st. john vianney · 2020-06-29 · page two st. john vianney parish sixth sunday of easter mass...

Post on 18-Jul-2020






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Fr. John Blum, Pastor Deacon Richard Santello

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday–Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Wednesday: 5:30 p.m.

St. John Vianney Catholic Church

445 82nd Ave. St. Pete Beach, FL

PHONE: 727.360.1147 FAX: 727.367.4418


500 84th Ave. St. Pete Beach, FL

PHONE: 727.360.1113 FAX: 727.367.8734


St. John Vianney Catholic School

St. John Vianney Catholic Church and School

A Stewardship Parish

Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 17, 2020

—Seventy-two years of Courageously Living the Gospel daily.

Weekend Mass Schedule

Sunday: 10 a.m.—NOT open to the public. (Livestreamed at


In This Bulletin SVDP Food Sunday, page 2

FORMED Online, page 3

Joyfully Present for Mass, page 4

WeShare Online Giving, page 6

Whoever loves me will keep my word, says the Lord; and my

Father will love him and we will come to him.

—John 14:23

Sixth Sunday of Easter St. John Vianney Parish Page Two

Mass Schedule and Intentions Week of May 17 2020 Monday May 18, 2020

8:15 a.m. 24th Anniversary Ordination

of Fr. John Blum

Tuesday May 19, 2020

8:15 a.m. Bill Reinhard †

Wednesday May 20, 2020

8:15 a.m. Prayer for Vocations

5:30 p.m. William Schafer †

Thursday May 21, 2020 8:15 a.m. John Kochkodan

Friday May 22, 2020

8:15 a.m. Wengelski & Hyland Families †

Saturday May 23, 2020

8:15 a.m. Mary Gilmore †

Sunday May 24, 2020

10:00 a.m. Michael Kinney † Private Masses will be offered for the

following intentions: Pamela Lee Harrod †

Tom Masterson †

Alfred Clark Hess †

Denotes deceased : †

This Weekend is Food Sunday

St. Vincent de Paul Society We are so thankful for any and all the

help you can give us to help the poor

and homeless. No peanut butter is needed at this time! We especially need:

• Chunky Progresso or other soup types

• Canned Meat (Ham, SPAM, Vienna Sausage,

Corned Beef, Chili)

• Canned/Pouches of Chicken or Tuna

• Snacks on the Run (Bumble Bee)

• Chicken & Dumplings, Beef Stew (Dinty

Moore Brand)

• Spaghetti O’s, Pasta with Meatballs, Ravioli,

Beefaroni, Spaghetti and Meatballs

• Ramen Noodles

• Peanut Butter Cracker Packs

• Small Fruit Cups and Small Jars of Jelly

• Non Perishable Milk All of these items can be eaten cold so they go a

long way in feeding the homeless. Thank you

and God bless you! For more information, contact our office at

360.1147, ext. 102.

The 2021 Mass Intention Book is Open! All requests must be in writing and include the

phone number of the person requesting the Mass. For the protection of our staff, “in person” book-

ings will NOT be taken. We are asking anyone who would like to schedule

a Mass to please either (1) Drop off your request

to the parish office, or (2) email your request to Please be sure to include your phone number.

We will schedule Masses in the order that they

are received.

Confessions We are resuming our regular confession times: Wednesday 6–6:30 p.m.

Friday 9–9:30 a.m.

Saturday 10–11 a.m. The location will be the “Family room” off the

church vestibule.

May 17, 2020 St. John Vianney Parish Page Three

To live charitably means not looking out for our own

interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and

poorest among us.

—Pope Francis

What is Life?

Christ Renews His Parish Life is it.

Life is a gift...accept it.

Life is an adventure...dare it.

Life is a sorrow...overcome it.

Life is a tragedy...face it.

Life is a duty...perform it.

Life is a it.

Life is a mystery...unfold it.

Life is a song...sing it.

Life is an opportunity...take it.

Life is a journey...complete it.

Life is a promise...fulfill it.

Life is a beauty...praise it.

Life is a struggle...fight it.

Life is a goal...achieve it.

Life is a puzzle...solve it. These words of wisdom are from an unknown

author but could have been written especially for

the world at this most challenging time. In all that

we have been trough and for unknown challenges

ahead, may we never forget that LIFE is a

beautiful gift and one we can never stop thanking

God for. In Christ Renews His Parish we are

blessed to have the love and support of other

like-minded women who keep us renewed in

faith and our cups overflowing. Mark your

calendar for the fall retreat and share in the JOY

found in community. Call Judy Romano at 727.459.3108.

Discover all the best Catholic content in

one place. FORMED provides the very best

Catholic content from more than 60 organizations.

Go to Liturgical Content for May: May 22nd—Saint Rita

May 24th—Ascension of the Lord

May 26th—Saint Philip of Neri

May 31st—Pentecost Watch, listen and read. Anywhere, anytime.

Faith Community Nurses Lord Jesus Christ, our divine physician,

we ask you to guard and protect us from

Coronavirus and all serious illness. For all that have died from it, have mercy;

for those that are ill now, bring healing. For those searching for a remedy, enlighten them;

for medical caregivers helping the sick, strengthen

and shield them. For those working to contain the spread, grant

them success; for those afraid grant peace. May your precious blood be our defense

and salvation. By your grace, may you turn

the evil of disease into moments of consolation

and hope. May we always fear the contagion of sin more

than any illness. We abandon ourselves to your

infinite mercy. Amen

—Pedro de la Cruz

Foundations of Life The Foundations of Life thanks our parish for

donating diapers, wipes and formula for our

mothers who are participating in the Foundations

of Life educational rewards program. Your continued support is such a blessing to expectant

mothers and a reminder of how much life is valued to

those who have just birthed a precious little baby.

