27th sunday of ord

Post on 08-Jul-2022






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27th Sunday of Ord. Time/Domingo 27del Tiempo Ord./Octubre 3,2021

God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father

and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

Dios lo hizo hombre y mujer. Por eso dejara el hombre a su padre y a su madre

y se unirá a su esposa y serán los dos una sola carne.


Sacred Scripture and The Moral Code

The experience of today’s gospel questions Jesus ias to where he

stands in relation to the problematic questions of the moral law. The

Pharisees were hoping that Jesus would err in his understanding of

the Mosaic tradition. Jesus’ response does two things for the listeners

of his day. Firstly, he affirms the tradition of the prophets and upholds

the laws regarding marriage. Secondly, he challenges the Pharisees

to recognize the importance of commitment.

The reason for this challenge was due to a loophole in the law

which would permit Jewish men to divorce at will. Jesus suggests that

the challenge to meet the obligations of marriage is equally the re-

sponsibility of both the man and the woman. Jesus is clearly telling us

about the importance of the bond of marriage. “What God has joined,

no one should separate.” Jesus is not merely making a human obser-

vation, but emphasizing God’s thought on the subject. He is basically

pointing out the promises made in the marriage covenant are subject

to the divine law.

Our world today is changing so rapidly. We are told that two out of

three marriages are now ending in divorce. Children suffer as they are

pulled between the tensions of those who are involved in custody

battles. While some tragic and abusive marriages must ultimately end

in divorce for the sake of human survival, others end due to the lack of

commitment and discernment. The sacrament of marriage when taken

seriously communicates the presence of Christ in the way that a cou-

ple shares in the marriage covenant.

The age of communication and technology has brought us so far

in such a short time. We live in a world of immediacy. People want

instant results. The attention span of individuals is now becoming very

short with all the distractions that the secular world has to offer. As

soon as some marriages start to experience difficulty, there is often a

tendency to walk away from the immediate problem and couples for-

get about the long term commitment they had made – “I take you, for

better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, until


Movies address the issue of deceit and betrayal between married

persons, often gnawing away at the moral fiber of the Sacred Scrip-

tures handed down to others. There is almost a desensitization of the

heartbreak of divorce when someone in a story finds new love, even

though they have already made a commitment to be married for life.

Jesus also recognizes the dignity of a child in today’s gospel. Children

were not given a prominent place within the society of his day. Par-

ents looked forward to the day when the child would grow into maturi-

ty and bring resources from the work of their hands into their home.

Jesus knows that in the gift of childhood is contained the simplicity in

which a child simply trusts and feels protected by his or her family.

Jesus reminds his listeners that unless they become like a child

(in which the child has yet to build walls and is quick to forgive), then

they will be slow to enter into the kingdom of heaven which does not

build obstacles between its members and which is a place of pure

love. It is always around this time of year that the Catholic Church

asks us to observe “Respect Life” endeavors. We take the words of

the gospel to heart in recognizing that children have a special place in

the heart of God and in the life of the church.

After all, it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.

Abortion can never be justified in our reasoning – our fundamental

position is that God creates life, restores it, and then takes it back to

Himself. The destruction of human life whether inside or outside of the

womb is contrary to the very Scriptures proclaimed from the pulpit

every Sunday. Abortion, euthanasia, embryonic research, capital

punishment, exploitation of the poor, unjust wars, violence, and the

high volume of divorce disrespect what is precious to God.

We are asked today to give witness to the very belief that all life is

sacred from conception to natural death. We are asked to help single

mothers and encourage them in their roles, assisting them as best we

can. We are called to work for peace and justice – always defending

the rights of the poor. Last, but not least, let us pray that all life will

be held sacred and uphold the institution of married life!�


Sagrada Escritura y Código Moral

La experiencia del evangelio de hoy cuestiona a Jesús cuál es su

posición en relación con las cuestiones problemáticas de la ley moral.

Los fariseos esperaban que Jesús se equivocara en su comprensión de

la tradición mosaica. La respuesta de Jesús hace dos cosas para los

oyentes de su época. En primer lugar, afirma la tradición de los profetas

y defiende las leyes sobre el matrimonio. En segundo lugar, desafía a

los fariseos a reconocer la importancia del compromiso.

