starseekers...web viewstarseekers. april . 2. 2018. mercury. is. retrograde. since. march. 22--goes...

Post on 17-Aug-2018






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ARIES: What’s happening for APRIL? (March 20-April 19)

Your career is blossoming beautifully, and you would be wise to focus all your attention there. Many of your stars are whispering to step up and vie for a seat at the table with the most important players. You have Mars in Capricorn now, touring your tenth house of fame and honors in a once-in-two-year advantage that started March 17 and will be in place until May 15. This is a vital time for career progress, so do all you can to get ahead now. Tell yourself that it’s now or never to grasp the gold ring! (That’s not quite true, but you should feel a bit of urgency to make career progress.) Money, power, and fame can be yours now, and it looks like not even the fiercest competitor could stop your rise to the top.

On April 2, Mars will conjunct Saturn, giving you a stop-go message. You will want to initiate a career action, but Saturn will caution you not to be impulsive. Think things out carefully before you put any new plan in motion. Another reason you need not to be impulsive is that Mercury will be retrograde in Aries this time, affecting you more than most, an aspect that started March 22 and will continue to April 15. Have patience.

Your recent career success seems to have caused your romantic partner to feel deficient, or jealous of your career successes. If you sense this is true, you will need to lavish more attention on your partner. This is indicated by aspects to Uranus, so if the relationship is important, take the time to reassure your partner that at home, love reigns supreme.

If you are not attached, it may be that you and your agent / manager/ headhunter / writing partner or other business collaborator will not see eye-to-eye with you regarding a specific career plan. Resentments or feeling of neglect may have begun to bubble up in either love or business at the Full Moon March 31, still strong in the first days of April. Encourage a conversation, even if you feel your partner’s concerns seem misguided or trivial to you.

Mid-month, you seem to be bent on asserting your individuality and opinions to VIPs in the days that follow the New Moon in Aries on April 15. Your diplomacy is usually what others admire in you, but this aspect may have you come off too strident or critical. Do your best not to give this impression, for otherwise you may unwittingly distance yourself from the very people whose support you need to get approvals. The New Moon in Aries will give you ideas, and some of them will be pure genius, so spotlight those, and you’ll stay on the right track to success.

If you are negotiating a new position this month (very likely), keep your eye on the chance to get lucrative benefits, especially if your salary requirements can’t be met. Your greatest gains will be in terms of perks. You may be offered an enviable health insurance policy, an annual bonus, a generous number of vacation days, matching tuition funds, or a fair commission policy, as examples of one or two points you may be given.

A perfect day for a financial negotiation – one of the best of all of April – will be when Mars and Jupiter combine forces on April 23. Keep the conversation going, for you will likely win many of your points by the Full Moon April 29.

You will need some fun and romance, and you will have a chance to enjoy both when Venus will tour Gemini from April 24 through May 19. Venus will make travel opportunities sparkle, too. Investigate options in nearby cities, towns, and resorts. While work will capture most of your attention throughout the month, opportunities to take a refreshing weekend trip will be there for you too. April 14-15 could be one of your favorite weekends to take a quick getaway. The transiting moon will be in Aries all weekend, and Mars will send a signal to glamorous Neptune to sprinkle stardust in your path.

In terms of romance, this is a serious month centering on money and power, not love, but you will get a shot at fun once Venus visits Gemini from April 24 to May 19. Venus will lighten your schedule and make you want to leave the house – traveling near your base will be fun and give you a welcome change of scene. If you have no reason to stay home (such as to do taxes), you may love the weekend of April 14-15 for your trip. Your ruler, Mars, will contact Neptune, planet of unconditional love, and help you spin a dream of love.

Affirmation: I am polite and I always will have time to be polite.

TAURUS: What’s happening for APRIL? (April 20- May 20)

The New Moon in Aries on April is a complex one. It lights your house of all activities that happen out of view and behind the scenes. This part of your chart, the twelfth house, also rules the subconscious mind and your intuitive stirrings. This month, your instinct will protect you, so you must listen to what you are

sensing around you, for the voice within you will be increasingly insistent until you listen.

Also this month, Uranus, the surprising, rebellious, creative, disruptive planet, is now at 29 degrees Aries, the last degree of the sign before it enters Taurus on May 15. You seem on the verge of a new lifestyle, one very different from the one you have now. Uranus will re-enter Taurus to stay permanently in Taurus for seven years, beginning March 6, 2019, but this year, Uranus will give you a preview of what is to come, from May 16 to November 7. The later you are born in the sign, the longer you will need to wait for a complete change of lifestyle, but will happen, if you want it to happen. Those born in April will feel this trend immediately, beginning in May, next month.

When Uranus re-enters Taurus on March 6, 2019, he will remain there until April 2026. This will be the first time since 1934-1942 that Uranus has been in Taurus, so this is an important event for you. Those born in the week of April 20-23 will feel the Uranus-in-Taurus influence now, as you are born early in the sign. You may move, possibly to a foreign country under this trend, and the nature of your work will become revitalized and change too. While as a Taurus, you usually like things to remain as is, look at the coming period as an adventure and the start of an entirely new chapter of your life. Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, so many people never get to experience what you are about to experience over the coming seven years – it’s a once in a lifetime trend, and it will be very liberating and exciting.

Mars is lighting your house of travel, and you are ready to expand the edges of your world by traveling far and wide. It’s very possible you will visit a country beyond the borders of your

land to experience a fresh new setting. It’s the ideal time to do so. If you can’t travel, you might be in college, enjoying your courses, or if you have already graduated, you might sign up for interesting continuing education classes. If you work in the media or in law, you will enjoy the work you do this month, for the subject matter will give you a periscope into a subculture that you will you fascinating.

In the first week of April, Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected, will be orbiting close to Venus in Taurus, producing a completely unique experience for you. Love will be exciting and quite electric. You might get carried away, so go slowly!

As you begin April, you will be busy working to finish a project no later than April 4, and very possibly a few days before that. Staff you need to help will be absent due to colds or vacations, so you may need to have contingency plans in place for temporary workers you may to hire in a hurry.

You have a lot going on in foreign shores, and you may be traveling to a country that requires a passport for entry or working from your regular base with people in an international setting. If you want to go on a vacation, you have an ideal time to do so, and may be able to combine business with pleasure.

Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde this month, a trend that started March 22 and continues until April 15. You need to go the extra mile to clarify all communication, for doing so will save time and money. If you work in publishing or broadcasting, life will be hectic and accuracy will count. Some Taurus may be

interacting with executives in academic settings – things should go well if you schedule your meetings after April 15.

April 15 is not only the date Mercury ends its retrograde, but also the date of the New Moon in Aries. At this point, you will be urged to retreat inside and work on a creative project behind closed doors. It’s also a good time to address physical and psychological concerns, as well as any habit you’d like to change and be free of from now on.

In love or business, you may be planning to make a commitment at the Full Moon April 29, in Scorpio, strong for plus or minus four days. This Full Moon will appear in your house of marriage and partnerships of all kinds. You may sign a business partner to make your alliance official, or you might get engaged or married. If you are already wed or in an established work relationship, you will hear important news from your partner and both of you will benefit and feel more secure from what occurs.

Venus will be in Taurus until April 24 and will make you irresistible to admirers. Best dates for love includes Saturday, April 7 (Venus and Saturn make all promises heartfelt and long lasting), April 12 (Venus and Neptune will sprinkle glamorous sparkling pixie dust over the night sky), and April 17 (Venus and Pluto will make passion burn).

If you would like to take a romantic vacation, think about going away on Monday, April 23 – perhaps using this day as the end of a long weekend started on April 20 through April 23. That would be a sweet for a romantic weekend for two. You would have

sumptuous accommodations, perfect for any type of trip, including a breathtaking honeymoon.

You have a busy month, balanced with plenty of time for love and fun.

Affirmation: I am learning to enjoy new skills.

GEMINI: What’s happening for FEBRUARY? (May 20- June 20)

Mercury is still retrograde, a holdover from last month, March 22, and will finish up this trend on April 15. This means during the first half of April, you will be occupied with redoing, reorganizing, redesigning, and generally going over work on your desk that you thought was finished, but still needs refinement. Delays will proliferate, so go with the flow. One bright note is that Mercury will retrograde in your friendship house, indicating you’ll likely see at least one dear friend or colleague who you’ve not seen in a long time, and it will be fun catching up.

As the month opens, the Full Moon of March 31 of last month will still be exerting a strong influence in your house of true love. You seem to want to mix and mingle, and celebrate your time off. You want to be fancy free, but Saturn and Mars in your financial house may be pressing on you, making you concerned about spending large amounts of money. That situation may curtail your socializing. It looks like simultaneously, you have ongoing financial obligations to address, so you may have to count your pennies. You are a master juggler, so see how you feel. The more

important the social event, the greater your motivation will be to find the money to cover it.

If you are self-employed, business will be brisk, and if you work for others, you’ll find your new assignments will showcase your talents in a special way. New assignments this month could open the door for other better assignments. If you work in sales, it looks as though you are about to land a prestigious, profitable order. Jupiter will work with Pluto mid-month, from your projects and financial houses – this is a strong indication that you are close to a lucrative agreement.

This same collaboration of Jupiter and Pluto will help to boost your health. If you need medical advice, make your appointment for any time in the second half of April, but if the matter is urgent and cannot wait, I am splitting hairs here – in that case, go get help immediately.

If you were thinking you’d like to make new friends, your timing would be right on target. The New Moon, April 15, would be a good time to join a new social or professional club or to get involved with a charity that needs a helping hand to build awareness and raise donations. With Uranus in the same area of your chart, you are likely to meet independent go-getters who are highly creative. You will achieve great personal growth from being open to making associations with new people. They will expose you to new thinking, so get out there and mingle.

The Full Moon on April 29 will require you finish a major project. If you need extra time, the most you’d be granted is four days. You may get publicity at this time, and be interviewed by

the press on television, or if print or Internet, your photo is likely to be in the press for the entire world to see. This will come thanks to interplay between good fortune Jupiter and Neptune, planet of the silver image.

At month’s end Venus will enter Gemini, April 24 to May 19, heralding a new romantic cycle that will soon start up. At long last, Venus will help you have a better balance to your life. Get ready by shopping for beautiful new wardrobe items for the coming season, and for women readers, by choosing a pretty new makeup palette, suggested by your favorite stylist. Step out confidently – Venus will make sure you are noticed and attract admiring glances. One person may cause your spine to tingle romantically, so if that happens, start with a coffee and see where things go from there.

With Venus in Gemini your sign it is time to find ways to improve your appearance. On or after April 24, book a spa treatment and a visit to the salon to have a cool new haircut. If you want to try Botox, teeth whitening, veneers, or any other way to give extra sparkle to your looks, this is the time to do. It won’t let you do anything later in the year when Venus (good looks) goes retrograde from October 5 to November 16.

I suggest that you do not do anything to your appearance earlier, from June 26 to August 27, when Mars is retrograde. Mars rules sharp instruments the doctor uses (like needles, scalpel, and other tools that the doctor would use to work on you) – you would need a strong Mars for those procedures! You see why you must act now, while Venus tours Gemini, April 24 to May 19.

Affirmation: I’ m simplifying my life by simplifying my needs.

CANCER: What’s happening for APRIL? (June 21 - July 22)

This Full Moon March 31 be aware what is happening this month at the Full Moon one day prior to the start of April 1st plus 4 days. You seem to be working hard on your home or other property you might own or rent, or you may be moving into a new house, condo, or apartment now.

If you are looking for a new place to live, or are involved in a renovation and wondering when you’ll be ready to move in, your stars are clear: April 1 is your day to make decisions about your home. The Full Moon, March 31, will help you bring a major home or family-related matter to a grand conclusion. A Cancer always feels better when home is settled, secure, and precisely the way the little crab wants it to be and with family members in harmony.

Yet in this unusual month, you have outstanding help, too – some of the best possible. Jupiter and Pluto are on very good terms, and these two powerhouse planets are rarely in friendly alignment. They met in perfect conjunction on January 15, will again in alignment on April 14, and one last time September 12, making most of 2018 (until September) quite glorious for money matters.

There is a fly in the oatmeal however, in that at this Full Moon Saturn and Mars, both orbiting in your house of partnership and marriage, will stir the pot. It seems that your spouse, ex, steady sweetheart, or other person connected to your home will be difficult and intransigent to changes you are making in your

lifestyle. This person is offering all kinds of opinions about why your actions are all wrong. Or, your sweetheart or partner may be silent but feeling deficient that you are able to buy a house or condo, but that is still out of reach for your partner.

