st. paul’s epistle november 2013

Post on 03-Feb-2022






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April 2019

EPISTLE A monthly newsletter of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

Established 1884

604 Pitt Street, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Here’s What Is Happening In

April 3, 2019 Fellowship Committee Meeting – 10:00 AM

April 3, 2019 Lenten Meal (Prepared by Council) - 5:30 PM

April 3, 2019 Lenten Services - 6:15 PM

April 7, 2019 PANCAKE BREAKFAST – 9:00 AM

April 7, 2019 Sunday School – 9:30 AM

April 7, 2019 COUNCIL MEETING – Following Church Service

April 10, 2019 Women’s Circle Meeting – 9:45 AM

April 10, 2019 Lenten Meal (Prepared by Property Committee) - 5:30 PM

April 10, 2019 Lenten Services - 6:15 PM

April 10, 2019 Monthly Meal Ministry Delivery Day

April 13, 2019 CHURCH CLEAN-UP DAY - 8:30 AM

April 18, 2019 Maundy Thursday Services – 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM

April 19, 2019 Good Friday Services – 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM

April 19, 2019 Good Friday Ecumenical Prayer Walk – 3:00 PM

April 20, 2019 EASTER EGG HUNT @ The Beck’s House – 11:00 AM

April 21, 2019 EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES – Sunrise & 10:15 AM

April 28, 2019 Education & Youth Committee Meeting – Following Church

FREE YOGA CLASSES by Kelly Robichaud – Mondays at 10:00 AM

BIBLE STUDY with Pastor Terry – Wednesdays at 11:00 AM

Choir Practice – Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

Book Group 7:00 PM (1st & 3

rd Thursdays) (Except April 18


Pastor Notes

“How Beautiful are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News!”

What an awesome statement; “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Each and every one of us are on paths that cross each day. From, it says,

“Wherever your path leads, every day there will be people who need Jesus.”

In our lives, every day, whether it is in our work, our leisure, our schools, our going to lunch,

wherever we are and whatever we are doing, we come across people in need. Yes, they may be

hungry, thirsty, in need of shelter, in need of compassion and in need of just someone who

notices them , they are in need.

How beautiful it is that we can be the ones to help lead them out of their despair, their

loneliness, their emptiness, their simply letting life pass them buy.

God gives us opportunity after opportunity for us to share Christ and invite them to church.

And what better time to do this than Easter.

The world believes that Easter is about chocolate bunnies, decorating eggs, and baskets. We

know that Easter is about Jesus, redemption, life, and hope. Everyone needs that kind of Easter.

So, let’s get the word out. Let’s share the Good News. Let us invite our friends, our families,

and our neighbors to come find the true meaning of Easter.

This year as we did last year, we will have a Sunrise Service with Friendship AME church at

6:40 AM outside next to the harbor at Alhambra Hall,; 131 Middle St. Mt. Pleasant, SC. We

will also have our regular Easter service at 10:15 AM Easter morning.

All of us share news with each other all the time. We share it through emails, texting, Facebook,

and all kinds of other social media. We share news about baby’s first steps, about being

accepted by a college, about job promotions, about engagements and wedding announcements,

and about whatever makes us happy or sometimes sad. Good news was meant to be shared.

How about this month, this Easter, we share the Good News of Jesus? We share the Good News

of God’s love for all of us through His Son Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

So, invite, invite, invite family, friends, neighbors, and total strangers to come and share Jesus.

This could be the time that their life is changed and their eternity is changed. Invite all.

Be those beautiful feet.

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Find out who said this by going to

Romans 10: 15b.Only scripture can give us words such as these.

More Quotes from people better spoken and knowledgeable than your Pastor.

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom.”

He said, “Don’t worry, I will. Today you will join me in paradise.” Luke 23: 42-43 “The

Message,” Eugene Peterson

If you want to change the world, pray the first thing you get up every morning; then make your

bed. Pastor adding to Adm. William H. McRaven, “Make Your Bed.”

Thomas said, “My Master! My God!”

