st. madeleine catholic madeleine catholic school pk3, tk4, kindergarten, 1st—5th...

Post on 22-Oct-2020






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    Father Manuel Leon Bravo, Pastor Deacon Santi & Virginia Gorospe

    Deacon Agustin & Veronica Jimenez Deacon John & Joyce Tullius

    OFFICE HOURS: The Parish Office is closed to the public until further notice.

    MASS SCHEDULE: Daily Mass: Monday-Friday 8AM English Saturday: 5PM English & 7PM Spanish

    Sunday: 8AM English, 9:30AM Spanish, 11AM English & 12:30PM Spanish

    Procedures for Re-Opening (all Masses are held outside in the west yard): All must wear a face mask, Have no symptoms of anything related to cold or flu

    CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30-4:30PM Tuesday 7PM (except the 4th Tuesday of the month) ADORATION: After all weekday Masses until noon SICK CALLS: Please call the Church Office. FUNERALS: Please call the Church Office. BAPTISMS: Please call the Church Office. WEDDINGS: Please call the Church Office.

    Called to Renew The second weekend of every month is our Called to Renew weekend. On this weekend every month we will take any new pledges or any payments you want to make to your exist-ing pledge. You may turn in any clearly la-beled pledge, in any Collection Basket on this weekend. Thank you for your support!

    St. Madeleine Catholic Church 931 E. Kingsley Ave., Pomona, CA 91767-5098

    Instagram: @stmadeleinepomona Facebook: St. Madeleine Catholic Church Phone (909) 629-9495

    This months Altar Candles were donated by the Tom Tancredi Family

    Please remember them in your prayers!

    St. Madeleine Catholic School PK3, TK4, Kindergarten, 1st-5th Grade Principal-Ms. Maria Irma Jimenez






    Mateo 20, 1





    Matthew 20:1

  • Saturday, September 19 5:00 pm Chris Lange, Health and Norberto Zarate, Health and Debra Salce & Family, Blessings (Anaeva Padro) 7:00 pm Noel Cabello, RIP (Pablo Cabello) Sunday, September 20 8:00 am Pro Populo 9:30 am Segunda Sandoval, RIP (His Wife & Family) and Guadalupe Martinez, RIP (Familia y Hijos) and Jose Camaneo, Health 11:00 am Olga Diaz de Leon, RIP (Her Family) and Barbara Aguilar, RIP (Her Brother Gilbert) and Constancio Velasquez, Special Intentions on His Birthday and Edna Griffith & Family, Special Intentions 12:30 pm Monday, September 21 8:00 am Irene Casares, RIP (Her Nieces) and Segundo Sandoval, RIP (Wife & Family) and Alguien Miller, Special Intentions on Her Birthday Tuesday, September 22 8:00 am Juan Arreglado, RIP (Wife & Children) and John Paul Arreglado, Special Intentions on His Birthday ( (Mom) Wednesday, September 23 8:00 am Nano, RIP (Manny & Sylvia Ramallo) and Sylvia Ramallo, Health and Jose Antonio Pleites, RIP and Pleites Family, Special Intention Thursday, September 24 8:00 am Friday, September 25 8:00 am Jose Antonio Pleites, RIP and Pleites Family, Special Intention


    Want to learn the classical language that is also the official language of the Catholic Church? Young and old are invited to sign up for weekly classes! Cédric Ebiner is a St. Made-leine parishioner, Pomona resident, husband and father. He has been teaching languages at Loyola High School for the past 20+ years. Classes will be held on Friday after-noons. Contact the office for details.

    24 Hour Adoration St. Madeleine is offering a 24 Hour Adoration every first and third Friday of every month, if there are enough people to cover every hour. Adoration begins on Friday after the morning Mass and concludes on Saturday at 12 noon. Any-one interested in volunteering to spend an hour or more with Jesus, please call Karen Ortiz at 909-764-7097, Dolores Cazares at 909-634-6112 or Dennis & Anna Duvall at 909-263-1582.

    Candles If you want to remind people to pray for your intentions placed at the front of the church, please do not place or light the candle yourself. Make sure the candle is saved for Padre and he will place the candle and make sure it is lit. This is to prevent unnecessary contact caused by passing candles and lighters around. You can pick up a candle from the office or from the Religious Education Office.

