storm heart cyoa

Post on 24-Dec-2021






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STORM HEART CYOA There’s a storm coming…All around the world grey clouds gather, wrapping the earth in a dull steel shell,

then a clap of thunder is heard, rolling around the globe, heralding the start of a new age.

At once, all of humanities technology fails, it all just shuts down. The power cuts out, phone lines go dead,

computers switch off. Anything electrical, anything digital, anything more advanced than a steam engine just

stops working. Even modern fire arms cease to function, missiles, aircraft and submarines all now useless.

Humanities precious infrastructure comes crashing down around them.

In the coming days, weeks and years, chaos will consume the world. Without food, medicine, power and any

semblance of order, millions will die as a never ending storm ravages the earth.

The sun is swallowed by the clouds and the earth becomes dark. Plants wither and die, the heavens are split

apart by lightning, the earth drowned in rain and the monuments of man torn down amidst howling gales.

Through the raging winds come creatures of our darkest nightmares, driven to consume humanity. A

blanket of crushing depression settled over the remaining humanity, crushing their will to live.

But all is not lost.

There a few among the surviving human who find themselves gifted with strange powers. They have the

power to fight back against the creatures and even against the storm itself and survive in this new world

They will come to be known as Storm Hearts and you are one such person

Your journey into the howling dark begins now…


The Rain- You draw your power

from sorrow, saddens and loss.

Generates steady consistent


The Tempest- You draw your

power from rage, frustration and

fury. Generates a lot of energy

very quickly when active

The Shadow- You draw your

power from your own fear.

Generates huge sporadic bursts

of energy

The Roar- You draw your power

from courage. Generates great

volumes of energy consistently

but fear greatly drains you

The Calm- You draw your

power from serenity & self-

confidence. Generates

continuous energy but doubt

cripples you

The Vortex- You draw your power

from love. Generates staggering

amounts of energy but only when

you have someone to fight for

The Wind- You draw your

power from happiness.

Generates large amounts as

long as your moral is high

The Rush- You draw your power

from excitement and danger.

Generates a lot of energy in short


The Storm Within-

Storm Hearts draw their strength from inside, pick 1 to be the source of your power, by experiencing that emotion

you can generate energy which you can store to use later or use straight away. The more powerful the emotion the

more power is generated. You always know how much power you have available, the longer you go without

experiencing this emotion the more energy you lose. Also should you feel the opposite of your emotion it will

drastically drain your energy


Powers- Pick 4-

Sustenance- You can

sustain yourself on power

alone, no need for food or

water. Does not halt ageing

and is a constant, somewhat

heavy drain on your energy


Mind- You process

information twice as fast

while using this power but

it burns up energy very fast.

Body- Your current

strength is quadrupled and

your body reaches the

peak of physical condition

overnight. You can jump

up to 6 meters, but

requires constant energy

Instinct- Your gut feeling

is a lot stronger, you can

sense danger and

imminent attacks.

Belly Breath- You can

breathe deep and exhale a

billowing gout of flame,

requires a sudden burst of


Boost- You can use your

energy to others to slowly

heal them or rapidly heal

yourself; with enough

energy you could heal

almost any wound

Rock- Your body is far

more durable survive

impacts, great falls. You

should be able to survive a

lightning strike

Soar- When you jump you

can either descend slowly

or shoot straight down in

an attack dive. You are no

longer staggered by falls



Each can be activated once a week for a few minutes but only when you

reach the extreme of your chosen emotion

Berserker- Gift of the Tempest- You can become rage incarnate,

transforming & growing in size. Strength & durability massively


Warden- Gift of The Calm- You have the power to temporailly stop

the storm

Clear- Gift of The Wind- You can dispel or fear, anxiety, doubt and

tension from yourself and your group

Trade- Gift of The Vortex- You can swap places with the one you

love the most, even if they should die

Mourn- Gift of The Rain- You are able to absorb the pain of others,

keeping it as a reserve of energy for later

Return- Gift of The Shadow- You can draw on the fear of others to

fuel you

Wings- Gift of The Rush- You can create two huge feathered wings

from your back which allow you to fly and dive as a falcon would, in

all but the most vicious of weather

Crown- Gift of The Roar- You can create a glowing crown of flame

above your head that can inspires allies and terrifies foes


Sharp Sword- A blade that hums and crackles with static electricity

when lightning is about to strike, it is very conductive

Clean Spear- A pole arm a foot longer than you are tall that always

seems to find the weak spot on a foe

Harsh Light- An ancient Sten gun, somehow still working, and

unaffected by the storm. 24 hours after you expend every round in

its one and only magazine you will find the clip replenished.

