std 5.4 ev 537 using results for continuous...

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    JOSUE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Secondary English Department

    Mrs Vanessa Girón López SUBJECT: HEALTH GRADE: 9TH ______

    REPOSITIONING EXAM NAME: _______________________________ DATE: ________ LIST #: ____ INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer each question clearly and legibly. You may only write in pen, not pencil. 10 points will be taken off if you do not write any of the following: your name, list #, section, and date. PART 1 COMPLETION (0.90 each): write the word (s) that bet completes the statement _________________________ 1. The immediate medical attention given to a victim of an injury or sudden illness is defined as ___? _________________________ 2. If you suspect a spinal injury, to open a victim´s airway, you would use the ___? technique _________________________ 3. Emergency medical treatment is required for victims of ____? – degree burns _________________________ 4. A condition in which the muscles become stiff and hard, followed by severe muscle spasms is called a (n) ____ ? _________________________ 5. The type of venom injected by most pit vipers is _________________________ 6. When checking an unconscious victim for life-threatening conditions, you should look for a blocked airway, no breathing and ___? _________________________ 7. Eye disease and disorders are treated by a (n) ___?


    STD 5.4 EV 537

    Indicator 5.4 The school engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in student learning, including readiness and success at the next level. Below are samples of repositioning exams.

  • _________________________ 8. The viral disease that is transmitted through the saliva of diseased animals is called___? _________________________ 9. Organisms such as bacteria and viruses that cause diseases are called’ _________________________ 10. The condition in which capillaries become larger to allow more blood to reach an affected area, causing tissue to become red, swollen, and tender, is called? _________________________ 11. The body system that helps transport leukocytes throughout the body and aids them in cleansing the body of pathogens is the …? _________________________ 12. The name for tissue fluid once it has entered the lymph capillaries is …? _________________________ 13. A tiny capsule of genetic information that can reprogram a living cell to produce new particles instead of the cell´s normal products is a (n) …? _________________________ 14. An animal that transmits infection is called a …? _________________________ 15. A condition of resistance to a particular disease or pathogen is known as …? _________________________ 16. A substance that stimulates the immune system to develop an acquired immunity is called …? _________________________ 17. Substances produced by bacteria, molds, and other organisms that stop the growth of bacteria are …? _________________________ 18. A disease that is severe but lasts only a short time or occurs suddenly is described as …? _________________________ 19. A tumor that shows no tendency to spread throughout the body is said to be …? _________________________ 20. A disease that results from aging, malnutrition, a genetic problem, or a malfunctioning organ is called …? disease. _________________________ 21. Infectious diseases that cannot be spread from person to person are called ____? diseases _________________________ 22. A substance that alters the function of the body in some way is called …? _________________________ 23. Common prescription drugs that stop the growth of bacteria are called …?

  • _________________________ 24. Medicine that cause the loss of feeling are called …? _________________________ 25. Medicines that reduce pain but do not cause loss of other skin senses are called …? _________________________ 26. Drugs that affect the brain and mind are called …? _________________________ 27. A condition in which a drug user becomes unable to function normally without a drug is called …? _________________________ 28. A phenomenon in which a drug user requires more and more of a drug to reach a “high” is called …? _________________________ 29. Drugs that are used medically to relieve severe pain are known as …? _________________________ 30. The drugs that speed up activity of the central nervous system are called …? _________________________ 31. The drugs that slow down brain activity are called …? _________________________ 32. The drug which is possibly the most widely abused in the world is …? _________________________ 33. The most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States is …? PART 2 MULTIPLE CHOICE (0.90 each): write the letter of the correct choice in the blank _____ 1. All of the following are medical emergencies except …?

    a. Difficulty breathing b. Persistent coughing c. unconsciousness d. persistent chest pain

    _____ 2. Begin CPR immediately if the victim is …?

    a. Conscious and choking b. Unconscious and having difficulty breathing c. Unconscious and not breathing d. Unconscious and breathing

