stepping up textbook

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Stepping Up Textbook





English for Primary Schools

1About me and my family

September is hereAnd so is fall.So welcome childrenWelcome all.I hope vacationWas real fun.And that you’re gladSchool has begun.




Hello I am Liz. I’m a girl. I’m 11 years old and I’ve one sister and one brother. My sister is nine years old. Her name is Jennifer. My brother Peter is only one.

I’m fond of my brother and sister. We live in a big house in London. My father is a

minister in a church there. My grandfather and grandmother live in this house too.

I’ve also got a dog called Tommy. It’s a black poodle. I love playing with my dog.

When Jennifer and I play with him we sometimes dress him in Peter’s clothes and

put him in a pram and then he looks like a baby. We then walk with him down the

road and we do as if he is our black baby, but he sometimes jumps out of the pram

and runs down the road, back home, in my brother’s clothes.

Let’s introduce myself

The alphabet song

A, B, C, D , E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P

Q, R, S

T, U, V,

W, X, Y, Z

Now I know my ABC

Next time won’t you sing with me?

A Listening


About me and my family1

Hallo, ik ben Liz. Wie ben jij?

Hoe heet je?

Ik heet John / mijn naam is John.

Hoe oud ben je?

Ik ben elf jaar.

Ik woon in een groot huis.

Mijn vader is dominee.

Ik heb één broer en twee zussen.

Ik hou van het spelen met mijn hond.

Ik vind buiten spelen leuk.

Ik ben dol op mijn zusje.

Ik ben dol op lezen.

Ik heb een hekel aan computers.

Ik heb een hekel aan lezen.


Je voorstellen:Hello, I’m Liz. Who are you?

What’s your name?

My name is John.

How old are you?

I’m eleven (years old).

I live in a big house.

My father is a minister.

I have one brother and two sisters.

Zeggen wat je ergens van vindt:I love playing with my dog.

I like playing outside.

I am fond of my sister.

I’m fond of reading.

I hate computers.

I hate reading.

Mum: Come on, Bunty, eat your breakfast and get off to school.

Bunty: I don’t want to go to school.

Mum: You must go.

Bunty: But I don’t want to go. The teachers don’t like me, the

children don’t like me – even the caretaker doesn’t like me.

Mum: That may be so, but you still have to go.

Bunty: Why?

Mum: Because you’re the headmaster!

even = zelfs

caretaker = conciërge1

‘Ik’ is in het Engels ‘I’ en

dat schrijf je altijd met een


‘I am’, mag je afkorten

tot ‘I’m’. ‘I have’, mag je

afkorten tot ‘I’ve’

Let op!


Mrs. Jones is waiting for an important telephone call, but she has no bread in the

house, so she leaves the baby at home and says to his five-year-old brother: “I’m

going to the shops, Tim, and I will be back in a few minutes”.

When mother is out, the telephone rings and Tim answers.

“Hello”, says a man, “ is your mother there?”.

“No”, answers Tim.

The man says: “When she comes back, tell her that Mr Baker has telephoned”.

“What?” “Mr. Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R”.

Tim asks: “Uhh, how do you make a ‘B’?

“How do you make a B?”uestion 4

“Listen little boy, is there anybody else with you? Any brothers or sisters?”

“Yes”, says Tim. “My brother Jimmy is here”.

The man says: “Good, I want to talk to him, please”. And Tim takes the telephone

to the baby’s bed and gives it to Jimmy”.

When mother comes back, she asks: “Hello Tim, has anyone telephoned? ”

“Yes,” says Tim, “a man, but he only wanted to talk to Jimmy”.

A funny telephone call for my aunt Mrs Jones

Uhh, how do you make

a ‘B’?



About me and my family1

B Reading

My teacher thinks he has a nice hobby, but we don’t like it. He likes to write stories

about his pupils. We are his pupils, so he writes about us! We don’t like that

because he writes down everything that we do: the nice things and the naughty

things. He writes about Peter who is very good at reading and about Helen who

eats sweets at school and about Tom who is always late. My teacher sends these

stories to our parents so that they know how we behave at school.

naughty = ondeugend

behave = gedragen

My teacher’s hobby

Hij houdt van schrijven.

