starseekers...  · web viewsaturn was in perfect angle to the sun on this full moon april 29, and...

Post on 01-Sep-2018






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STARSEEKERS may 5 2018

MERCURY went direct in aries april 24 th but it did not feel like it went direct because a wobble started in

Taurus 10 -11 degreesMercury retrogrades are every 12

weeks and the next one will be july26- august 18 in leo another fire

sign. Last mercury retrograde for 2018

November 16 – December 6 in Sagittarius another fire sign.

WOBBLEs start earth happenings like earthquakes, volcanoes, airline

problems, intense winds, fire, rain, with flooding for 2018

the end of april’s 29 th FULL MOON IN scorpio created INTENSE

RELATIONSHIPS issues good and bad. MARS IN

CAPRICORN SQUARING OF with SATURN IN CAPRICORN and Pluto in Capricorn to the sun in aries and the mercury retrograde did NOT HELP

PEOPLE’S attitudes at work,

RELATIONSHIPS, TRAVEL, ANGER, ACCIDENTS and loss of family.Uranus, the planet of chaos,

disruption, genius, innovation, independence, and all things

unexpected, will depart temporarily from Aries and

enter Taurus. This is likely the first time in all of our lives that we

will experience this; as the last time this independent, rebellious planet was

in your sign it was from 1934 to 1942.

(It takes Uranus 84 years to circle the Sun and go through every sign of the zodiac. As you can

readily see, not every person who has ever lived is guaranteed to get to experience this amazing Uranus

conjunct in their birthday sign.)Mars will be going retrograde in

aquarius this summer in squaring Uranus in Taurus within 1

degree from each other--astrologers like a tight orb of 5 degrees!

But this will last for six months—starting may 15th

ARIES: What’s happening for MAY? (March 20-April 19)

You have been doing exceedingly well in your career, so with your reputation on the rise, this month you will be able to consolidate your gains. You just came through a friendly Full Moon April 29 in your eighth house of other people’s money, and you may have had the urge to stabilize your life by having your savings, retirement plan, and health insurance among other perks in order. If you didn’t have a chance to act on these types of financial matters yet, you will still have time to do so, for a Full Moon will always will bring strong energy – and motivation – four days after it occurs. If you are currently interviewing for a new position, you can now settle the types of company benefits you can get.

There are other ways you may have felt (or soon will feel) the effects of the Full Moon of April 29. If you are seeking a bank loan, venture capital, or other funding to start a business, or a mortgage to buy a house or condo, this Full Moon will help you make your deal and move forward. If you applied for a mortgage previously, you are likely to hear back now with an affirmative answer. If you have been working to settle the division of property in a divorce, this would be a perfect time to finish up talks.

The aspects in early May will continue to be unusually positive, so apply a sense of urgency to your financial actions the minute the month begins. The Full Moon of April 29 had major support from stabilizing Saturn, the planet that helps us to think long term. Even more important to note is that in your house of fame, Mars and Pluto, traveling together like twins, will both make

a gorgeous link to Jupiter in your eighth house of other people’s money, ruling credit, insurance payouts, inheritance, court settlements, loans, scholarships, and so forth.

Mars, your ruler, has been circulating in your tenth house of fame and honors ever since Mars entered Capricorn since March 17. While Mars is in this prestigious area of your chart during the first two weeks of May, Mars will continue to help you gain favor from VIPs. Now and then you may assume you are doing everything wrong in your career, but you are not – you are doing everything right, and you are worrying unnecessarily that you are not always pleasing management. You are doing great!

With so many important planets filling your tenth house of fame and honors, including the present trifecta of Saturn, Pluto, and Mars (not one shrinking flower among them), it is clear that you are being ushered into the higher echelons of power in your industry. The occasional worry that you are handling too much and are overwhelmed (and have been careful to cover up) is simply reflective of the adjustments you will continue to need to make as you continue your rising status. Your perspective will change as you climb the ranks – just like the little goat that climbs to the mountain top, you will increasingly get a wider view of the valley below, and in the process, come to understand how best to become an effective leader.

Your meditation about money management will intensify at the New Moon of May 15, when it will light your second house of earned income. If you are now nearing the end of the interview process for a new job, the topic of compensation will come up, and you can now agree on your annual salary. If you are self-

employed, you will likely see an influx of cash, perhaps from a new client. If you are negotiating a deal, you will find talks proceed quickly, completely unlike what happened in April when almost everything went wrong or got held up at the last minute due to Mercury retrograde. This month, matters will move swiftly through channels and you will be happy about that!

Aries is a fire sign, and at times spontaneous and even impulsive about exciting business ideas, but with chaotic Uranus in your money house, you need to become detailed, thoughtful, and purposeful.

Something monumental is happening on May 15 when Uranus moves into Taurus for the first time since 1934 to 1942. Uranus is the planet that astrologers call the Great Awakener, for its job is to give us a view of the future. Uranus will sweep away anything outdated, outworn, or with no value in your life in the blink of an eye. You will start to read more about digital and encrypted currencies, Bitcoin business and cell phone wallets (like Apple Pay). This doesn’t mean you have to start using bitcoins tomorrow – Uranus will pave the way for governments to study the new currencies. Taurus rules insurance too, so new ways to approach health care will likely come up in society, too.

As the great innovator and disruptor, Uranus helps you see that life is changing and you must change with it, but not immediately – yet. You will gradually need to hop on the train or be left at the station. In your case, Uranus will move into your

second house of earned income – the same place the New Moon will emphasize on the very same day, May 15.

New Moons set up a trend for six months, and Uranus sets up a trend for seven years. Uranus will enter your financial second house on May 15 but only stay until November 7. Uranus won’t be ready to settle in yet, so this is only a six-month preview of what years ahead may be like. If you don’t like your job, you will change it. Uranus is tied to social good, so you may ardently work to find ways to make the world a better place by the job you do. If you love your job, you will find ways to grow within it, but nothing will remain static.

On November 7, Uranus will retrograde back into Aries, where it has been since 2010, but eventually will come back to your second house of personal earned income on March 6, 2019, to stay permanently for seven years. Everyone of every sign will feel Uranus’ move to Taurus in different ways, but it is an exciting change, with some inevitable lumps and bumps, but lots of good news, too.

Having such an unpredictable planet in your second house of earned income will take time to get used to in regard to managing your money. There will be times when more money will be directed to you than you ever dreamed possible, and other times you will be horrified by a big expense, high taxes due, or a loss you may suffer in a business deal. All this is part of your learning process, and during this trend you will get very good at managing the extremes of Uranus.

Your entire spectrum is being enlarged, and your job will be to manage money in a wise and mature way. Finding a financial manager with fiduciary responsibility to you could be a good move, but only if you do your homework by getting references from family and friends.

You have the ability to become very wealthy under Uranus in Taurus, by learning to grow your savings and investments, and also by buying property sometime in the coming seven years, before Uranus leaves Taurus in 2026. Taurus is the sign of agriculture and the land, and will be in your house of personal wealth, the reason I feel you will own property by the time the coming seven years is over.

Keep in mind that this trend has nothing to do with gaining money by gambling, winning money with a lotto ticket, or receiving a large amount of cash on a TV game show. It’s about making money the old fashioned way, by earning it. This is good news, dear Aries. If you can earn a million dollars, you can figure out ways to earn two million dollars – you will be in charge.

You may make mistakes now and then, for you are entering entirely new territory. We all make mistakes, but if you are deliberate about how you are handling your money, and get advice when you need it, you will be fine. Aries is a fire sign, and at times spontaneous and even impulsive about exciting business ideas, but with chaotic Uranus in your money house, you need to become detailed, thoughtful, and purposeful.

Uranus usually makes his presence known when he arrives, and this month is no exception. Uranus will be at odds with Mars – Mars is your ruler, so I would like you to pay attention to May 16.

To understand what is happening, I need to give you the entire download. Mars will move into Aquarius on this very same day as Uranus moves to Taurus, and the same day as the New Moon. Mars will fill your eleventh house of friendship. Mars usually stays in any part of the chart for six or seven weeks, but this time Mars will remain in your friendship for six months, until November 15. This means your daily interaction with friends, casual contacts, and acquaintances will become more frequent, but not always without disagreement.

What concerns me is that Mars and Uranus will be within orb of a square (a difficult aspect denoting obstacles) most of the ends of May, and not until mid-October will Mars and Uranus move far enough apart to settle down. You may say to me, wait, Mars, is the energy planet, and usually orbits quickly. Yes, true, but by June 26, Mars will go retrograde until August 27, keeping Mars in early degrees of Aquarius. (Mars will dip into Capricorn in its backward slide on August 13 until September 11 – Mars will still be within a hard angle in this out-of-sign square to Uranus.)

All this time, you need to watch interactions with friends or with any club officials (if you belong to a club, group or charity) because people you will encounter will be quick to fly off the handle in odd ways. In response, you may get upset with them. I cannot quite explain why this will be true, but you will get a good picture of what’s to come on or near May 15, August 1, and September 19 in particular when these two planets will be exact.

The Aries most likely to feel this will be ones born at the very, very end of the sign, April 19, for the next day April 20, the Sun moves into early degrees of Taurus.

If you are active in social media, you will need to be especially careful about what you post, for people might misinterpret the meaning of what you are saying but in a way that you never intended. This is very important to keep in mind – I feel this is the most likely the way things would work out.

If you were born April 18 or 19, you have been feeling Uranus in Aries for a full year, and will somewhat more, especially November 2018 through March 2019. You’ve done fine with the planet, so don’t worry!

There are excellent helpful sides to Mars in hard aspect to Uranus. This aspect will give you courage and drive, and you will want to break some of society’s rules and be your own person. Your Now let’s turn to travel and fun that is also due to come to you this month. If you need to take a short trip for business or just for fun, I love May 23, when Mars in your friendship house will reach out to the Sun in your short-distance travel house.

May ends with a wonderful Full Moon on May 29 in Sagittarius 8 degrees, which is a compatible fire sign like yours. It looks like you will be traveling overseas soon, and are either already on your trip (and about to come back), or busy getting details finalized for a soon-to-take exciting trip. Mars in Aquarius will be beautifully angled to this Full Moon, and this is a good sign, for again, Mars is your ruler, and the Full Moon will help you see action and progress.

Matters of immigration, visa, and passport are all beautifully favored, as would be your relationships with people in international settings. Import-export endeavors sparkle, and so do media projects for broadcasting, publishing, and Internet. You can wrap up assignments now, so keep working hard, as a Full Moon has influence for four days beyond the day it appears on May 29. If you are working on a legal matter, it is likely to be decided now, and likely in your favor.

There is another way things could work out – you may be working on a plan to go to college or graduate school, or taking exams or handing in a paper as you near the end of this semester. It’s a perfect time to do so. If you have to defend your thesis, don’t worry – it appears that you will do exceedingly well.

If your birthday falls within four days of March 29, you will get a double dip of happiness and luck. The same will be true if you have Aries rising, or the natal moon in Aries, plus or minus five degrees of 9 degrees. Finally, if you have any natal planet in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius within five degrees of 9 degrees, you, too, will get help from this lovely Full Moon.

Creativity will soar to the stratosphere, for you will be thinking very differently from others around you. It is a high-energy aspect, so handle it with care, and if you remain open to others’ opinions, you will stay in fine shape.

Affirmation: I always have enough time to be polite and make new friends.

TAURUS: What’s happening for MAY? (April 20- May 20)

(HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAURUS)This will be a hugely important month for you – quite unique

in every way. Uranus, the planet of chaos, disruption, genius, innovation, independence, and all things unexpected, will depart temporarily from Aries and enter Taurus. This is likely the first time in your life that you will experience hosting Taurus in your sign, as the last time this independent, rebellious planet was in your sign is was from 1934 to 1942.

Only those Taurus who are born very early in the sign, with birthdays that fall from April 20-24, will feel the first effects of this major planet now. This year, Uranus will only give us all a preview of what is to come in 2018, for Uranus will only remain in Taurus from May 15 to November 15. After that, in November, Uranus will retreat back to Aries where Uranus has been since 2011. Eventually, Uranus will return to Taurus permanently on March 6, 2019, and at that point he will remain with you for the coming seven years, until 2026.

The coming years will be exciting, for if you have dreamed about making gold moves, you will, and will surprise friends and family with how sure you are about what you plan to do. People who know you would have said you are steady, reliable, practical, and interested in building wealth. Now, a new and confident side

of you will emerge too, one that is more adventurous, independent, and tired of the status quo.

Remarkably, under this trend of Uranus in Taurus, your appearance may change, too, and you may even change your name or adapt a stage or pen name. In your work, Uranus can make you quite famous, so if that is a dream of yours, to be well known, it is there for you for the taking.

It takes Uranus 84 years to circle the Sun and go through every sign of the zodiac. As you can readily see, not every person who has ever lived is guaranteed to get to experience this amazing Uranus conjunct their birthday sign.

If you have a little child who is a Taurus, as does my friend Amanda, who has darling little Abbey, a girl, age 7, you may see in coming years, that child will experience bouts of extraordinary creativity. A talent or special interest in that child that was inborn may emerge that her mother may want to develop in Abbey, getting her lessons and encouragement. Astrologers often refer to Uranus as the higher octave of Mercury, taking the brainpower, perception, and communication ability of Mercury and Uranus and synthesizing those gifts into a whole new level – into the realm of innovation and genius.

Any young (or little) person under Uranus on the Sun will show signs of wanting to be independent and be maybe a bit rebellious of authority. Your job will be to encourage your child’s inner strength and confidence without being overly permissive, where anything goes. At the same time, you need not be so forceful and dominating that you effectively put out the child’s brilliant fire of creativity within – creativity that, with Uranus, is

usually expressed through math and the sciences, including the humanistic social sciences. Provide your child with a loving environment so she can blossom. It’s a thin line, but as the parent who loves your child, you will intuitively know how to handle this trend.

I will return to the subject of Uranus in Taurus again and again, but first, we need to start at the beginning of the month, for as you start May, you may still be feeling the effects of the Full Moon, April 29, in your opposite sign of Scorpio 10 degrees. This was a lovely Full Moon, and it may have brought you a plan or proposal for marriage, to enact now, or in the future. If you became engaged or married at the end of April – perhaps for your birthday – you chose a heavenly time to do so. You must be completely besotted with love. If you are already married, you may now grow closer and find new ways to make more of your union.