    _____ 3. The first step in CPR for an unconscious choking victim is to …?

    a. Do a finger sweep

  • b. Open the airway c. Give two slow breaths d. Give 30 chest compressions

    _____ 4. “ Blood” is the meaning of the suffix …?

    a. Hyper b. Therm c. Hema-, hemo- d. Epi-

    _____ 5. The term for a temporary loss of consciousness often preceded by weakness, dizziness, and paleness is …?

    a. Abrasion b. Fainting c. Hypothermia d. Hyperthermia

    _____ 6. If a person has a nosebleed, he shoud to all of the following except …?

    a. Sit down and tip his head back to stop the flow of blood b. Apply direct pressure by pinching the nose together c. Place cold, wet cloths on the bridge of the nose d. Consult a physician if his nosebleeds recur frequently

    _____ 7. Immediate care for most strains and sprains involve all of the following except …?

    a. Applying a cold compress b. Immobilize c. Elevating the injured area d. Calling 911

    _____ 8. Which of the following immediate care procedures is incorrect for treating a frostbite victim when medical attention is not immediately available?

    a. Handle frostbitten areas gently to prevent further injury b. Loosely apply dry, sterile bandages when area feels warm c. Rub the affected areas to warm them d. Watch the victim for signs of shock if frostbite is severe

    _____ 9. If the first two slow breaths do not cause a victim´s chest to rise, what should you do?

    a. Begin CPR b. Breathe more forcefully

  • c. Do a finger sweep d. Retilt the head and reattempt breaths

    _____ 10. The most important components of the immune system are…?

    a. Antibodies b. Interleukins c. Leukocytes d. Pathogens

    _____ 11. Some of the most important weapons that the immune system uses to fight pathogens are Y- shaped protein molecules called …?

    a. Antibodies b. Interleukins c. Leukocytes

    Pathogens _____ 12. Small, bean-shaped organs through which lymph flows are the …?

    a. Adenoids b. Lymph vessels c. Lymph ducts d. Lymph nodes

    _____ 13. The body´s largest lymph organ is the …?

    a. Spleen b. Thymus c. Tonsil d. Liver

    _____ 14. All of the following are types of immunity except …?

    a. Acquired immunity b. Adopted immunity c. Inborn immunity d. Species immunity

    _____ 15. The most common form of immunological disease is …?

    a. Tumor b. Cavity c. Allergy d. Arrhythmia

  • _____ 16. Over the counter drugs that block the action of histamine, reducing inflammation and allergic reactions, are called …?

    a. Decongestants b. Expectorants c. Antihistamines d. Antiseptics

    _____ 17. Over the counter drugs that help clear stuffy sinuses and nasal passages are called…?

    a. Decongestants b. Expectorants c. Antihistamines d. Antiseptics

    _____ 18. Medicines that kill pathogens in minor open wounds to prevent infection are called …?

    a. Decongestants b. Expectorants c. Antihistamines d. Antiseptics

    PART 3 MODIFIED TRUE/FALSE (0.90 each): if the statement is true, write true. If it is false, replace the underlined word (s) with the word (s) that will make the statement true _________________________ 1. An unconscious victim should not be moved unless his life is endangered _________________________ 2. A victim is not breathing should be administered back blows _________________________ 3. The technique that combines artificial respiration with chest compressions is CPR _________________________ 4. If you must leave an unconscious victim for any reason, place him in the recovery position

  • _________________________ 5. To open the airway of an unconscious victim, place his head in the head-tilt/chin-lift position _________________________ 6. When performing CPR on an adult, you should give approximately five cycles of fifteen compressions and 2 breaths in two minutes _________________________ 7. Hyperventilation results when a person´s blood pressure drops to a critical low _________________________ 8. A first – degree burn requires immediate medical attention _________________________ 9. The body´s inability to perspire, a flushed appearance, and a high fever are all signs of internal bleeding _________________________ 10. The immediate care for a contusion is direct pressure, cold compress, and elevation _________________________ 11. An injury to a joint that causes pain and swelling and a deformed appearance is a laceration _________________________ 12. A closed fracture protrudes through the skin

    PART 4 MATCHING (0.90 each) Match the disease with the correct category (A or B). Answers may be used more than once

