st. viateur's college journal, 1889-10-12

Post on 25-Jul-2016






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Vol. VII, No. 3 - Roy Memorial Year



• I

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A GUOO LNK. Tl!),; l'ul il'!(<' has for some lime past n<NI ;t

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-SlT y· ·· IA,.fE. UR' -l( · '()J T -..-,nE TOURNAI. . •·· _. . · · _ t ~ .: Js. Jl:Ax · tJ l 1_ 1 . _ 1.

LEC T10 CERTA PRODEST, VAIUA I> E L E CT AT. Se.n eca. ... ,_






1. .

1. f' ( .J. ~feG a v i ek ........ . . . ... '\10

.. :Jc 1Lt>l'8 Jll e lit' ~ · , I ,J. Htl nnet ... . .... . .. ... . . . 90

1 T . Norm <> \" lP ... ... .. .. ... . '91

As.'<i;;;k>:lt F.rliLor;; F. 0 •11H"In mnd ....•.. ... . . . 9 1 . L. F:l\ lPy. ' ..... .. ... . ... . '93

l One \' en.r - -

TEHl\IS. Si x 1rwnths - -P nyahlc in acl vance.

For ~l.! l vorti s i ng . SC''' Ia..,t. pa!!e.

~ 1. ;)0.


-\ 11 ~1 11<1<-nt ~< of till' < ~ollPg<' a re inYitt-d to ,,.11<1 eontrihutionR of fliH11 ~r for the ,JneH;:..;At..

All CO!Illll lllli «alions ~liOIIid i>P :Hi<1rP;;s<.•fl "~1. \" i:1t!'11 r'~ CnllPgc .Jonrunl,'' 13onl'lHlnna is (;rovP. l(aukal<c~ Co .. I d.

l·:nten·rl at the l'ost. OtliC<' at Bnnrhnnna i;; Gn>Y<'. fll.. ns 5('COJHI <'lass (,na!t . ..- r.


::-;T. VL\ T()lL the lunnhl e Patron of this eol­

lt-ge and ('Ommnnity, is the suhjeet of a bt:-antif11l sket(.',lt l1y Mi s:- . Eliza El!e!l Stan· itt the last lllllfl­

ber of the Coy's Protecto1·. \Ve are pleaBed to re­produee it and thereby ennble a larg(~l' llllttdwr of reader:; to aetpHti n t tltelJlsel ves with tlte eel ifying life of tlmt obsenre young saint. It i.- hopNl that «A 1- cw l''' \Yill pm\'e of inten"f' t to onr fel­]o,v R1 1H l nt:-~ for whom our .Jot: IU\AJ. j ,.; espeeially


* * * 0 1-GREGATION .AL SI t\G ING may be class­

ed hy some as among the subjects which lie with­otlt the promise of college journaiism. \Ve are bound to respect the opinions of others all along the line but offer no e~t:>nse for the introdHction of this im-

p~~tan! topic in onr paper. For , inasm uch as chapel singing is ~ne of the beau tifying and eleYating in­flnenees of colkge li fe it is not, a~d cann oTL-ie- o ut of place to ·bring the idea before the- body -of -~ru:: dents, to 1w1ke them see the im por tan ce and feel th"e grandeur of it; to e11Cciii~age theu1-aJwtoYay "fu3icte n. sometimes natuntl timidity and to de,·elop the faculties for song with wh ich natu re bas gifted

them. V\' e therefore engage all our fellow students to cultivate tlteir Yoices an d thus acqnire not only

the ability to make themselves u sef ul in divine ser ­vice, bu t also~ an accomplishment wh ich will make them m ore agreab le in society.

* * llf


l~n en:11t mngo.i:ficen t in its r eali ty and far l~each ­ing ancl heu eficeu t in i ts results. T his g rand ga­thering of th e best minds and. hear ts among the :American clergy and l&ity is no doubt one of the happiest featm es of the centenn ial celebr ation. From the friction of great minds always issue sparks that en lig ltten, and with the new light eomes im ­proveme nt , progress leading to perfection. This congreSt; then, is :-ornething wh ich all institutions susceptible of bette rment will l0ok fo1·ward to with keenest i11tt- rest. \ Ve call the attention of students

ecclet> ias: ien l aitJ. collegiate, to the Catholie news ­paper ·wherein t hey will find rnueh to interest them npon thi,; piJint.

* * * YOU A.lm ~\.LL INVITED to assist at the St.

Viateur't> Eve Soiree Sunday evening Oct. cthe 20th~ rfhm:e- will he amusement, dramatic and ~mnsic~tl,

of a high on1er. :Mnsicians never: fail to entertain th eir visitors. The eelebration of the dny is on Monday the 21st. :M:ass, Banq net, etc. which all are coTdiallv invited to rtttend.

'iT. Vl.ATEUH.' COL LI<.:G1\ JOUl{.NAL.



·•A new S:li 11 t! Ilnve ,)'<• ll hem·cl of h i111? t-nint Via­

tor!" "No t. a new ·s:d nt , Theodore, L11 t n. t1ew :t cqn ·'i ll t­

a,JCe ! In f:tet, Sai nt Vi:tt.oi· is Oti C or lit<:' s ti lllS (If YP l'.) '

ll ncier,t tim es. Su f:t.r h:~c k ns in ~he fiJurLh ce n t ury hi s beautiful sto ry was told fr om Lyo ttS i11 Fr:111ce to tit e

d esert of Tl,eha.i t! i ·1 E-\',\' 1'1., :1:1tl b:t ek from t.lit> cl c~ c r t

to t hn l ov ely city in •.rltiell he w : 1~ born ." "How strange it is," sa id Th e,idore , •' t.h :tt, I ne ver

hearrl of him be lore."

"}hrdl y stmngc," l't ' pli ed HuiJ (~rt. ·•c, "1"i' l r:: ri 1\ !l h n w

littl e paills we t.nke to K11ow :tl>o ut t.l w :> :t i l t ' ~ we do hea t· s poken <JL Sume Li1ues o1.e W\Ju !cltlli •·k 1li •·n· we rl'

too many sa. in t;; :'ln~ ac l y; more Lh :' n 1re tiPerl in f:~ c t.,

and more , ccr la i"l y, Lh :1n we P".Y prPp<'l' nl t.t· ,t.i\1 11 Lo.

So, why ~ b l) uill lhose w iJ o h:tppeu to k! tow "f ut.he 1· saints think it wurllt .wltile Lo trou lde u ~ witlt auy

Jn 0re."

''You are ri ght, Hu bert," :::nid Tllt•oclore; " I a m a­

shamed to tbink bow itTevcrently I s p uk e \Jf this 'new

saint' as I c :dle <l him , us if saints were not 11 mong t.l1 e m ost wo nd e rful works of God in I he o rd e r u f .~· r ,w e , tu

be wdcomed whe ther old <11' new. But, i I y oure: tl !y !wow

at,yLbing of Saint Viator, I wish yon wo uld te ll it tO

m e. Tbe ·very fact Lha.t I never heard of llirn before to­d<~ y, makes me w i ~ h to l•now wby he is ;;poke n uf a t


' 'Hr>w dirl you b:tppen to l.t ear him spoke n uf Lo d ny ?"

asked H u bert. "Som e o ne told me o f ~h e ne w Paroc lti ~1. l Sc lt oo l, nnd

sa id it woulcl I.J e under the ca re of the'Paroc:,ialCI\'.ri cs

of Saint Vi :ttor ; :l nd wlten I a~ l;: wlw St int Viat.or wnB ,

my friend ~ou ld not te ll n:e."

''And yon t.h eref,, , e C(iiJcl\ll led t h ·tt lt e w:; s a new sa int instt'tt,-: uf one 1vho h:td L! e <> ll vene r: tted fLr ag(·~ ;

fur more than fu tl! tei!u eeutur ieb.' '

·' Preeisely." "Very ,.,-e ll , [will tdl }"U wltat I 1!· 1V;> j,' :ll'IIE't ! hy

conversing wit h th e C ler ies ,<'r n,; l li··y g\' llt'Tal!y c:•y , llic:

Brothe rs of S: tiJ tl. Vi :tt;, r , a11d frulll r• ·nd ing t l1 e ~k e ­

es of h i:; life which th ey J H t ~ i 11 t" my It""!' .;e skelches are ~ lu >rt, Idee nl10osc :til :ll: < · OIIttt~ ur t it s_

early sai nts , :t• fll a re t-.;kell ft· t•tn Lh e ·H.urn ·.- n :\l:tr ty1o!o . gy,' t be 'Brel'i :try " f Lyolis, ' :wtl tl:e cxc.t:.llen t wur k u l' F rttber Re na ud, J esu it.; so urces whi c h g o b:t c.k too f.t r, lln ve been cher is he d by tuo lea rne<l :·\ lHl nub] e a ei t.y, 'aud broug h t furw nrd by one o f too much authority in

o ur tl:ty , t o l.Je li g bt ly es teemed.'' •' A nd y e t the3c record~ !Ja ,·e not upvenred ill nny

mngazine fo r u s J<> tt t b ~ , or m:1d e the s tory of Hit)' book for our Sunrlny-school lib rari E-s !'' said Thco<i ore.

" And wby r Becnnsc it is mo re to 1 il e minds o f o ur bnys uncl g irl s to re:1d fictiti ous !ha n true stori es, ni­thoug h f.W e rybod y iR snyi ug t hat 'trut h is s tr:mger thnn ·

fieLinn.' B nt to our t:iai u t Vi:ttrJr," saiu H11bert. ·

"The Vl'l'}' firs t H? llt eJH;e i n bis l ife re a nli raclr , for, bf'Jure il is bir : li, l,i· . ., mo t he r, having b PC II nccuae!l o f a gre \·iou s crime, wa~ r.nst into priH•JI and in a prison wn s t hi s cililcl o f <YJ':IeC bu!'ll. A child (J f <f1'!1Ce w e mny

0 ...... .:

tru ly say , for no SOO IH:! I' ll' :l~ 1>< '. t,. ,J'I, til"'' he s po ke nu<l

justified his mut.:wr i11 pl ~t i n wu nl :> . 'Ve 111\l ~ L bel ie ve

that he w:ls reg :1r•h•d ·. ~· i t h velwr:tlion l>y h oth !li s tm­rents, who had h im IJ :1pt'zt> cl l1y the n:tllle lw has nlway s

bome, Vi :1tor. Jl p w;; ~ IJJc.>ug l ' t I' P in : I. e m o~t pr-r­

fect pracLice oft he )'ie:y of ':111 fl f,e l,f n : J1j i : - t l.e

very age (>f Sn in~ Ag , , e~ , nu rl t• f so mnny utb e r:> we vt~ n­

emte. But ev•;n b t•f; >re thi s, Lyo11 s h:Hl been g lori fied

by ~ u c h mar tyrs as S li11 t Ste1>hen, who di ed on th e: J

cross: S t.iut M ·m ..: el , wil e> w.t ~ mangled with t h e b r~tn e !J - l

es o f t r ees ~111cl li . V1e twi g-", a11d t hen h LJ•·i<:. l ns b iglt a:i

the breast and lef t thug I'<Jr three dnys exposed w :tw­

fu l tortures , to rxpire w l! i] ,. dwutiug the prai se of li<>d

Saint .Elze:tr , who t,n.d rlle hnppi11ess o f see ing his' ight

c hildren die f. .~ r Chris t, under t he i11 s piration of lti s

teaebir:gs, bef< ,re nlt eci ding h i" own Llood ; nnd tb c g lo r i ­

ous Saiut BiaJI!!in e , who, IIOi withstallding her fccb l':l

bocly, bore her torm e n r.s wit. h() ut a murmur. Y\Jll t hn s

see that uu r V iator hacl noLle ex :nnpln; befn t·e him ,

anri fro m 1\i s most tender i llf,,n ,·y he g t; igu~ of those virtues which. prnc ti;;r;d i tl a il l' r•> ic d·· ~ re i." , make s:tint:;

wh e th e r in th e full! Lh c. uLUJ.)' o r lh c JJii :~ t.N· nt ! J . It IHtS n o oL hP- r lh:i'l Sni!lt .Ju ~ t e, t lw ltc ,l y lli::J;"? o f Lyo""' who se lecte rl this eltui et: pl::n t ohanct-it.y to~e rvein Lit e rrwks of the o:uwt u::ry: ad .. pL i"g hirn ill :1 S}Wc in l Ul Hll­

ner ns ouc in -wi1 0 tn th e vir t ues we admire in Sai11t S tatti:; laus Kostka flltd Stint :\I •y .-dus, boUt m i ra cl e~ "f in nocence, o r lll\ •l·t ifi eatillll :! lid d ~· Yc · tion. A.s soo n a ;;

years wou ld :tlluw, Sai llt ,Ju , l e prunt o led (Jur Vi <L tOr k >

t he or<1 e r ut' I ,\•et o rc, IYh ie lJ is U1c sc·eonrl uf th e ord ers we c:d l ' MillO!' Oi · d e r~.' b i lliS r:tuk or tlt e clergy i"t was his utih:e to rencl ll1 e ll \J ly !:-'c ript ure bf: fo re i t wn:;

ex po u ll rl e.( l,y t i n~ p •· e·,e ll\•r, Lo e i!a11L t ],e l es ~ O ll or t he

