started ten years ago, when the ten years old jack and his sister annie, discovered a magic tree...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Started ten years ago, when the ten years old Jack and his sister Annie, discovered a magic tree house filled with many different types of mysteries books. That could transport them to the time and place described, by looking in the book and making a wish.

Jack had always wanted to see a pyramid so he selected a story on ancient Egypt, he opened the book and wished they could go there.

After a wind seems pick them up and skim them around, suddenly the wind stopped, so they looked out side the tree house.

He was a ruler of Egypt In ancient time. He dies when he was only eighteen, he and his wife had just got married.

A black figure passed through them, they scared .

Who has been there a thousand years, needing help to get to the next life by finding her copy of the book of the dead for a journey through the underground.

She has been unable to find her book of the dead, which had been hidden from tomb robbers .

Some writing on the wall of Hutipi’s tamp are there to tell her where the book is! But she can not see clearly so can not read the message.

Hutipi seems relieved after the writings are translated, so she invited them to visit her burial chamber.

Then she disappeared!

Jack and Annie followed the black cat to the burial chamber.

Where they found every thing the Hieroglyphs described, including the book of the dead. There were a gold box.

They placed the dead book next to Hutipi’s mummified body.

noticing how the mummy seems to relax once it’s there.

Jack and Annie then knew it’s time to leave ,but they get lost .

Jack and Annie ridded the rope ladder.

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