staff report - california · partnership program formulaic (lppf). the call is attached to this...

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411 King Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 | 707.565.5373 | |

Staff Report To: Sonoma County Transportation Authority

From: Seana L. S. Gause, Senior – Programming and Projects

Item: SB-1 Local Partnership Formulaic Program, 20/21 Call for Projects – Results

Date: September 9, 2019


What are the results of the recent SCTA call for projects in the state Local Partnership Program Formulaic? Shall the Board approve the proposed projects?


On March 29, 2019, the SCTA issued a call for projects for the Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB1) Local Partnership Program Formulaic (LPPf). The call is attached to this staff report for reference. The fund source is available for transportation projects to those government entities that have successfully passed a tax measure or fee specifically for transportation. As the taxing authority of Measure M, Sonoma County’s ¼-cent transportation sales tax measure, SCTA has discretion over the LPPf fund source.

The SCTA received two projects in response to the call, one from Sonoma County Transit for a new electric bus purchase and installation of two in-route charging stations for two additional electric buses. The project would serve three different areas in the county: Cloverdale, Healdsburg and Sonoma/Sonoma Springs. The second project proposed is in Petaluma along the McDowell Boulevard Corridor and would provide signal coordination, reconstruction and striping of a section between E. Washington and Caulfield, construction of 38 curb ramps, sidewalk gap closures and widening of an existing sidewalk to create connectivity for a class I bike path. The first project (Sonoma County Transit) is proposed for the funding year in the call for projects (FY20/21). The second project (Petaluma McDowell Blvd Corridor) was submitted to indicate interest in the following funding year of FY21/22, but not to compete with the Sonoma County Transit proposal. Both applications are attached to this staff report for reference.

The California Transportation Commission is in the process of updating the guidelines for the LPPf, and as part of that process, it is anticipated that the funding cycles will change from the existing single year, to two-year cycles. This is expected to take effect in October when the final guidelines are adopted by the Commission, and prior to any submittal the SCTA would make for the program. The call that the SCTA issued prior to being made aware of this change was for a single year (FY20/21).

SCTA staff proposes that the Board program the two projects received for the anticipated two-year funding cycle (20/21 and 21/22). Each project would receive approximately $551K in programming. SCTA will issue a call for projects that covers the subsequent two years when the next cycle is available for programming, and for each subsequent cycle thereafter. SCTA took this proposal to the TAC, TTAC, CAC, and CBPAC. Each of the advisory committees unanimously recommends this approach to the Board.

Policy Impacts:

None, it is within policy for the Board to make transportation fund programming decisions.

Fiscal Impacts:

Two years of formulaic programming represents $1.1M for new projects.

Staff Recommendation:

Staff recommends that the Board approve the proposed two projects for programming in the Local Partnership Formulaic Program (LPPf) for fiscal years 20/21 and 21/22.


411 King Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 | 707.565.5373 | |

March 29, 2019 To: Stakeholders RE: Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB-1), Local Partnership Formulaic Program (LPP) Call for Projects The Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) intends to program Sonoma County’s formulaic share of funds from the SB-1 Local Partnership Program 2020 cycle (Approximately $551,000 available in 20/21). The funds require a minimum 1:1 match of funding (federal, local or state other than funds allocated by the California Transportation Commission). SCTA staff has been made aware of an eligible Sonoma County Transit project (EV buses and Charging Stations) that will be proposed to the SCTA Board for consideration. Should any eligible project sponsors wish to submit a project for consideration in addition to the above mentioned project, the required information should be submitted to SCTA staff for review. The required information, as stated in the Local Partnership Program guidelines is as follows: Each project application should be limited to 25 pages (excluding the Project Programming Request form) and must include:

A. A cover letter, with signature of the Chief Executive Officer or other officer authorized by the taxing authority’s governing board, authorizing and approving the application [SCTA will provide this upon approval of the project by the SCTA Board]. Where the project is to be implemented by an agency other than the taxing authority, documentation of the agreement between the taxing authority and the implementing agency must be submitted with the application and include the signature of the Chief Executive Officer or other authorized office of the implementing agency.

B. A confirmation that any capacity-increasing project or a major street or highway lane realignment project was considered for reversible lanes pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 100.15.

C. An explanation of the project and its proposed benefits, including the following: i. Project title, which should be a brief, non-technical description of the project type, scope,

and location, and a map (or maps) of the project location denoting the project site. ii. The amount of Local Partnership Program funds requested.

iii. The amount and source of matching funds. Each nomination must list each federal, state, local and private funding source by project component and fiscal year.

iv. Project background and a purpose and need statement. v. A concise description of the project scope and anticipated benefits (outcomes and

outputs) proposed for funding. vi. A description of the project’s current status, including the current phase of delivery, and

the schedule for the completion of the project. vii. A project cost estimate which includes the amount and source of all funds committed to

the project and the basis for concluding that the funding is expected to be available. If uncommitted funding is identified, the requirements as outlined in Section 16 must be included. Cost estimates should be escalated to the year of proposed implementation



and be approved by the Chief Executive Officer or other authorized officer of the implementing agency.

viii. Each taxing authority should provide documentation that the expected benefits of the proposed project justify its costs, recognizing that some costs and benefits can be difficult to quantify. Each application should include analysis utilizing the appropriate module or modules of Caltrans’ Life-Cycle Benefit-Cost Analysis Model 6.0. This model can be found at: If anther model is more applicable the application should describe why and also provide the analysis based on the alternate model.

ix. A description of how the project is consistent with transportation, land use and housing planning goals within the region. For projects within a region with a currently adopted California Air Resources Board approved Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), the eligible taxing authority will discuss how the project is 0ocnsistent with the SCS. This will include a quantitative and/or qualitative assessment of how the project will facilitate implementation of the SCS and support achieving the region’s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

x. A description of the greenhouse gas impacts and the community impacts of the project and how those impacts are mitigated to a less than significant level. This should include a quantification of the effects of the project on diesel particulate (PM 10 and PM 2.5), nitrogen oxides, greenhouse gases and other pollutant emissions using the Caltrans’ Life-cycle Benefit-Cost Analysis Model 6.0. (Cal B/C), the SB 1 Intermodal Tool, or the SB 1 Other Projects Tool. Report emissions saved in both tons and dollars. The SB 1 Intermodal Tool and the SB 1 Other Projects Tool are currently under development. These tools will be projected by December 15th by Caltrans at

D. Each application must include a Project Programming Request Form. Each Project Programming Request Form must list federal, state, local, and private funding categories by project component and fiscal year. An excel template of this form may be found at Caltrans is working to develop a web-based PPR form. The Commission will notify potential applicants through its website and through the RTPA Group when the web-based form is available.

Please submit the required information to SCTA staff for consideration by close of business (COB) May 31, 2019. All project information and submittals should be sent to Seana L. S. Gause, Senior – Programming and Projects, either by email at or by U.S. Post at 411 King Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Questions and comments can be directed to Seana Gause at (707) 565-5372.  

Request for SB-1 Local Partnership Program Funding

Project Title: Zero-Emission Bus & En-Route Charging Stations

With the goal of transitioning Sonoma County Transit’s heavy-duty fleet to zero-emission buses, this project requests $551,000 in SB-1 Local Partnership Program cycle 2020 funding to assist with the purchase of one 35-foot electric-powered bus and two en-route electric charging stations. The zero-emission bus will be deployed on Sonoma County Transit’s (SCT) local route operated within the City of Sonoma and the Sonoma-Springs area. The two electric charging stations will be installed at locations within the cities of Healdsburg and Cloverdale, respectively, to provide en-route electric charging for the electric-powered buses to be deployed on those local routes. Maps of the local routes in the cities of Sonoma, Healdsburg and Cloverdale are attached. The anticipated locations of the en-route charging stations to be installed in Healdsburg and Cloverdale are also included on the attached maps.

Costs & Requested Funding: The total cost for a 35-foot zero-emission bus is estimated to be $855,000. After a discount of $135,000 from the Hybrid and Zero-Emission Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) through the California Air Resources Board, the cost is reduced to $720,000. Sonoma County Transit is requesting $360,000 from the SB-1 Local Partnership Program to assist with this bus purchase. Local matching funding of $360,000 will be provided from the Low-Carbon Transit Operation Program (LCTOP) through Caltrans, the Transportation Fund for Clean Air through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and Transportation Development Act funding allocated to SCT through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

The total cost for installation of the two en-route electric charging stations in the cities of Healdsburg and Cloverdale is estimated to be $400,000. For this component of the project, SCT is requesting $191,000 from the SB-1 Local Partnership Program. The local match of $209,000 will be provided from LCTOP funding through Caltrans and local TDA funding allocated to SCT through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Please see the ‘Funding Info’ tab on the Project Programming Request form, which lists each funding source by project component and fiscal year.