La razón de este desafío se debió a una laguna en la ley que permiti-

ría a los hombres judíos divorciarse a voluntad. Jesús sugiere que el

desafío de cumplir con las obligaciones del matrimonio es igualmente

responsabilidad tanto del hombre como de la mujer. Jesús nos está

hablando claramente de la importancia del vínculo matrimonial. "Lo que

Dios ha unido, nadie debe separarlo". Jesús no está simplemente ha-

ciendo una observación humana, sino enfatizando el pensamiento de

Dios sobre el tema. Básicamente, está señalando que las promesas

hechas en el pacto matrimonial están sujetas a la ley divina.

Nuestro mundo de hoy está cambiando tan rápidamente. Se nos dice

que dos de cada tres matrimonios terminan ahora en divorcio. Los niños

sufren al verse arrastrados por las tensiones de quienes están involucra-

dos en las batallas por la custodia. Si bien algunos matrimonios trágicos

y abusivos deben terminar en divorcio por el bien de la supervivencia

humana, otros terminan debido a la falta de compromiso y discernimien-

to. El sacramento del matrimonio, cuando se toma en serio, comunica la

presencia de Cristo en la forma en que una pareja comparte el pacto


La era de la comunicación y la tecnología nos ha traído tan lejos en

tan poco tiempo. Vivimos en un mundo de inmediatez. La gente quiere

resultados instantáneos. La capacidad de atención de los individuos

ahora se está volviendo muy corta con todas las distracciones que ofre-

ce el mundo secular. Tan pronto como algunos matrimonios comienzan

a experimentar dificultades, a menudo hay una tendencia a alejarse del

problema inmediato y las parejas se olvidan del compromiso a largo

plazo que habían hecho: “Te tomo, para mejor, para peor, para más rico

o más pobre, en enfermedad o en salud, hasta la muerte ... "

Las películas hablan de esto, a menudo royendo la fibra moral de las

Sagradas Escrituras transmitidas a otros, como el engaño y la traición

de las personas casadas. Hay casi una insensibilización de la angustia

del divorcio cuando alguien en una historia encuentra un nuevo amor, a

pesar de que ya se han comprometido a casarse de por vida. Jesús

también reconoce la dignidad de un niño en el evangelio de hoy. A los

niños no se les dio un lugar destacado en la sociedad de su época. Los

padres esperaban con ansias el día en que el niño llegara a la madurez

y llevara los recursos del trabajo de sus manos a su hogar. Jesús sabe

que en el don de la infancia se encierra la sencillez en la que el niño

simplemente confía y se siente protegido por su familia.

Jesús recuerda a sus oyentes que a menos que se vuelvan como un

niño (en el que el niño aún tiene que construir muros y es rápido para

perdonar), entonces seremos lentos para entrar en el reino de los cielos

que no construye obstáculos entre sus miembros y que es un lugar de

puro amor. Siempre es en esta época del año que la Iglesia Católica nos

pide que observemos los esfuerzos de “Respetar la vida”. Tomamos en

serio las palabras del evangelio al reconocer que los niños tienen un

lugar especial en el corazón de Dios y en la vida de la iglesia.

Después de todo, es a estos a quienes pertenece el reino de los

cielos. El aborto nunca puede justificarse en nuestro razonamiento;

nuestra posición fundamental es que Dios crea la vida, la restaura y

luego la devuelve a Él. La destrucción de la vida humana, ya sea dentro

o fuera del útero, es contraria a las mismas Escrituras que se proclaman

desde el púlpito todos los domingos. El aborto, la eutanasia, la investi-

gación embrionaria, la pena capital, la explotación de los pobres, las

guerras injustas, la violencia y el alto volumen de divorcios, faltan el

respeto a lo que Dios valora.

Hoy se nos pide que demos testimonio de la creencia misma de que

toda vida es sagrada desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Se

nos pide que ayudemos a las madres solteras y las animemos en sus

roles, ayudándolas lo mejor que podamos. Estamos llamados a trabajar

por la paz y la justicia, siempre defendiendo los derechos de los pobres.

Por último, pero no menos importante, ¡oremos para que toda la vida

sea sagrada y defienda la institución de la vida matrimonial!


