st. celestine church st. cyprian church · guerin parish our working mission statement: "to do...

Post on 17-Mar-2020






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ST. CYPRIAN CHURCH2601 Clinton, River Grove, Illinois 60171

Phone 708–453–4800 Fax: 708–453–6141

MASSES Saturday 4 PMSunday 9 and 11:30 AM Weekdays Tuesday and Saturday at 8 AM Thursday 8 AM Communion ServiceReconcilia on Saturday 8:30—9 AM

ST. CELESTINE CHURCH3020 North 76th Court, Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707

Phone: 708–453–2555 Fax: 708–452–0560

MASSESSaturday 5:30 PMSunday 7:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and 4:30 PMWeekdays Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 8 AM Reconcilia on Saturday 4:45—5:15 PM

ST. CELESTINE SCHOOL 3017 North 77th Avenue, Elmwood Park Illinois 60707 stceles 708–453–8234


Our working mission statement:"To do God's will as a unifi ed, vibrant parish, and to foster an inten onal rela onship with Jesus through worship, witness, service, discipleship, and community."

Welcome! If you are new to our churches or just visi ng, please introduce yourself. We are happy to share in this celebra on of the Eucharist. If you do not have a church home, or your church is not home to you, we are open to anyone looking for a spiritual home. We invite you to become a part of our parish. You may register at the Pastoral Center at the St. Celes ne campus or the Rectory at the St. Cyprian campus. 2

Pastoral CenterMonday through Thursday

8:30 AM—noon, 12:30 PM—8 PM,Friday 8:30 AM—noon, 12:30—5 PM

Saturday and Sunday8:30 AM—12:30 PM. The Pastoral Center is closed Monday through

Friday from noon—12:30 PM for lunch.Rectory

Sunday through Tuesday 8:30 AM—12:30 PM,

Wednesday evening 4–8 PM, Thursday through Saturday

8:30 AM—12:30 PM

SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2020 4 PM ST. CYPRIAN+Marceli Wasilewicz

5:30 PM ST. CELESTINE+Dan Miller, Birthday+Louis and +Juliana DaPrato and deceased members of the DaPrato family+Vincent Masi+Edgar C. Hopp, birthday

SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 20207:30 AM ST. CELESTINE+Ron and +Jim Busse+Jolanta Miekczynska

9 AM ST. CYPRIAN+Father Joseph McDonnell+Bea GemskieCeCe Donat, Birthday Blessings+Larry Genovaldi

10:30 AM ST. CELESTINE+Marion Ziaga, Anniversary+Victoria and +Ray Tovar+Frank and +John Kucera+Ben Yost

11:30 AM ST. CYPRIAN+Dennis Marszalek

4:30 PM ST. CELESTINE+Pedro and +Maria Lim

MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 20208 AM ST. CELESTINE+Antonia Petronela Szucko+Norberta Garcia, 19th Anniversary

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 20208 AM ST. CYPRIAN+Dennis Bogumill+Tony May

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 20208 AM ST. CELESTINEMichael DeLarco and family

THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 20208 AM ST. CELESTINE+Frank Baldasarra

FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 20208 AM ST. CELESTINE+Father Bernard White

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 20208 AM ST. CYPRIANSpecial Inten on

4 PM ST. CYPRIAN+Antoine e Janz

5:30 PM ST. CELESTINE+Vincent Guccione, Birthday+Sheila Strabley, 4th Anniversary+Jeff rey Baier+Be y Pary

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 20207:30 AM ST. CELESTINE+Jolanta Miekczynska+Randy Meinholz

9 AM ST. CYPRIAN+Joanne More +Jeff Weiner, Sr.

10:30 AM ST. CELESTINEJessica DalicandroThomas Dalicandro+Apolonio Guerrero, Anniversary

11:30 AM ST. CYPRIAN+Dennis Marszalek+Father Joseph McDonnell

4:30 PM ST. CELESTINE+Robert Dietrich

January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 3

FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK: FATHER PAUL CAONa onal Catholic Schools Week is an annual

celebra on of Catholic

educa on in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week. Schools typically observe the week with Masses, open houses and other ac vi es for students, families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic educa on provides to young people and its contribu ons to our church, our communi es and our na on.