Background & Project Need: The County of Sonoma is located approximately 50 miles north of San Francisco along the Highway 101 corridor and has a population of just over 500,000. A division of the Sonoma County Transportation and Public Works Department, Sonoma County Transit is publicly- financed and governed by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. SCT provides countywide fixed-route transit and paratransit services in the rural unincorporated areas of Sonoma County connecting all nine incorporated cities within Sonoma County. SCT also serves as the local transit provider for the cities of Cloverdale, Healdsburg, Windsor, Sebastopol, Rohnert Park, Cotati and Sonoma.

Due to major growth in terms of development and population over the past 39 years, Sonoma County Transit’s fixed-route services have expanded to a total of 29 local and intercity routes. SCT provided a total of 916,541 passenger trips during Fiscal Year 2018 and currently provides approximately 100,000 annual vehicle revenue hours, operating 7-days per week and 358 days per year. SCT also provides American’s with Disabilities (ADA) paratransit service within its countywide service area. A systemwide service map and summary of SCT’s routes and ADA paratransit services can be found on its website

Sonoma County Transit's fixed-route fleet currently consists of fifty-one (51) active revenue vehicles. The fixed-route fleet includes thirty-eight (38) 40-foot compressed natural gas (CNG)-fueled buses, six (6) 30-foot CNG-fueled buses, one (1) 30-foot battery-electric bus, and six (6) small gasoline-fueled cut-away mini-buses. SCT’s paratransit fleet currently consists of twenty-nine (29) gasoline-fueled paratransit vehicles including a mix of cut-away vehicles, mini-vans and sedans. These fixed-route and paratransit revenue vehicles as well as thirteen (13) support vehicle are operated out of SCT’s administration and maintenance facility located in Santa Rosa.

All vehicle maintenance and fueling operations are also performed at Sonoma County Transit’s maintenance facility in Santa Rosa, which includes five maintenance bays and fueling/charging facilities for its compressed natural gas, gasoline and electric-powered fleets. Utilizing other secured local funding, it is anticipated that the construction of an expanded electric bus charging facility will be completed at SCT’s maintenance and fueling facility by the summer of 2020. The new electric bus charging stations will have the capacity to charge ten electric-powered buses at a time or twenty buses overnight.

This project will enable Sonoma County Transit to reach a significant milestone in transitioning its heavy-duty fixed-route bus fleet from CNG-fueled to zero-emission in accordance with the Innovative Clean Transit requirements set forth by the California Air Resources Board. Ultimately, this funding request will assist SCT toward replacing approximately 15 percent of its heavy-duty fixed-route fleet with zero-emission buses by 2021. The combination of SCT’s first electric-powered bus already in-service, four additional electric-powered buses either currently being manufactured by BYD Motors or with funding secured, and the additional zero-emission bus included in this funding request will enable SCT to operate all its local routes located in incorporated cities with zero-emission buses.

In anticipation of expanded use of zero-emission buses on its local routes, Sonoma County Transit has begun working with various local jurisdictions to establish en-route electric charging stations. Due to the current range limitations of electric-powered buses, en-route electric charging stations will be necessary on local routes that are operated relatively long distances from SCT’s electric charging facility in Santa Rosa. Funding has already been secured and designs are currently underway for en-route electric charging stations to be installed in the cities of Windsor and Sonoma. This project will provide additional funding for en-route electric charging stations that are needed on local routes operated within the cities of Cloverdale and Healdsburg.

Project Benefits: Over the past four years, Sonoma County Transit has introduced several innovative programs that have resulted in reaching new markets of transit users. Since 2015, all veterans and college students can ride anywhere on SCT free of charge. In July 2018, SCT introduced the ‘Fare-Free’ program, which now includes local routes operated in the cities of Sebastopol, Windsor, Healdsburg, Sonoma and the Lower Russian River communities of Guerneville and Monte Rio. Under this program, participating local jurisdictions have agreed to reimburse SCT the uncollected fares for all rides taken on their respective local routes. Since the Fare-Free program began, the total collective ridership on SCT’s local routes has increased by approximately 50%.

In conjunction with the Fare-Free program, Sonoma County Transit’s deployment of zero-emission buses will help further promote increased ridership on its local routes. SCT’s first electric-powered bus was placed into service in December 2018 on the local ‘Sebastopol Shuttle’ route operated in the City of Sebastopol. Two additional electric-powered buses are currently being manufactured by BYD Motors and will be ready for deployment in summer 2020 on SCT’s local routes operated within the cities of Rohnert Park and Cotati, and on the local Windsor Shuttle route. Funding has been secured for two additional electric-powered buses in Fiscal Year 2021, which will be deployed on the local Healdsburg

Shuttle and the local Cloverdale Shuttle routes. The zero-emission bus for which this funding is requested will be deployed on the local Sonoma Shuttle route operated within the City of Sonoma and the Sonoma-Springs area.

The deployment of zero-emission buses on all of Sonoma County Transit’s local routes will help to reduce the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions that are associated with its current fixed-route bus fleet. Electric-powered buses consume less energy per mile driven than buses that use other common propulsion technologies, such as compressed natural gas (CNG)-fueled engines. The Altoona Bus Research and Testing Center reports that the overall average fuel economy of the electric-powered buses that SCT has purchased from BYD Motors is 27.71 MPG equivalent, which is seven times more efficient than conventional CNG-fueled buses. The Iron-Phosphate batteries that are equipped in BYD Motors’ electric-powered buses are considered ‘life’ batteries that come with a 12-year warranty and no required mid-life battery replacement. It is also anticipated that over the life of an electric-powered bus, maintenance costs will be lower than that of a comparable CNG-fueled bus.

Project Schedule: With the understanding that SB-1 Local Partnership Program funding for this project will not be available until Fiscal Year 2021, during the upcoming fiscal year Sonoma County Transit will be utilizing other state and local funding sources to purchase zero-emission buses and install en-route electric charging stations for local routes in the cities of Windsor and Sonoma. Sonoma County Transit already has one electric-powered bus in-service on the local Sebastopol Shuttle route operated in the City of Sebastopol. Two additional electric-powered buses are anticipated to be delivered during summer 2020 and another two buses by summer 2021. If this funding request is approved for Fiscal Year 2021, then a sixth zero-emission bus would be delivered to Sonoma County Transit by summer/fall 2021.

Funding requested for this project would also support Sonoma County Transit’s installation of two en-route electric charging stations for local routes operated in the cities of Healdsburg and Cloverdale, respectively. During the first half of Fiscal Year 2020, SCT will be working with local jurisdictions on securing locations, including right-of-way if necessary, for the charging stations. After the completing the environmental phase for the project for which Categorical Exemptions are anticipated, design work would then commence at the beginning of 2020. Installation of the charging stations would take place during spring/summer 2021. Utilizing other local funding, en-route electric charging stations are currently being designed for local routes in the cities of Windsor and Sonoma, respectively, with installation anticipated by summer 2020.

Cost/Benefit Analysis: Sonoma County Transit analyzed the expected benefits of this project utilizing

the Quantification Methodology (QM) model developed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB)

for the Low-Carbon Transit Operations Program that is administered by Caltrans. The QM model was

developed specifically for LCTOP projects, which are required to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

and support transit agencies in their efforts to increase mode share. The use of CARB’s QM model was

determined to be more appropriate to quantify the benefits of this transit-focused project.

Based on the deployment of zero-emission electric-powered buses on three local routes providing service in the cities of Sonoma, Healdsburg and Cloverdale over 12 years, the QM model estimates a reduction of 16,726 gallons of fossil fuels and an energy and fuel cost savings of $459,636. Ridership on the three local routes is estimated to increase by 5,520 passenger trips, which will result in an estimated reduction of 22,991 vehicle miles traveled (VMT) according to the model. The QM model also estimates that the total budget for this project would support 7.1 full-time equivalent jobs. The full results of CARB’s model for this project are attached.