<by, to bl (' ,;s t il e-; 11\'IY IJI'<: :.d :I J!d lr ui :s Lr"u5 1! t h_y the

people. But id ~ c J, ie f du :y \\' aS t. :> ,-xpl :,i ll, :IS ~t ta te. c lt is t., t!Jo< e J·ast:•g<'s < f tile H uly Scrip t u1c tllt ch:r e o i• Si­

demli on, while he IY .t ~ ex [>O<: e l to i1 1:>Uu ct ot lters as much hy hi s t·xnn1p le a~ hy !tis t e:~ e hi n g. )\Tbil e fn lfi il ­

ill g hi5 uffi ce in til e c h •trch , he w:ts placed so tba t. lt e c •> ulrl be seen and he a rd by nlltb e p< ' ' }de ; 1 : :~ d tlle1 e

c0mes dow·n to u~ , trum the l'o nrl h cent ury, :1n nccuu!Jt of the delightful spectac .e ntfu rcl ef: l>y the angr.- li c mod_

es ty of hi s deportm e nt, ~11Jd the s wee t u w :ti uu 01 Ids m e.lodious vo ice when l:e read a lesson from Ho ly S crip_

. )

•• ' • • >·


turE>. In consE>que nce, every one was a.ttached to him , and :\ veneration seldom felt for one so young, stole over the hearts of those who li stened to him.

"S~tint Just~, his Bishop, l'!ecing · him: fulfillin~ thus f.dthfully atrrl with extraord inary g rnce the functions .of 11 Lrcti;r' \VtlS ~Hl vancing him to the rriestly state, whrn n. uircumst:1nee occurred which preve nted Viator from ever leaving the bumble n>nk of a reader or Lec­tor.

••It happened in tlw city of Lyons tha,t a man, in a · ~tale (,f frenzy, killed several 1<1en, and th<'ll took r~fuge i:n the uiHH<.:h, believing no one woull viol ate the right of sa r:etuary. ns it \\·n s ca lled. When bis . dcf'cl known, Lhe people of Lyons, full (lf indignation, assem­bled rOtll :rl the church to which he had betnk~11 him-

· self,netermined to wreak a just YE>ngen nce, n~ thfy saicl, npon the erim'n:d. Saint .Tn ste, with the pity wbicu a priest feel» for a sinner, and, knowing t.hat t!Je awful tra.gedy came more from fo o li sh passion tb::JII a cool i11tenti oM to kill his viutitr,s, tri erl to protect !tim froiTJ the fury of the crowed, 1erninding them that they would violat e the sacred phce by avenging th~mselves up :'n hi 111 there. Then tiH'y insisted th:o t 1 hey would ic t fire to th e clnm·h, ::~rrl the wretc·b d:oold perish in it. This f.o wrought upon Saint Juste that he gnvt­thc m:·•u up to then1 on one Ponditioo, viz: that thry would imprison him for trial without d1;ing him nny hnrm .'

•·This they pronlisecl, but no sooner w:<s the unfortu­nate man in their power than tl1ey put him to a cruel death , which so shocl<ed ~aint Jnstc, tht>ir holy Bishop, tltat he tool;: upOit him :se lf the Lti:tme of tills nct.ion be­fore God, nnd resolved to expiate it. IIe me~litaterl long upon the best w:1y in whi ch to ancomplifh it., :nHl de­cided to lenve Lyons nnrl his l!eloved pcorle upon ~ome ocent;ion wl•t"n he wonLI be called J'rom them pub· licly; :wd tllen pursue hi~ journey in secret to the rlcs ­ert of Egypt, !,here to join the hermitR wbo live<1 lives of suc!J holiness in the solitud es of Thehaid. This occa­sion presented itselt in the year 38l, wlH~n a eouncil wao called to sit at Aqnilie, and we Bishop ot L_y(lns, our Saint .Ju~:e, \~:1 s n·qnired to go there ~o r epl'('Sent the whole nnli .. n of the Gnnls. In this council tltere were thirty-two Bi~lH>[•S of eminent s:wctity , and ov<•r these J.Jreside<l S:~int Ambrose, the holy Archbi:;hop of i\Iilau, who, after hi !' de::lh, w:·ts declared a Doctor of the church as well as a saint. Having performed all the du­ties of his office in the council, Saint Juste considered tbis the time to escape to Egypt, and confided his in­tention to hi s young Lector, Viator, asking him to ac­company him if he W'1,s moved to do so by the Holy Spirit. There was no hesitation on the ~·art . of Viator To follow his Bishop, wh~:;n a~ked to do so, was his du ­ty, and then the life of perfe(;tion to wl1ich be was

thus Paill'-<1, h:td a great attraction for him . "Kueping, therefore; the secret of the holy Bio:hop, he

left Lyons without bidding farewell to his p:trents or his brotlwr;; in religion; an<l going to Arles, joined there hi s father in Christ, the holy Bi shop of Lyons. Together tlwy journryc<1 hy lund nnd ~en, wi bout turning a5idc t ., vi~it any of the wonrlers rJf t he coun tries through whic:h they pnsserl, until they came to the desert of Tl;ebaid, made holy for a ll time by the live,.:

·.of penitenee and prnyer led by the hermits who made the wilrlernr> fS blossom witt> the ros<'s of snnctity. There the hoiy Bi,hor> and .hi s young Lector took up coura­geously the snme severe life, by which they became angels rathf•r than men.

''At lengr h S·tin t Juste, who was no w aged, fell ill, and was ntlen•h·rl in the most devoted manner by his Clisciple VinUJr; while a priest from Lyons Jlamed Anti­ochu~, who. inspired witlt the same desire for perfection as his Bishop, ha d come to Thebnid, now joined Viatot· in his pious d~votion of Saint Juste. When the affec­tionate Lector saw his ve1wrahle fhther near his end, the thought- of hi» own desolation overcame him and he cried out in llis anguish : 'My G ')d and my Lord why dost thou f<uEake me?' The spirit in which this wa~ · said by Viator was so truly religious, as if God were taking from him his guide to sanetity, that Saint Juste consoled him as Saint Sixtus consoled Saint Lawrence : •Be not troubled, my son, as if you were to be deprived of all consolat iou, for in a short time you will follow me.' At these words the tear'l of the young Lector ce:.tsed, for he harl no doubt that he should soon join his spiritual htller in the reg ions of bliss. All of this carne true, for while Saint Juste y ielded up his sancti­fied spi rit the 2:~d. clay of September, on the 21st. day of October the innocent Viator breathed out his pure soul to God in :• n e('s tncy of peace. By the hand of the priest, A11tiocllus, Viator was laid in the same grave as Saint ,J u ~te, while he lost no time in writing to Lyons explaining the ~inguhr absence of t!Jeir Bishop and his Lector. Th·~ whole city of Lyon~, alive to the graces which were itl ston• for thero if tltey wonld secure the relics of Sai 11t Juste n.nd Saint Viator, took every means to transfer them safdy from their gmve in the desert. 'Vben t!Jey n rri ved in Lyons, not only was tile Bishop received w:th eve ry clen1onstration of veneration and honor, hut the bo~y of the young Lector, whose an­gelic mode~ty lt:td delighted them as he gave forth the lesson of the clay, was received as that of a Saint; while the same mother and nmse of saints, the Church, Cath­olic and Roman, who placed an aureole around the head of the Bishop of Lyons, placed another around the head of his young Lector; henceforth, like the young deacons, Saint Lawrence and Saint Vincent., to be honored as a sttint.


'·\V I:len, ccut uri eti nt'Lvr , i n tl , i~ ~:llDR c it.y <•J' LY '"'"• a fO C' i \'t.y wn~ f,·nned which (~nj o il!ed o n its me tu lw rs, as acllli')' nh o\'1' ;tJ J o tht:tS, t \tt' in >:' LJ UI' i i< · l< <•f II(' \ '0\l ~ i f:!.' 111

t hi11gl-1 perl.rcit ,i tw tn ,z :~ l v 1t. i~>n :1t td i11 t:tJ<· h k :t r!li llg :1s

"il o<; ld .li' th <'lll ~•H' : h•· s,• ; v iec vf J ,··o tt :; C ltr is t [tt the a i: lr, who en <tl ,J 1, ,~ ,, ntot·o lhLi tlg [o: ltro n th :l t\ :Sait1t

Viator , w!J ,, !t :J.d 1wv• •r p·o n,· l>er•n td Ll:<' ratd.,: , ;~ · :t Lee­t or, or re:\!I Pr :ttl' I ,: 'tt: e·l;ist, ,, ,;·,1 y .. t i tt tlti ~ h11 :: ll1e rank h:Ld won :1 h:d" ol' ,;:tnt: il .r?

·•Ytnl nn' ri .~· !,t, litd H·:I,'' s: li•~ T!: e:• <l .,r r>. " { \ hi . k I W• )•ti •l l ike 1\ : 1 ·~ ··11' t u jr,·!l t l: ,,. [·: ·c:,c·i;i:il du·ilS ol'

S ·ti nt. Vi :: t.ur .. ,

" !i'. S•- ell ii i· l Ji!\.P :1 IJ · t ~i,l' Wol t'ol , ' i ''' \( ·II :1 \ t; J<.< ;;I . :tL 1' :1 11· ~1(Jil1, b! l l". :1iln \. \it·1· ,Y l 1 ;t r ~:1.\V .. l '!l t'Dd L I' \ \ :id 111i l ll'') :1:.., ~l tlU­

'Ut?JlCite in tl :<> or <l t- r •. r :; 'i"~ Vi"'"'·, 1 l.t'l .t· (: to r i,<' in rank ncc·or<i tllg I•> it~ rn !:·:'. un t ill :(' rt·l l t !'IH'd t·o h is l iit.­

ti ve c it1· ns :li1l tt nl ol t . l::\' :: l •· u~ : <~HI 1nns t. <' lli Tt~l't t l ~,,,,.., h .

r r of y t,-ULh i 11 tl 1P p·H•H.,:li:d ~r.:\ , uol ::; II·' rli <! 11 : t;, in :l c d m in iste r nt t he :l.i l.:o r; l1 t1 L t i:P:::'P - \\'Ito ::-:~w lti.- r :t d l :t11t.

L ee ns hr it :- L: 'tWit!• l Iii ; d. t .~ .; ; ',; i'ur l111•i r Fi r:;i. (;u,nm ll­

ninn :1 1 H1 {~n :tfinn :ltir• n, nntl \\' It o l ~:v l re:1d t l1l' lif.J of hi s

pnt ron , sai d o : t 011, t h:1.:. B ro : li <" r Th eutl\1 1' 0- '' n~ at:ot her

Sni nL V i:o.tqr , the holy Lecto '· of Ly ons and lt e r mit. (lf

Tlwkt i•'! .