This Sunday at our 10:30 AM Mass, we kick off Catholic Schools Week. Na onal Catholic Schools Week will be observed in dioceses around the country this year from January 26—February 1. This year’s theme, “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed,” focuses on the important spiritual, academic and societal contribu ons provided by a

Catholic educa on fi rmly rooted in the Truth of the Gospel.

The success of our school rests primarily with the generous and hardworking individuals who diligently go about every day fulfi lling the vision of Catholic educa on. This great team of collaborators is headed by our principal, Sheila Klich.

Alongside her stands a faithful group of commi ed teachers,

teacher’s aides, support staff , room moms, members of the Parents Club, the School Board, and commi ees, volunteers, and all of the good, caring people who I have

probably neglected to men on. Our parish is indebted to them for all they do!

I also would like to thank the parents of our school children who see Catholic educa on as a value and who are fi nancially able to make the sacrifi ce to send your children to St. Celes ne school. Please bring them to church every Sunday to worship and praise our Almighty God.

Alpha Last Monday more than 30 people from our parish a ended the pilot Alpha at St. Cyprian School. What is Alpha? “Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Chris an faith, typically run over ten weeks with a dinner, video, and small group discussion. Each talk looks at a diff erent ques on around faith and is designed to create conversa on.”

I ask you to please pray for our volunteers and guests that the Holy Spirit will be upon them and help all to become closer to Christ. We will bring the Alpha program to the whole parish in the fall. I would like to thank Kim Hagerty, our Director of Evangeliza on and all those who volunteered to make this possible. May God bless you and bless St. Mother Theodore Guerin Parish!

Fr. Paul

TAX LETTERSIf you need a le er lis ng your dona ons to the parish for 2019 for your taxes, please call the Pastoral Center at 708–453–2555 and we'll get it ready for you.


• David and Rosanna Scatchell• Lenora Vena• Joseph Geringer and Diosita

Gesta• Juan and Maria Castro• Allan and Susan Ginsberg• Ahmad and Alexandra

Karkukly• Joel King and Katherine Stack• Joseph and Courtney Perino• David and Monica Stangle

• Manuel and Flor Arreguin• Dominic Morabito and Jessica

Cruz• Evelyn Franchi• Luis Gonzalez and Maria

Escamilla• Mr. and Mrs. Jose Miranda• Tom and Mia Smid• Maria Vuggia• Nicolas Petersen and Gina


• Donald and Amanda Edwards• Caitlin Bardill• William and Michelle Kovacs• Nelson and Gabriela Uribe• Paul and Patricia Giuliano• Carlos Bohorquez and

Carneiro Ortega• Nelson and Royalie Salazar• Chris na Giannelli• Juan and Susana Mar nez


© 2020 By John B. Reynolds ( 4

My wife and I spent a few days in the (very popular) Valley during our Yosemite trip last fall, but our trip actually began at a much less–visited area: Hetch Hetchy. Per

the park’s website, “Hidden in Yosemite Na onal Park’s peaceful northwest corner, Hetch Hetchy Valley is a treasure worth visi ng in all seasons…an

ideal place for thundering spring waterfalls and wildfl ower displays. High temperatures prevail in summer months, but that is a small price to pay for the reward of vast wilderness fi lled with stunning peaks, hidden canyons, and remote lakes.” We were there in October so we missed some of it, but we saw the rest. It was beau ful—stunning, even—and, not at all crowded.

We started/fi nished our hike at O'Shaughnessy Dam, where the 117 billion gallon reservoir it holds supplies drinking water to over two million Bay Area folks along with hydro–electric power. Those 117 billion gallons stretch out further than the eye can take in, but we saw some of the explosive power they can generate as thousands of them cascaded through underground channels toward conver ng plants downstream. Gail and I had stayed the night prior at the McCaff rey House B&B. It’s run by a local, and she told us that Hetch Hetchy was worth the trip. Her breakfast was delicious—heck, I thought her coff ee alone was worth the trip—and her Hetch Hetchy advice was spot–on.