Regional Planning Goals: Sonoma County Transit’s purchase of zero-emission buses and supporting electric charging infrastructure is consistent with the transportation, land-use and housing goals and strategies included in the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Plan Bay Area 2040. MTC’s Plan Bay Area is the state-mandated long-range transportation, land-use and housing plan for the San Francisco Bay Area. One of the goals in Plan Bay Area is to modernize the region’s transportation system, which includes funding bus replacement projects. The purchase of zero-emission buses and supporting infrastructure als0 supports the goal in Plan Bay Area to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, this project will help advance equity in the region by promoting access to public transportation for low-income and minority populations through SCT’s ‘Fare Free’ local transit services provided with zero-emission buses.

Greenhouse Gas Impacts: Sonoma County Transit analyzed the expected greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions of this project utilizing the Quantification Methodology (QM) model developed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for the Low-Carbon Transit Operations Program that is administered by Caltrans. The QM model was developed specifically for LCTOP projects, which are required to reduce GHG emissions and support transit agencies in their efforts to increase mode share. The use of CARB’s QM model was determined to be more appropriate to quantify the GHG emission reductions of this transit-focused project.

Based on the deployment of zero-emission electric-powered buses on three local routes providing service in the cities of Sonoma, Healdsburg and Cloverdale over 12 years, the QM model estimates total GHG emission reductions of 1,931 metric tons of carbon dioxide (MTCO2). The model also estimates this project would result in 11 pounds of PM2.5 emission reductions, 48 pounds of ROG emission reductions and 2,496 pounds of NOx emission reductions. In addition, the model estimates 3,504 MTCO2 in GHG emission reductions per total SB1 Local Partnership Program funding to be provided for this project. The full results of CARB’s model for this project are attached.

Contact Information: Should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this funding request, please contact Bryan Albee or Steven Schmitz at 585-7516.

Route 68 – Cloverdale Shuttle

= Potential En-Route Electric Bus Charging Locations.

Route 67 – Healdsburg Shuttle

= Potential En-Route Electric Bus Charging Locations.

Route 32 – Sonoma Shuttle

FY 2018-2019 LCTOPAllocation Request

10 4 23 25 2

*if you have more Districts please provide an attachment

0 0

$551,000Approved LONP: No LONP Approval date:Funding: 99313: $551,000 99314: Total:

Specific Area (Lat-Long of the project in decimal degrees separated by a comma "," (e.g., 34.413775, -119.848624 ). For multiple locations, list each separated by a semicolon ";"

Project Life - For capital projects, state the "Useful Life" of the project. For operation projects state the number of months service will be funded.

Capital: 12 Years Operations:

Start date (anticipated) : 8/1/2019 End date (anticipated) : 12/31/2021

General Area (City/County) :County of Sonoma

Sub-TypePurchase replacement zero-emission vehicle(s) (may include equipment/infrastructure)

Total Years of Rollover: Remaining years of Rollover:

Name: No more than 180 characters.

Electric Bus Purchase & En-Route Charging Stations

Description (Short): No more than 370 characters.

Purchase of one 35-foot electric-powered bus to be deployed on the local route serving the City of Sonoma and the Sonoma Springs area. Installation of two en-route electric charging stations on the local routes serving the cities of Healdsburg and Cloverdale, respectively.

Type: Capital

Phone #: Congressional*:E-mail

Project Summary

Authorized Agent Legislative District NumbersName: Assembly*:Title: Senate*:

E-mail: E-mail:

Name: Steven Schmitz Name: Bryan AlbeeTitle: Transit Specialist II Title: Transit Systems Manager

Approved Title VI (Date)*:

Link to Agency's Approved Title VI Plan: *Please provide a copy of your FTA/Caltrans Approval Letter as an attachment to your FY18-19 LCTOP Allocation Request.

Allocation Request Prepared by Contact (if different then "Prepared by")

County: Sonoma Regional Entity: MTCAgency Website:

Lead Agency Information

Name: Sonoma County TransitAddress: 355 West Robles AvenueCity, State Zip Code: Santa Rosa, CA 95407

Phone #: 707-585-7516 Phone #: 707-585-7516

Division of Rail and Mass TransportationLow Carbon Transit Operations Program Page 1 of 16

Sheet Name: Allocation RequestRev. 12/18

FY 2018-2019 LCTOPAllocation Request

Total FY 18-19 LCTOP Funding $551,000

Supplanting Funds - Describe how the LCTOP funds will not supplant other funding sources.

Fully Funded Project - Provide a description of the status of all the funds to be used to completely fund this project. The budget for this project includes $551,000 in SB-1 Local Partnership Program funding and $569,000 from Transportation Development Act (TDA) funding allocated to Sonoma County Transit, Low-Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) funding through Caltrans, and Transportaton Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) funding through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

Contact Phone #: 99314Contact E-mails:

Contributing Sponsor: Amount: PUC Funds Type:Contact Person: 99313

Contact E-mails:

Contact Person: 99313Contact Phone #: 99314

Contributing Sponsor: Amount: PUC Funds Type:

Contact Phone #: 99314Contact E-mails:

Contributing Sponsor: Amount: PUC Funds Type:Contact Person: 99313

Contact E-mails:

Contact Person: 99313Contact Phone #: 99314

Contributing Sponsor: Amount: PUC Funds Type:

Contact Phone #: 99314Contact E-mails:

Contributing Sponsor: Amount: PUC Funds Type:Contact Person: 99313

Contact E-mail:

Contact Person: Bryan Albee $551,000 99313Contact Phone #: 707-585-7516 99314

$0 $1,120,000

Lead Agency: Sonoma County Transit Amount: PUC Funds Type:

Total Project Cost: $0 $1,120,000 $0 $0 $0

$0Other Funds: $569,000 $569,000Other GGR Funds:


Total LCTOP Funds: $0 $551,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $551,000

PUC 99314 Amount: $0

FY 22-23 Total

PUC 99313 Amount: $551,000 $551,000

LCTOP Allocation Year Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22

Funding Information

Division of Rail and Mass TransportationLow Carbon Transit Operations Program Page 3 of 16

Sheet Name: Allocation RequestRev. 12/18

FY 2018-2019 LCTOPAllocation Request



Operations/OtherVeh/Equip Purchase


CON $0





FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Total


$0 $0 $569,000

Funding Source:

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21

TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $569,000 $0


Operations/Other $0


Veh/Equip Purchase $569,000




PS&E $0

FY 23-24 Total



Funding Source:

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23


TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $551,000 $0 $0 $0


Operations/OtherVeh/Equip Purchase $551,000

FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Total



CON $0



$0 $0 $0

Funding Source:

Transportation Development Act (TDA), LCTOP and TFCA

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21

TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0


Operations/Other $0

SB-1 Local Partnership Program




Veh/Equip Purchase




PS&E $0

FY 23-24 Total


$0 $1,120,000

Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP)

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23

$0 $0 $0

TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $1,120,000 $0 $0

Operations/Other $0 $0 $0 $0 $0


Veh/Equip Purchase $0 $0 $0 $1,120,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,120,000

$0 $0

CON $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

R/W $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

PS&E $0 $0 $0 $0 $0


PA&ED $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Funding PlanProposed Total Project Cost

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24

Division of Rail and Mass TransportationLow Carbon Transit Operations Program Page 5 of 16

Sheet Name: Allocation RequestRev. 12/18

FY 2018-2019 LCTOPAllocation Request





Veh/Equip PurchaseCON


R/W $0



FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Total


$0 $0

Funding Source:

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22


TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0



Veh/Equip Purchase $0






PA&ED $0

Funding Source:

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24


TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0




Veh/Equip PurchaseCON


R/W $0



FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Total


$0 $0

Funding Source:

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22


TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0



Veh/Equip Purchase $0






PA&ED $0

Funding Source:

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24


TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0




Veh/Equip PurchaseCON


R/W $0



FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Total


Funding PlanFunding Source:

Component Prior FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22

Division of Rail and Mass TransportationLow Carbon Transit Operations Program Page 7 of 16

Sheet Name: Allocation RequestRev. 12/18

FY 2018-2019 LCTOPAllocation Request

Estimated Total Project GHG (mtco2) Reduction:

1930.56This number is calculated based on the values from above and the QM-Tool tab.

LCTOP Emission Reductions/Total LCTOP Funds Requested

3503.73655This number is calculated based on the values from above and the QM-Tool tab.

Total Project Ridership Increased 5,520 This is calculated based on the values above.Total Project VMTs Reduced

22,991This number is calculated based on the values above.

Trip Length (L) - Length (miles) of average auto trip reduced or average passenger trip length (miles). 8.33

Systemwide average weekeday passeger trip length as reported in the FY 17-18 Natrional Transit Database (NTD).

Project Useful Life 12 This is calculated based on the values above.