ANNUAL REPORT 2020�2021�

Dear Parish Family:�

Below are the results of this year’s annual report. Thanks

to all of you who gave of your time and talents to St. Pat-

rick Church throughout the year. We are truly one Body in

Christ. I am so proud to be a part of your Church Com-

munity. �

Father Jesus�

Church Statistics�

Registered Families� � 903�

Religious Education Enrollment� 155�

Profession of Faith 0� Baptisms� 41�

First Communion 85� Confirmation 55�

Marriages� 6� Funerals� 15�

Charitable Contributions�

Diocesan Stewardship� 15,661.50�

Hope for Haitians� 414.94�

International Appeal� 4,556.00�

Mission Appeal� 3,760.00�

Holy Land� 935.76�

National Appeal� 4,719.00�

Rice Bowl� 803.82�

Total� $30,851.02�

Cemetery �

Income Care Account� 132,108.14�

Operating Account� 5,683.34�

Foundation � 103,526.76�

Total� $241,318.24�


Collections� � �

30100� Sunday Envelopes 280,914.00�

30200� Sunday Offertory 21,381.39�

30400� Easter 3,567.00�

30500� Christmas 5,238.00�

30550� Holy Days 3,670.00�

30700� Stole Fees 6,440.00�

Total� $321,210.39�


31740� Book & Bible Income� 129.00�

31800� Donations� 9,293.01�

31801� Bequests� 1,689.23�

31900� DA Refund� 1.259.00�

31950� UIF Income� 2,675.00�

32200� Tuition� 7,014.00�

32900� Miscellaneous Income� 50.00�

Total� � $22,109.24�


32020� Bingo Fundraiser� 163.50�

32020� Totus Tuus� 500.00�

32100� PC Rental Income� 105.00�

31500� Votive Lights Income� 6,756.54�

32020� OLG Celebration� 3,968.00�

32020� Special Programs� 823.03�

32050� Donations (candles)� 2,229.75�

35000� Flower Income� 7,071.01�

32450� Adult Education� �84.10�

31100� Family Life Income� 975.00�

32905� RCIA Income� 45.00�

Total Other Revenue� $22,522.73�

TOTAL INCOME� $365,842.36�

� � �


Salaries/Benefits� �

40100� Pastor Base Salary� 34,440.00�

40200� Pastor Professional Exp.� 2,078.01�

40300� Clergy Assistance� 1,280.00�

40600� Organist/Choir� 7,073.60�

40700� Housekeeper� 1,492.00�

40800� Secretary & Bookkeeper� 41,562.75�

40850� Janitor� 22,486.15�

40900� Youth Ministry Coord.� 3,283.25�

41400� Liturgist� 10,779.00 �

41550� FICA Taxes� 6,516.62�

41650� Unemployment Comp.� 6,869.83�

Salaries/Benefits Cont.� �

41800� Diocesan Insurance Trust� 15,470.00�

41900� Diocesan Pension Trust� 4,579.85�

41995� Continuing Education� 1,400.00�

Total� � $159,311.06�

General Expenses� �

42101� Accounting Services� 2,515.48�

42200� Adult Education� 2,073.09�

42250� Advertising� 513.00�

42600� Church Supplies� 6,443.24�

42650� Community Relations� 799.85�

42700� Dues & Subscriptions� 92.50�

42800� Envelope Service� 1,721.44�

42850� Equipment & Furnishings� 393.56�

42910� Computer Repairs� 49.14�

42915� Computer Software Sup.� 1,150.95�

42920� Internet Expense� 2,945.53�

43600� Office Supplies� 2,312.89�

43600� Water� 315.98�

44001� Bank Service Charge� 330.05�

44100� Other Tax & License� 200.00�

44400� Personnel Appreciation� 150.00�

44600� Postage� 973.15�

44625� Copier Maint. Agreement� 789.93�

44703� Legal Fees� 898.86�

45400� Telephone� 3,069.33�

45500� Textbooks� 172.33�

45900� Clergy Assist. Mileage� 770.66�

45930� Auto Insurance� 1040.00�

46002� Parish Outreach Expense� 500.00�

46050� Miscellaneous Expense� 463.43�

47100� OL Fatima Statues� 4,959.39�

48690� The Observer� 1,795.00�

Total� � $37,438.78�

� � �

Religious Education�

40900� Director of RE� 28,615.20�

41550� FICA � 2,189.05�

41650� Unemployment Ins. � 572.40�

42910� Computer Repairs � 273.10�

42920� Internet Expense � 921.92�

45400� Telephone� � 305.43�

Total Expenses � $32,877.10 �

Buildings and Property�

42850� Equipment� 393.56�

43450� Maintenance Agreement� 3,370.15�

43500� Maintenance Supplies� 3,417.30�

43600� Church Water� 38.27�

44100� Tax & License� 120.66�

44500� Pest Control� 125.00�

45800� Trash Removal� 1,128.00�

46650� Ground Maintenance� 7,330.84�

46660� Snow Removal� 6,085.00�

46700� Property Insurance� 38,368.00�

46700� Trailer Insurance� 320.00�

46750� Property Taxes� 12,975.50�

46800� Repairs & Maintenance� 8,648.88�

46850� Gas� 14,734.45�

46851� Rectory Gas� 734.67�

46901� Electric� 18,078.96�

46950� Water & Sewer� 1,580.03�

46951� Water Softener� 261.73�

Total� $117,711.00�

Liturgy & Music�

31600� Votive Light Expense� 2,142.30�

31985� Baptism Program� 70.59�

32025� Special Programs� 2,061.06�

35050� Flower/Decorations� 6,464.64�

42600� Church Supplies� 6,443.24�

42700� Dues & Subscriptions� 182.60�

43100� Laundry & Cleaning� 54.70�

43400� Liturgical Aids� 3,330.96�

Total� $20,750.09�

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place immedi-

ately following the daily Mass on Thursday mornings.

We adore the exposed Blessed Sacrament and conclude

with Benediction. This Eucharistic devotion is meant to

offer all the faithful an opportunity to spend time in

prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

During your visit you certainly may offer your own

prayers to the Lord. You are also welcome to pray for

your own needs.

La adoración del Santísimo Sacramento se lleva a cabo inmedia-

tamente después de la misa diaria de los jueves por la mañana.

Adoramos el Santísimo Sacramento expuesto y concluimos con la

Bendición. Esta devoción eucarística está destinada a ofrecer a

todos los fieles la oportunidad de pasar tiempo en oración ante el

Santísimo Sacramento.

Durante su visita, ciertamente puede ofrecer sus propias oracio-

nes al Señor. También puede orar por sus propias necesidades.


42920� Rectory Internet� 511.44�

43100� Laundry & Cleaning� 24.00�

43500� Maintenance Supplies� 7.98�

43600� Water� 148.25�

43700� Other Household� 932.08�

45200� Table Expense� 3,798.29�

Total� $5,422.04 �

Assessments� �

47300� High School Assessment� 18,048.00�

Total� � $18,048.00�

TOTAL EXPENSES $391,558.07�

TOTAL INCOME $365,842.36 �

Deficit� $25,715.71�

Frank and Marie Kelley Fund�

The St. Patrick Catholic Church Kelley Fund was

established in 1979 in accordance with Frank C.

Kelley's will which provided for income from the

fund to be used for either worthy projects and

programs within the community of Rochelle or

expenses of St. Patrick Catholic Church. �

06/30/2020 Balance� $66,474.60�

Income� �

Farm Rental � 33,348.00�

Disbursements� �

Sidewalks� 9,802.60�

Parking Lot� 11,570.00�

Drain tile� 5,928.30�

Church Shortfall� 22,762.69�

Cemetery Shortfall� 10,134.00�

6/30/2021 Balance� $39,625.01�

St. Patrick Parish Outreach�

Giving Tree� 4,570.00�

Needy Assistance� � 6,632.89�

Grants� � 5,000.00�

Total Income� � 16,202.89�

Giving Tree� � 3,500.00�

Needy Assistance� � 7,948.91�

Total Expense� � 11,449.91�

All Items removed from the graves at the

St. Patrick cemetery have been kept for 30 day or

longer. Items can only be kept for thirty days .

Our janitor Brian Jaeger will be throwing out all

items in the cemetery shed . If you want to re-

trieve your items, you must call the parish office

to make an appointment with Brian before the

end of the week.

Todos los artículos retirados de las tumbas en el

cementerio de St. Patrick se han guardado durante

30 días o más. Los artículos solo se pueden conser-

var durante treinta días. Nuestro conserje

Brian Jaeger tirará todos los artículos en el cober-

tizo del cementerio. Si desea recuperar sus artícu-

los, debe llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer

una cita con Brian antes del fin de semana.

Please Pray�

Our deceased: Marion Mann, Jerry Reeser,

Mary Feldhaus, Lucy Dale, Blash Wolf, Danny Harper.

Our people in active duty including:

Jeremy Grennan

Brenda Hueramo

Benjamin Stoddard

Kevin Cragin

Kyle Dailey

Oscar Gomez

Brandon Strang

Jesus Valdez, Jr.