May 15, the only New Moon in Taurus will be your birthday gift from a loving universe. This New Moon will open possibilities and bring up several exciting new opportunities.

As Uranus comes close to the Sun, you may suddenly think about moving house, perhaps to a completely different neighborhood, or to a city out of the country – very possibly to a foreign nation. The Sun rules your fourth house of home, so with surprise-a-minute Uranus (which is also associated with foreign

countries) orbiting close to the Sun, moving seems very possible, and sudden. This is more likely to apply to Taurus born April 20-24. Or, Taurus of any birthday might decide to move at the time of August 11 Solar Eclipse.

If you were not thinking about committing to a romantic partner, you may have been sealing a plan with a business partner, agent, manager, publicist, advertising or social media director, accountant, lawyer, writing partner, and so forth.

You might do a joint venture with another company or entity. Conversely, if you have a profession that requires you represent others, such as what an agent, broker, or headhunter might do, for example, then you are likely to be working in early May with a gem of a client.

As you enter May, you may still be thinking about what you decided or acted on with a partner at the end of April and in the first days of May, to finish up the details of your arrangement. This was a superb Full Moon, perfect for setting plans in motion, so feel good about the actions you took.

If your birthday falls on the Full Moon April 29 plus or minus five days, you will notice the effects of this Full Moon. When you have a Full Moon near your birthday, it tends to mean that your entire birthday year will bring the fulfillment of many of your goals. Next year, at your birthday in 2019, you will want to draw a list up of new goals to tackle.

You will also notice the happy effects of this partnership Full Moon April 29 if you have Taurus rising 10 degrees, or the Natal Moon in Taurus 10 degrees, in both cases, plus or minus five

degrees. You will also get help from this Full Moon if you have a natal planet in Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 10 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.

Let’s talk about the strong emphasis on foreign people and places in your chart. You have a powerful gang of three – Mars, Saturn, and Pluto – orbiting close together in your ninth house of distant travel during the first half of the month. Each planet is found in a sign highly compatible earth sign like yours, Capricorn, so harmony surrounds you.

You may have an irresistible urge to pack your bags and travel far and wide, and by all means, give in. Remember to take your passport – your future trips seem to point going to foreign nations, and if so, your experience will be quite broadening.

You may be traveling for business (Saturn’s presence suggests you have a goal to complete). Alternatively, you might be going for relaxation and fun. Either way, you seem to be enchanted with the city that you visit this month. I say that because this month Jupiter and Neptune will be in exquisite alignment all month – a very glamorous and romantic vibration – and one that also can foster impressive creativity in one of the arts (this time, not the sciences). If you can choose to go to a breathtaking location near water, you will double your enjoyment and be thoroughly inspired with ideas.

You biggest moment of the month will come after the moon in Taurus on May 15, the only New Moon in your sign in 2018 (as is typical), as well as your birthday gift from a loving universe. This New Moon will open possibilities and bring up new

opportunities. Again, travel and international relationships will come up and glow brilliantly. You may also be surrounded with books, manuscripts, or many TV monitors, for the media will be drawn to you and want to lavish attention on you or to the person you represent. (The emphasis on twosome collaborations will still be high.)

Mars and Pluto will both be in ideal alignment, making your ninth house of travel and media glow, and you can make much progress. You can also do well in academic arenas by gaining favor from people in authority, and with legal judgments by the courts system.

There will be one difficult aspect in life, so you will see happy experiences mixed into an occasional not-so-good one. The difficulty will come from Mars, newly in Aquarius, and by now circulating in your tenth house of reputation and prestigious professional advancement. Uranus, planet of unexpected event, will be newly in Taurus, in hard angle to that newly minted Mars in Aquarius. If you discover that anyone in your circle – a colleague, talent you represent, a friend, business associate (or anyone else) – is betraying you, you may now decide to make a bold decision and quickly end that relationship.

This is an explosive mix of two planets, Mars and Uranus, which can bring emotional or physical mishaps. In the latter case, be determined to look where you are going, and don’t walk into potholes, glass walls, or other obstacles you don’t see because you are texting or listening to music. Aquarius rules your blood, circulation, and the ankles, so protect all by eating right and getting enough sleep. This will be a recurring aspect, to happen

three times, so getting a checkup at the doctor would be a wise idea. Women readers need to wear ballet flats or sneakers rather than high heels on uneven, broken pavement or cobblestones.

In terms of emotional outbursts or arguments due to Mars in hard angle to Uranus, those are most likely to happen in your career from an authority figure or client or vice versa, when you unable to contain yourself at work and give a client or boss a piece of your mind. Take a deep breath and count to ten. Keep in mind both Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs, which tells me each side will be wedded to their opinion and finding common ground will be quite a challenge.

This aspect, Uranus at odds with Mars, will be exact on May 16, August 1, and September 18, for Mars will stay in Aquarius from May 16 to November 7. Watch closely the three days listed, and all the while, keep in mind an aspect does not have to be exact to be triggered, but rather be within a five-degree orb to give you problems. Just know on and near those dates people will be more fragile and quick to anger than usual.

Mars will enter Aquarius and your house of fame and honors this month on May 16, within 24 hours of Uranus entering Taurus. On May 16, the two planets will make an exact square. Mars will be lethargic, and move very slowly in June, and that is not usually characteristic of adventuresome, courageous Mars.

On June 26 Mars will go retrograde and stay that way until August 27. During late June, all of July, and August, Mars will be asleep the entire time, and it would not be wise to launch any important career enterprise. Mars is the booster rocket to your

grandest ventures, and without Mars to help, it will be hard for you to stand out and compete effectively. To make matters harder, Mars’ brother Mercury will be retrograde too, from July 25 to August 18.

Still, you are lucky to have Mars in such a prestigious place in your chart. Although weakened in retrograde, Mars will ramp back up to a strong position from end-of-September through mid-November. In the meantime, look over the first half of 2018 and examine what you have accomplished. Decide what you’d like to change, improve, or accomplish in future months. It’s also a perfect time to go back and dig for answers on subjects you want to understand more fully.

Looking ahead to the end of the year, Mercury will again retrograde from November 16 to December 6, freeing up the rest of December for a joyous, social time. Last year, in 2017, Mercury was retrograde throughout the month, from December 3 until December 23, 2017, making it hard to shop for gifts that people in your life would love. Last year many readers had no choice but to buy gift certificates. This year, you will be able to shop and find gifts for your friends and family that will be precisely on target.

On the last Full Moon of the month, May 29, you will want to go over your financials. You are considered a wise financial sign, and I always tease my Taurus friend who I know would love to spend a Friday night reading her bank statements and giving herself kudos for how well she has multiplied her income. Mars in Aquarius will have a pivotal role in your financial life at month’s end.

The Full Moon, May 29, in Sagittarius will receive a beam of opportunity from Mars in your house of career honors, awards, and achievement, and, at the very same time, the Sun will receive “trine” beams (the best you can get) from Mars. This tells me that your outlook for seeing more money paid to you will be excellent both in terms of getting paid a generous salary and also in being offered a fine benefits package, such as to be offered a solid health insurance package that would be worth quite a bit if you had to buy it yourself.

Affirmation: I enjoy learning new creative skills.

GEMINI: What’s happening for MAY? (May 20- June 20)

This month brings massive changes for everyone, for the great outer planet Uranus will change signs and enter Taurus for the first time since 1934 to 1942. This year, Uranus will give us a preview and a little time to get used to this new influence, for Uranus will only remain in Taurus from May 15 to November 16, 2018. Uranus will retrograde back to late degrees of Aries from November 16 to March 6, 2019, a sign Uranus entered. Once Uranus returns to Taurus next year, he will stay seven years, until 2026.

During the years that Uranus visits Taurus, he will fill your twelfth house. This is a part of the chart that is associated with Pisces, and therefore considered a highly creative area of the

chart where symbolism rather than words will become more dominant. The twelfth house emphasizes right brain thinking and is often the part of the brain where ideas spring for new endeavors. As a Gemini, you are a sharp thinker and highly analytical, but now, with this influence, you will become more playful and experimental, and show greater interest in visual communication. You may still write (the area most Gemini excels) but even in your writing, the descriptive parts will separate you from the crowd and allow you to stand out.

Ideas will keep coming to you, as Uranus is associated with bolts of inspiration and insight. You may get a flash of an idea in the shower, during a dream, or walking down the street. In fact, you may not have any idea of where your greatest ideas are emanating from, but they will be brilliant. Those ideas will spring from deep within your subconscious.

One of the best ways to get ready for Uranus in Taurus in your intuitive twelfth house is to do this in coming months. Sit back, close your eyes, and see the life you want to create for yourself as a little movie. See all the details, such as seeing yourself coming in the door, hanging up your coat, putting your keys in the dish next to the door. If the phone were to ring at that moment, who would be on the other end and what would that person call to tell you that makes you so excited? Looking in your computer, which email will excite you?

Uranus is the planet of innovation, disruption, independence, untraditional, rebellious, freedom loving, and creative – particularly in the realm of the sciences and mathematics. Uranus is associated with electricity and alternating current, with TV, the

Internet, and all newly invested forms, such as driverless cars, and artificial and alternate reality. Uranus strikes suddenly and without warning, the reason astrologers nickname Uranus the Great Awakener. Uranus will sweep away anything that is not of future relevance.

The twelfth house is associated with solitude, so you will be happiest and most creative when working alone. This is in high contrast from the way you used to work, being around many people. When Uranus entered Aries in May 2010 for a preview, and more permanently re-entered Aries in March 2011 until now, May 2018, you made many friends in the creative arts, and perhaps got used to a steady stream of new people that were pouring into your life – some may have been very stimulating, and they likely encouraged you to express your originality.

Uranus is also considered the higher octave of Mercury, the latter being the planet of communication, perception, negotiation, contractual agreements, translations, research, and computer code. As you may already know, Mercury is your ruler, and is responsible for making you such an accomplished communicator. Uranus takes Mercury’s considerable brainpower and synthesizes it into an entirely new level, into the realm of futuristic innovation. Uranus is called the planet of genius for good reason.

The twelfth house is also the house of secrets, so if anyone keeps a secret from you, when other planets stop by the twelfth house or signal Uranus in that house, secrets are likely to come out in the open, quite suddenly. If you are keeping a carefully guarded secret, you will have to double your efforts to keep things under lock and key.

Additionally, the ancient astrologers wrote that the twelfth house is also the house of secret enemies. This can come up as corporate political posturing or innuendo, with certain individuals who have an agenda and who want you to think they are your friend but who are not. You need not be suspicious of others for the coming seven years that Uranus is in Taurus and your twelfth house. The universe never gives you a challenge without the tools to deal with it. Your intuition will be very strong during this Uranus-in-Taurus period, and that small voice within you will act as a shield, protecting you. You need to follow your instincts, even if you don’t have full information, yet. Later you will be proven correct.

There is also house of open enemies too – the seventh house, but only when badly aspected. This is where you hosted Saturn from December 2014 to December 2017. During part of that time, you may have had to deal with one or two fierce competitors or difficult, demanding partners. Or, one might have betrayed your trust. Saturn just recently left that house, and Saturn will not be back to this house again until 2041. You can rest.

May 25 would be a standout day for you to start production on a film, a live TV interview, or if you are an actor, to go to a film audition. It’s also the perfect day to have a flattering photograph taken.

Gemini is a brainy, intellectual sign, but Uranus in the twelfth house will teach you to rely on your instinct, and from time to time, when necessary, to make decisions in the light of incomplete, ambiguous data. Some people can’t make a decision without full data, but you will realize that any data is not always 100 percent reliable. In market research, the results often are the result of the subjective way the questions were asked, and even worse, the ones that were never asked. You will know what to do.

Now let’s look at the entire month of May, for lots of things will be happening for you! It’s busy!

As May opens, you will have just experienced a Full Moon, April 29, in your work sector, in Scorpio in your sixth house of work projects. That Full Moon of last month will still be strong during the first days of May. You may have accepted a new job and will either give you the final offer now, or will start your new job at the end of April or early May. You likely had weeks of interviewing, so it must be a happy moment. If you are self-employed, you may get a generous new client now. It looks like you have also wrapped up an important project. Saturn will support this Full Moon from your eighth house of other people’s money, suggesting you will make a generous commission or fee (if you are self-employed). This was a superb Full Moon, and still affecting you in the first days of May.

If you have not been feeling well and have been going for advice or a diagnosis, you will likely shape a firm plan to deal with your condition by the start of May. This positive, stabilizing Full Moon will have the power to end weeks of uncertainty regarding your health. The eighth house of other people’s money also rules

health insurance, so you might alert your health insurance provider that you plan to have surgery in the coming weeks. The eighth house is not only the house of other people’s money, but also the house of transformation, when the surgeon takes out what you no longer need to get you well. If you need a procedure or surgery, it would happen soon.

You may be talking about having your own TV show, or you may be doing an important publicity campaign where your face will be out in the world, having your name on everyone’s lips. Jupiter and Neptune are very rarely in a supremely harmonious trine position, but they are now, and you get to enjoy this aspect to the fullest. Neptune will be in your tenth house of fame and honors, and Jupiter to be in your sixth house of work projects. For you, this month, work assignments lead to enhancing your career reputation. Perfect!

Admittedly, May 25 would be a standout day for you to start production on a film, do a live TV interview, of if you are an actor, to go to a film audition. If you have a movie or body of photographic work, use this day to debut your exhibit or hold a screening of your work. It’s also a fantastic day to get your photograph taken.

Also on May 15, Mars will move to Aquarius to stay until November 7. Why would Mars spend six months in Aquarius rather than its more usual 6 or 7 weeks? Mars will go retrograde next month from June 26 to August 27. This is frustrating news, for Mars is the booster rocket to all your greatest dreams. When Mars is retrograde, he sleeps and his powers are not available to you, and Mars retrogrades approximately every 18 months. Late

June to late August would not be a wise time to launch new projects or services. Mars is the planet that teaches you to compete to win, but with him out to lunch, you won’t have this mighty warrior planet to help you. You can try to do it alone, but it’s not advisable – it’s very hard to measure up to Mars.