Project F Yr. Ridership - Estimated annual ridership contributed by the new service or capital improvement in YrF. 460

Total combined ridership on local routes 32, 67 and 68 of approximately 46,000 in FY 17-18 is anticipated to increase an estimated 1% due to the novelty of the new electric-powered buses.

Adjustment (A) - Adjustment factor to account for transit dependency. Default: 0.5 for local bus service and 0.83 for long distance commute service.


Using the default for local bus service.

Year F (YrF) - Final year that the service is funded or the final year of the capital improvements useful life. 2033

The end of the useful life of the bus is anticipated to be in late FY 2033.

Project Yr1 Ridership - Estimated annual ridership contributed by the new service or capital improvement in Yr1. 460

Total combine ridership on local routes 32, 67 and 68 of approximately 46,000 in FY 17-18 is anticipated to increase an estimated 1% due to novelty of the new electric-powered buses.

On the local route operated in the City of Sonoma and the Sonoma - Springs area, Sonoma County Transit deploys buses that are fueled by compressed natural gas (CNG). This project will replace one CNG-fueled bus with one zero-emission electric-powered bus. The two en-route electric charging stations to be installed with this project will also allow for the replacement of CNG-buses with zero emission electric-powered buses on local routes providing service with the cities of Healdsburg and Cloverdale. The deployment of the zero-emission electric-powered buses will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Greenhouse Gas Reductions - Please provide quantitative information requested below and explanation/support for the data provided.

Value ExplanationYear 1 (Yr1) - First year of service, or year that capital improvements will be completed.


The zero-emission electric-powered bus is expected to be deployed into service by late 2021.

Project GHG BenefitsGreenhouse Gas Reductions - Describe qualitatively how this project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, expanded/enhanced transit service will improve headways thus making transit a more convenient option of transportation thus increasing ridership, reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and reducing GHG.

Division of Rail and Mass TransportationLow Carbon Transit Operations Program Page 11 of 16

Sheet Name: Allocation RequestRev. 12/18

FY 2018-2019 LCTOPAllocation Request

Job Support Benefits (Refer to Read Me for more information)

Travel Cost Savings Benefits

Reduced Operating/Maintenance Costs Promotes Active Transportation

Increase System Reliability Promotes Integration w/ other modes

Other Benefits

Co-Benefits - Describe benefits indicated above and other benefits not listed.

Transit Mode Share (increase mobility): Describe how this project will increase transit mode share (increase mobility).

Co-Benefits - Check all additional Benefits/Outcomes.

Improved Safety Coordination with Educational Institution

Improved Public Health College Grades K-12

Avoided Parking Cost ($/Trip) $0.00 Project will not provide service.

Avoided Toll Cost ($/Trip) $0.00 Project will not provide service.

Reduced Fare Cost ($/Trip) $0.00 Project will not reduce fares.

Transit Facility Parking Cost ($/Trip) $0.00 Project will not provide service.

% of Project Budget Associate with Tertiary Activity

Value Explanation

Standard Fare Cost for Project ($/Trip) $0.00 Project will not provide service.

Secondary Project Activity (select from drop down) Procurement of electric vehicle supporting infrastructure

% of Project Budget Associate with Tertiary Activity 33%

Secondary Project Activity (select from drop down)

Project Benefits

Primary Project Activity (select from drop down) Procurement of Buses

% of Project Budget Associate with Primary Activity 67%

Division of Rail and Mass TransportationLow Carbon Transit Operations Program Page 13 of 16

Sheet Name: Allocation RequestRev. 12/18

FY 2018-2019 LCTOPAllocation Request


Identify the Specific Priority Population Benefit:

Identify an important community or household need and evaluate whether the project provides a benefit that meaningfully addresses that need.(For more information please review Read Me) :

Identify Specific Common Needs of Priority Populations (if you select letter D. in question above):

Priority Populations Community Need: Describe, in detail the identified community need(s) and how the project meets the need(s), including the levels of community engagement.

Is the project a transit fare subsidies or network and fare integration technology improvements, including, but not limited to, discounted or free student transit passes

Is the project a purchase of zero-emission transit buses and/or supporting infrastructure?

Identify the Project Census Tract(s) (please use the 10-digit identification code) :

Is the project located within the boundaries of a low-income community census tract?

Is the project located outside of a disadvantaged community, but within 1/2 mile of a disadvantage community and within a low-income census tract?

Is the project a new or expanded transit service that connects with transit service serving a disadvantaged communities?

Priority Populations Benefits

Does your Service Area have a Disadvantaged Community? (as defined by SB 535)Is the project located within the boundaries of a disadvantaged community census tract?

Division of Rail and Mass TransportationLow Carbon Transit Operations Program Page 15 of 16

Sheet Name: Allocation RequestRev. 12/18

FY 2018-2019 LCTOPAllocation Request

Amount funds to benefit Low-Income Households or Resident within 1/2 mile of a DAC: $ 0

Low-Income Community or Low-Income Household within 1/2 a mile of a Disadvantaged Community Benefit - Explain, in your own words, how the project will benefit Low-Income Community(ies) or Low-Income Households within the project area.

Amount funds to benefit a DAC: $ 0Amount funds to benefit Low-Income Households & Residents: $ 0

DAC Benefit - Explain, in your own words, how the project will benefit Disadvantaged Community(ies) within your service area.

Low-Income Community or Low-Income Household Benefit - Explain, in your own words, how the project will benefit Low-Income Community(ies) or Low-Income Households within the project area.

Division of Rail and Mass TransportationLow Carbon Transit Operations Program Page 16 of 16

Sheet Name: Allocation RequestRev. 12/18


Total Full-time Equivalent Jobs Supported by Project Budget 7.1

California Air Resources Board

Benefits Calculator Tool for theLow Carbon Transit Operations Program

California Climate Investments

Full-time Equivalent Induced Jobs Supported by Project GGRF Funds 1.3

It is not appropriate to directly compare the job estimates from this Job Co-benefit Modeling Tool to the GGRF project dollars. California Climate Investments facilitate greenhouse gas emission reductions and deliver a suite of economic, environmental, and public health co-benefits, including job co-benefits. A different mix of spending on materials, equipment, and labor is expected across various California Climate Investments project types and match funding arrangements. As such, some project types will support more jobs than others.

Total Full-time Equivalent Jobs Supported by Project GGRF Funds 3.5Full-time Equivalent Jobs Directly Supported by Project GGRF Funds 1.2Full-time Equivalent Jobs Indirectly Supported by Project GGRF Funds 1.0

DRAFT December 5, 2018 Page 1 of 1 Jobs Summary

NOx emission reductions (lbs)


N/APM2.5 emission reductions (lbs) N/A

ROG emission reductions (lbs)

2,496PM2.5 emission reductions (lbs) 11


Fossil fuel energy use reductions (kWh) N/A

Renewable energy generated (kWh) N/AFossil fuel energy use reductions (kWh) N/A

Passenger VMT reductions (miles)

Energy and fuel cost savings ($) $459,636

Travel cost savings ($) N/AEnergy and fuel cost savings ($) N/A

Passenger VMT reductions (miles) N/AFossil fuel use reductions (gallons)

Renewable energy generated (kWh) N/A

ROG emission reductions (lbs)

Diesel PM Emission Reductions (lbs) 0NOx emission reductions (lbs)

Travel cost savings ($)

Diesel PM emission reductions (lbs) 0LCTOP GGRF Funds

Fossil fuel use reductions (gallons)

Renewable energy generated (kWh) N/A

ROG emission reductions (lbs) 48

Fossil fuel energy use reductions (kWh) N/A

NOx emission reductions (lbs) 2,496PM2.5 emission reductions (lbs) 11

Passenger VMT reductions (miles) N/A

California Climate Investments

California Air Resources Board

Benefits Calculator Tool for theLow Carbon Transit Operations Program

Project Name Electric Bus Purchase & En-Route Charging Stations

Co-benefits and Key Variables Summary




Total California Climate Investments

Travel cost savings ($) N/AEnergy and fuel cost savings ($) $459,636


Additional California Climate Investments Program(s)

N/AFossil fuel use reductions (gallons)

Diesel PM emission reductions (lbs) N/A

DRAFT December 5, 2018 Page 1 of 1 Co-benefits Summary

Total GHG Emission Reductions (MTCO2e) 1,931Total GHG Emission Reductions per Total LCTOP GGRF Funds (MTCO2e/$million) 3,504

Total GHG Emission Reductions per Total GGRF Funds (MTCO2e/$million) 3,504

Total LCTOP GHG Emission Reductions (MTCO2e) 1,931

Project InformationProject Name Electric Bus Purchase & En-Route Charging Stations