Wij vinden voetballen leuk.

Hij vindt lezen leuk.

Zij vindt computers leuk.

Ze zijn dol op mijn kleine broertje.

Zij is dol op lezen.

Jij hebt een hekel aan computers.

Jullie hebben een hekel aan lezen.


Zeggen wat iemand anders ergens van vindt:He loves writing.

We like playing football.

He likes reading.

She likes computers.

They’re fond of my little brother.

She is fond of reading.

You hate computers.

You hate reading.

‘She, he, it’ (= de derde

persoon enkelvoud),

krijgen bij de meeste

werkwoorden een ‘s’

in de tegenwoordige

tijd. Nooit in de

verleden tijd! ‘They

are’, mag je afkorten tot


Let op!


Five year old John is in hospital and his uncle Frank

visits him.

Uncle Frank: “Hello John. How are you today?”

John: “I’m fine uncle Frank. I’m going home on


Uncle Frank: “When is Thursday, John?”.

John: “I don’t know, uncle Frank”.

Uncle Frank: “What day is it now, John?”

John: “Perhaps it’s Tuesday, or perhaps it’s Friday. I

really don’t know”.

Uncle Frank: “What day was it yesterday, John?”

John: “Yesterday was Monday”.

Uncle Frank: “Yesterday was Monday, so today is …?”

John: “I don’t know”.

Uncle Frank: “Tuesday! And tomorrow is…?”

John: “Saturday?”

Uncle Frank: “No, John, tomorrow is Wednesday.

It’s time to tell you the days of the week. Let’s begin.

Here’s your bed. There are seven parts. The first part

of your bed is the pillow, where your head is. That’s the

best part, so that’s Sunday. That’s a good day. We go

to church on Sunday and we have pudding for dinner

on Sunday.”.

John: “All right. The pillow is Sunday. That’s a good

day. We go to church on Sunday”.

Uncle Frank: “Now the end of your bed is the end of

the week. So the end of your bed is Saturday. Is that

right, John?”

John: “That’s right, uncle Frank. The end of the bed is


Uncle Frank: “The middle of the bed is the middle

of the week. That’s Wednesday. So Wednesday is the

middle of the bed. Now John, please repeat”.

John: “The first part of the bed, where my pillow is

Sunday. Here in the middle is Wednesday, and there at

the end of my bed is Saturday”.

Uncle Frank: “Now John, after Sunday there’s Monday

and Tuesday. Where are they on your bed?”

John: “Here they are! Here’s Monday and here’s


Uncle Frank: “After Wednesday we have Thursday

and Friday. And then the end of the week is Saturday”.

John: “Here’s Thursday and Friday, and there at the

end of the bed is Saturday”.

Uncle Frank: “That’s excellent! Now John, don’t


Two days later John’s father visits him.

Father: “Hello John. How are you? Here are four


John: “I’m fine, thanks. Sit down on Saturday and put

the bananas on Wednesday so that I can eat them on


The days of the weekOne day my grandfather told me the following story:


About me and my family1

Op zondag gaan we naar de kerk.

Op zaterdag ga ik bij oma op bezoek.

Hij beantwoordt alle vragen.

Ze bedankt de lera(a)r(es).

Ze leren Engels.

De meester / juf leert ons Engels.

Jij kent/jullie kennen de dagen van de week.

We vinden een hond leuk; hij speelt met ons.


On Sunday we go to church.

On Saturday I visit grandma.

He answers all the questions.

She thanks the teacher.

They learn English.

The teacher teaches us English.

You know the days of the week.

We like a dog; it plays with us.

De dagen van de week

hebben in het Engels

een hoofdletter omdat

het namen zijn.

Let op!





Oefening: zie werkboek

Oefening: zie werkboek


This story is about my little cousin, called Emily. She has an elder brother named

Harry. He goes to school. Emily also wants to go to school. One day, Emily sees

her mother making a red skirt for her. She says, “Emily, from tomorrow you will go

to school!” Emily is very happy. In the evening her father comes home from office.

