st mary the virgin twickenham - st mary's twickenham · st mary the virgin twickenham sunday...

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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St Mary the Virgin Twickenham

Sunday 1st July Trinity V

WELCOME to the Church`s worship on this the 5th Sunday After Trinity. Today we reflect on Jesus` ministry of healing and transforming lives as we bring into His presence all those for whom we seek His intervention. Refreshments will be served in the Church Hall after the Parish Eucharist, to which you are all invited. Our hosts today are St. Mary’s Group.

8.00 am Holy Eucharist Reading 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15 (Katherine Cox) Gospel Mark 5: 21-43

9.30 am Parish Eucharist Organ music Pieds en l’air Peter Warlock Hymns 1, 244, 289, 520, 13 Reading 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15 (Heather Gibbs) Gospel Mark 5: 21-43 Intercessions Barbara Williams Organ music Allegro in B flat Warder Harvey

6.00 pm Healing Eucharist A celebration of the healing ministry of Christ in the context of the Eucharist, with an invitation to pray at the communion rail for healing for yourself or for another, or to sit quietly in your pew while this ministry takes place.


We pray for all members of our congregation. We pray for Mission Aviation Fellowship.

We pray for all those seeking God’s intervention, guidance and healing in their lives, amongst them:

Eileen Hayden Stephen Pilgrim

Dell Gillespie-Gilbert Jinny

Nick Barbara Jenkins

Michael Ben

Nicholas Beryl Mason Jill Dennison Don McClen

Blaise Nelson Bernice McCabe

Monica Palmer Imogen Snelling

Craig Ola

Kay Lawson James Donovan

Bea Martin

Raoul Franklin Simon Bargate Carmen Alonso

Sophy Newman Lehni Norman

Christine Bartlett Sarah Ashford

Ann Falconi

We pray for those who have died that they may know new and eternal life.

If you would like the names of anyone included or re-added to the Intercessions list, please contact the Parish Office.

Please can we remind you to keep your valuables with you at all times while you are in church. Thank you.


Vestry open Children are very welcome in church. But parents and carers may now visit the

Vestry room with their little ones at any point during the service. There is a baby changing unit in the larger WC. Little Fish will resume after the Summer break.

Prayer Cycle Copies of the July prayer cycle are now available at the back of the church

Mengo Hospital, Uganda

There will be a collection for this Christian hospital in the hall after the 9.30 service. Please give generously to a worthwhile cause.

Books on Faith will be freely available to borrow in the Church Hall after the 9.30 Service today.

Come and see which book you would like to borrow this month !

Volunteers still needed for coffee rota on Sunday 15th July If you can assist in this please see Sandy Dempsey after church or contact her on 020-8898 2860 or

Forthcoming Events

The Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion will be on Wednesday, 4th July at 10am in church, followed by tea/coffee in the Vestry. All are welcome at this service.

Next Sunday, 8th July - St Mary’s Families invite you to ice lollies in the remembrance garden after church. Children will be served first, adults welcome to any leftover lollies! Soft drinks also available. Please come and join us, all welcome. To receive emails about news and events for families at St Mary’s Church please email

The next in Piotr’s series of talks for parents will be about praying with children and is to be held next Sunday, 8th July, in the Windsor Room, 4pm - 5pm.

The MU Wave of Prayer to be held in the Vestry on Tuesday, 10th July at 2.30pm. Please bring your copies of "In Touch" with you as the form of service is included.

St Mary’s Group – Please come to our summer party, to be held from 7.30 pm on Tuesday 10th July at Sophy’s house, reached by R70 bus, call 8941 1772. Please bring a plate of finger food and a raffle prize.

Charity Sunday - On July 15th. Mr. Lumbi will speak to us at the 9.30 service about Mission for Vision and there will be an opportunity to donate to this and the other charities supported by St. Mary's in a retiring collection after the service. If you would like to gift aid your donation, please use the envelopes in the pews, marking them Charity and completing the details.

Hymn Singing at Nightingale House will be on Sunday, 15th July. New singers very welcome. Please meet Pat Ingham in the Hall at 10.50am.

Sidespeople at St Mary`s - There will be a meeting at 11am (ish) on Sunday 22nd July for all those who serve the church as sides men and women. Please make every effort to attend.

St. Mary’s Music 2018 - Please note the advertised concert on 22nd July, (Music for flute & organ) has been re-scheduled to 23rd September.

General Notices

CELEBRATION SUNDAY It was such a shame that we could not use the garden, but well done everyone who took part. An especial thanks to those who provided such wonderful refreshments

when we were able to use the garden after the Celebration Sunday Eucharist. They were marvellous ! Thank you.

CHURCH ENTRY Now our wonderful Vestry is operational, entry to the church is through the

Vestry once more, NOT through the North door. Please could North door keys be returned to the churchwardens or the office.