Total LCTOP GGRF Funds ($) 551,000$ Total GGRF Funds ($) 551,000$

Non-GGRF Leveraged Funds ($) 569,000$ Total Funds ($) 1,120,000$

GHG Summary

FY 2018-19 LCTOP GGRF Funds Requested ($) 551,000$

California Climate Investments

California Air Resources Board

Benefits Calculator Tool for theLow Carbon Transit Operations Program

DRAFT December 5, 2018 Page 1 of 1 GHG Summary


Project Type

Quantification Method Technology Conversion Automated

Type of Region County Yes

Region Sonoma Yes

Year 1 (Yr1) 2021 Yes

Year F (YrF) 2033 Yes

Quantification Period 12 Calculated

Service Type Local/ Intercity Bus (Short Distances) No

Yr1 Ridership 460 No

YrF Ridership 460 No

Adjustment Factor (A) 0.50 No

Length of Average Trip (L) 8.33 No

Passenger VMT Reductions Not Applicable Calculated

GHG Emission Reductions Not Applicable Calculated

Vehicle Type Transit Bus Yes

Engine Tier No

Hybrid Vehicle No Yes

Fuel/Energy Type Electric Yes

Project Specific Emission Factor Optional

Model Year 2021 Yes

Annual VMT 79,461 Yes

Annual Fuel/Energy (kWh) No

GHG Emissions 445 Calculated

The county where the majority of the service occurs.

The useful life of the rolling stock.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

The first year of the rolling stock's useful life.

The estimated GHG emissions (MTCO2e) of the vehicle to be acquired.

The vehicle type (e.g., Transit Bus, Streetcar, Ferry, etc.) of the rolling stock to be acquired.

Applicant must be able to demonstrate an approved carbon intensity value under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard; must submit additional documentation.

The final year of the rolling stock's useful life.

SECTION 3: This section is used to estimate the net emission reductions from new service or from the purchase of new zero-emission/hybrid vehicle(s).

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

SECTION 2: This section is used to estimate the emission and cost reductions from displaced auto vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

California Air Resources Board

Benefits Calculator Tool for theLow Carbon Transit Operations Program

California Climate Investments

SECTION 1: This section is used to determine the quantification method and emission factors to use to estimate emissions.Inputs

The region that best encompasses the geographic location for the proposed project type.


Purchase replacement zero-emission vehicle(s) (may include equipment/infrastructure)

Emission Estimates = Emissions from Baseline Vehicle – Emissions from New Vehicle

Not applicable for this project type.

Is the vehicle to be acquired a hybrid?

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

The fuel type (e.g. Electric, Diesel, etc.) of the vehicle to be acquired.

The engine model year of the vehicle to be acquired.

The estimated annual VMT of the vehicle to be acquired (e.g., 72,000).

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

Additional GHG Reductions Vehicle Replacement Yes

Vehicle Type Transit Bus Yes

Engine Tier No

Fuel/Energy Type CNG Yes

Model Year 2009 Yes

Annual VMT 79,461 Yes

Annual Fuel/Energy (cubic feet) No

GHG Reductions 2,376 Calculated

Additional GHG Reductions No

Vehicle Type No

Engine Tier No

Fuel/Energy Type No

Model Year No

Annual Fuel/Energy No

GHG Reductions Not Applicable Calculated

Total Project GHG Reductions 1,931 Calculated

LCTOP Project GHG Reductions 1,931 Calculated

The vehicle type expected to replaced as a result of the project (e.g., Transit Bus).

The portion of GHG emission reductions attributable to funding from LCTOP; GHG emission reductions are prorated according to the level of program funding contributed from LCTOP and other CCI programs, as applicable.

Total GHG emission reductions (MTCO2e) from the project during the useful life.

SECTION 6: This section calculates the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions achieved by the proposed project.

The estimated GHG emission reductions (MTCO2e) from vehicle replacement.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

Not applicable for this project type.

SECTION 4: This section is used to estimate the net emission reductions from vehicle replacement as a result of the proposed project.An existing vehicle will be replaced by the acquisition of a new zero-emission or near zero-emission vehicle.

SECTION 5: This section is used to estimate the net emission reductions from fuel/energy reductions as a result of the proposed project.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

The estimated annual VMT of the vehicle to be acquired.

The fuel type of the vehicle expected to replaced as a result of the project (e.g., Diesel).

Engine model year of the vehicle to be replaced.

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

DRAFT December 5, 2018 Page 2 of 2 QM-Tool


Project Type

Quantification Method Technology Conversion Automated

Type of Region County Yes

Region Sonoma Yes

Year 1 (Yr1) 2021 Yes

Year F (YrF) 2033 Yes

Quantification Period 12 Calculated

Service Type Local/ Intercity Bus (Short Distances) No

Yr1 Ridership 460 No

YrF Ridership 460 No

Adjustment Factor (A) 0.50 No

Length of Average Trip (L) 8.33 No

Passenger VMT Reductions Not Applicable Calculated

GHG Emission Reductions Not Applicable Calculated

Vehicle Type Transit Bus Yes

Engine Tier No

Hybrid Vehicle No Yes

Fuel/Energy Type Electric Yes

Project Specific Emission Factor Optional

Model Year 2021 Yes

Annual VMT 79,461 Yes

Annual Fuel/Energy (kWh) No

GHG Emissions 445 Calculated

The county where the majority of the service occurs.

The useful life of the rolling stock.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

The first year of the rolling stock's useful life.

The estimated GHG emissions (MTCO2e) of the vehicle to be acquired.

The vehicle type (e.g., Transit Bus, Streetcar, Ferry, etc.) of the rolling stock to be acquired.

Applicant must be able to demonstrate an approved carbon intensity value under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard; must submit additional documentation.

The final year of the rolling stock's useful life.

SECTION 3: This section is used to estimate the net emission reductions from new service or from the purchase of new zero-emission/hybrid vehicle(s).

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

SECTION 2: This section is used to estimate the emission and cost reductions from displaced auto vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

California Air Resources Board

Benefits Calculator Tool for theLow Carbon Transit Operations Program

California Climate Investments

SECTION 1: This section is used to determine the quantification method and emission factors to use to estimate emissions.Inputs

The region that best encompasses the geographic location for the proposed project type.


Purchase replacement zero-emission vehicle(s) (may include equipment/infrastructure)

Emission Estimates = Emissions from Baseline Vehicle – Emissions from New Vehicle

Not applicable for this project type.

Is the vehicle to be acquired a hybrid?

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

The fuel type (e.g. Electric, Diesel, etc.) of the vehicle to be acquired.

The engine model year of the vehicle to be acquired.

The estimated annual VMT of the vehicle to be acquired (e.g., 72,000).

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

Additional GHG Reductions Vehicle Replacement Yes

Vehicle Type Transit Bus Yes

Engine Tier No

Fuel/Energy Type CNG Yes

Model Year 2009 Yes

Annual VMT 79,461 Yes

Annual Fuel/Energy (cubic feet) No

GHG Reductions 2,376 Calculated

Additional GHG Reductions No

Vehicle Type No

Engine Tier No

Fuel/Energy Type No

Model Year No

Annual Fuel/Energy No

GHG Reductions Not Applicable Calculated

Total Project GHG Reductions 1,931 Calculated

LCTOP Project GHG Reductions 1,931 Calculated

The vehicle type expected to replaced as a result of the project (e.g., Transit Bus).

The portion of GHG emission reductions attributable to funding from LCTOP; GHG emission reductions are prorated according to the level of program funding contributed from LCTOP and other CCI programs, as applicable.

Total GHG emission reductions (MTCO2e) from the project during the useful life.

SECTION 6: This section calculates the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions achieved by the proposed project.

The estimated GHG emission reductions (MTCO2e) from vehicle replacement.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

Not applicable for this project type.

SECTION 4: This section is used to estimate the net emission reductions from vehicle replacement as a result of the proposed project.An existing vehicle will be replaced by the acquisition of a new zero-emission or near zero-emission vehicle.

SECTION 5: This section is used to estimate the net emission reductions from fuel/energy reductions as a result of the proposed project.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this project type.

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

The estimated annual VMT of the vehicle to be acquired.

The fuel type of the vehicle expected to replaced as a result of the project (e.g., Diesel).

Engine model year of the vehicle to be replaced.

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

Not applicable for this vehicle type.