    Leprosy A. INFECTIOUS

    Common cold B. NONINFECTIOUS





    Match the disease, disorder, or condition with the affected body system. Answers may be used more than once

    Acne A. Cardiovascular System

    AIDS B. Digestive System

    Arteriosclerosis C. Endocrine System

    Athlete´s foot D. Immune System

    Bronchitis E. Integumentary System

    Bursitis F. Musculoskeletal System

    Epilepsy G. Nervous System

    Food poisoning H. Respiratory System

  • Hypertension



    Peptic ulcer


    Match the meaning with the correct prefix, suffix, or root

    Means white A. CEPHAL

    Means disease B. –CYTES

    Means condition of the blood C. DYS-

    Means hard D. –GEN

    Means bad E. –HEMIA, EMIA

    Means diseased condition F. HEPAT-, HEPATO-

    Means cells G. –IASIS

    Means water H. –ITIS

    Refers to the head I. LEUK-, LEUKO-

    Refers to something that produces J. LYMPH-, LYMPHO-

    Means body K. –OSIS



    N. SOMA

    Match the drug with its category. Answers may be used more than once

    Alcohol A. Anabolic steroids

    Amphetamine B. Cannabinoids

    Cocaine C. Depressants

    LSD D. Hallucinogens

    Marijuana E. Inhalants

    F. Narcotics

    G. Stimulants

    PART 5 SHORT ANSWERS (0.90 each): write the correct answers in the blank _________________________ 1. A doctor that treats diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular systems is called…? _________________________ 2. A doctor who treats cancer is called …? _________________________ 3. A doctor who provides primary care for people of all ages is called …? _________________________ 4. A doctor who treats diseases and disorders of the endocrine system is called …?

  • _________________________ 5. The five elements of prayer are … _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 6. Four qualities that should make up every close friendship _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

  • JOSUE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Secondary English Department

    Mrs Vanessa Girón López SUBJECT: HISTORY GRADE: 10TH ______

    REPOSITIONING EXAM NAME: __________________________________ DATE: ______ LIST #: ___ INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer each question clearly and legibly. You may only write in pen, not pencil. 10 points will be taken off if you do not write any of the following: your name, list #, section, and date. PART 1 MATCHING (1 point each) Match the name with the correct definition. Write the Capital Letter where it corresponds

    Sun King A. LOUIS XIV

    Wrote Amazing Grace B. LOUIS XV

    Sailed down the Mississippi for France C. LOUIS XVI

    Father of New France D. LOUIS XVIII

    Said “after me de deluge” E. JOHN NEWTON

    Established the Committee of Public Safety F. ROBERT CAVALIER DE LA SALLE

    Great literary figure G. MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE

    Napoleon´s second wife H. GEORGE WASHINGTON

    King of restored Bourbon monarchy I. JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU

    Father of French Romanticism J. MARIE ANTOINETTE




    Match the person on the right with the correct description on the left. Write the correct Capital Letter where it corresponds

    Began the Pietist movement A. ADONIRAN JUDSON

    Leader in education B. CARDINAL MAZARIN

    Father of American Missions C. PHILIPP SPENER

    Started England´s first Sunday school D.WILLIAM WILBERFORCE

    French cardinal E. JOHN HOWARD

    Editor of the Encyclopedia F. AUGUST FRANCKE

    Fought to abolish slavery in England G. DENIS DIDEROT


  • Succeeded James I H. ROBERT RAIKES

    Overthrown by the Glorious Revolution I. JAMES II

    Philosopher of the Age of Reason J. CHARLES I



    Match the name with the correct description. Write the correct Capital Letter where it corresponds

