st. pius v catholic church · 2020. 11. 8. · st. pius v catholic church november 8, 2020 32nd...

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  • ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH - 11/8/20 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

    824 Main St., Pasadena, Tx 77506—Phone 713-473-9484—Fax 713-473-2731— Masses for Sunday: Sunday 8 & 10:00am in English; 12:00 mediodia, & 7pm en Español

    Weekday Liturgy: Monday , Wednesday & Friday, 8am in English; Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 8am en Español

    Sacrament of Penance: Wednesday 12:00 to 5:00pm; Saturday 12 to 5p.m. Parish Office Hours: 9am to 5pm

    Adoration: Friday from 12noon to 5pm in the church

    In case of an emergency needing a priest, please call 713-397-7451 (bi-lingual) or 832-651-7329 (English only).

    Rev. Joseph Doran, Pastor Rev. Michael Applegate, Parochial Vicar Deacon Heath Hampton Deacon Celestino Perez Deacon Dan Seiler

    Connie Wilson, Dir of Music & Social Media Felicitas Palacios, Faith Formation-Spanish

    Gina Pasket, Faith Formation—English

    J P Rodriguez, Dir. of Parish Social Ministry

    Alice Layton, Business Manager

    Mass Intention Schedule for this Week

    Saturday, November 7—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Consuelo Morales †

    Sunday, November 8—32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. — Frank & James Konieczny † 10:00 a.m. — For the People of the Parish 12:00 p.m. — Feliciano Antonio Zuniga † 7:00 p.m. — Eustolia Cordero † Monday, November 9 8:00 a.m. — Peggy Grappe † Tuesday, November 10— Weekday 8:00 a.m. — For the people of the parish 7:00 p.m. — Juan Fernandez, Jr. † Wednesday, November 11— 8:00 a.m. — Ryan McCauley † 7:00 p.m. — Cathy Doran † Thursday, November 12—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Mary Coss † Friday, November 13— Weekday 8:00 a.m. — James John † Saturday, November 14—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Irma Cañamar—B-day

    Pastoral Staff:

  • St. Pius V Catholic Church November 8, 2020

    32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Reading 1 WIS 6:12-16

    Resplendent and unfading is wisdom, and she is readily

    perceived by those who love her, and found by those who

    seek her. She hastens to make herself known in anticipation of

    their desire; Whoever watches for her at dawn shall not be

    disappointed, for he shall find her sitting by his gate. For

    taking thought of wisdom is the perfection of prudence, and

    whoever for her sake keeps vigil shall quickly be free from

    care; because she makes her own rounds, seeking those

    worthy of her, and graciously appears to them in the ways,

    and meets them with all solicitude.

    Responsorial Psalm PS 63 R. My soul is thirsting for you, O

    Lord my God.

    Reading 2 1 THES 4:13-14

    We do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, about

    those who have fallen asleep, so that you may not grieve like

    the rest, who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died

    and rose, so too will God, through Jesus, bring with him those

    who have fallen asleep.

    Gospel MT 25:1-13

    Jesus told his disciples this parable: "The kingdom of heaven

    will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to

    meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five

    were wise. The foolish ones, when taking their lamps,

    brought no oil with them, but the wise brought flasks of oil

    with their lamps. Since the bridegroom was long delayed,

    they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight, there

    was a cry, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

    Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps. The

    foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for

    our lamps are going out.’ But the wise ones replied, 'No, for

    there may not be enough for us and you. Go instead to the

    merchants and buy some for yourselves.’ While they went off

    to buy it, the bridegroom came and those who were ready

    went into the wedding feast with him. Then the door was

    locked. Afterwards the other virgins came and said, ‘Lord,

    Lord, open the door for us!’ But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say

    to you, I do not know you.’ Therefore, stay awake, for you

    know neither the day nor the hour."

    Primera lectura Sab 6, 12-16

    Radiante e incorruptible es la sabiduría; con facilidad la

    contemplan quienes la aman y ella se deja encontrar por quienes

    la buscan y se anticipa a darse a conocer a los que la desean. El

    que madruga por ella no se fatigará, porque la hallará sentada a

    su puerta. Darle la primacía en los pensamientos es prudencia

    consumada; quien por ella se desvela pronto se verá libre de

    preocupaciones. A los que son dignos de ella, ella misma sale a

    buscarlos por los caminos; se les aparece benévola y colabora con

    ellos en todos sus proyectos.