Grc:at :1s a Lh iuk er t.ha·1 Cll ·:tkun o•· fi' , ,y, tu~. iDfe ri­or :1s au orator, was E lmumi Bnrkr, wllO, iu l:' va rie ty

:tnd ex tent u l lt io powers i'llrp:·ts~cd e n ;ry · utl. e r <• r:tt"r of :t.ncicn c ;or tnod ern t imes . II() w:;s wh:: t he enlk ri Ch:ltles TowtJslte tt rl, ' ·a prodi;1,·y," :1ud r : ti 1 k ~ nuL Htt•rt·l.r w·it lt tne cl<>Cfl!~. t:t f'[.J<'H kt•rs u t' t il e W•Jrltl , but wi : II ll 1E Bncons , Ncw to nQ , n.nd ~h : d,L· s pear f' s . !l is ~[H ' ( · cilec ~ fl 11d

tJ!t a.n : pbie :s :lJ'l) s.~tnr:ttc•d wi Ll.\ LilO it g h ' ; ti, ,•y al •::: • ol u ll'··

ly S\Ya r m, like. :111 nuthiol, ' t id!:' n ~. :11;d , in U:t· ir

teemi ltg rru fll ··i l>:l , 1'\:' lll illd o~·: e o : th e '' ft !,)' i i :~ <l-tllitl<lt- d ''

nn llwrs v f Ihn1l<:t. Tv th e brt• adl.'~t .> wt· <·p <11' i!l t l' l i(-cL he a.<1ded tlt e most. surpri tii ng subt :e;,r , ft:td l1 i~ :tl;n m: t

or ie nlal irn :•gi ttfl\.io! l '.l': :s k tl by a v:t.'t :>11rl \·: ,rkrl

knowled ge-the s:o rc·s <•f a llll: ti lu ry iltaL I!< l.J ~.: v e ry­

th ing in i ts grn."l·'· Tl1e U1ly tll JJtl· whll, ::t·ct li·d i, ,g 10

Arl:;m Sm i th, ~: t Ut:ce Cl• lll[; rel:(•t,dcd t ll u tuL;d !'<.'. \'( lu. ti o n Lbe l:tlLBl' p;·uposud in pulitic: Ll <'CU!l<lllJ,\', lte w:os at the snrne tim e ti1 e Le~ t j udge ot Lit e p:c i lll ·e lh:~ t·

Jo~ hu:c R eynold,; en~r !m ew; :.1. nd wl.tdc l1i:; k11 uwlerl ge

was thus bu und les~ . h i~ vou tuui:ny was a~ l ' Xll ·. u~h·e as his kn'owledg·.~ . Probably nu or:•Lor ev er liYe<l 'I ll w!J< ;Se lips langu:tge w:rs more p las tic and duc t il e . T i:o m:ttc ­rin.h of bis ~;ty le we re g~• tlt e r e rl from tlt e neettmulu Led

spoils o£ many ~ongn es aurl all nge~ ; ~~d it Jtas Jwea said that even tl te tcdwica lit iet; aqrl appropri a t ed phrrt­

seology o f nl nws t ni l scie tJces nu~l ar ts, professions and modes o f lifr, we re fnr~n li a r to lJ : m, and we re read y to e xpre~s in th e must rrr.phat;ie mann er the exl tau ~ t l c~s

metnp lwr~ whiclt hi :; iwngitJn.t iou s upli ed f n ·lll the souree~.

It is told among tlte utir:ll'[f'S of' Mahomet that he en­Dbled hi e: fol l()wers for di!ys, r>uL onl y to >.nhsist., bnt, to g ro w fi.1t On tlt e s t ieliS :tllrl slu n e;; o l' t,he ri<:St·r t i ;( !J <l1 ~~~

like I!HltJne r, ti.1C illl :;g ill it i~Jit \ ' f H u tlw t:< •uld lio.-1 111) ·

t.riment in ~ tat i ;, li e;; -tLe \' t:l' il'~t cl t.)_' - l> CJnet< IJf finuu cc nnrl f:-tut. •'1 L cu uld l!l t· .Y il s• It wit l1 fa te o1 ti ll nnp ire ur

witlt t he C<i tJdit.iol' , ,f th o k i t ;g'~ ki !el,( tL Jt bruugbt

before ili tn tl w C::~ l!t .. li<: wl•" g·t'( !~l.ll erl in th o l)llg~ <•f Ti pper:t ry :nHl t li P J\!'ri e: tn wltu r ott ed i11 t he lihn: f:.: c­

tu ri•· s (,f Gui ll t::t."

B ttrlw',; ~iW• · <.dws:: b" 'J " d wi ~ lt ex:1mples of th e mus~

so li r1 :u1 d lmlli:;i lL duqtt ''l ti ., ; ; r gn H! C:Jl~l tive, c·m,)lion :t.l n t1t1 di ~n i p t.i \'C', wlti \., Lit <'.)' :lis•> t:ont:ti n :1 gt·ent c r JJiliTI­

brr <>f iil.l l!IJi :, :ili\'e .i<h•n; -,r;f poi t,te tl, poiE'.' tl:tll t,anrl poH­

i<: se ntl! il l: ~'~-: lt :u t Ll' ' ' ' " ul' :t1 1y o tll e r ora tor . ThPre io ind eed , h:,rrlly ;u,y E[:<ek ::; C'f utnt ori ca l rxt:dl.enee

wltidt m :~ y 110L G!:'. f. ,ntld 111 t lwm in lll::t[Wcl profusion ,. a nil tlt r:y IJ CC t iP cl o11 ly '"lin ve been Je::: s pro!'u und tm• l

r e tl l'c t:ivi', :1il<l to lt nvP b<·un delive red hy a s penkr ·r wi i h :Hhqn:tl<' pl<y1:1 ic:d gi t't~, to ltnv e produced fl jJ I' O­

f" n nd itnj)l'l'SS io t:.

Oratory, iL kL::; b ee n j!t-t .!y ,.,, id, li ke tiH~ clr;~mn, ;; b_

hurH l eng t.hill(;'S~; it :tblt u r', t<.•ll, nb • J~e ali things, prcJ­

longcd phi!0."•1 ]! il icn l rli ~ ett s;ion . Th e p:;::,~;ion s to whi cil

it· <t ppenl:l ttHlSL be L!to,:e w hi eh :tllmen h:cve mos t in

common; the :ngnnle;!t~ whi ch it :uldre~scs to t he ne:t­

E.Oit m u;; t be t llll;;e which en n be ilpprehendcd by tne n

of phin "(' !l 'n a~ l' •' :Hlily ns by deep- tl dllk ing se 'tol ars Blt l' k P, fr•Jill 1 he ,·p ry d<' !" l1 c•f lti ~ Uttdcr;,L:1.1! <1ing, d e­

n·:i lJih•rl u ,u g r e:tt nn i l,'telleoutua l d!\ ;rt on the pnrt o f

ufl1i s h en re r~; hr~ 0x :1e:t: tl "too g r ~;oa. ~ : t. tt e uti • >ll offa<"n l ·;

tiPS lit.Ll e ~· xer<; ised by lll t..!l t vf tLe world in genend, n \l t to erea te l'n ii gut; in Hll H!;SPm hy w hil-!1 men ot the

,.,-oriel comJWSe cl. " A t> :tn orato r he too often forgot I l: e

grent o l .jr!etS of orHtory , ronvicti nn :111d pe r ;; u n ~ i on,

anJ f:, ilc rl in two th i11gs wh ic h , it hns bc.:: n sui d, nru g iven lHtt tfJ fpw, nnd when g iv en, nlm o>t nl wnys po~: ­

seste rl nlone-fi PrCf', tt P r vu n~. ove:· wb elnd!lg d edn nJa­

tion, nn d cl(lsf', rnp id :: rg um ent. "He c:1n SL·!dom con-

6nc hirnse ll'," ~t1y~ Uemy H-ogers , "t o a ~ i m plt>, u u ~ i­

neo:s-li ke vi~c· w of th <· suhj Pc t. u nde r di.;cu<sion, or 10

close , r a pid eiml} >rcsH• rl a rgu mentat io n Pll ir. _On the contr:n v lt E: nl> hon nc1less exeut·sions in to a il there­gions uf ul ot-.i 1 :t nt! IH>llt ic;d phil o,opliy, is pcrpetunli .Y trac ing np panic ul ;lr in stance~, nnll ~uhord i. mte princi­p les to profouncl :md comprehensive maxim s, amplif}'­i ng ao<l ' I' Xpanding th e must mengre mp,te rials into

\ )

.. r.

t •


brief but C<>rnpreh '13ns t ~e dissertations of po litical

science." H t sr(>ecltes <ver(>, in fact , elaborate poht.icnllt.cturcs,

deliverefl ,,ften with the air of a petbgogue t(>aching

(his t('rchint) hts rupils. While be W:lS <>Xpi at ing O il

themf' of r.ternn l intPrest hi8 hea r<'rS were al•sorb~d in

the hu~he::.!\ of the honr nnd and littl e F-y mpa thy with

that hoard anrl high political phi losnphy, otn 0f wh ich

hi m>tH: u li"e anrl tlwnzhtful eloqnene 8prnng like the

Brjti~h oa k ti·ont tilt: strong blnck mould of ages. So nn­

~uited to the u ., u•e of commonf? wns his nH:thoJ of <:X·

po nnding his views lh:l.t J<: ,·~ki n e crept un l r the b ~1 c ' t·

es to f' ·· c:~pe a ~pe < ·clt whici1 , when puhli:,hefl, h e

thnmburl to rag», :t11rl !'itt and Grenville both cledrl ed

it was not wortll while t~'! answer :l\JI)ther of his t1unou~

harangnes, thongh Grenvil le nfterwnrd l'P:H'I it with

e.xtren1e ndmir;l.tion and prvnounced iL one of hi ~

g randest eifL-J'k'.

Ot•fl of the fines~ sp<:c i men~, perhnps t.hc fi..<?sl, of Burke's eloqucuce is the f.tmou::; pa~s1 gc in llt e sp<?r t:b

on the Nabob of Arcot's rlc\.Jts, in which is descriherl

thP decPnt of Hyder Ali on tl\!~ · Carna;:,ic. Who that

lw· once read it c:·••t ever forget '·1.\w i1l:ick clo ud ' ' in to

which Hyde r Al( "eompon nde rl all the m ft teri:lls of fury hn.voc and desolation." n1Hl ·'l• nng for'' ~·hile on t.h e

dedivitifs of t.lte monut,Lins ;" the ' 'l' torm of univer~ n.l

fire th:1t blasted" t he l:Jnd, the <·.r oyVfi of prisonners ''en­

veloped in a whirlwind (lft;;tvnlry," the absolution "oi'

their impin1s vow l•y Hyder Ali :uHl Ill" yet more fu ­rociuns soi1," an nh,.o! n t ion so ~.:ornp l et.<~ ·tbat tbe Bri­

tish arm,y in tr:wers ing the c.:~.rnnt i c for humlrPds of

miiH~. in all <l ireet ioM, "llH' r Pugh the who le line of

their mnrr: ! ~ rlid not ~ec nne mnn, not; one wom::tn. not.

one L:hild, not one fnnr -fl)ntecl bc:1st t,f a ny cliscrip~ion

wh:d soe V(•r ;" ond the eli nJtt.Y w herA the or:ttor bi (Is bis

:1ndicnec figurf' to tlwm seh·et> "[In eq•wl extent of our

sweet anti e!Je<'rfa l rntmLry-fr"m Tllnmcs to Trent, north :mrl so11tl>, nnrl from the I ri sh t0 the German !:'en

en!'t 1111d wezt-ernpt ied nnd em b :,wc :cd hy ~o !tCCorn­

pli:>hed a (Jpsobtion.'' The h rst proof <>f the intem e

Yi\·icl :•e<'!'\ nnrl po"'Cl' of this pmsnge is ~h e fact tha t,

hnekrwy<'d ns it i~, nn prr~on of t:1ste and se nsibilty

can n 21t<l it, 0r henr it., for tl1e hundredt h or five hun ­

dredth time, wit.lvmt :1. tingling of the blood in every

velll. Lord 13ronght.qn, l>O\\l e what hypercriticall y, obj ects

t.o the ('onfusion in Bnrke's imagery beeause he com­

pares Hy(ler Ali's nr·tny fi rst. to "n bl[lck c lourl," then

to a ''tempest." To the hearers o f the speech, h owever ,

we h:we no doHbt this very varintion of the imagery ,

at which a peclngogue woulo c1rp, served only to

heighten the vivirloess anrl effect o f th e pi•·.ture of the

terrible w:.trrior and his host arl vaneing from the me­

nacing e ncampment on the mountain to the massacre

on tb e p~:ti11. So, agnin , the secondary ton cbes which

fill! up the picture, such ns th0 " Bi:Jl'kening of a ll t!Je

hori zon·'' the "go:t tiing syenrs ot ull e driuers," and the

"tram pli ng or p urs uing horses," instea•l of d imini sh ing

the efl\:ct, ~erve <l to swell the f~n rful o-rnncl Pn r C>f the te mpest whi0h poure.J ove r t.he plnins ~f th e C:•rnatic.

