storyboard draft

Post on 26-Jan-2016






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Storyboard Draft Amy Cole


Alexa is running from her school bullies.

Camera shot: POV

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Alexa’s breathing and heartbeat

A panning shot shows a quiet street.

Camera shot: Panning shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa is still being chased by her bullies.

Camera shot: Wide shot

Duration: 10 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects, voice over

A clear shot of the bullies as they chase Alexa.

Camera shot: Two Shot

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects,

Alexa runs to her house to get away from the bullies chasing her.

Camera shot: POV

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Alexa’s breathing and heartbeat

Alexa grabs her keys and goes to open the door.

Camera shot: POV

Duration: 6 seconds

Sound: Alexa’s breathing and heartbeat

Alexa pushes the door open and runs in, slamming the door behind her

Camera shot: High angle wide shot

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Tension building score music

The bullies pound on the glass part of the door to scare Alexa.

Camera shot: Cut away

Duration: 1 second

Sound: banging sound effect, shouting, tension building score music

Alexa is trying to calm down after been chased.

Camera shot: High angle shot wide shot

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Tension building score music

Another shot to show the bullies entering the porch.

Camera shot: Wide two shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Tension building score music

The bullies run up to her house still in pursuit.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Tension building score music

Alexa slides down the door and has a defeated look on her face.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 4 seconds

Sound: Door closing, tension building score music

Alexa runs up the stairs in panic.

Camera shot: High angle wide shot

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Shouting, tension building score music

Alexa rushes to her bedroom.

Camera shot: close up

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Tension building score music

Alexa closes her bedroom door leans against it and thinks about where she can hide.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Tension building score music

Alexa moves to her wardrobe.

Camera shot: POV

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Tension building score music

Alexa opens her wardrobe.

Camera shot: High angle shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Tension building score music

Alexa pushes the clothes in her wardrobe out of the way.

Camera shot: POV

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Tension building score music

Alexa climbs into her wardrobe.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Tension building score music

A shot of the sky to show the clear location change.

Camera shot: establishing shot

Duration: 4 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa is on the grass slowly waking up as if she had been asleep.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa wakes up and goes to sit up and looks around.

Camera shot: Medium tracking shot

Duration: 10 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa looks around and sees another girl sitting in the garden with her.

Camera shot: POV

Duration: 4 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa looks around at the objects on the picnic blanket.

Camera shot: Extreme close up shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa looks at the retro cassette/tape player and other out of time objects.

Camera shot: Cut away shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa asks the stranger where she is.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 2 Seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

The Stranger (Clarissa) laughs and says how she’s in her garden.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 5 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Clarissa hands Alexa a newspaper to prove the date.

Camera shot: Panning shot

Duration: 5 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa looks at the newspaper.

Camera shot: Extreme close up shot

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa looks shocked and can’t believe it.

Camera shot: Over the shoulder shot

Duration: 8 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Clarissa asks Alexa if she’s alright as she doesn’t know why she is acting so strange.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 9 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa then notices her clothes have changed and get even more confused and annoyed.

Camera shot: Medium close up shot

Duration: 6 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Clarissa makes a joke which prompts Alexa’s to talk about how she was running from her bullies.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 8 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Clarissa tells her that maybe she was dreaming the whole thing.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

A shot of a flower is used to show that time has moved on.

Camera shot: Cut away shot

Duration: 2 seconds


Alexa are now sitting differently on the blanket and are chatting away.

Camera shot: Two shot

Duration: 4 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

A shot of the coke bottles to show that time has passed as they are less full.

Camera shot: Cut away shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Clarissa tells Alexa that she has a present to give to her.

Camera shot: High angled two shot

Duration: 4 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Clarissa gives Alexa the present.

Camera shot: Two shot

Duration: 13 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa opens the present to find to friendship bracelets and stares at them in a confused way.

Camera shot: Two shot

Duration: 13 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Clarissa thinks that Alexa doesn’t like the present.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa tells she loves the bracelets.

Camera shot: Two shot

Duration: 7 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

The scene then goes into a montage to show that time is passing.

Camera shot: Two shot

Duration: 12 seconds


A shot of a plate with crumbs on again shows that time has passed.

Camera shot: Cut away shot

Duration: 2 seconds


Clarissa says it’s getting chilling and thinks they should go inside.

Camera shot: Two shot/over the shoulder shot

Duration: 4 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa yawns suddenly and starts to fall asleep.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 7 seconds

Sound: Atmosphere/ambient sound effects

A shot of the sky is used to show the scene is changing.

Camera shot: Establishing shot

Duration: 2 seconds


Alexa climbs out of her wardrobe.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Score music

Alexa is getting out of her wardrobe and turns around.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Score music

Alexa looks in her wardrobe as she can’t believe what just happened.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 9 seconds

Sound: Score music

Alexa hears shouting from outside but keeps looking inside her wardrobe perplexed.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 7 seconds

Sound: Score music

Alexa finally tears her eyes away from the wardrobe to found out what the commotion is all about.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 7 seconds

Sound: Score music

Alexa walks to her window.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 4 seconds

Sound: Score music

Alexa’s bullies walk out of her porch and start shouting at her.

Camera shot: high angels wide shot

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Score music

The bullies keep shouting at her to get out.

Camera shot: Two Shot

Duration: 9 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects

An older woman off the camera tells the girls to go away.

Camera shot: Two Shot

Duration: 9 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects

The bullies leave.

Camera shot: Two Shot

Duration: 9 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa watches the older woman walking on the street.

Camera shot: Extreme close up shot

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects,

The older woman walks past Alexa’s house.

Camera shot: Panning shot

Duration: 2 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa is still looking out her window watching the older woman.

Camera shot: Over the shoulder shot

Duration: 1 second

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects

The woman is still just walking as if nothing happened.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects,

The older woman suddenly stops and waves up to Alexa. She is wearing Clarissa’s bracelet.

Camera shot: Close up shot

Duration: 4 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects

Alexa waves backs and wanders if that’s Clarissa but just older.

Camera shot: Medium shot

Duration: 3 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects,

Clarissa keeps walking and doesn’t look back.

Camera shot: Wide shot

Duration: 7 seconds

Sound: Score music, atmosphere/ambient sound effects,

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