storyline & narrative

Post on 17-Feb-2018






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  • 7/23/2019 Storyline & Narrative


    Story & Narrative

    Storyline & Conventions of an action lm


    1. Fights2. Car Chase3. Villains & Heros4. Explosions5. Motive towards the end of the lm6. Suspense7. Shooting8. Heists

    These are some of the main and ommon onventions whih anation lm has! Most ation lms now have these ommononventions "ut have di#erent stor$lines within their movie! The$also have di#erent su"%genres "ut eep the main lm genre ation!Some ation movies with other su" genres would "e' si%' thrilleret! (nluding ght senes in an ation lm is ver$ ommon' as therewas a lot of movies in the past where the$ inluded ght senesmost of the time!)istrit *+ , -ltimatum is an example of a lm .ust ontaining ghtsenes throughout the movie' this inludes ght senes withparour and ghting ops! Fast & Furious / is an example of wherethe$ have used more than one ation lm onvention! The lms

    inludes' ghts' explosions' shooting' antagonists' protagonists'heists and suspense! Fast & Furious / have inluding all theseonventions in one lm to give show the audiene that the lm isation paed! 0ll these onventions used "$ Fast / an "e used tomae 1%+ lms using eah onventions!

    Storyline:1. 2evenge2. 3idnapping3. Heists4. 2esue

    5. 0ssainiations6. Creating a Team

    These are the ommon ation lm stor$lines4plots whih is usedwhen produing an ation lm! The Expenda"les + uses a stor$lineat the start of the team resuing another team mem"er! The$ usethis stor$line to start of the lm and give the audiene suspense tohow the resued team mem"er will at towards the lm! )uring themid%wa$ of the lm S$lvester Stallone splits up with the original astand team ad deide to form a new team! This part inludes him

    going around the ountr$ and nding team mates with di#erenta"ilities! Fast / has a stor$line involving a heist whih taes plae'

  • 7/23/2019 Storyline & Narrative


    involving millions of dollars worth of ash! The heist is also donewith forming a team with di#erent a"ilities' inluding getting ahaer' plum"er' driver et! The$ then arr$ out the heist leavingever$one inluding the ops and antagonists onfused to how the$arried this heist out! The Fast and Furious franhise inludes a

    suspense4li#%hanger at the end of ever$ movie!

    Tvetan To!orov"s T#eory: Narrative Str$ct$re

    %$ili'ri$m (This is the "eginning of the lm' where the plot ofthe lm starts to "uild up giving the audiene a "rief loo at whatand how the lm will turn out!

    )ise$ili'ri$m (This ours during the mid%wa$s ofmost lms! 0 pro"lem ours whih then inludes thepro"lem to "e resolved "$ the end of the lm'

    *esol$tion (This is when the lm haraters nd asolution to the pro"lem and resolve it .ust *5%1/ minute"efore the end of the lm

  • 7/23/2019 Storyline & Narrative


    Most lms have the three stages listed a"ove' "ut to "rea it downeven more this is how a lm plot would "e "roen%down! 0 lmwould start slowl$ giving awa$ ver$ little for the rst 1%/ minutes'this is where ever$thing is "alaned 6%$ili'ri$m7! )uring the mid%wa$ a disruption would tae plae of an order whih ma$ have

    ourred at the start 6)ise$ili'ri$m7' after the disruption taingplae a reognition would tae plae to where the lm would plotwould inlude nding the pro"lems to how it ma$ have ourred! 0nattempt would then "e somehow put in to solve the pro"lem taenplae! 8ne the solution found to the pro"lem ourred it wouldmove on to "e solved' this would also "e done slowl$ as a pro"lemannot "e resolved 9uil$! The pro"lem would "e looed at again tosee whih wa$ it an "e solved! )epending on what movie it is somemovies have a great wa$ to solving a pro"lem as it gives outsuspense and gives out :ash"a to how it happened and thestor$line maes it loo lie it was all planned! Fast / uses thistehni9ue' one the$ve got the "an vault the$ give out a :ash"ato how the$ esaped with the vault without an$one athing themalthough the$ got hased! ;ro"lem is then solved and the lmfouses on the ending towards the last *5%*/ minutes!

    6*esol$tion7! Fast /s ending nishes of with the whole teamopening the vault and en.o$ing the mone$ whih the$ split! Towardsthe end the$ show senes with eah mem"er having fun' with some

    "u$ing a private .et' some "u$ing superars et! (t nishes o# with the whole rew

    pra$ing and having dinner' happ$ ending!

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