student advisory magazine

Post on 25-Mar-2016






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Everest University Online Student Advisory Magazine


  • What a Boss Wants

    Academic Tutoring and Success Center

    Balancing Life & School

    Tips for your Everest Laptop

    Tech Tips: Internet Safety

    Professor Spotlight

    Advisor Spotlight

    Career Services FAQ

    Top 10 Teamwork Tips

    Terrific TestTaking Tips for the Tenacious

    The Early Bird Gets the Worm

    How to make 2013 better than 2012

    Overcoming the Odds

    Helpful Tips from fellow Classmates

    The Twelve days of Everest

    PG 3

    PG 4

    PG 6

    PG 8

    PG 9

    PG 10

    PG 11

    PG 12

    PG 14

    PG 15

    PG 16

    PG 18

    PG 21

    PG 22

    PG 24

  • What a Boss Wants By Danisha Bethune

    Employment is the desired goal for the vast majority of college graduates. There can be hundreds of people competing for the same position at a time; however, there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances for employment.

    I interviewed Kaliea Buley, Talent Acquisition Specialist from Apria Healthcare and Coram Specialty Infusion regarding good interview and employee practices. Here are some great tips to use for your next job opportunity!


    One of the first things a person should do is research the company, this way you can see if your skills and experience match what the employer needs for the company. The more you know about a company, the better prepared youll be for the job interview.

    Be Organized

    Your rsum should be clear and easy to read. Employers should be able to get a good sense of your prior work experience quickly. It is always best to attach your rsum to an application. Also, make sure the rsum and application match. If you have three previous employers on the application, make sure that same information is on your rsum as well. Simplicity! Your most recent, or current employer should be first [on your rsum], then work back from there. Keep it easy to read. Recruiters are reading hundreds of rsums a week. The easier it is to read, the more excited we are about picking up the phone and talking to you, said Buley.

    Show Enthusiasm/Confidence

    My interviews are conducted over the phone. The first thing I look for is, Are they excited that I am calling? Yes, everyone is applying to multiple jobs, and we all forget who we apply to, but if a recruiter is calling, act excited to hear from them. From there, I look for good job stability, good communication, someone who is professional and someone with confidence, said Buley. Its important to show that you want to work for the company and that you plan to be a strong addition to the team.

    Youre Hired!

    After youre hired, its now time to put your education and experience to work. Speak up, ask questions and communicate solutions when needed. If you desire to grow in the company, let your supervisor know so you can start that process for the future. [I expect an employee] to show up and be ready to work. Be engaged in the training process, and ask questions. Have a positive attitude, said Buley. Do your job to the best of your abilities. Communicate with your managers. Let them know that you are interested in growth.

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  • From Graduating Medical Insurance Billing and Coding Student,

    Kristen Newman:

    I have used the Academic Tutoring and Success Center before. I only used it once, but I am telling you it helped me a bunch. Without it I would not be passing right now. I found it very helpful and the tutor was so nice. She explained everything to me and made sure that I understood what was being said. I was able to understand when it was told to me rather than reading it myself. Take [this] advice from me. If you need the help, do not think for a second that the Academic Tutoring and Success Center will not help, because I am a believer that it will. I was on my last term and was failing, but because of the tutoring help, I am now going to see myself graduate college and be the first to hold more than a high school education

    in my family. As told to Joanna Cassidy

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  • Balancing Life & School By Delores Vigil

    My husband died when I was pregnant with my son. I didnt have a college education and I was 27 years old at the time. I felt a bit worried about pursuing a college education, but I knew that I needed to make sure I provided for my son and myself. I attended college and earned my bachelors degree in education. It took me 4.5 years to get my degree. During this time, my son and I worked together to make sure this degree was completed. We did homework together (well, he colored in his coloring book). We made sacrifices that were worth it in the end. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a non-traditional student. Although I was not an online student (which would have been better for me), I learned the priorities of my life and gained a great future for myself and for my son. He is now in college doing what he can to better his future. It is a great feeling to know that he believes that education is important and will teach his children this same lesson someday. Education is not always easy, but the benefits from it can be rewarding not only for us but for our children as well.