Emily, Harry, Mummy and Daddy go to the market. Daddy buys Emily a red school

bag. He also buys her four books with many beautiful pictures. They are just like

the books Harry has.

The next day, Emily dresses herself in the red skirt and a white blouse. She picks up

her new school bag and goes to school with Mummy and Harry. Emily has lots of

fun in school. There is a very nice teacher who tells them stories. She also teaches

the children how to draw a cat. The children play on the swing. Then the teacher

takes them to a pond and shows them jumping frogs.

Mummy has told Emily, “Do not come home alone. Wait for Harry, right?” “Yes,

mummy, I will.” But Emily is a naughty girl. After school is over she says to herself,

“I know where the house is. I don’t wait for Harry.” So, Emily starts for home without

waiting for Harry. She walks on and on. But she can’t find her house. She only sees

buildings that look new to her. Yes, Emily has lost her way! She begins to cry.

Suddenly, she sees that a big dog is coming after her. She says, “Go away,

doggie!” But the dog doesn’t go away. And Emily is afraid. Emily doesn’t know

what to do. She stands on the road and looks around. And then she sees a park.

“Oh, yes! Grandma lives near this park,’ she says to herself.

Emily runs fast and reaches Grandma’s house. Grandma opens the door. She takes

Emily in her arms and asks, “Why have you come alone, Emily?” Emily tells her how

she has lost her way. Grandma rings up Emily’s mother. Soon mummy comes to take

her home. “Mummy, I will not come home alone from school again”, Emily says.

Now Emily waits for mummy or Harry to take her home every day.

My little cousin Emily

E Verdiepend

a skirt = een rok

office = kantoor

buys = koopt

teaches = leert

swing = schommel

a pond = een vijver

jumping frogs = springende


wait for = wacht op

buildings = gebouwen

suddenly = plotseling

has lost her way = is



About me and my family1

A N/E conciërge caretaker the caretaker is in the school

voorstellen to introduce I introduce myself to you

wonen to live We live in London

dominee/ minister minister He is a minister of a church

kerk church On Sunday we go to church

genaamd called He is called Peter

poedel poodle A poodle is a dog

aankleden to dress My sisters dress the baby

een kinderwagen a pram Her baby son is in the pram

springen to jump I jump down the chair

soms sometimes I sometimes play with my dog

terug back They go back home

liedje song We learn the alphabet song

juf/meester/ler(a)res teacher I have a nice teacher

lesgeven to teach Teachers teach us

leuk vinden to like We like singing

houden van to love We love ice cream

tante aunt My aunt is my father’s or mother’s sister

oom uncle My uncle is my father’s or mother’s brother

verhaal story Mother tells a nice story

grappig funny He tells a funny story

belangrijk important The manager is an important person

een zoon a son They have a son and a daughter

opnemen answer Answer the telephone, please!