Lightning Bolt- Choose 1

Every Storm Heart needs a tool, an implement with which they strike down upon their foes. Which

is yours? Which is your Lightning Bolt?

Bent Bow- A bow, the arrows of which will fly straight and true

unhindered by wind or rain

Ragged Knife- A wicked, curved knife, any wound caused by it will

become infected and heal slowly

Light Staff- A solid, smooth, staff that can deliver a hefty strike.

While holding it you will generate a lot more energy from your

internal storm


Beating Heart-Rolled 1,2- You are pierced through the chest and pass out for a day.

When you wake you feel something is trapped inside your chest, vibrating between your

ribs. At will you can unleash the bolt of lightning that struck you. However doing so will

leave your chest hideously burned and once set free the lightning is unpredictable but

unsurpassed in raw destructive power. You can only hold one bolt in your heart and once

expended you can capture another bolt. You can hold the first bolt indefinitely then with

every successive bolt it becomes harder and harder to contain the energy.

Bloody Maw- Rolled 3,12,13- The bolt touches your mouth and dives down your throat, you black out and

wake 12 hours later. You feel an acheing in your jaw and your stomach. This ache slowly disspates to a dull

constant throb until you come across another Storm Heat. Then it roars forth in an unctrollable hunger. Should

you consume the flesh of another Storm Heart you will swap Powers with them.

Higher Powers- Roll 1D20- Optional

Higher powers are abilities buried deep inside Each Storm Heart. To unlock your higher powers you need to be

struck by lightning. Be careful, the location where you are struck denotes the power you receive and not even a

Storm Heart can command wild lightning. You should be able to survive, but you will be permanently changed

Burning Soul-Rolled 4,14- The bolt strikes you in the middle of your body, under

your ribs. You fall uncosious for a few hours and when you awaken you feel heat

surging through your body, the rain that falls turns to steam upon your flesh. Soon

your very skin ignites burning like a tiny star, even under water, soaked trees and

plants burst into flame at your passing. With time you are able to control this

power, igniting at will but each time you cool off you feel the heat rising inside you.

You need to vent this heat by ignting lest your organs begin to char. While your

body is aflame only the largest of moster will come near you.

Callosed Hands-Rolled 5,15- The lighning strikes your outsteached hands and you feel searing electrizity blast through your veins.

You collapse and wake a few hours later. Your hands and feet are as hard as stone, your skin tough as old leather. You are able to

scale any peak and walk rom shore to shore without breaking a sweat. However the more your skin becomes hard and rough,

Eventually your whole body will be covered in hard skin like that of a pumis stone.


Higher Powers- Continued

Muddy Gut- Rolled 6,17- The lighning punches deep into your stomach and you double over

screaming in agony. When you wake 5 hours later you feel empty. Where your digestive track used to

be there is only a gaping hole. You no longer feel hungry or have to eat but your body is now made of

living mud, should you ever dry out you will crubble to dust. So long as you remain damp enough to

not dry out and not so water logged that your skin looses cohesioun you are able to recover from any

damage. You are a lot weaker and slower than you once where but are now almost unkillable.

Bright Eyes-Rolled 7,16- You are hit full in the face and light explodes across your visio. You fall

to your knees clutching your eyes. When you come too a few hours later you see the world

differently. You can see the world in all the shades man cannot. By focusing you can swtich

between Infrared and Ultraviolt vison. However your eyes shine with a ferice light, enough to

illumiate the groud before you

Deep Lungs-Rolled 8,18,19- The bolt strikes your throat, driving through skin and into your lungs.

When you wake 10 hours later, you cough up charred fragments of your lungs. You feel your neck,

your fingers toucnhing the hole the in your throat. You no longer have to breathe and your body can

survive great pressure, you can see underwater, in near total darkness and you can ride the currents

of seas as a bird would the air. However you can no longer speak.

Open Mind -Rolled 20- As the bolt of lightning comes screamng towards you

it slows down, you can see it moving at a snails pace. You have a few seconds

to choose which part of your body will be touched by lighning. Pick 1 Higher




Even a Storm Heart is not safe from the creatures that lurk in the dark, here are but a small number of

the creatures you will encounter but many more do exist, waiting in the shadows. All of them will

ignore other animals, unless they attack them and will exclusively attack humans.