    Being a mother or father and a student can be quite an undertaking when trying to be successful in all aspects of life. Online schooling offers students the benefit of being at home to deal with the home and family while doing their schoolwork. With proper planning and a well thought-out schedule, our students can become successful college graduates. Additionally, their families will thrive and grow to understand the importance of education in this economy and time. Having parents model a healthy approach to school can make all the difference in a childs life. This can begin a cycle that continues for them and their children and beyond. University of Michigan Professor Pamela E. Davis-Kean speaks of this specific model:

    Because they are generally successful in the academic role and find that domain to be rewarding for its own sake, such students are likely to intentionally model the role of student for their child, recognizing and exploiting the opportunity to convey positive educational experiences in their Interactions with their child. They might discuss their college experiences with their child, draw parallels between their own and their child's student roles, or stress the desirability of a college education. They are also likely to expect their child to pursue higher education and reap the same benefits they are deriving. That is, they should have relatively high expectations for their child's educational career (Davis-Kean, 2005; Wentzel, 1998).

    Online learning can give parents the advantages they werent once able to have. It was once thought that students 18-24 years of age were the only ones pursuing their dreams and if you missed this window, you would have to take a different path in life. This is no longer the case. Non-traditional students are becoming the norm now and many parents are receiving degrees while raising a family. Their children are now starting to reap these benefits and learning to understand the importance of receiving a college education.

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  • Things to Remember & Tips for Your Everest Laptop:The Everest University Online laptop is considered a secondary backup computer. It is important to know that all students should have a primary home computer to use.

    Anti-Virus Software Check to make sure your Everest laptop has the Microsoft Security Essentials anti-virus program installed on it. If so, you can open it up from the start menu located in the lower left hand corner of the screen. Next, select All Programs. Then look for Microsoft Security Essentials. If you see it, double click to open and then ensure that the Settings tab is set up to scan your laptop daily at whatever time you normally have the laptop turned on. Next, change the default scan type to Full Scan and then save your changes. The Update tab will allow you to obtain any new anti-virus updates, but you need to be connected to the Internet to do so.

    It is a good idea to use a laptop cooler when using your laptop. Doing so can allow your laptop to receive proper ventilation and reduce the chances of it overheating.

    Things to avoid: (1) Shareware sites (2) gaming sites (3) and downloading music, pictures and movies. These things can increase the chances of obtaining a virus on the laptop, or these actions can take up too much space on your hard drive, causing your laptops performance to decrease. By Kelly Hunter

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  • Tech Tip: Internet Safety

    By Joanna Cassidy

    During the upcoming holidays, it will be tempting to shop online, post photos of your holiday escapades, and correspond with friends and family via several online channels. This does not alter the fact that you are an online student and need to protect your computer, your main access point to classes. This installment of Tech Tips focuses on protecting your information and computer while roaming the vast Internet.

    1. Do not save your information into auto save forms. These may seem convenient, but the few minutes it takes to re-type your contact and financial information can save you more time and hardship from fraud. 2. Do not save your passwords. Saving them leaves them open and available for hackers to steal. 3. Remember to clear your Internet history regularly as well. Restarting your computer or shutting down during busy times also helps with performance. 4. Only shop on trusted websites. Be cautious of Internet ads. Make sure to use websites you know are legitimate. When in doubt, Google the site to see what ratings and reviews say. You may also check with the Better Business Bureau ( Keep in mind that if the site does not have a physical address, most likely its not a legitimate business. 5. Do not open emails from unknown senders. Be sure to keep up with any shopping orders and companies you are doing business with. If anything looks suspicious, instead of clicking a link from within an email, type out the companys web address. For example, spammers like to pretend they are your bank or are somehow associated with your PayPal account. 6. Speaking of PayPal, this is a great way to protect your financial information and pay safely online. Go to to find out more. 7. While browsing the Internet, make sure your firewall is active, pop-ups are blocked and cookies disabled. These things will help prevent unwanted intruders from accessing your computer. 8. When you have completed a purchase, watch out for opportunities to win a prize or future discount. Even some good businesses have added this form of scam to the end of their transactions. They often require your commitment to a service that will charge monthly and can be difficult to cancel. Always read the fine print. 9. When you are on social websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc., be cautious about revealing your location and purchases. Note: You can reveal this information through tags, status updates and pictures. This time of year attracts crooks looking to steal your goodies. Do not offer to help them in anyway. 10. There are many websites where its Black Friday every day without a crowd. These sites keep track of many sales and items and help you decide if a sale really is a good deal.