    Missalettes Available We are unable to use the missalettes since articles and books cannot be passed around. This is to prevent the spread of disease. If you would like a missalette for a $2 do-nation, contact the office to make the arrangement.

    Food Bag Distribution St. Madeleine provides bags of groceries for those in need. As you would expect, the number of families coming for help continues to grow each week. If you can help, we are in need of donations of canned vegetables, rice, beans, pasta & sauce, cereal, oatmeal, oil, jelly, peanut butter, tortillas, bread, and milk. Thank you to the many familiar faces who show up during the week at St. Madeleine with bags of gro-cery donations. If you have questions or would like to help in any way, please call the office at 909-629-9495 and let us know. Thank you for being a loving and caring people and such a great presentation of the Body of Christ in such a troubled time.

    Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

    Walmart in Pomona on Arrow & Towne for all your generous help and support during this

    difficult time. God bless you!

  • St. Madeleine Catholic School PK3, TK4, Kindergarten, 1st—5th Grade

    To Educate and Empower Our Future Catholic Leaders! or

    Gracias Feligreses por su Generosa Donación! Ahora Tenemos 54 Nuevas Cubiertas Para

    Nuestros Nuevos iPad. Listo Para Educar a Nuestros Hijos Desde la Distancia!

    Thank You Parishioners for Your Kind Donations! We Have Purchased covers for our 54 New iPads!

    1 en 1 Enseñando Desde la

    Distancia! Inscribirse Hoy!

    El Día Comienza Con La

    Oración Diaria a las 8:30am en el Zoom!

    Listo Para Que Regresen Nuesrtos Estudiantes

    Meeting My Teacher!

    Ningún Niño Dejado Detrás

  • Autumn Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!

    —Humbert Wolfe

    Humility No human being is too big to be humble, but some human beings are too small.


    Humildad Ningún ser humano es demasiado grande para ser humilde, pero sí hay seres humanos demasi-ado pequeños.


    Office of Religious Education Oficina de Educacion Religiosa

    Contact us at: 909-629-7377

    or Follow us

    on Instagram at :

    The Magnificat My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name. He has mercy on those who fear him in every generation. He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has come to the help of his servant Israel for he remembered his promise of mercy, the promise he made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children forever. Amen.

    El Magnificat Proclama mi alma la grandeza del Señor, se alegra mi espíritu en Dios mi Salvador, porque ha mirado la humillación de su esclava. Desde ahora me felicitarán todas las generaciones porque el Poderoso ha hecho obras grandes por mí. Su nombre es Santo y su misericordia llega a sus fieles de generación en generación. Él hace proezas con su brazo, dispersa a los soberbios de corazón. Derriba del trono a los poderosos y enaltece a los humildes. A los hambrientos los colma de bienes y a los ricos despide vacíos. Auxilia a Israel su siervo, acordándose d e su santa alianza según lo había prometido a nuestros padres en favor de Abrahán y su descendencia por siempre. Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo como era en principio ahora y siempre por los siglos de los siglos. Amen.

    Tesoros y Riquezas Yo no estimo tesoros ni riquezas; y así, siempre me causa más contento poner riquezas en mi pensamiento que no mi pensamiento en las riquezas.

    —Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

  • Direction Isaiah tells us something that we already know, and yet seem to forget every now and then. He tells us, essentially, that God is God and we are not. When we’re con-fused and troubled and can’t fig-ure everything out, it might be wise to recall Isaiah speaking on the Lord’s behalf and explaining that God—who is on a much more, well, Godly wavelength than we are—moves in ways we can’t even imag-ine. Saint Paul, by comparison, has everything figured out. Kind of. At least he understands his calling in life—to magnify Christ in everything he does. That should give all of us the direction we need. Jesus gives us direction, too, explaining to us once again in the parable of the workers in the vineyard that the last will be first, and the first, last.