een winkel a shop In a shop you can buy things

schrijven to write I write with my pen

terug back They come back from school

willen to want I want to go home

iemand anybody There isn’t anybody at home

alleen only She has only one sister



B N/Eop een dag one day One day we heard the following story

denken to think We think about school

leerlingen pupils The pupils go to school

omdat because You are at school because you are a pupil

alles everything Everything is okay

ondeugend naughty He is very naughty

lezen to read I read a book

snoepjes sweets I like sweets

ouders parents Your father and mother are your parents

gedragen to behave You must behave at school

vandaag today Today is Monday

gisteren yesterday Yesterday was Sunday

morgen tomorrow Tomorrow is Tuesday

delen parts The three parts of the day

kusssen pillow My pillow is on my bed

leggen/ zetten to put Put the bag on the floor

zondag Sunday The first day of the week is Sunday

maandag Monday The second day of the week is Monday

dinsdag Tuesday The third day of the week is Tuesday

woensdag Wednesday The fourth day of the week is Wednesday

donderdag Thursday The fifth day of the week is Thursday

vrijdag Friday The sixth day of the week is Friday

zaterdag Saturday The seventh day of the week Saturday

E E/Nneef / nicht cousin A child of you aunt and uncle is your cousin

willen to want We want to go to school

rok skirt Her mother makes a skirt

thuis home Father comes home

kantoor office He works at the office

kopen to buy We buy a school bag

plaatjes pictures A book with pictures

volgende next The next day

lol fun She has fun at school


About me and my family1

tekenen to draw They draw a cat

schommel swing They play on the swing

meenemen to take You take her to school

vijver pond Ducks swim in a pond

laten zien to show I show her my new book

springen to jump They jump down the table

kikkers frogs There are frogs in the pond

wacht op wait for Wait for him!

zonder without Tea without sugar

lopen to walk They walk to school

gebouwen buildings A school and a house are buildings

plotseling suddenly Suddenly, she sees a dog

bang afraid She is afraid of the dog

vlakbij near Grandma lives near the park

lost verdwaald She is lost

al gauw soon Soon mummy comes


Grammar 1Persoonlijke voornaamwoorden


1e persoon ik + I (altijd met een hoofdletter in het Engels)

2e persoon jij/ u = you

3e persoon zij = she

hij = he

het = it


1e persoon wij = we

2e persoon jullie = you

3e persoon zij = they

‘it’ wordt gebruikt voor dingen en dieren (behalve voor een huisdier, ‘a pet’, dat is een ‘she’ of een ‘ he’)

Grammar 2Drie belangrijke hulpwerkwoorden


Het hulpwerkwoord ‘zijn’ in de tegenwoordige tijd


1e persoon ik ben = I am (I’m)

2e persoon jij/u bent = you are (you’re)

3e persoon zij is = she is (she’s)

hij is = he is (he’s)

het is = it is (it’s)


1e persoon wij zijn = we are (we’re)

2e persoon jullie zijn = you are (you’re)

3e persoon zij zijn = they are (they’re)


About me and my family1


Het hulpwerkwoord ‘hebben’ in de tegenwoordige tijd


1e persoon ik heb = I have (I’ve) (‘I’is altijd met een hoofdletter)

2e persoon jij hebt / u heeft = you have (you’ve)

3e persoon zij heeft = she has (she’s)

hij heeft = he has (he’s)

het heeft = it has (it’s)


1e persoon wij hebben = we have (we’ve)

2e persoon jullie hebben = you have (you’ve)

3e persoon zij hebben = they have (they’ve)

Pas op! Het hulpwerkwoord ‘to have’ heeft heel vaak ‘got’ achter zich. Dat ‘got’ betekent dan niets!


Het hulpwerkwoord ‘doen’ in de tegenwoordige tijd


1e persoon ik doe = I do (‘I’is altijd met een hoofdletter)

2e persoon jij/u doet = you do

3e persoon zij doet = she does

hij doet = he does

het doet = it does


1e persoon wij doen = we do

2e persoon jullie doen = you do

3e persoon zij doen = they do


Grammar 3Zelfstandige werkwoorden

Zelfstandige werkwoorden in de tegenwoordige tijd (= present simple) worden normaal gesproken als

hieronder vervoegd


1e persoon ik eet = I eat (‘I’is altijd met een hoofdletter)

2e persoon jij/ u eet = you eat

3e persoon zij eet = she eats (!)

hij eet = he eats (!)

het eet = it eats (!)


Wij eten wij eten = we eat

Jullie eten jullie eten = you eat

Zij eten zij eten = they eat

• Bij she, he , it altijd + s

• In plaats van she, he en it kan er ook een naam staan. Bij voorbeeld: Susan (= she) eats.

Frank (= he) eats

• In het Nederlands maak je de infinitief meestal door ‘en’ achter een werkwoord te zetten.

In het Engels doe je dat niet, maar zet je er iets vóór, namelijk ‘to’.

Bij voorbeeld: to walk (lopen), to cycle (fietsen), to read (lezen), to come (komen). Dit ‘to’

mag niet in de zin staan.


About me and my family1

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