(Note: There will be a short period within this stretch of time when Mars will retreat into Capricorn as Mars continues to retrograde – August 12 to September 10.) I am sorry to say that during that time, you again will see costs rise. Perhaps you anticipate this – it may be time to send a deposit for your child’s private school, or pay a large portion of your college tuition. These are planned expenses, and this period might point to one you counted on doing.

On top of Mars being retrograde, we have Mars’ brother, Mercury, also retrograde from July 26 to August 18. With all these personal planets retrograde, it will be hard to make any progress during July and August. Personal planets are those that orbit closest to earth, so when retrograde, we feel the influence of those planets quite strongly, far more than when a big outer planet retrogrades. The personal planets are Mercury, Mars, and Venus. You might be saying to yourself, thank goodness Venus is in strong shape – but you may have to eat those words, for Venus is about to give us problems too.

Venus will go retrograde October 5 to November 16, not a time to schedule any radical changes to your appearance. You should not do a facelift or Botox treatments, and do your teeth veneers for now, that is, not in October or November. Venus also rules all products and services that are of special interest to

women. If you are a manufacturer, this would not be a time to come out with a new perfume, skin care, jewelry collection, or other lovely items women would be interested knowing about and buying. The end of November is not good either – Mercury will retrograde November 16 to December 6.

The last part of the month brings a Full Moon in your opposite sign of Sagittarius. You may be getting engaged or married, or you may be signing papers to join forces in a serious, formal way with another professional in business.

This is a happy Full Moon that will signal Mars in your long-distance travel house. You may be getting ready to go abroad, or you might be hosting foreign executives to your city. Or, you may hear of an assignment you need to do for an overseas client and do it in your own country, with no need to leave your desk. This is a long trend that you will feel most of 2018, so you may travel more often to locations that require a passport for entry, or do a lot more business with companies based outside of your country. Other areas that are perking up for you: legal matters, the media (publishing and broadcasting), immigration, and interaction with professionals in academia.

Also in late month, again you will be under silvery beams due to a magnificent golden triangle that will appear in the sky, linking Jupiter in your sixth house of work projects, Neptune in your house of fame and honors, and Venus in your second house of earned income. If you have been concerned about the large amounts of money that has been leaving your checking account, it looks like month’s end will bring you a great opportunity not only to make money, but more importantly, to do work that will

add a jewel to your crown. The assignment opportunity would be prestigious, and may possibly have international application. You will be showered with silver dust, dear Gemini. What a way to end May.

Romantically, Venus will be in your sign most of the month, a trend that began April 24, and continuing until May 19. You’ll be dripping with charm and charisma. It’s a great time to go wardrobe shopping, and to treat yourself to something extra special, then step out with confidence.

Affirmation: I can simplify my life by simplifying myself.

CANCER: What’s happening for MAY? (June 21 - July 22)

This will be a far better month than April ever could have been. You had many disruptive planets in hard angle to your Cancer Sun, but this month brings relief and a happier environment.

Headline news about Uranus is having everyone in astrological circles buzzing, for Uranus, the planet of sudden change, surprise, disruption, chaos, freedom and rebellion, creativity and innovation, will enter Taurus for the first time since 1934 to 1942. For what must seem like an interminable amount of time, Uranus has been in Aries, causing massive change, and you may even feel you’ve been uprooted to a completely new job within your industry, or you may have even undergone a

complete career switch. Uranus in Aries was not the best place for you to host Uranus, and that is an understatement.

Admittedly, Uranus won’t completely leave Aries quite yet, because in 2018 Uranus has planned to give the world a preview of what is to come in the years ahead, once Uranus enters Taurus permanently. Uranus will remain in Taurus in 2018 from May 15 to November 7, then in November, retrograde back to Aries to March 6, 2019 and stay seven years, until April 2026. Life will take on a new glow, because Taurus blends beautifully with your Cancer Sun, and alas, the sign of Aries does not.

Looking back over the years that Uranus toured Aries in your tenth house of reputation and achievement, you will see why life, at times, was difficult. This is how things work: when another planet in its orbit clashes with Uranus, it will set up a difficult confrontation. Like in life, nothing happens unless you have at least two people or two planets speaking to each other – a planet alone cannot give you any problem at all. He just sits there. A New Moon and Full Moon will activate Uranus, as will a transiting planet like Mars, Pluto, or Saturn, for example. If a planet touches a mathematical degree in your natal chart, that too, will set off an event, but from where I sit, I cannot see your natal chart.

Uranus spent these years in Aries, from 2010 to now, and you’ve had so many changes and challenges to your career or workplace that your head must be spinning. You might get up every morning and wonder what you will face that day – it’s never been predictable. It is hard to work under the kind of pressure you were under, but you shouldered the responsibility and with a good nature, plowed forward. You may have undergone a career shift,

or changed the kind of work you did through learning new facets of your specialty.

Uranus in the tenth house pressed on you to step to a new, futuristic beat. You may have had to learn new equipment, new software, or other elements in the digital world. Nothing was easy. After seven years of this tutorial, you have proven your mettle. Your career life will settle down, and you can look forward to a social life brimming with happiness.

Once Uranus is in Taurus – which will happen this month on May 15 for the coming six months – you will see your social life take flight. Uranus will enter your eleventh house of friends, fun, new contacts and acquaintances, and events and get you out of the office much more often. You will enjoy this influence to the fullest. Your new friends and acquaintances will likely be younger than you and very much involved with the arts, high tech innovation, science or the humanities, and charities, and they will stimulate you to find ways to make your life more meaningful and more expressive of who you are inside.

The eleventh house, where you will host Uranus in Taurus, is naturally ruled by Uranus, so this planet is at home in your eleventh house, and this place will express its truest, best vibrations.

When Uranus moves to your eleventh house for the coming seven years, you will expand your circle of friends and start to meet highly creative, accomplished

people who will stimulate you and encourage you to tackle bigger goals.

On the same day Uranus enters Taurus, there will be a New Moon in Taurus to underscore the burgeoning emphasis on fun and friendship. You might also decide to try a new social media venue or join a new club. If you are interested in helping a charity, the days that follow this New Moon would be ideal for investigating what you can do to pitch in.

If you’ve been considering the idea of joining a professional or country club, or one where singles gather, have a second look at the brochure – it might be a good idea. Mars (energy, action) and Pluto (power) will both be in elegant angle to this New Moon, giving it more power and punch. If you are interested in running for political office, you might start collecting signatures.

If your birthday falls on July 18, plus or minus four days, you will be especially affected by the New Moon of May 15. The same is true if you have Cancer rising at 26 degrees, or the Moon in that sign and degree, plus or minus four degrees.

To be clear, however, you won’t feel Uranus in Taurus in 2018 unless you have a June Cancer birthday, born at the very start of the sign, on June 21-24 or so. If your birthday is not named, you will get your chance, for as Uranus orbits over the coming years, he will come within perfect friendly contact with your birthday Sun.

There is one problem. Mars will enter Aquarius not for the usual seven weeks, but for six months. The reason Mars will be in Aquarius so long is that on June 26 through August 27, Mars will go retrograde. Mars is the planet that shows you how to compete effectively, so if you have a project you need to stand out and beat all the competition, do not launch it while Mars is retrograde from end of June to end of August.

There is a greater problem. Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus will clash terribly, and because Aquarius and Taurus are both fixed signs, untangling any sticky, unexpected problem you encounter will be hard to do, as each side will be wedded to their opinions. Mars will be in your house of other people’s money – loans, insurance payouts, inheritance, divorce and other court settlements, venture capital, student loans, taxes, and other expenses. Mars will be within 0 and 7 degrees all summer, locked into a clash with Uranus in your house of social activity. Mars and Uranus is a very explosive aspect.

From now until September, don’t mix money with friendship – don’t borrow money from friends. Also do not loan money to friends, assuming eventually you will get repaid, because that is unlikely.

Mars in Aquarius will add expenses, possibly related to a social event. I will give you some examples, but there are various possible applications. If you volunteered to participate in a friend’s destination wedding, you may become gradually alarmed by mounting costs. Or, it may be that you are working on your wedding, and your partner-to-be suggests that you pare the guest

list to save money, but that would make you unhappy and stressed. These are just two examples, but you get the idea.

Mars will retrograde back to Capricorn from August 13 to September 10, and during that time you will get relief from rising expenses. This will help your financial outlook, but Mars will still be in an out-of-sign square (this happens when two planets are at 90 degrees from the other, considered an aspect bringing obstacles).

The month will end with a very friendly Full Moon, May 29, in your sixth house of work projects, so if you are trying to take a few days off (in America, May 28 is Memorial Day), you will have to pace yourself and work to get as much done earlier in the month as possible. Don’t overdo, however, for the full moon in the sixth house is also the house of health and well-being. If you forget to eat when you are working, you may find yourself in bed with the sniffles. If you have been seeing a doctor for a more serious concern, this Full Moon could bring a final diagnosis and a plan of how to proceed to get you feeling better. Mars will be beautifully aligned with this full moon, and that means everything. This suggests a work project could bring you a breakthrough, a large commission, or a generous fee for the assignment.

Now let’s discuss love, for you have some breathtaking days in store, and I am so happy to share with you what I see.

First, let’s rewind the tape to a very important Full Moon that occurred on April 29 (technically last month) but is still strong and beautifully influential in the first days of May.

That Full Moon of April 29 last month was in Scorpio, and Saturn sent his gifts of longevity and forever-and-ever joy to the days surrounding that full moon. Scorpio is a water sign like yours, which is why it is so divinely good for you. Think about what happened at the Full Moon – soon, if not yet – or news you heard. You may have a fateful first meeting of someone new to date.

If you are attached, you may have had quite a glamorous weekend with your one-and-only. Having fun together is important in life – it is the glue that keeps you together. If you hope for a baby, you may get very good news by the first days of May (if none came at the end of April) that you, or your partner, is pregnant. For some, your baby may have been born over this Full Moon. (Full Moons always bring lots of births.)

If you already have children, the Full Moon may bring the culmination of something special you want to do for that child. You might want to send a deposit for your child’s camp, or get your child a tutor to help with math. Whatever is in your heart for that child, the full moon knows and will help you realize that wish.

There is one other way the Full Moon of April 29, operative for an additional four to five days, could have a different effect on you. The fifth house is also the house of creativity, so you may have finished an important project, and because Saturn was so supportive, it suggests this project will set you off in a fine direction, with more jobs like that coming your way.

Nothing is mutually exclusive – you can see a creative project wrap up that deserves champagne toasts to you AND have a great first date (or if attached, find out the stork is on the way).

If your birthday falls on July 1, plus or minus five days, you will enjoy the opening days of May the most. The same is true if you have Cancer rising or the Moon in Cancer 10 degrees. If you have a natal planet in Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio, you too will benefit.

That Full Moon will influence the first days of May, but you have more good news about love. Here is a dazzler of a day, Friday, May 25, when Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, and bewitching Neptune will be in perfect mathematical sync. You don’t need an exact hit between these two major planets to become caught in a magical dream of love – you will feel this glamorous aspect during the entire second half of May.

Here is another reason this rare aspect is so special. Jupiter is currently in your house of true love (fifth house) and Neptune is traveling in your sector of long distant travel (ninth house). This might suggest you are packing to go to Bora- Bora Paradise island, or to a highly romantic city like Paris, Rome, Istanbul, or other favorite city for a getaway for “just us two.” That would be a sterling idea. There is more.

At the very same time as the Full Moon, May 29, which may focus you on ending a large project or addressing a health matter, you have something else! A golden triangle will appear in the sky, linking Neptune in your foreign travel house, to Jupiter in your house of true love, and to Venus in Cancer! Dear Cancer, it does

not get any better than this! Wow! Every Cancer will notice this star-studded aspect, and if your birthday falls near July 4-9, you will get a double dip of pleasure, but I am splitting hairs! This vibration is for you!

Venus will tour Cancer for the first time this year from May 19 to June 13, a perfect time buy new clothes, shoes, and accessories. Women readers may want to buy new makeup colors, and members of both genders may want to choose a new light scent to splash or spray on.

See? This month is a vast improvement over what you experienced in April, and it is likely you are about to become positively giddy about positive developments, especially in love.

At the same time, Mars, the energy planet, will in mid-month enter Aquarius for an unusually long stay – six months, rather than the more typical six weeks – starting May 15, a day that, as you have seen, will be special on many levels. This is a New Moon in Taurus, giving you new opportunities to expand your social life, and Uranus’ move to Taurus, giving you a long-term view of the excitement and stimulation you will receive.

On this same day, Mars will light your eighth house of commissions, loans, credit, divorce agreements, child support, venture capital, and other money shared. While it is true that Mars will go retrograde from June 26 to August 27, causing you to tweak your strategy and possibly change your mind more than once about how to best to proceed, you will nevertheless make strides in your career, and your name will come to the attention of many influential people.

The Full Moon of May 29 in Sagittarius will bring financial talks to a close. If you are interviewing for a new position, you will find this New Moon helps you settle your compensation, including perks like health insurance, vacation days, working from home one day a week. and more. You will have Jupiter in Scorpio behind you all the way, so the sky is the limit for a successful negotiation.

Affirmation: My world is improving and I accept the love and change.

LEO: What’s happening for MAY? (July 23- August 22)

Once Uranus is in Taurus – which will happen this month on May 15 for the coming six months – you will see your social life take flight. Uranus will enter your eleventh house of friends, fun, new contacts and acquaintances, and events and get you out of the office much more often. You will enjoy this influence to the fullest. Your new friends and acquaintances will likely be younger than you and very much involved with the arts, high tech innovation, science or the humanities, and charities, and they will stimulate you to find ways to make your life more meaningful and more expressive of who you are inside.

The eleventh house, where you will host Uranus in Taurus, is naturally ruled by Uranus, so this planet is at home in your eleventh house, and this place will express its truest, best vibrations.

When Uranus moves to your eleventh house for the coming seven years, you will expand your circle of friends and start to meet highly creative, accomplished people who will stimulate you and encourage you to tackle bigger goals.

On the same day Uranus enters Taurus, there will be a New Moon in Taurus to underscore the burgeoning emphasis on fun and friendship. You might also decide to try a new social media venue or join a new club. If you are interested in helping a charity, the days that follow this New Moon would be ideal for investigating what you can do to pitch in.