    Salmo Responsorial Salmo 62 R. Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti.

    Segunda lectura 1 Tes 4, 13-14

    Hermanos: No queremos que ignoren lo que pasa con los

    difuntos, para que no vivan tristes, como los que no tienen

    esperanza. Pues, si creemos que Jesús murió y resucitó, de igual

    manera debemos creer que, a los que mueren en Jesús, Dios los

    llevará con él.

    Evangelio Mt 25, 1-13

    En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos esta parábola: “El

    Reino de los cielos es semejante a diez jóvenes, que tomando sus

    lámparas, salieron al encuentro del esposo. Cinco de ellas eran

    descuidadas y cinco, previsoras. Las descuidadas llevaron sus

    lámparas, pero no llevaron aceite para llenarlas de nuevo; las

    previsoras, en cambio, llevaron cada una un frasco de aceite junto

    con su lámpara. Como el esposo tardaba, les entró sueño a todas

    y se durmieron. A medianoche se oyó un grito: ‘¡Ya viene el

    esposo! ¡Salgan a su encuentro!’ Se levantaron entonces todas

    aquellas jóvenes y se pusieron a preparar sus lámparas, y las

    descuidadas dijeron a las previsoras: ‘Dennos un poco de su

    aceite, porque nuestras lámparas se están apagando’. Las

    previsoras les contestaron: ‘No, porque no va a alcanzar para

    ustedes y para nosotras. Vayan mejor a donde lo venden y

    cómprenlo’. Mientras aquéllas iban a comprarlo, llegó el esposo,

    y las que estaban listas entraron con él al banquete de bodas y se

    cerró la puerta. Más tarde llegaron las otras jóvenes y dijeron:

    ‘Señor, señor, ábrenos’. Pero él les respondió: ‘Yo les aseguro

    que no las conozco’. Estén pues, preparados, porque no saben ni

    el día ni la hora’’.

    Remember in your Prayers

    Wayne Morgan, Aida Gonzales, Mary Ann Grant, Blanca Vasquez & Benita Campos, Jim Wilson, Benita Campos, Rosalva Campos,

    Larry Almendares, Yuli Alexandra Torres, Lopez Cruz, Antonio Torres Lopez, Jaime Lopez, Megan Gholson Cain, Al Clausen, John

    Davis, Erma Garcia, Alonso Flores, Martin DeLeon, Charlene & Frank Pasket, Jr, Carlos and Rose Martinez, Fr. Ricardo Lazo,

    Healing for those suffering with COVID-19.

  • St. Pius V Catholic Church November 8, 2020

    Readings for the week of 11/9/2020 Monday: Ez 47:1-2,8-9,12; 1 Cor 3: 9c-11,16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Tuesday: Ti 2: 1-8, 11-14; Lk 17: 7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3: 1-7; Lk 17: 11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Lk 17: 20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17: 26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18: 1-8 Sunday: Prv 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5: 1-6; Mt 25: 14-30

    Weekly collections for October Wk 1 — $9806 Wk 3—$6328 Wk 2 — $4308 Wk 4—$6510

    For November Wk 1 — $5319 Wk 3 — Wk 2 — Wk 4 —

    32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


    We need teams of 6 people at each mass. Necesitamos equipos de 6 personas en cada misa.

    Contact Connie Wilson at 281-205-8152, Or Raul Ramos at 281-924-1722,

    Dear friends,

    Right now, we have a pressing need for more Good Shepherds in our Ministry of Safety and Hospitality so that we can offer the oppor-tunity for mass to more people. We need to add a 2:00PM Sunday mass in Spanish as soon as possible, yet we cannot do so, or continue our other masses, unless we have the people to serve. Please go to the website or call the office if God calls you to this work. We need men, women, and families, to help with food distribution on Friday mornings and to prepare boxes and bags on Thursdays. This ministry serves hundreds of families every week, but only if you are there to help.

    One of the most dedicated workers in this particular vineyard of the Lord, Alice Layton, is retiring at the end of this month after 41 years serving St. Pius V. She has shared with us the history of this parish and will always be part of St. Pius V. We know that in this time of limited gatherings we will not be able to show her our love and appreciation in the way that she deserves, but we would like to honor her in a special way at the 10:00AM mass on November 29th, the 1st Sunday in Advent. We will miss Alice and all the work she has done for us.