Encourage this person to talk out their feelings, and as much as you’d love to cover your ears and hum as to not listen, listen anyway, in earnest. Simply by entertaining this person’s opinions, you might come up with new ideas that will put the lion’s share of difficulties to rest. If you have children, they will form the best part of this picture – they will be thrilled to see everything set at home and ready to enjoy.

The New Moon of April 15 will immediately switch your attention to your career. You are apparently doing very well and impressing higher ups, in spite of the fact that you’ve been concerned that you may not have hit the mark. You’ll see impressive progress by year’s end, but for now, with the force of this powerful New Moon, it appears you are ready to launch a new strategy, and if you do so after April 15, you will have the right timing and right ideas to offer. You are feeling adventuresome and possibly entrepreneurial, so follow those instincts. If the type of work you do involves digital technology you will be poised to do doubly well.

If you are creative, it appears you are due to finish up a large project that will bring you applause and the likelihood of a hefty profit. This year, with Jupiter is visiting your fifth house for the first time since 2005-2006, you are a creative factory for ideas. Have confidence in all you have to offer, for you can hit on a very successful idea that changes the course of your life. With Uranus

reaching his final days in your tenth house of honors and career success, you have the power to become quite famous for the work you do.

In love you’re lucky to have Venus in Taurus, a superbly compatible placement for you until April 24. Venus will encourage you to get out of the office to socialize more. Venus will move through your eleventh house of friends / social events / new people and places, so you are likely to be invited to a party, a dinner with friends, or other gathering.

In love, if you are dating seriously, the Full Moon of April 29 will light your house of true love and you should see news within four days of this date. April could well turn out to be a landmark time for you, when you get engaged or wed. No matter what your marital status, Saturn will see that your relationship is steady and long lasting. This is an important clue to what is happening, for Saturn is the planet ruling marriage and commitment in the Cancer horoscope.

Remarkably, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will contact Pluto, linking your houses of love and marriage and bringing you a shot at happiness as well as prosperity. If you are already married, you can now make more of your union by planning something new to do together, such as to buy a house or to have a baby, the latter being an ideal time to do so.

Saturn is currently touring your marriage sector, so if you are attached, your partner may be going through a difficult period in life, and you’ll need to help out.

All month, it would be wise to keep your eye on your competitors, who seem quite out of control and desperate for sales this month. Cancer can always outwit the competition, but first you need to get quiet intelligence on their antics so you can address the situation. You can win this contest, so first go get Intel.

If your marriage partner (or business partner) is not getting along well with you, you may need to decide what to do. If it is your romantic partner who concerns you, you may consider seeing a couples therapist, go on a couples’ retreat, or if you have been trying but not making progress, to leave altogether.

If a business partner has betrayed you, you know what you need to do. If any differences were to come out, they would appear when Saturn entered this part of your chart for the first time in 29 years, a trend that started December 20, 2017, and will continue for three years. Cancers who are feeling this influence the most now, in 2018, are those with birthdays that fall in June.

Keep your chin up, dear Cancer, and always remember that YOU are the prize.

Affirmation: I’m improving my world so my world will improve.

LEO: What’s happening for APRIL? (July 23- August 22)

The third house rules all kinds of communication, negotiation, buying and selling, advertising, printing, and publicity, but alas, Mercury will be retrograde (something I will get

into in more detail later in your report), and so you can’t put any of your plans into motion quite yet, not until later in the month. You must get beyond April 15, and if possible a week beyond that, just to get as far away from this planet gone haywire as is possible. One of your best days to sign a contract will be April 23, when energetic Mars and good fortune planet Jupiter will join forces.

On April 2, Mars and Saturn will conjoin in Capricorn, which is a stop (Saturn), go (Mars), stop (Saturn), go (Mars) aspect of crossed signals. Saturn will win, for you really do have to slow down. If you rush forward, you will be out of tune with the rhythm of April. The hesitation of what to do in the first few days of April will pass quickly. This would not be a day I would suggest to sign papers, for you would build this fire (Mars) and ice (Saturn) aspect into the DNA of the endeavor, for however long that endeavor is in place.

One warning about April 2: Mars and Saturn in conjunction is a classic aspect ruling possibly of injury through falls, hurting especially bones – in particular the knees – and also teeth. Watch where you walk, keep walkways well lit inside and outside, and you should be fine.

You are working harder than you have ever worked before, and clearly, the pressure is on you to be productive. As I mentioned last month, business will be brisk for you, but it looks like you’d like to have more hands on deck. With Saturn touring this house, it might be hard for you to find qualified, affordable help to hire. If you occasionally get well-written letters with a

resume attached, keep those letters handy. You never know when one person’s inquiry will help you solve a staffing problem.

One of the reasons your work life is so busy is that Mars is stirring the pot on your workaday sector, giving you an avalanche of work on your desk. Mars in Capricorn tends to put a spotlight on money and the appropriation of funds, so at least part of your time will be consumed with doing that. Next month, when Mars departs on May 15, and after that, your workload should ease.

It’s time to expand your horizons and leave town. You might start on a small scale at the beginning of April, going a short distance at the start of the month, but as you get deeper into April, you go a much farther distance. Short or long distance, either way, your trip would likely be taken for business for a face-to-face meeting with a prestigious client.

If it turns out to be true for you, you will work hard, but be pleased with the outcome of the meeting. Even if you do not travel, foreign people may still play an important role in your life. You might be on the phone and email with others at a distance all month, or hosting visitors from abroad to your city, particularly from mid-to-late April.

You may be asked to sign papers in the first days of April, due to the Full Moon in your third house that occurred March 31, but with Mercury still retrograde until April 15, if possible, wait until after that date. If you sign early in April, you are likely to overlook points in the deal that aren’t favorable to you. If possible, choose an astrologically sunny day – April 23, when Mars

(action) and Jupiter (good fortune) will be in sync, one of the finest days of the month.

If you work in publishing or broadcasting – industries ruled by the ninth house – manhole covers will be popping open all around you, and you will be very busy attending to all you have to do. At the office, no matter what you do for a living, you will need more staff, especially in the department involving budgetary appropriation and accounts receivable / payable, but no matter what qualifications you will look for in candidates, qualified workers will be hard to find. Saturn will be creating obstacles, and Mercury retrograde won’t help, so as a result, you may have to do double duty until you can locate suitable recruits.