If you’ve been considering the idea of joining a professional or country club, or one where singles gather, have a second look at the brochure – it might be a good idea. Mars (energy, action) and Pluto (power) will both be in elegant angle to this New Moon, giving it more power and punch. If you are interested in running for political office, you might start collecting signatures.

If your birthday falls on July 18, plus or minus four days, you will be especially affected by the New Moon of May 15. The same is true if you have Cancer rising at 26 degrees, or the moon in that sign and degree, plus or minus four degrees.

To be clear, however, you won’t feel Uranus in Taurus in 2018 unless you have a June Cancer birthday, born at the very start of the sign, on June 21-24 or so. If your birthday is not named, you will get your chance, for as Uranus orbits over the

coming years, he will come within perfect friendly contact with your birthday Sun.

There is one problem. Mars will enter Aquarius not for the usual seven weeks, but for six months. The reason Mars will be in Aquarius so long is that on June 26 through August 27, Mars will go retrograde. Mars is the planet that shows you how to compete effectively, so if you have a project you need to stand out and beat all the competition, do not launch it while Mars is retrograde from end of June to end of August.

There is a greater problem. Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus will clash terribly, and because Aquarius and Taurus are both fixed signs, untangling any sticky, unexpected problem you encounter will be hard to do, as each side will be wedded to their opinions. Mars will be in your house of other people’s money – loans, insurance payouts, inheritance, divorce and other court settlements, venture capital, student loans, taxes, and other expenses. Mars will be within 0 and 7 degrees all summer, locked into a clash with Uranus in your house of social activity. Mars and Uranus is a very explosive aspect.

Uranus is strongly linked to humanitarian causes, so increasingly as you enter this new chapter of your life, you will want to feel you are making a meaningful difference to society. This need to make the world a better place will tug at you. If you feel you are not in a profession that helps others and that your work is not appreciated, and most importantly, that uses your talents well, you may undergo a career switch.

You don’t have to work in the Peace Corps or lead a charity to be of value – there are many ways to accomplish that. Let’s take an unusual example: If you are a successful stockbroker who helps families build financial security, you should feel good about what you do. If you are a mother who works hard at a job so that you can send your child to college, you will realize eventually that you have done something noble, something bigger – you are giving your child a life of opportunity.

Mars and Uranus will clash repeatedly in coming months, and although this can be a difficult aspect, it also has a powerful upside. You may be entering a breathtakingly creative period where you attack goals and think differently from anyone else. Dear Leo, go ahead, break a few. You may develop something truly innovative that changes the world.

The reason I said that you would feel this trend in a more powerful way than other signs is that strong outer planets, like Uranus, act in a more powerful way – akin to wild horses – at the angles of a chart. The angles are the east, west, north, and south points of the horoscope that correspond with first house of vitality, appearance, and personality; the fourth house of home, property, and family; the seventh house of marriage and contractual partnerships; and the tenth house ruling career contribution and your ultimate contributions to the world.

These are the four key angles of a chart that set up the structure of your life. When a big planet goes into one of these areas, you notice, and change ensues. You now will have Uranus for a long time, and he will make his presence known.

More importantly, Uranus will be crossing the mid-heaven point of your solar chart, which is located at the very highest point. Imagine the 12 on the face of a clock – that’s where your mid-heaven is found. A big planet crossing the mid-heaven always is an indication of an important change due in your profession. If fame is important to you, you can become very famous in the coming seven years.

Uranus is individualistic, idiosyncratic, independent, disruptive, and surprising, and his main method of sending messages is to strike like lightning, without warning. Uranus rules all things innovative and newly invented – high tech and in the sciences – and also rules all things not fully understood, like black holes, warm holes, and, yes, astrology too. Uranus will sweep out anything that this planet deems of no further value and help you pave the way to your new life.

You have another aspect that gives me further insight to what is coming for you. Uranus will move into your tenth house of career on the New Moon May 15. Uranus is also the natural ruler of your solar seventh house of marriage and partnership. This suggests that when it comes to your new role in your career, you may be starting a business or venture with your spouse, or setting up a business with a friend or business partner that you will work with closely.

There is ample evidence that your spouse or partner will be key to your successful progress. If you do choose a partner, you would draw up a serious contract because the seventh house is basically a contractual house of binding promises. If you will be working with the person you love and are getting married soon, you would also sign a contract, as that is also part of the wedding ceremony (as is usual). Many Leos are in the entertainment field, so your partner may be a writing partner for a play, screenplay, or for lyrics to music. You would protect the copyright by filing legal document with your writing partner to clarify who owns the idea.

The position of the planets in May is underscoring and amplifying all these elements. On May 15, not only will Uranus move into Taurus, but the New Moon will also arrive in Taurus and within ten days after May 15, start to likely bring news of sparkling career opportunities. This is the most important New Moon in the year for professional success. There is more!

The very next day, May 16, Mars will enter Aquarius, and put your focus squarely on a partner. Usually Mars will stay in a sign for seven weeks, but in 2018, Mars will remain in Aquarius for six months. All this time, your partner will pay a dominant role in your life, and you seem happy to turn over the reins. This is not common for Leo, because Leo leads and does not follow, but these are special times. You may have second thoughts at times about playing a subordinate role, however, because as said, Mars will be in your opposite sign of Aquarius for six months. Leo is a sign that takes charge.

The reason Mars will remain in your partnership / marriage sector for six months in a rare stay, is that Mars will go retrograde

from June 26 to August 27. During that time, Mars will be weak, and you may change your mind about your plans, such as, you might want to change the date of the wedding you are planning, or have doubts about marrying this person altogether. Or, it may be you and your business partner, agent, publicist, and other professional may not see eye to eye (and your romantic partner and you are getting along fine). Give yourself a chance to think things through if you encounter obstacles with either partner in love or business because the environment in July and August will be unclear.

Not only will Mars be retrograde in late June, July, and August, but also Mars’ brother, Mercury, will also go retrograde from July 26 to August 18, so not a lot will be accomplished during those months. All you can do is discuss plans, review what has been accomplished so far in 2018, and perhaps find ways to develop better methods for the future. Wait until September to implement those ideas.

I want to be very clear: launch nothing important in late June, July, and August, and I will add early September here, too. Don’t schedule your charity benefit, launch a new product or service, don’t open the doors of a new business – you get the idea. Mars teaches you to compete beautifully and to grasp your ultimate goals, but when Mars naps, it is very hard to stand out and accomplish a success story.

Mars is the booster rocket to all your greatest launches and dreams. Like a real booster rocket, Mars lifts your ventures into the stratosphere, and once your venture has reached height and is in a steady orbit, the booster rocket falls away, salutes the

captain of the main venture, and says with gusto, bon voyage! My job is complete. Because Mars rarely retrogrades, you have come to take for granted having the force be with you, which is very hard. You might want to try to make up for Mars’ lack of powerful assistance, but you will find that road to be a difficult one to hoe.

I will take a moment here to talk about retrogrades, because some readers have asked me questions about them on Twitter. The only planets you will feel strongly when retrograde are one of the three planets that orbit very close to earth: Mars, Mercury, and Venus. (You may be saying to yourself, well, at least Venus will be in good shape. No, not really. Venus will go retrograde from October 5 to November 16 this year – not a good time to make changes to your appearance or to launch any products that are of special interest to women.) When the outer planets retrograde, you don’t feel them nearly as directly as the three little personal planets. I would not worry about those. The exception is if you are starting a business. In that case, it is better to have Jupiter moving in good, swift orbit.

The one thing that concerns me this month is that Mars, newly minted in Aquarius, and Uranus, newly minted in Taurus, will square off at precise 90 degree angles – a difficult aspect indicating an obstacle or setback. Due to Mars’ plan to move ahead, then backward, and then forward, retracing our steps, he will remain in early degrees of Aquarius through September.

The dates when Mars and Uranus will meet in exact aspect mathematically will be May 16, August 1, and September 12. These might be tough days for you. This temperamental, unpredictable aspect need not be exact to feel it. What we have

here is a low simmering pot of water during all these months. Pay special attention to May 16 to see what comes up – it may give you clues to how to best handle this on-off aspect that will be woven on and off through September.

Mars is the warrior and will clash with volatile Uranus ruling all things unexpected – you get the picture. This can bring on emotional outbursts with your partner or with foreign persons overseas, for Mars will be in your seventh house of partner or spouse. Oddly, your differences with your partner may be caused by your meteoric rise in your career status – jealousy may play a part if the spotlight is more on you than your partner. You will have to be ready for a degree of criticism from certain types in the media, but if you take it as feedback to take to make your relationship and performance better, you will fare well through this.

As I have demonstrated, Mars and Uranus will clash repeatedly in coming months, and although this can be a difficult aspect, it also has an upside. You may be entering a breathtakingly creative period where you attack goals and think differently from anyone else. So, dear Leo, go ahead, break a few. You may develop something truly innovative that will change the world.

You certainly won’t want to be told that the company has always traditionally done things a certain way – you are about to take the role of pathfinder into new territory. You will insist that you toss out the rulebook and start from scratch. Others will need a little time to catch up with you and your forward thinking, but

they will. As I wrote earlier, you can become very famous under this trend.

Affirmation: I am creative, lovable, honest and a humanitarian.

VIRGO: What’s happening for MAY? (August 23 - September 22)

Life is changing radically now in a dramatic, noticeable manner, and it is all for the better. The headline news is that Uranus is about to leave Aries and enter Taurus on May 15 .For the past seven years, Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected, disruptive, extreme, chaotic, futuristic, and innovative, is finally leaving your eighth house of other people’s money, ending the continual financial surprises you were subject to over the past seven years. The eighth house rules taxes, insurance payouts, legal court and divorce settlements, credit, mortgage, and bank loans. It also rules commissions, licensing fees, student loans, inheritance, and venture capital. One of these areas may have given you sleepless nights. As you will soon see, once you get to March 2019, Uranus won’t be back to your eighth house in your lifetime.

Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, so Uranus spends seven years in each house of the horoscope that he visits. During the past seven years, you may have received more money than you ever dreamed possible, but you may also have been hit with ridiculously high expenses, or if self-employed, huge taxes you

never saw coming. Uranus in this house can also bring identity theft, so you may have had your hands full with that. Uranus won’t move permanently into Taurus this month, but will simply give you a six-month preview in 2018 of what is to come. This is because Uranus will enter Taurus and your ninth house (more about that good news in a moment) on May 15 and stay only until November 7.

After November 7, Uranus will retrograde back to Aries, that thorny place for you, but only stay a few remaining months and go back to Taurus on March 6, 2019. At that March date, Uranus will stay permanently in Taurus until April 2026.

Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, so Uranus spends seven years in each house of the horoscope that he visits. During the past seven years, you may have received more money than you ever dreamed possible, but you may also have been hit with ridiculously high expenses, or if self-employed, huge taxes you never saw coming. Uranus in this house can also bring identity theft, so you may have had your hands full with that. Uranus won’t move permanently into Taurus this month, but will simply give you a six-month preview in 2018 of what is to come. This is because Uranus will enter Taurus and your ninth house (more about that good news in a moment) on May 15 and stay only until November 7.

After November 7, Uranus will retrograde back to Aries, that thorny place for you, but only stay a few remaining months and go back to Taurus on March 6, 2019. At that March date, Uranus will stay permanently in Taurus until April 2026.

In case this thought of Uranus retreating back to Aries from November 7, 2018 to March 6, 2019 makes you mad enough to stand on your desk and shout to the whole department, “I am doomed!” I say, wait!

The period between November and March has no new or Full Moons in your two financial houses, and that makes a HUGE difference. When you have a witch of a New Moon, the effect is that you have to work on the matter that came up a long time – six months or more. New and Full Moons are very powerful and were continually triggering shocking news from Uranus.

Let me prove this to you. Here is a list of your most challenging financial dates in your PAST timeline. They started with the Full Moon March 19, 2011, the New Moon of September 27, 2011, and continued a year later on the Full Moon of September 29, 2012.

More financial stress followed at the Full Moon April 25, 2013, and in the year that followed, the New Moon of March 30, 2014, for that one was no peach. You weren’t done yet, not by a long shot. The biggest monster Full Moon, also a Lunar Eclipse, arrived April 15, 2014, and was later followed by another money-oriented tension-producing Lunar Eclipse, October 8, 2014. I bet 2014 proved challenging to you unless you had help from a planet in your unique natal chart that I cannot see from here.

Tests of your ability to manage money under stressful conditions continued. April 4, 2015 brought by a difficult Lunar Eclipse. Later that year brought another unfortunate New Moon, October 12, 2015. Next, a New Moon (not an Eclipse) arrived April

7, 2016, and brought more tensions about money, and on October 16, 2016, Uranus was up to his old tricks and needled you again.

The most recent horror arrived last year on an angry Full Moon, April 11, 2017, and likely had to do with taxes. Your bout with financials was not over. October 18, 2017, a New Moon, was due to be so bad I worried about that approaching New Moon for months and wondered how I would explain it to you. It was every bit as awful as I had anticipated – for almost everyone.

You wouldn’t have noticed every one of these dates I listed, but some dates I listed more likely than not will resonate with you. The reason you would NOT have felt all the dates I listed has to do with mathematical degrees and those degrees of that particular aspect to trigger a planet, or your Natal Moon or Sun in your unique chart. You might want to look through your old emails to see what you were addressing at the time each of these Lunation’s occurred. I wanted to show you I understand how tough it has been for you.

Traveling to places that require your passport for entry will become more frequent spots for you to visit in years to come. You will soon see that there is a big, beautiful world out there, waiting for you to explore it.

Your financial stress was unrelenting. Not only did you have Uranus stirring the pot, challenging nearly every other planet, but you also had a slew of financial Eclipses. At the same time, during some of these years, Uranus and Pluto were having a very difficult

clash, which was not helping matters. Saturn, not to be outdone, often put his finger in the pie, too.

You will note that the months that you likely experienced untoward financial news was almost always in April and October or at the very end of March or end of September – in other words, many of the Aries and Libra aspects were troublesome for your finances.

All this is changing now – you officially are out of the woods. There will be no New or Full Moons of any kind in Aries or Libra in the November to March period when Mars retrogrades to Aries. All these difficult planets and Eclipses have since moved on. Now you are moving into a far better place financially. Once you got to March 2018, Uranus won’t be back to this part of your chart for 84 years, so you are done.