A ju::>ter crit.icit;m is t.h:1t of othe r writers, who eom

qf t h e vi :;: twl iu••cc urncy of l\ " m eteor, " an d that tile

first t "·o s<>ntetH:e-; o f the pa,;s11ge lack simpli c i ty nHd

directness . ;l •e ill)! too mneh c loggul with qnnl ifying

thought:<. ( Unit'erl tates O(} E locution and Oratory.)


-:\:'!turf\ nnd nr t. fnrm the basis of nil that is plea sing,

T he Cine t il e d ireet w ork ofGo(l t.he ot.her fed and mod­

ele<l by the w· nin s ~~r tn :l ll, by thf'ir m:tn y nets or pro­

dn_c tious, comma nd a.l ike o nr awe and arlm ini~trnt i on

Nature spe:1king in th e voi ce -of rn shing torrents, and

th e song of mut·mnring waters strike::; in th e breasts of

m:tn , a chord hitherto unrl eveloped or n nknown. Her m:tny scenes Ynrying in g r:md e nr nnd simplicity pro­

du ce an emot ion either vi o len t o r soothing, serious or

enlivening. The t·e is fl sort of .:t.ttrn ction between the great lllld

b eflnt iful in ffi [l ll 1 and the gn ncl an r1 pleas irlg in nature

which n rou ~es wi: hin u n ,tormant feeling nt once per­

plcxillg ant! d e lightful. I t is n sort of communication of

the so ul wit h the objects i n oature calc nl aterl to inspire

or to P.xnlt; and when coming in contact with su c h ob­

jEct~,our •nin<is are e lev at.ed, we a r e ra ised ab<,ve o ur­

se lves, :wrl the nnrrow tPmple of t he b od y seems no

lo11ger e n p;tble vf containing the soul t.bus a nimated .

\Vha t we 11 <lm ire in Il n ture, we mus t also ;\Clmire in

art; for the SliJH'ri o r ity of nutme OYPr ti.Je nrtific ivl is

in a very grP:tt degree, compensa le<1 by m nn's genius

:mel ta lPnt.. The:tr~ificial production, though com plete

in it self, may not be eqnal to the origi na l, ye t tbis

want is i n a great mensure r e pnired by the ski ll nnd ge­

niu~ of the nrtist, (li ~pnyed in the execu tion of the

work \Ve a re pl easeC. by the works of n ature. The same

feeli ng is nlS!l e xpe rien ced wlHJ!': we beholcl tbe a lmost

faultless ant l imposing statue; when we give ear to the

anim:tterl song, or to t be melancholy dirge; when read­

ing the beautifu l poem, or t.he profound philowpbical

conclusion. Men of more th a n ordina ry gen iu s, observ ing tbe

same feeling to m·ise from so groat a v ariety of cnuses

bave att.cmptefi to set down, as the foundation of this

pleasing !!ensa.tion, a quality eommon to ~ll. Several

have pnrsned the suhjeet, but. arriving at different con.


c! ll : ie>us, t h t·y l1a v P :1~"' i', ] d ifft·re nt t•:H l S0!", Tlll 'Y n ll, hm\'l' \'E' r ng-rt•t' ia lil t' ;;• ·p:ll"dion \.If t he bu Lj-·ct·. Tltt>y

disti. . gu is~. t 1to f, .. }ittg al" •liSl'd w v·ny in iule nsi ty wi th t he ~·nnrkr t\.>re•1 , o r b l•:tHl)' l'CJ,t<'l'l'(l iu t ile ob­J •d seen.-'l'!ll' ,l;"'Y anil lJri-k pl ·: t~ u n: t'Xf·itl' rl by bea u. t.y , is ft ll tHI to be ufn llhtl'l' phci tl <\t)l l ]H~Iing Wl tu re,

thun the\ i<>ic:~t a nd serioul\ 'f' ll ':d iun, wh iclt l x ;Mnd :> our m i n Cf s. fill~ l hrm wi•h wotHle1·. :•'' ''-'· an t\ astun i~ l.l­

ru en t, an d II' hie!• i ~ !'l'v• 1 nc-· d hy ol j.:e ls grau d fl.ll( l im· p(•Sillg-. T l•e lit·,. t , i -; e·1. lltod !. <> :t <ll .)' ; Lh• lttlt· l', tile sub­lir ue . The ft·ruw r tlt on!.i·b n ·t ;;o t•xa! t t> d, ttdruit:-: of a greate r E- x ten,.io, , :t::tl hc·l tt'l' is :• grt- :t tt• r ~· - n rl' e ;::, f p lea~ u re ; t. l11 • lnttr'l', ::ro u~t· d J,y t l:e (·x l.r:!<· ·d i1n: ry, is

mme ran· ly idt. Ex et•pt iHg tlti;:; l. tl t l't' p k:.~ urc lo the ~f>n:-t' S. Tlwuglt o ft<' ll j,.· ,, ·!.is i' P II~Hlioll i::; t'\' \'1' pleas­ing. I w1e •d it is so en1n nw:· , !hat , L• 1 wl: :1t e v<·r pl<·:: ses n ~ , we gen<•tnlly npp ' y tlH· re n n b ,·aut if'ul . I ll the , ,\.j--c r w t• tu-ty :t.! ii Jire t h • t: •d •r , h t h:; t t. ll\' ti.~: tl'•' ; in tile 0 11 e

the uni1orn;ii,Y n nr!JT~ul :•rily , i 11 tl <t' , ,: \ll' r tl. e w .• ut of s t uc1 icd for t<l j i11 tlw J()!'m <:r tiJP u,.-cf,d; il, t lt t~ l:t i L•·r, t h\.·

urnnnw n t:1L B u t if ~. 11 the~£> q nn lit irs bu Cl'n k rerl in one •.. bj et·t, u ur p!e:t :: u re w il l be u ttlunu tdt•<l. hi,; Lc· cause of tid.~ \.11:tt n:tl ll i':t l :;et>n e~ i11 ~ u c;;t :t p: rent rl l'gn'r, rh·at:c us. I ll th e hnd><('rl j)e till' plc·• HII'C i:; l tt• ig ltl e ne d

bj' Lh e ntt ml ' l' l' of u hj- •<-ts cl i.- plared to v ie w; :1 g rcE't l fi ·l.t, th rllt:;;h w l ti ~.: h :t ~t re tm <)f W:lt.: r w it.;; wny; tlle fure;;t iu tlw di ~ r ant·c· ; '' herd o f' c .tUle g r:< zing on tht l.lillto p. L wp :·e an e t, d less tttl'k to ret'( tUIJ t all th u bcn u l ies t o he f•.>u nrl in n :tt llrP. " 'h:1t is nnt n re if not

bean ty it:;elf? an emannti •)n of its om .~ ipoLCII t C rt·at or who h:lS g iven so llllH; h p ! c n ~llle to prr·p:'l re U$ r .. r Ute

innumr mble de iighb th :\ ~ aw -:r tH bl',Y'>il <l th e sk ies. T il e few poi nts of IJe ::t ut'y. wh ich I b:< ve her E' e nll mer·­

ntf'd a re S() ID C t] ,at. al l h :l V(:' nu l tCl'r1. T o <J j,;c .> n •t· nil t he bea n ti es tha r l ie h i<lrl<" n in ll~ t urP, is :1. wot k t-ltJ1; c.: nn hardly be nc·comp li::>hC'rl in o ne ;. hort lif<·. nnt to be in n ny W:l ,Y Sllt:C e ~ ~ fu !, we rnu-t poc.i<t•s , a pnre and lJe~t nti .

ful s<• Ul , f t •r r•n ly t o !-Uc-lt c·:. u nny bl':t u lycqn V'.' ,Y i!s fu ll ­e~ t p l(•flsure. N u gTe ,\l e r UP:: u t.y c:tn h e fpnnd on thi s ear lh , t.h:ln tlt:tt wh ieh npJw:u·s in th e l:um :~ n Cl)nnLeo­ance, illu minated by a spot less soul.

D. J. Fbv in.


There nre fl ef,. rmities in t be fp irilual wor ld :1s well as in the phy8icnl world. T lw'>e JW<·u liar afft·eL ionfl of the m i n<l mani fest themselve.;; i n the sh· tpr: of th e most ob. ·eti n:1.te and evirl e nL C011 t r:1rlicti o nf' , eo n t r :1 cl idious in

theory and con rl uct whic h rd W'l j'S rl ieit t be wonde1·_

m ent a riel pi ty of more serious and le::,s passiQnate-

nnd C<>lH:<q ill' it!.ly more logir,a l men. T hat one cannQt

be Oll b oth !:<ides of tl1e fence M the same time, or as the i'cr ipt ures p u t it , ' ·sPr ve two m fl ste ri' ," i s quite evident.

S ti ll tl1 ere nrc UJ eu who pHrs i&t in their ~fforts to occu­

PY Lot h r u.,, iti ou~ , to serv e l1o tb rnnstcrs, to e>ll l t hPm· sd1·es C~< tholi cs nnd. ~1 ct a!- I nditf,•rentitito. Th ey .end by _hec·ontmillg kn own un d er· the coutnttl ictory apt ela~ io n

'·L ibernl C.ttl lf tl ie~."-Tii ey are uot Catho lics-fo r they h •· ], t he P:sf'ell tinl vir t Ltl'S of Cnt.holic.•, Jnith :::nd ube.

rl ien('e ; nor ur e tJ,py t llo ru ng h L iLt r rtls , for tl1t'Y s t. ill

cl i1:g in Sullld "'"Y to tiJc ~ldr t s or re ligicJn . . T he e me n

ha ve b PcJn g·i v<'ll t.l111 rl'bu ke tllt•y d c.,;e r ve by s u c h men ns V t·uillr)t., B I'UIH iSI)n nnrl ull ll' r s tn unch :\llc'l con ~ is­

t e nt C:t t.holi cs n11 d great t h iukers . H v wever Lhtt mon­

grd rar-e slil: lt v ,>~, i1 1 ;, p itc o f t. he !'C:1tbittgs of comm on se nse , nur1 th0 C<>11 tl e111nntio ns 0 t its u nerri 11 g j r11lge. As Lld ~ su l,j ...,nt c t! J be o f pt·nc Li e d v :blo t~ to our fellow -ttu­rknts i11 l.C 'H.: 1t i11 g- t l•etu to he t horo ug h C:itltoli<:S nn cl (.IJ oruuglt A1n er i<·n ttS 1\' (' take !•lea!- ure in repn,du ciug;:)

t ltc• f·d lo wittg well wl' iUen art ic le from on e v f our ex-/_ c lt n n~es :