But the highlight of the visit began before we even strapped on our hiking boots. It came as we were checking in at the entrance, because this is when I bought my Life me Senior Pass for $80. “America the Beau ful” it says on the front, with an image of a bighorn sheep and a compass. Per the small print on the back: “Life me pass for US ci zen or permanent resident, 62 years or older,” and it not only gets me into the parks for no charge, it gets my traveling companions in for free as well. And I’m taken now by what the young park ranger said as he placed the card in my hand. “Welcome to your Life me Enhancement card, because every me you use it, your life will be


OK. I think a Life me Enhancement card of sorts is in play today for all three readings. Per Isaiah, “First the Lord degraded the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali; but in the end he has glorifi ed the seaward road, the land west of the Jordan, the District of the Gen les…” Here, he prophesizes Jesus. It took 700 years, but Life me Enhancement ensued for all believers from that day un l even now. Next Paul counsels the Corinthians to never lose sight of their Life me

Enhancement (“I urge you…in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…that there be no divisions among you”). And Jesus personally hands Peter and Andrew their Life me Enhancement cards (“Come a er me, and I will make you fi shers of men”), and later James and John get—and accept—the same off er. According to the NPS website, my America the Beau ful card is my cket to 2,000+ federal recrea on

sites. Cool. But as I think about it, I guess we all have access to an Eternity Enhancement card by embracing the Christ. Oh. And don’t even worry about the $80. This one’s already paid for.

ST. ANGELA MERICI (c. 1474—1540) January 27Born in Northern Italy, orphaned in childhood, Angela Merici faced a society in which educa on was largely the privilege of wealthy young men and based primarily in monas c schools. This reality shaped Angela’s insigh ul convic on that society’s disorder was caused by disorder in the home, and a lack of model Chris an mothers the result of neglec ng the educa on of young women. Transform the Chris an family by placing an educated wife and mother at its heart, Angela believed, and the whole world would be renewed in Christ! So she gathered a small group of unmarried women, many of them Franciscan Ter aries (lay affi liates) like herself, and


Monday: 2 Sm 5:1–7, 10; Ps 89:20–22, 25–26; Mk 3:22–30Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b–15, 17–19; Ps 24:7–10; Mk 3:31–35Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4–17; Ps 89:4–5, 27–30; Mk 4:1–20Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18–19, 24–29; Ps 132:1–5, 11–14; Mk 4:21–25Friday: 2 Sm 11:1–4a, 5–10a, 13–17; Ps 51:3–7, 10–11; Mk 4:26–34Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1–7a, 10–17; Ps 51:12–17; Mk 4:35–41Sunday: Mal 3:1–4; Ps 24:7–10; Heb 2:14–18; Lk 2:22–40 [22–32]

set out to educate poor girls, free of charge, in their homes. She and her band of teachers called themselves companions, pioneering a new form of non–cloistered religious life for women, bearing witness to evangelical simplicity in the midst of the world, not as a formal “order” but as the Company (compagnia) of Saint Ursula. Known today as the Ursulines, Angela Merici’s spiritual daughters con nue serving the Church and society in a rich diversity of ministries.

©2020 Peter Scagnelli, J.S. Paluch Co., Inc.


In today’s readings we fi nd ourselves being drawn more deeply into rela onship with Jesus. We are ge ng to know more about him as we see how he struggles with the news of his cousin John’s arrest. His fi rst response is to withdraw, to leave Nazareth and go to Capernaum. There he is perhaps both consoled and challenged by the words of Isaiah that Ma hew quotes: “the people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death light has arisen” (Ma hew 4:16). Jesus contemplates his cousin’s death, perhaps his own death, and he seeks the light. Maybe it is these words of Isaiah that move Jesus out of his withdrawal and into ac on. He begins to preach, teach, cure disease and illness, and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom. ©J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5

We pray that all who suff er from par cipa ng in abor on willturn to God’s loving forgiveness.

Picture from 6

The following have received a blessed PRAYER BLANKET:

Heidy, Michael, Eileen, Nancy, Maria, Parvis, Linda, Debbie, Kathryn, Dorothy,

Gerri, Anita, Gina, Le y, Mary, John, Sabrina, Frank, Anthony, Benjamin, Gerry, Dee, Jackie, Ka e, Elene, Catherine, Carol,

Gary, John, Thor, Margaret, Marlene, Dwight, Gene, Nancy, Mitch, Julie, Eric,

Magdelena, Caleb, Michael, Carrie, Adrienne, Margaret, Sally, Ash, Joanne,

Carl, Tammi, John, Pam, Ann, Linda, Patricia, Dennis, Lolita, Mar n, and Soco.

We pray for them and for all of the sick.

Gentle God, pour out your healing power on all those who, due to illness, have received a prayer blanket and on all of the sick. Assure them of your nearness and unfailing love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Each week we feature responses from some of our school or Religious Educa on students to a ques on. This week's ques on to 5th graders is: “Why do you like coming to school?”