    Direccion Isaías nos dice algo que ya sa-bemos, pero que parecemos olvidar de tanto en tanto. Nos dice, en esencia, que Dios es Dios y nosotros no lo somos. Cuando estamos confundidos, llenos de problemas y no podemos solu-cionarlo todo, tal vez sea sabio recordar a Isaías (alguien que está más en la sintonía divina que no-sotros) hablando en nombre del Señor y explicando que Dios se mueve de maneras que ni siquiera podemos imaginar. En compara-ción, san Pablo lo ha resuelto to-do. Casi todo. Cuando menos en-tiende su llamado en esta vida: dar gloria a Cristo en todo lo que hace. Esto debería marcar el rum-bo para nosotros. Jesús también nos marca el camino, ex-plicándonos una vez más en la parábola de los viñadores que los últimos serán los primeros, y que los primeros serán los últimos.

    Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

    Treasures From Our Tradition On the Byzantine calendar, September 23 is the feast of the Conception of John the Baptist. The Roman and Byzantine calendars have in common the other equinox- or solstice-derived dates of so-lemnities: December 25, March 25, and June 24. Scholars see strong evidence in the writings of the early Church Fathers for the fixing of these dates from the imagined “anniversary” of Gabriel’s ap-pearance to Zechariah at Yom Kippur, which was thought to have coincided with the equinox as a day of “at-one-ment” between light and darkness. The spiritual writer Origen held to this date. The annunciation to Zechariah then set the date six months later for Mary’s con-ception of Jesus (March 25), and then, of course, for the dates of the births of John (June 24) and Jesus (December 25). Is this “liturgical trivia?” Perhaps. But it’s also the best explanation we have for the dating of some of the most important festivals on our calendar. So even though the Roman Church doesn’t observe the Conception of John the Bap-tist, yesterday’s equinox can remind us of how our salvation history is closely attuned to God’s creation.

    —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

    Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe Últimamente, hay mucho interés en los ángeles y sobre todo en los arcánge-les. Según el catecismo católico, los ángeles existen para glorificar y servir a Dios y para ayudar con el plan salvífico de Jesucristo, cooperando con nuestras buenas obras. Lamentablemente mu-chos, en especial los de la New Age, se interesan sólo en los ángeles con el fin de utilizarlos en lugar de dejarse guiar por ellos. La Tradición ha designado una je-rarquía de 9 rangos entre los seres espirituales. Los serafines son los pri-meros y más cercanos a Dios y los ánge-les son los últimos y más cercanos a la humanidad. En esta jerarquía, los arcángeles son los penúltimos en poder, aunque sí son los más buscados por su responsabilidad de cuidar los cuatro puntos cardinales de la creación. Según la tradición hebrea, hay siete arcángeles (Tobías 12:15), de los cuales las Sagra-das Escrituras sólo mencionan tres por nombre, Miguel (¿Quién como Dios?), Gabriel (hombre de Dios) y Rafael (Dios sana). De estos, Miguel parece ser el más popular gracias a su poder contra el mal.

    —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

    Saint Pius of Pietrelcina (1887-1968) September 23

    Did the World War II American flyer re-ally see Padre Pio in midair, preventing the bombing of his village below? Did Pio actu-ally “bilocate” in Italy, the Holy Land, even America, as countless witnesses testified? Or “read hearts” before penitents spoke? What of the stigmata, Christ’s wounds im-printed on Padre Pio’s hands, feet, and side? John Paul II, who as a young man visited Pio, never mentioned these extraor-dinary elements at the canonization. In-stead, the pope spoke of “trials accepted with love,” referring perhaps to sanctions restricting Pio’s faculties for hearing con-fessions and celebrating public Mass, im-posed because of criticism, later discredit-ed, sent to the Vatican; of Pio’s offering his sufferings in union with Jesus’ passion for a suffering world; of his continual availabil-ity to sinners seeking direction and absolu-tion; of Padre Pio’s prayer that blossomed in charity, especially through his House for the Relief of Suffering, a healthcare facility that anticipated by decades today’s holis-tic partnering of medical science and spirit-uality. Finally, how comforting for us ordi-nary Christians, this extraordinary saint’s most frequent advice: “Pray, hope, and don’t worry!”