Trent Simmons

Esmeralda Valdez

Mass Intentions�

Monday, October 4

8:00am � Jack and Mary Feldhaus by Brian and Laura Poliska

Tuesday, October 5

8:00 am ……...NO MASS

Wednesday, October 6

8:00 am�Jerry Reeser by Micky Bachmann

6:30 pm � Martha Chavez by Andrea Zamarron

Thursday, October 7

8:00 am �Marion Mann by Micky Bachmann

Friday, October 8………..NO MASS

Saturday, October 9

8:00am ……...NO MASS

4:00 pm…... Confessions

5:00pm � John Kevin LaRue by Carmel Klein

7:00pm � Isidro y Ruben Orozco by Familia Orozco

Sunday, October 10

7:30 am � Dorthy Canode by Bob and Shirly Caron

9:00 am � Warren Seebach by Waters Family

11:00 am � Angel y Leonarda Barrientos by Lorena Barrientos

Mass intentions, as noted above, are part of our Catholic

understanding of the Communion of Saints and the ongoing

celebration of the Mass. On earth, we saints in the making,

those of us in the pews, are called to pray for the noble souls of

our deceased loved ones. Once in heaven, they then intercede

for us before God. Please call the Parish Office to schedule a

Mass intention.

The Week Ahead �

Reporte del Diezmo parroquial:

El presupuesto mensual de la Iglesia de San Patricio para

cubrir todos nuestros gastos es: $22,000. Para mantener

nuestra parroquia funcionando, necesitamos $5,577 cada fin

de semana.

El fin de semana del 25/26 septiembre recibimos:$ 4,779

Cortos$801 Desde el inicio de año fiscal hasta la fecha

estamos con $4,688 cortos! Deje su sobre en la Caja Ne-

gra en la entrada iglesia. Nuestra Parroquia se basa única-

mente en la generosidad de sus feligreses para continuar la

misión de Dios en Rochelle. Por favor considere hacer una

donación económica a nuestra parroquia cada semana.

Stewardship Corner

St. Patrick Church monthly donations budgeted to cover our

operating expenses is $22,000. To keep our parish function-

ing, we need $5,577each weekend.

The weekend of September25/26 we received:$ 4,779

Deficit:$801 YTD—Deficit:$ 4,688

Saint Patrick Catholic Church relies solely on the generosity of

its parishioners to continue God's mission in Rochelle. Please

consider making a financial gift to our parish. If you are al-

ready registered at Saint Patrick and are not receiving enve-

lopes, please contact the parish office to request envelopes.

The Sanctuary Lamp Memorial

will burn this week for:

Poor souls in purgatory

Liturgical Ministers: October 9�10�

Saturday, October 9, 2021

5:00pm mass

Lector: Lynda McKibben

Ushers: Kirk Reinhart & William Nixon

7:00pm Misa

Lector: Vilma Arevalo

Ujieres: Damian Nava & Ana Rosa Gonzalez

Sunday, October 10, 2021

7:30 am Mass

Lector: Maria Lampson

Ushers: Russell Harms & Lynn Poliska

9:00 am Mass

Lector:Prosper Agbetrobu

Ushers: Andrew Waters & Neil Swanson

11:00 am Misa

Lector : Dolores Argueta

Ujieres: Porfirio Argueta & Leticia Hernandez

� �Saint Patrick Church Staff

Father/Padre Jesús Domínguez


Diacono Fermín García

Deacon George Schramm

Business Manager/ Contadora:

Patricia Kee


Erin Robles

Music Apostolate/

Apostol de Música

Joan Woksa

Evelyn González

Rel. Education/Catecismo:

Deacon George Schramm

Cemetery Manager/

Gerente del Panteon:

Patricia Kee

Youth Ministry: Leslie Ilkow


Brian Jaeger

244 Kelly Drive, Rochelle, IL 61068.

(815) 562-2370

Our Email:

Pastoral Council Members:

Lorrie Bearrows,

Chair person

Robert Chadwick

Joanne Erickson

Deacon Fermín Garcia

Deacon George Schramm

Andrew Suter

Barbara Tomanek

Javier Zepeda

Finance Council Members:

Kathy Hollonbeck,

Chair Person

Paul Chadwick

Zach Prewett

Mike Chadwick

Building and Properties:

Frank Frisch

Claude McKibben

Zack Prewett

Dave Kornfeind

St. Patrick’s confession hours

are as follow:

Saturday /Sabado: 4:00 pm

The new Mass schedule will be:

Monday: Mass at 8:00am

Tuesday: there will be No Mass

Wednesday: Mass at 8:00am

Mass in Spanish at 6:30pm

Thursday: Mass at 8:00am

Friday: there will be No Mass

Saturday: there will be No

8:00 am Mass, but there will be a

Word-Communion celebration.


5:00pm Mass

7:00pm Mass in Spanish.

Sunday Masses:

7:30 AM Mass

9:00 AM Mass

11:00 AM in Spanish

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