    English prime minister during the French Revolution


    Founded the Salvation Army B. WILLIAM BOOTH

    Founded the London police force C. WILLIAM PITT

    Taught idealism D. CHARLES SPURGEON

    Prince of Preachers E. DUKE OF WELLINGTON

    Organized the Red Shirts F. IMMANUEL KANT

    Famous cricket player who became a missionary G. BENJAMIN DISRAELI

    Jewish prime minister of England H. ROBERT PEEL

    Organized Young Italy I. C.T. STUDD

    Introduced dialectic thinking J. GIUSEPPE MAZZINI

    K. G.W.F. HEGEL


    Match the name with the correct invention

    Reaper A. JETRO TULL

    Cotton gin B. JOHN DEERE

    Miner´s safety lamp C. CYRUS McCORMICK

    Spinning jenny D. JAMES WATT

    Seed drill E. ELI WHITNEY

    Process for converting iron to steel F. RICHARD ARKWRIGHT

    Flying shuttle G. JAMES HARGREAVES

    Steam engine H. SIR HUMPHRY DAVY

    First practical steam ship I. JOHN KAY

    Steel plow J. ROBERT FULTON



    1 2 3 4 5 6

    7 8 9 10 11 12

    13 14 15 16 17

    1. Pearl Harbor was located in Hawaii and was the home base for America´s Pacific

    fleet 2. Pearl harbor was invaded on Sunday afternoon, December 7th 1941 3. China attacked Pearl Harbor 4. The attack on Pearl Harbor lasted 2 hours 5. Nisei means second generation. The soldiers were sons of Japanese immigrants

    and were born and educated in the United States. 6. During WW2, the Nisei were against the United States and fought for their country 7. Some of the largest concentration camps were at Buchenwald, Treblinka, Dachau,

    and Auschwitz 8. 12 million Jews died during WW2 9. The holocaust is known as the Nazi Genocide 10. 60 million people died in WW2 worldwide 11. The starting point of WW2 was the Treaty of Versailles 12. World War 2 started in 1939 and ended in 1941 13. The United States entered in WW2 in 1941 14. The Axis Powers were: The U.S., Britain, France, The Soviet Union, and China 15. The Allies were: Germany, Italy, and Japan 16. Benjamin Franklin was in the presidency during the invasion of Pearl Harbor 17. The 442nd Regimental Combat Team had earned the distinction of being the most

    decorated infantry unit in all of the U. S Army PART 3 (1 point each) WRITE THE NUMBER OF THE PERSON NEXT TO THE CORRECT CHARACTERISTIC PRESENTED


    _____ The 20th century´s greatest statesman _____ Organized the Fascist Party (also called the Black shirts) _____ Followed Darwinian ideas in his attempts to change society and bring in a new social order _____ History of the English Speaking peoples was his last major literary work _____ A veteran of World War 1

  • _____ Promoted Fascism a form of socialism that is similar to communism _____ He promised to take firm control of the struggling Italian government, end inflation and unemployment and build a revived Roman Empire in the Mediterranean. _____ He served with distinction in many exotic lands including Cuba, India, and Egypt _____ Leader of the National Socialist German Worker´s Party or Nazis _____ His government was called the Third Reich _____ He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 _____ He had a domineering personality, persuasive power and charisma for speeches PART 4 (1 point each) WRITE THE NUMBER IN THE CORRECT ANSWER

    1.Dictator of Iraq that invaded the tiny oil-rich kingdom of Kuwait


    2. It is a violent act committed by a person or group that is meant to make others cower in fear, usually for political or religious purposes


    3. Lead Al-Qaeda, a terrorist network of Islamic fundamentalists


    4. Britain´s Prime Minister that supported the United States in denouncing the terrorist attacks and in the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq


    5. Former British prime Minister that opposed the European Union


    6. Peace settlement resulted in NATO troops being sent to Bosnia as “peace keepers”


    7. Country that is considered the only Communist dynasty


    8. African country that has been especially hit hard by Islamic terrorism


    9. The first black president of South Africa OPERATION DEFENSIVE SHIELD/OPERATION DETERMINED PATH

    10. Political Party that has ruled Mexico since 1929


    11. Year in which Canada achieved complete independence from Great Britain


    12. World Trade Organization


    13. Canada´s first woman Prime Minister MARGARET THATCHER

  • 14. North American Free Trade Agreement OSAMA BIN LADEN

    15. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Group


    16. First democratically elected leader in Chinese history


    17. Two operations that were launched by the Israeli Defense Force to pressure the Palestinians to renounce terrorism


    18. Hurricane that happened on August 29th, 2005. It killed over 1,300 people in Louisiana and Mississippi.


    19. Advanced the idea of irreducible complexity


    20. The belief that the general temperature of the earth and its oceans is being warmed due to pollution and greenhouse gases


