st. matthew elementary matthew school plan for continuous growth 2019-2020 school...

Post on 14-Dec-2020






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…Together Toward Tomorrow…


St. Matthew School Plan for Continuous Growth 2019-2020 School Mission: Our mission as a school community is to inspire our students to become life-long learners and to develop their individual talents within a Catholic setting. We recognize individual talents and celebrate diversity by collaborating, modeling and providing a supportive learning environment for both our students and staff. We do this so that our students will become responsible, caring and contributing members of society. School Vision: The community of St. Matthew School will nurture and embrace the well-being of all persons within our collaborative, faith-filled environment. As a community, we will engage and challenge all learners to be active citizens and reach their full potential.

School Charism: In the tradition of our patron saint, St. Matthew (Together for Tomorrow), our Charism is: “Follow Me Guardians of children, hope, mercy, gifts and talents, inclusivity, the word of God…”

School Context: St. Matthew School (60th year) is a dual track 100 Voices to grade 6 school. It houses both the English and Ukrainian Bilingual (45th year) Programs and has a population of 515 students (39 of those students being enrolled in the 100 Voices program). It is in the community of Killarney in a significantly economically depressed area of Edmonton. St. Matthew School also houses Pink Elephant Daycare and St. Josaphat Sadochok (Ukrainian pre-school) which have been and continue to be strong feeders of our school. The profile of St. Matthew School is multi-faceted which requires a multitude of supports. The Ukrainian Dance Academy is in its tenth year of operation. We currently have 38 students enrolled in the dance academy. Considering the reality of many of our student’s lives, regardless of the excellent dedication and concern of their families, it is essential that our staff provides very rich opportunities through the school that our students may otherwise not have access to. In order to best meet the needs and overall profiles of our students, allocations were designated to the staffing of Educational Assistants, Speech-Language Therapeutic Assistant, Behavior Specialist (2) and two Behavior Therapeutic Assistants (Kindergarten to Grade 6).


Review of Previous Year’s Goals: (2018-2019) Goal Achieved/continue

Modify Evidence/data used

School Goal 1: Over the course of the year, we will focus on living our faith so that our students and our community build an understanding of witness.

Sub Goal (a): To foster and engage in initiatives to improve St. Matthew School climate and culture in the areas of: Collaboration, Collegiality, and Efficacy.

This is an area that we need to continue to work on with regards to the school climate. Some of our strategies need to be adjusted to meet the needs of the students, staff and parents of the school.

In looking at the Satisfaction Survey and accountability pillar, we need to ensure that everyone is treated with respect in the building. We need to continue to address those areas where we as a staff are divided.

Sub Goal (b): Grow in the understanding of the Five Marks of Catholic School Identity.

Continue to work on the strategies in this area.

Satisfaction survey

Sub Goal (c): To foster an understanding of social justice and support initiatives within the school community

Continue to work on the strategies as we increase our understanding of social justice through a more active role.

Satisfaction Survey Direct interaction in the community whereby the students learn first- hand about Social Justice

School Goal 2: All Students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 will show growth of at least one level in the area of Problem Solving (Academic & Social).

Sub Goal (a): Students will improve their knowledge and use of problem-solving

Continue with this goal as it is an area of concern. We will need to

Satisfaction Survey / Accountability Pillar / P.A.T.


strategies in order to solve problems in mathematics, science, and social studies.

revise our strategies to ensure that our students improve.

results- all have shown a decline.

Sub Goal (b): Students will improve their knowledge and use of problem-solving strategies in order to solve problems on the playground and in the classroom with minimal adult intervention.

Continue to work on the strategies for this goal with all the teachers as active participants.

Consistency of rules and expectations from all stakeholders is important

School Goal 3: All Students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 will show growth of at least one level in the area of Comprehension.

Sub Goal (a): Students will recognize and understand text features in order to improve comprehension.

Continue to work on these strategies as our students are continuing to struggle with reading and comprehension

P.A.T. RESULTS Accountability Pillar

Sub Goal (b): Students will improve their academic vocabulary in 4 core subjects to improve comprehension.

Continue to work on these strategies as our students are continuing to struggle with reading and comprehension

P.A.T. RESULTS Accountability Pillar

School Goal 4: Ensure that students and teachers learn about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit perspective.