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  • Professor Spotlight Self-proclaimed bibliophile, Heather Nebrich, professor of American Literature, brings her passion for the subject to the classroom.

    When I started studying English, I knew that was it, Professor Heather Nebrich said. I like to read and escape. Reading a novel, I could escape into a characters life. If only life offered the flexibility of changing characters, we might all be criminal investigators one day and business owners the next. Nebrich, who teaches American Literature at Everest University Online, found the escape of reading books addictive. She understood the power of words early on and made it a life goal to teach literature.

    Though Nebrich started her professional career as a high school English teacher, she said she felt better suited to teach at the college level.

    I decided to teach at the college level because I wasnt doing what I loved. They (the students) were too young and immature. I thought that in college I would get to the level of interpretation and analysis that I was looking for, Nebrich explained.

    In her classroom, Nebrich has her students read from a variety of texts ranging from The Great Gatsby to poems such as The Raven by her favorite poet, Edgar Allen Poe.

    She said that she tries to avoid focusing on deceased, white male authors the types of authors youd see more prevalent in a high school class.

    Its a combination of genres and races and sexualities. They see a mans point of view in a time where it wasnt okay to be of a different sexual orientation. It gives you a wide perspective of literature, Nebrich said. Although she said she loves to teach contemporary ideas, she hasnt forgotten the greats of the past and the necessity of acknowledging the classical ideologies.

    My favorite part of teaching the course is focusing on well-known authors, learning about them, who they were, and how that has helped mold society into what it is today, Nebrich said.

    The biggest challenge in the classroom, according to Nebrich, is getting the students to go into a deeper analysis of the text.

    When I work with the students, I want them to understand why the author wrote what they did. It is like solving a puzzle, finding out why that topic was interesting to the author.

    According to Nebrich, the benefits of her class are vast.

    It allows the student to read into a situation, she said. Its important to live in a society and not be gullible and nave. By taking this class, you can look deeper into the meaning of life not to take everything at face value.

    Nebrich is currently working her way through Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.

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    By Lloyd Mullen

  • Giving Students the Best Experience Possible First one in and last one out that is the best way to describe Academic Advisor Angela Macias. As she boots up her computer first thing in the morning, you can tell shes been perfecting this for a while (three years to be exact). Her desk is in perfect order not a stray paper in sight. Pens all in line, files alphabetized A to Z. Youd be lucky to have this award-winning employee as your advisor.

    During her time as a student at Arizona State University, Macias said she knew she wanted to be an academic advisor.

    A little more than three years ago, Macias began her career at Everest University Online. According to her co-workers, she worked her fingers to the nub to give her students the best experience possible.

    She is always seeking new and creative mediums to improve the student experience, said Gregory Woodhead, Director of Student Services.

    The best part of her day, according to Macias, is when you can tell youve made a difference in a students life.

    I like the opportunities where you see them (the students) succeed, you see them improve. Thats the best part of the job, Macias said.

    A little more than a year ago, Macias said she had a student who had started the term with a 4.0 grade point average while taking six classes. Unfortunately for that student, a series of obstacles were about to present themselves.

    My student had a child with a disability. While the child was at school, some of the kids were making fun of him and beating him up. One time, the kids took it even further and hospitalized her son. During the hazing, her other son tried to protect his brother and got hospitalized, too. In addition to that, her house flooded, Macias said.

    Throughout the ordeal, Macias said that her student called her every single week asking for help.

    The fact that I was able to be there for her to talk and to vent, that made me feel good, Macias said.

    Despite her setbacks, the student graduated two years later.

    The most challenging part of her job, according to Macias, is when the students refuse to take her advice.

    Sometimes I wish they would just listen. Getting over those issues and getting to a student that wants your help, Macias said. Those are the students that I spend the attention on. Since Ive started, I would always give those students more time. I want to help them.

