student analysis

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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STUDENT ANALYSISLook at an existing project – summarise its

strengths and weaknesses and what you

would like to take forward from it

This magazine print got 59 marks out of 60. therefore, it is the highest magazine print, done, out of the other students work on OCR Media Study Weebly. I picked this cover because there are a lot of good features to pick out from and analyse. Starting with the magazine cover print. The person has took a camera shot of themselves, wearing fashionable clothes, and doing the typical teenager pose. Her makeup and hair have been done to fit the teenage category. She attracts the audiences eye, as the ads on the side aren't too big, therefore makes the main photo stand out more. The magazine print stick to a theme of colours, red and white. All the ads are align to the left hand side of the paper. This makes the page look tidy and professional. In my magazine print, I will add the important information in larger text and bolder, to stand out better from the other text. My photo I will add on the front of the page will be big and fill up the whole A4 side. The bold and dark text engages the reader, therefore encourages the reader to buy the magazine. From studying and researching magazine covers, this is definitely one of the most successful ones, at it looks professional.

This is the same students work, that got 59 marks out of 60. The content page has the same theme as the front cover. The colours are the same, (red and black) and the text type. The content page begins with the feature of what the magazine consists of. The headers, ‘features’ and ‘monthly treats’, are bigger and more colourful, to draw attention, and make the page more attractive. The page numbers, are bigger and bolder, to make it easier to understand, and notice. The page has two columns, the left with the page numbers, and headings, and the right with images, with captions. The images are professional photos of people, to make them look like celebrities. The celebrity looking photos attractive the audience, and make the content page tidier. The content page has the same header and the home page, including the company's name and logo. In my magazine print, I will include different images. I will also make the page numbers bigger. I will include different headers, for the pages, because it makes the page look tidy. However, I will avoid including different image types, for example I will either include black and white images or none, whereas this student has included a mixture.

The two page spread looks professional and attractive. The first page has three images of the person which is one the front cover. There is one large image with two smaller images the same size underneath. On the second page there is a big bold header in grey and red, telling the reader what the article reads. The article is in paragraphs to make avoid making the page messy. The student has followed the theme throughout their whole work. Each page has the same colours, and includes the logo on each page, however the logo and header is larger on one page than the other. Therefore, I will avoid making tiny errors and mistakes. I like that the student has used a white background for this section as I feel it makes the header stand out more and draws the readers attention to the article.

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