Continue to work on this goal


Data Analysis: Areas to celebrate

Accountability Pillar Achievement Measure: Very High: STUDENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES- Program of Studies High: PREPARATION FOR LIFELONG LEARNING, WORLD OF WORK, CITIZENSHIP- Citizenship Improvement Measure: There are currently no areas that have improved. Overall Measure: Excellent: STUDENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES- Program of Studies Good: STUDENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES- Education Quality

District Satisfaction Survey

COMPARISON OF THE PAST TWO YEARS- IMPROVEMENT: STUDENTS: GRADES 4-6: (3) My faith inspires me to help others. (4) My Catholic school encourages me to deepen my understanding of my faith. (5) I enjoy learning about the Catholic faith. (6) I am happy with the school activities. (7) I am happy with how much I am learning. (8) I am challenged to do my best, (9) My classroom learning activities are meaningful. (10) I can make choices about my learning. (12) My school teaches me to show respect for other cultures and religions. (13) The school rules are fair. (15) My teacher expects my work to be done well. (19) My teacher helps me learn. (21) I learn better by using technology in my school. (22) I feel safe in my school building. (24) My school teaches me to take care of the environment. (26) Overall, I am happy with my school. PARENTS: (6) My child has the opportunity to participate in Social Justice activities at school. (12) My child’s school helps my child learn to the best of his/her ability. (13) Ongoing professional development of staff is a priority at my child’s school.


(15) My child’s school teaches different aspects for different cultures and religions. (19) My child is developing reading and writing skills that will prepare them for the future. (20) My child is developing math and number skills that will prepare them for the future. (24) Communication within Edmonton Catholic Schools is honest, open, and professional. (26) My input is considered and valued by my child’s school. (27) I feel welcome in my child’s school. (30) I am involved in my child’s education. (31B) Level of satisfaction with the learning expectations for students. (32A) Level of satisfaction with your opportunity to access information about activities in the school. (32B) Level of satisfaction with your opportunity to access information about decision making processes. (32C) Level of satisfaction with your opportunity to access information about resources allocation. (37) Inclusive Education- Overall, how satisfied are you with the programming and progress of your child with special educational needs? STAFF: (1) Our school demonstrates care for the environment. (17) District professional development provides me with an opportunity to improve my work skills. (28) Our community is the team of the school, home, and parish working together. (30) I have appropriate opportunity for input into school level decisions that affect my job. (43) Overall, my school is a good place to work. Level of satisfaction with your opportunity to access information about decision making processes. FIVE HIGHEST SCORES ABOVE THE DISTRICT: STUDENTS: GRADES 4-6: (5) I enjoy learning about the Catholic faith. (6) I am happy with the school activities. (8) I am challenged to do my best. (9) I My classroom learning activities are meaningful. (21) I learn better by using technology at school. PARENTS: (30) I am involved in my child’s education. (100%)


(32A) Level of satisfaction with your opportunity to access information about activities in the school. (33B) Satisfied with yellow bus service. STAFF: These were all 100%.

(1) Edmonton Catholic Schools delivers the Alberta Programs of Study within a Christ-centered community.

(2) Our school/site focuses on learning and teaching within a Catholic context. (3) Catholic teachings and traditions are important at our school. (4) Our school site is involved in social justice, service, and charitable activities (e.g. Food Bank, Sign of Hope). (5) Prayer and celebrations add a meaningful dimension to the Catholic identity at my school. (9) People of all faiths and cultures are welcome in our school. (12) Our school focuses on continuous improvement through data analysis. (13) Our school demonstrates care for the environment. (24) I utilize technology to enhance student learning and broaden the perspective I provide to students.

(25) In our school, technology is meaningfully integrated into instruction.

Regression Analysis Regression Analysis: There has been no change for our students. They are currently at a (-) for English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies and at a (+) for Mathematics.

PAT/Diploma analysis We did not achieve any subject above the provincial average.

We are continuing to work on improving the acceptable standard for our students.