    By Lloyd Mullen

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  • Are you nearing graduation and have questions about attending a commencement ceremony or when you will receive your diploma? Great news! We have all the

    answers you need. Please read our FAQs from the Career Services department for answers to commonly asked questions from students nearing graduation.

    Frequently Asked Questions Q. I will be graduating soon. When should I contact Career Services? A. As soon as possible! The Career Services team can help you create a rsum and begin job searches prior to graduation. Q. Do I need to attend a commencement ceremony to graduate? A. No. If you have fulfilled all of the graduation requirements, you will graduate from Everest University Online. You do not have to attend commencement to graduate. Q. Do I need to attend commencement to receive my diploma and official transcript? A. Commencement is the actual graduation ceremony and is optional. Once your application is cleared by the Registrar and Business Office, your diploma will be shipped to the provided address. Official transcripts may be obtained from the Registrar. Q. How long does it take to receive my diploma? A. You will receive your diploma approximately eight-10 weeks after graduation status is confirmed by the Registrar. All financial obligations must be met in order to receive your diploma and official transcripts. Please contact the Business Office at (877) 439-0003, ext.1591, to check your account status. Q. How will the name of the school appear on my diploma? A. Your diploma will read Everest University.

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  • Q. How do I graduate with honors? A. Honors are based on your cumulative grade point average in the associate and bachelors degrees. This is confirmed by the Registrar. Summa Cum Laude: 3.9 4.0 Magna Cum Laude: 3.76 3.89 Cum Laude: 3.5 3.75 Q. How do I continue my education for another degree? A. You can request this information in the graduation application. Please specify that you wish to continue your education with Everest University Online. The Career Services department will notify Admissions of your request and assign an admissions representative to you. Q. Will Career Services assist me in finding a job after I graduate? A. Absolutely! Complete the graduation packet with your information and a career services representative will review your placement assistance needs for your field of study. Your representative will contact you to assist with job placement, resum writing and job searches. Q. Will I receive a copy of my transcript with my diploma? A. No. A copy of your transcript will not be included with your diploma. Q. How can I obtain a copy of my transcript? A. Print and complete the Transcript Request Form and send to the Registrars office.

    For further questions or concerns, you may contact Career Services anytime at (877) 439-0003, ext. 1596.

    By Cathy Dugdell

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  • Top 10 Teamwork Tips By Danisha Bethune

    Its important to remain considerate. Everyone has his or her own lives and schedules, so it is best to create a schedule that can work out for everyone.

    You will be graded as a team and it is important to work as a unit during the assignments.

    Know your personal schedule for the term. If you have a pre-planned vacation or move, do not volunteer to be the team lead that week.

    Establish the team lead schedule during the first week of the term.

    It is best for the team lead to post his or her preferred deadline and rough draft deadline on Sunday or Monday of that week.

    Once the dates are established, stick to those deadlines when posting your work.

    Read and post any suggestions for the rough draft within 24 hours.

    Post the final draft on time since extensions are not given for these assignments.

    Its okay to post or email a reminder to the team if the work has not been submitted by the deadline.

    If the team lead is unable to post or complete his or her duties that week, communicate with the team to see if another member of the team can switch team lead assignments as soon as possible.

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  • Terrific TestTaking Tips for the Tenacious By Evelyn Romans

    Unless youre super confident with the material and arent worried about your grade, youre probably like most people and feel a certain anxiety that only occurs before taking a test. This is all for a good reason. Exams are not just meant to scare you into studying; theyre designed to show you and your instructor how well you know the concepts taught in class. Yes, you do have access to your textbook while taking tests; however, some open-book quizzes are not as easy as one might think. Here are some tips that may help you ace that dreaded quiz:

    Take good notes from instructor slideshow presentations. Physically writing notes down as you go through the presentations assigned in your learning activities will help you remember main ideas. Use these notes while taking quizzes.

    Dont highlight every sentence in your textbook; instead, highlight key words and phrases so you dont end up rereading entire sections.

    The textbooks you received for each class are yours to keep. Jot down notes in the margins and highlight as necessary.

    Spend time at the end of each completed learning activity to review notes.