Looking back over those years, think about what you learned. I bet you become more skilled at handling financial matters. Uranus is there to teach you the value of flexibility and resourcefulness, so this planet forced you at times to think on your feet.

It may be hard to see this now, but the universe is always on your side and does not create tension without a plan to strengthen you. If you reached out to a financial advisor, successful broker, or banker, you may have received advice on how to never find yourself in similar situations. If you have any Pisces friends, show them this list – they suffered too at the same time you were, for Pisces and Virgo are on the same axis.

Now Uranus moves to Taurus and into your intellectual, adventurous ninth house of foreign people and places. Travel to places that require your passport for entry will become more frequent spots for you to visit in years to come. You will soon see that there is a big, beautiful world out there, waiting for you to explore it. If you are waiting on an immigration matter, I feel you will impress officials favorably.

There are also other possibilities and none are mutually exclusive. You may decide to go to graduate school, and get into your first pick of institution on your list. This month you may be going to graduating ceremonies – with honors. Or, you may study abroad, or research a grant in a foreign country. The professors you will study with at home or overseas will stimulate your mind deeply, for that is what Uranus in the ninth house does best. You will be encouraged to think big and broad, to do your own empirical research in addition to reading all data available, to verify your assumptions.

Virgo is usually talented in the communication arts, and many Virgos choose to work as a writer, editor, researcher, interpreter, computer engineer, or TV or radio host or producer. Virgos also succeed as travel agents, where attention to detail and good listening skills become paramount. When Uranus goes through this house, you may write your first book, or if you have written many books, a new book that becomes a blockbuster that puts your name on the map in literary circles.

I know you will love the coming influence of Uranus in Taurus, an earth sign, for Uranus will go magnificently with powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn (set to stay to 2024), teacher

Saturn in Capricorn (to stay until December 2020), and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in Scorpio. Much later, after Jupiter is finished touring his next sign Sagittarius, Jupiter will move to Capricorn in the year 2020. You are moving into an enviable position, dear Virgo. You have paid your dues and are coming into your own.

One of the big moments of the month will be May 15, the New Moon in your ninth house, ruling all the areas we have been discussing. That is, travel, international relationships, immigration matters, a focus on college or graduate school or defending your thesis, and on the media, as a subject of attention or as writer / producer are all moving to front and center – you can choose the one that is calling you.

The following day, Mars will leave Capricorn and energize your sixth house of work projects and caring for your health. This will be a big focus for the entire period Mars remains in Aquarius, from May 16 to November 15. That’s a long time to host Mars in one place in the chart, but it will happen because Mars will go retrograde from June 26 to August 27.

Mars is the great energizer – he is the gas you turn on when you have prepared all the ingredients for your homemade soup. However, without gas from the stove, the soup won’t start to simmer. This is problematic, and it means that no one, not you and not your boss or anyone else, should launch a new product or service in late June, July, or August. Do not open the doors of a new business either.

In case you were wondering, I am about to drop the other shoe. Venus will go retrograde October 5 to November 16, not a time to make any radical changes to your appearance. That means no Botox, facelift, radical change in hair, or cosmetic work on your teeth. Also, Venus rules products that are of special interest to women, so if you have a product in that category that you would like to launch, you must launch in September to avoid Venus retrograde, or wait until after December 6. (Mercury will retrograde November 16 to December 6.)

If you are pulling your hair out reading all this, I am, too! We are all in this together, dear Virgo. I promise there will be special days in between the maddening retrogrades, and as I go along in future months, I will always point all of them out to you. Nothing in life is all bad – there is always so much good, too.

As you see, nothing of consequence will be accomplished in July and August, so hold back on launching new ventures. Instead, it is time to review what you have finished, examine your assumptions and if necessary, make course corrections.

There will be a tricky aspect we all have to be aware of starting this month. Mars will be in hard 90-degree angle to Uranus on May 15 – watch that day, for it will set a theme you might feel echoed on August 1 and September 18, too. In this aspect, you don’t need an exact mathematical hit to feel these two planets – you may notice things a bit out of whack for several days before and after, too. The reason this is happening is Mars will stay stuck in very early degrees of Aquarius between May and early November, and all that time will be in hard angle to Uranus in early degrees of Taurus. These three days – May 15, August 1,

and September 18 – are not days to take a business trip, or a trip for any reason, but especially for work, as things are likely to go wrong suddenly.

Uranus rules all things unexpected, so co-workers will be fragile and out of sorts, Mars will provoke anger and cranky outbursts, and all in all, you may wish you had just stayed home. You will need to handle others with kid gloves to stay out of the line of fire. Again, see what comes up May 15 that you may find surprising – this theme in the same area of life will be repeated two more times, near August 1 and September 18.

Affirmation: Being kind is never wasted and neither is honesty.

LIBRA: What’s happening for MAY? (September 23 - October 22)

As you get to May, you seem to be consumed with finding ways to make money or to increase your net worth. The Full Moon of late last month, April 29, that appeared just days before the dawning of May, was in Scorpio 10 degrees and it was a peach. In early May if you have had financial talks, the deal will conclude, and it looks like that agreement could help increase your cash flow.

Saturn was in perfect angle to the Sun on this Full Moon April 29, and because Saturn is currently transiting your home sector

until 2020, you may be investigating the idea of buying or selling property. Some people love to fix up houses and resell them, and if that describes you, arrange a meeting with your banker with great haste, for that Full Moon of April 29 will only be influential in those first few days.

You have had an enormous amount of emphasis on home and family, for you have hosted Mars there since March 17, and Mars will remain until May 15. Saturn will remain in the same home sector until 2020, and Pluto will not exit your home sector until 2026. With three powerful planets in the same area of your life – home, family, and lifestyle – something seems to be bubbling up. Pluto rules the basement and foundation of a house, so you may be creating a sleek basement living area for guests or a family room. Saturn rules your home’s structure, so you may be doing a major fixer-upper on a house you bought, or you may be working with an architect by taking down or putting up walls to redo the layout of the house. You might alternatively be interested in renting a vacation home for a few weeks so your family can enjoy a change of scene. Your timing is right to think about these subjects now.

Bigger news about your holdings will come up at the New Moon May 15 in your eighth house of other people’s money. This is the same house I mentioned earlier that rules such things as mortgage, bank loans, inheritance, prize winnings, taxes, retirement accounts, insurance and similar type funds – one of these areas will consume your thinking. From now on, and continuing ten years, you will need to take a conservative course when it comes to handling money. I will explain why.

Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, is about to make a monumental move into Taurus and your solar eighth house of money for the first time in your life. Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, so Uranus spends seven years in each house it visits. This is the first time since 1934 to 1942 that Uranus has been in Taurus, so this influence will be new to you. (If you are older than 84, you probably were very young when you last had this influence of experiencing Uranus in Taurus, and being little, you didn’t have to be concerned about such things as venture capital and mortgages!)

Uranus rules all things that are innovative, futuristic and that happen in a sudden, even chaotic way out of the blue. This planet is a pathfinder to the future – it is known as the Great Awakener, for it strikes like lightning, sweeping away anything of no further value to your future, and then will help you rebuild something newer and more relevant to the life you are moving into.

Uranus has many adjectives – it works in an impulsive, spontaneous, and unexpected way. Uranus is also rebellious of outworn tradition, loves freedom and independence, and is futuristic and innovative. Uranus will also teach you to be sensitive to the needs of those overlooked by society and you might, if you work for a charity that can make a difference to that group.

As you enter the coming years, you will need to learn to manage the ups and downs that this planet will bring to your finances. Uranus is known to bring all kinds of new things into your life, so, for example, you might investigate the pros and cons of using a digital wallet, Bitcoin, and encrypted currencies, or join

in on the public discussions on these burgeoning methods of payment. Will society have problems with these new ways of payment? Oh sure, all new technology brings problems, but they get solved as they come up.

You are lucky in that the big outer planets like Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter are all touring signs friendly to Uranus. That kind of support did not happen to the Virgos and Pisces when they had this planet touring their financial houses over 2010-2018, until now – instead they were hit by difficult Eclipses, angry new and Full Moons, and a host of challenges they never saw coming. You will have a very different experience.

Watch what happens on May 16. That first aspect of Mars square Uranus will be like the canary in the coal mine and give you an early warning of what type of news is likely to come along the same theme on August 1 and September 18.

Here is why you should be optimistic. Uranus will be in Taurus, an earth sign. Pluto and Saturn will be in Capricorn, respectively until 2023 and 2020, and Capricorn is another earth sign. Perfect! Jupiter is currently in Scorpio, a water sign that blends beautifully with earth – it is a fruitful blend that will last until November 2018. Come December 2019 Jupiter will enter Capricorn, another perfect place for Jupiter to help you with Uranus. (In the intervening 13 months, Jupiter will be in Sagittarius, making no strong aspect.) I cannot see your unique

pattern of natal planets, so until you get used to this innovative planet, I suggest that you work to bring Uranus’ extremes inward toward the middle by taking a thoughtful, conservative approach to your financial decisions.

There is no doubt you are likely to see more money flow to you than you ever dreamed possible. That is an important point that bears repeating – you may see more money than you ever had or ever imagined you would have in your bank account, and when it comes it will land like a meteorite, suddenly, out of the blue. Also, however, at random times you will also see big expenses or high tax bills, so you will need to arm yourself with solid information before you make investments. Finding a wise financial advisor with an excellent track record would be a good first step – ask people you trust for a name.

I would like to make another point. During the past seven years, you hosted Uranus opposition your Libra Sun or, if Libra is your rising sign, in opposition to your ascendant. This is not an easy place to host Uranus. You may have suffered an illness during this time, or you may have had problems with getting along with a partner, who in recent years acted in uncharacteristic ways that surprised or even shocked you.

Still, Uranus can exert a very different vibe. You may have been with a very unusual partner, one highly creative, a person who thinks for him or herself, who won’t be told by society what to do. You may have been with a highly creative partner who bordered on genius. Uranus’ position in a chart will always show you where you are experiencing the surprise and stimulation in your life.

Mars will enter Aquarius on May 16 and remain there until November 7. This is an unusually long tour of Mars in one sign, for the more typical visit of Mars is seven weeks, not six months, as you will have. Aquarius is a sign very friendly to your Libra Sun – Libra is a fellow air sign like yours. Also Aquarius governs your fifth house of love, fun, romance, matters related to children, pregnancy, and creative endeavors – so in addition to money and home / family related matters, this is also the area you will be focused on for months.

There is a little problem, however, in that Mars will slow down to retrograde from June 25 to August 27. This means you may change your mind about a person you are dating or a plan you had with your steady lover or mate about having another child or about starting a pregnancy. If you said, no more children, you may say, yes, let’s have another – things like that happen when Mars retrogrades. If you are having artificial insemination treatments, avoid Mars retrograde – Mars rules the sperm. Either have your procedure now or in the first half of June or wait until September.

Another way Mars Retrograde may affect you instead is that a creative project may need some attention and more money to make it even better.

Mars is akin to the gasoline in a car – without the gas, the car won’t go. Mars also is the planet that helps you standout and compete so effectively, that you easily beat out the competition. For all these reasons you would better off launching your most important ventures when Mars is moving direct, not retrograde – keep your eye on September. As you see, July and August will be

a leisurely two months, perfect for a vacation but not for working on key business plans. You are used to having Mars’ support, and if you figure that you can fill in for Mars’ absence, you will find it a Herculean task.

Mars will remain in the very early degrees of Aquarius, but the problem is Uranus will remain in the very early degrees of Taurus too for months, and that produces a square of 90 degrees, considered an aspect of setbacks or obstacles. The dates when this volatile aspect, Mars square Uranus, will be exact is May 16, August 1, and September 18. The problem is, Mars and Uranus don’t have to be exact to bring on unexpected news, but simply be within eight degrees, so you see this aspect will form background music now and then in the coming months.

Watch what happens on May 16. That first aspect of Mars square Uranus will the canary in the coal mine and tell you what type of news is likely to come along with the same theme on August 1 and September 18. While nothing in life repeats exactly, you will be able to get a good idea of the theme that is now emerging. We are all in this together, dear Libra.

Affirmation: I have confidence in myself and my decisions.

SCORPIO: What’s happening for MAY? (October 23 - November 21)

This is a big month, and I bet you can feel the high-energy swirl around you as May begins. The Full Moon just appeared in

Scorpio 10 degrees on April 29, crystallizing a desire that is dear to your heart. That was a friendly New Moon that received excellent beams from stabilizing Saturn, so if you made an agreement, it looks like would be for the long term.

If your birthday falls on November 2, or within five days of that date, you would have felt that Full Moon in Scorpio very directly, and likely benefitted from it.

The biggest news this month involves the massive move of Uranus, the planet of change, to your marriage and partnership house on May 15. This is the first time since 1934 to 1942 that Uranus has been in Taurus and in your solar seventh house of marriage / committed relationships. Uranus will introduce an entirely new mood to your life that you’ve never experienced before.

Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, the reason why Uranus spends seven years in each of the 12 signs he visits. Also the other planets keep moving too, so that even if you live to 100 or more, you will still have a different planetary pattern for Uranus to relate to – so again, is all feels new to you. This is why this month brings such big news – Uranus brings once-in-a-lifetime experience. Exciting!

Uranus will move to Taurus this month on May 15, but rather than get settled immediately, Uranus will simply give you a preview of the years to come, for he will only remain in your seventh house of serious commitment until November 7. After that, Uranus will retrograde back to Aries and remain there until next year on March 6, 2019 when Uranus will return permanently

to Taurus and your contractual partnership/ marriage sector for seven years without interruption. Uranus will leave for Gemini in 2026.

Words used to describe Uranus include independent thinker, self-reliant, different, disruptive, non-traditional, quirky, questioning of society’s long-held assumptions, innovative (especially in sciences, medicine, math, and humanities), individualistic, iconoclastic, sensitive to social causes, determined, pioneer in new realms, and futuristic. Uranus always strikes suddenly, but the news it brings is never what you would imagine as a possibility. Uranus is all about the future. This describes your future partner in business or in love – the seventh house is basically a contractual house where you make a promise and commitment to each other.

I have always felt the place you find Uranus in a chart is where you feel excitement in life. For you, that stimulation will start to come from your marriage partner, or to a business partner, or both. If you are already married, you may see your partner surprise you in different ways. Uranus is the surprise planet that brings all kinds of unexpected developments. Uranus questions traditions, too. Anything this planet deems no longer of future value he sweeps away in the blink of an eye, but will also help you think of more relevant ways of dealing with the same matter.