A new project may come up with a client based abroad, and this assignment will be unusual in some way and take you down a new path. It may be that your client is not clear about the instructions you are given, so go the extra mile to summarize the plan. When starting the project, add more time and money to your estimate than you think you need – the project you get this month will have many moving parts and will be complex. Add your client’s volatility and indecisiveness, you can readily see it will take time to get things right.

Still, although this sounds like the job might become a nightmare, you will actually find the job stimulating because it will expose you to new technology and allow you work independently much of the time. If you are opening the doors of a new business, your timing is good – do so after April 15. I particularly like April 23, when booster rocket Mars and good fortune Jupiter will align. Profits would be very likely if you start then.

If you were considering going back to college or graduate school, the planetary picture is perfect for making solid plans after Mercury goes direct April 15. If you need to defend your thesis this month, the same is true – you couldn’t wish for a better time to do so, for you will impress VIPs. This is not to say that the presentation will be exactly easy, for the critics hearing your thesis will be thorough in their questioning of you. You’ve got this, dear Leo. Study up and be confident.

If buying, selling, renting, moving, renovating, decorating, or making need repairs on your home, keep alert on April 15 and April 23 when you may get a big, heartening clue that will lead you to the right answer in terms of real estate or contractor.

Then, within four days of the best home-related Full Moon of the year in Scorpio, April 29, you will help crystallize your plans, find accord, sign papers, and move forward. If you are buying or selling real estate, you will do well financially, and if making improvements now, you are likely to vastly improve the value of your home. If you are leasing your first apartment, you will be thrilled with the space you choose. On another score, if you have been looking for a way to help your mother or father in a substantial way, the right solution will arrive at month’s end, too.

Although most of April you’ll be consumed with work, study, travel, and an emphasis on your home, at the end of the month you will have time for fun and love. Venus will move into highly compatible air-sign Gemini and the house of friends, new faces, and events. Venus will work hard to help you find ways to unwind and find balance in a busy month.

Affirmation: I’m bringing more joy and love into my life.

VIRGO: What’s happening for APRIL? (August 23 - September 22)

It’s time to get finances in order, and you will be eager to pay bills and organize ledgers. The Full Moon of late last month March 31, influential for four days, will have you polishing off payments to all those you owe in the first days of April. Mars and Saturn will be in hard angle to the Full Moon, so you may have to pull back on socializing, a special event, or travel to make sure your ledgers line up.

With Venus close to Uranus in the first days of April, expenses may surprise you or it may be that money you expected to come may not arrive as promised. You may need to set up a line of credit to pay those who depend on your on your timely payments until your finances become more predictable and settled.

Your ruler, Mercury, is the planet that has the job of taking good care of you but Mercury has been weak in retrograde since March 22 to go direct April 15.

If you will be filling out forms for a mortgage, taxes, or other important paperwork, with Mercury Retrograde in the first half, ask someone you trust to have a second pair of eyes to check your figures. Mistakes often occur when Mercury is out of phase. Plans you made for your child’s school, camp, or after-school activities, or for a family vacation (or if single, your vacation) may

need to be temporarily put on hold until you know where you stand financially.

The New Moon, April 15, seems to bring jarring news regarding taxes or another financial obligation. You are tired of reversals every April – you have had a number of unhappy financial surprises over past years. Those unwelcome surprises always seemed to show up in April, or to lesser degree, in Aries’ opposite sign of Libra every late September or in October. That was because Uranus has been in Aries permanently since 2011, but that is changing by mid-May.

Uranus will move to compatible Taurus from May 15 to November 7 of this year. It is true that Uranus will regress back into Aries, the tough spot for you, on November 7, 2018, to stay until March 6, 2019, but from March onward, you will be home free. There will be no New or Full Moons in your financial sector during November through early March, which is why you have every reason to be excited. This month, if you have any unpredictable news, it may be the last of these financial surprises that have plagued you over the years, and that rocked your world. You are well on your way to a new life, dear Virgo.

If you are working on a creative writing project, or need to give a speech, you will do wonderfully on April 23, when Mars, the action planet, now traveling through your creative sector, will align with Jupiter, in your house of communication.

You are fortunate that Venus will be in Taurus until April 24, for Taurus is a sign Venus enjoys visiting, for it is its “home sign” and is also an earth sign just like yours. There are many reasons

April should be a standout month for love, not only because of Venus in Taurus, but also because of Mars’ rare (once-in-two-year) visit to your house of true love. Venus and Mars, the two lovebirds, will peak in a breathtaking aspect, on April 10. If you need to choose a day for a first date, that’s your day – things will go your way. All Virgos, no matter what their marital status, will love April 23.

If you are attached, plan a surprise for your partner on the evening of April 12, when the stars will twinkle like diamonds in the night sky. Venus and Neptune will intensify your love for each other on this glamorous night, and the moon will encourage old-fashioned, passionate romance by gliding through Pisces.

The getaway you may have had to put off due to financial and other considerations can finally happen over the weekend of April 28-29, thanks to a Full Moon in Scorpio in your quick travel sector. You would not be taking a business trip but rather a trip to take time to lavish attention on one you love. You need time off – see if you can take off Monday, April 29, too, for this transiting moon will embrace Jupiter, making your trip spectacular in every way.

Affirmation: I am banishing negative thinking.

LIBRA: What’s happening for APRIL? (September 23 - October 22)

With a Full Moon in Libra March 31, you are likely to feel this Full Moon directly and emotionally, especially if your birthday falls

on October 4, plus or minus four days. You may also feel this Full Moon if you have Libra rising 11 degrees or the natal moon in Libra or Capricorn 11 degrees, in all cases, plus or minus four degrees.

In early April, Mars will be close enough to taunt Uranus, but you eventually might get some sort outburst from a partner or from an older family member. Saturn will work hard to try to keep tempers cool and calm, but you have to see how things go. That person will come in the form of an older person in authority. If you are trying to form a serious relationship, I feel you need six months before you can work out the kinks that will come up now – take your time. You may disagree, but I will say that this New Moon is not entirely friendly. Taking more time to get to know the other person, especially in business, might be worthwhile.

Mercury is currently retrograde, a trend that started March 22, and that will continue until April 15. (Don’t start to act immediately after Mercury turns direct, because Mercury emits his most scrambled messages at the front and end point of his retrograde.) This time Mercury will retrograde in your committed partnership sector, so you may misunderstand your spouse, your business partner, or people with whom you collaborate, like your writing partner, agent, manager, or publicist.