    Reading through your own notes will help engrave key concepts into your brain.

    Test yourself on the material. Make flashcards with key terms/dates/concepts and review them at least a day before taking the quiz.

    Take your time. No need to rush through the questions! If necessary, use the entire time allotted to you to ensure that you understand directions and each question before marking your answer.

    Trust your gut. Dont second-guess yourself and return to a question only to change the answer. Youre usually right the first time around.

    The key to success is self-determination and motivating yourself to fully comprehend the material. Confidently knowing your stuff to rid yourself of those pre-test jitters will have you bragging to your loved ones about how well you did. And when they ask how you did it, tell them hard work, due diligence and these test-taking tips.

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  • The Early Bird Gets the Worm | By Evelyn Romans Making the decision to further your education is one of the most significant decisions a person can make. When you decided to enroll in university courses, you invested in a dream, not just for your own personal accomplishments but for the legacy you will leave behind for your children and fami-ly. With such expectations, you want to make sure you do whatever you can to earn that diploma and obtain the career you have always imagined for yourself.

    Heres the thing: Everyone has a dream and everyone wants to have that perfect career. Theres definitely competition out there and wise students understand that. The individuals that attain pro-fessional success put in the work and earn their dreams. So, what can you do to be one of these people? The answer is simple: Gain experience early, network while youre still an undergraduate and use the passion you already possess to drive you forward.

    Gaining experience is essential to understanding not just your future career, but yourself. People sometimes come to understand that what they thought would be a great position did not fit them at all. Knowing this before you enter the job market might save you from having a mid-life crisis. In-ternships, volunteer opportunities, and entry-level jobs offer the chance to capture exposure within your chosen career path (plus the experience looks great on your rsum). Below are some links you may find helpful in building up your background experience: COLLEGE|2143040419 LINKEDIN VAULT CAREER INTELLIGENCE INTERNSHIPS.COM

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  • On a social scale, most people network every day. Imagine taking just a portion of the energy you use to follow people on Facebook and aim it toward creating professional contacts. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people will immerse you in positivity and help you stay motivated. Joining professional associations nationally and locally will allow you to have access to the latest news and technologies available within your career field. Following these groups and networking while youre still learning in the classroom will give you an edge because youre already attaining knowledge from a large group of professionals. Dont be afraid to ask those who are more profi-cient than you right now for guidance or mentorship. Check out and join some of the associations related to your dream job using the links below: ACCOUNTING Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation (ACAT) American Association of Finance and Accounting (AAFA) American Accounting Association American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Association of Government Accountants (AGA) ISACA (formerly called the Information Systems Audit and Control Association) Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA) Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) National Society of Accountants (NSA) BUSINESS American Business Womens Association American Management Association American Marketing Association Society for Human Resources Management HR Tampa Chapter of the Society for Human Resources Management COMPUTER INFORMATION SCIENCE The American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Independent Computer Consultants Association (ICCA) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) CRIMINAL JUSTICE National Criminal Justice Association PARALEGAL National Association of Legal Assistants and Paralegals MEDICAL INSURANCE BILLING AND CODING American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) As you gather experience within your field, you are bound to grow as an individual and as a future professional. Start now and strive to sculpt your resum into a work of art.

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  • How To Make 2013 Better Than 2012

    By James Nemeth, Academic Advisor

    How do I make next year better? This is the question that most people should ask when

    evaluating how successful 2012 was for them. I took it to the next level by asking students to do a

    quick self-reflection on whether they achieved all the things they had planned to this year. Below

    are some of reflections from current students Ruth Haun and Edwina Smith on how their 2012

    goals played out and what can be done better in 2013.

    How did 2012 fare for you?

    Ruth: I was happy to report that I was able to maintain my grades of As and Bs. I can attribute this

    to the professors working with me on my assignments and if I had any problems, they would

    explain to me so that I had full understanding of the assignment.

    Edwina: 2012 was a real big challenge for me as I was still grieving from the loss of my mother in

    2011. I did have some setbacks with my classes, but I am grateful to report that I met the challenge

    head-on with my classes that I had failed by passing them the next time that I had to retake them.