Lurker- Grotesque slug-snakes, Lurkers hide in ruins, caves and underground tunnels. Anywhere it is

possible to find shelter from the rain and wind there will be a Lurker there. Blind and deaf they detect their

prey by scent and touch, and while slow at first their tentacles can lash out with blinding speed. Once prey

has been caught it is pushed into through the fleshy flaps of their mouths into a huge stomach. Their bodies

are coated in a sticky mucus that allows them to stick to walls and leaves a trail as they move.

Crawler- Hunched, beetle men just under 5 feet tall, crawlers can scale vertical

surfaces with ease. Despite their size they can easily overpower a man. They

attack in gangs of 4-5. They are cowardly and attack the weakest member of the

group after long hours of stalking Pits- Long, grey, thick rope like

tentacles that burst from the

muddy ground when humans

stray near. They wrap around

the body of the unfortunate

victim, dragging them down

under the earth. They

regenerate almost instantly if


Corrupted- Men and women that have

been taken by the pits are sometimes

seen again. Their bodies covered with

rags as tentacles sprout from every

part of their body. They are rooted in

place like trees with tentacles for roots,

still alive but fused with the pit, the

only warning that the monster is near.


Drowned- The rain and the water killed more people than any other part of the storm. The

rivers burst their banks under the weight of so much water, flooding the cities and streets.

Tidal waves rose higher than cliffs pounded the coasts and drove inland sweeping away

everything before them.

Those who died in the flooding washed out to see, carried with them are their possessions,

family and sometimes their whole houses. Now they are coming back. Pale figures walking

out of the sea, back on to land to find the homes that are no longer there. They dragged

themselves back with smashed limbs, relentlessly searching for something that is not there.

That is until they come across a still living human.

Then their dead eyes light up and their sluggish movements become frantic and erratic. They

charge the living, desperately tearing at them, begging them to help them search and find their families, their homes,

their friends. When the searches inevitably fails or if the living person refuses, then the Drowned fly into a rage. They

attack the them with strength far surpassing any human. The Drowned will hold the living person under water until

they stop struggling. Then, after a short time, the living person while rise again as another Drowned and the two will

begin their search anew.


Sponge- While a Hunter prefers the flesh of children, a Sponge attacks exclusively women. It

slops its way towards a human female and engulfs her. It’s body is made of thousands of thin

tendrils that allow it to pass through tiny gabs before reknitting itself. While slow it is able to

reach out with its tendrils and snag victims from up to 20 meters away. The tendrils are coated

in a acid that slowly dissolves prey over several days.

Hunter- Hiding just below the surface of the water are Hunters,

slender creatures that switch between walking on two legs and

all fours. They are amphioxus and can climb up rock faces using

their hooked claws. Ambush predators, they prefer the meat of

children over adults but will not hesitate to attack anyone who

stays before them. Their bite carries an paralysing venom that renders the victim

immobile for an hour. They can easily overpower a human and their padded feet and

grey scales camouflage them perfectly against the ruins and dirty water.

Beastmen- Those who survive the worst of the storm found themselves faced with a new threat. With society all but

forgotten, no forms of power, no help on the way and many people believed to be

the end times raging around their heads, many people just went mad, feral.

The few remaining humans not strong enough to withstand the thought of the

apocalypse became Beastmen. Their bodies slowly took on animalist features,

fitting with their personalities before the storm. Fangs, yellow eyes with vertical

pupils, above all they lost their minds.


Leviathan-The seas are a turbulent place even without the Storm raging. Now they are

near impossible to traverse. But hiding below the waves is a creature more massive than

anything on land. Leviathan prey on anything smaller than

them, swimming faster than any ship they rush out of the

darkness at the bottom of the ocean to attack.

Wolves- The storm does strange things to the creatures of earth. They become larger,

savage and attack humans with no thought for their own survival. Most common of all

are the wolves. Larger than lions they grey beasts track prey over miles, effortlessly

bounding over ruins and padding silently in the rain. They are tireless, relentless and


Dragons- The largest of all monsters, they dwarf even the might leviathans, these serpentine creatures twist through

the air above the storm clouds. They bodies are several thousand meters across and hundreds of thousands of

meters long, able to reach from the ground to the sky. Their bodies adored with long tendrils. They rest in massive

tunnels burrowed deep into the earth only emerging

at dawn to soak up the sun light above.

Dragon’s scales are unbreakable and even if one

could get close to them their immense size makes any

damage done naught but a pin prick. They are the

only monster to ignore humans simply because they

are simply too small to matter.

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