Areas to target for growth Data Source Measures Goals in response to data

Accountability Pillar

Achievement Measurement: Low- STUDENT LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT- PAT- Excellence- Currently our results are 11.3% as compared to the province at 19.9% Improvement Measure: Declined- STUDENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES- Educational Quality- In comparing our results from the previous

In reviewing the results, we found that our students experienced difficulty in Language Arts with Informational and Narrative/Poetic as well as Ideas and Details; Text Organization, Associating Meaning; and Synthesizing Ideas.


Data Source Measures Goals in response to data

year (90.0%) to this year (87.6%). We have declined by 2.4% in this area. Declined Significantly- CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT- School Improvement- In comparing our results from the previous year (86.1%) to this year (73.2%). We have declined by 12.9% in this area. Overall Measure: Issue- STUDENT LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT- PAT- Excellence- With a decline of 13.0% in this area, it is an issue. Issue- CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT- School Improvement- With a decline of 12.9% in this area, it is an issue

In Social Studies, the students experienced difficulty with Knowledge and Understanding and Skills and Processes. More specifically in Democratic Principles; Local and Provincial Government; Community Involvement; Ancient Athens; and Iroquois Confederacy. In Science the students experienced difficulty with Knowledge and Skills. More specifically in Inquiry and Problem Solving; Aerodynamics and Flight; Sky Science; Evidence and Investigation; and Trees and Forests. In Mathematics, students experienced difficulty in Number; Patterns and Relations; Shape and Space; and Statistics and Probability. These are areas that are impacted from a lack of full understanding of the skills and processes through all of the grades prior to grade 6. We will need to refocus how we are looking at instruction in all grades. We will be focusing on assessment and how we effectively assess our students to impact instruction. It is imperative that we create a safe and caring school for all students to achieve success.


Data Source Measures Goals in response to data

District Satisfaction Survey

COMPARISION OF RESULTS FROM ONE YEAR TO THE NEXT THAT DECREASED: STAFF: (10) I am satisfied with the way student discipline is handled in our school. (18) School profession development provides me with an opportunity to improve my work skills. (19) Our school is providing the necessary supports for children with special needs. (20) Non-academic needs of students are met in our school through a variety of supports and services. (22) School finances are being allocated in keeping with our core values of fairness. PARENTS: (9) I am satisfied that my child’s school provides a caring environment. (10) Students in my child’s school receive additional services and support when they need it. (17) I am satisfied with the way that student discipline is handled in my child’s school. STUDENTS: (16) My school teaches me to make healthy food choices and to be active. (17) I know how well I am doing in my schoolwork. (23) I feel safe on the playground during school hours. SCORES BELOW THE DISTRICT AVERAGE: STAFF: (10) I am satisfied with the way student discipline is handled in our school.

STAFF: All staff will teach PATHS and reinforce problem solving skills.

Teachers will revisit assessment practices.

We as a staff will have open communication and collaboration with parents to ensure that the needs of all students are met. STUDENTS: Grades 4-6: We will continue to work with the PATHS program through direct instruction from the teacher. Students will use the strategies to problem solve in day to day situations.


Data Source Measures Goals in response to data

(19) Our school is providing the necessary supports for children with special needs. (22) School finances are being allocated in keeping with our core values of fairness. (16) Care and concern for others is evident in day-to-day interactions at our school. (20) Non-academic needs of students are met in our school through a variety of supports and services. PARENTS: (10) Students in my child’s school receive additional services and support when they need it. (17) I am satisfied with the way discipline is handled in my child’s school. (9) I am satisfied that my child’s school provides a caring environment. (8) I am satisfied that my child’s school provides a safe environment. (11) I am satisfied that my child’s school uses a variety of methods to help him/her learn. STUDENTS: (16) My school teaches me to make healthy food choices and to be active. (23) I feel safe on the playground during school hours. (17) I know I am doing well in my schoolwork. (14) Student behavior is treated fairly. (13) The school rules are fair.

Regression Analysis

There has been a slight change in the score for our students in the following subject areas:

• English Language Arts (-1.1% for acceptable) but remain at a (-)

• Science (+4.4% for acceptable) but remain at a (-), and

Assessment- “of”, “for” and “as” Learning will be revisited with all staff.


Data Source Measures Goals in response to data

• Social Studies (-0.5% for acceptable) but remain at a (-).

Mathematics (-18% for acceptable) but remain at an (=).