I think you already know that you should never sign the marriage papers under the light of neon – like at the Elvis Chapel in Las Vegas. If you are fantasizing about eloping, think twice – your family wants to be there to cheer you on your big day. Your

mom may never get over missing that moment. Be careful about who you sign as a business partner, agent, manger, accountant, writing partner, or other professional that you would like to join forces with in your career life. Do your due diligence, check references, and perhaps suggest a try out period, where you work together a little before you sign papers. The last thing you need is a surprise from a business partner or spouse.

I want to direct your attention to May 15, which is not only the day that Uranus enters Taurus, but also the appearance of the New Moon in Taurus at 23 degrees. This New Moon will bring up all kinds of partnership developments. Mars, the action planet, will be in fine angle to that New Moon, so you may be ready to make a decision. Mars will be close to Pluto too (and both planets are your rulers), orbiting in your solar third contractual house, and sending strong positive beams to the New Moon.

If your birthday falls on November 16, plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of this partnering New Moon the most of any member of your sign. You may sign a business partner or collaborator, or you might get engaged or married soon.

Don’t sign anything right on that New Moon or close to it, because on the following day, May 16, Mars will be making a very sharp square at 90 degrees to Uranus, denoting sudden obstacles and setbacks. Mars can create an angry response from the person you are talking to, quite out of the blue too, so you will want to separate yourself from this aspect. If you sign on this day, you will be building that aspect into the term of your agreement – into its

DNA so to speak. I suggest May 22, May 25, or May 27 as better days.

Mars will be in Aquarius by May 16 and remain until November 15. This is unusual, for Mars typically stays in a sign six weeks, not six months. Mars in Aquarius will make you fairly obsessed with your home and family. You may want to move, renovate, or design your space. The reason Mars is remaining so long in your home and family sector is that Mars will go retrograde, June 26 to August 27.

Mars will have an on-and-off effect on your plans for home or family. You may want to buy a certain house, put in a bid only to be out-bid, and lose it. Or, you may be interested in renting an apartment or vacation cottage and change your mind at the last minute.

To make matters a little worse, Mars’ brother, Mercury, will also be retrograde from July 27 to August 18, and as you see, that will happen in the middle of Mars retrograde. Nothing of staggering importance will happen in July and August. You might as well plan a vacation.

This is not good news for any of us, for Mars is the gas you put in your car to make it go. When there is no gas, everything stalls. Mars rules your sign, Scorpio, so you will find this period to be unfavorable for launching any major endeavor, whether personal or professional. It will be hard to see progress. As said, Mars in Aquarius will light your house of home, so if you are looking for a new apartment, I feel you will do better after Mars goes direct in September through mid-November.

There is a glitch with Mars in that as Mars goes forward and back and then forward again, he will remain in very early degrees of Aquarius, a fixed sign. Meanwhile Uranus will be in Taurus, also a fixed sign, in very early degrees through most of 2018. This means Mars and Uranus will be in very hard angles to each other not only on May 16, but also August 1 and September 18. Fixed signs show a hard problem to break down. Everyone of every sign will feel this, and it’s a hot aspect that could create outbursts and violent behavior.

Watch May 16 to see which way the wind is blowing – Scorpios born early in the sign, in October, are likely to feel this square from Uranus and Mars. May 16 will give you a clue of what is to come on August 1 and September 18, and in some of the days in between too. By December 6, the planets will have calmed down completely, in time for a fun holiday.

If you are hoping to do in vitro fertilization, Mars rules the sperm, so you don’t want Mars anywhere near retrograde when you schedule the procedure.

Some astrologers feel that starting a new dating relationship during Mars retrograde isn’t ideal timing either. Ideally, if I were you, I would not marry with Mars retrograde either, as the physical side of your relationship is likely to be lacking during the term of your married life. (You can always go to City Hall and marry before you get to the bracket dates of Mars retrograde, June 26 to August 27, and never tell your family you did this – in the eyes of astrology you are married, as well as in of the state. Your friends and family need never know. May 25 or the weekend of May 26-27-28 would be dazzling days to do so.

This all means you need to make May work for you, for Mercury will NOT be retrograde yet, and neither will Mars.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius 8 degrees will end the month, and have you thinking about money. You may be finishing up paying bills, but you might also be hearing word back about a raise you had asked for several weeks ago. If you are self-employed, you might now get paid by a client who owes you the balance of a statement.

If you are negotiating a new deal and are anxious to reach accord, slow down. Neptune will be at hard angles to the Full Moon, so be sure you do your due diligence before you sign – there seems to be a piece of the puzzle left out that you will need to know about before you put your name on the dotted line. I recommend that you push the signing date to June 19.

Romantically, you have a five-star day coming up, May 25, when Jupiter in Scorpio will send shimmering beams to Neptune in Pisces, now in your fifth house of true love. (You will feel the glow the following day too, for these planets move very slowly. On May 26, the transiting moon will have moved into Scorpio – perfect for you!). Use these days for a first date, for getting engaged or wed, for having a party, or for planning a highly romantic dinner in a special occasion restaurant.

You may want to take a long trip in May or June (assuming you are not trying to move or renovate your home, due to Mars in Aquarius). Venus will be in Cancer from May 19 to June 13. The weekend, starting Friday, May 25 through Sunday, May 27, would be the ideal time to be away. If you live in America, that weekend

leads into Monday, May 28, Memorial Day weekend, a popular time for people to go out of town. Ideally, I’d like you to travel to a spot that requires a passport for entry, for Venus will be touring your long-distance travel house.

Neptune and Jupiter will be at 18 degrees, so if your birthday falls on November 10, plus or minus five days, you will have a double dip of pleasure.

Venus in Cancer will link to Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces to create, a golden triangle of happiness from May 28 to May 31. It is due to be a divine time for love – single or attached, plan something special, for this aspect is as rare as diamonds.

There’s more good news. Venus in Cancer will link to Jupiter in Scorpio and to Neptune in Pisces, creating a golden triangle of happiness from May 28 to May 31. It is due to be a divine time for love – single or attached, plan something special, for this aspect is as rare as diamonds. If you are single, be open to what the universe holds for you!

A Scorpio young woman recently asked me about her love life – could she meet someone soon? I told her what I am going to tell you. You have Jupiter in your sign this year, until November 7. (Jupiter first entered your sign on October 10, 2017 last year.) You are now in your Emerald Year, when you are the celestial favorite

of all the signs, so you have your very best chance of meeting the one who is right for you now. You must circulate! Your time is now!

Affirmation: I can find something to enjoy today and everyday.

SAGITTARIUS: What’s happening for MAY?

(November 22 - December 21)

Life is changing, but never more than in May, when surprise planet Uranus will make its move to Taurus for the first time since 1934 to 1942. Uranus takes 84 years to revolve around the Sun, so when you divide 84 years by 12 signs and 12 houses, you understand why Uranus spends seven years per sign and per house. This is headline news, and everyone will feel a shift in everyday life, but in different ways.

Uranus will not stay in Taurus in 2018 – he will give you a preview of what the coming years will be like while Uranus is in Taurus between May 15 and November 7. After that, Uranus will retreat backward into Aries, where Uranus has occupied since 2011 in your house of love and children. Then several months later, Uranus will again move forward to Taurus on March 6, 2019, to stay permanently in Taurus until 2026.

This means that Uranus will leave your solar fifth house of true love / children and creativity and enter your sixth house of work projects and health. Uranus is the planet that brings sudden

change, and also sometimes brings chaos and disruption, but tends to also bring innovation, fresh thinking, and creativity that borders on genius. Uranus is the futuristic planet, and people with strong Uranus placements are brave and secure, and they feel strongly about questioning society’s long-held assumptions, which sometimes, it turns out, have outlived their usefulness. It’s Uranus job to challenge the status quo, so you will learn to think critically and not simply accept things as they are. If you are told to do something because we have always done it this way, you might well do just the opposite. That’s Uranus speaking – Uranus usually stirs up a little rebellion that helps you break free and create new paths.

Uranus also has a strong link to humanitarian causes, often urging an involvement in a charity to raise awareness and funds to help those who suffer. Uranus is also linked to changes in the environment and you may feel moved to protect in some way. Some who have a strong Uranus will become political activists, run for office, or work on humanitarian assignments. Any of these possibilities may influence your work life in a strong or subtle way.

This individualistic planet, Uranus, is all about letting you be you. It is the planet that teaches the value of finding not what is similar about you to others, but what is different. In the coming years, you will have the best chance you may have ever had to find the uniqueness in you, and to celebrate those qualities. When it comes to your work projects, Uranus will urge you not to blend in, but to speak up, especially if your intuition says to use a

different approach to a project. (Uranus encourages instinct, and you will feel it speak to you.)

I have always felt that where you have Uranus in your chart is where you find your greatest stimulation in your life. I don’t know where you have Uranus in your natal chart (you would have to do your birth chart using your exact time of birth to find out), but I do know that since 2010, you hosted transiting Uranus in your fifth house of true love, so that’s where you gravitated to find excitement – in love and romance. You always found that thrill, but sometimes, maybe you found a little too much excitement, but other times, it seemed just right. You may have dated many different types, and at times friends may have wondered about your choice of person to date – some were not traditional at all. That is all changing now, and your love life will settle down.

In future years, it will be your work where that excitement will emanate.

In the sixth house, this futuristic planet will keep you hopping with all kinds of new projects coming to you out of the blue. Sometimes it will be feast or famine – Uranus rules alternating current, so the flow will not be even. This suggests to me that you might be starting your own business at some point in the coming seven years.

If you work in the insurance industry or government, you may be working on a form of health insurance (which is sure to come with Uranus in Taurus).

The sixth house rules work methods, and with Uranus in this house, you may rail against some of the old, tired methods your company has been using to generate business and come up with brilliant ideas to craft new, more effective methods. People in your organization or your clients may need time to catch up with your forward thinking, so give them a little time after a presentation – your vision will be on the far horizon, and your ideas may become quite exciting.

If you are a scientist, you may work in an idea lab or at MIT to develop new inventions for modern life.

Uranus is associated with science and new technology, so with Uranus moving into your work house, some of your new clients may be linked to the digital world, gaming, social media, or with Bitcoin and encrypted currencies. All that you do will likely be new and on the cutting edge of the future.

The sixth house also rules the preventative measures you use to stay healthy, so you may harness new technology to get well. If you have a health concern, Uranus in the sixth house will give you hope – a new breakthrough of medicine, technological equipment, or robots, as a few examples, may help you to greater comfort or even a cure.

On the same day Uranus enters Taurus, we will also have a New Moon in Taurus, 25 degrees. This will set in motion all the

new types of work I see coming in for you. Some of the themes have listed above may surface and become a focus for you.

Mars will enter Aquarius on May 16, the day after the New Moon. You have had monster expenses, but those will calm down instantly once Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius – news I am sure you will be relieved to hear. Mars will remain in Aquarius for six months, until November 16, a very long period, considering Mars’ more usual stay is only seven weeks. The reason Mars will stay so long is that Mars will start to retrograde next month from June 26 to August 27. This is not good news, for Mars is the energy planet, and when napping, he causes almost everything to stall. The coming months, particularly July through August, will be slow, and you will find it hard to get things moving. At least Mars will be in Aquarius, a sign that blends well with yours. Any frustrations you feel in July and August will start to become ironed out in September, October, and the first half of November.

There is something else going on. Mars will remain in very early degrees of Aquarius and at the same time, Uranus moves so slowly that Uranus will remain in early degrees of Taurus. This forms a 90-degree square, an aspect associated with obstacles, setbacks, and challenges. However, occasionally, Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, has the opposite effect, forging great creativity and thinking that is so outside the box and off the grid that Uranus turns out to coax brilliant solutions from you.

There will be three times Mars and Uranus will meet in sharp mathematical degree: May 16, August 1, and September 18. Watch the first date, May 16, for I feel it will be the harbinger of things to come. It’s rare to see the same aspect repeated three

times in very similar mathematical degrees and the same sign for both planets, so the theme should be fairly consistent and easy for you to see what’s up.

With Mars in Aquarius, in your third house of contracts, in harsh angle to Uranus in Taurus from mid-May through most of September, if you are trying to forge a deal with a client, you may run into difficulties finding accord. Keep in mind Uranus is in your sixth house of assignments and new business. Both Aquarius and Taurus are fixed signs that stick to their opinions, meaning the obstacles and setbacks you might face near the three dates I listed (May 16, August 1, and September 18) won’t be a snap to break down.

Everyone of every zodiac sign will be in the same boat – every sign will feel these volatile aspects of Uranus clashing with Mars. You may get a warped, slanted view of Uranus in Taurus, because its debut has this hard aspect, which is not usual or typical at all.

Mars is the aggressive planet that can cause strife when pushed to the extreme, so no matter what comes up on May 15, although it will point to a continuing discussion on a touchy topic (or coping with a difficult client who you need) on August 1 and September 18 too, life won’t keep going like this any farther than September. Certainly you will not feel anything quite like you will in May during though the entire seven years Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026.

You have reason to be optimistic. Pluto will stay in Capricorn, a fellow compatible earth sign like Taurus, for years. Neptune is

currently in Pisces, another sign that blends perfectly with Taurus, and Neptune isn’t going anywhere anytime soon – Neptune will stay many years more in Pisces. Saturn will be in Capricorn, again in perfect angle to Uranus until the end of 2020. You will have these three powerhouse planets in fine angle to Uranus, and that is impressive help.

This month has some beautiful aspects at month’s end. Jupiter, the good fortune planet, and your ruler, will be in perfect alignment with Neptune, planet of imagination, creativity, and artistic expression. Neptune is in your home and family sector (fourth house), so you seem to be getting extraordinary help from family. Alternatively, if that does not fit, if you are working on the design aspects of your home, you could not wish for better inspiration than this gorgeous, scintillating conversation between Neptune and Jupiter.

Moreover, at month’s end, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will send a golden beam to imaginative Neptune, and both will send beams to Venus in Cancer in your house of other people’s money. This is a magnificent triangle of stars that will appear in the night sky at month’s end, lasting for days. If you are in need of a home improvement loan or a mortgage, or need your parents to loan or give you funds for a home-related plan, it looks like the money will be there for you if you ask.