DRAFT December 5, 2018 Page 2 of 21 QM-Tool

DTP-0001 (Revised June, 7 2018 v7.09)

Assembly: Senate: Congressional:

Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions


General Instructions

Amendment (Existing Project) No Date: 6/19/19District EA Project ID PPNO MPO ID Alt Proj. ID / prg.

04County Route/Corridor PM Bk PM Ahd Project Sponsor/Lead Agency

SON Sonoma County TransitMPO ElementMTC Mass Transit

Project Manager/Contact Phone E-mail AddressBryan Albee (707) 585-7516

Project TitleZero-Emission Bus & En-Route Charging Stations

Location (Project Limits), Description ( Scope of Work)Sonoma County Transit requests $551,000 in SB-1 Local Partnership Program cycle 2020 funding to assist with the purchase of one 35-foot zero-emission bus and the installation of two en-route electric charging stations.

Component Implementing AgencyPA&EDPS&ERight of WayConstruction Sonoma County TransitLegislative Districts

2, 4 & 10 2 2 & 5Project BenefitsPlease see attached.

Purpose and NeedPlease see attached.

Category Outputs/Outcomes Unit TotalIntercity Rail/Mass Trans Rail cars/ transit vehicles

Yes No NoYes Yes

Project Milestone Existing Proposed

Bike/Ped Improvements Reversible Lane analysis

Project Study Report ApprovedBegin Environmental (PA&ED) Phase 11/01/19Circulate Draft Environmental Document Document Type CE 11/15/19Draft Project ReportEnd Environmental Phase (PA&ED Milestone) 12/31/19Begin Design (PS&E) Phase 01/01/20End Design Phase (Ready to List for Advertisement Milestone) 06/30/20Begin Right of Way Phase 08/01/19

Begin Closeout Phase 11/01/21

End Right of Way Phase (Right of Way Certification Milestone) 10/31/19Begin Construction Phase (Contract Award Milestone) 07/01/20

ADA ImprovementsInc. Sustainable Communities Strategy Goals

End Closeout Phase (Closeout Report) 12/31/21

ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento,

End Construction Phase (Construction Contract Acceptance Milestone) 10/01/21

DTP-0001 (Revised June, 7 2018 v7.09) Date: 6/19/19District EA

04Project Title:

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL

E&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCON 1,120,000 1,120,000TOTAL 1,120,000 1,120,000

Fund No. 1:

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL

E&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCON 551,000 551,000TOTAL 551,000 551,000

Fund No. 2:

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL

E&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCON 320,000 320,000TOTAL 320,000 320,000



County Route Project ID PPNO Alt. IDSON , ,

Zero-Emission Bus & En-Route Charging Stations

Existing Total Project Cost ($1,000s)Implementing Agency

Sonoma County Transit

Sonoma County Transit

Proposed Total Project Cost ($1,000s) Notes$551,000 requested in SB-1 LPP funding and $569,000 provided as matching funding from various sources (see below).

SB-1 Local Partnership Program (LPP) Program CodeExisting Funding ($1,000s)

Funding AgencyCTC

Proposed Funding ($1,000s) Notes$360,000 for zero-emission bus purchase and $191,000 for en-route electric charging stations.

Program CodeExisting Funding ($1,000s)

Low-Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP)

Funding AgencyCaltrans

Proposed Funding ($1,000s) Notes$220,000 for zero-emission bus purchase and $100,000 for en-route electric charging stations.

Fund No. 3:

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL

E&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCON 140,000 140,000TOTAL 140,000 140,000

Fund No. 4: rogram Code

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL

E&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCON 109,000 109,000TOTAL 109,000 109,000

Fund No. 5:

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL


Existing Funding ($1,000s)

Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) Program CodeExisting Funding ($1,000s)

Funding AgencyBAAQMD

Transportation Development Act (TDA)

Proposed Funding ($1,000s) NotesZero-emission bus purchase.

Funding AgencyMTC

Proposed Funding ($1,000s) Notes

Proposed Funding ($1,000s) Notes

En-route electric charging stations.

Program CodeExisting Funding ($1,000s)

Funding Agency

S:\CIP\Grants\SB1 Formulaic\2019\SB-1 LPP Call for Projects.doc

is at McDowell Boulevard at Corona Road and SMART’s proposed multi use path will have aconnection to McDowell at Southpoint Blvd. McDowell Boulevard has also become the home ofLagunitas Brewing, Henhouse Brewing and SonomaCoast Spirits. As the north east side of Petaluma develops and becomes more of a destination, thevehicles, transit, pedestrian and bicycle trips grow.

Currently McDowell Boulevard is a 40 mph arterial and there has been limited work along thecorridor to improve bicycle and pedestrian connectivity and safety. The roadway has fallen beyondrepair, the City is unable to maintain the existing striping for bike lanes and travel lanes as paintwill only last a year. There are two existing uncontrolled crosswalks along corridor and oneadditional being proposed to connect the breweries along either side of the corridor. The existinguncontrolled crosswalks lack safety treatments that are suitable for the speed and number of travellanes. The bike facilities vary from class I bike path to class II bike lane along the corridor; there iscurrently no consistency or adequate signage along the route. Between Corona Road and OldRedwood Highway some of the sidewalks have been constructed with new developments but thesidewalk gaps prevent users from using the full corridor.

Project Scope: The project includes signal coordination along McDowell Boulevard North fromEast Washington St to Caulfield Lane which includes 13 traffic signals, reconstructing andstriping from Old Redwood Highway to Sunrise Parkway, construction of 38 new curb ramps,sidewalk gap closures from Old Redwood Highway to Corona Road, as well as at the railroadcrossing and widening of an existing sidewalk to create connectivity for class I bike path.

The signal coordination would include developing a traffic signal timing plan for the morning,midday and afternoon peak periods for McDowell Boulevard to reduce traffic congestion andtraffic delays which in turns will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. With the newdevelopments, breweries, distilleries, proposed SMART station and multi use path will benefitfrom new sidewalks and more well defined bike lanes to encourage more non-motorized travel.

Current Status: Project is in the preliminary scoping phase. Expected Completion Fall 2022

Cost Estimate: See Attachment B- Cost Estimate

Caltrans Life-Cycle Benefit-Cost Analysis Model 6.0: See Attachment C- LCBC Analysis. Bothan active transportation analysis and corridor analysis was completed for this project to properlyportray the benefits and costs associated with each aspect of the project.

Transportation, Land use and Housing Element: McDowell Complete Street project is consistentwith the key aspects of the Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCS) by constructing biking andwalking infrastructure to improve active transportation options. The project improves theconnectivity of bicycle and pedestrians infrastructure, improves access to local and regional busroutes, regional connectivity with SMART train and connectivity to the west side of Petaluma via

S:\CIP\Grants\SB1 Formulaic\2019\SB-1 LPP Call for Projects.doc

future SMART multi use pathway and the City’s existing Lynch Creek Trail. The improvement ofthe bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. The project will also include signal coordination of 13intersection to achieve speeds that are suitable to the corridor and improve efficiencies tominimize emissions and energy consumption and make optimal use of the street capacity.

Greenhouse Gas Impacts: The SB-1 Emission Calculator and the Arterial Management Projectswork sheet typically used for TFCA projects were utilized to analyze the greenhouse house gasreduction of the project. Both worksheets analyzed the greenhouse gas reduction for the signalcoordination of 13 intersections / 3.71 miles along McDowell Boulevard. Greenhouse gasreduction was quantified for pedestrian and bicycle improvement as part of the cost benefitanalysis of active transportation. See attachment C for greenhouse gas reduction for bicycle andpedestrian improvements and attachment D for the SB-1 Emissions Calculator and

SB-1 Emissions Calculator

Arterial Management


Attachment A: Project Limits MapAttachment B : Cost EstimateAttachment C: Life-Cycle Benefit-Cost Analysis Model 6.0Attachment D: SB-1 Emission Calculator and the Arterial Management

S:\CIP\Grants\SB1 Formulaic\2019\SB-1 LPP Call for Projects.doc

Attachment AProject Location Map

Polygon Line
Text Box
Attachment A- Project Location Map
Text Box
Old Redwood Highway
Text Box
Old Redwood Highway
Text Box
Old Redwood Highway
Text Box
Old Redwood Highway
Text Box
McDowell Boulevard
Text Box
East Washington St
McDowell Boulevard Complete Streets Project Limits

S:\CIP\Grants\SB1 Formulaic\2019\SB-1 LPP Call for Projects.doc

Attachment BCost Estimate


Signal Coordination- Consultant 1 LS $50,000 $50,0001 Mobilization / Demobilization 1 LS $125,000 $125,0002 Temporary Traffic Control 1 LS $100,000 $100,000