Pluto will again be prominent at the New Moon in Aries on April 15, and will be in hard angle to the Sun and New Moon. Your family might not get along with your partner this month (or if they never liked him or her, things will become very obvious). Pluto usually comes in the form of a pushy person in authority – a

contractor, a family member, a roommate – you probably already know the identity of this person.

The month will end with a Full Moon, April 29 in Scorpio 10 degrees, in your financial second house of salary and other earned income. Finally, this is a Full Moon you will want to cheer about! You may be paying bills, purchasing something expensive that you longed to buy, see a check come in that you’ve been waiting to receive, or investing money in your home. (Your chart is seems to be saying the word house over and over, and your house would likely be a good place to invest money so you can appreciate its value – ask your broker for an opinion.) If you asked for a raise, here comes the answer. If you are interviewing for a job, you will settle the cost of the salary now.

Unusual circumstances abound when it comes to your partner or business collaborator, for at the New Moon, April 15, you may open a new chapter with a present partner or make a commitment to a new partner in love or business. Home and property will still be on your mind, and if you need money to make your plans complete, you will find that banks and other lenders will be eager to give you the cash you need to get started.

Sometimes between the New Moon of April 15 to April 18, when Uranus conjoins the Sun, your mate, steady date, or business collaborator may offer you an unusual idea that you find interesting (or horrifying) – you can never tell with Uranus!

The days that follow April 15 will be superb to seek funding for real estate purposes, or to help a family member, due to the

rare, very powerful, and harmonious interplay of Jupiter and Pluto, two powerhouse financial planets.

April 23 will also be a superb day to schedule a real estate signing or closing, or to announce any plans for your future residence or other property. Mars will contact your ruler, Venus, in the most delightful way – this will be another big money day for you.

In a month that focuses you on money, you will have an important Full Moon, April 29 -that will bring money in and out at the same time. If you haven’t written checks yet for those you owe, you will end the month with a clean slate and all bills paid. If you asked for a raise, the Full Moon in your second house of earned income will bring the answer – it looks like you’ll get a generous raise approved. If you are selling or buying property, you will make a decision now, and you will agree on a price you like.

Venus will move to Gemini, April 24, cause for celebration for you. Love will be on the docket from then until May 19. This move of your ruler to Gemini will also coax you to want to travel, and if you can, do. Late April and most of May will bring lots of fun on distant shores, and when Venus leaves Gemini, you will still have help. Mars will come in to start to make love fun next month while touring Aquarius – your favorite place for Mars to be. You may have lots of financial considerations in April, but all is well by month’s end when you can fly free and devote yourself entirely to love.

Affirmation: I desire to learn a new word every day to increase my knowledge and vocabulary.

SCORPIO: What’s happening for APRIL? (October 23 - November 21)

The month starts out with a Full Moon in Libra, which technically appeared on the last day of last month, March 31. A Full Moon will be influential for four days, so as you enter April, you may feel in need of rest. The Full Moon in Libra will be in hard angle to Saturn and Mars in Aries. With a packed third house of communication, you may feel over-worked, or running from pillar to post to please everyone, with pressure on you from clients or higher-ups, and those at home, too. You want to succeed, but you will keep facing roadblocks as you go along in the first half of April, and you will need to summon your resourcefulness and creativity to turn things in your favor.

Mercury will retrograde during the first half, a trend that started March 22 and that will extend until April 15. This time, Mercury will retrograde in your sixth house of work assignments, so this is where things are likely to get delayed, changed, or go off the rails. You may find that clients are indecisive and changeable, even if this behavior is not characteristic of your client. Alternatively, you may not get a project that was promised to you. Or, you may be working on an assignment that the client says she wants completely redone and taken in a new and different direction. Ah, this all is part of Mercury Retrograde.

Do not buy any electronic items while Mercury is retrograde, because Mercury rules the gears and electronic impulses in those types of products. Either the electronic item won’t work properly,

or you will have second thoughts, and perhaps feel you chose the wrong model. Wait until April 23 to buy what you need, for that date would be great for purchasing electronics.

The sixth house, where Mercury will retrograde, rules workaday projects that come across your desk. It also rules something else – your health and well-being and the steps you take to boost your health. If you get medical tests results back that seem wrong to you in some way, ask to have the tests repeated. Sometimes a diagnosis is hard to make because the lab makes mistakes or leaves the sample out on the counter too long.

The Full Moon of March 31, still strong for several days at the start of April, will urge you to get rest. The volume of demands that life has asked of you has been dialed up to loud, so giving yourself several hours of peace will be welcome and restorative. If you have children, treat yourself to babysitting help – this will be a necessity not a luxury. Saturn will move into hard angle to the Sun in early month too, bringing evidence of how hard you’ve been working on a daily basis. The strain of responsibility you are carrying will be noticeable to you, another reason you need to take a break.

If you need to sign an agreement – very possible – with your ruler, Mars conjunct slow-as-a-snail Saturn on April 2, you will have to study every word. Don’t let anyone rush you. You may hesitate and not know which way to go next. Jupiter’s position in Scorpio in conversation with Pluto in Capricorn reveals that this deal likely has huge profit potential but only if you hammer it out properly so that both sides can benefit. This is assuming both sides will give a strong effort – the reason you are joining forces. Sign later in the month, on my favorite day for you April 23.

The third house, where so much activity will be centered, also rules your sister, brother, and cousin. You may be hearing news from this person who you love, and you will want to hear all of it. You may be able to help if your sibling or cousin has a dilemma.

Mercury will be retrograde in Aries, in your work project sector until April 15, a trend that started last month on March 22. It is never wise to sign papers with Mercury Retrograde, because flaws soon show up that neither side anticipated, and the deal would have to be revisited, and changed if signed when Mercury, the planet ruling contracts, is weak in retrograde.

A work project that will come up after Mercury goes direct, on or in the weeks that follow April 15, will likely surprise you in every way, along with everyone on your team. The nature of this assignment is interesting because it will force you down a completely new path, possibly in new technology or the digital world, one that few others have any knowledge or experience, and it will cast you as pathfinder. You will like the independence you be given to work as you see fit and to hire the people you need to make the assignment a success.

The Full Moon in Scorpio will arrive on April 29, bringing so many of your efforts over past weeks and months to fruition. Something dearly important to you will bring closure, and it should be a gratifying moment.