•' I t is wo1 lh ll' llt le lo considP r i l' t here is to be nny st:u11l ing :t loof t'r·•nn t: te eve n ts of tiJC c o m ing Ca tlt\ •ii c

ccn leu n i-d el'l e hrfl! i•lll o n tl1<~ p:u· L of Ca thol ics who :::-e t

a IP'P:I t ~to r e u pon t he ir snei:t l e utine nce un d •l! ber :\li­t5 .' ' Ve :ue nw:t rc· of n. l en<h~ n <·y t hat wny i n wme q'l nr lers 011 o rdin ·1ry oc:·tbions. The re nre a. gt·eat ma ny G!Ll; o l ic" wh o, on the aN.:nun t named, prd',·r nr.t to i<i <• nt :fy t h <·m~e ! v es with Cathol ic rvligi o us movc·men ts <1f nny k i!l rl. T :lf'j' d o uot •.r ;,i Lc th em~e } vC'8 wit.h the rc­l igin ti S societi <'s n. hout t l•e p:tri <.;b be c n. nse, fv t•wol h, th e kino of p<'n pl e w!Jo make u p the body of suc·h organi z~t­

ti -.Jns a r·e not cx ;< c tly, soci:1 Jly spe:~ k i ng, t be kir 1(l Lli ey nre :1nxi o ns to intN m!uglc with. Th e wda.:i cies a nd ~ i rn ih r bnrh\S lh" t c:ustl·r obon t t he eh t11Ch wm nliy

emhl'll.('C tl10 'e wh o are more r• nx ions t o pr ovi de fv r the ir fu ·.n,·c welf-trc· ll f to incrPase the ir socin l p rEs ­

ti gP <•r bNte r I hrir wo:.lcl !y concliti on ; l1 ence, t hey ne not wh fl t """a re aCC' nst.otnecl to r cg:1 rJ ns " society peo­

ple." T h is het. 11li l iLatrs nga imt the m very much in tLe esti lllnti t)n uf those super ior morta ls who nre C::~ tbo! i cs

more• h] accicle nt tlt:1.n tt ny t lti ng elsP, anrl wh o are , o r

wo uld I ike to be, consicle reil " mcm bers of ;;ociety ." T IJe l eng l h ~ to which the vi ctim s of tllis nm inhle

we:•kness nllow themsch-cti to he cn rri erl by t he ir r,bsurcl pret.c nsi (•ns m~lj' b e imn.g inerl wbe tJ th ey unhesitntiJ ·i..lY fvreg o nn y sl1·.1re in tbe m eri t.s aud g raees fl owing fro m

t he devot io nal exerc ises con ducted uy rel ig ious soc.iet ies, in ord er to nv v id l1cing brong ht in coutac t wi t.h per ­~ons-oflen ti m es v t ry much st1per ior to themsel ves in e very po>' si ble WuJ- whom tbcy H1fec r; to beli eYe they ca nno t ~t ffunl " tn know."

"ln e very eon6iclr r: •l,Je Cn tltc•li e community tbC're are representatives of this phariEaicnl sect who esteem


their suci:ll pre-eminence above every othet· con&ider:l­

tlt)n_:even their S[Jirilualueedi'. I u t!Ji, city there are any mitnher of them; and beyond atteuuing to the

Sel'ious ubligations whiciJ faiLh impose upon t.hem T lwy ueve1· permit tutmJsdves to Letray the faiutest iutereH iu t-!.!Hg11Jlll5 or cLurch ttff:tir!' . They (:CtU[Jtdouslj' a\·oid auy uut ward m:wifc::;taduu of concern about tlle ques­tJ.uus aud movt·meut--, that appeal to Catholic sywpa.

thie:;. Tlwy h ·avc all lh•Jse lltiugs to tiJC gteal mnss o f

tiH·ir co- retlgl< .>ld~o.:, "iJv h:;u? JJeither SLCi:;l promineuce nur wol'ldly :.;;piraLion at :,t:. ke.

They pride tlle1u::e1 ve,-, tuo, ll!'Oil Lbdr enl ig-htened 'hiJt-r:dny.' Hather tllan wvuud tlw seusil)1lities of' others w1w d1fler tn u1 tiHw 111 re;igio us Lll i!:l ur iLtUr tLe

rl::,l\ ,.f llaVIII_g tit•! •·c~tl.ii ry" of theit· adllerence to"

Clwn:il vt'da: puur au i11advcrted updll by nuu- believcJS,

they {Jidt' l' lu h:an· Lite iw~Jn:s:s iou 1h:ot their Calho:iei ­ty 1:; a Im: rc lllatter ut !vrm- uf tritlir :g illl l;urtu•,c·e,

ullJl.·r nil, i11 cou.v:trisun uf vther thiug:s.

Thi~ is dw lw .. d vi [.H!ulfle t!Jat dce w it unwise Lo

etlli, ha:;JZc tue u.ece~::,ity aJ•u itllport:lllcc of Ualuoliu lnv vemeu i,. ,· and that would uut dre:•m fur a IDollleliL

ol' joiuiug in any svrt of a pu1.1lic llt:monsLraLiou cum·

lilt rnvnttl vc vf Ca.t.ltulw hbtunc:tl e vcub.

••11 they dv I JUt al:l llaJI )' dept <:1.:iale pu lJlie lD:tliifC:;,t::t­

ti vus of derottuu tv tllc Ouurd..1 aud fi •tLll ut tileir

lather>", they du nut cu•t~it!er 1t iiluurnbeut upon them to

uuite wilh Lile!r lJ.-eLltreu ou <;uuh oce:t.:siun:;. ll:tlt~twart­

etl Catlwhc.-; are no help to t.hc ca~tsc uf Christ iauit.y.

Therr ;sd lblwc~s :.:uti put>rile re:>peet tor t he pupuiur

auti-l'utholie p11 ju die~::> LlwL dom•l~<tlc wha t tiH·y cun­

l>it!l'i' Lhe ''!ii"L c<tcic.'l., render them, ir t:ot disloyal, «t

lca;,.t UIIWPrtl.y llH!UJbers of the true fl·ld. Tlw w.:rilice

ul lll:udy cuur; .ge a1:d inlelh et ne~: . s~:.ry t.u reach U.H!

j JIHIIC ocCllVL'd Ly •·l ibtt:. l'' Cut lt ~iics of this ::;Lamp

•her its, ;~tod n •ce:vl'c, tlle c,Julempt of ttil iudepeltdeut

<Hod tlt11•ki1 1g llliuJs nutu• •g Calholic:; aucl !lon-CaLlwlics

nl 1 l<t·.

•·Tltt•ru :IJ'C tttHlun!.>tcdly n great many lhltimore

Cal.l:oiic::; who, fur such 1 e:~:;un::; :~:; \re indicated,

wrllst.a llli aloof !rom the geneml body n.nd rc rr:lin from }JlLI'licipaLiou iu au.v of the featmt~S d' the coming eele­brutiou; hut they way nsdure tltem:;dve,; that whatever

IIJS.S follow!' frum thi s cour~e and tile mot ives tlwt

p!·otnpt::< it will not in :111y way detmet frun1 tbe giory <Jf the oe~;1~ion nor te~sen !he great :-ig•Jificalion of t.lte

~Vl'tll:< euHIID( l!l(>r:<Lt•d. True CaLho:ic ,; 11l'0•luet

vf {nit h t\url a li n ·ly ::;c•nse <•f the }!reeiuus pri vil<·ges

Lhnt altnch to it-H·es only the gr:-·ndeur of the gre~1 t gourl tlmt h::s hcen wn>U,!ht fur U.w p·~o ple ''lid eou iitry

by n eeutury's gn''' tlt of the true Church on the free fOil nnd under t.he 'l•cudk:ent infl nt•nce of t!Je!r lanri and ~~Lion so singularly blessed l>y the providence of Gorl. ·,


For. )L~~Y r:c:.I SD NS, t h is eonHdy \'Olum e has :1 11 i n. t erest npnrt fr(IJn i!,: t h"me. I t is the initi a l vo lum e o f <\

serie:- \Yhif·h it. w"u1d he a s in on the par t of the\vri ters to mnke d11ll. ·Though we d o JH t, to our regret , fi nct

the l) ;lJ11C or :11\.}' re;;ponslb:e editor to J•ilOt t he V::l l'i OUS - liLe·a1y e1::oft_ i;tt•> thr r ig-ht. clH•l •llcl so fi nely buoyed

out in tlw l'uh!i:-hdn;' p rns t H~etu:> ; yet t he pr oj ectors o f

t.he.liiPri ;: :; kl>t.IIY Ll:cir b nsitH'S:5 bette r than '\\ C do, and l-; n.HYil og it. m ·• .r be correct. I n the s~::~ond t>b C<', not_a .

) !ttl~' intt rest is nwn kencll by t he a nno J ncemcnt that

th e :w 1 h<Jr of ·The Con t inuity of Riligious T ho ug h t '

Ins ~ ~ j , d hi" hand at l•iPg rn pJ.y, nnd writ t ~; n of a migb. ·

t.y Je:t. ;fT, tJ,oug h uot of Ids tr ibe of the C hri sti::l u host

A pro le-snr in the EJli<>cop:d Diviu it.y Sc ll ool a t Cnm"­b ridge sets !,t·fun.: us the Congreg-at ionali s t whose tw m e,

alo ng w:t '.1 t.h:~t o!' Beuj:tmin l''r:~ukl in , l •est represents

American iute!!< et \o t he wirl e, w ide worlrl. Ca n t il e

autl:o r whose firs t publieation wns one o£ the books o f this ccn!tll'.Y' hol d his own in essayiug b iography?

Aflrr a careful examination of this latest biography we are able to my that Prot: A lle n !Jas exac tly f u lfill ed

1 he idPa of t.hc project as we read t he s})ccificat ions. The \\·t> rk seems to be vast ly m ore tk\n a con trast. fi n­iohed to order . Long fnmi1i::lli t y '\\itb tbe E dwarcl sian l itcrnture e1wbll's the b iographer to w ei l <l the s:nne

f:.e ;lc pun ;b :tt ebnnne<l us in h is fi 1·~t a nd n otable book.

Oil to wi l l, lwwc vrr, be disappo inteti who expects to fi nd ia the snbj <·ct n. winsome n.nd u atiug personality nie i,,_. oi out in g:•rbh b r illinrwy, or:\ charcoa l oketch in

Wi.llell u!.tckne:os an:l iihadc pre~-:lil. Stl pnrely ::lD intel­

lectual m ;l n as E ·lwnrd;; cannot have, for tbe avernge human l,cillg\ nn attraetivcuci's lilw tk1t wllieh invests ur 'Vr::;l<'y .. Jon~<tiJ :m Edwards has hi s sure {Jlaee witll a Jvw, and for aye. As Plato is certain of a Sn1all

hut company, so Edwards wi ll alway ~! be in­quired alwnt by i.l1e l.hunghtful. For those especially who wi:o.h to . louk i11to lhe sp r ings ot New Eugla~d

theology', ins !if.~ anrl work wil l il.lw·tys h;tve fascination.

'Ve eount it a great merit in Pr•A'. Alle•J l.lutt he hns not benl templed into snell a rellabilitation of his sub.

j l.'cls as wou Jd tkCl'i ve fur lllfl sa1.:e of pleasing. H e has not st::t bim in fnl >' e li;;hts. L!lsser ehnt';tCters aud minor

individu ·tlt~ may he put 0n the s~llg£\ atHl the enlcium

j;ots straiJ1~::d apon them througlt colorcrllcn!'es; but fo r

.,-re::L m ·:n, we wa.nt on:y white ligbt. Yet of high admi. n mtion fur Lhe Jnnn'eilous thinkiug power of the North-nmptuu divine h is h~e~t uio,;rnpller is full, and some of his periorls show that he is und~r the spell t hat bas

'iT. VIATEU 1{'~ OOLLJ~(:H~ JOU i ~N'A L.

bo und so many st.wug· rniu d:<. ! 1Jdecd, tho ugh Prof.

Allen does JJOt sny ~ o , Uw t rend of his own t. ll o ng llt is at tim es in tho direc tion of mfl k i ng J on:tth<ll1 Edwards

t he g reatest t lli uker i1J tlw C liri ~Linn Chu rch. n1'tc r Pa ul of Tnrsus.