    PART 5 SHORT ANSWERS (1 point each) _________________________ 1. Where was Napoleon exiled until his death? _________________________ 2. The Battle of Leipzig is also known as …? _________________________ 3. What execution device became a symbol of the French revolution? _________________________ 4. What is the name of the magnificent palace built 10 miles outside Paris? _________________________ 5. The greatest enemy of Napoleon in the battle with Russia was … _________________________ 6. Whose death caused the beginning of World War I _________________________ 7. Who was England´s longest reigning monarch? _________________________ 8. Who is the best remembered agricultural scientist in America? _________________________ 9. What was the mass slaughter of over 6 million Jews called? _________________________ 10. What was the most powerful conservative force through the ages? _________________________ 11. Communists revolutionaries of Nicaragua



    NAME:_________________________ DATE:____________ LIST #:_____

    INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer each question clearly and legibly. You may only write in pen, not pencil. (1.75 pts. each)

    VOCABULARY WORDS: Write the vocabulary word for each definition.

    _________________ 1. invested with flesh, especially in human form

    _________________ 2. composed and serene; calmly deliberate; settled

    _________________ 3. to show close or incrimination connection, as in a plot or crime; to involve unfavorably.

    _________________ 4. powerless to help; weak; lacking strength

    _________________ 5. a small gift given as thanks for service

    _________________ 6. to plan with cleverness; to plot, scheme

    _________________ 7. to feel, show, or express pity or compassion for; to sympathize with

    _________________ 8. feeling or showing satisfaction, sometimes to a fault; self-satisfied

    _________________ 9. in accordance or agreement

    _________________ 10. act of completion or bringing to perfection

    _________________ 11. a point maintained in an argument

  • _________________ 12. dependent on some preceding occurrence or condition

    _________________ 13. sincere sorrow for sin

    _________________ 14. running side by side, parallel

    _________________ 15. capable of existing together

    _________________ 16. to be eaten away gradually, as by chemical action

    _________________ 17. to kidnap or unlawfully carry off a person by force

    _________________ 18. to add fictitious details

    _________________ 19. to bring peace, often by satisfying demands

    _________________ 20. to express sympathy with another in his affliction

    _________________ 21. having or showing the polish and elegance of polite society

    _________________ 22. a necessary part of something

    _________________ 23. sounded in the throat

    _________________ 24. of or pertaining to a church

    _________________ 25. based on one's opinion or preference

    VOCABULARY WORDS: Match each vocabulary word with the correct definition.

    _____ 26. a rebellion against authority

    _____ 27. easily done; with little effort

    _____ 28. mass slaughter of humans

    _____ 29. producing, or sufficient to produce

    _____ 30. strength and firmness of mind in the face of adversity, or danger; unyielding courage

    _____ 31. subject to change before becoming complete; unfinished

  • _____ 32. a feeling of doubt, fear; or uneasiness

    _____ 33. assorted items

    _____ 34. easily or gracefully bent; pliant

    _____ 35. extreme happiness; a state of spiritual joy

    _____ 36. immature; lacking life experience

    _____ 37. showing despicable cowardice

    _____ 38. to be sorrowful or regretful for some past action or occurrence

    _____ 39. to cast off; shed; discard as unwanted

    _____ 40. to give obvious proof of something disagreeable

    _____ 41. to ravage in search of spoils

    _____ 42. to short short and refuse to go on

    _____ 43. to express disapproval or condemnation

    _____ 44. to inflame with love; to charm, fascinate

    _____ 45. to intrude upon; to trespass

    _____ 46. to lessen in force or intensity

    _____ 47. to put on or give false appearance of; to fabricate

    _____ 48. to reveal a secret; to make known

    _____ 49. having to do with fathers

    _____ 50. consisting of or containing salt

    _____ 51. of or pertaining to the kitchen or cookery

    _____ 52. worthy of imitation

    _____ 53. pertaining to or typical of the earliest time or condition

    _____54. having or showing the best human qualities such as kindness, mercy, or


    _____ 55. of or pertaining to the sky or the material heavens

  • a. fortitude b. culinary c. facile d. pristine e. tentative f. paternal g. carnage h. humane i. sedition j. slough k. callow l. reek m. sundry n. rue o. bliss p. balk q. censure r. dastardly s. celestial t. foray u. lithe v. divulge w. saline x. enamor y. feign z. exemplary aa. abate bb. encroah cc. effectual dd. qualm

    SPELLING: Write the letter of the correctly spelled word.