Soon you appear to be focused on a business partner or expert you want to work with, or you may become more serious

about making a romantic commitment in your personal life, such as to become engaged or married.

If you are already married, it appears your mate has good news for you, and as part of the news, it looks like you’ll both be traveling together to an overseas location soon. Travel will take you off the hard work track you’ve been on lately – a break in the routine will be something you’ll appreciate very much. With Venus in lovely angle to Saturn on April 7, you have a day when promises will be warm and lasting.

On April 12, Venus and Neptune will produce one of the most sparkling nights of the month, and because Venus is in your committed partnership / marriage house, attached Scorpios will have the edge.

Although others might have a tough time with April, I don’t think you will. You have enough planets in the perfect position to help you, sometimes in the eleventh hour. Jupiter and Pluto is one of the most important – it’s a whopper of an aspect meeting on April 14, and promises more money to come from deals you make now.

Affirmation: I’m willing to make moderation my guide.

SAGITTARIUS: What’s happening for APRIL?

(November 22 - December 21)

You seem to want to break free, but financial considerations have almost necessitated that you keep your eyes on the road

and your forehead to the steering wheel. A social event will come up in the first week if it hadn’t in the last days of March, and your challenge will be to enjoy it without breaking the bank. You may feel you owe your friend full involvement – perhaps your friend is getting married at a destination wedding for example – but you feel badly that you can’t afford the expenses involved. This puts you in a quagmire, but be realistic about what you can afford and open up honestly with your friend. A real friend would never want you to suffer financially.

You will feel life is improved by mid-month, when the New Moon and Sun (opportunity), Mercury (news), and Uranus (surprises) work together to jazz your love life. If you are single, this is great news, for it shows you circulating with friends to meet someone new who is right for you. Traveling near or far might bring an introduction, so if your sibling or friends suggest you take a trip soon, don’t wave off the idea – go. If you go overseas or to a distant point, which is very possible now, it will cause an energy shift in you, and you’ll return home refreshed with a new perspective and be eager to tackle all on your desk.

If you feel that you are spending too much time backtracking to fix present projects that you assumed were done, blame Mercury in retrograde. Mercury is the planet that naturally rules your tenth house of fame and honors, so when Mercury is out of phase, it’s hard for you to make good progress. It would be a mistake to take a new position in the first two weeks of April, so wait until the second half. Because travel is indicated in your chart, go in the first half when nothing earth shattering will happen at the office while you are away.

Your creativity will be very high in the second half of April, so if you are charged with coming up with original ideas for a campaign or special project, you will want to shutter yourself inside to think, for you seem to be able to come up with ideas that just about everyone agrees are remarkable.

You’ll be happier at month’s end, for your work well done will begin to bring in a steady stream of money, showing you that your fear of being perpetually short of cash has been unfounded. You have an ace in your pocket, for Jupiter, your ruler, and powerhouse Pluto will be in fine conversation this year until September, a rare aspect, so you have the power to make a very dramatic change upward in your net worth. It will be gratifying to see your income rise, so have faith your hard work is leading you in precisely the right direction.

You may be ready to show your idea to the world by this Full Moon, and it would be the right time to do so. The Sun will be trine (meaning in perfect harmony) with Saturn, ensuring what you do at this time will bring stability and a comforting sense of security. Saturn will also signal the moon from your second house of earned income, so your financial picture will brighten substantially, giving you a sigh of relief.

During this last weekend of April, plan to rest, or treat yourself to time to tinker with your favorite creative project. That Full Moon is within ten degrees of bountiful Jupiter in Scorpio, and although I wish these two were closer, they are what astrologers call within orb. So there you are – things are on the way to a better place.

One little warning is that on the Full Moon, April 29, Saturn in your financial house will be at odds with Mercury, a planet that rules your career. Do not agree to anything at month’s end. You need to get that agreement ready a week earlier, April 23.

Romantically, your chart is complex because you have Uranus, the planet of unplanned, unanticipated, surprising events, conjunct that New Moon of April 15. I can never tell you what kind of message Uranus will bring. You may meet someone new and exciting, and if so, keep the relationship on a slow simmer until you get to know one another really well. This is a volatile New Moon! The New Moon may bring news about the person you are dating that does not please you or just the opposite, a surprise that thrills you. Life is always full of surprises, so we have to be open to whatever comes up.

If your birthday falls on December 17, plus or minus five days, you will more likely enjoy this New Moon than not! The same is true if you have Sagittarius rising at 26 degrees, or if your Natal Moon is at 26 degrees Sagittarius.

Affirmation: I am using my talents


CAPRICORN: What’s happening for APRIL? (December 22 - January 19)

Ever since teacher and judge planet Saturn moved into Capricorn last year on December 20, 2017, you were forced to

deal with a new reality and greater responsibilities. If your Capricorn birthday falls in December, or in the first three days of January, life is not easy. April starts out bumpy, but gets progressively easier as you get to the end, and that will be your most productive time.

The Full Moon that appeared March 31, one day prior to the dawning of April, was not an easy Full Moon. That Full Moon was in Libra 11 degrees, and in precise, hard angle to two planets in Capricorn: Mars and Saturn traveling in conjunction (a rare aspect) in Capricorn, to peak in mathematical apex on April 2. (Pluto is in Capricorn and in your first house too, but will be too far away in degree to be part of this aspect.)

Your home life will grow in importance and be at top of mind at the New Moon April 15 in Aries, 26 degrees. Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected, unplanned, and out of the blue, will be conjunct the Sun and New Moon. This tells me whatever comes up will certainly get your attention, like a thunderbolt out of the sky. It is likely you will be spending money, but that may be a good thing, not necessarily bad, but we don’t know yet. Now it could be something wonderful – you might approved or a mortgage or a refinanced mortgage, or get started on renovating your kitchen. Or, just the opposite, you may need to deal with something you never saw coming, like a tree falling in your yard, or need to fix a leaky the roof, or find your living room wood floors buckling after a rainstorm that brought water through the windows.

Because a New Moon always sets up a trend that lasts five or six months, you will be working on whatever comes up now for that length of time, until late August, September, or October. Get

set to work out any kinks and details of this New Moon, and you will be in a better place by then.

Pluto in Capricorn will be in hard angle to the Sun and New Moon of April 15, and within range of Uranus too, all in very hard square aspect. Something seems to need to be addressed, or someone connected to your home might pressure you or cause you tension. This person could be your landlord, roommate, contractor, architect, or a family member who will flex authority. Your nerves might be on edge.