Anol!Jcr uf the high merits vi ~ ibl e b tha t the bi og­

rapher clea rs llim :sclf fr o rn ll1e ~pell, a nd siJOw::; wlwre in

Ed wards lacks the uig lwst ~<LWeess . W IH.: n <J i le uo us id < r .; how ofteu t'llo [Jig tJJ ic:; in ~lieologH · tll speculation a nd syste m-making h:l.Ve Lri c cl to irni t<~le tho m a je:; Li•; IJ 'C:Ld

and sweet nnd eompelli11g voice or E dw:1rd ,; :111<1 c::dl t hese their oWll-Sllgges ti vc i " t• •u m:wy case~ of the fnble Of tl1 C :I SS in tl lC ]ion's ~1\i n ,- c • tir prnbe ('[the biogra ph er in t!Jis re~ J ·C (: t is not :dtugethet· poinLlt:ss. l\Iore tiHtu o11e tll eolvgi<tn , ambiti o us abu ve nil else to be log ical, h:1 ::; in e1Tu<:L said: •C it a11 ge the Edwnrd:;ian

te r miuo logy he re an cl there, n1.d tu :llw i t w ca JJ (i11 Lite

egotist's judgeme ul) renily does ::t) ea n, Hud Ill .)' (Lll e ego­ti st's) syst.emanct that oi'LlW:lnL it or ut' •T[te Fr,w.I IOHi aud 'iVill" are th e same.' Proi. A lle n d oes not m ~ ke Edw:.trds t he father of •T rnnscend entalisrn · in r-; d v E 11glau<l, l.Ju t be is app:crently will i11 g to think he \Va s a very nea r a ncestor to most of the ~ounc1 and hea lthy c r ea~ioll:; of N ew England thong l! t. He [JO ints 0ut t~e emph :ts i~ la id by Edwnrds on 'sweetness' allll 'light,' showing ll lso how ln·ond ancl deep we re t he cultmc and tLo 11g lt t Of t he master as \,:ompnred with the na rrow l <~g•tl rn l o1· tendency of his cler icd eontempor:t r ie~ . He ul ~o sla.w,; that the thought of Edwards conc:ernt11g the il1Jll! :1 n will - now chiefly o f historical i 11 1 p o r tance--was s : J b;; tt~ J J ti a l­ly that of the S tvies . a nd of H o!Jbes ; w l1 i le on the q nest ion of the n :1tu re uf causat ion, Ed w<t rd s a nll H ttnle

are ~1 likc . In ~bon , by on e who is wel l a b! e to do oo, it is sho wn wb e re J on::tllwn Edwnnls stancl s iu th <? ology

and letter$. The qu est io n of th e supprer se rl mnnusc:r ipb

is not passetl over, nnd Edw:wd~ ht e:, t bi ogr : , p l:\~ 1 ·, in common with a ll the rest of tli e world, wr>IJclers why so much of the writing of A merica' s _gn:'<ttes t th et •log i<:Hl

thinker is sti ll kept und er lock Hu rl l>t'.)'. ll i! w much t h•~

puhlica..ti on of t ll <'Ee u oc uw ~· Jd s migh t :·ff, ·et o n r o p­n ions of his •orthnrloxy ' rrma in s n rp•est. ion , bnt. the p lflce of tl! c country pn sto r (Jf 1\bssat: liu se l ts ns a thinker is sure beyond slwking.

A gen ll em<en who wns on fri end ly term~ wiLIJ Lncly

H olhn cl <w d had t he fr ee< 1o m of Le r lillll SE', h>t d the plerrsnre of t :1k ing G e n. and l\ln:. Gr<mt th eJ·e clu r in a . 0

the ir visit to England. He gn ve tiJPm n qu iet lune:beo n first., and then tl1 ~y st ro lle d llc ross th e lnwn t o th e house of historiC <ll memories. "And wbat did Gen . Grnnt s:1y to it all?" I asked. " Ile w al keri wi th us fiS fn r ns the

'door, was the rep ly , "and senting hi mself on a com·e­nient bench, told me that if I wo uld t >l ke hi s wife in,

1 be wou lcLstay who'e be w :1 s nm1 ~mckt till we cnme

out." Mrs. Gmnt wn s qni te sh,,cked nt tbl.s display of Ph1li~t i nism, but I was n ot. Holland Hou ~e was ~d h i ng

of the past, while Gen. Grant waB a man of the present. H e fl>lt no interest in it., and h e was too ho ne8t to assume nny. The Cntk.

LOCAU:i. -- S rB.w h r~ ts.

- A:· c1 overcoats. - J nck Fr<)~t. :1p;:tin .

- St. Vi :·ttcm ':; U:ty li P X t ..

- 'I' he re t rer1 t. !>:1 s ret.reaterl . - Look out for Solo n Sh i ng'le. -The R:~ffie ' [' lmuk~givi ng D :1y.

- So lon ~bingle w ill l 1e here Stlre. - vVe (I UL Oil t.;llle thi s· w et•!<. Good! - I-l f•nr"The Pt' r•pl e 's Lnw,ve r' ' St. Vi:Lt.e nr':-; Day . _On e hn ,1rlred nnd JiiJl ve bnys r rg ist·er ed·

-,Joe. Kenrnry fo r frf'::;h j .>kel'. T elephon e 126 0)

_A ;;ew S\'Ste m of II C: lti 11g h ctS lieen phcecl in the(

Sem in:1ry. . _ H :L il to th e new Stndy H :tll of the, Minims, s n rP ly

a henut iful pl ace. -Solon Sbin g l<· wr"t,0 11 ~ Llat he won \d sun;ly li e

here St. lll' 's Da.v . _Ten new stnd en ts h:tve r eg istered since o ur !:1st

i ~ sn e. A lwn rt. y weJ_c om e to nil. - Tl1 e :1tte rn oon w:LI J;:,; n1·e a_::;·:~i n in vogue. A hea l- ·

thy ex<~ rci sc in th is :1. 11rl WC' e J1 Cnnr:1ge. it. _ :\IcC,1n n nn (1 I31JIIfi t) ld , Punsters. S ucc cs~ors toT.

llisbnp F <llley . l\bil ortl l'rs giv~;>n im me· ·iate at tent ion

-The eele br:tl ivn of Sr. VintP ur ' s D:1.y will he (In

T lt esday . The pl:oy will IJe prese11led on M 011'-l:i.Y eve~<­

ing . the 2l~ t.


Fonr Sis ters u:' l<'ngi11 g to the Co mmuni ty of the Sc> r_ vants of th e H ·>ly H enrt of Mary arriv ed her e from

France to tnke charge o f diffcH'Pnt depnrtmrmts iu the Coll ege. The OrdE-r was fou nd ed in 18 li0 by Rev . .S iste r M:uy cln ~t . Sacrem enh :1 nd has for ohj Pe t tbe eduea­tion of poor c bil tlren , the care o f o rp:. 'l.n nsyl ums hos­

pi tals , fonrll i ng:'. Th ey have ::dre:u!.Y many establish­ments in Fmncc nnd in 13e lgi nm. Mnny dcpr~.rtmen ts in the t~~mo u ~ Col lege of t l1e D nminie:ws at Arcue.ll, ne<l l'

PariB, are confid <: ci to their care. Their presence will

be felt he re, e"pecially among the minims, anrl the sick

for whom they will have a motherly care. They will before long open n novit;iat.e of their order and it is to hoped that tbe.r will find many vocations here 111

America wher e all gooct und ertakings thrive .


PERSO~ALS. ' w~1~re the C'i! ' Clrrn and the sisters g:i ,-e a. reception.

The Bishop addressed t he pupils words ot cong-ratula.­t ion ancl f:1tllcrly en<:ourngcment. Tbe child ren of whom

MM. Vi'- Kearnry aucl P . P :trker ha ve taken the there was ;J, hrge number all. looked cheerful;· goon and

course of Pl !i!o;:<;phy at St. JU:1ry's, Bttlt imore. Good happy. His gr:1ce is to gi ve confirmaiion iJ1 1\:f ::mteno

succP.: to our fri e ntls. . nex t Saturc!ny. Rev . .J. L< ' 79. Ius been appoin~cd Pastor· of tl ·e Rev. Z. B c·.rar<l commenced l.Jis f\.1 rty hours devotion

IIC)V parish of B1 igliton, ·c:rieago. He llr.rJ just completed Monday. Fr. Opim c:t, of Pnlhna n, prc:~ched. a beaut.iful p:•r"t:l •i :d :chnol nwl ue will no do uLt meet Dr. G. J .' .. R i,·:n·d .ti.nd l:tr1y of A~nmption, Jll ., with wit.h the :<arne 811<'CI'O:S in his new plaee. Bro. Jnlrs' o(Chl<.:ngo, vis:ter1 . the cOllPge Snnclay , and

Rev. A. Labrie ·go, a, si>' l :l nL of Notre Dam e, Chicl'lgo, WPre del.ightcd to ~l'e the pwgre~s ari.d beauty of \.he

Ill · 1 1 ( G Ill n r · 1 1. • - ~ new buil. di t l .Q.~. ·- .· .• • , IS to'-" t f' <.: turg•l u · ~ e.;rg-e, . n c WIS 1 u n.pp t- ~

nllSS t<> .<>Ur t •~t.PC IJH: <i ll Cig J, bt·Jf. . ===-~~-~~==:-:=============~ Mr. P. , Wilstaclt '89 , has lwgun to study law in the ·!

dlke (•f his l•t·utller l\lr. vV:tlLer \Vilstacli , Lafaye tt e, Ind. \Ye tlli:Sfe rl unr friend wl.Jo took sueh a n aet ive pnrt in .the publicat iou of ST VaTEOR's J uunNAL. W e iwpc t.h: tt his ltilnl stutlies wLll not ll:eep l,irnn from sending us an c:;~ay once in a w it e. \Ve quot1:· t he follow­ing li11e,; from a le.ttrr of ou r frieud :·

•·Do not think tl.Jat I lla"e fo~rgoti.en yotl ot· dear o ld !':it V iat<- ur, on the contnny it seems to m e I am becom­ing more attached every day to t he p lace "which fo t: so' lo~tg•V.ISillj::>ec)l 't hom e. No~bing attnehesustoap]<>.ce more th :tn ib :tb:;encP. I received a few days ngo, from F a ther Bivard, tile J11UrtNAL. I was pleasccl so note the addi tiPn:tl four pnges, :t most deeidcd improvement. I thit.k the n lim ber w:c as .'t.ttractive as i!l l}: 1 h:tve ever

s<>c n. When I rccog·n ized tl!e p:lpet· 1 let every t!Jing ~lip, aud ~at <l uw n and read eYery liue from the ne w s t.df lill ti1e b t:t pnragrapll ofmn sieal not es nnd enjoyed

<'very word. I llav~ at last s<;t t.led flow n and it h appen~ to be i~

my brother's vfllce with it laiv book in- my Jme(;'. ln otllflr words I :•m ~t present eng •gcd in the s tudy of law. [ ha\'c been poring over the c:Lif- bouuced lore fur some t illl e but k(•pt it a ~ecret fu r· fear I should not u l­t iwatdy t:.lw a tit iWY to t.he h·gal pruCesti ivn. But. I have mrt<le up my mi,,,l, stet!

I lwgin with '.'!~alkcr's Am erican L·Lw. I ni ent.ivn this

beca use l thit.k it wo uld be ·s u• ·h n.r, exceil~>ut book for tl.Je Brow nson ela~s to lla ve for ex planrtt.iolls ::l.llcl refer­ence~. I Lllink h:td l when studying Bt·owttson been !'OS'lccscd (>f \\':tll,er :tnd cunplerl it with l!':tth<·.r Ri­vnnl's lu cid expla naLi\•llS ·and lectures I sho uld have

felt Ve'ry 1rrojound'' l\lo,t H.c v. Arehbislwp Fe<1h:m a rlmini st re d coofirm::t­

! io u to 85 ·hi lu ren in "' t. Georgr hst Sctturcb.y. Among the clergymen wllo assisted were Rc vds. r. Beaudo in, R. D., A. L. Br rgeron, F. X. Chr.> ninard, C.~. V ., P. Parn.di!', Z. Bernrc1, J . Laherge and E. L . R ivar<l. After the ceremoni~~ !!'r. f.-e:ug , p,Lstor, invi tet1 tbe Arch­

hi hop and priests to vis it the fiue m ~v·parochial school

ROLL OF IIONOR. .· .. . . .