PAT/Diploma analysis

We achieved below the province in the following subject areas based on all students enrolled versus all students writing:

• English Language Arts: Acceptable Standard- 81.7% compared to 83.2% Standard of Excellence- 8.3% compared to 17.8% Below Acceptable Standard- 15.0% compared to 7.3%

• Mathematics: Acceptable Standard- 63.3% compared to 71.6% Standard of Excellence- 5.0% compared to 14.8% Below Acceptable Standard- 36.7% compared to 18.6%

• Science: Acceptable Standard- 73.3% compared to 77.4% Standard of Excellence- 3.3% compared to 29.2% Below Acceptable Standard- 26.7% compared to 12.7%

• Social Studies: Acceptable Standard- 68.3% compared to 76.1% Standard of Excellence- 3.3% compared to 25.1% Below Acceptable Standard- 31.7% compared to 13.9%

In reviewing the results, we found that our students experienced difficulty in Language Arts with Informational and Narrative/Poetic as well as Ideas and Details; Text Organization, Associating Meaning; and Synthesizing Ideas. In Social Studies, the students experienced difficulty with Knowledge and Understanding and Skills and Processes. More specifically in Democratic Principles; Local and Provincial Government; Community Involvement; Ancient Athens; and Iroquois Confederacy. In Science the students experienced difficulty with Knowledge and Skills. More specifically in Inquiry and Problem Solving; Aerodynamics and Flight; Sky Science; Evidence and Investigation; and Trees and Forests. In Mathematics, students experienced difficulty in Number; Patterns and Relations; Shape and Space; and Statistics and Probability. These are areas that are impacted from a lack of full understanding of the skills and processes through all of the grades prior to grade 6.


Data Source Measures Goals in response to data

We will need to refocus how we are looking at instruction in all grades. We will be focusing on assessment and how we involve students in the assessment processes.

Goals: Catholic Identity Goal: By June 2020, our staff will build capacity in the permeation of our Catholic faith in all areas of learning through the framework of the Learner Competencies, particularly focusing on Life-Long learner and Collaborative Contributor formed through Catholic Education.

District Correlation: Edmonton Catholic School District Goal: Live and enhance the distinctiveness of Catholic education Objective: This goal is central to our mission and fundamental to our being. We are called to

live the Word of God through worship, witness, and service. 1.1 Demonstrate the distinctiveness and strengths of Catholic education.

a. Continue to enhance the home – school – parish relationships. b. Enhance and strengthen our Catholic identity within each site by implementing our Catholic Identity Plan 2019-2022. (See Appendix I) c. Demonstrate a way of life rooted in the Catholic Christian call to discipleship and service. d. Ensure that permeation of faith remains central in all our day to day practices.

1.2 Promote and foster the presence of Edmonton Catholic Schools in the education, Church, civic, business and government communities.

a. Continue collaboration with the Archdiocese of Edmonton and the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton to enhance our mutual work and to evangelize our families and promote a life of faith. c. Create opportunities for the community to learn about, celebrate, and advocate for Catholic education. d. Provide opportunities for authentic student expressions and applications of faith as members of many different communities.

1.3 Demonstrate commitment to and excellence in Catholic education. a. Deliver and support our Religious Education programs to all students as a spirit-filled lived experience with the same excellence as all other areas of study.

e. Continue to build capacity in the permeation of our Catholic faith in all areas of learning through the framework of the Learner Competencies Formed Through Catholic Education.Continue to build capacity in the permeation of our Catholic faith in all areas of learning through the framework of the Learner Competencies Formed Through Catholic Education.


Strategy 1: Increased presence of St. Matthew Parish staff in the English program.

(Works effectively as an interdependent member of Christ’s Body- A Collaborative Contributor.)


Schedule teaching masses for each English classroom.

Schedule a Priest visit to each classroom to allow for relationship building and further understanding and connection without faith.

Visit by each classroom to St. Matthew Parish a minimum of three times over the course of the year.

Invite Father John and staff for special events at the school such as Meet the Staff Evening

Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness:

Students will recognize and greet Father John by name.

Evidence of student learning will be in Visual Journals.

Strategy 2: Increased involvement by the Student Leadership team in social justice activities in the school.

(Finds meaning, dignity and fulfillment in work which contributes to the common good- A Collaborative Contributor.)