Yet there is good news about Pluto and Uranus, too. Both planets have moved away from directly clashing with each other (since 2012-2015), and although these two powerful planets are technically still within orb, they are slowly separating, what astrologers call not applying (not coming together). This will make the aspect weaker, and more muted – and that’s good!

The only Capricorn readers who might feel something like what I have described about Pluto would have a birthday that falls on of January 11 to 17. If that is NOT you, I doubt you will feel Pluto’s tensions. If that IS that is you, you may have positive aspects in your chart that I can’t see from where I sit that may mitigate Pluto to a large degree.

If you need to move, or renovate, or do something else connected with your home, this New Moon April 15 in Aries would have usually been a great time to begin work on a home, or to look for a new place to live. New Moons are associated with fresh starts, but this New Moon is unclear and has a number of crosscurrents. This New Moon does seem to come packaged with

unexpected developments – the trick will be to use the lucky breaks and get around the unexpected setbacks.

Remarkably, at the same time, April 14, you have an aspect that is incredibly positive and glowing for you, and I feel it could be strong enough to offset some of the frustrations of the New Moon. Here is what I see.

On April 14 Jupiter in Scorpio will be in ideal angle to Pluto in Capricorn. This is considered an aspect with a signature of outstanding success, especially in financial realms. These two planets are rarely in conversation because their orbits are quite different. (Jupiter takes 12 years to revolve around the Sun, and Pluto takes 248 years to make the same journey.)

This year these two planets have been in close talks, and they made a decisive alignment on January 15. They will again this month on April 14 and the last one is due September 12. Pluto in alignment with Pluto is a big deal, and with Pluto in your sign of Capricorn and Jupiter in friendly Scorpio, it looks like you may find yourself at the right place at precisely the right time.

These two planets are big financial planets, so this month, especially near April 14 (could be just after Mercury goes direct April 15), this bodes well for your outlook for an investment such as for a house – ask your broker if she agrees, for your broker will look at your entire situation. If you are not ready for a step like buying a house, you can still make a contribution to your savings or retirement account, with the advice of your fiduciary financial advisor, and if you do, especially near this date, April 14 you would likely see it grow.

I should mention that your ruler, Saturn, will go retrograde in Capricorn April 17, too, making you go back to your plans to refine and adjust your strategy. Saturn will go direct on September 6, and for many reasons, too many to list now, I love September for you, for the planets will bring you plenty of options, without the occasional drawbacks you are seeing now in April.

Romance will be special while Venus glides through Taurus, from April 1 to April 24. Certain days stand out: April 7, 10, and 12, when you will be covered with sparkling star dust.

A red-letter day for being with friends will be when Mars and Jupiter combine forces, April 23, one of the best days of the month. Plan something!

The Full Moon of April 29 will bring a heartwarming experience with a friend or an event that you experience with a wide number of welcoming friendly people. Jupiter is found in a similar section of the sky where the Full Moon will appear, suggesting that the event will add a touch of luxury or pampering or be outstanding fun. (Jupiter is also known as the happiness planet.)

With all the decision-making you will do all month, it will be a welcome moment to be able to go out and be surrounded by people who obviously care about you. So while April begins like a lion, it sure does end like a lamb.

Affirmation: I will aim for balance in all areas of my life.

AQUARIUS: What’s happening for APRIL? (January 20 - February 19)

Travel is written all over your chart, but the Full Moon, March 31 in Libra 11 degrees, which appeared only one day prior to the start of April, will still be strong for four days. A buildup of planets in Capricorn in the shadows of your chart – the twelfth house – is creating problems for you, not only in regard to travel, but also for deals you are trying to negotiate. If you feel finding accord seems to be near impossible, it probably is, but this situation is only temporary.

Last month I had talked about that March 31 Full Moon that lit your ninth house of distant travel. I said that it would be not a favorable time to go and to delay the trip if possible. This same area of the chart, your ninth house, also rules legal matters, your efforts to get an advanced degree in college or graduate school, and the media, in terms of publishing and broadcasting projects. All of these areas were at the end of March (or will be in the first four days of April) difficult. You will likely encounter obstacles that might not be easy to unravel.

Libra, the place of that Full Moon, blends well with Aquarius, so if anyone can find a way to turn the tables of this tricky Full Moon to your favor, it is you. If your birthday falls on January 28 plus or minus four days, you will have the strongest chance of prevailing over hurdles. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising 10 degrees, or the natal moon in Aquarius 10 degrees, in both cases, plus or minus five degrees.

To make matters more tricky, as you begin April, Mercury, the planet of communication will still be retrograde, a trend that started March 22 and will continue until April 15. Miscommunications will create havoc, and you (along with the rest of us) will be beset with delays. Mercury will retrograde in your other travel sector, in Aries, covering the solar third house of short-distance travel. This same house rules communication, computer code, contracts, and so forth. If you are writing new software or working on an app or new website, allow extra time and money for the project.

Keep in mind when any planet turns direct it is not yet at full power. Like some people who are groggy when they wake up, little planets like Mercury are tipsy, too. It is never wise to jump on important initiations the day after Mercury goes direct because Mercury is simply not in a position to help you. In fact, Mercury acts his wildest and most uncontrollable on the day he goes retrograde and the day he goes direct, in this case March 22 and April 15.

The eclipses in Leo and Aquarius have recently come by, so changes are afoot in your life. As you begin April, you might want to take a trip to a faraway location so that you can mull over all the coming changes you want to make. By being out of your usual environment, you will have a sense of peacefulness to study all sides of the situation. The problem is, the Full Moon of March 31, strong for four days, will be fraught with problems, so if you can hold that thought and go next month, it might be best.

At work, you are golden, but competitors seem to have come to that conclusion too, and some competitors in the shadows may

be finding ways to take credit for your work. While you should not become paranoid that there are others out to get you, it would be wise to keep your antenna up to watch the actions of those around you. Your intuition will be quite strong and act as your protector, so if you sense something is off, investigate.

Be careful about what you post on all your social media venues, because as you go through your various interviews, you will be judged by prospective employers by all that you write.

Finally, have a friend call to pretend you are applying for a job at your friend’s company to find out what your references are saying about you. Choose a high level, mature VIP person to do the calling for you and then get the final report. If you need to take a name off your list of references, it’s best to know! As said, you are currently in a golden professional period in most of 2018, so this way you will be giving yourself the best chance possible to be given the top prize job.