::iEl'.l OR . DEP ARTM.ENT.

Golcl Me1bl for condnct. iuid Politeness_.:._ Equally de · se t..-ed by P. Clwi-ron,· C. Brady, P . Granger, l.VI. Ryan, P . Ferguson, J. · Be t,ner, A. Fortin, l\I. Hugh~s, · L . Brosseau, .J. Clenry, F. Dandura nd,. H. Sbe·a, .A. Bros­seau A: King F. Fitzgt>r nld , J . Goode ,J. S tout., A.l\Iar­cotte, A. Didier, M. Lennrtz, P. D estru.n·p, C. Harvey, aud .A. G . f"r,.; in. - Drawn by J . Betsner.

Dist.inguisded-G. Granger, J . Donnelly, ·J. Ader, V. Cy rier, G. I-I ,wser. J. Coyle, W. McHugh, vV.-CluPe,

H. O'Donnell , D. Flavin, J. Condon, A. Les11ge , l\I. F•Jrtin, J. Slev in, T . Hanington, T. Swegman, 0. L a­brie, T. Gnlliv:1 n, 0 . I-Iarpii1 a[ld F. Andres.


Gold 1\ledal fo t· Conduct and Politeness-Equally deserved h y .1. Petsner, T. P elle tie!·, V . Fish, H . Cbarl­tun, 0. 1\Ini·cottc, F. Smith, .J. Cosgrove, G. l\fn llory, J . H owl:liJd, F. Coyle, I. l\fcCnrthy, H. Swa1.1itz, T. Ford, F. i\'r ulliJ ~tll and G. Rous~e:m. Drawn by J.How­

land. ·D IST.-:'\" .)rtr>n,.J. K'l .tmcy, A . Ihy l:l. n, G. D ::>~ta l,H .

Brnden, R DucldleRtou, H . Finske, A. Rivard, P. Keefe, D. Gra nger , A. Cyr1er, H. Andres, 0. F ortin, J. O'Con­nor, F . St. Aubin. 0. Gelmo. vV. Moreau, J. Doheny, J . Laplant<', H. ALbey , J . Carlon and C, Rous~eau.


Gold 1\I crl~ l for Conduct and Politeness-equally de:;erveJ by-B. · o~Oonn or, A . Granger, A. Boisv~rt,

A: Barry , Stanl~.y and R... Brennen. Drawn by B. O'Con­

nor. Distingui sbed-.M. O'Connor, J. Ln.marre, H. Rue],

T. Legris· A. Cyrier, L. L egris, F. Richard, A. Rivard, G . P ierce, H. SullivG.n , T . Townsend , N. McGuire.



The mannger of a French circuln.tinll lil•mry 1n Sonth

Eifth avenue e.o tim:ttes t.h e num ht·' l' <.f ~<· w YnrkPrs who read French at 500,000. Tlli1<, of <.: ()nr:.: t•, i:1 1111 t>x:lg­gerutior., but the n•.nnh<>r must he V<"l'.Y large . Til e

French cc•lony nur1·Jhers 20,000; half the Germ:111 s in town ~:~pe:lk or read Fre nch; ma.ny ~· f the ltt~li:m :,; , S pn­

niards ancl Cn bnns do the snmP; most fn ~ h ionn blf· .P' '~ ng women nnrl bnndred~ of rich y(lnng nw 11 hav e lear11ed the lnngunge with more o r l<>ss fulltws •, :wd t··VP.t")'

newspnpe r office in town h 11~ probably half a doz en men who can re:vl French. It i~ wi th F,·;:lleh 1 i tl'r:tlure

as with Engl ish; the older cl:tss'es n.n~ lit tie l'e:td ,· and cTen the bt'st novclii't~, save tho~e jivi11~ and 11ow at the height of their fnnw, are negl ected. The So uth F 1fL11 Avenn; library , though in the heflrL l•f th <~ Fn~nch quarter, chiefly patronizc<t hy E:1gli~b ~peaiking pe1 S•Hl~.

Many New Yt>rkers huy a French daily paper for Lhe

sake of improving themselves in the lnngunge by read­ing half an hour each <by. Tile (acility thus twqnired ,

and that with little or no aid from grammr~r or die­

tionary, is most wrprising.-New Y ork Cot·. Pi tt ~b urg Post. ·

This evidences how people of culture a.nd st ltnt1inp;

look upon the study of French. It i·8 enconr.nging for the French students to know that the p:~ins they 11re now taking to maste.r th:1.t b eautiful lang uage will te11d

to place them amcmg the ranks of the learned all(! tru.

ly refined. Besides this high sati>'f;te tion Ll.Jere is i 11 t l1e

study of the French the sti.Jl more mfl teri·al advantage of placing ourselves within re:1ch of the ri chest nnd

grande~t o f literatures, the soul expression of n pe(lple that has long stood at the be:td of e ivi] iz;ttion, of a na­

tion whose every mo v e attl':l <:tS t.he ntLe11tiun uf the world . Appre11ons le Ji'ra1lf;ais.


Rev.: . E. Therien gi V-l ' il we1·kly lm.nd le>i'OIIS t o t he boys in charge of the C hri sti ~m B,·ns. at. Freli:w vi li e.

Masters Celestin Harbour and H . Parker paid u~ a n agreeable visit a fortnight ago. Come :tg:ti J>,

The Rev. Father Fitzsimmo11s, reetor of' the C:ttl.l('.

dl'al, has returned from his vacttion trip to C:vlorildo. -Prot. M.A. Roy anrl pnpils gave their second annual

Ball on Wednesdny ~vening 16th inst., at Vernon Hall, 521 ·west Taylor street.. The profes.soi·'s parties :we

nlways of zt most fl njoyn ble chflracte.r ant;!. from what we have heard of the lnst one it was no exc . pti(m to the rul e.

The Rev. Fnt.her Cl:J.ncy, rastor uf w·oodstoclc, de­

serves every cougrat.ulation fur the improvement~ on his church nt W'oor1F-IOC'k, the C:'l!·e bestowed' o nvthe Olt1 cemet e ry then>, and the beautiful ground:-; for the new one. His gr :tc<>, th e arehbishop, n.ssisterl by Fr. ·w. K elly, anfl the ch:l.ll CI-l ll (·r , Father ~1uldoon, consecra. t,ed the new f! l'Onnd V{erln t>s d a.r l:t~t . Am ong th,e ·other c lergy present w.~re th e !ten. M . . J. Fi!Y. <imtnons, E. .J. Dunn, T. F'.O'G[tr<J , E. G riffin, .J. G :,llnglier, D. l\I a honey,

J. Hogn.n,Tlws. Bnrke, H.ichnr<i Dur111P, P. O'Brien, J. M.cCormi('k, J. Mehl'ing . • 1 . .t\.lcGuinty. D. Egnn nnd

Thos. Clowr_,.. (Cntholi c Home.)

·j I

R e v. P . J. Hickey wn s in . (lUI' mid st ln st WE\ek with

Master Yloy lnn of Sout\) Cbicag-o. Father Hickey ex­

pressecl h i m~elf highly delighted at the aspec1. of the new buil(ling an<1 le ft; n. !tnndsonw sum .<IS suhs(·J·iption \:) to the Roy Mmn nrinl chnpel. The Rev g e ntle man (

promises to come St. Vintcur':;; D:1 y with Mr. ~.!:org:tu ,

the enterprising publi ~ h er uf t II ~\ Cntholic Home.


Mr. Fitzsimmom, l:ttely fro rn the P ari."- Exposition , relates nmong utlter pk:;~;,s.t. t·x jwr it>Jl<.:t-s the t\)llowing anecdote:

"'Ve were most ngn~t·:tl.i_v snrpri~ec{ nnrl not a littl e

edified in t.he quiet :> nd 1wautifttl to wn of L. We bad

entered the church j n~t as div;ne ~::crvice cummenced

and were at oucc subdued J,y the devotional osplwre

of the lwly p:ucc. ~oon a qtwrtl:'t of ~ekct voices in · .

toned the first verse of the JJ1oynijicat, which sounderl like the distant a11d h : II'IJI< ; Jli<~U S c·biming~· o t m~dl.}' soft.

·sweet bells; and their !astq:hoes were <:HPght up as if by

an i.uspir[ltic,n by the whole a:;:,::emblage giving in graun, full and 11olemn ur:i~l'll the rc . .;pvn~e wbiclt ro:,.£ up from

down ihe crowrh:d 11:-lVe. l ik e th e g l:t d aw:drening of

ma ny soul:!. I will llO l aH•·rn pt to describe the ~weet emot.ion t-hat , ,~ , · n 11 s itS we sat thtn) li :;; l euing to

tlHJSe musical ouq>< ·Uriug, ur Christinn so ul,;. Jt is ~orne­

thing which iii mure eusily !'elt tlwn ex pressed . ••Suffice it to sny that 11 s the lt:1rmony wounit~d hig-!,er

and higher or fltscended swe<-t :11Hi low o ur l•eill'ts tvo

were moved and our t!Joughts drifted henver.ward with

the song. After the !:1st accents ot that beautiful C-~uti­

cle hao died away within that magnifi..::ent et'lifice we

.stood there asking ourselves whether this pious a.nd

popular exercise, the ~ingi11g of the ·people, would not

be a most efficacious means of gathering tbe fr.ithful in



, r~


la rge uu mlJe rs a r o uucl o ur p ulp its an d a ltars; of i nter­esting t lHi m by their ow n a c tive part icipation in t he acts of worsh ip and of ele va t ing and in deed sanct ifyin g the m b y the powe r of s :-~ cred song. W c were.n o11nimous in 0 \]l' o pin io n t ha t this innovation, if it m ny be so ca llecl, wou ld ba n. graucl improvement-b lendi ng tb c useful wit.h the ben.u ti ful - Tile choi r wo u ld com pr ise voices o f all r!tilge . o f g ren t v ,n irt.y of compass a nd po;yer - :i.n d the effec t would but l1e tbe s u bl imest not·

on'ly fmm :t tl evot io1 J:ll b ut even fr<>m a n artist ic ~ tn n clpo i nt.''

TlltqJgh k ntJwi n 5 LIJ at Lb ere a re mnny di fficul t ies in the real iz :l ti OtJ of the mu s icn l idea cm i t te tl nbo v e, I ca nno t d issent fr om M r. F . . up •n t il e prncLi ea l nsefnl­liC:;s :i11 rl espeoi :tl ly t he beau t iful effects of cong rega­

ti ona l si ll.:!; lllg. I t ii nl r\3 viy a feat u re i r1. many of ou r churches in C h ic:·1go, N~ w Y o rk :.1 n (1 other la rge c i t iec.

Why sh <> uld it nnt bR,:O:ne nnivc t'S:ll? So fa r ::tS coll eo-e • b

expe ri ence! go"s ia thi s maLter it p ro ves t he theory both vrry pra<:L i c . L bl (~ :wcl fro u ~ !J t wi th hnppy res u lts. Un ­qne~tioml h ly, YO<;:t l re 11tli t io ns l>y .a qt1ar tet or by a s~· l 1·cl c ho ir · a re ag reeahle -:- they :1re genera lly more al'littit'. Bu t I rh•ul 1t whe th er they have po w er to stir t he he:nt 0 r thr ilJ the soul ns mneh :;s t he simple Cor J esu ot· theL audate Domiman whe n t . lH~ 200 vo i ce~,

('hi 's si h·err, tink ling voices and t he powerful ro 11 nd voie~.; of t he seni ors mi ng le i n one grand uni son.