I like going to St. Celes ne School because it is fun, and it is very fun to learn new things

PUPILS–N–PEWSSharing their views

like Math, Music, Gym, and other things. I really like the nice teachers. Dayanara

I like going to St. Celes ne School because of the principal, secretaries, teachers, friends, and Mr. Kamptner. I also enjoy going to St. Celes ne School because of school fundraisers, ac vi es, and all the teachers especially when they help us when we are having trouble. I LOVE ST. CELESTINE

SCHOOL! Danielle

I like going to St. Celes ne because of my friends. Nico

I like going to St. Celes ne because the work is fi nally challenging. Grant

I like going to St. Celes ne School because of all the kind and loving people here. Megan


Many families in our parish will be receiving the Annual Catholic Appeal request mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes, and schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gi s. Please return your response as soon as possible.

The Annual Catholic Appeal off ers a wonderful opportunity to answer Jesus’ call to “Come, follow me… and heal our world.”

The appeal provides for ministries and services throughout the archdiocese. As we contemplate God’s many gi s to us, we should also refl ect on our gra tude. Your fi nancial support for the work of our parish, our archdiocese, and the Church throughout the world is one way to express this gra tude. Please give generously to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 20209 AM ST. CYP Fellowship Mass9:30 AM ST. CYP Friends of Bill W. in the Conference Room10 AM ST. CEL Open House in the Gym10:30 AM ST. CEL Scout Mass10:30 AM ST. CEL Family Mass

MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 20204 PM ST. CEL Athle cs Games/Prac ces in the Gym6 PM ST. CYP Alpha in the School

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2020 4 PM ST. CEL Athle cs Games/Prac ces in the Gym7:30 PM ST. CEL Knights of Columbus in the Annex

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 20204 PM ST. CEL Athle cs Games/Prac ces in the Gym6:30 PM ST. CEL Loaves and Fishes in the Annex7:30 PM ST. CYP Friends of Bill W. in the Conference Room

THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2020 8 AM ST. CYP Communion Service in the Church7 PM ST. CYP RCIA in the Basement Conference Room

FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 ST. CEL Fun Fair in the Gym and Annex

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 202010 AM ST. CEL Special Religious Educa on in the Gym and Annex4 PM ST. CYP Blessing of the Throats a er Mass5:30 PM ST. CEL Blessing of the Throats a er Mass

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 20207:30 AM ST. CEL Blessing of the Throats a er all Masses9 AM ST. CYP Blessing of the Throats a er all Masses9:30 AM ST. CYP Friends of Bill W. in the Conference Room10:30 AM ST. CEL Family Mass

January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7



Every fi rst Saturday of the month a devo on is held to honor Our Lady of Fa ma at 8:30 AM at St. Cyprian Church. Come join us in prayer to Our Lady!


Blessing of Throats will take place at the Masses next Sunday, February 2 in honor of the Feast of St. Blaise. St. Blaise may have been a physician before becoming a bishop. He is thought to have miraculously cured a li le boy who nearly died because of a fi shbone in his throat. From the eighth century he has been invoked on behalf of the sick, especially those affl icted with illnesses of the throat.

AA 8


Sunday, January 2611:30 AM—1:30 PM

A er the 10:30 AM Mass at St. Celes ne Church

St. Celes ne School is hos ng an Open House for prospec ve parents and families to learn more about the school and all that we can off er your family. Please encourage friends and families who may be considering a valuable Catholic educa on for their children to visit us.

You can meet the faculty and staff and visit all the classrooms including seeing all our cool technology!

From the very youngest grades, students are crea ng and construc ng knowledge with technology tools to foster skills in communica on, collabora on, crea vity, and cri cal and computa onal thinking.• Technology in every classroom and iPad or Chromebook for each student.• iReady Learning which prepares each student with individualized instruc on at their level.• Quality educa on based in Chris an values.• Full Day and Morning op ons for Preschool.• Full Day Kindergarten.• Before and A er School Care.• State–of–the–Art Technology Lab: Science and Math, computers, robo cs, coding, fi lmmaking, and more.• Physical Educa on classes K–8.• Spanish, Art, Music & Technology classes K–8.• Athle c programs for all ages.• State Basketball Champions.• Variety of clubs and ac vi es for all ages.• Highest scores a ained in high school entrance exams.• Test scores above the na onal average in every subject at every grade level.