Affirmation: The sun shines even

on the cloudiest day.

CAPRICORN: What’s happening for MAY? (December 22 - January 19)

Many Capricorns have been consumed with home, property, and family matters over the past years. Some Capricorns were uprooted and needed to move house more than once. There were a host of challenges involving your living space – you may have struggled meeting a monthly mortgage, or saw your house ravaged by a natural disaster with insurance refusing to cover all. Other Capricorns had to move to take advantage of professional opportunities, and did so willingly, but it was not always easy to do because the choice to move likely came up suddenly.

The cause of this home-related turnover you may have experienced was Uranus, the planet of change, which had set up shop in your fourth house of home in 2010 and has been there ever since. If you didn’t move, you had other surprises related to your home living space, or in regard to the care you were giving an elderly parent or relative. Throughout all this, you have become quite adaptable at packing up in a flash. Clearly Uranus taught you flexibility. If your birthday falls in the third week of January, you have been feeling Uranus in your home sector very strongly lately, for Uranus has been reaching the very end of its tour in Aries. Uranus is now about to make a monumental departure from your home sector this month, and I will explain more about how your life will change for the better in a moment.

On top of all this, Saturn went into Capricorn last December for a three-year stay, and is not due to leave until December 2020. As tough love Saturn moves through all the degrees of the sign, the first to feel Saturn’s pressure were, and still are, those Capricorns whose birthdays fall in December.

As Saturn continues to orbit in deep space through the constellation of Capricorn, it will later move to the early-January born Capricorns, but then the December-born Capricorns will feel some relief. That’s how all planets work – you feel its presence most when the degrees are beamed directly to your Sun or other heavenly body in your chart. So while you probably didn’t feel Uranus in your home sector the entire time, you did for part of the time, and the effects may have been quite extreme because changes were sudden.

Now Uranus moves to fellow earth sign Taurus to your house of romance, love, children, and creativity. This is wonderful news, for finally instead of a challenging placement of Uranus, this planet of change in Taurus will be in an exhilarating place to be in your chart, and that will certainly give sparkle to your love life. If you are single, you may now meet the one for you in a very unusual way, out of the blue, when you aren’t expecting a fateful meeting. If you are married or in an established relationship, this exciting vibration from Uranus will bring new energy to your relationship. If you want children, there will be the possibility of a surprise pregnancy surfacing sometime within the coming seven years. If you have older children, one may surprise you in a pleasant way, and that child is likely to be your firstborn.

The house that Uranus is entering, your fifth house, also rules your creativity, which is to blossom enormously over the coming seven years. Uranus is the planet of originality and innovation, so you will be capable of achieving impressive work – you need to bring it out from within you. If you feel you need special training in your craft, get it – you will be glad you did. Under the coming trend, a beloved hobby could flower into a full time profession.

This is the first time since 1934 to 1942 that Uranus has entered Taurus, so the effect would be new to everyone, of every sign, and each sign will feel this shift differently. In 2018, Uranus will only be in Taurus for six months, from May 15 to November 15, at which time Uranus will retreat back to Aries. Yes, Uranus will be back to your home and family sector, but by March 6, 2019, Uranus will move permanently into your fifth house of love / creativity / children for seven years, until 2026.

Were you wondering, will Uranus stay in my romantic sector for seven years? Yes, and here is why: Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, and so divides his time evenly among the 12 signs and 12 houses, with seven years per sign. When Uranus moves back to your home and family sector for three-and-a-half months in mid-November of this year, the only Capricorns that are likely to feel the presence of Uranus are those born on or within a day or two of January 19.

Still, if that is your birthday, you may not feel any changes at home, because those may have already taken place. You will have no new or Full Moons in your home sector, and Mars is not due to enter that part of your chart, so I think every Capricorn is

done with focusing on home and family so much. Uranus is on his way out and things are getting better by the minute.

Let’s look at some of the words used to describe Uranus – exciting, innovative, quirky, different, individual, independent, iconoclastic, idiosyncratic, self-reliant, disruptive, freedom loving, and skeptical of tradition. Uranus is also linked to humanistic and charitable work, often to defend groups of people who suffer and that have been overlooked or marginalized by society. This list of adjectives may describe the type of person you are drawn to now that Uranus is moving into your love sector.

Uranus moves to Taurus to your fifth house of romance, love, children, and creativity. This is wonderful news, for this planet of sudden, exciting change will be in an exhilarating place to be in your chart, and will certainly give sparkle to your emotional life over the coming seven years.

Here is an interesting fact. In deep space, Uranus is individualistic too – he doesn’t spin like the other little planets upright. Uranus does his own thing, and actually spins on his belly unlike any other planet.

In the coming years – and possibly immediately – under Uranus in Taurus, you will widen the type of persons you would be interested in dating. Some of the people you meet and choose to date might surprise friends – not usually your type – but Uranus

has an experimental quality that it will impart to you. You may meet someone with a background very different from yours, and that person may come from a country overseas or have a religion different from yours. A first meeting might be odd or different in some way. Uranus in the faith house might suggest you will date someone a bit younger than you.

On May 15, you will have a New Moon that will light up your fifth house of love, romance, fun, pregnancy, children, and creativity. That is the same day Uranus will enter this part of your chart, so you might begin to see news of love, romance, fun, pregnancy, children, and creativity. That is the same day Uranus will enter this part of your chart, so you might begin to see news immediately. If you are single, you have opportunities to meet someone in weird ways, like I did, so keep looking your best.

If you are hoping for a baby, you might suddenly get pregnant, when you least expect that to happen. Or, if you have had problems, Uranus is tied to new developments and high tech in science and biomedicine, so you may try and be successful with in vitro fertilization. If you filed for an adoption, you may suddenly get a call that your baby has arrived, so come take your little bundle of joy home! Foster parents may get a similar call.

I cannot see all in your natal chart, so if you have a powerful planet at odds with Uranus, there could be less than perfect results. For that you would need to see an astrologer and have her or him draw up a chart and see what the newly arrived Uranus in Taurus will do, and how it will fit into the puzzle of your entire chart. I CAN see, however, that Uranus in Taurus will be

beautifully oriented to your Capricorn Sun, and if you were born in December 21-25, you are feeling that energy now.

Also that New Moon of May 15 will be at 25 degrees, so that New Moon will reach out to Capricorn birthdays that fall January 14, plus or minus five days. This means you, too, have an excellent chance of seeing your love life start to dazzle, so stay optimistic! The same is true if you have Capricorn rising, or a Capricorn Natal Moon at 25 degrees, or another Natal planet in Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus at 25 degrees too, in all cases, plus or minus five degrees.

You had a very social Full Moon on April 29, just hours before the dawning of May. That was a positive Full Moon in Scorpio, so perhaps over the weekend of April 28-29 you went to a party or wedding that turned out to be lots of fun and may have had a touch of glamour about it.

Saturn was in fine angle to the Sun and Full Moon, and because Saturn is your ruler, it had extra prominence in your life. You may have made a new friend or contact – possibly someone older than you – that can give you wise advice or tips that you can use in your personal or professional life. Neptune was also highly supportive, so you may have been inspired by some of the people you met. It’s also possible that to go to the social event you likely attended, you went to a pretty place that was situated near water. If nothing special happened over the weekend of April 28-29, you may still have a wonderful event on your agenda in the first days of May.

In the first part of May, Mars, the energy planet, will still be visiting Capricorn until May 15. This is an enormous advantage that first started March 17, so if there is still someone high level that you need to see, make that appointment with great haste.

Unfortunately, a part of the time Mars was in Capricorn was limited by Mercury Retrograde from March 22 to April 15, but that frustrating period is over, and Mercury is no longer sluggish and tired, but in good shape. This is another reason to use Mars in Capricorn to your advantage from May 1 to 15.

When you have Mars in Capricorn, as you do now, you have energy and drive, your passion for an idea or endeavor could light nations to your cause. It would be hard for anyone – even in your personal life – to say no to you. You will lose this advantage May 16, so by all means get busy.

Mars will move into Aquarius on May 16, and rather than stay the typical amount of time, seven weeks, Mars will remain in Aquarius for six months, until November 15. The reason Mars is staying in Aquarius so long is that Mars will retrograde from June 26 to August 27. All living things need rest, including planets like Mars, but this is NOT great news. Mars Is the planet of energy and action, and when he is out of phase, your endeavors slow down, hit snags, and sometimes have to be partly redone.

The months of late June through late August would be no time to launch anything vital or to make a decisive action. In fact, you might want to take a vacation during some of that time, for nothing of consequence will be achieved. There is another reason I say that – Mars’ brother Mercury will again go retrograde during

the middle of the Mars slowdown, from July 26 to August 18. July and August will be very tough months to see any kind of progress on any score, and everyone, of every sign will feel this slowdown.

Mars is the natural ruler of your solar fourth house of home and family, so you might run into all kinds of delays if you hope to buy a house or condo. Try to move things along and do it this month, or in early June, at the latest, or wait until September. Put off naming contractor in those months, but if you are ready, you can do so now. If you were deciding on a nursing home for a parent or other relative, if you can keep your relative home through the summer with an aide, that would be the ideal decision. For some readers, it’s impossible to wait until September, so do what you have to do. You can make successful decisions now in May, or early June.

Mars in Aquarius will be tearing through your personal income / saving sector, and it seems you are entering an expensive period that will last through mid-November. I am not sure why this will happen, but it will be home related. Maybe you know you are about to buy a condo or rent a summer cottage, or make repairs on your current home.

If you have a roommate, protect yourself with a contract, so that your roommate can’t move out one night without notice and leave you having to shoulder the entire rent by yourself. I am trying to protect you because of these unexpected financial aspects that could come up.

Your fifth house also rules your creative expressions, so a product or artistic expression you are working on may need an infusion of money to make it better.

Mars will be in hard angle to Uranus on May 15, but you could feel this aspect for days before or after this date. Mars is in your money house, and Uranus is in your love / and children sector, so you might be spending on seeing a doctor during pregnancy and buying things in advance for the baby, or spending more on a special (expensive) medical procedure like IVF. Alternatively, many female readers in their early 30’s are freezing their eggs to give themselves more time to have children if they have not yet meet the one the person want to marry.

If you have children, you may be hiring a special tutor for that child, or sending him to camp or to a private school soon. Even if your children are grown, they may still need a loan or outright infusion of cash, and you will want to help your son or daughter. There will be a direct link between money and your fifth house, so you may already know the plans you have to care for your offspring.

Mars will remain in early degrees of Aquarius while it goes direct, retrograde, and direct again. At the same time, Uranus will remain in very early degrees of Taurus. This means Mars will square Uranus at 90 degrees, a hot-button aspect, which often denotes obstacles and setbacks, sometimes triggering anger or frustration. Both signs, Aquarius and Taurus, are fixed signs, making any dilemma that comes up longer to fix, because both sides are wedded to their opinions. Mars will be at the same aspect (90 degree square in early degrees of Taurus and

Aquarius) on August 1 and September 18, so those dates will echo what you hear May 16.

Actually, you don’t need an exact aspect hit, so you will need to be mindful of cash flow for weeks, well before and after May 15, August 1, and September 18. Watch what happens on May 15, for the theme that comes up this month will be echoed all the way to September 18. I say that because the degrees are not changing much at all, and the signs of Uranus and Mars are staying the same.

The month ends on a sweet note. Jupiter and Neptune will be in rare alignment May 25. This is an aspect so rare it takes years for these two planets to come together like this. They will again on August 19 this year, but then after that, they will spin their separate ways, not to create anything like this until July 2026. This is a supremely romantic aspect, so by all means, find a way to use it. Single or attached, this water sign glittering triangle in the sky is for you.

It seems you will be invited to see friends, possibly a short distance away, to a beautiful place near water, near May 25-29. Venus will also be in ideal position at month’s end and create a golden triangle – a grand trine of amazing grace and beauty in the night sky – suggesting if you have a partner, you will be close and have a very happy month’s end.

Affirmation: I am open to new ideas and relationships.

AQUARIUS: What’s happening for MAY? (January 20 - February 19)

This is to be your year of enormous career gains. Six months ago, on October 10, 2017, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, moved into your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, to stay until November 7, 2018. Jupiter has not visited this house for twelve years, so this is indeed good news. This year is the one to make your mark, dear Aquarius, and in May, all the planets are moving into perfect positions to help you do just that.

You may have had an important meeting with a VIP about a top job at the end of April, for the Full Moon in Scorpio, April 29, was crystalizing a career situation in quite a wondrous way. You may have had a final interview or even an offer at that time – you had everything going for you, and that vibration will continue to be strong until Friday, May 4.

Neptune was sending that Full Moon an ideal 120-degree trine – the most harmonious aspect you can get – so I believe you liked, or will like, the salary offer. If you had a good meeting, as I think you did, you will hear very soon, as that was a Full Moon. People don’t waste time at a Full Moon – the VIP will be quite decisive, and you will know one way or another if you got the job.

Neptune’s presence at this critical April 29 Full Moon suggests the work you do would be creative or allow you to offer creative input. You may be trying for a visual type job – auditioning for a film, managing a TV show, aiming to be photo editor for a magazine, or to be architect in a fine firm. You get the

idea – the company you are talking to seems to be a visual or artistic business.

Meanwhile with three planets in your behind-the-scenes sector as the month opens, including Pluto, Saturn, and Mars, the job you want may be strategic in nature, where, like the General in the Army, you will direct where the troops will go next, all being done from the General’s hidden position in his tent.

Alternatively, if you say your job is not strategic, it could be that you have some serious competition for this job, with other candidates who will stop at nothing to get it. I would like you to reread my previous month’s forecast for you that I wrote – April – where I discussed that topic of competition in detail.

Also last month, I discussed the possibility of needing to check references you give to prospective employers to be sure all the people you name will support you one-hundred percent. You can find the previous month’s forecast on the bottom of every page of this report in the blue box that says Previous Month’s Forecast.

Now we get to the big headline news. Your ruling planet, Uranus, is changing signs from Aries to Taurus on May 15. Uranus is a big outer planet that takes 84 years to circle the Sun. Because there are 12 signs, Uranus will always spend seven years in each sign he visits. It’s not been since 1934 to 1942 that Uranus has spent any time in Taurus, so the effect of Uranus in Taurus will be brand new to you.