(Demonstrates respect for the dignity and welfare of self and others- Life-long Learners.)


Research of different charitable organizations to support as a school community.

Lead and plan events to support the organizations/charities, the leadership selected.

Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness

Students will be able to articulate/share social justice projects/initiatives with others.

Charitable organizations will receive donation (funds, food items, clothing…)


Strategy 3: Implementation and writing of new Ukrainian Religion Program.

(Develops their God given potential and makes a meaningful contribution to society- A Collaborative Contributor.)


Release three staff to work in collaboration with the Eparchy of Edmonton in the writing of a new Ukrainian Religion program resource.

Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness

Strategy 4: Revisiting and implementing authentic assessment practices in Religion

(Sets appropriate goals and priorities in school, community, and personal life to fulfill their vocation- Life Long Learner.)

(Strives for excellence originality, and integrity in one’s own work and that of others- Collaborative Contributor. )


Use the assessment processes as outlined by Anne Davies to effectively assess students.

Invite Father Julian to review assessment practices in Religion

Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness

Authentic levels of achievement and descriptive feedback reflected in PTP

Evidence of Learning reflected through exemplars

Goal 1: By June 2020 teachers will improve instruction, assessment, and reporting practices in order to improve student learning.

District Correlation: ECSD Goal One: ECSD students are successful Objective: To develop students to their fullest potential, through multiple pathways, so that they can nurture their gifts and talents in service to others and pursue their passions and interests as contributing members of community… academically, spiritually, physically, mentally and socially. Edmonton Catholic School District Key Strategies:

1.2 Identify and implement best practices that align with excellent pedagogy and learning environments while developing a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy. A strong start to learning necessitates a focus upon developing competencies, i.e. communication, growth and well-being, creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving and management of information. 1.3 Implement pedagogical and assessment practices focused on improving students’ conceptual and procedural knowledge of subject-area disciplines and cross-curricular connections. 1.5 Ensure that flexible and responsive programming meets the diverse needs of all



ECSD Goal Three: ECSD respects diversity and promotes inclusion Objective: Establishing inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced, so that all students and staff within ECSD are respected, supported, and celebrated. Edmonton Catholic School District Key Strategies:

3.4 Provide equitable opportunities for children and students to participate in learning from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12.

ECSD Goal Four: ECSD has excellent teachers, and school and school authority leaders Objective: We will provide an optimal learning and working environment that fosters a culture of faith, trust, unity, inclusivity, confidence, respect, value and appreciation for one another. Edmonton Catholic School District Key Strategies:

4.1 Provide professional learning opportunities that build the capacity and leadership of all staff to improve learner success. 4.2 Ensure that teachers, principals and other administrative leaders have the capacity to meet the new Quality Standards, in collaboration with stakeholders and school authorities. 4.3 Continue to use the 10 Dimensions of Catholic Leadership to support, encourage and invest in the creative and innovative abilities of all staff. 4.4 Promote excellent teaching practices consistent with the Teaching Quality Standard, Leadership Quality Standard, and Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard, all which guide and support student achievement. 4.6 Develop and oversee the application of standards that promote excellence for school and school authority leaders. 4.7 Ensure that every school and department create the conditions for optimal student learning and achievement within the context of a Catholic learning community. a) Engage in professional learning aligned with the provincial focus on new curriculum implementation, Alberta Education’s learner competencies, literacy and numeracy, conceptual and procedural knowledge (as per the Ministerial Order on Student Learning (May 6, 2013)). b) Ensure that assessment practices focus on improved student learning. Assessment data gathered into a student profile leads the learning team, including the student, to a deeper understanding and greater ability to target teaching and improve learning. Multiple sources of assessment data, including district and provincial exam results, inform instruction for school improvement in identified areas.

c) Ensure that schools and departments are given flexibility in allocating resources to meet their unique needs.

Strategy 1: Teachers will understand, use and refine ongoing, outcomes-based assessment and reporting as represented through Power Teacher Pro.