Please contact our School Principal, Sheila Klich, for more informa on at 708–453–8234 or email her at sklich@stceles




Need help? Food, shelter, housing, employment, job training, counseling, addic ons, u li es, physical or mental health services, legal and fi nancial, immigra on, naturaliza on and refugee and senior services are provided by Catholic Chari es. Call 312–655–7700 or go to catholicchari

Alcohol and Drug Abuse 1–800–821–4357

Child Abuse 1–800–252–2873

Na onal Domes c Violence 1–800–799–SAFE

Na onal Sexual Assault 1–800–656–4673

Compulsive Gambling Hotline 1–410–332–0402

Poison Control 1–800–222–1222

Suicide Preven on 1–800–273–8255

Elder Abuse 1–800–252–8966

LOAVES AND FISHESis a Ministry that provides a hot meal on Wednesday nights from October through April for those in need. Meals are served at the St. Celes ne School Annex at 6:30 PM. Our guests are the hungry in our communi es and may include the homeless, families trying to make ends meet, and individuals seeking company at meal me.

January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9



Sunday, February 16 at 12:30 PM in the

Pavilion at St. Cyprian

Other mee ng dates:February 27 in the AnnexMarch 26 in the Pavilion

April 23 in the PavilionMay 15 in the Annex






St. Celes ne Annex (off the parking lot)(Catered by Harrington's)

3020 North 76th CourtElmwood Park, IL 60707

Doors open 3:15 PM, Dinner served at 4:30 PMMusic Raffl es Split the Pot

Ticket Price $35.00

Addi onal informa on contact Walt Galiga at 773–230–2818

Reserva ons must be made by February 5, 2020

Note: Chicken dinner is available in lieu of corned beef. Please advise when paying for ckets

Checks made payable to 49'er Group

Please bring a dona on for the raffl e.

Col. Stephen Acosta MarinesStaff Sgt. Lawrence G. Campbell Air ForceSenior Airman Cory McCambridge Air ForceChief Erin McGuire NavyLt. Col. Peter Anderson ArmySgt. Kenneth G. DiCris fano ArmySpec Michael Migliorisi ArmyMaj. Deborah J. Crowley, M.D. ArmyPvt. John Cerrone MarinesMaj. David Nevers MarinesPFC Paul J. Lagoda MarinesPFC Sophia M. Garcia MarinesLt. Robert Reynolds ArmyPFC Richard A. Paduch ArmyStaff Sgt. Alberto Boy MarinesSgt. Rodolfo DeLao ArmyStaff Sgt. Natalie Borrini Air ForceCpl. Brian Macaluso MarinesLnc. Cpl. Meghan Jennings MarinesLnc. Cpl. Michael Casanave MarinesPvt. Nicolas Casanave MarinesABEAN Melanie Hodges NavyPFC Vincent Negron MarinesPvt. Ma hew Meyer ArmyMaster Sgt. Sco A. Cross Air ForcePrivate Niko Rodriguez ArmyDario Rodriguez Air ForceCH 1LT Jacque Beltran NavyA1C Brian Moran Air ForceA1C Elyssa Moran Air ForceLnc. Cpl. Sean P. Melle MarinesChief Kevin P. Johnson NavyEnsign Devon Zych Coast GuardFN Ma lda Davis Coast GuardLnc. Cpl. Andrew D. Nordlie MarinesEnsign FaithAnne Bieschke NavyLuis N. Burciaga ArmyPFC Rudy De La O Marines

Prayer of the Archdiocese for the Military ServicesAlmighty God and Father, look with love upon our men and women in uniform and protect them in their me of need. Give them health and stability and allow them to return to their loved ones whole and unshaken. Be with their families and sustain them in these uncertain mes.

Grant strength and peace of mind to the Veterans who have given their best for the country they love. Support them in infi rmity and in the fragility of old age. Teach us to remember their sacrifi ces and to express our gra tude.Manifest your tender care to those in the Military Academies who prepare for future service and to those who serve our Na on far from home. Teach us to remember the sacrifi ces of those whose eff orts contribute to ensuring our way of life. Hear us as we present our prayers to You through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Please keep those serving in the military in your prayers.Thank you for your service to our country.

