step 1. open notepad (or notepad++) step 2. view … · step 1. open notepad (or notepad++) step 2....

Post on 05-Aug-2018






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Step 1. Open Notepad (or Notepad++) Step 2. View your CMPSCI homepage in your Browser (here IE)

Step 3. Select view source from the View menu

This should open the source in Notepad, if not save it and open in Notepad

Step 4. With the source file in Notepad begin to edit it.

Step 4.1 Add the DOCTYPE, <html>, <head>, <title>, </title>, </head> as below using your name and not mine.

Step 4.2. HW#1, Q1 asks you to: Q1. Create a simple html webpage that has your name, your email address (use the format name -at-, your major, expected graduation date. Place this file in your public_html directory and label it index.html. You may wish to edit the file that already exists under that name as we did in class. [This must be located in your directory on the CS linux servers, as we need to be able to access this via the web]. [20 pts]

So you need to make the necessary edits:

Step 4.3 Save it as index.html (I saved it on my desktop, but that doesn’t matter)

View the local file (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\index.html) in your browser:

Step 5: Start up WinSCP and set up the login Host =, User name = yourloginname, Password = yourpassword Where yourloginname = OITusername and yourpassword = ELxxxaaa (as described in notes and email) not the cs120/New120TD you need for viewing.

You can login directly (red) or save and then use the save script to login (blue)

Step 6. Once you have logged in, change the directory on the right to where your index.html file is located (here it is desktop) and change the directory on the right to public_html

and drag the index.html file to the directory on the right (the server directory)

confirm to overwrite

Left click on the index.html file on the right (on the server) and select Properties. Make sure that Owner has R & W checked and Group and Others have R checked (this will cause Octal to be 0644)

Step 7. Now you are ready to view your webpage. Open the browser and put in This is where you will need the class password. Note the webpage that is displayed here is the local file and not the webpage at the URL I entered (

Once you have entered your login information, you should see the webpage you created. I am switching to the one I created, since Mr. Simon’s is still the default.

For those using a Mac, the steps are basically the same, except you would be using Safari (or Firefox or browser of choice), Texwrangler (or editor of choice) and Fugu (or your secure SFTF of choice). Screenshots follow



confirm, click index.html on right and then on info (make sure permissions are as shown)

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