    —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

    San Mateo (Siglo I) 21 de septiembre

    Leví era su nombre, hasta que Jesús, viéndolo sentado en su mesa de cobrador, le dijo: “Sígueme” y dejándolo todo, lo sig-uió. El teólogo Dietrich Bonhoeffer señala en esto la radicalidad del llamado de Jesús a emprender una conversión total que no puede esperar. En adelante no será Leví, sino Mateo: “regalo de Dios”. Este antiguo cobrador de impuestos vivía en Cafarnaúm y su trabajo era recolectar dinero para en-tregarlo a los romanos. Era considerado traidor y al igual que sus colegas era despreciado, pues la gente los tenía por deshonestos ya que sus exagerados co-bros hacían imposible la vida de los pobres. No obstante, Jesús se fijó en él y escandalizó a los religiosos de su tiempo cuando no sólo lo llamó a ser su seguidor, sino que además compartió la mesa. Aquello fue un escándalo, porque tal ac-ción equivalía a compartir el estilo de vida y aprobarlo. No obstante, Jesús no aprue-ba su proceder, sino que le ofrece su amistad y lo invita a la construcción del Reino de Dios. Esa es la radicalidad del llamado de Jesús.

    —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

  • DID YOU KNOW? Consider Setting up a “Classroom” for Safe Internet Use If your child’s school distributed iPads or tablets to help with distance learning this fall, consider setting up a designated place in your home for your child to use these devices. Knowing what your child is doing online is made significantly easier if he or she is using a device in the kitchen, or family room, where you can periodically check in. While the school may have installed basic con-tent filtering software and limited access protections, parents should review the device protections before letting children use them. For more info visit

    ¿SABÍA QUE? Considere instalar un “salón de cla-ses” para el uso seguro de internet Si la escuela de su hijo/a distribu-yó iPads o tabletas para ayudar en su educación a distancia este otoño, considere crear un lugar asignado en su casa donde su hijo/a use sus apa-ratos. Saber lo que su hijo/a está haciendo en línea se vuelve significa-tivamente más fácil si él o ella está usando el aparato en la cocina, o en el salón familiar, un lugar abierto donde usted lo/la pueda supervisar frecuentemente. Aunque la escuela pueda haber instalado software para filtrar contenido básico y proteccio-nes de acceso limitadas, los padres de familia deben revisar las protec-ciones del aparato antes de dejar que los niños lo usen. Para obtener más información, visite

    Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2020 Turn to the LORD for mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving. — Isaiah 55:7b Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 20 de septiembre de 2020 [R]egrese al Señor, y él tendrá piedad; a nuestro Dios, que es rico en perdón. — Isaías 55:7b

    Prayer in the Time of the Coronavirus

    Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Americas. We fly to you today as your beloved

    children. We ask you to intercede for us with your Son, as you did at the wedding

    in Cana. Pray for us, loving Mother, and gain for our nation and world, and for all our families and loved ones, the protection of your holy angels, that we may be spared the worst of this illness.

    For those already afflicted, we ask you to obtain the grace of healing and deliver-ance. Hear the cries of those who are

    vulnerable and fearful, wipe away their tears and help them to trust. In this time of trial and testing, teach all of us in the

    Church to love one another and to be patient and kind. Help us to bring the peace of Jesus to our land and to our

    hearts. We come to you with confidence, knowing that you truly are our compas-sionate mother, health of the sick and cause of our joy. Shelter us under the

    mantle of your protection, keep us in the embrace of your arms, help us always to know the love of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

    Oración en el tiempo del coronavirus

    Santa Virgen de Guadalupe, Reina de los ángeles y Madre de las Américas,

    Acudimos a ti hoy como tus amados hijos. Te pedimos intercedas por

    nosotros ante tu Hijo, así como lo hiciste en las Bodas de Caná. Ora por nosotros,

    amorosa Madre, y obtén para nuestra nación y para el mundo, y para todas

    nuestras familias y nuestros seres queri-dos, la protección de tus santos ángeles, que seamos librados de lo peor de esta enfermedad. Para aquellos que ya están

    afligidos, te pedimos que obtengas la gracia de la sanación. Escucha el lamen-

    to de quienes están vulnerables y temerosos, limpia sus lágrimas y

    ayúdales a confiar. En este tiempo de prueba, enséñanos a todos en la Iglesia

    a amarnos unos a otros y a ser pacientes y amables. Ayúdanos a traer la paz de

    Jesús a nuestra tierra y a nuestros cora-zones. Venimos a ti con confianza,

    sabiendo que tú eres realmente nuestra madre compasiva, la sanación de los

    enfermos y la causa de nuestra alegría. Danos albergue bajo el manto de tu pro-

    tección, mantennos bajo tu abrazo, ayúdanos siempre a conocer el amor de

    tu Hijo, Jesús. Amén.

  • SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Monday: St. Matthew Tuesday: Autumn begins Wednesday: St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) Saturday: Saints Cosmas and Damian Blessed Virgin Mary

    READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13 Matthew 9:9-13 Tuesday: Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13 Luke 8:19-21 Wednesday: Proverbs 30:5-9 Luke 9:1-6 Thursday: Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 Luke 9:7-9 Friday: Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 Luke 9:18-22 Saturday: Ecclesiastes 11:9 — 12:8 Luke 9:43b-45 Sunday: Ezekiel 18:25-28 Philippines 2:1-11 Matthew 21:28-32


    I wish to register/me gustaría registrar I would like to receive envelopes/me gustaría recibir sobres Name/Nombre:______________________________________________ Street Address/Domicilio:______________________________________ City/Ciudad:_________________ Zip Code/Código Pos-tal:____________ Phone/Teléfono:____________________Date: Fecha________________



    Bulletin deadline is Sunday for the following weekend. Bring your copy to the parish office or email

    Today’s Readings First Reading — Turn to the LORD who is generous in forgiving (Isaiah 55:6-9). Psalm — The Lord is near to all who call upon him (Psalm 145). Second Reading — Live your lives in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a). Gospel — The last will be first, and the first will be last (Matthew 20:1-16a). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Lecturas de Hoy Primera lectura — Así como el cielo está muy alto por encima de la tierra, así son los caminos y los pensamientos de Dios sobre los nuestros (Isaías 55:6-9). Salmo — El Señor está cerca de todos los que lo llaman (Salmo 145 [144]). Segunda lectura — Cristo se magnificará a través de mí, sea que yo viva o que muera (Filipenses 1:20c-24, 27a). Evangelio — Los últimos serán los primeros y los primeros serán los últimos (Mateo 20:1-16a). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episco-pal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.


    OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Business Manager: Maria Zavala…….……………………..…..909-629-9495

    OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION / YOUTH MINISTRY Coordinator: Veronica Rincon ……………………………………..909-629-7377

    OFFICE OF LITURGY & SPIRITUALITY Liturgy & Spiritual Life Coordinator: Linda DeBerry……909-629-9495 / 909-228-9168

    ORGANIZATION COORDINATORS Catholic Daughters: Margaret Velarde……………………..…..909-437-5957

    Couples for Christ: Kopie & Cora Jalad………………………...909-455-7053

    Divine Mercy: Anaeva Padro……………….…………………….….….951-203-7133

    Encuentro Matrimonial: Isidro & Rosa Luevano………...…909-545-1613

    English Bible Study: Vedasto & Carmencita Sorreda….…909-918-9368

    Estudio Biblico: Raul Mercado………………………………….….909-629-8594

    Filipino Stewards: Alex Uvero ……………………………...…..860-389-0382 ICON: Margaret Velarde……………………………………….….….909-437-5957

    Knights of Columbus: Frank Serrano ………………………...323-376-6901

    Legion of Mary: Deborah Lemelle…………………………...…..909-461-8362

    Legion de María: Margarita Rivas…………………………….….909-964-1610

    Respect Life: Terry Trew………………………………………………909-576-6611

    Safeguard the Children: Linda DeBerry……………………..…909-629-9495

    Sick & Dying Prayer Teams: Karen Ortiz (E)……………….…909-764-7097 Lourdes Countee (S & E)…..909-343-0987

    Sociedad Guadalupana: Martin & Martha Landeros…..…909-630-8437 St. Vincent de Paul: ……………909-632-4176 or

    Tras las Huellas de Jesús: Ildefonso Gamboa, Sr. ………..909-367-8780

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