BULLETIN DEADLINES All informa on for the bulle n is due on the Friday the week before the bulle n comes out. Please send in Word or as an editable PDF to khagerty@ A ach jpgs separately. Thanks! Will use as space allows. Bulle n Deadline Bulle n Deadline Feb. 9 Jan. 31 Feb. 16 Feb. 7 Feb. 23 Feb. 10 March 1 Feb. 17

IF YOU ARE HOSPITALIZED… If you or a member of your family are hospitalized, please call to let us know. Due to HIPAA regula ons, hospitals will not contact parishes unless you specifi cally request it. We want to visit you in the hospital, but are o en unaware that you are there. 10

January 26 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 11





Dorothy Abrams, Marie and Steve Auerbach, Donna Baldessara, Grace Baldessara,

Donna Biagini, Karen Biagini, Chris ne Boye, Eddie Brand, Joyce Brosseit, Victor Cabello, Caitlyn, Sr. Bernice Chantos, Dorothy Carey,

Deacon Dennis Colgan, Frances Copps, Philip DeFrancesco, Debra DeKelver,

Rosario De La O, Michael DeLuca, Leona DeStafano, Danny DiMaso, Elene Dimperio,

Dina Dixon, Donna, Heidy Egan, Rosemarie Esposito, Bri any Foley,

Christopher Freel, Patsy Galecki, Kathy Gallery, Tammy Garcia, Phyllis Gossy, Fernando Grarrido,

Robert Gunter, Linda Hamilton, David Holder, Beatrice Huerta, Barbara Inda, Teresa Iovinelli,

Allen Jaroch, Phillip Johnson, Bob Jurasz, Charles Kamin, Tyler Kaczmarek, CK Kea ng–Johnson, Ken Kiska,

Joy Ann Klewer, River Kmiecik–Daub, Laurie Knick, Paul Kotowski, Peter Krallitsch, Maria Madden, Michael Maggiore, Joe Marzullo, Tom Mayer, Tom McGuire, Ron McGuire, Mary Melle , Sharon Meyer, Dan Murphy, Carolyn Nanni, Domenic Nanni, Naomi, Barbara Narducci,

Father Larry Nemer, Barbara Nevers,Reginald Nevers, Bernice Nesbi , Larry Nestor,

Sister Noel, Bill Noesen, Frances O’Brien, Daniel Olmstead, Patricia Pate, Manny Perez,

Chris na Piero , O lia Prado, Adrienne and Frank Pudlo, Kirk Pusenilli,

Gloria Rosario, Michael Riesterer, Anna and Earl Rone, Be y Salemi, Joan Sambur, Amy Schreiner, Lore a Skrapka, Jack Sochnuk,

Mary Sochnuk, Ed Socki, Shirley Teofi lo, Eileen Tichawa, Julie Vacca, Andrew Valko,

Paul and Lillian Wardzala, Dorothy Witek, and Gerry Zych

Judy Walsh

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 20204 PM ST. CYPRIANCommentator: D. PankiewiczLector: D. PankiewiczServers: A. KrewerE.M.s: J. Landi, L. Lewis, R. Bernard

5:30 PM ST. CELESTINELectors: B. Blonski, A. JohnsonServers: J. Marino, E. Arato, L. Arispe, B. CastroE.M.s: P. Strabley, P. Rinella, K. Hagerty, M. Reillo, P. Pesce, D. French, D. French, M. Bi erman, G. Derlacki, M. Castro, M. Mojek

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2020 7:30 AM ST. CELESTINELectors: M. De y, L. Lo usServers: G. Alongi, M. Doyle, K. Doyle, I. AlongiE.M.s: A. Giannini, A. Przeszlo, A. Nunez, F. Smith, L. Smith, K. Doyle, D. Tarchala, M. Doyle, M. Macchione, T. Krzysko, A. Alongi

9 AM ST. CYPRIANCommentator: K. More Lector: K. More Servers: J. KorusE.M.s: C. Chmura, C. Baloun, C. Hilgart 10:30 AM ST. CELESTINELectors: StudentsServers: M. Tobin, J. Lis, M. SalazarE.M.s: J. Chouloute, K. Iversen, K. Burch, C. Gutkowski, J. McGuire, S. Klich, A. Carella, R. Maraviglia, P. Maraviglia, S. Josenkoski, S. Marcucci

11:30 AM ST. CYPRIANCommentator: B. BillaLector: Sr. Carol Servers: J. Regalado, A. PtasinskiE.M.s: A. Cannizzaro, L. LoBello, N. Krzys