    In the last week, we have taken the final steps to insure the financial health of the parish over the next few months. With the help and approval of our Finance Council, we have secured a grant to support our Faith Formation and established a credit facility with the Archdi-ocese. Nevertheless, your generosity with the parish is what keeps us going. More than 150 families are now using our on-line giving, in addition to all of you who mail in or drop off your offering or place it in the collection each week. Please consider, as we come to the end of the year, a special donation in thanks to God for bringing us so far. There is no question that the parish needs it.

    God bless you, God protect you, God make his face to shine upon you.

    Fr. Joe Queridos amigos,

    En este momento, tenemos una necesidad urgente de más Buenos Pastores en nuestro Ministerio de Seguridad y Hospitalidad para que podamos ofrecer la oportunidad de misa a más personas. Necesitamos celebrar una misa dominical a las 2:00 pm en español tan pronto como sea posible, pero no podemos hacerlo, o continuar con nuestras otras misas, a menos que tengamos la gente para servir. Vaya al sitio web o llame a la oficina si Dios lo llama a este trabajo. Necesitamos hombres, mujeres y familias para ayudar con la distribución de alimentos los viernes por la mañana y preparar cajas y bolsas los jueves. Este ministerio sirve a cientos de familias cada semana, pero solo si usted está allí para ayudar.

    Una de las trabajadoras más dedicadas de este viñedo en particular del Señor, Alice Layton, se jubilará al fin de este mes después de 41 años sirviendo a San Pío V. Ella ha compartido con nosotros la historia de esta parroquia y siempre será parte de San Pío V Sabemos que en este tiempo de reuniones limitadas no podremos mostrarle nuestro amor y aprecio de la manera que se merece, pero nos gustaría honrarla de manera especial en la misa de las 10:00 a.m. del 29 de noviembre. el primer domingo de Adviento. Extrañaremos a Alice y todo el trabajo que ha hecho por nosotros.

    En la última semana, hemos dado los pasos finales para asegurar la salud financiera de la parroquia durante los próximos meses. Con la ayuda y aprobación de nuestro Consejo de Finanzas, hemos obtenido una subvención para apoyar nuestra Formación de Fe y hemos establecido una línea de crédito con la Arquidiócesis. Sin embargo, su generosidad con la parroquia es lo que nos impulsa. Más de 150 familias están usando nuestras donaciones en línea, además de todos ustedes que envían o dejan su ofrenda o la colocan en la colección cada semana. Por favor considere, al llegar el final del año, una donación especial en agradecimiento a Dios por traernos tan lejos. No hay duda de que la parroquia lo necesita.

    Dios los bendiga, Dios los proteja, Dios haga brillar su rostro sobre ustedes.

  • Gina Pasket Direct phone # 281-305-0737

    Felicitas Palacios Direct phone # 281-301-5835


    32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Faith Formation email address:

    Question of the Week /Pregunta de la Semana

    We must always be ready. / Siempre debemos estar listos.

    Children/ Niños:

    If Jesus came to your house today, what would you do to get

    ready for him? / Si Jesús viniera a tu casa hoy, ¿qué harías

    para estar listo para él?


    Even though you are still young, what strategy do you have

    to make sure you are “ready” for the inevitable moment

    when you will die? / Aunque todavía eres joven, ¿qué

    estrategia tendrías para asegurarte de que estás “listo” para

    el inevitable momento cuando mueras?


    How are you preparing to be ready for that moment that no

    one escapes, the moment when you come to the end of

    your life as you know it now? / ¿Cómo se está preparando

    para estar listo para ese momento del que nadie se escapa,

    el momento cuando vendrá el final de su vida como la

    conoce ahora?

    Student REGISTRATION Continue for 2020-2021 go to: Parent must have your—Family ID Number to register.

    REGISTRO de estudiantes Continuar para

    2020-2021 ir a:

    El padre debe tener su número de identificación familiar para registrarse.

    Helping our young people grow in

    their faith! You can still order Ebook

    or Book for your child! Call the Faith

    Formation office for details.