    ______ 56. (a. analisys) (b. analysis) (c. analysys)

    ______ 57. (a. embaras) (b. embarrass) (c. embarras)

    ______ 58. (a. knowledge) (b. knoledge) (c. knowlege)

    ______ 59. (a. mathematics) (b. mathmatics) (c. mathimatics)

    ______ 60. (a. indepindant) (b. independant) (c. independent)

    ______ 61. (a. separation) (b. seperation) (c. seperration)

    ______ 62. (a. boullion) (b. bouillion) (c. bouillon)

    ______ 63. (a. chauffeur) (b. chaufeur) (c. chauffuer)

    ______ 64. (a. sergent) (b. sergeant) (c. sargeant)

    ______ 65. (a. personel) (b. personell) (c. personnel)

    ______ 66. (a. buareu) (b. bureu) (c. bureau)

    ______ 67. (a. enviroment) (b. environment) (c. environmment)

    ______ 68. (a. wolly) (b. wholly) (c. wholy)

    ______ 69. (a. specimen) (b. spicimen) (c. specemen)

    ______ 70. (a. anxyous) (b. anshious) (c. anxious)

  • ______ 71. (a. vengance) (b. vengeance) (c. vengeanse)

    ______ 72. (a. hemorhage) (b. hemorrhage) (c. hemorage)

    ______ 73. (a. conscious) (b. consious) (c. concious)

    ______ 74. (a. excelled) (b. ecelled) (c. exelled)

    ______ 75. (a. argueng) (b. arrguing) (c. arguing)

    ______ 76. (a. refering) (b. refereng) (c. referring)

    ______ 77. (a. interfere) (b. interferre) (c. interfire)

    VOCABULARY: From the words below, choose the word that best completes each sentence and write it in the blank.

    78. The______________ of those who defended the Alamo remains a sterling example of

    complete devotion to a cause.

    79. Mind not high things, but ______________ to men of low estate.

    80. Father metes out punishment in a ______________ manner, always keeping his anger

    under control.

    81. She gave me the ______________ script, but warned me that my lines might change as

    she edits them.

    82. Even after admitting his wrong doing, the student showed no ______________.

    83. The infantry behaved in a ______________ manner and deserted their post.

    84. Effortlessly the ______________ gymnast flipped through the air and landed squarely

    on the balance beam.

    85. Ninety percent cacao sends chocolate lovers th the brink of pure ______________.

    86. By not teaching his children, parents damaged their lives and____________ their


    87. Adam and Eve lived surrounded by a ______________ beauty.

    88. When sharks smell the humans’ blood it is almost impossible to ____________ them.

    89. The suspicious men were waiting for the girl and tried to ______________ her.

  • 90. My ______________ grandmother is coming from San Miguel to visit our family.

    91. The student______________ his speech with flowery phrases and eloquent quotations.

    92. We need to be sensible to the feelings of others and ______________ with them.

    93. The dynamic preacher pounded the pulpit as if it were a(n) ______________ drum.

    94. My mom told me that she was ______________ of my Dad for many years before he

    asked her to marry him.

    95. Maybe I am not an expert in the ______________ arts, but when I cook something for

    my husband I always try my best.



















    Secondary English DepartmentMrs Vanessa Girón LópezSUBJECT: HEALTH GRADE: 9TH ______REPOSITIONING EXAMNAME: _______________________________ DATE: ________ LIST #: ____Secondary English DepartmentMrs Vanessa Girón LópezSUBJECT: HISTORY GRADE: 10TH ______REPOSITIONING EXAMNAME: __________________________________ DATE: ______ LIST #: ___

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