Jesus said, “so, you believe because you’ve seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are

in store for those who believe without seeing.. John 209: 28-29, “The Message,” Eugene


We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone. Martin Luther

I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer. Martin Luther

Being dirty is practical. I’m never bothered by girls or mosquitos. Pig Pen

You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it. Anonymous

God is not what you imagine or what you thin k you understand. If you understand you have

failed. Saint Augustine

Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy. Anonymous

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are:’I’m from the government and I’m

here to help.’. Ronald Reagan

Truth is certainly a branch of morality and a very important one to society. Thomas Jefferson

Forgiveness is God’s command. Martin Luther

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby

you grow to be more and more like Christ . Billy Graham

We can change the course of events if we go to our knees in believing prayer. Billy Graham

I thank God every day that God made you. PT

Please send me your quotes. You never know when they may appear or who they might touch.

Biblical Humor

St. Paul's Lutheran Church Income and Expenses for the Three Months Ended

March 30, 2019

Actual Budget




Offerings and other




Expenses Synod mission support




Total salaries




Office expense




Worship and music




Christian education




Youth ministry








Property and facilities




Social ministry








Congregational life








Total expenses

48,600 48,650


Expense over income

$1,761 ($1,451)


Offerings and other are up primarily due to memorials and facilities income from the Presbyterian Church.

Expenses are at the budgeted amount. Thank you for what you are doing. Remember, be as strong in Christ as Christ is in you.

Capital Campaign Update

We have collected over $73,000 of our over $104,000 capital campaign. I thank you for your gifts and living up to your commitments as of March 31, 2019. We have spent approximately $31,000 which consists of HVAC systems, roof for the kitchen and Sunday school building, and lights for the office, classrooms, and hall areas. We will be spending $2,950 on replacing HVAC in the office and hallway areas. This was delayed but should be done before Easter. We have received three bids on the sanctuary roof and are reviewing them at this time. We have one bid on replacing the rotten wood on all buildings and are getting gutter quotes. Please contact the council with any questions and/or concerns. Please add to your calendar that April 13, 2019 is an official property cleanup day. More information to come on this.


Let’s search our hearts and discern what God has for us to do in support of this, His church.

Our goal is for each person to choose at least one thing to do, so that we can all be involved

together. We are a small church; we need each one of us to contribute our TIME and GIFTS.

Please remember, our time is a gift from God & God has given each of us many gifts including ourselves.


Join a Committee or volunteer for a specific job under a committee!

St. Paul’s needs your help! Give your time and you will be blessed!

____ Education & Youth Committee Plans and executes the Christian Education and youth programs.

___Committee Chairperson – Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee. ___Teacher for Sunday School Classes-Creates lesson plans and oversees the activities during class. ___Helper for Sunday School Classes -Assists the teacher in controlling behavior, reading Bible verses, doing arts & crafts, etc.

Specify what age you would prefer to work with: ___Preschool ___1st-6th Grade ___7th-12th Grade ___Adult Class

___Nursery Scheduler – Contacts & schedules (1) adult helper for the nursery each Sunday. ___Nursery Helper – Assists the nursery attendant with caring for children, while parents attend Sunday School and church. NEEDED NOW!!!

____ Cemetery Committee Maintains the church Cemetery!

____Committee Chairperson - Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee. ____Cemetery Clean-Up –Assists in debris pick-up, hedge trimming, etc. in the church cemetery

____ Fellowship Committee Provides meals for special occasions to show love of our fellow members in times of joy and sorrow &

provides fellowship opportunities for the congregation

____Committee Chairperson - Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee. ____Meal Preparation – Assisting with preparing food for any of the following: (Circle your interests)

1st of the Month Pancake Breakfasts

Monthly Events (VBS, Easter Egg Hunt, Rally Day, Family Fun Day, Anniversary Celebration, etc.)

Bereavement Meals ____Table/Chair Set Up/Clean Up – Sets up and takes down tables/chairs for events ____Decorating Set-Up/Clean Up – Decorates tables for events and cleans them up after event. ____Event Kitchen Clean Up – Helps clean up food, plates, silverware in kitchen after events. ____Kitchen & Refrigerator/Freezer cleaner – Regularly keeps drawers/cabinets/fridge/freezer clean in kitchen.