A message from Richmond Foodbank – The warmest of thanks to all at St. Mary’s for their continued generosity in contributions to the Foodbank. Over the last 12 months an incredible 432.1 kg of food was donated. Items of urgency at present include long life milk, long life fruit juice and biscuits. Many thanks again.

The Mothers’ Union’s Summer Fair Lucky Dip stall raised £75 including several donations for the MU Emergency Relief Fund. Many thanks to all who helped.

Readers and Intercessors Rota – The new rota is now available at the back of church, please sign up for the coming weeks, and especially for the 8th July (next week) and 22nd July, and also for the month of August.

Charitable Giving - If you would like to suggest a charity which you think St. Mary's should support over the coming year, please let either Jeff, or Sophy Fisher, the Charities Officer, (, know by email or letter by 29th July, giving the reasons for your choice. To qualify for consideration an overseas charity should be Christian or a domestic one local.

GOVERNORS OF ST MARYS - We are currently looking for 2 new Governors for St Mary`s School. One to be nominated by the PCC, the other by the Trustees of St Mary`s. St Mary`s is a fabulous school to be a part of and enjoys a very valued place within our community. A Governor has a range of opportunities to contribute in terms of strategic leadership, rather than operational responsibilities. We need Governors who can oversee a wider range of areas, all of which contribute to the effective running of our school. The commitment would be for a four-year term of office starting this September, and includes termly Full Governing Body Meetings as well as Committee meetings. As these vacancies are specifically what are known as Foundation Governor roles, as St Mary`s was founded as a Church of England School, we are looking for people for whom the Christian faith is their inspiration and reference point and who worship regularly in church. If you would like to know more about what is involved, please contact Jeff, our Vicar. (020 8892 2318 or We would like to hear of expressions of interest by Friday 13th July. Thank you.

Giving to St Mary’s - If you wish to give money to St Mary’s to help fund its running costs you can do so by texting a donation in addition to using established giving schemes. Whilst we do not encourage people to use their mobile phones at all during the service, if you would like to donate this way as you leave the church, or whenever is convenient to you if you cannot be with us on a Sunday, please text STMY12 and the amount to be given to 70070 e.g STMY12 £10. You will receive a text message thanking you and asking if you want to gift aid the donation.

Email and contact details – Please use the welcome card, available in the pews or at the back of church, if you wish to be added to the parish list or to update existing information and pass to a churchwarden or sidesperson. This is NOT an alternative to completing the data protection form below.

Summer News Sheets

As in previous years during the main holiday period,

there will be two four-weekly editions for the period 8th July to 1st September.

The first of the two editions will appear next Sunday, 8th July covering the remainder of the month,

and the second will cover all of August.

Please forward any remaining material for next week no later than tomorrow, Monday 2nd July,

and for the August edition by Monday 30th July.

Thank you.

Please pray for these events which are taking place amongst the Church family during the coming week.

Monday 10.00 am-12.00noon 10.00 am-5.00 pm

The Vestry will be in use for a meeting. The organ will be in use.

Tuesday 11.00 am-12.00noon 12.00 noon-2.00 pm 4.30 pm-5.30 pm

Minnows meeting in church. The organ will be in use. The organ will be in use.


10.00 am 8.00 pm

Eucharist Bells practice.

Thursday 1.30 pm 6.30 pm-10.00 pm

St. Mary’s School Infants‘ visit to church. Rehearsal in church

Saturday 9.00 am-10.00 am 6.00 pm

The organ will be in use. The church will be in use for a performance given by the Alex Brett Guitar Ensemble.

Sunday 8th July TRINITY VI

8.00 am Holy Eucharist

2 Corinthians 12: 2-10 Mark 6: 1-13

9.30 am Parish Eucharist

2 Corinthians 12: 2-10 Mark 6: 1-13

11.30am CIVIC SERVICE to mark the beginning of the new Mayoral Year. 6.00 pm A reflective service of Music and Meditation.

St Mary the Virgin Church Street Twickenham

Middlesex TW1 3NJ

Parish Priest The Revd R J Hopkin Williams email: tel. 020-8892 2318

Assistant Priest

The Rev’d Dr.Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski email: tel. 020-8894 5102 (Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays)

Churchwardens Judy Britton: tel. 020-8891 2305 Barbara Williams: tel. 020-8892 6589 email: email:

Director of Music Canon Adrian Mumford email: tel. 07984 257782

Parish Verger Audrey Thomas tel. 020-8892 9628

Parish Office

tel. 020-8744 2693 (9am-12noon daily Monday-Friday & 2pm-4pm Monday & Friday) email: communications: finance:

Parish Visitor Co-ordinator Margaret Mence tel. 020-8977 3679

Parish Giving Recorder

Peter Sheil email: tel. 020-8755 0454

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