4:30 PM ST. CELESTINELector: J. SchweitzerServers: J. Bolin, N. BolinE.M.s: M. Kolman, D. Bartoli, M. Wi rock, I. Arenga, M. Arenga

000146 St Mother Theodore Guerin (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170


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Priests:Rev. Paul Cao, Pastor, 708–453–2555 ext. 29

pcao@stguerinparish.orgRev. Brendan Guilfoil, Associate Pastor 708–453–2555 ext. 30 bguilfoil@stguerinparish.orgRev. Eugene Gratkowski, Pastor Emeritus of St. CyprianRev. Jeff rey Grob, Rev. Fil Ngwila, Rev. Stan Ilo, Resident PriestsRev. Ron Navoy, Weekend Associate at St. Cyprian

Deacons:Michael DeLarco 708–453–2555 ext. 31

mdelarco@archchicago.orgCall Deacon Mike to schedule a wedding at either church.Miguel Negron 708–453–2555Ronald Pilarski 708–453–2555 Dennis Colgan, re red

ST. CELESTINE SCHOOLPrincipal Sheila Klich 708–453–8234 ext. 23

sklich@stceles neschool.orgSecretary 708–453–8234 ext. 11 Norma Pulido Finance Secretary 708–453–8234 ext. 24Donna DelMedico

PARISH SUPPORT STAFFPastoral Center 708–453–2555 Rectory 708–453–4800

Financial BookkeeperLaurie DePillo ext. 28Administra ve Assistant Mary Krewer

Recep onists Marge Dellinger mdellinger@stguerinparish.orgIrma Rivera ext. 10Lynn Schmidt ext. 10

Mass Schedules: See Bulle n cover.

Communion Service: Thursday at 8 AM at St. Cyprian.

Holy Hour: First Monday of each month at 7 PM in St. Celes ne church.

Fa ma Devo on: First Saturday of the month at St. Cyprian a er 8 AM Mass.

Adora on: First Friday of each month at 9 AM in St. Celes ne’s chapel with closing prayers at 7:45 PM.

Bap sms: Immediately following the 10:30 AM Mass on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at St. Celes ne, and immediately following the 11:30 AM Mass on the third Sunday of the month at St. Cyprian. Par cipa on in a Bap smal Prep class is essen al.

Reconcilia on: Saturdays 8:30—9 AM at St. Cyprian and 4:45—5:15 PM at St. Celes ne or by appointment.

Weddings: Engaged couples are encouraged to call a year in advance of a preferred date. The couple must talk to Deacon Mike DeLarco before a wedding date can be reserved. Par cipa on in marriage prepara on is essen al.

PASTORAL CENTER3020 North 76th Court, Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707

708–453–2555 Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30 AM—8 PM, closed noon to 12:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM—5 PM, Saturday and Sunday 8:30 AM—12:30 PM.

RECTORY2601 Clinton, River Grove, Illinois 60171 708–453–4800

Hours: Sunday—Tuesday 8:30 AM—12:30 PM, Wednesday evening 4—8 PM, Thursday through Saturday 8:30 AM—12:30 PM.

MaintenanceRay Brownlee rbrownlee@stguerinparish.orgEric Mueller and Bob Vessini 708–453–8234 ext. 25

MUSIC MINISTRYDirector of Music Ministry 708–453–2555 ext. 16Craig Kamptner ckamptner@stceles Call Craig with ques ons about music for the parish.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONCoordinator of Lifelong Forma on 708–453–5719Mary Morvay Call Mary with ques ons about sacraments and religious educa on at St. Cyprian.Director of Lifelong Forma on 708–452–0150Ruthanne Swiatkowski Call Ruthanne with ques ons about sacraments and religious educa on at St. Celes ne. Coordinator of Religious Educa on for special needs forchildren and adults 708–453–2555Mary Murphy

Ministry of CareLois DeFelice 708–453–2555

Youth Ministry Guerin William Youth GroupGreg Fidanzia 708–453–2555 ext. 12

Director of Evangeliza onKim Hagerty 708–453–2555 ext. 12

Bulle n Editor:Kim Hagerty khagerty@stguerinparish.orgSend info in Word with jpgs or pdfs to Kim by noon on the Friday nine days before the bulle n date that you would like the informa on to appear. Items will be used as space permits.

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