____ Worship & Music Committee Plans and organizes ALL aspects of the Worship service!

____Committee Chairperson – Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee. ____Scheduler – Contacts and schedules volunteers to do each of the following weekly services:

*Please circle which job below you would like to be a scheduler for. Prior to Worship ____Sacristan – prepares the altar for service ____Brass Polisher – polishes the brass ____Linens care – Cleans and iron linens for altar, etc. ____Pews/Colors/Banners/Candles – Cleans up pews, puts the proper colors/banners for the church seasons, and refills candles in sanctuary ____Provide Altar Flowers – Purchases/Arranges flowers/plants for the altar During Worship ____Usher – Takes attendance, collects offering, organizes communion line, assists with those in need. ____Worship Assistant – Reads the weekly Scripture readings ____Communion Assistant/Elements Presenter – Assists Pastor with the distribution of communion ____Acolyte – Lights candles, collects offering, assists in communion and anything else Pastor needs. ____Cantor – Sings the weekly Psalm ____Instrumentalist – Assists the Music Director with musical talent ____Choir Member – Joins the choir in singing the gathering songs and sometimes the musical offering ____Projectionist – Controls the powerpoint which is projected in the front of the church ____Microphone/DVD tech – Controls the microphones and records the service on DVD After Worship ____Offering counters – Counts the weekly offering NEEDED NOW!!!

____ Evangelism Committee

Will promote spiritualism in church members and the community.

____Committee Chairperson - Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee. ____Greeter – Welcomes congregation and visitors as they arrive to worship ____Visitor Gift Bag Assembly – Puts together gift bags to be given to visitors ____Youth Visitor Gift Bracelets Assembly – Makes Rainbow loom bracelets for the youth visitors. ____Visitation – Make a visit to someone who cannot come to church on a regular basis! You may bring them a DVD of our weekly worship service.

____ Mutual Ministry & Personnel Committee Serves as a support system for the congregational members and Staff.

____Committee Chairperson - Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee.

____ Property Committee Responsible for the maintenance and protection of all congregational property.

____Committee Chairperson - Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee. ____Handy person – Assist in the upkeep and repair of the property on an “As Needed” basis ____Overseer of Plants/flowers – Maintains the plants/flowers inside/outside of church. ____Organizer/cleaner of church property – Regularly organizes closets/cleans equipment, furniture, & other property of the church. ____Cleaner of Nursery toys/furniture – Regularly keeps nursery toys & furniture sanitary.

____ Social Ministry Committee Extends Christian compassion and helpfulness to all in need of aid in body or soul.

____Committee Chairperson - Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee. ____Community Mission Worker – Goes to do mission work in our community.

____ Stewardship Committee Educates and encourages giving (financial and time) from our members to St. Paul’s.

____Committee Chairperson - Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee. ____Temple Talks – Give a Temple talk about giving, before service during Stewardship month.

____ Finance Committee Coordinates all matters of financial activity within the church.

____Committee Chairperson - Runs the monthly meetings and oversees the plans of the committee.

____Other _______________________________________________________________________________ Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of

you has received. 1 Peter 4:10

9:00am – 10:00am


st Sunday of month – 9-9:30am PANCAKE BREAKFAST

9:30-10:00am – Sunday School

We at St. Paul’s have been working diligently, with the help of the Spirit and many of you,

to have Sunday School to benefit everyone. We are currently offering the following:


Led by Joann Kimbrell

Class is held in the Abraham Room

This class will read each Sunday’s scripture readings,

find the theme between them and discuss.


Elementary - 7th Grade

Class is held

in the Joshua Room

Led by: Ken Harkins, Kreg & Laura Togami

8th Grade - High School

Led by: Kenneth Nix &

Jessica Glasser

Class is held in the Lydia Room


Led by:

Sharon Hundley

Class is held

in the Noah Room

NURSERY Attendant - Weezie Cooper

& Services

Wed., April 3 – Food provided by Council Ctte.

Wed., April 10 – Food provided by Property Ctte.



Thursday, April 18th

11:00am & 7:00pm

Friday, April 19th

11:00am & 7:00pm

Sunday, April 21st

TBA Sunrise Service @ Alhambra Hall

10:15am Worship Service

Friday, April 19th


Begins on the steps of Mt. P.

Presbyterian Church


$8.00 Each

Purchase TODAY!

Buy a Lily to place on altar on Easter Sunday

in Memory and/or in Honor of a loved one.

To place a lily in the church for Easter, please fill out form below. Attach payment and place in the offering plate by April 14, 2019.