Uranus is the planet of change, surprise, innovation, creativity, idiosyncratic behavior, and rebellion. Uranus always

strikes suddenly, like lightning, without warning. Uranus is skeptical of tradition and is always searching for new ways of doing things. No matter what you suppose Uranus will do, he always does something else. Uranus is freedom loving and won’t be contained – and neither will you – and he is modern, futuristic, independent, confident, unique, and very different from the other signs. Uranus is your ruling planet, so he makes you just like him. Aquarians always deal especially well with messages from this unpredictable planet.

This year, Uranus will spend six months in Taurus and your house of home and family to give you a preview of what is to come from 2019 to 2026. Uranus will enter Taurus on May 15 and retreat back to Aries on November 15. Just a little over three months later, on March 6, 2019, Uranus will finally settle into Taurus permanently, without interruption, until April 2026.

When Uranus was in Aries, 2010 to now, you were feeling entrepreneurial and experimental. The zodiac is built with yin and yang, with each sign opposite in description of the sign that came before. This means in Taurus, Uranus will coax you to consolidate your gains. You may not be quite as risk taking as you were when Uranus was in Aries, and instead, you will be more practical and cautious of big moves you make. That would be precisely right, the way it should be for the coming seven years.

Uranus in Taurus will take up shop in your fourth house of home and family. I feel you will move house, perhaps more than once during the coming years. When you decide it is time to go, your decision will happen suddenly. It may be that you will want to relocate to take advantage of a new job offer. At the same

time, your partnership house is lit up, too, so it may be that your spouse gets a new job, and you have to move for that reason. Your seventh house of partnerships is busy but perhaps this could be for another reason – you are working with a headhunter or collaborating with another person, such as a writing partner on your screenplay or a business partner in a retail store you both will open together.

There are many reasons for moving house, but if you were to move, to renovate, do extensive repairs, or to decorate, it would happen almost out of the blue and very likely soon.

On May 25, Jupiter will make an exact alignment with Neptune, linking your houses of fame and achievement to being paid a generous compensation. This is a rare aspect, to happen again August 19 and then not again until July 2026.  Use the end of May to further your career!

Uranus will color the New Moon and open a door to weeks of a new trend, especially during the critical first two weeks after May 15. That New Moon will be in ideal angle to Mars and Pluto, so you will be eager to see progress and make final decisions. Mars rules action, and Pluto focuses on the underpinnings of things, so you may be redoing your basement, tearing down walls, or putting up new walls. Your timing is ideal, for you only get one New Moon a year to open a portal of home, property, and family-related opportunity, and this one is it – May 15.

Something else is happening at this time of the month, for one day after the New Moon, May 16, Mars will move to Aquarius. You have been in behind-the-scenes mode since Mars entered Capricorn on March 17, but now you will come out and into the spotlight. If you have been working on a confidential launch, or something else you did not want to talk about, such as interviewing for a new job, there will be no more need for secrets. You will be ready to assume a high profile by mid-May.

Mars’ move to Aquarius will be a big advantage for you, for it will put you in the lead, favored over all the other signs. You will have no trouble getting noticed, and Mars will bring out your charms, which is helpful in all phases of life, personal and professional, for your magnetism will be high. Your optimism, confidence, and drive will surface full force, and you will courageously go after the prize you want to capture, whatever that might be. No one had better dare say no to you – you won’t take no for an answer.

On May 16, however, Mars will be in early degrees of Aquarius in hard angle to Uranus on your home and family sector. You may change your mind about a home living plan, or suddenly hear news that directs your attention to your family, landlord, or mortgage broker, or your engineer may find fault with the physical condition of the space you hope to move into, and it’s nothing you would have expected to hear.

Here is the problem – Mars will retrograde in Aquarius from June 26 to August 27, and that will make your progress on any front slow or non-existent, especially in regard to a property or family matter. Mars is the gas you turn on the stove to cook your

soup, and without any gas or electricity, your carefully cut vegetables and spices in water can’t begin to simmer. Nothing happens.

Mars will be in your first house of personality and desires, so you may feel thwarted during late June, July, and August. Still, it really is fortunate that Mars is in your sign – it will be for six months, much longer than usual (typical is seven weeks), for it is always a privilege to be Mars’ favorite. Yes, Mars will be weak mid-year, but when he returns to strength in October and November, you will be his first sign for Mars to send plenty of help.

It is true that Mars will retrograde back to Capricorn from August 13 to September 10, but all the while, still is within out-of-sign square to Uranus, denoting obstacles regarding home and family matters.

I am sorry to say this keeps up for months. Your solar fourth house of home life is ruled by Venus, and at the Full Moon May 29. Venus will oppose Saturn, suggesting you will have to take a realistic, practical approach to what is essentially an emotional situation. I am not sure if the matter involves a family member such as a parent, or that you will be dealing with a living space dilemma due to a psycho-landlord or tyrannical contractor. Something will be up.

Mars will remain in early degrees of Aquarius all through September, and Uranus will remain in early degrees of Taurus. These two signs clash with one another, for both are fixed signs. If you encounter a tricky problem, it won’t be easy to resolve

because both sides will stick to their positions and not move an inch. Here is what you need to know: the difficult square between Mars and Uranus that will come up May 15 will be echoed in precisely the same degree on August 1 and September 18.

You won’t need an exact “hit” mathematically to feel this particular aspect – Mars square Uranus has an aura of influence of about 10 days before and 6 days after.

You can never guess what Uranus will bring up – it’s always something you are not looking at as a possibility. However, because of this unusual situation (that the aspect will repeat in near-identical degree and the same houses), you must watch what comes up on May 16, the first of the three clashes, for you will get a hint of what is to come August 1 and September 18.

Keep in mind that this Full Moon of May 29 falls on a Tuesday, but you will feel it over May 26-27 weekend, and on Monday, May 28, too. In the US, May 28 is Memorial Day weekend, a popular time to go on a short trip. This Full Moon is such a peach that it will spread joy from that weekend all the way to June 3. You’ve had tension in your life in past months, so use this Full Moon to completely unwind and relax.

If your birthday falls on or within five days of January 28, you will notice the joyous, friendly effects of this Full Moon. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising 8 degrees, or the natal moon in Aquarius, plus or minus five degrees. Also if you have a natal planet in Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius at 8 degrees, or plus or minus five degrees, you too will enjoy a double dip of luck. Make no mistake, all Aquarians will love this Full Moon

– it seems tailor made, just for you, with the aim to make you smile.

One last note to single Aquarius: Venus in Gemini will be a boost to your social life too, and it will happen immediately. Venus first went into Gemini on April 24 and will continue until May 19. Buy yourself some new clothes, dear Aquarius, and step out. The little cherubs are circling around you, ready with their little bows and arrows to help you find the one person who is right for you and only you. It’s a rare and busy, productive month where wishes can come true.

Affirmation: I will aim for equality in relationships.

PISCES: What’s happening for MAY? (February 19 - March 20)

You will have so much to cheer about this month that I can’t wait to tell you your forecast. So many of the difficulties you’ve faced for months, and even years, are about to fade as a new reality takes hold in May. Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, is moving out of Aries and your second house of money, and that has been a difficult place for you to deal with since 2010. Surprises with money (often coming out of left field) are not anyone’s idea of a good surprise, and you had many of those, one right after the other.

Virgo is the other sign that dealt with this kind of situation for the same length of time, because Virgo and Pisces are six

months apart on the horoscope wheel and on the same axis. You had Uranus in your second house of earned income. Virgo hosted Uranus in the eighth house of other people’s money (including loans, inheritance, commissions and bonuses, credit, and even identity theft.)

When a big planet is in one of these two houses, it often pings vibrations across the sky into the other, opposite house. While it is true that you probably made more money than you ever thought possible since 2010, you also were likely to have been hit with bigger monster expenses and taxes that you never imagined could be so large.

In a moment I will show you the full and New Moons and a slew of Eclipse dates that might resonate with you on your timeline. (Not ALL of the dates I will show you will have been important to you, but some will, and you will see how the cycle worked.)

First, however, I need to show you WHY you should be happy from now on. For the first time since 1934 to 1942, Uranus, the planet associated with rapid, unexpected change, chaos, disruption, and surprise news, is moving into Taurus, a sign that blends beautifully with Pisces (and with your Virgo friends, too). This year, 2018, Uranus will spend six months in Taurus to give you a preview of what the coming seven years will be like. You may be saying, seven years? Yes, Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, and spends seven years in each of the 12 signs and houses it visits. (12 x 7 equals 84).

Uranus will enter Taurus on May 15 and leave on November 15, at which time Uranus will retrograde back to Aries, the place it’s been since 2010. Now you must be saying to yourself, I knew it! Uranus is coming back to Aries to torture me again, oh great, I am doomed. Nothing will ever change. The universe hates me! Dear Pisces, don’t think that because that is not true at all!

Uranus will finally get back to Taurus on March 6, 2019, and stay there until 2026. Here is the critical part to remember. You had the most problem with the Aries and Libra new and Full Moons and Eclipses, for those light your financial houses. They don’t exist from November through early March – you are done with all this! Remember April 15 that occurred last month – the New Moon in Aries was your last bout with Uranus, for it was conjunct the Sun and moon. It is true that a New Moon marks beginnings, and has a long tail; a New Moon I will admit can affect you for six months into the future. That only brings you to October, and by then, the new and Full Moons can’t hurt you because Uranus will still be in Taurus. You are DONE!

The universe can bring harsh lessons to us until we learn what it is trying to teach us. You may have had identity theft, or you may have wrestled with student loans, credit card debt, high taxes due, or a mortgage that was crushing you. Some lost their home in a natural disaster, only to discover their insurance company didn’t cover what was expected. You may have had financial loss due to an unscrupulous partner, an investment that went south, a client who owed you but went bankrupt, or you may have been too trusting of someone who let you down financially. The point is, you learned from all of this, and now your tutoring

session is over. You can now build in ways to be sure none of this ever happens again.

Uranus in Taurus will help you find all that is different in you, coax you to communicate your special perspective, and celebrate your uniqueness. You will be given a podium with a microphone to speak, or a pen to write, and you will be heard, and more importantly, applauded for your efforts.

More financial stress followed at the Full Moon April 25, 2013, and in the year that followed, the New Moon of March 30, 2014, for that one was no peach. You weren’t done yet, not by a long shot. The biggest monster Full Moon, also a Lunar Eclipse, arrived April 15, 2014, and was later followed by another money-oriented tension-producing Lunar Eclipse, October 8, 2014. I bet 2014 proved challenging to you unless you had help from a planet in your unique natal chart that I cannot see from here.

Tests of your ability to manage money under stressful conditions continued. April 4, 2015, brought a difficult Lunar Eclipse. Later that year brought another unfortunate New Moon, October 12, 2015. Next, a New Moon (not an Eclipse) arrived April 7, 2016, and brought more tensions about money, and on October 16, 2016, Uranus was up to his old tricks and needled you again.

The most recent horror arrived last year on an angry Full Moon, April 11, 2017, and likely had to do with taxes. Your bout

with financials was not over. October 18, 2017, a New Moon, was due to be so bad I worried about that approaching New Moon for months and wondered how I would explain it to you. It was every bit as awful as I had anticipated – for almost everyone.

Now you may be thinking, wait a minute – where is Uranus heading next? Will it be to another terrible place in my chart? No, dear Pisces, it’s going to your house of your mind and ideas, of writing, speaking, and communication, the very best place to host a futuristic planet like Uranus. Uranus is heading to your house of ideas. The third house is considered to be a cadent house – in other words, a gentle house – so there will be no more bossy planets to turn your world upside down, dear Pisces.

Uranus is said to be the higher octave of Mercury, bringing the intellectual gifts of Mercury to a much higher level. Mercury is the planet of thinking, perception, reasoning, negotiating, writing, speaking, editing, translating, researching, computer coding, and the other communication arts. Uranus takes all that Mercury gives you and synthesizes them into a higher level of brilliance, into the realm of innovation and genius. Now Uranus will enter your third house of communication and help you to generate cutting edge ideas.

Let’s look at some of the descriptive words of Uranus – independent, magnetic, intuitive, innovative, curious, playful, questioning of tradition and of authority, rebellious, pioneering, and freedom loving. Uranus unshackles of bonds that have contained you. It imparts a brave and confident feeling and is always futuristic in its message. Uranus is also sensitive to social change (to protect the planet, or to help a group that has been

overlooked by society), for Uranus often urges involvement in charitable and humanistic causes.

Uranus rules alternating current of electricity, so it is uneven, which only adds to its unpredictable nature. Creativity is born in randomness, so this is a good element of Uranus. It is considered a planet that takes away the old to make room for the new.

When Uranus strikes, it strikes like lightning, out of the blue, and sweeps out all that is no longer of future relevance to you and helps you rebuild what was lost to something more fitting for your future. Astrologers call Uranus the Greats Awakener. Uranus is disruptive but also creative – this planet will help you to communicate in a unique way that is true to you and only you. You won’t feel pressure to be like anyone else – you can be free to be different and NOT blend in.

Under this influence you may write a blockbuster novel or screenplay, be given your own TV or radio show to host or produce, publish an award-winning book of poetry, or produce a podcast that rockets off the iTunes. You may design and sell a mobile app that makes you amazing profits. You may design an advertising or publicity campaign that works so well, it is written up and studied in advertising journals. Your lyrics for a new song may catch fire and make the top of the charts. If you always wanted to write cover stories for magazines or do important journalism, this trend will help you achieve your dream.

Uranus in Taurus will help you find all that is different in you, coax you to communicate your special perspective, and celebrate

your uniqueness. You will be given a podium with a microphone to speak, or a pen to write, and you will be heard, and more importantly, applauded for your efforts. To get ready for this important seven-year trend, you might want to take a course in creative writing or get media training, for it’s likely you will be interviewed too on TV and radio.

The third house, where Uranus will be, also rules travel to nearby cities and towns. You will be traveling much more frequently in the coming years, and that will be good for your mind, body, and spirit. You may be flying or driving back and forth from a certain city quite a bit. If you need a new car, start doing the research. I like May 23 or May 25, May 27, or May 29 to make your purchase.

Affirmation: I make moderation my guide.









Love, dance, kindness, and compassion.

Many Blessings,


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