    Overall, 2012 has been tough but I am comfortable with achieving passing grades this year.

    If you had the ability to redo something in 2012, what would it be?

    Ruth: I tried attending another university where the student population was younger than me and I

    just did not fit in with the other students. This is why I decided to enroll at Everest. I have enjoyed

    my classes and my grades are great.

    Edwina: I am still dealing with the loss of my mother and

    would love to physically have her, but I know that she is by

    my side spiritually every step of the way. I have to focus on

    the future rather than the past. My loss promoted personal

    strength and self-confidence.

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  • What techniques can you utilize for 2013 to get you on the right path?

    Ruth: For 2013, I plan on keeping my grades up and taking more time on my quizzes. I have

    trouble taking a quiz and freeze up sometimes when I answer the questions instead of

    trusting myself.

    Edwina: I am finding that I am successful when I put a plan together and follow through with

    my plan. For example, every day of the week I have something specific to do to ensure

    that I am staying on point. I make it a practice to stay true to my faith before I start my

    work, say my affirmations, and give thanks when I see my grades from the previous week.

    What is your goal for 2013?

    Ruth: Due to a change of my career path, I had to change my major. I am enjoying my new

    classes as well as the support the advisors and department staff have given me. They

    have maintained the communication with me to make sure that I am on top of everything.

    Edwina: My goals for 2013 are to get on the deans list each term and get my GPA over 3.0. I

    am also looking to go back to taking full-time classes to graduate by the end of 2013 so I

    can start my bachelors degree in 2014.

    The ability to reflect on your accomplishments ensures your success in future endeavors. Ask

    yourself these two questions: Did you meet your goals? If not, what can you do different to

    accomplish them?

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  • Overcoming the Odds By Joanna Cassidy

    Morgan Berish graduated summer 2012 term and started her bachelors in Criminal Justice the very next term. If you do not know Morgans story, this may sound like one of lifes normal milestones, but Morgan overcame personal adversity and even bounced back when she faced possible dismissal from school.

    In June 2011, Morgan separated from her husband. Then on the day of their anniversary, July 24, 2011, she miscarried her unborn child. Her misfortune did not end there. On July 25, 2011, Morgan called her Student Advisor, Johanna Rouba, about another personal loss. While Morgan traveled to the hospital, they both cried over the news of Morgans mother passing away. Morgan said Johanna called her regularly to make sure she got up and logged into her classes. According to

    her, she would have dropped out a year ago had it not been for Johannas support.

    Morgan had the attitude that if she bombed a class, she could just retake it. This attitude led to Morgan submitting an appeal to stay in school as she faced academic dismissal during the winter 2012 term. She realized the importance of doing all of her assignments and attending classes regularly. In the fall 2011 term, Morgan earned a .40 GPA, but in spring 2012, she earned a Term GPA of 3.33.

    Things happen, but you can deal with them, Morgan shares. Morgan found the CARE Program especially helpful during the rough times. Life did not stop when her attitude changed. On June 5, 2012, she gave birth to a new baby boy, making her a mother to three children (stepdaughter Cheyenne, age 5; son Troy, age 5; and new baby boy, A.J.). A custody battle for her stepdaughter inspired her to want to work in Child and Youth Services so that she can help children.

    She wants fellow students to know, the tools are there to use; take advantage of them. In addition to crediting Johanna for helping her, she found many of Everest University Onlines academic advisors had hearts and a desire to help students. They want to help you build a future.

    To manage her classes, Morgan set up an hourly schedule for each day of the school week. It included time for studying, house cleaning and family time. When everyone went to sleep, she grabbed a book and took a hot bath. She said its important to take time for yourself, especially as a mom. Morgan says the payoff will be when she helps children who need her assistance. She said that she knows she is motivating her own family when her children see her doing her homework. She has also shared her experience with a cousin who is working on enrolling at Everest University Online.

    I got really lucky, she said. Her journey began when she sent an email to Everest University Online and an admissions representative called back in less than 15 minutes. Now, Morgan is a graduate.

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  • Helpful Tips from Fellow Classmates: How To Be Successful Every Term!