In Honor of:

In Memory of:

Total Number of Plants Ordered ______ X $ 8.00 = ____________ Make check out to St. Paul’s indicating Easter Lilies . If included in your regular offering, indicate amount allotted for Easter Lilies on envelope. Proceeds after all costs from sale of Easter Lilies will be used for the Youth. Donor: ____________________________

You may remove the lilies, that you have purchased,

from the altar after the 10:15am Easter service!

(Please Circle One)



Wednesday, April 10th


Held in the Lydia Room

Saturday, April 13th

8:30 am

Saturday, April 20th


At Gene & France Beck’s House

1456 Winton Road, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Lunch will be Hotdogs, Chips, & Desserts!

Bring a basket for the kids to hunt eggs!

Bring a lawn chair and/or a blanket to enjoy the day!

We Will Miss You Brud Peeples!!

We Will Miss You Art Whitney!

Church Isn’t something you attend…

It’s a family to which you belong.

As part of your family, we want to know what is

going on in your life and your family’s life!!!

Please let us know when something special is

happening or has happened, maybe a special

recognition in school, work, sport, activity, etc.

We want to recognize and celebrate these special

times in your lives, as families do!

Thank you for

all the Variety

for our Show!


Pastor Terry Hundley

Ken Harkins – President & Stewardship

Kenneth Nix – Vice President & Mutual Ministry

Freesi Nelson – Secretary & Youth/Education

Carol Peecksen - Treasurer

Judy Burnett – Fellowship Committee

Kiera Dare – Social Ministry Committee

Holland Nelson – Youth Representative

Jessica Glasser – Evangelism

Alice Beck – Property Committee

Phillip Hair – Cemetery Committee

Amy Trolley – Worship & Music

Laura Togami

Bob Curry

Please pray for all of these Council members, They’re families and their leadership here at St. Paul’s!

Your continued support and prayers are always appreciated!

Clay Carter V 04/02

Devon Kershaw 04/02

Jessica Glasser 04/03

Kelly Nix 04/04

Kreg Togami 04/04

Joe Whitlock 04/06

Bev Whitney 04/06

Mary Catherine Arthur 04/06

Phillip Hair II 04/06

Kiera Dare 04/09

Michael Dare 04/11

Billie Lewis 04/11

Kaleb Jenness 04/19

Roy Fischer IV 04/29

Phillip Hair 04/29

Haley Jenness 04/30

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.


12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

7:30pm Al-Anon Mtg.

Clay Carter &

Devon Kershaw’s B-Day


9am School


11am Bible Study

12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm Lenten Meal


6:15pm Lenten Service

7pm Choir Practice Jessica Glasser’s B-Day


9am School

12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

6pm TOPS Meeting

7pm Book Group

8pm Al-Anon Mtg

Kelly Nix &

Kreg Togami’s B-Day


9am School

12pm AA Mtg.


Joe Whitlock,

Bev Whitney,

Mary Catherine Arthur

& Phillip Hair II’s B-Day


9am Pancake Breakfast

9:30am Sunday School

10:15am Worship Service COUNCIL MTG.


10am Yoga

12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.


12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

7:30pm Al-Anon Mtg.

Kiera Dare’s B-Day


9am School

10am Women’s Circle

11am Bible Study

12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm Lenten Meal


6:15pm Lenten Service

7pm Choir Practice


9am School

12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

6pm TOPS Meeting

8pm Al-Anon Mtg

Michael Dare &

Billie Lewis’s B-Day


9am School

12pm AA Mtg.


8:30 AM


9:00am Sunday School

10:15am Worship Service


10am Yoga

12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.


12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

7:30pm Al-Anon Mtg.


11am Bible Study

12pm AA Mtg.

7pm Choir Practice



12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

6pm TOPS Meeting


8pm Al-Anon Mtg



12pm AA Mtg. 3pm PRAYER WALK


Kaleb Jenness’s B-Day


11:00 AM

@ Gene/Frances Beck’s




9:00am Sunday School

10:15am Worship Service


10am Yoga

12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.


12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

7:30pm Al-Anon Mtg.


11am Bible Study

12pm AA Mtg.

7pm Choir Practice


12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

6pm TOPS Meeting

8pm Al-Anon Mtg


12pm AA Mtg. 27


9:00am Sunday School

10:15am Worship Service EDUCATION & YOUTH



10am Yoga

12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

Roy Fischer IV &

Phillip Hair’s B-Day


12pm AA Mtg.

