stance. prepare to declare

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    For many of us going to college, this is our first real time on our own. Living away from the house, in a different city, or even in a different state or country. Its a time that forcto figure out how to be self-sufficient and figure out who we really are. Our new environments have new ideas and standards that make us question what we believe. Everythtested, from what our political stances are to how we interact with others. But these obstacles dont stop once we graduate to the real world, theyre still there.

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    Now, I wont soapbox about the importance of being politically informed and active, but it is important. And while were out there fighting the good fight, we need to keep in that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But, opinions are best when well-informed, even when those well-informed opinions clash with our own. And many of us need hprepare our well-informed opinions. Today, I am happy to announce that

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    STANCE is here to help prepare us.

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    STANCE helps politically burgeoning twenty-somethings, like myself and

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    Sam, to hold well informed opinions on the political topics that matter to us.

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    It does this by giving each topic its own convenient hub. This hub brings together all sides of a topic to help give both a quick read, and more importantly, a deep-level ofunderstanding to the topic at hand. *change background

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    So sam? Sam is 21 and now a social media analyst intern at Leo Burnett in Chicago. Along with his burgeoning interest in politics, he loves his dogs, mens fashion, indie beis the captain of his disc golf team Disco Junkies

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    So Sam is catching up on the morning news on the train to work.*disco train

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    While perusing, he runs across an article about the Supreme Court questioning the legality of Obamacare. He constantly hearabout it being opposed but doesnt fully know what its about, so he saves it to his Stance Profile by OPENING up the safari aplugin.

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    While perusing, he runs across an article about the Supreme Court questioning the legality of Obamacare. He constantly hearabout it being opposed but doesnt fully know what its about, so he saves it to his Stance Profile by OPENING up the safari aplugin and tapping on the save button

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  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    successfully saves the topic to his Stance profile,

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    and goes back to

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    perusing the news.

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    Over lunch that same day while enjoying his usual meatball grinder

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    Sam reads up about Obamacare in Stance because its been mulling around in his brain all morning. So he opens up the app,background

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    So he opens up the app, and while Stance loads he thinks and awkwardly says outloud those are some killer colors

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    Once it loads, Sam gets distracted by the Top topics of the moment and SWIPES through them to see whats hoppin.

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    but something caught his eye, so he goes back...

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    Bufett rule? Jimmy Bufett? No, why is that so familiar? He knows hes heard about the Bufet rule somewhere, so he decidesave it to look at later.

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    [its going]

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    once its saved to his undeclared topics, Sam opens up Obamacare.

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    and quickly reads through topic overview. once done,

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    SWIPES through the rest of the page to see what else is there.

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    SWIPES through the rest of the page to see what else is there. He sees the presidential candidates stances, and a twitter streawhat people are talking about.

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    SWIPES through the rest of the page to see what else is there. He sees the presidential candidates stances, and a twitter streawhat people are talking about. He then taps over to his Stance Profile.

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    Yup, Im still in the ModerateLiberal stance, cool. He swipes through the page and it shows him the statistics about how hedeclaring, and what hes been declaring on. It shows the topics he hasnt declared on yet, meaning the topics he has saved bhasnt gone through indepthly and formed an opinion yet. Below that however, are the topics that he has declared on and thebeen color-coded to mark the stance he has taken on them. But unfortunately he realizes his lunch is over and heads back uthe oce.

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    That night while chillin on his couch with his poochez, he finally has the time to really dive into Obamacare and figure out whits all about.

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    He opens up Stance and goes back to the Obamacare hub. He reads the Your stance on Obamacare which tells him to respoto the main ideas of this topic and it will help generally situate him on the stance graph below where he most likely fits. So heanswers them all...

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    and keeps answering

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    I have to help pay for this? Pshhh

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    and keeps answering

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    and keeps answering

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    Once hes done answering all of the 16 main ideas, it gives him the option to go back through and change his answers if hedBut he doesnt want to because it situated him on the stance graph where he expected, so in the row below, taps ok.

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    Once hes done answering all of the 16 main ideas, it gives him the option to go back through and change his answers if hedBut he doesnt want to because it situated him on the stance graph where he expected, so in the row below, taps ok.

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    Once hes done answering all of the 16 main ideas, it gives him the option to go back through and change his answers if hedBut he doesnt want to because it situated him on the stance graph where he expected, so in the row below, taps ok.

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    Once hes done answering all of the 16 main ideas, it gives him the option to go back through and change his answers if hedBut he doesnt want to because it situated him on the stance graph where he expected, so in the row below, taps ok.

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    Becuase he gave the okay to taking the ModerateLiberal stance on this topic, the color for Obamacare changes from theundecided black, to the ModerateLiberal blue/purple that signifies his declared stance.

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    Becuase he gave the okay to taking the ModerateLiberal stance on this topic, the color for Obamacare changes from theundecided black, to the ModerateLiberal blue/purple that signifies his declared stance.

    He then taps to see the articles within his suggested stance to get an even better understanding of the topic at hand.

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    He then taps to see the articles within his suggested stance to get an even better understanding of the topic at hand.

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    He then taps to see the articles within his suggested stance to get an even better understanding of the topic at hand.

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    He then taps to see the articles within his suggested stance to get an even better understanding of the topic at hand.

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    The 20 articles are ranked from his best match first and all subsequent less perfect results to the right. He swipes to see morthe articles but decides to read the first one

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    to see more of the articles but decides to read the first one since its suggested that its his best match becuase whats beingtalked about in the article aligns almost perfectly with what he thinks.

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    to see more of the articles but decides to read the first one since its suggested that its his best match becuase whats beingtalked about within the article aligns almost perfectly with what he thinks.

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    The Stance Graph Article Viewer pulls up the actual articles within the app for Sam to read. The stance graph is relocated to ttop of the page and gives him quick and easy access to other articles within his suggested stance, as well as other stances wObamacare.

  • 8/2/2019 Stance. Prepare to Declare.


    The Stance Graph Article Viewer pulls up the actual articles themselves within the app for Same to read. The stance graph is sat the top of the page and gives him quick and easy access to other articles within his suggested stance, as well as other stanwithin Obamacare.

    When it pulls up, however, he realizes that this is the same article that caught his attention about Obamacare in the first placand remembers that he did agree with pretty much everything in it. So he decides to go to the next one

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    When it pulls up, however, he realizes that this is the same article that caught his attention about Obamacare in the first placand remembers that he did agree with pretty much everything in it. So he decides to go to the next one

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    Which this time is a CNN article.

    Sam continues to read through the articles until he cant keep his eyes open anymore.

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    Sam continues to read through the articles until he cant keep his eyes open anymore. As hes falling asleep in bed, he thinks about how he would have had such a hard, if nimpossible, time getting this deep of a look into Obamacare. And realizes the time he would have spent wading through the entire internet to find this information can now bebetter use like having well-informed discussions with his sister back in Texas, or simply spending more time with the loves of his life his dogs, his indie beer, and his fellow DJunkies.

    Stance. Prepare to Declare.

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    Stance. Prepare to Declare.

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