    Around The Archdiocese

    Young Adult and Campus Ministry

    Shepherded Beyond My Fears Retreat The Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry and Office for Vocations will be offering an in-person retreat for young adults in their 20s and 30s at Christian Renewal Center in Dickinson on October 23-25. In Psalm 23, the Lord is described as a shepherd who provides for our needs and walks with us through the dark valley. This year has felt like a dark valley to many people. This retreat will be a chance to come away and remember that the Lord is a Good Shepherd, and He will provide all we need in this uncertain world. The cost to attend is $75. Due to concerns with Covid-19, this retreat will have limited capacity. Register ASAP to reserve your spot. For more information or to register go online to

    For more information please contact the Office of Young Adult & Campus ministry at or 713-741-8778.

    .Silent Retreat: Rules of Discernment 2020 is a Silent Discernment Retreat for Young Adults ages 18-40. This is an opportunity to set aside some time of silence to listen to the voice of God. Learn more about the St. Ignatius' Discernment of Spirits following Fr. Gallagher's book The Discernment of Spirits. Lunch and opportunities for spiritual direction are included. $40 registration fee; space limited. Deadline to register is Nov. 9. Retreat will be Saturday, Nov. 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Holy Name Retreat Center, 430 Bunker Hill, Houston, TX 77024 Here is the link to register: For more information, please visit:

  • St. Pius V Catholic Church November 8, 2020

    Living Our Faith….. Parish Social Ministry General Information for all: I don’t have a computer and I would like to use one and learn how to use one…. ALL public libraries have computers for use by any person. They also have attendants who will help you. I want information on COVID-19: Harris County has a great web page that gives you all the information you could want including when, where, and how to get tested….

    COVID 19 TESTING: COVID-19 RESOURCES (Rental Assistance, Information, Other Assistance…):

    I want to know about how to prepare for a hurricanes and other disasters, how to evacuate, and how I can get assistance with evacuation….. I am 60 and older and I need assistance and live in Harris County and in need of food or other services, call 832-393-4301 for: Benefits Counseling · Long-Term Care Ombudsman · Nutrition Programs · Referrals Harris County Area Agency on Aging - City of Houston › health › Aging For the Latino Women: An organization that gives voice to Latino women is: Voting Information:

    This Week in Social Ministry: Thursday, Nov. 12 – Social Ministry Office open for dropping off donated food for the Pantry. Please use driveway on the side of the building. Will be open from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Friday, Nov. 13 – Food Distribution Friday starting between 9 and 9:30 am. Depending on the Houston Food Bank delivery schedule. Be aware that we normally run out of food by 10:30 am. Check on Parish Facebook account on Friday morning for schedule.

    Viviendo nuestra fe…. Ministerio social parroquial

    Información general para todos: No tengo una computadora y me gustaría usar una y aprender a usarla ... TODAS las bibliotecas públicas tie-nen computadoras para uso de cualquier persona. También cuentan con asistentes que te ayudarán. Quiero información sobre COVID-19: el condado de Harris tiene una excelente página web que le brinda toda la información que podría desear, incluido cuándo, dónde y cómo hacerse la prueba…. PRUEBAS DE COVID 19:

    RECURSOS COVID-19 (Asistencia para el alquiler, información, otra asistencia ...):

    Quiero saber cómo prepararme para un huracán y otros desastres, cómo evacuar y cómo puedo obtener ayuda con la evacuación ... Tengo 60 años o más y necesito ayuda y vivo en el condado de Harris y necesito comida u otros servicios, llame al 832-393-4301 para: Asesoramiento sobre beneficios · Defensor del pueblo para atención a largo pla-zo · Programas de nutrición · Referencias Agencia para el Envejecimiento del Área del Condado de Harris - Ciudad de Houston ›salud› envejecimiento Para la mujer Latina: una organización que le da voz a la mujer latina es: Información para VOTAR: Esta semana en el Ministerio Social: Jueves, 12 de noviembre: la Oficina del Ministerio Social está abierta para dejar alimentos donados para la despensa. Utilice el camino de entrada al costado del edificio. Estará abierto de 9:00 am a 12:30 pm. Viernes 13 de noviembre - viernes de distribución de alimentos empezamos entre las 9 y las 9:30 am depen-diendo del horario de entrega del Banco de Alimentos de Houston. Tenga en cuenta que normalmente nos quedamos sin comida para las 10:30 am. Visite la página de Facebook para ver el horario el viernes en la ma-ñana.

    32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ›%20health%20›%20Aging%0d

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