5:30pm AA Mtg.

7:30pm Al-Anon Mtg.

Haley Jenness’s B-Day

Those Serving St. Paul’s in April 2019

Sunday in Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, Sunday after Easter

April 7, 2019


Sunday in Lent

April 14, 2019

Palm Sunday

April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

April 28, 2019


Sunday after Easter

Acolyte Triipp Emmert Max Jenness Abby Trolley Olivia Dare

Brass Tamara Whitlock Tamara Whitlock Tamara Whitlock Tamara Whitlock



Elements Presenter

Judy Nelson Betsy Cappelmann Kay Harkins Phillip Hair

Choir & Musicians Bill & Lucy Hightower, Freesi & Holland Nelson, Mike Flynn, Ken Harkins, Pastor Terry & Sharon Hundley,

Carol Peecksen, Phillip Hair, Amy Trolley, Amy Knight, Pastor Gene Beck, Bob Curry, Liz McMillian, & Kelly


Counter Bob Curry &

Carolyn Doig

Jon/Freesi Nelson Sharon Hundley &

Andy Trolley

Ken/Kay Harkins


Greeter Margie Nelson &

Jane Bryant

Margie Nelson &

Jane Bryant

Roy Kimbrell &

Brenda Fischer

Margie Nelson &

Jane Bryant

Linens Ruby Schweers Ruby Schweers Ruby Schweers Ruby Schweers

Nursery Worker

Volunteers Togami

Joann Kimbrell

Pews, Colors,

Banners & Candles

Bob Bryant Bob Bryant

Bob Bryant Bob Bryant

Projectionist Jeremy Zetrouer Haley Jenness Jonathan Togami Holland Nelson

Sacristan Laura & Jonathan Togami Gene/Frances Beck Roy/Brenda Fischer Freesi Nelson

Usher Kyle Robichaud &

Bob Curry

Kyle Robichaud &

Chip Cappelmann

Roy Fischer &

Neal Cormany

Worship Assistant Bob Curry Ken Harkins Kelly Robichaud Ava Trolley

Deacon of the


Open: Ken Harkins

Close: Ken Harkins

Open: Ken Harkins

Close: Ken Harkins

Open: Ken Harkins

Close: Ken Harkins

Open: Ken Harkins

Close: Ken Harkins

Office Helper Joan Hodge &

Jane Bryant

Joan Hodge &

Jane Bryant

Joan Hodge &

Jane Bryant

Joan Hodge &

Jane Bryant

Flower Baskets/carriers and take home vases available in Sacristy. Contact Jane Bryant or Betsy Cappelmann.

Service Scheduler Cell Phone # Home Phone # Email

Acolytes/Projectionists Freesi Nelson 843-214-0034 843-881-6649

Brass, Communion Assistant, Linens Ruby Schweers 843-884-4720

Cantors Carol Peecksen 843-884-2657

Deacons Steve Redmond 843-412-0160 843-884-0270

Counters Pastor Terry Hundley 803-360-5294 pastorterryhundley@saintpauls-

DVD Visitation Caroline Mauney 843-509-8815 843-884-2679

Flowers Betsy Cappelmann 843-830-3438 843-881-3146

Greeters, Sacristan, Pews Jane Bryant 843-870-7813 843-849-6940

Nursery Laura Togami 843-327-4194 843-883-3153

Ushers Laura Togami 843-327-4194 843-883-3153

Worship Assistants Lisa Peeples 843-834-3542

A Christian Community Striving to Share God’s Love with All

Guiding Principles

Jesus is Savior and Lord.

God transforms and heals in surprising ways.

Worship, Word, Sacrament and Prayer strengthen our faith.

We joyfully, faithfully & courageously share the good news

In thought, word and deed.

We welcome all to join us in God’s work.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

604 Pitt St.

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Mission Statement

As joyful people of God, through Jesus Christ, guided in the Holy Spirit,

the mission of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is to:

Strive as a family in God’s love to spread His Word by witnessing and reaching out to each other and

others in thought, word, deed and example.

Awaken our members to new life and vitality through worship, learning, and service.

Be sensitive and responsive to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our congregational family

and others.

Strive for greater involvement of all members in our congregation’s life and ministry.

Sacrificially support God’s ministry with our human and material resources.

Work with others for justice, peace and the responsible stewardship of God’s creation.

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