3Storm Water management and Erosioncontrol 1 LS $25,000 $25,000

4 Minor Concrete - Curb and Gutter 304 LF $70.00 $21,280.005 Minor Concrete - Sidewalk curb ramps 2,432 SF $30 $72,960.006 Curb Ramps 38 EA $7,500 $285,000.007 Video Detection Cameras 16 EA $8,000 $128,000.00

8 8" Full Depth Reclamation-foamed Asphalt 45000 SY $6 $270,000.00

9asphalt binder (full depth reclamationfoamed asphalt) 480 Ton $835 $400,800.00

10 Grading Support 45000 SY $2 $99,000.0011 3" HMA Overlay 7843 Ton $120 $941,143.7312 Uncontrolled Xwalk Upgrade 2 EA $100,000 $200,000.0014 Sidewalk - Gap Closure 16,000 SF $23 $368,000.0016 Pothole 150 EA $800 $120,000.0017 Adjust Utilities 120 EA $800 $96,000.0018 Water Service Replacements 1 LS $100,000 $100,000.0019 Striping 1 LS $150,000 $150,000.00









Total Funds

AdministrationLegal ServicesDesign (3.5%)

Street MaintenanceRMRA

Total usesCIP Overheads

Contingency (5%)Construction Mgmt (3%)

Construction Contracts

SB1 Formulaic

Planning/EnvironmentalLand & Easements

Attachment B - Cost EstimateMcDowell Boulevard Complete Streets Project Engineer's


Total Construction

Project Title: Pavement Restoration – Future Projects PROJECT PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION

This annual project will reduce the continued degradation of the City’s street system by implementing pavement maintenance measures as much as funding allows. Projects will consist primarily of seal coats and overlays with associated dig-outs of failed areas and crack sealing. The Americans with Disabilities Act improvements to sidewalks and curb ramps will be included either as part of the paving project or as a separate project whenever possible. It is anticipated that there will be one project per year. FINANCIAL OVERVIEW

Expenses and Funds Received BUDGET

USES (dollars in $000) FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24Planning/Environmental - 1 1 1 1 4 Land & Easements - - Design - 53 88 64 60 265 Legal Services - 1 1 1 1 4 Administration - 2 2 2 2 8 Construction Contracts - 1,762 2,933 2,134 2,886 9,715 Construction Mgmt - 88 147 107 150 492 Contingency - 88 147 107 150 492 CIP Overheads - 3 3 3 3 12

TOTAL USES -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,998$ 3,322$ 2,419$ 3,253$ 10,992$

SOURCES (dollars in $000)Street Maintenance - 831 860 890 921 3,502 Road Maint & Rehab Acct (RMRA) - 1,733 1,836 1,918 2,003 7,490

TOTAL FUNDS -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,564$ 2,696$ 2,808$ 2,924$ 10,992$

Actual Life to Date

thru FY 18EstimateFY 18-19

Estimate Life to Date thru FY 19

Adopted Budget

FY 19-20

PROJECTED Total Project Estimate


McDowell Blvd North

S:\CIP\Grants\SB1 Formulaic\2019\SB-1 LPP Call for Projects.doc

Attachment CLife-Cycle Cost Analysis Model 6.0

District: 4EA:

PROJECT: McDowell Complete Streets PPNO:


Total Over AverageLife-Cycle Costs (mil. $) $0.4 ITEMIZED BENEFITS (mil. $) 20 Years AnnualLife-Cycle Benefits (mil. $) $0.7 Journey Quality $0.2 $0.0Net Present Value (mil. $) $0.3 Additional Delay Savings $0.2 $0.0

Additional Safety Benefits $4.6 $0.2Benefit / Cost Ratio: 1.7 Health Benefits -$4.3 -$0.2

Emission Cost Savings -$0.0 -$0.0Rate of Return on Investment: 36.9% TOTAL BENEFITS $0.7 $0.0

Payback Period: 3 years SRTS-SPECIFIC BENEFITS (mil. $) Journey Quality $0.0 $0.0

NON-INFRASTRUCTURE IMPLEMENTATION COST Additional Delay Savings $0.0 $0.0 Per Bike Program Impact Score N/A Additional Safety Benefits $0.0 $0.0 Per Ped Program Impact Score N/A TOTAL SRTS BENEFITS $0.0 $0.0

Tons Value (mil. $)Factors that Differentiate Benefits Total Over Average Total Over Average

and Performance Measures EMISSIONS REDUCTION 20 Years Annual 20 Years Annual CO Emissions Saved -1 0 -$0.0 -$0.0

Safe Route to School Yes CO2 Emissions Saved -296 -15 -$0.0 -$0.0Intersection Improvements on SRTS No NOX Emissions Saved 0 0 -$0.0 -$0.0Programmatic Initiatives No PM10 Emissions Saved 0 0 -$0.0 -$0.0Recreational Benefits 1 PM2.5 Emissions Saved 0 0(enter 1 for Yes, 0 for No) SOX Emissions Saved 0 0 -$0.0 -$0.0

VOC Emissions Saved 0 0 -$0.0 -$0.0

Transportation EconomicsCaltrans DOTP

Cal-B/C AT - 3) ResultsCal-BC62AT

Page 15/22/2019

S:\CIP\Grants\SB1 Formulaic\2019\SB-1 LPP Call for Projects.doc

Attachment DSB-1 Emission Calculator and the

Arterial Management

District: 4EA:




Vehicle-Miles Traveled (Passenger Vehicles) Average Speed (Passenger Vehicles)Project Location (enter 1 for So. Cal., 2 for No. Cal., or 3 for rural) 2

No Build Build No Build BuildLength of Construction Period (years) 1 Base (Year 1) 37137 37137 Base (Year 1) 26 30

Forecast (Year 20) 40513 4051 Forecast (Year 20) 24 29

Vehicle-Miles Traveled (Trucks) Average Speed (Trucks)

1B HIGHWAY DATA No Build Build No Build BuildBase (Year 1) 3673 3673 Base (Year 1) 26 30Forecast (Year 20) 4007 401 Forecast (Year 20) 24 29

Average Daily Vehicle-Miles Traveled (VMT)No Build Build

Base (Year 1) 40,810 40,810 Service-Miles (Buses) Average Speed (Buses)Forecast (Year 20) 44,520 4,452

No Build Build No Build BuildPercent of VMT No Build Build Base (Year 1) 0 0 Base (Year 1) 26 30

Default User Override Default User Override Forecast (Year 20) 0 0 Forecast (Year 20) 24 29Percent Truck 9% 9%Percent Bus 0% 0%

Ton-Miles (Freight Locomotives) Average Ton-Miles/Gallon (Freight Locomotive)

Trip or Route Length (miles) No Build Build No Build BuildNo Build Build Base (Year 1) Base (Year 1) 468 468

Average Trip Length for Passenger Vehicles 4 4 Forecast (Year 20) Forecast (Year 20) 468 468Average Trip Length for Trucks 4 4Average Route Length for Buses 4 4

Signal Coordination along McDowell Boulevard

McDowell Boulevard Complete Streets

CFIP Emissions - 1) Project InformationSB1EmissionsCalculatorv12r

Page 15/22/2019

District: 4EA:

PROJECT: McDowell Boulevard Complete Streets PPNO:


Short Tons Value (mil. $)Total Over Average Total Over Average

EMISSIONS REDUCTION 20 Years Annual 20 Years Annual CO Emissions Saved 195 10 0.0$ 0.0$ CO2 Emissions Saved 72,183 3,609 2.1$ 0.1$ NOX Emissions Saved 57 3 0.7$ 0.0$ PM10 Emissions Saved 1 0 0.1$ 0.0$ PM2.5 Emissions Saved 1 0 SOX Emissions Saved 1 0 0.0$ 0.0$ VOC Emissions Saved 12 1 0.0$ 0.0$

CFIP Emissions - 2) ResultsSB1EmissionsCalculatorv12r

Page 25/22/2019

ARTERIAL MANAGEMENT PROJECTSFYE 2014 TFCA Progam Manager Fund WorksheetVersion 1.0, updated 11/26/12

Calculations Tab: Complete areas shaded in yellow.