Actions: • Invite LSI Assessment Consultant to provide overview

at general staff meeting • Invite LSI Assessment Consultant to dialogue and

plan of Professional Development with administration (Invitation extended to another school)

Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness

• Increased teacher engagement in discussions requests clarification


• Invite LSI Assessment Consultant to collaboratively plan with grade level partners

• Organize PTP Binders- Binder 1: Housing of Resources / Binder 2: Assessment plans and exemplars

• Provide timeline for teachers to follow with due dates (adapted from division)

• Two lead teachers trained to support teachers • Submit long range plans, assessment plans, adapted

assessment plans, exemplars • Identified PD focus as per strategy 2

• Ongoing inputs/feedback entered in a timely manner

• Successful submission of long-term plans (including program of studies references and assessments that reflect students profiles)

Strategy 2: Teachers will participate in, use, and reflect upon professional development activities that enhance assessment.


• Participate in intentional bi-weekly P.D. • Participate in collaborative planning; grade level

groupings (i.e. determine a common understanding of grading practices; share practices in how to differentiate

• Invite consultants to share and address appropriate assessment practices in subject areas

• Reflect on TQS and division assessment policy • Complete self-reflection on assessment practices

currently in place • Purchase of resource: Knowing What Counts Series

by Anne Davies • Provide targeted consultant one-on-one support time • Create a professional development timeline (Plan, Do,

Reflect) for the implementation of assessment practices (i.e. week 1- introduction of assessment for, of and as; week 2- Setting Criteria; week 3- revise…)-

• Expand rapport of summative and formative assessment practices

• Compliment, explore and implement division foci or focuses of Assessment 360 and Power Teacher Pro

Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness

• Increased engagement in student learning; students will have increased understanding of learning targets, success criteria, self-assessment processes

• Scheduled consultant presence- input and planning

• Common language, assessment practices, exemplars shared amongst staff members

• Increased consistency in grading practices between grade level partners and divisions


• Feedback on PTP (descriptive, timely, concise)

• Decrease in number of struggling readers

• Increase in student satisfaction results- specifically, “I know how well I am doing in class” and Staff satisfaction results- specifically, “The school PD provides me with opportunities to improve my teaching.”

Goal 5: By June 2020, there will be an increased intentional educational and cultural First Nations Metis Inuit presence in our school community.

District Correlation: ECSD Goal Two: ECSD supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ success Objective: In collaboration with our Indigenous communities, we will continue to be at the

forefront of developing best practices to ensure success of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students.

Edmonton Catholic School District Key Strategies: 2.1 Increase academic success and cultural knowledge by promoting successful practices

to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit students. a) Continue programs and enhanced academic and cultural supports for all students

that lead to successful transitions between all levels, increased high school completion rates, improved successful transitioning to post-secondary, career development and encourage life-long learning.

b) Ensure that all teachers and leaders have the acquired skills to meet and exceed the foundational knowledge of First Nations, Métis and Inuit standard as outlined in Alberta Education Teaching Quality Standards.

2.2 Provide and promote cultural diversity. c) Provide opportunities for on-going professional development for all District staff in cultural awareness. 2.3 Ensure accountability of targeted funding for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students.


a) Require all school sites that receive targeted funding to engage in and report on the First Nations, Metis and Inuit model framework for student success.

2.4 Continue to walk together recognizing the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Strategy 1: Our school community will gain further understanding of First Nation, Metis, Inuit history.


• Teach meaning of Treaty 6 in each classroom • Facilitate Blanket Exercise with grade 6 students • Read Treaty 6 acknowledgement at staff meetings,

school celebrations and events, as well as on School Broadcast

• Order and use ILS resource kits • Creation of an Indigenous space • Invite FMNI consultant to lead a professional

development activity with staff • Display Indigenous books throughout the school • Teach the symbolism behind the Treaty and Metis

flags • Order Treaty 6 and Metis flags • Order and hang Indigenous Stations of the Cross

Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness

Evidence of student learning will be evident / recorded in written or digital formats.

Strategy 2: Our school community will gain further understanding of First Nation Metis Inuit culture.


• Purchase and display Indigenous artwork • Organize FNMI clubs such as Jig dance • Offer Cree Prayers • Use Indigenous Space • Organize a multi-cultural day recognizing cultures in

our school • Play indigenous music in sacred spaces and in school


Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness

Artwork displayed throughout school

Participation in Jig Club

Usage of Indigenous spaces

Review Date 1: March 2020 Review Date 2: June 2020

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