A llH•rt Fn rma n.


Our exchange:; have been coming iu rali 1er slowiy ,l nd we b~ga n to wonde r what t he cause might be. ' Ye wo ndered whether t he ah .~B nt ones wou lrl l"ok the s:1me as bero re: if' the College Messnge wonl(l like F rench a1ty better; o 1 ift h0 Censor ~till lbiuks O ut11ri o as big ns t he U. ~ ; or if the Funlhmn Jle>nthly will vo n t i lllH'

to pu t s u<;h S1n:· ll poems on H1c b b ig pnges ; l!r i!'the NwgaTa I odex wilt persevere in maki1.g '' .;o much ado about 1~ ot ll i 1 rg;" or if 1he Owl is going to get aeruss t he border !Ids f:dl, or ifpnpl' r will get_nny dparer " ·here the St. John's Um've?·sity Record i~ t•rinterl ; or if it is going to tuke 01;r ex cl!:wgcs ns long to get out the vtber nunt!H•rs of their pnpers ao it lws to bring ou t the first; and last ly if thi~ wondering wil l make ally body mad? Perhaps we b<.ltcr stop, or our cnreer may be shortened n nrl hence our chnnee for useful ness be iess­

ened. T he Bucotelite is on time and hns a grent deal tbat

may inte rest people in its immediate vicinity but not a great de:' I fur the e ntertainment of the general reader.

T he ~Viagara l l'clex has p lenty of r-o:-~tinuecl articles; in fac t a ll the leading ones are sncb. " TlJe Mora lity of Shakes pr!a re'f; Plays" is a good a nrl i nstructi ve essay. The wr iter h:1s ev ident ly a good knowle~ge of Shakes. p eare's cb:1 rnct.ers, an<l pict ures them tortb i n a cden r and a ttract ive styl<:> . H o<Y m uch gno(! comes from showing the mornl it)• or imm o!·ali ty of, we don' t

k now, £01: it is a p eculi a r fact t h ~t t showi ng t he ba d qu al iLi es of buok!:< often proc ures t.bem more readers . '•Rober t k lsmere" ll!Jrl the "Quick or the D ead.'' a re two t m:ty be offered in illn s traLio n of this. It is a pos ­i tive fact. ·Lb:~t these two books h:vl more re:vlers than

any b ooks -l> ro ng ht ou t in the s:1me t im e, a nd sim ply because ot t he C(>}j t r ov erBy t he ir ap penrance n wakened.

Y et i t i!< m ost sure ly our d uty to warn othe rs of the ~arne places wl1ere danger awaits t hem. O u r s uccess in

doi ng it "· i ll cle pend on bow we ll we und erstand t he ten dencies of those we w ish to instruct.


1 he U !3. Journal of E locution and Crato1·y is a m onthl y of gre:tt use to teachers and stu dents o f Elo­cution. ll s columns coiltain praetic:-~ 1 h int~ on gestures , emphas is nud t he means to a ttuin grace in t he walk, carriuge eLe. T be acl vice g ive n · to acquire and retain be::tltll is no small feat ure of t ile pa.per. vVe can reccom­me nd it ns n eheap an d practi cn l paper for teachers aud sLudcnts. $ 1,00 pe r yenr, Webster Edgerly, E d . ·wash­ington , D. C.

The American Ecclesiasttcal Review for Oc to ber con­tains t he bte enc:yelica l l etter of our Holy Father the P upe on dew•ti 'Jn to St. Josepl1; au article on the late lamentecl !.\J on~ign or Curcora.JJ : h is wo rk at the Vatican Council. The ll :s ual riurnb~ r of l itu rg ic:.d ques tions a re d i~C USS( • d.

The B oy8' Pmkctor is now 'r, quartcdy i nstead of a moutt dy :1,; f,muerl y. Hs monthly vi s it:; will be missed, y e t we :1n\ ghd it wil l co1ue every three m onths. A plea~rng ~t r tidc fl'om the pen uf 1\Iis::; Eli za A llen :::itan ta ke n fr um the , P 1·otector appen rs in another col umn of tl1e JoGR:<:AL. ·w e hope the c h ~wge tlle Eds. of the P rotector will l •e to the adv.lntag-e of the paper.

T he Traveler's R ec?rd for Septembe r is quite unique

in its typogrn p b i.::al make-u p "The Yearn ot tbe Roma n· tic" a sor t of h:tlf sedous poem is a bit on the pecu liari­ties of ·•ye olden titne!l." Tbe Knight Errant, The. Trou. b a\1our. The Lorlge-Lone and, the Pirate come in on t.heir share of the author 's scratching, if we can't say cutting. Th0 literary merit cons ists principally in the

metre of \he verse.

'"iT. VIATEOR'~ >~·: JOUJ{f.:AL


:More music!!

And a little of ·' that" Quar tett?, ple:u;e !!!

Where is .:Hr. Cleary's lLtm-t:t, II r~ u · Ut , 11 tm-t· t .t-b i h ts year? H e is lium-ta-t:t-ti ng in T'hilos·Jphy.

Master E. Adams. of m nsinl re:wwa s t ill h:1m pers fo rLll, the c le~r s!uillnotes, ar. of ol•L

Musical t:-tlent among the b oys :J.p:lears to l.;e no mre thing; a.s tlle glori ons edwes of tlte ba.ucl ;md urdwstra signify.

Perhaps n'J~llin~· does m .)l':., t ~ .Yft t :w aspcritiec: c~f life, and harmoui ;-;e its discordant. elelll cnt.s, t lu11 the ,;Ji _ti ­vation of a love for music.

As music is clistinctiv l•ly an art, so we tlnd thn.t the cul­ture and intelligen ce of a communi ty can be safely measured by its musical standing.

Music, espe:;ially vccal , can never be rendered, with proper sp;l·~~. except it be more or Jess commi tted. to memory, :tnd be m:tde, as it wera, our own. Ther ::Jfon le~ U 3 lose 110

time, for the great day (St. Viatenr's1 which should be one of music, f•·'dtivity, and univers d joy.

A B oston lady attended a faneral .in a country c~ mrch a. short time ag'), and Mter the c:ing iug or a hymn which ws.,· striking, m 3iodio u.s, and a.p propri :1te, a n1s~ic ma:o fr ier;.( · who was seatecl bes icb her rem:u::-:ed with :t!t a.i.r of intmu;e local prlde : '"Henutifui ltym:1, isn't it. Tl1e eorpse wrote it ."

''If I \oV03 a ea.nL~i. i n or a earn 2! t?.th ~ ~· r Y!l ld rHther l )0 a. drum-.m ajor, ~cntlll<ive a f ur btt, l ·ke I D:trl, a.nd a long skepter with gole nul) on t!le t·nll for to ··.vhnck tl'e innimi:?-3 with a·.1d knock their g-eneral (~Own, n.ncl tn.lw all his c<tncly away, and his nurbels, anl hi s top, and everything." Boy's composition, iu ~t. Frant:is' .

A cold andiultCP. l u t\wse tLtyf> wo :tclmire a·qt hillg b:•t · offers ll s .1gge:-; ~ i<> n of c ~hlln es~ . VVa t i1erdore ; p )i'ec•i :~te the "saug-fro id'' or the Boston m<m :~ger w!Jo, ;vltt:·u his t !te: Ltre was cl:scoverecl L!J b<' 0:1 !'ire, s t.ep.· erl h :!i'o:·e the cLut ' in ad sp0ke as f o l) O\'>'S : "L ~vJie:J and Geutlt~m e ~l! we ltave j ttst. discovered the c mse of tlle te:Tt p:,~ratu re from wh:ch you have tb~t!.Jtless been sniferi n g. The honse has b ::.en 011

tlre for murly h tlf an h our. In a.J:mring yo n of my regret ;: t

the oucurrence, ~.L : li uiuvoida.ll le necessity of uringiug the performance to a close, you will permit me to express my heartfelt joy t.h :tt we have sueeeeded at last in t horoughly warming np a. Bm:L>n :wllience." (.M:nsinal Visitor.)


T J. e new "Manual of Prayers" prepared by a committe of Lishops by order of the Ba.~limore Plenary Council, is al­ready having a large sale although it i\3 but a few weeks sin ce it was published.

The October uu111ber of the Catholic World is an excel­lent one. 1.\.mong the le:uling a.rticl f\R Are a sketch of the Canadian school system by F. r.l.. McKenna and a valuable paper on "Amiel and Pessimism" by Bt·other .Azm)as whose li terary r~b ilit i rs have alrec dy w on f or him a ·world wide fame. /Some of th~ oth~r ar t ir.lPs an· "Chur ch ftlld State in Er.·,nce" by Samuel B yme "The Firs~ Catholic Congre;.;s of Spain," and n "Stn dy of :Modern L anguage" by Rev. Wil­lia m Ba.rry D. D.

"A.n Explanation of tlw Cc;wtit uti on of t.he Unit ' d States of Ameri ca,' ' Ly Fmncis F. J;'nre.y h:ts been ril1blishe.d for the use of Cnt.holic s ~hools nf e very grrtde. The author claims and with g reat trut h, that loyalty to our_grea.t government and institutions will be prom0Led gre?.t ly by t he increased study of the Constitution nnd it is for this reason E' at he has published "A text book . .. .imbued with the Ca.; o_ lie spirit," The book, m utle up of questions and ans\ rers explains all the provision of the Constitution. I n the tlr' t c' • "-; t. ~' rs the writer deals w ith governmen t in general and with our uwn governm(mt in pa rticular. '\Yorks of tl is kind are merely neccssar:r for our schools as there are very few w:w are thor-ougllly aquaintcd with the constitution of our country .

AH~~ YOU G-OfNG 'fO .:-;EW 'oRLEA.~S OH .FJ,Oitl DA '! .

I-f so, you can go by the M:JJ:.on Honte via .Louisville and Mammoth Cave, or Cincin11<1~ i aml Cha t tan ooga, Binnin ;;­

_ham, iVIontgomer y, l\Iobi ie m~d Lil3 gnlf coast for the s<tme that will take you through t.!lf~ dnary, unin lw,bited ~lissis­

sipi swamp~ ; wo are conlitknt you eannot select another Line to the ::>outh enjoying h:df the advantages thnt are possessed by t~e !\Jon on lioute and its so u them connectlow;.

No one stou ld t hink of g-oing sont h without vi siting tl1e Mam moth Cave, the r;rm!t n :ttural \VOuder of this continent. So much has btJen writ ~ :~n of this world fam ous wonder tha' it is impossible to S<1Y anytltiug new in regard to it. lt CUll­

not be describr::d; it,s <·<wern:; m 1st be explored, ils darkness felt, its beauties s,;m, to b0 or reali zed. It is the <4reate:;t cari ·.Jsity--Xiag-ar a not ex0epted. Or, l •'lor icla ward, rxt::;s ell ronte over the old liistorieal Jhtttl e J<'i.eJds along the line of V·/. &, .'\. .or t 1w E. T.V. & <J. U >t,ihvnys, From Mobile to }:ow Orlem1s ( l,D n;iles) th(j rille a.Joug the g:nlf coast is ~llone wortlly llto entire cost of tht whvle J.u full sight of thu way, past Oc·t·an t'priJJg'S. }d ississippi City, Pass Chr~ stian , H.1 y ::s ::. L uct ls and Iktnvoir, t il e home of .feff Dtt\'is.

When you deeicle tu g ··, south nHtke np your mind t.o tra>'el over the liue that p m;ses through the best country and g·ives you the best pla.6l'S to stup over. This is emphatic · ally the ,jionon ltoute, in connection with the Louisville and Nashvi!Je, and the ( 'incinmtti :Sou them 'B.ail ways, Pull­man p:tlace sleepers and pa. l ~v :e coaches, cloul>le da ily tr ains. The best to Cincinnati, .L nuisvilie, N llW Orle:tns or F lorldn. For full information, dest:riptive Looks, pamphlets etc., addre~s J ames Barker, General Passen ger Agent Mono.n H.oute , 183 Dearborn street, Chicngo. ·


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