    By Michelle N. Robinson

    Whether you are getting straight As or struggling in classes, these tips are helpful habits for you to build on while attending school. These guidelines have been provided by fellow students who have been successful by creating study habits that work for them, and in turn, these students have received high grades every term. Adopting just one of these habits and changing how you approach the term can make the difference between receiving a B or a C. Just imagine how well you could do if you followed all the tips!

    Time management Work out a schedule for you and your family that focuses on school for at least one hour a day. Use sticky notes, a notebook, a calendar or anything else that will keep you organized.

    Make school a priority Do not just talk about it, but actually be involved and interactive.

    Communicate with your support team This team includes instructors, academic advisors, tutoring and classmates. All of these individuals have been through college; its free advice!

    Find a mentor in your program Use Everest Facebook career lounges or the Igniter Ambassador program. Ask your advisor for more details.

    Use your resources Be aware of all resources available to help you succeed with all classes, subjects, APA, writing, etc. The Academic Tutoring and Success Center is useful for all classes, topics and subjects.

    Get help when needed Ask lots of questions, especially to the other students in class. This can be immensely helpful!

    Pay attention to detail Analyze teamwork assignments and discussion question requirements.

    Proofread everything You are in college. Making sure you write correctly both punctually and grammatically will make you a better writer. You are preparing for your future. You are not going to get hired with mistakes on your resume or promoted if your writing is problematic.

    Take breaks Work on assignments for a little while and do something else to avoid getting burnt out. Coming back to your assignment with new eyes will help you catch mistakes and apply new ideas to finish the assignment.

    Participate Post in class each week no exceptions! Try to do your discussion questions on Sunday or Monday in case something unexpected happens later in the week.

    And finally, understand that it does take a couple weeks to get used to going to school online, but you will be done with your degree before you know it. You already made the most important decision of starting and now all you need to do is finish!

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  • On the first day of Christmas, Everest sent to me A link to the ATSC.

    On the second day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the third day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me,Three next terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the fourth day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me, Four perfect grades, Three next terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the fifth day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me, Five APA cites, Four perfect grades, Three next terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the sixth day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me, Six quizzes-a-taking, Five APA cites, Four perfect grades, Three next terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the seventh day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me, Seven papers-a-writing, Six quizzes-a-taking, Five APA cites, Four perfect grades, Three next terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the eighth day of Christmas, Everest sent to me, Eight Facebook Lounges, Seven papers-a-writing, Six quizzes-a-taking, Five APA cites, Four perfect grades, Three next

    terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the ninth day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me,Nine chapters-a-reading, Eight Facebook Lounges, Seven papers-a-writing, Six quizzes-a-taking, Five APA cites, Four perfect grades,

    Three next terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the tenth day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me, Ten videos-a-watching, Nine chapters-a-reading, Eight Facebook Lounges, Seven papers-a-writing, Six quizzes-a-taking, Five APA cites,

    Four perfect grades, Three next terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the eleventh day of Christmas, Everest sent to me , Eleven individual homeworks, Ten videos-a-watching, Nine chapters-a-reading, Eight Facebook Lounges, Seven papers-a-

    writing, Six quizzes-a-taking, Five APA cites, Four perfect grades, Three next terms classes, Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC.

    On the twelfth day of Christmas,

    Everest sent to me Twelve weeks-in-a-term,

    Eleven individual homeworks, Ten videos-a-watching,

    Nine chapters-a-reading, Eight Facebook Lounges, Seven papers-a-writing,

    Six quizzes-a-taking, Five APA cites,

    Four perfect grades, Three next terms classes,

    Two Webinars, And a link to the ATSC!

    The Twelve Days of Everest (12 Days of Christmas) lyrics

    Page 24

  • James Nemeth Lloyd Mullen Evelyn Romans Joanna Cassidy Danisha Bethune Delores Frances Vigil Catherine Dugdell Kelly Hunter Michelle N Robinson

    Randy Harris Benson Tong

    Bradley Govender

    This magazine was a joint effort of both staff and students. If you enjoyed reading it, we would love to hear your feedback or comments. You may email them directly to

  • Any questions, concerns, or ideas for our next issue?

    Please contact Brad Govender at Thank you for reading and please follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.

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