Cost Effectiveness Inputs# Years Effectiveness: 2Total Project Cost: $50,000TFCA Cost 40%: $20,000TFCA Cost 60%: $30,000 TFCA Regional Fund Proj. #: 11-SON-04 (If applicable)Total TFCA Cost: $50,000

Emission Reduction CalculationsA B C D E F G H I J K L

Name of Arterial, DirectionSegmentLength(miles)

Days/Yr. Time PeriodTraffic VolumeDuring Time


Travel Speedw/o Project

Travel Speedw/ Project





NOx EmissionReductions


PM EmissionReductions


CO2 EmissionReductions


SAMPLE--San Pablo, Northbound 4.5 250 7AM - 9AM 7,000 21.5 25.0 16.3% 338.24 375.10 71.55 546393N. McDowell Boulevard, Northbound 3.71 250 6:30AM - 10:00AM 3,786 26.0 29.0 11.5% 87.01 98.23 17.79 139223N. McDowell Boulevard, Northbound 3.71 250 11:45AM - 13:00PM 3,786 26.0 30.0 15.4% 116.02 130.71 23.98 185631N. McDowell Boulevard, Northbound 3.71 250 15:00PM - 19:00PM 3,786 31.0 38.0 22.6% 131.88 137.29 28.62 211155N. McDowell Boulevard, Southbound 3.71 250 6:30AM - 10:00AM 3,786 26.0 32.0 23.1% 174.03 196.46 35.58 278446N. McDowell Boulevard, Southbound 3.71 250 11:45AM - 13:00PM 3,786 23.0 30.0 30.4% 259.50 288.89 54.53 417669N. McDowell Boulevard, Southbound 3.71 250 15:00PM - 19:00PM 3,786 22.0 31.0 40.9% 345.35 384.80 73.09 556892

Total Emission Reductions 1113.78 1236.38 233.59 1789016

Cost Effectiveness Results Annual Lifetime1. ROG Emissions 0.56 1.11 Tons2. NOx Emissions 0.62 1.24 Tons3. PM Emissions 0.12 0.23 Tons4. Weighted PM Emissions 2.34 4.67 Tons5. CO2 Emissions Reduced 894.51 1789.02 Tons6. Emission Reductions (ROG, NOx & PM) 1.29 2.58 Tons7. TFCA Project Cost - Cost Effectiveness (ROG, NOx & PM) $19,352 /Ton

$7,121 /Ton8. TFCA Project Cost - Cost Effectiveness (ROG, NOx & Weighted PM). THIS VALUEMUST MEET POLICY REQUIREMENTS.

Existing Vehicles

Clean Fuel Vehicles Clean Fuel Clean Fuel Clean FuelClean Fuel Clean Fuel

Arterial Management FYE 142_McD 5/22/2019 6:51 AM

DTP-0001 (Revised June, 7 2018 v7.09)

Assembly: Senate: Congressional:

Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions


General Instructions

Amendment (Existing Project) Y/N Date: 6/4/19District EA Project ID PPNO MPO ID Alt Proj. ID / prg.

04County Route/Corridor PM Bk PM Ahd Project Sponsor/Lead Agency

Son City of PetalumaMPO Element

Capital OutlayProject Manager/Contact Phone E-mail Address

Jeff Stutsman 707-776-3673 Jstutsman@cityofpetaluma.orgProject TitleMcDowell Boulevard Complete Streets

Location (Project Limits), Description ( Scope of Work)The Project Limits are McDowell Boulevard North from Old Redwood Highway to Caulfield Lane. he project is a complete streets projectthat is designed to increase safe access for all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorist and transit riders along the corridor. Thescope of the work includes signal coordination along the corridor, pavement rehabilitation, striping, curb ramps, uncontrolled crosswalkimprovements including refuge areas and flashing beacons, and improves pedestrian and bicycle access by closing the gaps andincreasing the connectivity along the route

Component Implementing AgencyPA&EDPS&E City of PetalumaRight of WayConstruction City of PEtalumaLegislative Districts

10 3 2Project BenefitsSee Page #2

Purpose and NeedSee Page #2

Category Outputs/Outcomes Unit TotalLocal streets and roads Operational improvements Miles 3.71Local streets and roads Pedestrian/Bicycle facilities miles constructed Miles 0.5

Yes Yes NoYes Yes

Project Milestone Existing Proposed

Bike/Ped Improvements Reversible Lane analysis

Project Study Report Approved NABegin Environmental (PA&ED) Phase NACirculate Draft Environmental Document Document Type NADraft Project Report NAEnd Environmental Phase (PA&ED Milestone) NABegin Design (PS&E) Phase 01/01/20End Design Phase (Ready to List for Advertisement Milestone) 11/01/21Begin Right of Way Phase 08/01/21

Begin Closeout Phase 09/01/22

End Right of Way Phase (Right of Way Certification Milestone) 02/01/22Begin Construction Phase (Contract Award Milestone) 09/01/22

ADA ImprovementsInc. Sustainable Communities Strategy Goals

End Closeout Phase (Closeout Report) 02/01/23

ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916)654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento,

End Construction Phase (Construction Contract Acceptance Milestone) 09/01/22

DTP-0001 (Revised June, 7 2018 v7.09) Date: 6/4/19

ADA Notice



Additional InformationProject Purpose: McDowell Boulevard North is one of the main arterials in town connecting north and southwith an average daily traffic of approximately 11,000 vehicles per day. Petaluma Transit, Sonoma CountyTransit, and Golden Gate Transit utilize the 23 transit stops along this route. Many new developments alongthe corridor are in construction or pending development application such as Brody Ranch, Deer Creek andCorona Station Developments. SMART’s proposed station is at McDowell Boulevard at Corona Road andSMART’s proposed multi use path will have a connection to McDowell at Southpoint Blvd. McDowellBoulevard has also become the home of Lagunitas Brewing, Henhouse Brewing and SonomaCoast Spirits. As the north east side of Petaluma develops and becomes more of a destination, the vehicles,transit, pedestrian and bicycle trips grow.

Currently McDowell Boulevard is a 40 mph arterial and there has been limited work along the corridor toimprove bicycle and pedestrian connectivity and safety. The roadway has fallen beyond repair, the City isunable to maintain the existing striping for bike lanes and travel lanes as paint will only last a year. There aretwo existing uncontrolled crosswalks along corridor and one additional being proposed to connect thebreweries along either side of the corridor. The existing uncontrolled crosswalks lack safety treatments thatare suitable for the speed and number of travel lanes. The bike facilities vary from class I bike path to class IIbike lane along the corridor; there is currently no consistency or adequate signage along the route. BetweenCorona Road and Old Redwood Highway some of the sidewalks have been constructed with newdevelopments but the sidewalk gaps prevent users from using the full corridor.

Project Scope: The project includes signal coordination along McDowell Boulevard North from EastWashington St to Caulfield Lane which includes 13 traffic signals, reconstructing and striping from OldRedwood Highway to Sunrise Parkway, construction of 38 new curb ramps, sidewalk gap closures from OldRedwood Highway to Corona Road, as well as at the railroad crossing and widening of an existing sidewalk tocreate connectivity for class I bike path.

The signal coordination would include developing a traffic signal timing plan for the morning, midday andafternoon peak periods for McDowell Boulevard to reduce traffic congestion and traffic delays which in turnswill reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. With the new developments, breweries, distilleries, proposedSMART station and multi use path will benefit from new sidewalks and more well defined bike lanes toencourage more non-motorized travel

For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 orTDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814.

DTP-0001 (Revised June, 7 2018 v7.09) Date: 6/13/19District EA

04Project Title:

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL

E&P (PA&ED) 1 1PS&E 129 129R/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCON 3,843 3,843TOTAL 130 3,843 3,973

Fund No. 1:

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL

E&P (PA&ED) 1 1PS&E 129 129R/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCON 3,292 3,292TOTAL 130 3,292 3,422

Fund No. 2:

Component Prior 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24+ TotalE&P (PA&ED)PS&ER/W SUP (CT)CON SUP (CT)R/WCONTOTAL




County Route Project ID PPNO Alt. IDSon , ,

McDowell Boulevard Complete Streets

Existing Total Project Cost ($1,000s)Implementing Agency

City of Petaluma

City of PEtaluma

City of PEtaluma

Proposed Total Project Cost ($1,000s) Notes

Local Funds (Street Maintenace, RMRA, Water) Program CodeExisting Funding ($1,000s)

Funding AgencyCity of Petaluma

Proposed Funding ($1,000s) NotesLocal Funds

SB-1 Formulaic Program CodeExisting Funding ($1,000s)

Funding AgencyState of California

Proposed Funding ($1,000s) NotesSB-1 Formulaic

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