levels of student engagement and personal growth


Imagine Tomorrow

Strategic Plan Alignment● Goal #2 - All students, staff, parents, and community

members will exemplify a culture of safety, personal responsibility, and supportive relationships.○ Objective 2.2 - Improve student health, social readiness, well-being, and citizenship○ Objective 2.4 - Promote diversity and improve equitable and inclusive environments○ Objective 2.5 - Improve the equitable, efficient, effective, and sustainable use of assets


Student Performance

Recognizing and Reporting Student Performance

● Overview & Process● Committee Contributions● Recommended Policies, Guidelines, Best Practices● Next Steps


● Last update to policy and guidelines was Spring 2015

● Comprehensive review of our current student performance reporting and access practices through the lens of EQUITY and Imagine Tomorrow

● Diverse committees looked at elementary, middle, and high school practices and policies related to student recognition and grading

● Recommendations reviewed by two clearing house committees

Overview - The Big Picture

Doing Right…


● Comprehensive review of current research and literature of best practices in student performance reporting, and student recognition of performance

● 100+ diverse participants

● 2 full-day sprints to formulate recommendations based on the research and best practice

● Comprehensive review recommendations prior to School Board presentation


Doing Well...


● Research Team● Elementary, Middle, High School Performance Reporting Teams● High School Student Recognition Team● SSAGE● Mini-Omnibus Review Team● Omnibus Review Team

Committee Structure & Members

Higher Education Professors, Administrators, Teachers, Students, & Parents - 100+ Brave Leaders


● Qualitative & Quantitative data was taken via survey and focus groups

● Students were asked to represent their school population in how they responded

● Outcome of SSAGE contribution supports the recommendations to the Board

The Student Voice

Sage direction from SSAGE


● Aligned to Imagine Tomorrow strategic plan● Aligned to most current research● Aligned to best practice

IMPORTANTRecommendations focus on the WHAT and the WHY, but not the HOWThe HOW is a “next step” pending Board endorsement


Policy, Guidelines, & Recommended Practices


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.6● The WHY: Assignment of work does not equate to learning and

the acquisition of knowledge, understanding, and skills.● The WHAT: The school division will establish guidelines to

support teachers and principals on providing guidance that supports the homework as a practice to support extended learning, not new learning.

● Recommended Timeline: Begin Fall of 2019, pending policy and subsequent guideline adoption

Guideline Recommendation - 1

Establish guidelines supporting homework as a formative extended learning opportunity.


● Imagine Tomorrow objectives: 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.4● The WHY: Equity of access is the first step to improved growth

and performance.● The WHAT: Schools will remove barriers for students to sign up

for or select advanced coursework at all levels.● Recommended Timeline: Immediate*

Policy Recommendation - 1

Access for all to advanced coursework and highest levels of the curriculum


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 2.4● The WHY: Impact is negative to student grades - does not reflect

actual student knowledge, understanding, and skill acquisition; perpetuates the culture of high stakes testing.

● The WHAT: Teachers will be encouraged to assess students’ cumulative knowledge, understanding, and skills but without punitive, high stakes assessments worth 20% of a student’s final grade in a high school credit-bearing course.

● Recommended Timeline: Immediate

Policy Recommendation - 2

Eliminate Current Final and Mid-Term Exam Structure


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.4● The WHY: Existing PoG mandate for existing kindergarten cohort;

opportunity for CCPS to lead the pack for older students.● The WHAT: Students will create learning portfolio demonstrating

the 6Cs Infinite Learner Framework with a public demonstration of learning in their year of matriculation/graduation.

● Recommended Timeline: Phase in with current kindergarteners; rising 6th graders and 9th graders in the Fall of 2020

Policy Recommendation - 3

Implement K-12 learning portfolio of evidence with exhibition of learning


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6● The WHY: Consistent quality and opportunity between schools is

necessary for equity.● The WHAT: Schools will award additional GPA weight on a 5.0

scale for extension courses - AP/IB/DE and CTE Certifications in High School and HS level courses in Middle School. Comprehensive and Honors courses would have a standard weight on a 4.0 scale.

● Recommended Timeline: Phase in with current 10th graders

Policy Recommendation - 4

Rebalance weighted GPA value for all secondary courses


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 2.2, 2.4, 2.5● The WHY: Broaden opportunities for student recognition; end

the race for mathematical advancement in favor of learning as the priority.

● The WHAT: Schools will not report numerical class rank but rather the school division will establish bands for recognizing students based on weighted GPA - cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude.

● Recommended Timeline: Phase in with current 10th grade students

Policy Recommendation - 5

Switch to Latin Honors System, eliminating class rank


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4● The WHY: A student’s performance in 2nd grade should not

dictate their future outcomes in high school.● The WHAT: Current sorting of students in rigid, separated math

paths in elementary and middle school will be replaced with unleveled math and differentiation through Canvas & small groups; removes barriers and builds stronger math foundations

● Recommended Timeline: Phase in, with current kindergarteners

Policy Recommendation - 6

Redesign current accelerated and double accelerated mathematics pathways 3-7


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 1.1, 1.2● The WHY: Successful existing implementation in CCPS for K-2;

opportunity to better communicate with students and parents the level of student content mastery

● The WHAT: Expand standard-based grading approach and practices to grades K-12, focusing competencies learned versus a traditional letter grade/carnegie reporting system.

● Recommended Timeline: Phase in, with current kindergarteners

Policy Recommendation - 7a

Establish a K-12 standards-based grading system


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 1.1, 1.2● The WHY: An unexplained zero grade is not an accurate

reflection of level or learning mastery● The WHAT: The school division will develop policy with

guidelines to address zero grades, reframing them as “no evidence of mastery” aligned to standards-based grading.

● Recommended Timeline: Begin Fall of 2019, pending policy adoption OR phase in, with current kindergarteners

Policy Recommendation - 7b

Establish policy and guidelines to address zero grades


● Imagine Tomorrow objective: 1.1, 1.2● The WHY: Opportunity to better communicate with students and

parents the level of student content mastery without punitive quarter grades where the importance of learning is not weighted equally between four quarters.

● The WHAT: Based on the standards-based grading methodology, the school division will establish a one-time comprehensive report to parents and students on student performance throughout the year. Regular performance updates will be shared with students and parents.

● Recommended Timeline: Phase in, with current kindergarteners

Policy Recommendation - 7c

Adopt a One-Time Report Card with regular progress updates


1. Review recommendations with the School Board

2. Solicit feedback and direction on which recommendations to move forward with

3. Solicit additional community feedback on recommendations

4. Establish work groups to flesh-out the “HOW” of each recommendation - create implementation plans

5. Return to the School Board with action plans on each recommendation

Next Steps


Student Performance

Recognizing and Reporting Student Performance

● Overview & Process● Committee Contributions● Recommended Policies, Guidelines, Best Practices● Next Steps


Student Performance - Reporting & Recognition

Dr. Thomas Taylor, Chief of Staff Presented to School Board * March 12, 2019

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