Affirmation: I am avoiding people who want to control my thinking. My independence is precious.

PISCES: What’s happening for APRIL? (February 19 - March 20)

As a Pisces, dealing with money matters does not usually top your list as a favorite activity. (Some signs, like Taurus, Capricorn, and Scorpio do enjoy spending time and attention on money matters.) You certainly know how to earn a top salary, however – Forbes Magazine consistently named your sign and your opposite

sign of Virgo as the two signs that have shown the greatest potential to become millionaires (and billionaires). Virgo and Pisces are found on the same axis, six months apart on the horoscope wheel.

How could this be? How could signs that are not basically materialistic amass so much money? Pisces and Virgo are motivated by creativity and service to others. They are known to strive for excellence in all their projects, and they are eager to get feedback from their intended target group.

As a Pisces, you will never chase money for money’s sake. For Pisces, work is their lifetime joy and they love it so much, they’d do it for free. (Luckily you will never have to work for free.) If you haven’t found your calling, you will in time – the little Fish will always intuitively swim toward the vocation that is precisely right for its future.

This month, however, you will have to deal with money matters, and this theme will echo through most of the month.

April starts out with a stressful Full Moon in Libra 11 degrees, which technically appeared the day before April dawned, on March 31. All Full Moons have an area of influence of an extra four days, so if you didn’t notice an emphasis on money on that date, you may still hear something in the first days of April. The problem with this Full Moon is that it will be under siege by Saturn and Mars, causing stress to almost everyone of every sign.

In the first week of April, Saturn and Mars will be conjunct in Capricorn, 8 degrees, and be in tight odds with both the Full Moon in Libra in your eighth house of credit and loans, and at the same

time, be at odds with the Sun in Aries in your second house of personal savings and salary. (This is happening because at any Full Moon, the Sun, and Moon are always at precisely opposite points in the sky.) Saturn is the teacher and the judge, so there is no ignoring his messages, for he wants accounts settled and closed. Mars is the fiery warrior, so he may make you feel an urgency to pay up or to get your due, as the matter applies to you. You won’t likely feel surprised by any of the developments you see in the first week, because surprise-a-minute planet Uranus won’t be involved in this configuration.

Here are some examples of what might come up (if you have not yet received news). You may actually receive a large sum you’ve been waiting to come in to your account, for money seems to come in to you, but at the same time money seems to go out, too. Or, you may be told how much you owe in taxes and feel a bit deflated by the news. Pisces often is self-employed, and self-employed people never really know how much they owe until the last minute.

I will list other examples to get you thinking. It could be that you learn that your homeowner insurance company won’t give you the full amount that you had listed on your claim. Or, it may be that a client who owes you money suddenly goes bankrupt and won’t be able to pay what he owes you. If you were in a lawsuit, this month would not be the ideal time to propose a settlement, not with all these planets squabbling with each other in the first three weeks. In your personal life, if you expect child support from your ex, you may be told that the money will be late or not coming at all. You get the idea.

You might need a contingency plan if you find you come up short with cash. This aspect teaches us that it is always wise to have a Plan B for circumstances like these. If you are self-employed, you might want to see if you qualify for a line of credit from the bank for your business to tide you over when unexpected expenses or a shortfall of cash becomes a problem.

A friend might have soft spot for you and want to help, so think of all your successful friends if you find yourself in a financial jam. Your mother or father won’t be able to help you this time because Saturn will be in hard angle to Mercury, and Mercury rules your home and parents. Asking a friend for a loan may be your best bet, because Pluto in your friendship sector will be in perfect angle to Jupiter.

There is another way this could work out. The Full Moon in the eighth house sometimes signals surgery is coming up, and in that case you may be on the phone with your insurance company getting pre-approved for the procedure. (Don’t forget to do that if your insurance company requires that you call first.) If you know that you need an operation, you may finalize some of the plans at the Full Moon in the first week of April. Be flexible, however, as the timing of the operation might change a little as pre-test results come in. In the case of surgery, you have a better than usual chance for near-full coverage for your procedure.

Not helping matters is Mercury is still in retrograde, a trend that started last month March 22 and will extend to April 15. Mercury will be retrograde in Aries, in your solar second house of earned income. This tells me checks due to you will be slow to

arrive and you may even have to chase payments down from clients.

Mercury rules the mails, couriers, express mail, email, communication, information, negotiation, contracts, translations, (buying and selling, speech, writing, and research, as well as transportation and travel. Every one of these areas will bring a slowdown. If estimating the time it will take to complete a writing project, for example, allow more time and money than you think you need – a client will always be happy when you turn things in earlier than stated. I want to lower your stress!

It is not wise to buy electronic equipment when Mercury is retrograde.

Do not buy a computer, cell phone, headset, TV, stereo speakers, kitchen appliances, air conditioner, or vacuum cleaner, and of course, don’t buy or lease an automobile. Mercury rules the moving parts to all machines, and also the electronics in them.

Our judgment is off when Mercury is in retrograde. The fact that Mercury IS retrograde shows us that conditions are changing rapidly, but you won’t be able to see that they are shifting – that will appear later, perhaps in hindsight. If you use the same priorities that you have always used to make a decision, you will later see those qualifiers were out of date. Later you will say to yourself, I wish I had known! I wish I had waited!

Don’t be quick to act the day after Mercury goes direct either, in this case April 15. Any planet that changes direction is always a little tipsy and tired in the beginning, and needs time to

ramp up its energy. Whether you need to shop or sign a contract, you need to wait. I suggest you use April 23 to shop for your electronics, when Mars and Jupiter join forces. This day will sparkle for other reasons, too, so you will see me talk about it again later.

I need you to be careful where you walk in the first few days of April. Pisces rules the feet, and with Saturn conjunct Mars, a classic aspect indicating possible injury through falls, I want you to be careful. Keep walkways lit and women readers should avoid wearing high heels on broken sidewalks or cobblestones. People are generally looking at their phones but not watching where they are going. These mishaps would be comical if it weren’t so serious. Mars and Saturn will be in Capricorn on the day of their conjunction, April 2, and Capricorn rules teeth and bones, with particular emphasis on knees. As a Pisces you need to protect your feet, too. Your texting can wait, so pay attention to your surroundings.

Affirmation: Choose companions carefully. They influence your views, values, and reputations.









Pray, Love and Many Blessings,


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