Many, many thanks for your support.

—Sr. Christa Rowe, OSC

Sixth Sunday of Easter St. John Vianney Parish Page Four

May 17, 2020 St. John Vianney Parish Page Five

Prayer List

Adams, Leslie

Alemaghides, Brian

Azer, Marilene

Bartholomew, Jane

Bartoli, Dolores

Beach, Paul

Bond, Rachel

Bonta, Winfred

Bowen, Norma Brucie

Carbeau, Tom

Carnevale, Robert

Catalioto, Tony

Collingwood, Melissa

Conception, Tony

Connors, Jim

Daugherty, Bill

Delaney, Pat

DeStatte, Hazel

DeStatte, Sr. Marsha

Dilley, Martha

Dougherty Lucy

Dwyer, John

Edwards, Frederick

Elston, Richard & Marcella

Erickson, Kathryn

Farrell, Jack

Fathers, Mary Ann

Feliks, Connie

Ferarra, Diane

Friesenecker, Jerry

Garguilo, Ted

Gates, Debbie

Godin, Marlene

Gorniak, Teresa

Green, Tom

Greene, Robin

Hodges, John

Hoffman, Jason

Hughes, Jean

Hughes, Margaret

Hynish, Daniel

Iarriccio, Nancie

Ippolito, Claire

Jensen, Jim

Jensen, Rosemary

Kalb, Pat

Kasprzyk, Don

Kastrati, Elez

Kelley, Bev

Klein, Jennifer

Lane, Nolan

Larson, Carl

Lawrence, Delnice

Lawrence, Sandy

Love, John

Magann, Steve

Mann, Katherine

Maseda, Bea

Mansfield, Robert

Mattingly, Adele

Maynard, Mary

McCarthy, Carol

McCormack, Sheila

McKenzie, John

Mendiola, Dr. Louie & Virginia

Miller-Phelps, Kelly

Muller, Hedy

Nagy, Frank

Nagy, Kipp

O’Brien, Kathy

Papa, Judah

Papich, Dan

Parsons, Debbie

Pasquale, June

Pauley, Margaret

Pavisic, Marin

Petit, Roseanne

Pisciotta, Joseph

Puszko, Mary

Quinn, Timothy

Rae, Ian Richard

Reynolds, Adrianna Becker

Rhunke, Laurie

Ridel, David

Rocco, Gina

Rose-Williams, Trish

Rossi, Andrew, Hope & William

Roth, Rachel

Rottler, Sara Jane

Round, Dorothy

Rydzy, Eva

Santello Jr., Richard

Sapienza, Denise

Schaefer, Jake

Sepe, Nancy

Shafer, Don

Shaughnessy, Angela

Shew, Kimberly

Smith, Lorraine

Smith, Norman Rex

Standiford, Avery

Swank, Donna

Szukics, Adelaide

Templin, Terry

Titter, Sheri

Thiessen, Hilda

Thompson, Carrie Walden

Tobin, Yvonne

Towery, Kenneth

Traczewski, John

Vance, Tina

Vimski, Katish

Wagland, Kim

Warrek, Debbie

Weber Jr., Timothy

Wilcox, John

Zalewski, Michael V.

Zappala, Jo

Armed Forces Prayer List All Our Troops

Lt. John Cooke, Army

Pvt. Danny Dvorak, Army

Jordan Fuqua, U.S.A.F.

1st Lt. Wesley Medeiros, U.S.M.C.

Spc. Jorge L. Bosch, A.R.N.G. Afghanistan

Eric Schneider, Army

Sgt. David Moser, U.S.M.C.

PFC James Smith, U.S.M.C.

Sgt. Brian Marx Iraq

Timothy Donovan, U.S.A.F. Kuwait

Cpt. John Darling, Army Saudi Arabia

Jesse Fentross, U.S.A.F. Syria

Justin Baggette, U.S.A.F.

Sixth Sunday of Easter St. John Vianney Parish Page Six

2020 Annual Pastoral Appeal Assessment: $251,113

Amount Pledged: $146,359

Amount Paid: $115,160 Thank you for your generosity!

Church Bequests To observe the best method for naming the

church in your will or trust, please ask your

attorney to use the following terminology: I give devise, and bequeath (amount, article, stock, etc.)

to Gregory L. Parkes, as Bishop of the Diocese of

St. Petersburg, and his successors in the office, for

the use of St. John Vianney Catholic Church,

445 82nd Avenue, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706.

Parish Sacrificial Giving May 10, 2020

Offertory: $16,241

Building Fund: $1,200

Tax Free Charitable Distribution Need a tax break? Congress has permanently

enacted qualified charitable distributions from

your traditional IRA accounts for those 70½

or older. These distributions can be used to

satisfy all or a portion of your Required Minimum

Distribution and are free of federal and state

income tax. Also, these gifts help you avoid the

Medicare high income surcharge and can help

reduce your income taxes on your social security

benefits. Distributions must be made directly

from your IRA account to St. John Vianney

Catholic Church. For questions, contact the

parish office at 727.360.1147, ext. 202.

How to sign up: 1. Visit 2. Search either one of these organizations: St. John Vianney Catholic School Society of St. Vincent De Paul St. John

Vianney Conference 3. Start shopping! Amazon will donate 0.5% of

the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to

the organization you select.

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